HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 6/15/2015 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNGL REGULAR MEETING June 15, 2015 Monday, 7 p.m. 1. CALLTO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Police Department - Employee Promotions & Recognition 4. PUBLIC HEARING a. 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The first comment period is limited to one-half hour. The second comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of the Council meeting minutes of 6/8/2015. Council concur. b. Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to CAG-13-149, Job Order Contract (JOC) with Forma Construction, to extend the term to July 15, 2016. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Police Department requests authorization to hire an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at Step E of the Grade pn56 salary scale. Council concur. d. Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in order to accept funds in the amount of $30,482 to help fund the Domestic Violence Advocacy Assistance Program. Council concur. e. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fall Protection Improvements project, contractor General Mechanical, Inc.; and requests acceptance of the project, approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of$8,133.66, and release of the retainage bond after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Page 1 of 2 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. . a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan* 9. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a. 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item S.b.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 12. ADIOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS June 15, 2015 Monday, 6 p.m. 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update WSDOT Turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCE55 CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings Page 2 of 2 � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL '� b Subject/Titie: Meeting: Job Order Contracting CAG-13-149 Addendum REGULAR COUNCIL- 15 Jun 2015 One/Third-Year Extension Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Addendum to CAG-13-149 Community Services Staff Contact: Michael Nolan Recommended Action: Refer to Finance Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: ' On July 16, 2013, the City retained Forma Construction as their on-call contractor in accordance with the I ' state Job Order Contracting provisions. Per the RCW, the duration of the contract was for two years I with an option for a third year. This addendum would exercise that third year option. Since its inception, seven different city divisions have used JOC for 57 projects valued at , $1,514,903.11. The Job Order Contracting system has proven to be a huge time saver for project managers, allowing them to complete more projects in less time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the addendum with Forma Construction, authorizing a one year extension of the contract. � ` ���f a � _ . �;``,,,�f - s...�'..5���,� `�.�... CITY OF RENTON COMMUMTY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM TO CAG-13-149, JOB ORDER CONTRACT Between CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ADDENDUM#1-15 This amendment is entered into between the City of Renton and Forma Construction Company ("the Parties"). By this written amendment, the Parties mutually agree to amend the original and existing Job Order Contract ("Agreement") entered into by the Parties on luly 16, 2013 (Reference: CAG #13-149), and the previous mutually agreed written amendments of that original and existing Agreement. Amendments related to Addendum 1-15 Amendment 1: Article 1. Scope of Services and Term: Pursuant to RCW 39.10.440(2), the Parties mutually agree to extend the Agreement for an additional year.The Agreement will now expire on July 15, 2016. Amendment 2: Article 1. Scope of Services and Term: Article 1, Scope of Services and Term, of the Agreement, is hereby amended to include the followin additional lan u : I g g age f Contractor be ins erformin work ursuant to a valid work g p g p order before the expiration of the Agreement, Contractor will continue erformin the work P b until the work is complete, even if the work continues beyond the expiration of the Agreement, at Renton's sole discretion. Amendment 3: Contractor, the company formerly known as Berschauer Phillips Construction Company is now known as Forma Construction Company. ADDENDUM#1-15 TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA 1 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT 1 i All other provisions of the July 16, 2013 Agreement shall remain the same and in full force and effect. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year written below. CONTRACTOR RENTON Signature Signature Date Date Denis Law, Mavor Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title Forma Construction Company Business Name 1016 1st Ave 5., 4th Floor Mailing Address Attest,Signature Seattle WA 98134 Jason Seth, Citv Clerk City State Zip Printed Name and Title ADDENDUM#1-15 TO THE CITY Of RENTON AND FORMA 2 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT a t y C � e r k ADDENDUM#1-15 TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA 3 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �7 C I Subject/Title: Meeting: Start Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at REGULAR COUNCIL- 15 Jun 2015 Step E wage Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: n/a Police Staff Contact: Dave Leibman, Commander, ext. 7573 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Kenneth McMullen was hired as a Jailor for the Renton Police Department in September 1994. He was later promoted to Sergeant and, like all of our jailors, moved on to SCORE when it opened in 2011. For the past four years, Mr. McMullen has continued as a Sergeant with SCORE, working a variety of assignments. His selection as an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator was a natural fit for his more than 20 years of corrections experience. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize compensating Kenneth McMullen as an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at Step E of Grade pn56 salary scale, effective June 16, 2015. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 7-d . Subject/Title: Meeting: Edward Byrne Memorial lustice Assistance Grant REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Agreement Police Staff Contact: Mike Luther, Commander, Ext. 7512 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 30,482 Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ 30,482 Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City of Renton Police Department has applied for, and been awarded, the 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant to help fund the Renton Police Department's Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program and provide assistance to victims of sex trafficking. The grant requires no contributing funds for eligibility. The duration of the grant is for four years from approval by the Office of Justice Programs. It does require that the application, in its entirety, be made available to the Mayor and City Council for their review and comment. This is the eleventh year that the City of Renton has applied for this grant and successfully received the funding for the citizens of Renton. The grant assists with direct victim services to include emergency shelter, food, clothing, gas, travel, moving truck, emergency cell phones, and assistance with costs associated with law enforcement in locating and arresting the defendant to help ensure victim safety. The grant will also assist with costs associated with the Victim Advocate coming in after hours to assist victims, or the family of a victim, on significant calls for services such as DV homicides. Prevention/education and supplies are needed for the ongoing awareness to the citizens of Renton via community outreach and presentations. The Renton Police Department has been a leading department for training and education by sending law enforcement teams consisting of Detectives, Patrol Officers and City Prosecutors to national training conferences and co-sponsoring local trainings with the Violence Against Woman's Act (VAWA). With the assistance of this grant the police department has made a commitment to assist victims of human trafficking in eollaboration with our Special Operations Unit, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and Local Prosecution. We are attempting to hold defendants accountable and offer service to the victims of human trafficking. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation. - - -- - I —.— — — — — — — — — — — . l , _ . . � Intera enc A reernent ( � Y � Edward Byrne Mernorial • Justice Assistance Grant�JAG) Program I FY 2014 Local Solicitation � Exec�zted by City af Seattle Department Authorized Representative: Diane Pilan 610 5�h Avenue I PO Box 34986 SeattIe,WA 98124-4986 I and I City of Rentan,hereinafter referred to as"Recipient° I Grant Manager: Commander Paul Cline j 1055 Grady Way j Rentan,WA 98057 , iN WITNESS WHEREQF,the parties have executed this Agreernent by having their representatives affix their signatures below. CITY UF RENTON CITY UF 5EATTLE Denis Law,Mayor Mike Wagers,Chief Operating Officer I Date: I Autharized by: j Grant Pragram: Edward Byrne Mernoriai Justice Assistance�rant(JAG)Pragram FY tA JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 1 of 8 . � • . . WHEREAS,the Justice Assistance Grant QAG�Program is the primary provider of federal criminal '' justice funding to state and lacal jurisdictians; and WHEREAS,the JAG Prograrn supports all companents of the criminal justice system,from naulti- jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crinne prevention and domestic violence programs,courts,corrections,treatment,and justice information sharing initiatives;and ' WNEREAS,the United States Congress autharized$685,828 in the jusrice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program for jurisdictions in King County; and WHERBAS, 11 jurisdictians in King County were required ta apply for a JAG Program award with a singte,jaint appiicatian; and , WHEREAS,the City,as the identified Fiscai Agent,submi[ted the jaint application to the Bureau of � Justice Assistance on July 9, 2014 to request JAG Pragram funds;and i WHEREAS,based on the City's successful application,the Bureau of Justice Assistance has I awarded$685,828 tc�the City frorrt these JAG Pragram funds;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the terms of the granC whereby the City,as the identified Fiscal Agent for this award,is to distribute grant funds to co-applicants,the City intends ta transfer same of the JAG funds it receives to those co-applicants;and WHEREAS,the City is not obligated to continue or maintain grant funding levels for the jAG I Pragram once grant funds have lapsed; and WHEREAS,recipients of JAG funds from the City should not anticipate the City will assume responsibility for any program costs funded by)AG once JAG funds are spent; NOW THEREFORE,the parties hereto agree as follows: This Interagency Agreement contains six Articles: I, ARTICLE I: TERM OF AGREEMENT: �i The term of Chis Interagency Agreement shall be in effect frorrt the date it is executed by the SPD Chief aF Police,or designee,until 5eptember 30,2t}17 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof. . AR.TICLE II: DESCRIPTIUN OF SERVICES ' The services to be performed under this Agreement shall be canducted for the staCed purposes af the Byrne MemQrial justice Assistance Grant(JAG� Program(42 U.S,C.375�{a.�The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG� Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and lacal jurisd�ctiQns.JAG funds support all components of the criminal ' justice system,from multijurisdictianal drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and '� dornestic vialence programs, courts,corrections,treatment,and justice inEormation sharing FY l d 3AG Interagency Agnement,Page 2 of 8 � � initiatives.JAG funded projects may address crirne through the pravision of services directly to individuals and jor cammunities and by improving the effectiveness and ef€'iciency a€criminal justice systems,processes,and procedures. ARTICLE 1II: SPECIAL CONDITIONS • Funds are pravided by the U.S.Department of Justice,Office of justice Programs,Bureau of• Justice Assistance solely for the purpose of furthering the stated okrjectives of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant QAG) Program.The Recipient shall use the funds to perform tasks as described in the Scope of Work portion ofthis Agreeznent. • The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal fundin�the period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of appropriated federal funds.The Recipient agrees that it will not hoId the Seattle Police Department,the City of Seattle,or the Department af justice liabie far anp damages,claim far reirnbursernent,or any type a�payment whatsaever for services performed under this Agreement prior ta the distribution and avaiIabiliry af federal funds. • The Recipient shall comply with all conditians and litnitatiot�s set forth in the FY 2014 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award#2014 DJ BX 1Q34. The FY 2�14 Justice Assistance Grant Pragram Award Report#: 2Q14 DJ BX 1034 is atCached to and made part Qf this agreement,as Attachment A,Allocation and use af grant funding must be in accordance with all special conditions included in the Award Repor�.Ali Recipients are assumed ta have read,understood,and accepted the Award Report as binding. • The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds under this agreetnent will , be in accordance with the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG� Formula Program: Lacal 5alicitation.Allocation and use of grant funding must be coardinaCed with the gaals and objectives included in the Local Solicitation.All Recipients are assumed ta have read,understood,and accepted the Local Solicitation as binding. • Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUIVS pro�te and create an active registration with the Central Contractor Registration(CCR) database no Iater than the due date of the Recipient's �irst quarterly repart after a subaward is made. • The Recipient shall compIy with all ap�licabie taws,regulations,and program guidance. A nan-exhaustive list af regulations commonly applicabte to BjA grants are Iisted below, including the guidance: (A) Administrative R�quirements:OMB Circular A-102,State and Laca1 Governments (10/7/94,acnerided 8 f 29J07�(44CFR Part 23� (B) Cost Principles: OMB Circular A-$7,State and Local Govern�nents (5/�0 j04} � FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 3 of$ I � i � (C) Audit Requirements: OMC Circular A-133,Audits af.State,Local Governments,and � . Non-Pro�t ilrganizations (6/24J97,inciudes revisions in the Federal Register 6J2fi/03) (D} The Recipient mnst comply with the most recent versiar�of the Administrative Requirernents,Cost Principals,and Audit Requirements. 1) Non-Federal entities that expend$500,000 or mare in one fiscal year in Federal awards shall have a single or prograrn-specific audit canducted Far that year in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget�OMBJ Circular A-133-Audits of States,Lacal Governments,and non-Prafit Organizatfans. ' Non-federat entities that spend less than$SQ0,040 a year in federal awards are I exempt from federa!audit requirements for that year,except as noted in Circular No.A-133,but recQrds must be available for review or audit by apprapriate officials of the Federal agency,pass-through entity,and General Accounting Office(GAO). I 2) Recipients required to have an audit must ensure the audit is perfarmed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS�,as found in ' the Government Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Boak) developed by the Comptroller General and the QMB Compiiance Supplemenk The Recipient ' has the responsibility af notifying the Washington 5tate Auditor's Clffice and ' requesting an audit. , 3} The Recipzent shall mairitatn auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate , the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-recipients also maintain auditable records. 4} The Recipient is responsibie far any audit exceptians ineurred by its awn j organization or that of its subcontractars,Responses to any tznresolved managetnerrt findings and disallawed or i}uesCioned costs sha11 be included with the audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Degartment�The Recipient must respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues ar findings within 34 days of the date of request.The City reserves the right to recover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. 5) [f applicable,once any single audit has been completed,the Recipient must send a full copy af the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no findings,or if there were findings,the letter should provide a [ist of the findings. The Recipient rnust send the audit and the letter na later than n'rne • months after the end af the Recipient's fiscal year(s)to: Diane Pilan,jAG Fragram Manager Seattle Police Department 61Q Sth Avenue PO$ax 349$6 FY 141AG Interagency Agreement,Page 4 of 8 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 '' 206-386-1996 ' 6) In addition to sending a copy of the audit,the Recipient must include a corrective action plan for any audit�ndings and a copy of the management letter if one was received. 7) The Recipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. • The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments,national evaluation efforts,or information or data collection requirements,including,but not limited to,the provision of any information required for assessment or evaluation of activities within this agreement, and for compliance BJA reporting requirements. • When implementing funded activities,the Recipient must comply with all applicable federal,state,tribal government,and local laws,regulations,and policies. The Recipient is entirely responsible for determining the Recipient's compliance with applicable taws, regulations and poticies,which include,but are not limited to: (A)City of Seattle regulations including, but not limited to: (1) Equal Benefits Program Rules (SMC Ch.20.45:http://cityofseatt]e.net/contract/equalbenefits/) (2) Women and Minority Owned Affirmative Effort: If a Recipient intends to subcontract out any part of a contract instead of performing the work itself,then the following requirement applies:Consultant shall use af�rmative efforts to promote and encourage participation by women and minority businesses on subcontracting . opportunities within the contract scope of work. Consultant agrees to make such efforts as a condition of this Agreement. i a. Outreach efforts may include the use of solicitation lists,advertisements in publications directed to minority communities,breaking down total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities where economically feasible, making other useful schedule or requirements modi�ications that are likely to ' assist small or WMBE businesses to compete,targeted recruitment efforts,and using the services of available minority community and public organizations to perform outreach. b, Record-Keeping: The Consultant shall maintain,for at least 24 months after the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement,relevant records and information necessary to document all Consultant solicitations to subconsultants and suppliers,all subconsultant and supplier proposals received,and all subconsultants and suppliers actually utilized under this Agreement. The City shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. (3) Licenses and Similar Authorizations: The Consultant,at no expense to the City,shall secure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement all FY 141AG Interagency Agreement,Page 5 of 8 required licenses,permits,and similar legal authorizations,and comply with all requirements thereof. (4) Use of Recycled Content Paper: Whenever practicable,Consultant shall use reusable products including recycled content paper vn all documents submitted to the City. Consultant is to duplex all documents that are prepared for the City under this Cantract,whether such materials are printed or copied, except when impracticable to do so due to the nature of the product being produced. Consultants are to use 100%post-consumer recycled content,chlorine-free paper in any documents that are produced far the City,whenever practicable,and to use other paper-saving and recycling measures in performance oE'the contract with and for the City. (5) Americans with Disabilities Act: The Consultant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA)in performing its obligations under this Agreement Failure to comply with the provisions of the ADA shall be a material breach of,and grounds for the immediate termination of,this Agreement (6) I'air Contracting Practices Ordinance: The Consultant shall comply with the Fair Contracting Practices Ordinance of The City of Seattle (Chapter 14.10 SMC),as amended. (7) Suspension and Debarment:The Recipient certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred,suspended,proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by any Federal department or agency. By signing and submitting this Agreement,the Recipient is providing the signed certification set out below. The certification this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the Recipient rendered an erroneous certification,the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies,including terminarion and/or debarmen� The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The Recipient agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into any covered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction,unless authorized in wriring by the City. The Recipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts. (8) In the event of the Recipient's or subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any applicable law,regulation or policy,the City may rescind,cancel,or terminate the Agreement in whole or in part. The Recipient is responsible for any FY 14 7AG Interagency Agreement,Page 6 of B and all costs or liability arising from the Recipient's failure to comply with applicable law,regulation,or policy. ARTICLE N: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work is as described in Attachment B: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Formula Program King County Joint Application, Praject Narrative and Attachment C:JAG Budget • Worksheet,as approved by BJA.Attachment B and Attachment C are attached to and made part of this agreement. The work shall,at all times,be subject to the City's general review and approval.The Recipient shall confer with the City periodically during the progress of the Work,and shall prepare and present such information and materials (e.g.a detailed outline of completed work) as may be pertinent,necessary,or requested by the City or BJA to determine the adequacy of the Work or Recipient's progress. ARTICLE V: PAYMENT (A)Compensation The Recipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis. Total compensation under this Agreement is$30,482. The Recipient shall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget,as detailed in Attachments B and C. The Recipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount of interest accrued on their portion of the grant award.The City will provide quarterly statements to the Recipient, once the interest balance accrued equals at least$1,000.Reimbursements will not be made for interest accrued that is less than$1,000.Reimbursements can be requested, up to the total amount of interest accrued,after the inirial quarterly statement has been sent,to perform tasks in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget,as detailed in Exhibits B and C. The Recipient shall submit invoices not more than monthly,and at least quarterly.After the first quarter,monthly submission is preferred.Invoices are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed, . No travel or subsistence costs,including lodging and meals,reimbursed with federal funds may exceed federal maximum rates,which can be found at: http://www.gsa.gov. (B) Manner of Payment �, The Recipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than rrionthly,and at least quarterly.After the first quarter,monthly submission is preferred. ', Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was ' performed.Reimbursement request forms are provided, Substitute forms are acceptable. FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 7 of 8 With each reimbursemenC request,the Recipient shall submit: • Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documents (rimesheets, invoices) ■ Project status report ■ These documents and invoices must be kept on 61e hy the Recipient and be made available upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for the corresponding time period. Once the above conditions are met,payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient. Submit invoiGing and documentation to: Diane Pilon,JAG Program Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 , Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-9885 ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Na modification or amendment of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless in wriring and signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto.The parties hereto expressly reserve the right to modify this Agreement,by mutual agreement. FY 141AG Interagency Agreement,Pagc 8 of 8 Attachment A Depaibnent of Justice _,,.. Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance PAGE 1 oa i Grant I.RE(:IPIENT NAMH AND ADDft8S5(�nclading Zip Code) A AWARD NUMDER: 2014•DJ•DX-1034 Ciry of Suulc P.O,Boa 94749 6004tb Avenue,F1am) 3.PROfEC7 PE0.10D:PROM 10/OIROt3 TO 09/]020I7 9nule,WA99124�6749 . BUDCES PEIt[OD:F0.0M IDl01!]013 TO 09l'!O✓t017 6,AWARD DATR OWON201� I 7,A�IpN lA.G1UNIfl8f0.SIVtiNDORNO. B.SUPPLGMENTNUMBL'0. t ����u�� 916001J07 00 I 9.PREVfOUS A WAR D AMOUN7 S 0 J.PROf ECT TITL6 I 10.AMOWT OP TFfiS A WARD PY 20I4 King Counry JoiM)AO Pmgam S 68S,BZR I!I.TOTAL AWARD {6RS,R2A , 12.SPECIAL CONDIttONS THE ADOVE CRANT PROJECT fS APPROVED SUBIECTTO SUCH CONDITlON9 OR LfMITAT10N9 AR ARE SET FORTHON 7HE ATfACHbD PACE(4). I3.STATUTORY AUTfiORITY FOR CRANT This projact is mpprnteJ wJcr FYl4(BIA-JAC)42 USC 3750,ci>�q. I5.METHOD OP PAYMENT GPk3 - AGENCY APPROVAL ��� GRANTFeN AC:CRP7AN(;N � 16.TYP6D NAME/1ND TITLE Of APPROV[NC OFflCIAL I tl.'lYPEU N�MN ANll l ITLE Of AUTNORfLEU CRANTEE Of FICIAL Drnim O'DonacU Ed Munay Direclac Mayor I7.S(GNATUAE OF APPIWVINC OFFlCIA6 19.SICNATURE OF AUTHORIZBD RCCIPIENT OFFICIAL 19A,�ATB ,�_,r�.::.� ��`"�' � �''��3'!�( AGENCY USE(m1LV Z0.ACCOUNTMG CLASSiFICAT[ON CODES 2l. NUNGT0/65 FfSCALYFUNDC BUD.A OFC. DIVRE SUB. POMS AMOUNT EAR ODL CT, 0. X B Df 60 00 00 683E2A . O7F FORM 4000/t(R6V,5-@7j PREVJOUS ED1TlONS AFE OBSOLETE. OtP PORM 4000/3I�V.4-88) � I � , � Attachment A� 1leparsme,zc oeJusc;ce • � Oi6ceofJusticaPrngram�a AWARD Rureau of Justice A'ssisfance CONTINUATTON3HE�T' • rw�s z or T Grant �r��- PFL0IEC'CNUM36R 20i8-p1_B7(-1634 AWARDDATE 0&ObRBfA . __ _ . . ... _._ - SPEClAL CONbITtOlYS 1. The recipieat t�grecs tv aomply with the financinl end administrativa requicements set faRh in thc current ediHan ot the Office oPtusticc Programs((71P)Finencial C3uide. 2. The recipient acknowledgw t6et failure to submit an accaptabla Equai Empioymcnt Opportunity Pian(if rtcipient i�u mq�ired to submit onc pivsuant to 28 C.F.R.Socrion 42.302),that is spprovcd by the 4�ct for Civil RigEsd,is e violatian of its Certified Assutances end may result in susprnsion or teRnination of[un6ing,until such time as the ' recipient is in comptiance. � 3. The recipienl�greea to compiy with the orgenizatianal audit roquircmenls of 4M8 Ciccular A-133,Audits oF Statas, ' Loea!Governmeab,end tYan-Ymfit Organizstian.s,and ff�rthee understands amd agrees that funds may be we�hheld,ar other related ecquircmcnts may bc imposed,if outstanding sudit isaues(if my)from OMB Circular A-133 audits(and any qthcr sudits of OJP grant fonds)xre aot satisfactoriiy and proraptiy addrassed,as fuRher de:tcribed in ehe ourtank edition of the t?.1P Fsnanciai{Juide. � ! 4. Recipient uadetstands and agrces that it canaot use nny Federat fur�ds,aither dirccqy or inc�ircetty,in anppaa of the enactat�st{,repeai,modification ar adoption af any law,rcgulafion ar policy�8t 3ti}+ICYCI G�$i1YCP[!tlSCtit„Wit�l4UE tIlC express prior wrinen approvel of OJP. 5. The rccipirnE must prctmptty reEcr to the Dt7.l OiG any creditrle evideace that a principnl,empbyee,agsnt,soatractor, subgirantoe,subcontnctor,or ot6er person has cither 1)subcniutd a falsc claim for grant funds undw the F�Ise Claims Act;ar 2}committec!a crimina]ac civii violatiar of laws peRaining to fraud,c�flict of interest,brihery,gratuity,ar similar miscondnct invalving grant tunds. This eondiaon also epplies ro any subrccipionts. Potential fraud,waste, abuia,or misconduct shouid bc reportcd to th¢OFG by- i marlt ' Offica of che inspector Cenecal U.S.Department oflustice lavestzgations DivIsion , 95q Parasylvaain Avcnuc,N.W. Room 4?46 ' Washington,DC 20530 a-meil:oig.hoUineQusdoj.gov hotlitn:{coatact inforsnstiop in English end Spanigh):{8Q4)869-4499 or Yiotlinc Pax:(262)6ib-4$8 t AddiHonal infomation is nvailatrie irom the DOJ OtG website st www.nadoj.govloig. 6. Recipient underetands and agreoa that k cennol nse my federel funds,vither direcqy or indirectly,ia auppart of any contract ar suhawerd to either the Assaciation of Communiry drganizations far Reform Naw{ACOTtN}or its ' subsidiariu,withwt the express prior writlen approval ofOlF". 7. 7'[�recipient agrces to compty with any ndditional nqairements tf�at may be impoaed d�uing the gnnt paxfarma�o period if the agency determines that the resipir.at ia x high-sisk gratNee.Cf.26 C.F.R.parts 66,70. . 01P fORM 4000/1 i��V.489j � I Attachment A Departrnent of Justice Office oflustice Programs AWARD 1 Bureau of Justice Assistance CONTINUATIONSFIEET PAGE 3 oP � Grant /� �/�' PROIGCTMIMHER 2014•DI-BX-1074 AWARDDATE 08/06l2014 . SPECUL CONDITIONS . 8. Thc recipicnt agrees to comply with applicable requirements regarding cegiaVation with the System for Award Menagement(SAlvn(or with n successor govcrnment-wida syatem officially designnted by OMB and OJP).The recipient also agree.a to cornply with applicahle restriclions on suliawards to fitst-tier subnecipients that do not acquire arx!providn a Data Universal Numbering System(D[JNS)number,The details of recipieat obligaQonr are posted on the Office af lustice Programs web site az http://www.ojp.gov/funding/aam.hCn(Awerd wnJition:RegialraGon wilh U� System for Award Managemcnt end Universal Identifie�Requirements),and uC ineosporoted by nfercnce here.This apecial condition does not�pply to an awacd to an individual who raeived the nward as a netural perwn(i.e.,unrelated to any business or nan-profit organization that ha or s6c may own or operate in his or har name). ' 9. Pursuant to Executive Order 13513,"Federal Leadaship on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,"74 Fed.Reg. S 1225(Octo6er 1,2009),the Department eocourages recipientr and wb recipients to edopt and enforce policies banaing employxs from text messaging while driving any vehicla during the course oEpuforming work fundeQ hy this gcant,and to establish workplace safety policiw and co�uct education,awareness,and other outreach[o decrease crashes caused by distracted driverx. ,10. Tha reciyient agrees to comply with all applieable laws,tsgula�ons,policies,and guidance(including specific cost limi�a,prior approval and repo�ting requtrements,where applicable)govaning the use of federel funds for exyenses related to confaences,meeHngs,trainings,and other evcnts,including the provision of food end/or beverages at such evenU,end costs of altendance at such events. Information on patinent laws,regulations,policics,and guidance is evailable in the OJP Financiat duide Confercm:e Cost Chapter. I I. T6e recipient understands aad sgrees that any traini�or treining materials developed or delivered with funding provided under this nward must edhere�o the O1P 7Yaming Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrentees,available nt httyJ/www.ojp.usdoj.gov/Cunding/ojptcainingguidingprinciplcs.6tm. il. The tccipient egrees thal if it currenQy has an open award of federrl funds or if it recoives an awnrd oFfederal funds other than this OJP award,end those award t�nda have becn,are being,or are to be used,in whole or in pert,for one or more oFthe ide�Rical cost items for which funde ere being proviSed under this OJP award,lhe recipient will prompNy aotify,in writing,the grant menager for this pJP eward,and,if so requested by OJP,zeek a budget-modi£cation or change-of-project-scope grent sdjustment notice(QAN)to eliminete any inappropriau duplication of ftinding. 13. The recipient undentands and agrees tl�at eward turuis mey not be used W discriminate egeinst or denigrate the roligious oc moral beliefs of studcnts who participate in programs for which financial assistance is provided from Ihose �unds,or of tho pnranta or lege!guardians oF euch scudents. � 14. The recipient understands end agrees that-(a)No awerd funds may be used to maintain or establish a compuler networkunless sach nehvork blocks the viewing,downtoading,a�d exchanging oFpornogrephy,�d(b)Nothing in aubscction(e)limits thc uu of funds necessery tor any Fcderal,Sta1e,tribel,or bcal law enforcemmt agency or any otMer endty carcymg uut criminal investigationa,prosecution,or edjudication ectivitics. I5. Tlie recipient agrees to comply with OJP grent monitoring guidelmeg protocols,and procedurux,and to cooperate with BJA and�CFO on ell grant monitoring cequesW,including rcquests related to desk ieviews,enhenced programmatic desk reviews,and/ot site visits. The recipient agrees W provide to BJA snd pCFO all dceumenCation necessary lo cornpkte monitoring casks,including document�tion related W any subawards made under thu nward. Further,the rocipie,nt agreea W abide by reasonabTe deadlines se1 by BJA and OCFO for providing the requeskd documents. Failure m cooperate with B)A's/OCFO's grant monitoring activities may tesuft m sanetiona afFecting the recipient's DOJ ewards,including,but not limited to:withholdings and/or other restrictiona on the recipicn�a accesa to gr�nt fuads;referral to the OtFce af the(n.vpector Gcneral for audit review;designation o[the recipient as e D07�gh Risk grantee;or terminetion of an awud{s). OIP FORM 400012(REV,4-68J Attachment A Dcpartment ofJustice Office of Justice Programs AWARD • Bureau of Justice Assistance CON'['INUATIONSHEET PAG& 4 oF � Grant � PRQIECTNUMBER 20U-OJ-HX•1074 AWAADDA7B 68f0ER014 SPEC/AL CUNDITlONS 15. Thc recipient egrecs to compty with applicabk requirements ta repori ficst-tier subawards of 525,000 or more and,in � ctttxin rircumstances,io report tbe names and Wtel eompensation of the five most highly compensated executivav of the recipienL and first-Nv subrecipients oF awerd funds. Such data wilt bc submitted to the FFATA Subaward RepoRing System(FSRS}. The dct�ils oFrecipienl obligations,which darivo frum the Federal Funding Accountability end Transparettcy Act of 2006(FFATA),are posted on tha Office of Justice Programs web site at http://www,ojp.govlfunding/ffata.htm(Awazd condition:Reportiog Subawarda and Executive Compensation),end are incorporated by refertnce here. 7'his condition,and its nporting nquirement,does not apply to grant awards made to an individuel who received the awnrd as n nutucal person(i.e.,euuelated to sny business or non-profit organizallon thet hc or ahe may own or operate in his or her neme). 17, TTe recipient egrees that alf income generuted ea a direct result of this award shall ba decmed program income. All program incomo eamed must be accounted for and used for the purpascs of funds provided under ihla award,including such uae being cunsiatenl with the wnditions ofdu.award,Me effeclire edition ofthe OJP Financial Guide and,as applicable,either(1}28 C.F.R.Part 66 or(2)28 C.F,R Part 70 and Z C.F.R Part 215(OMB Circular A-I l0). Furthe, the usa ofprogram income must be reported on the quarterly Federel Financial Report,SF 423. I8, To avoid duplicating acts�ing networks or 1T syctems in eny initintive.a funded 6y BJA for law enforcement information sharing systems which involve iMerstate connxtivity between jurisdictions,such systema shall tmploy,to t6e extent Qossibta,existmg networks as the communication backbone to ochieve interstate connecNviry,unless the grarctee can demonslrnte to the setlsfectlon of HJA that this requirement would not be wst effective or would impair the funcfionality of a�existing or proposed 1T syatcm. ' 19. In order to promote informa[ion sharing and enuble in[eroperabiliy arnong disparate systems across thc justice mnd publie safery community,OJP cequires the grantce ro comply with DO]'a G{obal Justice Infocmation Sharing Initialive (DOPs C3lobal)guidel"v�s xnd re�rommendalior�v for thu paRicular grant GcaMee shall confarm to the Global Standards Pnckage(GSP)and all constituent elements,whe:e apylicable,as described ar. , 6ttpJlwww.it.ojp.gov/g9p,�rantcondition.Cirantee shatl docimtent planned approaches to information sharing and deacribe compliencn to the GSP and appropriate privacy policy that piotxts shared information,or provide detai)ed justification for why an alternative approach is recommended. 20. The recipient is required m establish e Wsl fund eccount.(The uust fund roay or may not be an intuest-bearing account.)The fund,incfud'mg any interest,may not be nsed ro pey debts or expmses incurted by other activities beyond the scope of tFje Edwerd Byrne Memorial lustice Aasistancn Grant Program(!AG).The rccipient also agrces to obligate the grant funds in Ihe trust fund(including any intetpst eamed)during fha period of the grant end expcnd within.90 days thereatter.Any unobligaeed or unexpended Rmds,including interest eameJ,must be returned to the Office of Justice Progtams at the time oPcloseout. 21. IAG Cunds tnay bc used m purchase vesta for an agency,but they may not be used as the SOYo match far purposes of the Bulletpcool'Vest Parh+ersbip(S VP)pcogcern. 22. The recipient�grees to submit a signed certificntion that that all law enforcement agencies receiving vests purchasc:! with JAO Cunds�ave a written"mandatory wesr"policy in effect.Fiscal egents a�s�ate agencies must keep signed ceRi6catioas on 6{e Por arry subrecipicnts planning to utilizc lA0 funds for baliistic-resistanl and sleb-�esistant bady atmor pnrchases.T6ia policy must be in place for at leest uq unifortned officers before any JAG funding can be used by the agency for body amior.Therb are oo requirements regarding the�ature of tdc policy other than it bcing a mandatory e wear policy for all uniformed officers whilG on duty. O!P FORM 4000R(RF.V.4R9) � Attachment A Depactment of lustice Office of Jastice Programs AWARD . Bureau of dustice Assistance CUNTINUATIONSAEET PAGE f OF T Grant �� �/ � PRUJtCTNUMBER 2014Ql-HX-IWa AWARDDATB OB10612014 SPECIAL CONDJTIONS 23. Ballistie-resistent and stab-resistant body armor purchased with]AG funds may be purchasad at any thraat level,make or modci,from any distribator or manuFacturer,as long as the vesta have Mxn tcsted end found to comply with appliceble NalionsllnstiNte of Justice bafl istic or slah standards and ece listed on thc NIJ Complient Body Amior Mode(List(http:Unij.gov).In addition,ballietic-resistant end sta6-resistant bvcly ermor purchased must,be American- made,The latest NU stendard information can be found here_6ttp:/lwww.nij.gov/topicshechnology/body-armodsafety- initiativahtm. 24. The grantee agrcw to assist HJA in complying wit6 the Notional Environmental Policy Aa(NEPA),the Nationai Histaric Preservation Act,and other celated Federai cnvironmental impact analyses requinmrnu in lhe use oF these giant funda,either ditecdy by the grantea or by a subecantee. Accordingly,the guntea egrees m firat de�ermine if any of the fallowing activitics will bo tLnded by the gtaat,prior co obiignting funds tor eny of these putposes. ]f it is detumined that arty of the following activities will be fundEd by the grant,the grantce agrees lo contact BJA. The grantee uadersrands that this speciai condidon eppliw to its folkwing new activities whether or no1 thcy are being apecificaliy fa�ded with thcsc grant tt�nds. That i,v,as long aa the activiry is being conducted by the grantee,a snbgrante0.or any third parry and the aetivity nceds ro be undertakm in order ro use these grant funds,this speciat condition mast ficst be mat The activities covered by this special condition are: a.New cunsaucrion; b.Minor renovation or remodeling of a property locatal in an environmentally or historically sensitive arca,inctuding pmperties loealed within a l00-year flood plaio,e wetland,or habitat foc endangcred specics,or a proporty listul on or eligible for iisting on the National Register of Historic Places; � c. A rcnovation,kase,or nny proposed use oFn huilding or facility lhat wiU either(a)result in a changa in its basic prior use or(b)significantly c6ango its size; d. implemantation of a new program involving the use of chemicals o�her than cheinicals that are(a)purchascd as an meidentsl component of a Cimded activity and(b)traditionally used,for exatnp(e,m office,housetrold,recreational,or aducation mvitonroccRs;and � e, lmpkmentation of a program relating to clendestine methnmphclamme laboratory operations,including the idedtification,seizure,or closure of clandesGne methamphetamirte leboratories. Thc grantee understands end agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation oCon Environmental Assessmont and/or an Environmental impact Swtement,as direcced by BIA. Thc grantee fiactha understands and agrces to the requiretnenls for implementation of a Midgation Plan,as detailed at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA/resource/nepahtml,for pcograms rolating to inethamphetamine laboratory operations. Application of 1't�is Special Condition to Grantce's FacisRng Programs or Activities:Fur any oF the granree's or ics subgeantees'existing progrems or activities that will be Punded by these grant tS�nda,the gantee,upon apeciFic request • frorn BJA,egreee to caoperatc with BJA in any preparation by BIA of a national or program environme�rtal assessmen� of tl�at funded program or activity. 25. The recipient agrees thal any information technnlog}+syslem funded or suppoRed by OJP fimds will comply with 28 C.F.R.Pnrt 23,Criminal l�tteiligence 5ysteros Operacing Poticies,ff OJP detecmine9 this regulation to bo applicable. Should OJP dctermine 28 CFR Part 23 to be appficablc,03P may,at ifs discretion,perform audits of the system,as per the regulation. Should any violation of 28 C.F.R Part 23 occut,Iha recipient may be fined as por 42 U.S.C. 3789g(c)-(d). Rxipieot may not satisfy such a firn with fedcral fun�. 26. The recipient a�to ensure that the Sc��e Information Technology Point of Contact receiv�written notification regarding any infomontion technology project fvndcd by this grant during the obFigation and expenditure period.This is to facilitate commuaicatio�amang{dcal and atate govwnmental enti6es tegardiag various informeUon technology projects being conducted with Ihese grant funds.In addition,the recipient agrees to maintain an adminietrative file documanting the meeting of this requiroment.For e(ist of State InFotmadon Technology Puints of Contact,go to http://www.it.ojp.gov/default.aspz?area--policyAndPractia&page-!046. orr FonM a000n�teev.e-s�y Attachment A � , Department of lustice Office of]ustice Programs AWARD Bureau otJustice Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET rnce s oF � � Crant ��f� � PR0T8G7NUA/BER 20I4-DJ-BX-ID34 AWARDDATE 08J06ROI0 SPECIAL CONDITTONS , 27. The grantee a�u to comply with the applicable rcquircmerttr of 28 C,F.R.PaR 38,the Depertrnent of lustia tegulation govmmng"Equsi T�eatmad for Faith Based Orgenizatlons"(the"Equai Trcatmnnt Regulation'7.The Equal Treatmcnt Regulation providcs in part that Department of Justica granl awanJs of dicect funding may na be used ro fund aay mhuently religious sctivitia,such as waship,nligious iroWcdon,or proulytizatian.Rwipicnts ofdircct grarw may stilt eogage in inherently religious tctividcs,but wch activitias must be sepazate in time or pface from the Departmenc of lus�ica Ponded program,and participation in such ectividu by individuals receiving services&um the grantne or a sub-gnntee must be voluntary.7he Equsl Trwtrnent Reguletion also makcs ctesr fhat organizations participeting in programs directly Cunded by the Department of lustice am nol permitted to di9criminate in the provision of aenices on tiio basis of e beneficiary'a raligion. NohvithsUnding any other special cortditio�oP this awerd,faith- • besed organizatiore mey,in some circumstances,cortsida tcligion os a basis for empbymer,t. See h�tp J/www.ojp.gov/about/ocdequal_fbo.htrn. 28. Tt�e recipicnt acknowledges Uu►t ell programs funded through aubewnrds,whether at the state oT locnl levels,must conform to the g�ant program requiremenb as sWted in BJA pcogrnm guidence. 29. Granfet agrees to wmply with the requiremenh of 28 C.F.R.Pact 46 and all OfSce of Justice Programs policies and procedurea regarding the protecqon of human rueuch subjecls,including obtainmcnt ot'instilutional Aeview Board approval,if appropriate,and subject informed conaeat. . . 3Q. Grantee agraw ro comply with all confideatieliry requirmnents of 42 U.S.C.sectinn 3789g snd 28 C.F.R Part 22 that ero applicable m collcetion,use,and revelation oi duta or infarmetion.Gran�ee tLnher agrees,ss a con0ition of grant sppmval,to aubmit a Privacy CertiScate that i�in attord with rcquicements of 28 C.FR.Part 22 and,in pazticulaz, section 42.23. 31. 'the ieeipimt agrees to monitor subawards under this JAG award in accocdanee wilh ell applicnble statutes,regulations, OMB cireulars,end guidelines,includ�g tbe OJP Financial Cuide,and to include the applicable conditions of tfiis award in eny subawerd.'The recipieat is responsbk for over�ight of svbracipient spending and moaitoring of speci5c outcomes and beoefils attributable lo use of JAd tunds by subrccipieats.The reeipient agreee m submit,upon request, documrntecion of its policies snd procedures for monitaring of subawards under thiy award. 32, Tho raapir.nt agrees that funda received under this award will not be wed to supplart State or local funds,but wiR be used ro incrcase Ihe amounts of such funds d�et would,in tha absence of Federal funds,ba rnade evailable for law � enforcement ectivities. 33. Award recipietits must submit queRerly s Federal Finoncial Report(SF-425)and ennual pttfom�ance reports through GMS(hdpa://gcants.ojp.usdoj.gov). Consistrnl with the DepaAmenCa rapoasibilities uoder the Govemment Purl'ortnance end Results Act(OPRA),P.G.103-62,applicants who receive funding untler thie saliCitaHoa must provida data t6ot axasure the rawlts of their work. Tbaefore,quarterly performance melrics reports must be submittal through BTA's PerFormencc Measuremene Tool(PM7�we6site(www.bjaperformanatools.org). For more derniled information on rcporting and other tAG requirements,refu to ffie JAG reporting requirsmaits w�ebpage.Failure to aubtmt required JAG reports by established deadlinea may result in the freezing uf g2nt funds and future High Risk designation. • 34. Award recipients must verify Point nf Contec�(POC),Fi�re�cial Point of Contact(FPOG�,and Autho�ud Represrntrtive coexac,ti infom�ation in GMS,including tekphaia numbet a�e-mail addreaa. If mry information is incortxt or has cLanged,a Qrent Adjnstmcnt Notice(GAN)roust be submittcd via the Granu btanagement System (GMS)ro doeument afionges. ' OJP FOAM 9000A(REY.�•EB) Attachment A , DepaRment of Justice �ce aflusticc Programs AWARD Bnresu of Justice Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET PAGE 7 op � Grant �/' '��. PAOIECTNUMBER M14-Dl-BX-1074 AWARDDA7E O8/DG20U SPECIAL CONDlTIONS 35. The grantee agrees that within 120 days oFaward ecceptance,each current member ofa law tnCarcement tesk force funded with these funds who is a task force commander,agency executive,task fmce o�ccr,or other tatk force member of equivalent rank,wil]compietc requ'ved online(intemot-based)task force ttniniog.Addttional(y,all CuNre �ask force members are required to complete Utis tiniaing once during t6e life oEthis awarcl,or once every four years if multiplc awards include thia requiremenc.The inining is provided frea of chargc online through B1A's Cenler forTask Force lntcgriry end Leadership(www.etfli.orp�.This training addtrsses taslt fone afTeeliveness es well as other key issuw including privacy and civil(ibeRies/righa,task force perforv�ance meesurement,�mrsonnel selection,and task force oversight And accountabiliry.When 8JA tunding suppocts a task foree,a task force pcnonne{roster should 6e campiled and maintaineJ,slong with coiuse cumplotion eertificatea,by Ihe grant recipient.Additional information is avaitabk regurding this requind training and access metlweL+via BJA's web site und the Ceater for Task Forcr Integrity and Leadcnhip(www.ctfli.org). 36. No JAG f�nds may be expended on the purchase of unmenned aircraft,unmanned aircraft systems or unmanned aerial vthiclu(UA/UASJ[JAV�unless the BJA Director ceRifia that exffsordinaty and exigent circumstanccv exist,meking them essential to the maintenance of public saFery md�good order.Any atate or local jurisdiction receiving IIlA approva!to utiiiu JAd fund+for this lype of purchasa must ceRify to DOJ that it received Federsl Aviedon Adminishation(FAA)approval to operate e UMJASIUAV and that it is kgal W oporate a UA/UAS/IIAY irt the proposed jurisdiction or geographic nrea. The recipient must submit s slatement on the goala and objecHves For ihe use of a UA/UAS/UAV,t6e anticipated specific uses,end policy regarding pdvacy considnrations.BIA may require edditional reporting requirernents that will bc stipulated post award. 37. BIA stcongly encourages thc reciQicnt m submit annual(or more frequent)1Ad sur.cess stories.To submil a success atory,sign in to your My B!A accoiint at https://www.bja.govlLogin.espx to ecccss the Suceess Story Submissian form. Ifyoo do not yet have a My BJA accounl,pleeae register a1 h�tys;llwww.bja.gov/profi le.aspx.Once you regisccr,one of tho avnilable areac on your My BJA page will be"My 5uccess Stories".W ithin this box,you will sce an option to acid e Success SWry.Once roriewed aad approved by BJA,aU success stories wiU appear on the new B1A Success Story web pagr at httpsJ/www.bja.gov/SuccessSroryList.aspz. 38. Recipienl may not expcnd ot d[ewdown Cunds until tbe Bureau oClustice Assistance,O�ce of hurice Programt has reoeival and approved the signed hiemoeandum of Unde�standing(MOU)between the dispasate jurisdictions aod has issued a Grant Adju�ment Natiu(GAN)�eleasing t6is special coodition. 39. Recipient may not expend or drawdawn funds urtdl the Bureau of Justice Assistanca(BJAJ hu receiveil documentation demonshadng that the statc tx local goveming body review nnd public comment requirements huve been met and a (irant Adjushment Notice(QAl'7)has been approved rolcasiog this special condition. 40, Rccipient may not expend,or dnwdown[unds und'1 the Bureau of Justice Assistnncc,Office of lusrice Programs has ' roviewed and appcoved the Budget Naire6ve pottioti of the application and ha4 issued a Grant Adjuslrnent NoNce (GA.'�informing the recipient of the apprwal. 4l. With respect to[his award,federal funds may not be used to pay cash compensation(salery plus boouses)to any employa of the eward recipient at a ratc that excecds 110%of the mazimum annual saiary payable to a member of the Federal govemment'a Srnior Executive Service(SES)st an egency with a Certtfied SES Performance Appraisal Syuem £or tfiat yeaz. (An award recipienl may compensste an employee at a higher rate,ptovided the emourrc in excess of this cqmpensntion limitation ie paid with aon•Pederel tLndsJ This limitatjon o�rnmpensatioo rates allowable under this awurd may ba waivcd on an individual basis at Ihe dise[etion of the O]P o�ciel indicated in tfie Qrogram announcement unda which this award'u made. O!P FORM IUu0l2(AEV,468) Attachment B City of Renton. • Project Name:Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program&Sex Trafficking Investigation/Prevention Project Project Cost:$30,482 Project Description: Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program This is the eleventh year for the Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program within the Renton Police Department. This program is vital for the victims of Domestic Viotence. We assist with and discuss our victim's safety, court processes,education, awareness,and resources available through the police department as well as other legal and community based organizations. Direct Victim Services:These services are vitally important for the victim(s) and children when they are leaving an abusive situation. Many of these services are necessary until temporary or long-term shelter is found We provide emergency shelter(up to 7 days),gifts cards for the purchase of food, clothing,gas,travel expenses (plane,bus,taxi,&train),moving truck rental and the purchase of cell phones with additional minutes for victims. The gift cards are in the form of VISA, Safeway,Wal-Mart,McDonalds and/or airiine gift cards for victims who need to travel longer distances to get away from an abusive situation or return to King County Eor court proceedings. The grant will assist with the purchase of items or costs associated with,identifying,locating,interviewing,processing evidence/crime scenes,arresting and the prosecution of defendants to help ensure the safety of the victims. This grant will also assist our victims by providing funds for our DV Victim Advocate so she can be on call after hours to assist victims or the victim's family members on significant calls for service such as DV homicides. Supplies:Supplies are used to facilitate the needs of the Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program,including the victim advocate,detective,evidence technicians and sergeant. Supplies include but not limited to,the purchase of educational material for the victims and their family,such as brochures,videos,books, promotional items,handouts,and other items identified by the domestic violence victim advocate for the prevention and education of this topic. They alsa include necessary equipment for the DV Victim Advocate and other members of the division such as laptop computers,scanners,cameras or any other item(s) needed to investigate a domestic violence related offense. Training:Training is required for the continued knowledge and education on the topic of domestic violence. Laws and court rulings change regularly and training is very important.The training budget is to be used by the domestic violence victim advocate,detectives,supervisors,patrol officers,and prosecutors,as well as by both local Renton Prosecutors and our DV Prosecutor from the King County Prosecutors Office. Yearly we send two to three people to the�Tational Domestic Violence � _ _ ' Attachment B Conference. We use a team approach to strengthen our program and build on ideas from other agencies programs, We also co-sponsor training with our local VAWA (Violence Against Woman's Act) for law enforcement officer,prosecutors,and advocates. Sex Trafficking Investigation/Prevention The Renton Police Department has made a commitment to assist victims and prevent sex trafficking. Recently a program was starting,again involving the team approach. It consists of inembers of our Special Operations Unit,Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and Local Prosecutors. Our goal is to reach out and help runaway girls before they can be victimized and to assist current victims by getting them away from the abuser and away from the trafficking life style. Program Need Domestic Violence Direct Victim Services,Supplies and Training:This program is essential in assisting victims of Domestic Violence to extract themselves from potentially dangerous home situations,be available to assist in prosecution of the offenders and to educate the victims on how to protect themselves and move forward with their lives after removing themselves from their abusers. The program provides short term shelter for the victim and their children,cell phones ta provide safery and the ability to contact law enforcement and prosecutors to assist in the prosecution of offenders.The program purchases educational materials, brochures and other DV related information packets. The gift cards provide a small amount of financial support for basic needs such as,food,gas and transportation to get victim through the�irst couple days. The program also provides funding for equipment for the DV Victim Advocate and detectives to purchase or update computers,software,scanners and cameras used to investigate the incidents of Domestic Violence. Finally the program provides training for the advocate, prosecutors and the detectives on changes in the law and court rulings related to Domesric Violence. Since we approach this issue with a team concept it is important to include all of the above mentioned agencies and programs in the training. We currently have a Superior Court Prosecutor assigned to work with us on these issues. Funds are used to send at least two people to the National DV Conference to obtain the latest investigative techniques and programs and bring that information back to our investigators. Finally,we co-sponsor training with our local (VAWA) Violence Against Women's Act group for officers,prosecutors and advocates. Sex Trafficking: The City of Renton is experiencing an increase in contacts that could be related to sex trafficking. Our goal initially is to dedicate resources towards prevention and education in an attempt to help deter new victims and help current victims of sex trafficking. We also need to emphasis education for our patrol officers on the topic of sex traf�cking. We need to be able to recognize our contact as a potential victim and someone in need of services. Program Activities for 4-Year Grant Period: � Attachment B The grant will allow us to continue to provide the needed services far victims of crime,including but not limited to Domestic Violence offenses. Tt would also continue to allow us to provide services and education to those victims and their families. The supplies purchased would enable us to more effectively investigate these crimes,document and preserve information,evidence,statements of affenders and also aid in the prosecution of the offenders. We would be able to continue � training investigators, officers,advocates and prosecutors in the most recent investigative techniques,programs and court rulings as they relate to Domestic Violence issues. The grant will allow us to begin educating our officer in the topic of sex trafficking, ' identifying victims and getting them help instead of putring them in jail. It will also assist with direct services to victims,such as bus tickets,gift cards for emergency cash and any other costs or items the victims might need. � 'n ' n Efforts Involvin AG and Related ustice Funds: � , Anticipated Coordt aho g] J We will continue to coordinate with JAG personnel to ensure our programs and , expenditure fall within the expectations and guidelines of the grant and that we stay I within the goals oE the process and the programs that are intended to help improve ' our community. Project Objectives: Objective:Maintain and or increase our level of assistance to crime victims and continue to provide quality services and investigative abilities directed at assisting victims,prosecutors and domestic violence victim advocates. To increase our level of assistance and education to victims of sex trafficking. We would also like to increase the level of knowledge our officers have in this topic so they can recognize a victim of sex trafficking and get them the proper help. Outcome: By providing the assistance to crime victims to safely move them away from abusers and educating them on their rights and options we are.able to move them away from the chance of being victimized again and to teach them how to protect themselves from future incidents. In addition using the equipment and training provided to better equip us to investigate and prosecute the offenders, thereby restricting their access to the victims and protecting the community as a whole. $y providing assistance to runaways prior to them becoming victimized,we hope to prevent some young girls from entering that]ife style. We also hope to help removed some current victims,moving them away from that life style and get them to a stable,safe environment. Likellhood of the above outcome:While we cannot guarantee successful prosecution of all offenders we believe the Iikelihood of protecting and educating the victims and successful prosecution of a large portion of the offenders thereby Attachment B protecting the community as a whole will have a high level of success. In the past we have seen success and very positive effects of this program. Project Identifiers Conferences and Train�ng,Partnerships,Court Advocacy,Education,Intervention Programs . . . ATTACHMENT C FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Applicatiott—Budget Worksheet&Narrative ' A. Personnel � ' CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost #of Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary monthly salary months #of positions (3 positions) $6,291 10.5 3 �198,167 � TOTAL: $198,167 � � B. Fringe Benefits � CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost monthly #of Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary benefits months #of positions (3 positions) 51,762 10.5 3 $55,493 � TOTAL: 555,�93 � � Seattle SubTotal: 5253,660 � � G. Consultants/Contracts � CITY OF AUBURN: OT Fiate #of Hrs Teen Late Night Program Officer OT 587.00 40.33 $3,509 Citizen's Police Academy Program Officer OT 58�.00 35.63 $3,l00 Fireworks Emphasis Program O�cer OT $87.00 234.48 �20,400 � Auburn SubTotal: $27,009 � CITY OF BELLEWE: Item Computation Cost IP Server and Hard Drive Storage for Covert Camera System S 12,000 Camcorder for live streaming videos over a static IP address 53,560 � Bellevue SnbTotaL• 515,560 � CITY OF BURIEN: Purpose Location Computation Cost Overtime for FootBicycle Patrol Program 160 hours x S75/hour $12,000 3 officers x Defense Tactical Training Registration Seattle area $300/each $900 � 3 officers x Gang Training Registration Seattle area $250/each $750 1 officer x � Forensic Computer Training Registration TBD a1,000%ach SI,000 Forensic Computer Training Airfare TBD 1 Roundtrip Airfare �500 Page 1 ATTACHMENT C FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application—Budget Worksheet&Narrative Forensic Computer HoteUPer Diem TBD 5 days x $260/day S 1,000 IACP Conference Registration TBD 1 Chief x�350/each 5350 IACP Conference Travel TBD 1 Roundtrip Airfare $500 IACP Conference Hotel/Per Diem TBD 5 days x$200/day $1,400 Overtime for Trainings 20 hours x$75 $1,500 Automated External Defibriltators(AED)for police cars 2 units x$1,000 each 52,000 Forensic Computer Workstation Various components $2,110 Misc.Police Equipment 51,875 � Burien SubTotal: S25.485 � CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Item Computation Cost OCULUS recorder 16G body wire&related equipment 1 $16,185 Adobe Pro Softwaze 8 277.34 $2,219 . Taser 7 1,000 $7,000 Evidence Baz-coding,scanning,related equipment 55,291 Federal Way SubTotal: 530,695 I CITY OF KENT: ' Item Computation Cost Patro)Officer OT-Hot Spot Emphasis $69.27/hour x 107 (20142U 15) hows $7,412.00 571.35/hour x ]OS Patrol Officer OT {Hot Spot Emphasis-2016) hours $7,492.00 Social Security S 14,903.64 x.0'165 $1,140.00 Retirement S14,903.64 x.06 5894.00 GPS units for vulnerable populations $2001unit x l6 units 53,200 Spy Alarms $3000/unit x 5 units S 15,000 Facial Recognition Workbench 1 software x$13,000 each $13,000 Graffid Removal Kits $L 00 x 50 kits 55,000 Corrections Programs Work Cre�v Equipment 2 weed eaters x$553.50 each $1,107 3 blowers x$1,070 ' each $3,210 I � Kent SubTotal: 557,455 � � KING COUNTY Item Computation Cost Warrant Prevention Program: MetroCenter YMCA Alive&Free Program-WPP services Apr-Dec 2015 S 106,000 University of Washington,Public Behavioral Health&Justice Policy Division-Evaluation $10,000 District Court Data Clean-Up Program: TLT-TBD(Salary) Range 55 Step 1 estimate 1,940.25 hrs $59,378 $30.6033 hour TLT-TBD(Fringe Benefits) est FCA,FHI,Flex Benefits,retirement and Ind Ins $26,331 $13.57 hour est hours 1940.25 ', Page 2 I t ATTACHMENT C FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application—Budget Worksheet&Narrative ( King County • � SubTotal: 5201,709 CITY OF RENTON: Purpose Computation Cost Direct Victim Services Assistance for victims protection/relocation $10,400 (Items purchased vary depending on needs of the DV Program victim/investigation) � $7,482 Domestic Violence Training Conference Location and#of employees TBD $3,000 (Price will vary depending on location) Additional Domestic Violence Training Location and#of employees TBD $3,000 Direct Victim Services varied,depending on victim needs $5,000 Office supply's for pomestic Violence program(pamphlets,brochures,educational materials,other items needed) (Items and price will vary depending on the needs of the program) $L00 per month x 20 months $2,000 � Renton SubTotal: 530,482 � CITY OF SEATAC: Item Computation Cost Overtime(Active Shaoter Training) $100 X 141 hours �14,100.00 Miscellaneous Training Supplies $� ( SeaTac SubTotal: $14,107 � CITY OF SHORELINE: ltem Computation Cost 12x Window Tint Meters $84.26 $1,011 4x SECTOR Printer 5354.78 $1,419 4x SECTORSsanner $250.76 . $1,003 8x Digital Cameras $208.04 $1,664 9x Lockout Kits $54.70 $492 60 x Rescue fvst aid kits $78.73 S4,'725 � Shoreline SubTotal: 510,314 � CITY OF TUKWILA: Items Comqutation Cost PA System 1 system @$1,364 each �I,364 Generator 1 generator @ 52,566 each $2,556 Bike Gear 6 sets Q 5483 each a2,898 Go-Bags 28 bags aQ$233.37 each 56,534 Less Lethal System 2 units(a�$1,500 each S3,Q00 Taser Training Cartridges l20 cartridges�$25 each 53,000 � Tukwila SubTotal: S19.352 � Page 3 ATTACHMENT C • FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application—Budget Worksheet&Narrative � Budget Narrative ' A.Personnel($198,167) A request of$198,167 is included for City of Seattle for salary costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Departrnent. This amount will pay for 10.5 months in 2015. B.Fringe Benefits(555,493) A request of$55,493 is included for City of Seattle for fringe benef t costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. Fringe benefits aze City of Seattle standard fringe benefits for civilian personnel,and include FICA,Health Care Medicare, Life Insurance, Retirement,Workers Comp,EAP,Disability Insurance,and Death Benefits, and are calculated at a rate of approximately 26%of base salary. G. Consultants/Contracts($432,168) As the fiscal agent,City of Seattle will enter into Interagency Agreements with all of the sub- agencies listed below. Sub-Agencies will be required to spend their funds, and then request reimbursement from City of Seattle. Therefore,we are listing all of the costs associated with their programs under Consultants/Contracts: City of Auburn ($27,009) A request of$27,009 will cover Auburn Police Officer overtime costs associated with three programs requested by City of Auburn: Teen Late Night,Citizen's Police Academy, and Fireworks Emphasis Patrols. At an average overtime rate of$87,approximately 310 hours of overtime will be worked. City of Bellevue(515,560) A request of$15,560 will be used to purchase Video Surveillance Tools that will enhance the Police Department's ability to record,store,and view evidentiary video in a manner that is not available today. It will also allow multiple law enforcement personnel access to view video streams via their own Smart devices. City of Burien($25,485) A request of$12,000 will cover overtime costs related to a new FootBicycle Patrol program in the downtown Burien azea(at an average overtime rate of$75 per hour, approximately 160 hours of overtime will be worked; a request of$7,500 will used for police officer training and haining associated overtime;and$5,985 will be used to purchase 2 Automated External Defibrillators (AED)for police cars,and equipment to improve police officer safety and increase public safety. Page 4 j . . ATTACHMENT C FY 20i4 JAG City af Seattte Joint Application—Budget Warksheet&Narrative City of Federa!Way($30,695) A request of$30,695 is included to support 4 projects:$16,185 is inciuded to purchase video and aud'za recarding£or the Narcatics Unit;$2,219 is included ta purchase Adobe Pro Software for law enforcement personnel for public disctosure requests; $7,000 is included to purchase one I Taser;and$5,29I is included for the purchase of baz code scanning,document scann'rng, and i inventory for police evidence. � City of Kent($57,455} A req�est of$57,455 is included to support avertime and potice programs for Kent Palice Department: $I6,938 is inciuded to pay Police Officer overtime far hotspat policing (appmximately 212 hours af ovcrtime will be worked during 20I4, 2015,and 201 b}; and $40,5 l 7 is included ta purchase�PS units for vulnerabie popuiations,spy aIarms,a facial recognition workbench, graffiti xemaval kids, and work crew equipment, King County($201,709) King County is requesting funding to support two King County Projects,including$116,000 ta support a Warrant Prevention Program,and$85,7Q9 to support a District Court Data Clean-Up Program. ( City of Renton ($34,482) � City of Renton is requesting$30,4$2: $8,000 is included for pomestic Violence Training and Conferenees; $17,482 is included for protection,relocatian,and ernergency needs of domestic � violence victims; and$2,000 is included to purchase office items and supplies for the Domestic . ( Violence Prograrn in the Rentan Palice Department. I � City af SeaTac(�14,1Q?) � A request of 14,144 is included for 14l hours of overtime for Active Shooter Training and�7 is � inctuded for miscellaneous training supplies. I � Ciiy of 3horeline{510,314} A request of$10,3I4 is inetuded to purchase law enforcernent equipment for Shoreline Poiice dfficers: 12 window tint meters,4 complete SECT(3R units, S digital cameras,9 Iackout kits, and 60 rescue first aid kits. City of Tukwila{�14,352} A request of$1�,352 is included to purchase law enforcement equipment for Tultwila Police Officers:PA Systern,Firearms Traiter Generaior,Community Policing Team Bike Gear,Go- Il Bags,Less Lethal System,and Taser Training Cariridges. I Page 5 i - - - - -- — CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �� � � Subject/Title: Meeting: Fina) Pay Estimate—CAG-14-005 (WTR-27-3610) REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fal� Protection Improvements Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Pay Estimate#4 (Final) Utility Systems Division B. Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract ff n . Sta Co tact• Tom Malphrus Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: 8,133.66 (final pay est. $ only) Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 20,000 (final pay est. only) Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ 200,000 (425.455563) City Share Total Project: $ 100% SUMMARY OF ACTION: The construction contract for the Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fall Protection Improvements Project was awarded to Generat Mechanical, Inc., on March 3, 2014. Construction started April 10, 2014, and was completed on May 22, 2015. The original contract amount was $158,556.00 and the final contract amount is $158,556.00. Two change orders were issued for time extension only. The project included the installation of fiberglass reinforced access platforms and the construction of a beam anchored, fall restraint trolley system at the City of Renton's Maplewood Water Treatment Plant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the project, approve the final pay estimate in the amount of$8,133.66 and release the retainage held by Bond No. 023024565, issued by Liberty Mutual Surety in the amount of 5%of the project total (pre-tax) after 60 days, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. � To: FINANCE DIRECTOR ' '- I FROM: PUBLIC WORKS ADM1Nl5TRATOR CONTRACTOR: General Mechanical, Inc. CONTRACT NO. CAG-14-005 'P.O#1,8/0001897,:;�+�;�.:; ::_ _�_: EST(MATE NO. 4-Final C�OSiNG DATE: 5J22/2015 PRt}.IECT: Maplewood WTP Access Plakfarms&Fall Protectian Improverr�ents 1. CC�NTRACTOR EARNlNGS THIS ESTIMATE $7,428.QQ � 2. SALES TAX @ 9.50% $7Q5.66 3. TOTAL CONTRAC7 AM(JUNT THIS ESTlMATE $8,133.66 � 4. EARNINGS PREViOtJSLY PAID CtJNTRACTOR $137,372A0 5. '' EARNiNGS DUE CONTRACTOR T'HIS ESTiMATE $7,428•00 g. SUBTQTA�-CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS $144,8QQ.QQ 7. RETAINAGE ON PREVIOUS EARNINGS N/A I 8,'* RETAINAGE ON EARNINGS THIS ESTiMATE N!A g, SUBTOTAI.-RETAINAGE ���d� 10. SALES TAX PREVIOUSLY pAlD $13,05Q.34 11. SALES TAX DUE THIS ESTIMATE $7f15.66 I ��, SUBTOTAL-SALES TAX $13,756.00 i (95%x UNE 1) I *, (RETAIIVAGE': 5%) GRAND TUTAL: $158�556.00 I FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACTtG1N: PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR(Lines 5 and 11 f: $8,133.66 I ACCOUNT # 425.455563.Q18.594.34.63.000 Retainage caveced by bpnd: Bond Na.023024565 Issued by: �iberty Mutual Surety T07AL TNIS ESTlMATE: $8,133.86 I CHARTER '!16, LAWS 4F 'i865 CITY OF RENTON CERTIFiCAT10N 1,TtiE UNDERSkGNEO DO NEftEBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY 4F PEWURY,THAT THE MATERIALS MAVE BEEN FURNISHED,THE $ERVICES RENDEREO aR TNE LABOR PEi3FpRMEp A5 DESCRIEED HERElN,Ah1Q THAT'CHE CIAiM IS A dUS7,DUE AND UNPAIO � pBLICaAT10N AGAINST THE CI7Y OF RENTON,AND THAT I AM AUSNORiZED TCf AUTNENTtCATE AN6 CERTiFY TO SAtO CtAiM ,.� � T � f Signed: �'6�b�d/ �.�i�a�.ni�` 6'�t�`� ��., '�.0�.� I i �f� rv�,�.y '1:G � 'z-�t'� I � Sf2�/is' I Printed On:05/2612015 City of Renton Public Works Department �'�9s � � 1 � i v r Printed On:05/26/2015 City of Renton Public Works Department Page 1 Project' Maplawaod WTP Access Platlorms d Fali Proteclion Improvements ConVad Number. CAG14•005 P.O.ft 1 8/000 7 89 7 Conlractar.Genenl Mechanical,Inc. Pay EsGmale 4 -Final Gosing Date: 05/22/2015 Item Oescnplion Unit Est. Unit Prrrious Prevcoua This This Tatal Tota1 �. � QuanGty Price Quanlity Amounl puanUty Amount Ouantity /tmaunt 001. Mob'rlization,Dartwbilization and Gean-Up Lump Sum 7 S4,D25.00 1.00 54,025.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 S4,D25.00 002 Fumish and Inslall the Fell ResUainl System Lump Sum 1 SS7,921.00 1.00 557,924.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 557,921.00 003 Fumish a�C Install Ihe Access Poadorms Lump Sum 1 58Z,854 00 0.9t 575,426.�0 0.07 57,a28.00 0.98 582.854 00 I � Subrotal - 5137,372.00 57,428.00 S1a4.800.00 9.5'�Sales Tax 573.05034 5705.66 513,756.00 TT Talal 5150.422.34 58.133.66 S15B,556.00 I "//1/� /j!t�.`� 2(t �2��� � ��z61�r � _ _ o��SCA'«�E � �Original ;.� �,'' � ❑ Revised# ���1 raxa�y NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date: May 22,2015 Contractor's UBI Number: 278040974 Name&Mailing Address of Public A�ency Denartmeat Use Only C;ity ot Henton Assigned to: 1055 S. Gradv Wav Renton, WA Date Assigned: UBI Number:177000094 Notice is hereby grven relative to t/ie complet.on oJcontract or project described below Project Name Contract Numbcr Job Urder Contracting Maplewood WTP Access Platforms& Fall Protection Improvem�CAG-14-005 I ❑ Yes �No Description oi Work llone/Include Jobsite Address(es) Installed fiberglass reinforced plastic access platforms and constructed a beam anchored fall restraint trolley system at the City of Renton's Maplewood Water Treatment Plant located at,4000 Maple Valley Highway, Renton,WA 98058 Federally funded transportation project? ❑ Yes � No (if yes,provide Contract Bond Statement below) Contractor's Name E-mail Address AfFidavit ID' General Mechanical, �nc. lemartin@generalmechanical.p1578858 Contractor Address Teiephone# 2701 South J Street,Tacoma,WA 98409 I253-627-8155 If Retainagc is not withheld,please select one of the foUowing and List Surety's Name&Bond Number. � Retainage Bond ❑ Contract/Payment bond(valid for federrlly funded eransportacion projeccs) Name: Liberty Mutual Surety �Bond Number: 023024565 Date Contract Awerded Uate Work Commenced Date Work Completed Uate Work Accepted March 3,2014 IApril 10,2014 IMay 22,2015 (June 15,2015 Were Subcontracters used on this project?If so,please complete Addendum A. ❑Yes [�No Affidavit ID*-No L&I releacc will be granted until all affida�its are tisud. Contract Amount $ 144,800.00 Additions (+) $ 0.00 Liquidated Damages$ 0.00 Reductions ( -) $ 0.00 Amount Disbursed$ 158,556.00 Sub-Total $ 144.800.00 Amount Retained $ 0.00 Amount of Sales Tax 9•5 (If various rates apply.please senJ a brcakdowroj $ �3,756.0� TOTAL $ 158.556.00 TOTAL $ 158,556.00 N T�ese two totals must be epua! Comments: Note:The Disbursing O�cer must submit this completed notice inunediately after acceptance of the work dcme under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHAI.L BE MADE FROM RETAINED FLINDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submittiag Form:Please submit the completed form by email to all three agencies below. COl1t3Ct NarilE: Natalie wssbrod T1t1C: ACcounting Assistant IV Email Address: r,w�ssbroa�ren�oowa.9o� Phone Number: a2s�ao-se�s �C Department ot Revenue W�,�,�g�,s�pR,�d Employment S�curlty Publle Works Section Labor& Industries � D�pertment (360)704-5650 Contrsct R�lease Reqistratlon,lnqufry, PWC�dor wa pov (855)545-8163,opfron 8 4 $�andards 6 Coordination ContractRelease�LNl WA GOV Unk (360)902-9450 pu6llcworks�esd wa pov EtEV 31 0020e(4/28/14) F215-038-000 04-2614 � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING RENTON'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2016—2021. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to RCW 35.77.010 (Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated trans ortation ro ram ex enditures and the lan and ro ram havin been amended and p P g P ), P P g g modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of the Public Works Department, held a public hearing on June 15, 2015, after notice to the pubtic as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of the plan and program; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held on June 15, 2015, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES I RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. Renton's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" is amended and modified, as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A" and "B", incorporated as if fully detailed in this resolution. SECTION III. The plan and program, as evidenced by exhibits, shall be and constitute Renton's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program", and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. 1 I ' RESOLUTION N0. SECTION IV. The Administrator of the Public Works Department and the City Clerk are authorized and directed to file this resolution, together with the exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1672:4/29/15:scr 2 Agenda Item No.: � • RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: �/CS '��5 PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 5 Name: Name: / Address: Address: / City: Zip Code: City: Zip Co : Email: Email: Topic: Topic: / 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address� City: Zip Code: Cit • Zip Code: Email: mail: Topic: � �� Topic: 3 7 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code:/ City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: 4 8 Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: / Zip Code: City: Zip Code: EmaiL• / Email: � Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET - CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 � Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Cod • Email: Email: Topic: Topic: / 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Addres City: Zip Code: Ci . Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: /��1� / Topic: / / / 11 / 15 � Name: Name: Address: Addresr. City: 2ip Cod . City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: / Topic: , 12 16 Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: � Zip Code: City: 2ip Code: Email: Email: ' Topic: Topic: , COMMITTEE Of THE WHOLE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL Dat� 'S June 15, 2015 Turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 (June 8, 2015) The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter to the Washington State Department of Transportation requesting turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 within the central business district as shown in Figure A. Ed Prince, Council President cc: Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning Manager Josef Harnden,Transportation Administrative Secretary I TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE `AP���pUNCiL COMMITTEE REPORT C�� C Qa}� June 15, 2015 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan Update (June 1, 2015) The Transportation (Aviation) Committee reviewed the 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan and recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual updates to the 2016-20215ix-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. The Committee further recommends that the Resolution be presented for reading and adoption. � Marcie Palmer, Chair � � Ruth�@kez, Vice F� ��-�. - Don Persson, Member cc: DougJacobson,Deputy PW Administrator—Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Programming Manager luliana Fries,Program Development Coordinator , Hai Nguyen,Finance Analyst Joey Harnden,Transportation Administrative Secretary I Q:\Council Committee Report Drafts\Transp Comm Pending\Committee report_TIP.doc STAFFRECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 6/15/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: None. Other Requests: None. MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: None. *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented with the exception of Item 7.b,which was adopted as Council concur. i . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 15, 2015 Council Chambers Monday, 7:00 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF ED PRINCE,Council President; DON PERSSON; MARCtE PALMER;ARMONDO COUNCILMEMBERS PAVONE; RUTH PEREZ. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS RANDY CORMAN AND GREG TAYLOR. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ZANETTA FONTES,Senior Assistant City Attorney;JASON SETH, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator; DOUG JACOBSON, Deputy Public Works Administrator-Transportation;JENNIFER HENNING, Planning Director; JAMIE THOMAS, Fiscal Services Director;JIM SEITZ,Transportation Planning& Programming Manager;CHIEF KEVIN MILOSEVICH and COMMANDER CHAD KARLEWICZ, Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Police Chief Kevin Milosevich recognized the following employees: Police: Employee Promotions . Chandler Swain—Promoted to Sergeant & Recognitions . Kevin Keyes—Promoted to Commander • Michael Luther—Promoted to Commander • Officer Dave Adam—Received the Department's Meritorious Service Medal for 14+years of service with Valley SWAT. He also introduced the two new K9 Handlers Officer Adam and Officer Lane,as well as their K9 partners Zev and Odin. Additionally, as a result of their assistance with the Eagle Ridge Fire last summer,the following Officers were recognized: • Shawn Tierney—Received the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year recognition from the American Legion Department of Washington. • Rob Ylinen—Received Humanitarian & Life Saving Award from the American Legion Department of Washington. Officer Ylinen was also selected as the Washington law Enforcement Officer of the Year for the Veterans of Foreign Wars(VFW). PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Transportation: Six-Year accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to Transportation Improvement consider the annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (2016-2021 TIP) Program (TIP), 2016-2021. Transportation Planning and Programming Manager Jim Seitz reported that transportation programs and projects are required to be incorporated into the TIP in order to receive State and/or Federal funding. He explained that the TIP is a financially unconstrained document and its purpose is to develop a multi- year plan for the development of transportation facilities and to develop funding plans for each project or program. He also stated that the TIP is coordinated with public and private stakeholders in an effort to coordinate �i , June 15.2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 97 their facility improvements. The TIP supports the City's business plan by: • Promoting planned growth for the community. • Providing infrastructure for economic development. • Supporting overall objectives, policies, capital facilities plan, and transportation elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr.Seitz further reported and described the 38 programs and projects within the TIP which is comprised of 19 corridor projects, nine system preservation programs,four non-motorized programs,two safety programs, and five other programs such as the 1�for Arts and project development and pre-design. Conctuding, Mr.Seitz reviewed the funding summary,expenditures, and revenues sources for the 2016-2021 TIP. He stated that staff is recommending that Council approve the Six-Year 2016-2021 TIP and present the resolution regarding this matter for reading and adoption. There being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 99 for resolution.J ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: � 80 athletes from Renton Specialized Recreation program traveled to the state Special Olympics tournament at Fort Lewis the weekend of May 30th. The Masters 5 soccer team earned a gold medal and the Juniors soccer team earned 4th place. All of the cycling and track athletes earned a medal or ribbon in each of their three events. � The City of Renton Neighborhood Program will kick off the picnic season with the South Renton Neighborhood Association's annual picnic on Wed.,lune 17th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Linear Park, located at 502 Burnett Ave.S. � King County Parks invites interested parties to help plan a new regiona� trail on the Eastside. A trail in the Eastside Rail Corridor,from Renton to Woodinville and from Woodinville to Redmond,will serve the non- motorized transportation needs, provide recreational opportunities, and connect communities. The planning process begins on Tues.,June 23rd,from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Talbot Hill Elementary School. � Preventative street maintenance &traffic impact projects will be at the following locations: � June 15th through approximately Sept.30th;approx. 7 a.m.to 3:30 p.m. Weather permitting, intermittent lane closures will occur in various non-arterial locations throughout the city. Tues.,June 16th through Thurs.,June 18th; approx.9 a.m.to 4 p.m.: ', Weather permitting,southbound lane closures will take place along Benson Rd. S at S 31st Street/SE 168th St.to SE 170th St. and between I- 405 and Puget Dr. S. �S , June 15, 2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 98 Mon.,June 22nd through Fri.,June 26th;approx. 7 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.: � Maintenance crews will conduct preventative cleaning of the Lake sewer line, located along the shoreline of Lake Washington between the south end of the lake up to the 4000 block of Lake Washington Blvd. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing.At the request of Councilmember Persson, Consent Agenda Item 7.b. was pulled for separate consideration. Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 6/8/2015. Council concur. 6/8/2015 Police: Electronic Home Police Department requested authorization to hire an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator Detention Coordinator at Step E of the Grade pn56 salary scale. Council concur. Police: 2014 Edward Byrne Police Department recommended approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) in order to accept funds in the amount Grant Acceptance of$30,482 to help fund the Domestic Violence Advocacy Assistance Program. Council concur. CAG: 14-005; Maplewood WTP Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Access Platforms& Fall Platforms& Fall Protection Improvements project, contractor General Protection Improvements Mechanical, tnc.; and requested acceptance of the project, approval of the final project; General Mechanical, pay estimate in the amount of$8,133.66,and release of the retainage bond Inc. after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENTAGENDA MINUS ITEM 7.8. CARRIED. ITEM 7.b. -SEPARATE Community Services Department recommended approval of an addendum to CONSIDERATION CAG-13-149,1ob Order Contract(JOC)with Forma Construction,to extend the CAG: 13-149; Extension to JOC; term to July 15, 2016. °�`��*^ ��^^^^��^^^^^�+*^^. Council concur. MOVED BY Forma Construction PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.6. AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINE55 Committee of the Whole Chair Prince presented a report recommending Committee of the Whole concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor to sign the Turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 letter to the Washington State Department of Transportation requesting turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 within the central business district. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation� Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Transportation: Six-Year annual updates to the 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan Transportation Improvement (TIP).The Committee further recommended that the resolution be presented Program (2016-2021 TIP) for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PEREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See page 99 for resolution.) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTION#4255 A resolution was read updating Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation: Six-Year Program for 2016-2021. MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY PEREZ, COUNCIL Transportation Improvement ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. Program (2016-2021 TIP) � � S June 15. 2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 99 NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. AUDIENCE COMMENT Howard McOmber(Renton) invited the Councilmembers to attend a breakfast Citizen Comment: McOmber, celebration on Monday,June 22, in honor of the 2nd anniversary of the REACH Center of Hope Breakfast Center of Hope. It will be held at the Renton Community Center from 7:30— 8:30 a.m. Citizen Comment: Della,Waste David Della (Seattle) informed Council that this morning Talbot Hill Elementary Management Microsociety was presented a check for$5,000 by Waste Management for their Green Garden project.The grant was provided by"Keep America Beautiful," a national organization promoting cleanliness and waste management. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:35 p.m. v Jason .Seth,C ,`City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder lune 15, 2015 � � ti Council Committee Meeting Calendar )une 15, 2015 June 22, 2015 Monday 5:30 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Corman, Council Conf Rm 1 . 201 5 Comprehensive Plan Briefing CANCELED Community Services Committee, Chair Perez CANCELED Utilities Committee, Chair Taylor 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince, Conferencing Center 1. Design/Layout Changes for Council Agenda, Minutes and Agenda Bills 2. Regionallssues � / \ � " \\ � � \ ,\ � � � �� \ 1��G � .oF���'F°� \ ��,�Y �F C�T� ��C�A GC�'�. , , G�O��C�iCAT1�� �o��EREB��`;n� W AS�1 T OF p�B � ����en o�'`� ione,2�`5 e � gTATE�p,FFID�'yi e�s tbe�'ega tftX��rR��:e a�o�h�� o�on oat b t�aC Sh fot�.�U nth 8�C�Ka�9gQ�5 So IC� au l y S w t h e�o f R e n t o Reo t o n• t Way� wmg Y��iC�,,l s,be1se fift ti�e�f t,he ��a,dy et the fo��o �sP°�a0oo � �ons�d ��c'Cc�'eotplaa. 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