HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 8/10/2015 ,� �� ` ' CITY OF � �'.rl �J'rl � AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,August 10,2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way 1. CAII TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALIEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Ready in Renton-September 2015 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Library Grand Opening b) Return to Renton Car Show 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • The first comment period is limited to 30 minutes. • The second comment period, later on the agenda, is unlimited in duration. • When recognized, please state your name&city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law,RCW 42.17A.555,campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting,is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion.Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of 8/3/2015. Council Concur b) Administrative Services Department recommends purchasing CityWorks, a public asset management software,for$60,000 a year,for the purpose of tracking Public Works and Community Services asset conditions,work orders, service requests, and costs. Refer to Finance Committee + ' c) City Clerk reports the results from the 8/4/2015 bid opening for CAG-15-149-Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project;and submits the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Insituform Technologies, LLC. in the amount of$752,904.32. Council Concur , d) City Clerk reports the results from the 8/4/2015 bid opening for CAG15-148-Maplewood �', Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements project;and submits the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$444,005.00. Council Concur e) Community and Economic Development Department recommends adoption of an ordinance amending the City Code to add abandoned vehicles or illegal storage of non- operable vehicles and unlawful storage, disposal,scavenging and hauling of solid wastes throughout the City as violations of RMC 6-1-3 and 8-1-4 Civil Infractions. (See item 9.a.) Council Concur � Community and Economic Development Department requests authorization to hire a Development Engineering Manager at Step E of salary grade m33,effective September 1, , 2015. Council Concur g) Executive Department recommends approval of a contract with Cayce&Grove, in the amount of$423,626,for public defense services until June 30, 2018. , Refer to Finance Committee h) Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-079,Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections;and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$17,859.72,commencement of a 60-day lien period,and release retainage,to Northwest Cascade, Inc., if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*)may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Transportation(Aviation)Committee:Conversion of PSE/Intolight Street Lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED), Lake Washington Loop Trail Professional Services Agreement, KPG Supplemental Agreement for powntown Circulation Project b) Finance Committee: New Legal Assistant Position in the City Attorney Department, Transportation Civil Engineer Hire at Step E, Executive Department Reorganization, Facility Supervisory Position Change to Facilities Manager, Puget Sound Access Lease Amendment c) Community Services Committee:Seil Appointment to Planning Commission 9. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for first reading: a) Making Violations of 6-1-3 and 8-1-4 Civil Infractions and Correcting Associated Regulations(See Item 7.e.J Ordinance for second and final reading: a) 2015 Second Quarter Biennial Budget Amendment(Ist Reading 8/3/2015J 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics;visit rentonwa.gov/cityderk for more information.J 11. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS August 10, 2015 Monday, 5:30 p.m. Legislative Wrap-Up Downtown Revitalization/Redevelopment Update Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online,please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings J � A ITEM #3, a) . °Ma,�"' City of 1� o , � Y U � • !� � � ��� � Mayor's Office � �yocCdr�atZon � . `G�het'eas,September has been designated by the President of the United States of America as "National Preparedness Month" and coin�ides with the City of Renton's "Ready in Renton" emergency preparedness campaign; and � , `G1�herea,'s, Renton has experienced natural and human-caused disasters in the past, and scientific evid"ence indicates the city and the region remain vulnerable to disasters in the future; and `GJ�hereas,the city and regiori are particularly at risk for potential damage due to earthquake activity; and �ilFiereas, investing in the preparedness of ourselves, our families, our businesses, and our neighborhoods can reduce injuries,fatalities, and economic devastation from disasters of all kinds; and . �Fiereas,the basic steps of emergency preparedness are the same for everyone: make a plan, build a kit, and help one,another; and `f�llhereas;staying informed is a vital part of resporrding appropriately to emergencies, and all � members ofthe�Renton com.munity are encouraged.to parCicipate in Jocal preparedness activities and to review the "Ready in Renton" campaign materials at rentonwa.gov; and � `iNhereas, "Ready in Renton" creates an important opporturiity for every member o�the Renton community to�prepare their homes, businesses, and'neighborhoorJs for a�y type ofi emergency; No�w, t�ierefore, I, Denis Law, Mayor of the City of Rent�n, do hereby proclaim the month of - September 2015 to be: � � � 12ead� in 12enton �Vlonth . y � in the Gity of�Renton. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Renton to be affixed this 10th day of August, 2015. - � Denis Law, Mayor City of Renton, Washington Renton City Hall � 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057:• renionwa.gov . . . AGENDA 1TEM #7. a) ���■..�.� --__.. � CITY OF � � � � � MINUTES . City Councii Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,August 3,2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Ed Prince,Council President Don Persson Randy Corman Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez Marcie Palmer Greg Taylor MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON.CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator Chip Vincent, Community& Economic Development Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jamie Thomas, Fiscal Services Director Casey Stanley, Neighborhoods, Resources and Events Manager Carrie Olson, Farmers Market Coordinator Commander Jon Schuldt, Police Department Sergeant Craig Johnson, Police Department August 3,2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #7, a) • PROCLAMATIONS a) National Night Out 2015-August 4,2015.A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring August 4, 2015 to be National Night Out 2015 and encouraged all citizens to help "Give Crime& Drugs a Going Away Party" by participating in a 32nd Annual National Night Out event. Renton Police Sergeant Craig Johnson accepted the proclamation and thanked Council and City staff for their support of this event. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ.CARRIED b) Farmers Market Week-August 3-9,2015.A proclamation by Mayor Law declaring the week of August 3-9, 2015 to be Farmers Market Week, and urged all citizens to join in recognizing the many benefits of our local farmers market. Farmers Market Coordinator Carrie Olson and Brian Larson from Piazza Renton accepted the proclamation and thanked the City for its support in making the market a success. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ.CARRIED. c) Municipal Arts Commission 50th Anniversary-August 2015.A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring August 2015 to be Renton Municipal Arts Commission Month in the City of Renton,and encouraged all citizens to join in the special observance. Renton Municipal Arts Commission Chair Paul Hebron accepted the proclamation and thanked Council and the City staff for their support. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION , AS READ.CARRIED. '� PUBLIC HEARING I� Street vacation petition for an alley adjoining 555 SW Grady Way between Seneca Ave.SW& Lind Ave.SW:Petitioner-Walker(VAC-15-002).This being the date set, and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the petition to vacate an alley that bisects a property that the ' petitioner owns,adjoining 555 SW Grady Way between Seneca Ave. SW and Lind Ave. SW; I petitioner Dale Walker. � Planning Director Jennifer Henning reported that 100 percent of the abutting property owners have signed the vacation petition. She relayed that there are two city utilities within this alley way:a sewer main and storm drainage system.She exptained that about 20 years ago, in the area where this property is located,the City created the Automall Improvement Area District as a way to attract auto-dealerships to this area.Through the Automall development,the City Code was modified, allowing for the vacation of alleys in this area so as to better aggregate properties and aid in the success of auto-dealerships,and like users.Therefore,vacating this alley would fulfill the intent of the Automall Improvement Plan.Additionally, Ms. Henning noted that the petitioner made this request due to problems concerning drivers cutting through their property by using this public alley, compromising safety and making it difficult to appropriately secure the property. Upon circulation of the petition to City departments and outside agencies,there were no objections to the vacation. However,there were three conditions proposed from the City's utilities: August 3, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • . AGENDA ITEM #7. a) • Water Utility: Requests a utility easement over the entire proposed alley vacation for future City utilities, including future water main extension. • Wastewater Utility: Requests to retain the easement over the entire alley way to allow for City to own, operate,and maintain its existing 12"sewer main located within the full length of the alley. • SurFace Water Utility: Requests that the existing storm system in the alley be reverted to a private storm system,ensuring that the property owner will be responsible for future maintenance and repair. Ms. Henning reported that the staff recommendation is to approve the request to vacate this alley subject to two conditions: 1) The petitioner shall provide satisfactory proof that utilities have received,and are satisfied with,any easements that are necessary to expant/project their facilities in the requested vacation area, and 2) The existing storm system within the alley will revert to being a private storm system that the property owner will be responsible for future maintenance and repair of. It was further disclosed that if Council approves this vacation petition,the petitioner would order and submit and appraisal.Staff would then review the appraisal and return to Council for compensation to be set. Mayor Law opened the hearing for public comment, • Dan Feighner, Renton, an employee at the business located on this property, informed Council of the dangerous conditions that he has faced as a result of this atley being a public area and drivers having the ability to use it to cut around red lights. There being no further public comment it was, MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.CARRIED. Following a brief discussion it was, MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR THE WALKER STREET VACATION PETITION.CARRIED. Additionally it was, MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL REFER THIS PETITION TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO OBTAIN AND RESUBMIT AN APPRAISAL TO COUNCIL FOR FINAL ACTION.CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing � the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan � for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: August 3,2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #7. a) • • On Tuesday,August 4th,City of Renton will host National Night Out at Thomas Teasdale Park.There will be food,games, and fun party hoppers forthe kids from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Individual neighborhoods will also be participating to Give Crime& Drugs a Going Away Party by hosting special events such as a BBQ, neighborhood block party, ice cream social or youth activity. Residents in neighborhoods throughout Renton and across the nation are asked to lock their doors,turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors. • Honey Creek Ridge Homeowners Association will have their picnic,Wednesday,August Sth, 5:30 p.m., at the Honey Creek Green common area, located between Newport Ct NE & Olympia Ave NE. • Preventative street maintenance,traffic impact projects, and road closures will continue to happen throughout the city. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing.At the request of Councilmember Pavone, Consent Agenda item 7.k. was pulled for separate consideration. a) Approval of Council meeting minutes of 7/13/2015. Council Concur. b) Mayor Law appointed Charles D.Seil to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 6/30/2018. Refer to Community Services Committee. c) City Attorney department requested authorization to create and fill an additional Legal Assistant position at Salary Grade a07.The budget adjustment will be incorporated into the 2015-2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustment. Refer to Finance Committee. d) City Clerk submitted a court case filed by Dennis Woods,CRT-15-005, represented by Gourley Law Group,vs.the City of Renton,et al. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. e) City Clerk submitted quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2015 through 6/30/2015,and expiration report of agreements expiring 7/1/2015 to 12/31/2015. None; Information Only. fl City Clerk reported the official population of the City of Renton as of 4/1/2015 to be 98,470, ranking eighth in the State by population size, as calculated by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. None; Information Only. g) Community and Economic Development Department requested authorization to re-class the Plan Reviewer position (salary grade a23)to a Civil Engineer II position (a25). Refer to Finance Committee. h) Community Services Department requested approval to waive the ball field rental and light use fees in the amount of$250 for the CryOut!Voices of the Youth Event on 8/29/2015. Council Concur. i) Community Services recommended approval of a lease amendment, extending the lease term to ten years(exp. 12/31/2025),with Puget Sound Access (PSA)for the use of Carco Theatre. Revenue generated is$2,500 a month. Refer to Finance Committee. j) Community Services Department requested authorization to reclass the vacant position of Facility Supervisor(salary grade a21)to Facility Manager(m28j. Refer to Finance Committee. I) Public Works Administration requested authorization to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with PSE (Puget Sound Energy)/Intolight to convert the current street lights into LED energy efficient lights;and to submit a Business Lighting Incentive Program application to PSE with the intent to offset the cost of this project by$185,581. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. August 3, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES , . AGENDA ITEM #7, a) m) Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to hire a Civil Engineer III at Step E of salary grade a28. Refer to Finance Committee. n) Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to CAG-14-146,with KPG, Inc., in the amount of$155,534.16 to complete the design and permitting effort for the Downtown Circulation Project-Phase I. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. o) Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of the professional services agreement with OTAK, Inc. in the amount of$301,891 to perform surveying and 30% preliminary engineering and right-of-way mapping for the Lake Washington Loop Trail project. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM 7.K.CARRIED. ITEM 7.K.-SEPERATE CONSIDERATION k) Executive Department requested authorization to adjust the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget by $75,055 to allow for re-organizational changes within the department which includes authorizing a new Communications Manager(m26),fill a Communications Specialist II position at level 1 position (a12), leave the second Communication Specialist position vacant and unfunded, increase print shop office assistant position (a01)from 20 to 25 hours per week(.625 FTEj, and increase the .50 FTE Secretary II position to full time. . Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.H.AS REFER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Finance Committee Member Pavone presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 339515-339924,four wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$5,413,118.94 and payroll vouchers including 827 direct deposits and 105 payroll checks totaling$1,697,435.69. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Member Pavone presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 339925-340320,six wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$6,965,918.81 and payroll vouchers including 854 direct deposits and 92 payroll checks totaling$1,719,913.83. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Member Pavone presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2015/2016 Budget appropriations in the amount of$16,865,306 with the total amended budget to be$569,702,499 for the biennium. The committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. August 3, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES _J AGENDA ITEM #7, a) • RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for first reading: a) 2015 Second Quarter Biennial Budget Amendment:An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton fiscal years 2015/2016 Biennial Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 5737 and thereafter amended by Ordinance N0. 5755, in the amount of$16,865,306. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/10/2015.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee meeting calendar EXECUTIVE SESSION &ADOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL RECE55 INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 20 MINUTES TO DISCU55 POTENTIAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION-RCW 42.30.110(1)(b)WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADJOURNED.CARRIED.TIME 7:34 P.M. Executive session was conducted.There was no action taken.The executive session and the Council meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday,August 3,2015 August 3, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • AGENDA ITEM #7, a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar August 3, 2015 August 4.2015, ' ` . Tuesday. ` 11:00 AM Transportation Committee, Chair Palmer- Council Conference Room 1 . Conversion of PSE/Intolight Street Lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) 2. Lake Washington Loop Trail Professional Services Agreement 3. KPG Supplemental Agreement for powntown Circulation Project 4. Emerging Issues in Transportation August 10, 2015 Nfonday 2:30 PM Planning& Development Committee,Chair Corman - Council Conference Rm 1 . Legalized Marijuana Work Program 3:30 PM Finance Committee,Vice Chair Taylor- Council Conference Room 1. New Legal Assistant Position in the City Attorney Department 2. Transportation Civil Engineer Hire at Step E 3. Executive Department Reorganization 4. Facility Supervisor Position Change to Facilities Manager 5. Puget Sound Access Lease Amendment 5:00 PM Community Services Committee, Chair Perez - Council Conference Room 1. Seil Appointment to Planning Commission CANCELED Utilities Committee, Chair Taylor 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince - Council Chambers 1 . Legislative Wrap-up 2. Downtown Revitalization/Redevelopment Update • AGENDA 1TEM #7, b) �-,.,.•�•--� _ CtTY OF ��1tt�r1 � . . . � , . . , SUBJECT/TITLE: Enterprise Asset Management System RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services Department STAFF CONTACT: Mehdi Sadri, IT Director EXT.: 6886 . . . Expenditure Required: $$64,Q00/year Transfe�Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ $42,000/year Revenue Generated: $ N/A '�� Totai Projec#Budget:. $N,/A City Share To�at Project: $ N/A . ., < . ,, ;...,��..... _;..; . , . ,. .. ,_ . . • . • The Cit urchased the InforEAM s stem in 2007 for the purpose of Public Works (PW) and Community Yp Y Services (CS) asset conditions, work orders, service requests, and cost tracking.The system was implemented and has been in use since 2009. InforEAM has a very high per seat licensing fee, a very high per mobile device licensing fee, and high staff costs in maintaining interfaces with other City systems that is inherent in the complicated system design and poor integration with GIS. Because the fee structure and the poor user- interface, the system has never been fully adopted by all city departments as intended. In 2013, PW, CS, and Information Technology (IT) departments agreed to reexamine the usability of the InforEAM asset management system and a possible replacement. In 2014, PW, CS and IT selected the CityWorks system as the potential replacement of the InforEAM and decided to go through a "pilot" period to determine its functionalities and usability. At the end of the pilot period, PW decided to utilize the system fully while CS decided to continue its pilot/testing of the system. CityWorks' licensing structure does not require an initial acquisition cost; instead,they only require an annual license fee based on the City's population.The initial annual cost is at$60,000 per year for the first 4 years (up to April 2019) based on current population.The next pricing tier is for population between 100,000— 150,000 for$75,000 per year currently. We believe the City will be in the next pricing tier after the 4 year period.This annual service cost will be partially offset by the existing budget for InforEAM system ($42,000), with the remaining$18,000 to be covered by the current IT budget. We believe the total cost of ownership for CityWorks is actually lower when we compare the fully implemented system and the staff costs in maintaining interfaces with the InforEAM system. : A. Issue Paper B. Contract � ' • �� • A GENDA I TEM #7, b) � Approve the implementation of the software "Cityworks" as replacement for InforEAM system for the Public Works department as well as continue the efforts to pilot and evaluate the software as potential replacement of InforEAM by the Community Services Facilities and Golf Course Maintenance divisions and as a new asset management system for the Parks Maintnenace division. • AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITV OF ADMINISTRATION SERVICES ______._--�Renton Q M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 10, 2015 T0: Ed Prince, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Iwen Wang,ASD Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Mehdi Sadri, IT Director SUBJECT: Purchase of Enterprise Asset Management System ISSUE Should the City replace InforEAM with a new Enterprise Asset Management System? RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the purchase and implementation of Cityworks Server AMS (Cityworks),an enterprise asset management system for Public Works Utilities and Transportation divisions,and continue to evaluate the software capability for use by Community ' Services Facilities, Parks Maintenance,and Natural Resources divisions. BACKGROUND The City purchased the InforEAM system in 2007 for the purpose of Public Works and Community Services asset conditions,work orders, service requests, and cost tracking. The system was implemented and has only been used by PW Maintenance Services section, and never fully to the scope as originally intended. The limited utilization is due to the complicated system design, poor integration with GIS and other utility systems,the per seat licensing model, and per device license fee for the mobile application. In 2013, Public Works, Community Services, and Information Technology departments agreed to review suitability of the InforEAM asset management system and possible replacement by perForming the following: 1. Review and document the problems with the InforEAM system 2. Review the 2004 functional requirements and re-evaluate fundamental questions going forward • A single system for multiple line of businesses or specialized solution for each line of business? A GENDA I TEM #7. b) • • Are there sufficient common purposes,what are the core purposes or functionalities? • What level of details do we need to track(assets,work orders, maintenance cost)? 3. Review the following high-level technical requirements • Public/private facing system (intranet vs internet access)? • Centralized vs. distributed data collection (desktop device vs mobile device)? • GIS centric(asset inventory data integration)? • Mobility(browser vs.client/server and customer portal)? • How important would it be to make sure data is entered/approved once? (e.g. use the work order system to capture data for timesheets) 4. Perform a market study of enterprise asset management systems Based on initial research the following software packages were short-listed for further study. The initial evaluation was made based on survey of other agencies, readily available marketing material and conversations/demos with sales representatives. • Cartegraph • Cityworks • Infor Hansen • Maximo • VueWorks Through a process of elimination based on demonstrated functionality, reference checks with other current users,and licensing costs,the list of potential replacements was reduced to two:Cityworks and Cartegraph,with Cityworks being the front runner replacement software options. In October 2013, upon review of results in each category the project team agreed the InforEAM system should be replaced and selected Cityworks software for further evaluation. The project team further decided to halt the annual maintenance payment to InforEAM. The Public Works and Community Services departments requested that the next phase of replace software evaluation include a trial use of the software to make sure the actual usability meets the City's needs. On April 2nd, 2014 the City entered into agreement with Azteca Systems Inc.for a six-month software license at$20,000.00 as well as implementation services for$26,610.00. • AGENDA ITEM #7, b) In July 2014,the Information Technology, Public Works, and Community Services staff kicked off the Cityworks software pilot by pursuing the following actions: • Setup a pilot team and defined roles for team members • Setup server hardware and installed the Cityworks software � Configure and customize the software with Azteca's"Local Government"templates. Immediately the pilot team determined that the"Local Government Templates"were not sufficient for modeling the City's asset inventory and organizational structure so the configuration team undertook a larger customization effort than was anticipated. As of August 2015,the status of customizations varies for each work group,with Community Services at 60%to Public Works at 80%. The lower customization rate is primarily due to very limited baseline information available for system configuration tasks need to be address from the ground up. • Use of the software for evaluation by department/division staff As of July 2015, Public Works staff has had a sufficient opportunity to use the system based on completeness of configuration and time spent using the system. Community Services divisions has had less user experience with the system due to multiple factors such as competing Spring and Summer work tasks as well as completeness of system configuration. • End of pilot system comparisons Svstem Functional Catesories InforEAM Citvworks Technology/platform web/no mobile web/mobile Software design/architecture not easy to customize easy to customize System configuration/administration requires tech.expertise shared w/non- tech Modules full featured full featured GIS Integration very poor excellent Assets management very dissatisfied above satisfied Inventory management very dissatisfied satisfied Work order management very dissatisfied satisfied Maintenance management very dissatisfied satisfied Cost accounting very dissatisfied satisfied Reporting requires tech.expertise shared w/non- tech Workflow complicated/no mobile simpler/mobile Citizen request management Not available TBD/Phase II Mobile device compatibility cost prohibitive licensing included in license � AGENDA 1TEM #7. b) � � User Recommendation: Public Works Department approve Cityworks'capabilities and recommends moving forward with the full implementation for Maintenance Services (Water, Wastewater, Stormwater)and Transportation Maintenance (Signs and Signals)divisions. Community Services Department will use Cityworks for the Natural Resources (Urban Forestry) division. The Parks Maintenance and Golf Course as well as Facilities divisions will continue piloting the system and make determination by 12/31/2015 with the recommendation to move forward with purchase and implementation of Cityworks. Next Steps: With the recommendation to move forward with replacing InforEAM with Cityworks system,the following tasks remain to be completed: • Complete the pilot configuration and usability test of Cityworks for the Community Service Department and make a determination/recommendation by 12/31/2015 • Replace all Public Works functions of the InforEAM system with Cityworks functionality by 6/30/2016 • Evaluate and implement integrated Customer Relationship Management(CRM) by 12/31/2016 Cost Comparison: InforEAM Software Maintenance: $42,000 annually - 20 concurrent users/1000 callers - $3K per mobile device (currently no mobile licenses) Cityworks Server AMS Standard Enterprise License Agreement:$60,000 annually - Four year(until April 2019)fixed contract pricing based on population of City - unlimited users - including unlimited mobile devices --- a CAG-15-111 • Q � AGENDA ITEM #7, b) C i t wo r k s �Systems,Inc 11075 South Stf. �ite 24•TEL 801 5232757•FAX 80t523 3734 y ��s� CITYWORKS�' LIC�NSE AGFt��M�NT This Master Software License Aereement made by and betK�een Azteca Systems, Inc.("Aztcca Systems")a Utah corporation,with a place of business at 11075 South State,Suike 24,Sandy,Utah 84070 USA and the City of Renton, WA,using certain of Azteca Systems Licensed Products hereinafter referred to as"Licensee." The parties hereto acknowledge that this Agreement is intended to be a master agreement under which Licensee may license licensed Products from time to time. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,the Maintenance Addendum,and any additional addenda or amendments thereto,Azteca Systems or its Affiliates may license the Licensed Products and provide support and maintenance to Licensee or Affiliates of Licensee. This Agreement is effective immediately upon delivery of Licensed Products(the"Effective Date"). WHEREAS,Azteca S�-stems has developed and is the owner of an extensive plaiform of products(the SoftH•are,as deFined below); N�HEREA5,Licensee desires a non-exclusive license to use some of the products of the Soft�vare known as Cityworks� (as set forth herein);and 44'HEREAS,Azteca Systems is tivillin�to grant such a license on the terms and conditions set forth belo�v. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the foregoinp and of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, Ar_teca 5ystems and Licensee agree as follows: ARTICLE 1—DEFINITIONS I.f DeGnitions.The terms used are defined as follows: a. "AareemenP'means this Software License Agreement between Azteca S��stems and Licensee,inclusive of all schedules,exhibits,attachments,addenda and other documents incotporated by reference b. "Authorization Code(s)"means any key,authorization number,enablement code,loain credential, activation code, token.account user name and pass�vord,or othar mechanism required for use of a ' Product. c. `Authorized User"or"User"sha11 mean:(i)a direct user of the Licensed Products,includins bat not limited to Licensee's employees;or(ii)Licensee's consultants who have agreed to maintain the Licensed Property in confidence and use it onty for the benefit of Licensee. d. "Covered Software"shall mean die particular Cityworks Software,scripts, interFaces and custom code identified in Addendum I. e. "Custom Applications"shap mean any scripts,interfaces,reports or program code created by Azteca Systems,Licensee,Cityworks Parmer,or other third-pacry,other than Prosram Modifications to the Cityworl:s applications,that provide specific fur�ctionality uniquely designed for the Licensee.Any Custom Applications delivered to licensee shall NOT become pa�t of the Licensed Soft�vare unless otherwise specified in Addendum l. E "Data"means any Azteca Systems orthird-party digital dataset(s)including,but not limited tu, �eosraphic vector data,raster data reports,or associated tabuiar attributes,whether bundled with Software and Online Services or detivered independently. g. "Deplo��ment Server License"means a(icense that,in addition to providing staging server License rights, authorizes Licensee to install and use the Softcvare for deployment in Licensee's internal use. h. "Testine Server License"means a license that authorizes Licensee to install and use the Sofnvare on a server in Licensee's internal use to provide testing License ri�hts prior ta deployment. i. "Documenlation"means all user reference documentation that is delivered with the Software and includes but is not limited ta(a)all materials published,provided digitally,or otherwise made available to Liceasee by Azteca Systems that relate to the functional,operational and/or performance capabiliiies of the Software;(b)all user,operator,system administration,technical,support and other manuals and all other materials published,provided digitally or otherwise made avaiiable to Licensee that describe the functional,operational and,'or performance eapabilities of the Software;(c)any Requests for Information andior Responses for Proposals(or documents of similar effect)issued by Licensee,and the responses Mvster License&Mainfenance Agreement Ppge 1 of 14 1/1/15 ed. � �' � g� � AGENDA ITEM #7. b) • thereto frorn Azteca Systems,and any documen[which purports to update or revise any oEthe foregoing; and(d)the results of any"Proot'of Concept"or similar type presentations or tests provided by Azteca Systems to Licensee. j. "Internal Use"means use of the Licensed Products by employees of Licensee in Licensee's interna) operatio�s but does not include access of the Licensed Products by,or use of the Lice�sed Products in the provisions of services to,Licensee's clients or customers. lnternal Use also includes use of the Licensed Products by contracto�s of Licensee,including contracWrs providing outsourcing or hosting services,as long as Licensee assumes full responsbility for the compliance with this Agreement in such use.llse of the Licensed Products(or any part thereot}for the benefit of oth�rs,whether by means of a software as a service offering,service bureau application,application service provider,outsourcing or other means of providing service to any third party shall not be considered Internal Use. k. "Licensed Products"shall mean the portion of the Cityworks Software and the Documentation to which Licensee has purchased a License as identified as specified in Addendum 1 attached hereto. Licensed Products shall include any updates or upgrades to the Licensed Producks that Azteca Systems may at iu discretion deliver to Licensee. I. "Login"means a license that allows Licensee to permit a single authorized named end user to use the Software,Data,and Documentation installed on a servec and accessed from a computer device. m. "Online Services"means any Internet-based system,including applications aad associated APIs, hosted by Azteca Systems or its I icensors,for storing,managing,publishing,and using Cityworl:s soFrivare and data,and other information. n. "Ordering Dceument(s)"means a sales quotation,purchase order,or othe�document identifying the Prociucts that Licensee orders. o. "Preview"means any alpha,beta,or prerelease Product. p. "Product{s)"means Software,Data,Online Services,and Documentation licensed under the terms of this License Agreemen� q. "Sample(s)"means sample code,sample app{ications,add-ons,or sample extensions of Products. r. `�Server"means each single instance of an operating system,whether physically installed on a computer or within a virtualized environment. s. "Soflware"or"Ciryworks Software"means all or any portion of Azteca Systems proprietary software technolor�.,,y accessed or downloaded from an Azteca Systems(Citywo�ics)-authorized website or delivered on any media in any format including backups,updates,service packs,patches,hot fixes,or permitted merged copies. t. "Maintenance Addendum"shall mean the Master Software Maintenance Addendum attached hereto. u. "Term License"means a license or access provided for use of a Product for a limited time period ("Term")or on a subscription or transaction basis. ARTICLE 2—IIYTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND RESERVATION OF OWNERSHIP Products are licensed,not sold.Azteca Systems and its licensors own Products and all copies,which are protected by United States and applicable international laws,treaties,and conventions regarding intellectual property and pcoprietary rights including trade secrets.Licensee agrees to use reasonable means to protect Products from unauthorized use,reproduction,distribution,ur publication.Azteca Systen�s and its third-party licensors reserve al1 rights not specifically granted in this License Agreement including the right to change and improve Products_ ARTICLE 3—GRANT OF LICEIVSE 3.l Grant of License. Subject to the terms of this agreement,Azteca Systems grants to Licensee a persaial, nonexclusive,nonuatisferabie license solely to use the Products as set forth in the applicable Product Licensing Addendum (i)for which the applicable license f�es have been paid;{ii)for Licensee's own intemal use;(iii)in accordance witfi this License Agreement and the configuration ordered by Licensee or as authorized by Azteca Systems or its authorized distributor;and(iv)for perpetual use or for a term,if tenn is identified,unti!terminated in accordance with Article 5.License rypes may include,butare not limited to Login,Workgroup,Departmental, £LA(Enterprise License)or Term Licenses. ln addition to the Scope of Use in Article 4.Addendum 1–Product Licensing and the Software Terms and Use which applies to specific Pralucts,Addendum 2--Maintenance Agreement,Addendum 2,and Addendum 3–Online Agreement(ifapplicable)collectively,are incorparated in this Agreement. a. Sofnrare. Use and License for specific Software products are set forth in Addendum 1-Product Moster license&Maintenance Agreemert[ Page 2 of 14 1/]/IS ed. — — . �� � AGENDA 1TEM #7. b) Licensing Addendum,w�hich is incorporated by reference. b, A7ainre�aance. Maintenance terms are set forth in Addendum 2,-Maintenance a�eement which is incorporated by reference. c, Onfi�re Sen�ices. Tectns af use for Online Services{ifapplicable)are set Forth in Addendum 3,�3hich is incorporated by reference. RESERVATI+DiV OF OWVERSHiP: Azteca Systems retains esciusive right,title,interest,and o�tmership of I any copy of ihe Software Cityworks and Related Materials licensed under this License A�eement. This A�reement doss not iransfer o�vnership rights of any description in the Software or services to Licensee or an} � third party. Licensee agrees to use reasonabie efforts ka prateck the Sofrware Cityworks and Related Matesials - from unauthorized use,reproduction,distribution,or publication. 3Z Preview Reiease Licenses.Products acquired under an evaluation iicense or under a Beta program are intended for evaluation and testin�purposes onty and not far commerc'tal ase.Any such use is at Licensee's own risk,and the Products do not qualify for Azteca or distributor maintenance. 3.3 Special Use Programs.lf Licensee acquires Products under a special pro�ram for noncamrnercial,nonprofit, educatianal,ar other iimited-use license,Licensee's use af the Products is subject to fhe fettns sef�orth in the appticabte enrollment farm or as described on Azteca's�vebsite in�ddition ta the non-conflicting tcrms ofthis Licensc Agreement.All such progran�terrns are incor�orated herein by reference. 3.4 Delivery, Unless othenvise requested by l.icensee,Azteca Systems shall provide an electranic link to make available to I.icensee the Licensed Prapert}°by electronic dawnload and a license key to activate the Licensed Property. ARTICC,E 4—SCUPE OP USE 4.1 Permitted Uses a. For Pradncts d�li�ered ta Licensee, Lice�see ma}: l. (nstall and store Products on electronic storage device(s): 2. Make archi val copies and routine computar bachups; 3. tnstal}and use a T'esting Server t_icense of Software cancurrently with the Depioyment Server i.icense to be replaced durins�a reasonabte transitinn period not tc�exceed six(6}months,provided that ti�e deplayment of either vers+on does not exceed Licensee's licensed quantity;theeeafter. Licensee shall not use mare Soi'i�vare in the aggregate tllan Licensee's total licensed quantih�; 4, Move the Software in the iicensed confi;uration to a replacement Server;a►td b. Licensee may e�se,copy,o�-prepare derivative tivorks of Dncumentation supplied in dieital farmat and thereafrer reproduce.display,and redistribute the customized documentation only for Licensee's own internal use_Pontians oF Documentation supplied in di�ital format merged�vith other software and printed or di�itat documentation are subject to ihis License Agreement.Licensee shall iaclude the follawing copycighr attribution natice acknau•ledging the proprietary ri�hts of Azteca and its licensors: "Portions of this document include inTellecCual properry of Azteca and its licensors and are ased herein under license.Copyright�[Lic•ensee ivi!!ittserl the nc�lt�uC cnp}�righl date(s)fi-on7 thc�sntrrce mctter•inls� Azteca Systems,inc, and its licensars.All rights reserved." c. Consultcrnt ar CUrrtructor.4ccess. Subject to Seetion 3.1,Azteca Systems may grant Licensee the right ta permit Licensee's consulCants or contrackors to use the Products eactusively and solely for Licensae's benefit. Licensee must first abtain w�itten permission from Azteca,which may include additional restrictions,prior to granting any ri�hts to consu3tants ar Contractors.Licensee shaii be solely respansible for camptiance by cor�sultants and contractors with fhis License Agreement and shalt ensure chat the consultant or contraetor discontinues Product use upon completion of tivork far Licensee. Access ta or use af Products by consultants or contractors not exclusively for Licensee's benefit is prahibited. Mastef License&�ainrenonte Agreement Fage 3 of 14 1/1/25 ed. { �� ��° AGENDA 1TEM #7. b) � 4Z Uses Not Permitted.Except to the extent that applicabie la�v prohibits or averrides these restrictions,or as provided herein,Licensee shall not a. Sell,rent,lease,sublicense,lend,assign,or time-share Products; b. permit persons other than Authorized Users to access or use the Licensed Products(or any part thcreofl; c. Act as a service bureau or Commercial ASP; d. Use Software,Data,or pocumentation for a site or service and operate the site or service for prolit or generate revenue tluough direct or indirect methods(e.g.,advertising or by charging foc access to the site or service); e. Redistn'bute Software,Data,or Ontine Services to third parties,in whole or in part,including,but not limited to,extensions,componcnts,or APIs;or f. Redistribute Authoriaation Codes; g. Reverse engineer,decompile,or disassemble Products; h. Make any attempt to circumvent the technological measwe(s)that controls access to or use of Products; i. Upload or transmit content or otherwise use Products in violation of third-party rights,including inteHectual property riahts,privacy riahts,nondiscrimination laws,or any other applicabte law or government regulatian; j. Remove or obscure any Azteca Systems(or its licensors'}patent,copyright,trademark,proprietary rights notices,and/or legends contained in or affixed to any Product,Product output,metadata fi1e,or online and/or hard-copy attribution page of any Data or pocumentation delivered hereunder, k. Separate From the.licensed use of AP[s,Licensee may not unbundle or independently use individunl or component parts of the Products,Software,Online Services,or Data; I. [ncorporate any portion of the Software into a product or service that competes with the Software; m. Publish the results of benchmark tests run on Software without the prior written permission of Azteca Systems;or n. Use,incorporate,modify,distribute,provide access to,or combine any eo�nputer code provided with the Software in u manner that would subject such code or any part of the Soflware to open source license terrns,which includes any license terms that require computer code to be(i}disclosed in source eode form to third parties,(ii)licensed to third parties for the purpose oFinaking derivative works,or(iii) redistributable to third parties at no charge. ARTICLE 5—TERM ANDTERMINATION 5_1. This License Ageement is effective upon acceptance.Licensee may terminate this License Agreement or any Product license at any time upon written notice to Azteca Systems.Either parry may terminate this License Agreement or any license for a material breach that is not cured within ten(10)days of written notice to the breaching party,except that termination is immediate for a material breach that is impossible to cure.Upon termination of the License Agreement,al{licanses granted hereunder terminate as well.Upon termination of a license or the License Agreement,Licensee will(i)stop accessing and osing affected Product(s);(ii)clear any ctient-side data cache derived from Online Services;and(iii)uniastall,remove,and destroy all copies ofaffected Product(s)in Licensee's possession or control,including any modified or merged portions thereof,in any form,and execute and del iver evidence of such actions to Azteca Systems or its authorized distributor. If this Agreement is terminated under section 4 of the Maintenance Addendum,Licensee shail then return to Azteca Systems all of The Software Cityworks,related modules,related updates,and any whole or partial copies,codes. modifications,and merged portions in any fonn.Azteca will for no additional charge to Licensee and at Licensee's option either grant a license to the Licensee,for a period of one year,which will allow Licensee to retain the ability to access records and data contained in The Cirywarks Software or allow Licensee to create digital copies of all fifes needed by the Licensee for the same period.The parties hereby agree that all provisions which operate to protect the intelfectual rights of Azteca Systems shall remain in force should breaeh occar. 5.2. Ter�ination of Maintenance. The Maintenance Addendum(Addendum#2)and the rights granted thereunder may be terminated independently of the Agreement in accordance with Seetion 4 of the Maintenance Addendum. Master License&Mainfenance Agreement Page 4 of 14 1/1/1s ed. _ , . AGENDA /TEM #7. �) ART[CLE S--LIMITED WARRANTtES AND DISCLAIMERS 6.1 Limited Warranties.Except as otherwise provided in this Article 6.Azteca Systerns waRants for a period af ninety{90)days frotn the date Azteca Systems issues the Authorization Code enabling use of Software and C}nline Services thai{i)the untnodified Software and Qnline Services wifl substant'tally conforna ta ihe published Documentation under norma!use and service and(ii)media on which Software is provided wi((be free from defecu in materials and waricmanship. G.2 Special Disclaimer. L�ATA,SAMPLES,HOT FtXES.PATCHES,UPGRAi}ES,AND EVALUATIUN ANI?BETA SC?FTWARE AFtE DEL[VER'�Q"AS!S" WlTH4UT WARl�ANTY OF ANY KIN!?. 6.3 lnternet Disclaimer.TME PAFtTtES EXPRESSLY ACi4NOWLEDGE AND AGR6E THAT THE INTERNET iS A NETWORK QF PRIVATE AIVD PUSLIC NETWORKS AND TNAT{i)TNE INTERNET IS NOT A SECURE 1NFRASTRUCTURE,(ii}THE PARTIES ElAV�Ai0 COi+fTRC1L OVER TH6 lNTERNET,ANb(iii)NON�OF THE PARTIES SNALL BE LlABLE FOR UAMAG�S UNDER AtUY THEORY QF LAW R6LATED 70 THE PERFORMANCE OR DISCONT(NUANCE OF QPERATION OF ANY P()RTION t?F THE 1NTERNET t3[t PdS5(8LE REGULAT[ON OF THE INTERNET THAT MIGHT [2�S`CRICT OR PROI-IIBtTTHE{}PERA.TIC?N t}F UNLINE SERVICES. 6.4 Generat Disclaimer.EXCEPT FOFi THE ABOVE EXPftESS L[M[TED WARRANTIES,AZTECA Sl'STEMS D(SCi.A1PvtS ALI. OfiHER WARRANTIES OR CONDtTIONS(7F ANY KMND,�t'HETHER 6XPRESS dR tMPLI L:D,INCLUDIitiG,BUT NOT LiMITED TO,WARRANTIES OR CONDiTICJ�fS OF ME,RCHANTABtUTY AND F3TN�SS FOR A PARTiCL3LAR FURPC}SE,SYST�M iNTEGRATICtiti,AND NON-PVFRlNGEMENT OF lNTELLECTUAL PRUPERTY RIGHTS.AZTECA SYSTEMS QC7E5 N�T WARRANT 7'HAT PRODUCTS W(C.L MEET t,(CENSEE'S NEEb5;THAT LICENSEE'S OPERATION OF TH6 5AME WILL B�UNINTERRUAT�D,ERROR FREE,FAULT-TOLERANT,tJR FAtL-SAFE;OR THAT AL[.NONCONFORI�tiTl�S CAN OR WILt,BE CC7RRECTED.PRODUCTS ARE NC3T DFSIGNED, MANUFACTURED,OR INTENDED F{?R USG iN EtSVfRQNIvSEIvTS GR APPI.lCAT[03�S THAT MAY I,EAD TO DEATH,PERSOh1AL 1NJURY,OR PHYSCCAL PROPERTYlENVtRONMFN7"AL DAMAGE. ANY SI.DCN USE SHALL BE AT LICENSEE'S OWN RISI{ANL)COST. 6.5 �xclusive Remedy.Licensee's exclusive remedy and Azteca Systems'entire liabi[ity fvr brcaeh of the limited�+arranties set forth in this Article 6 sha!!be limited,at Azteca Systems'sole discretion,to(i)replacement af any defective media;(ii)repair,con�ection,or a warkaround fur Software or Online Services subjeck ta the Azteca Systems Maintenance Pro�ram or I.ieensee's authorized distribukor's maintenance pro�ram,as applicable; ar{iii)return of the license fees paid by Licensee far 5aftware or Online Services that da not meet Arteca Systems limited warranty,provided that�ieensee uninstalls,removes,and destrous a11 copies of 5othvare or Llocume�ttation,ceases using Online Serviees;and executes�nd delivers evidence of such actions to Azteca Systems. ARTICLE 7—LIMiTA7'ION IJF LlAB1LITY 7.] Disciaimer af Certain Types oC Liabitity.AZTECA SYSTEMS,lT5 AUTH(}R.FZED DISTRI Bt!TOR{tF ANY},ANQ!TS LICENSORS SNALI_NOT BE LIA$LE TO L.lCENSEE FflR COSTS O�PROCUREME�I T OF SUBSTITU'I'E Gd�D5 OR SERVICES;LOST PROPlT5,LOST SALES,OR BUS(NE5S EXPENDITURES; tNVESTUIENTS;BUSiN�SSCt)MMiTNiENT�;C�SS OF ANY GOODWILL;(3R AN'�'iNDIRECT. SP�CIAL,[:�tC1DEfti"I AL,OR CU1tiSEQt1�1VT1AL DAMAGES AR(Slivf.,{)lJT OF Ott R�LATEQ Td TNtS LICENSC AG[2E�MENT C1R USE OF PFtOC?UCT5,HOWEVER CAl1SED t7N ANY THEORY 4F L(ABIGITY,WHETHER OR NOT AZTECA SYSTEMS OR ITS LICENSO�.S HAVE BEEN ADVISED O�' THE POS51BILi7"4'fJF St1CH DAMAGE.THE5E[,IMITATIONS SHA[.,L APPLY NOTWITHSTANDItVG r1�+IY FAl�.URE CtF�SSENTIAL PURPt?SE t3F AtvY[.tiVtIT�D R.EMEL7Y. T.2 General Limitakion of�.iability.EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN ARTtCL.E 8—INFIttNGEMENT INDEMNITY,THE T'OTAI.CUMULATNE LIAB1LfTY OF AZTECA SYSTEMS AND 1TS AL'THtJRIZECI DISTRIBUT�R HEREL�NDER,FR(3M ALL CAt,JSES OF ACTION OF A1�IY K1NI3, IN�LUDiNG.BEJT ttiC3T LtMtTED 7'O,�ONTRACT,TOKT(INCLUDTivG NEGLIGbNC�},STRtCT LIABILITY,BREACH 4F WARRANTY,MISREPRESE�(TATiON.QR C?THEftW1SE,SF�AI.G?�QT EXCEED THB FE�S ACTIJALLY PAID BY L10ElYSEE L7URING THE CUR.RENT SUPP(7RT PER(0t7, Mast�er License&Main[enance Agreement Page 5 of 14 i/i/25 ed. r � � � AGENDA 1TEM #7, b) • FOR THE PRODUCTS THAT GIVE RISE TO TNE CAUSE OF ACTION. 73 Applicability of Disclaimers and Limitations.Licensee agrees that the limitations of liability and disclaimers set forth in this License Agreement will apply regardless of whether Licensee has accepted Products or any other product or service delivered by Azteca Systems.The parties agree ihat Azteca Systems has set iu fees and entered into this License Agreement in reliaoce on the disclaimers and limitations set forth herein,that the same reflect an allocation of risk between the parties,and that the same form an essential basis of the bazgain between the parties.THESE LtM[TATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LlM[TED REMEDY. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES,LIMITAT[ONS,AND EXGLUSIONS MAY NOT BE VALID IN SOME 1URISDICTIONS AND APPL.Y ONLY TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW IN LICENSEE'S JURISDlCTION.LICENSEE MAY HAVE ADD[T[ONAL RIGHTS UNDER LAW THAT MAY NOT BE WAIVEDOR D[SCLAIMED. AZTECA SYSTEMS DOESNOT SEEKTO L1MIT LICENSEE'S WARRANTY Ot�REMEDf ES TO ANY EXTENT NOT PERMITTED SY LAW. ARTICLE 8—INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY 8.1 Azteca Systems shall defend,indemnify,and hold Licensee and its employees harmless from and against any loss,liability,cost,or eapense,including reasanable attorneys'fees,that Licensee incurs as a result of any etaims, actions,or demands by a third party legally asserting that Licensee's licensed use of Software or Online Services infringe a US patent,copyrighk or traclemark,provided: a. �iceosee promptly notifies Azteca Systems in writing of the ctaim; b. Licensee provides documents describing the allegations of infrin�emenr, c. Azteca Systems has sole wntrol of the defense of any action and negotiation related to the defense or settlement of any claim; d. Licensee reasonably cooperates in the defense of the claim at Azteca Systems'request and expense; and. e. Licensee and its emptoyees are not in violation of the terms of this ab�reement. 8.2 If Software or Online Services are found to infringe a US patent,copyright,or trademark,Azteca Systems,at its own expense,may either(i)obtain rights for Licensee to continue using the Software or Online Services or(ii) modify the allegedly infringing elements of Soflware or Online Services while maintaining substantially simitar functionality.If neither altemative is commercialty reasonable,the license sha11 terminate,and Lieensee shall cease accessing infringing Online Services and shall uninstall and retum to Azteca Systems any infringing item(s). Azteca Systems entire liability shall then be to indemnify Licensee pursuant to Section 8.I and refund the unused portion of fees paid,prorated for the cucrent maintenance period. 8.3 Azteca Systems shall have no obligation to defend Licensee or to pay any resultant costs,damages,or attomeys'fees For any claims or demands al(eging direct or contributory infringement to the extent arising out of (i)the combination or inteP.,,ration of Software or Online Services with a product,process,or system not suppfied by Azteca Systems or specified by Azteca Systems in its Documentation;(ii)material alteration of Software or Online Secvices by anyone other than Azteca Systems or its subcontractors;or(iii)use of Software or Online Services after modifications have been provided by Azteca Systems for avoiding infringement or use after a return is ordered by Azteca Systems under Section 8.2. 8.4 TI-IE FOREGOING STATES THE ENTIREOBLIGAT[ON OF AZTECA SYSTEMS W[TH RESPECT TO INFRtNGEMENT OR AI,LEGATION OF INFRlNGEMENT OF iNTELLECTUAL PRORER"TY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY. ARTICI.E 9—GENERAL PROVtStONS 9.1 Future Updates.New or updated Products and subscription renewals wi11 be licensed under the then-current Azteca Systems license terms and conditions included with the deliverable Products. 9.2 Export Control Regulalions.Licensee expressly acknowledges and agrees that Licensee shal)not expon,re- export,import,nansfer,or release Products,in whole or in part,to(i)any US embargoed couatry;(ii}any person on the US Treasury DepaKment's list of Specially Designated Nationals;(iii)any person or entity on the US Master ticense&Main[enonce Agreemenr Page 6 of 14 2/2/IS ed. ��.■�. , AGENDA 1TEM #7. b} Commerce Departrnent's Denied Persons List,Entity I�ist,or Unverifiec!List;or{iv)any person or entity or into any country�where such export,re-export,or import violates any US,local,or pther apglicable impork�'export control(aws ar regulations incfuding,but not limited to,#he kerms ofany import/export license or license ekemptian and any amendments and suppiemental additions to those irnpardexport iatvs as they tnay accur from time to time. 9.3 Taxes and Eees,Shipping Charges.License fees quoted to Licensee are exc(usive ofany and alf taxes or fees, including,birt not timited to,sales tax,use tax,vaiue-added tax(VAT),custams,duties,or tariffs,end shipping and handling charges. 9A No Implied Waivers,The failure ofeither party to enforce any provision of this License Agteement shal!nat be deemed a waiver of the provisions or of the rieht of such party ther�after to enfarce that or any other provisian. 9.5 Severability.The parties agsee that if any provision of this License Agreement is held ta be unenforceable far any reason,the remaining terms and conditions of this Gicense A�eement shall remain in full force and eff'ect. The parkies further a�ree that in such event,khe affected praw�ision(s)shail be rcformed only ta the extent necessary to make the intent of'the langua�e enforceabie. 9.6 Successar and Assigns.Licensee sha[!not assign,sublicense,ar transfer Licensee's rights or dele�;ate L.icensee's obligations under this License Agreement withuut Azteca Systems'priar written cnnsent,and any attempt ta do sa without consent shall be void.This License Agreement shall be binding on the respective successars and assi�ns oi'thc parties to this Lieense Agreement. ?3at�vithstanciing.a government cantractor under contract to the eovernment to deliver Products may assign this i.icense Agreement and Prt�ducts acquired for detivery to its government customer upon�r ritten nokice to Azteca Systems,provided the aovernment customer assents to the terms of this�.icense A�reement. 9.� Sarvival af Terms.The provisions of ArEirles 2,S,6,7,8,and 9 of ti�is License Agreement,artd th� provisions of sectian�of Acldendum 2.shalf survive the espiration or tern�inatian of this License Agreernent. 9.8 Equitable Relief.Licensee agrees that any breach of this License Agreement by Licensee may cause itreparable damage and that,in the event of such br�;acl�,in additian to any and al1 remedies at latv,Azteca Systzms sha(1 have the right t�seel:an injunctiort,specific performance,or other equitable relief in any court of' competent jurisdiction with�ut the requirement afposting a bond or praving injury as a condition foc relief. 9.9 US Covernment Licensee.7he Products are commercial items,developed at private e�pense,provided to l.icensee under this�icense A�reement. tf Licensee is a US government entiiy or US govemrrsent contractor, Azteca Systems licenses Products to Licensee in accocdance�vith ihis License Agreemenf u��der FAR SubQasts 12.211/12.?12 or Df ARS Subpart 22'7.7202.Azteca Systems Data and Orrline Services are licensed under the same subpan 2?7.7203 policy as commercial computer software for acquisitions made under DFARS.The con�mercial l'scense ri�hts in this l.icense Agreem�nt strict[y govern Licensee's use,repraduction,or disclosure of Products.Aateea Systems Sofl4vare source code is unpublished,and atl rights ta Produets are reserved by Aateca Sysiems and its liceilsars.Licensee may transfer Saft���are ta any 1'scensed aavernmeni procuring a�ency facilit} to which computer(s)on which 5oft��are is installed are transferred. Ifany caurt.arbitrator.nr board halds that t�icensee has�reater ri�hts to any portion af Products ursder applicable public procurement 1a�4,such righks shall eKtend only�ta the portions affected. 9.10 Coverning l.ava,Arbitration a. Licerr.rees in fhe Llnitec�Stntea uf��tmericu, !ts Territories, and Outl��ifig�ireas.This License A�reement shall be gavemed by and construed in accordance�vith the laws af'tt�e State of Washin�csn withottt reference to co€�flict of{aws princip}es.except that US federal la��shall gavern in matters of intellectual property.Except as provided in Section 9.8, any dispute arisin��out of or relatin�to this License Agre�ment o�the breach thereof shall be resolved in the foilowing order: ' C'Dtitittll[Itt(311 Rl1GI/1L'(;OltQ17011 f71�,OQCf'Cit1lt RITCI Ct S�3ilf(O�Itittli/QI GOO�DeI'LIItU17,� • MecEiation,by a mucuall;acceptak�le mediator chosen by the paEties,which cost is shared equaliy: • Ifd�e matter cannot be settled throu�h neg4tiaLion or mediati�n,then it shall be fnally settled by arl�itration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Moster License&Maintenance Agreement Page 7 of 14 1/Ij15 ed. � � ° AGENDA ITEM #7. b) � Rules.Judgment on ihe award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in a court ofcompetent jurisdicdon. [f Licensee is a US govemment agency,this License Agreement is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978,as amended(4l USC 601�13),in lieu of the arbitration provisions of this clause.This License Agreement shall not be govemed by the United Nations Convention on Conhacts for the International Sale of Goods,the application of which is espressly excluded. b. At!O�her Licensees.Except as provided in Section 9.8,any dispute arising out of or relating to this License Agreement or the breach thereof that cannot be settled through negotiation shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the Internatianat Chamber ofCommerce by one(1)arbid'ator appointed in accordance with said rules.The language of the arbitration shatl be English.The place of the arbitration shall be at an agreed-upon location.This License Agreement shall not be govemed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,the apptication of which is expressly excluded. Either party shall,at the request of the other,make available documents or wimesses relevant to the major aspects ofthe dispute. 9.1 I Maintenance.Maintenance for qualifying Software or Data consisu of updates and other benefits,such as access to technical support,specified in Azteca Systems'or its distributor's cunent applicable maintenance policy,as specified in Addendum#2,Maintenance Ageement& Software Term oE Use. 9.12 Feedbacl►.Azteca Systems may freely use any feedback,suggestions,or requests for Product improvements that Licensee provides to Azteca Systems. Regardless af the source of any Feedback or suggestions,any improvements to Ciryworks SoRware or Products,and any related intelfectuat property,are owned by Azteca Systems. 9.13 Pateats.Licensee may not seek,and may not permit any other user to seek,a patent or similar right worldwide that is based on or incorporates any Azteca Systems technology or services.This erpress prohibition on patenring shall not apply to Licensee's software and technology except to the extent that Azteca Systems technology or services,'or any portion thereof,are a part of any claim or prefened embodiment in a patent apptication or a similar application. 9.14 Entire Agreement.This License Agreement,including its incorporated documents,addendums,and exhibiu constitutes the sole and entire agreement of the parties as to the subject matter set forth herein and supersedes any previous license agreements,undecstandings,and aman�ernents between the parties relating to such subject matter.Additional or conflicting terms set forth in any purchase orders,invoices,or other standard form documents exchanged during the ordering process,other than product descriptions,quantities,pricing,and detivery instructions,are void and of no effect.Any modification(s)or amendment(s)to this License Agreement must be in writin�and signed by each party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective authorized representatives. AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC. City of Rent n,WA � B}�: �� �J� By: � � Name: GeorQe Mastakas Name: Denis Law .•'„\,i11?��Vl:�ii'illlr :. F RE�T�lY ::;>'' ,.•,r�;. Title: VP.Enterorise Solutions `±��4 Title: �Yor -�� � � � � �� Date: 04/23l2015 'V �� e:L I /� � = � � �� � =.� ���St: � .; �_ �%.�,���5 ,,�� Jaso A. Set , City Clerk "��J'io.... ..a.\.. .,.'q�'111 lll� 11p11t�ti�" � Mosfer ticense&Maintenance Agreement �a��S of 14 1/1/IS ed. �...�.�. � � AGENDA 1TEM #7. �) INCi.U€}lNG,BUT NOT L!MlTED TO,THE CMPC�tED WARRANTIES OF MEIZCHANTABfL1TY. FITT(ESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,NONINTERFERENCE,SYSTEM lNTEGRATION,AND NON-iNFRIIdGEMENT. AZTECA SYSTEMS DtJES NOT WARRAN7 AND pI5CLAIM5 THAT MAtNTENANCE OR ANY SERVICES PRt)ViD�d HEREUND£R WILL MEET LiCENSEE'S 1�E�DS' THAT LtCENSEE'S C3PERATIC}N WILL B£tlNlTti'�'EFiRUPTEC3,ERCLOR FREE,FAUL'I'TC}�ER.ANT,OR FAiLURE-SAF£;OE�THAT ALi�1VONC41+tFQRM1�"!ES CAN QR V4�lLl.BE CORRECTED, 5.4. Remedy. lfAateca Systems fails to fulfiti its abligaEioos under this maintenance addendum, Licensee's sole and e�cclusive remedy is the right to terrninate ihis maintenance a�reement immed+'ately for the affected and listed Products and receive a refund of the unused portian of maintenance fees paid under this maintenance agreement,prorated for the current maintenance periad. 5.5. Limitation of LiabiGty. 1N NO EVEN'i'SNALL AZTECA SYS?EMS BE LIASI.E TO LICENSEE FOR COSTS C}F PRC}CUREMENT�F SUBSTJTtJT�GC}ODS OR SERVtCES, Lt�ST AROFiTS,LC}ST SALES C1R BUStNESS�XPENI}iTURES;lNVESTMENTS;COMMITMENTS Ii�J CONlYECTEUN WITH ANY BUSINESS;LC7S5 OF ANY GOODWILL;f;}R FOR ANY INDlRECT, SPECIAL INCIDENTAL,QR CONSEQIIENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT(7F CTR RELATED TO THIS STANGARD MAtNTENANCE AGREEMENT CYR USE OF QUALtFYiNG FRODUCTS,i-iC3WEVER CAUSED.ON ANY THEORY OF LtABIL[TY,ANU WFIETHER f3R NOT AZTECA SYST�MS HAS B6�N ADVlSED QF TFlE POSSI8IL(TY C�F SltCFI DAMAG�. THESE L!MlTA1"IONS SNALL APPLY N�TWITHSTAND(1VG ANY FAILUR�OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY. 6. MISCFLLAhF.OUS 6.I. Azteca 5yst�ms shali not be in default under this A�reement for its failure to perform or its delay in performing any obiigation under this Maintenance Agreement(other than the reimhursement of fees as set forth in section 8.�?of the License a�eement,during any period of time dur'sng�ihich such deia}�is due to fire, #7ood. earthquake,strike, labnr trauble or od�er'rndustria!disturbance>war(dectared or undeclared),embargo. blockage,legal prohibition or governrnental action,riot, insurrection,dam�ge,destruction or any other cause beyond the control of Azt�ca Systems or any of its contractors preventing nr delayin�the performance of such obligation,provided that such abligatiun shatl be performed immediatety upon the terminatian of such cause preventin�or delaying such performance;and provided fui�tl�er that the sole effect of any delay by Azteca Systecns shall be a related dela}�in payment b}the[.icensee pursuant to ihe rcicvant schedule. � 6,2. Noticcs: Unti!furthcr written notice,all payments and notices relQvanz to this Agreeinent shail be sent to the follo�ving addresses: Azteca Systems: Azteca Systems, Inc. I 107�South State Street.Suite?4 Sandy.UT 8�070 Licensee The address set fartfi in section 7.1 beiaw. 6.3, Negotiateci Agreement: This Agreement is intended to be a master agreement for lice��sing.This A�eement is a neaatiated agreemeat between the parties anci supersedes and repla�es any and al!other standard terms of either party seE fosth in any quote,purchase order, invoice or communication and applies sa long as this Aereement remains in effect. The Parties hatie participated jointly in the negntiation and draftins of this Agreernent. tn the event an ambi�uity or questian of intent or interpretatian arises,this A�reement shall be construed as if drafted jointly by the Parties and no presumptian or burden of pr�of sha11 arise favoring or ciisfavoring any Party by vittue of the authorship oFany of the provisians of tfiis Agreement. Any reference to any fedecal,state.local,or Forei�n statute or law shall be deemed also to refer to all rules and regulations promul�ated there under,unless the contcxt requires otherwise. Master License&Mainfenonte Agreement Page 13 of 14 z/i/15 ed. � � � AGENDA 1TEM #7, b) - 6.�. Appiicable Laws: This maintenance agreement is govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws oFthe state identified in the License Agreement without reference to conflict-of-taws principles except that US federal la�v shall govern in matters of intellectua)property. 6.5. Data Confideatiality Statement: Azteca Systems wil[tal:e reasonable measures to ensure that any Licensee data andlor cunfidential informatwn provided to Azteca Systems is not inappropriately eccessed or dist�ibuted to any third-party. Data provided to Azceca Systems by the Licensee may be toaded onto Azteca Systems servers or employee computers for the purpose of testing The Software Cityworks,database structure. or database values,and related ESRI�software to resolve database or software performance issues,software enhancements and software defects. At no time will the data be distributed to individuals or organizations who are not Azteca Systems employees without first receiving written approval from Licensee. If requested by the Licensee,and once the tesling has been compteted,Azteca Systems will delece all data provided by the Licensee. 6.6. No Implie�l Waivers: No failure or delay by Azteca Systems or Licensee in enforcing any right or remedy under this A�reement shall be construed as a waiver of any future or other exercise of such right or remedy by Azteca Systems �. lOENTIF(CATION AND AMOUNTS 7.1. Licensee tnformation Licensee Name: City of Renton,WA License Contact: Tim Moore Number and Stre.:t 1055 South Grady Way City/State/ZiplCountry Renton,WA 98057 Phone 425-430-6881 Gmail tmoore�rentonwa.Aov 7.2. Delivery DatelEffective Date MNl/DD,'YYYY j 04/I3/2015 � 7.3. Scbedule of payments aud Fees under Mainteaance Agreement Paymcnts Support Perial Detrs Amuunt From/To(mm/dcUyy) � Pmt#1 I 04/13/2015-07/12/2015 I 510,000.(10 (temporary license is g�anted upon authorization to invoice) I Pmt#2 ! 07/13/'!OIS-04/12l2016 ( 530,004.00 (temporary liceose is converted to a � standard license upon authorization to invoice) � Pmt#3 � 04/13/2016-04l12/2017 , $60,000.00 ( Pmt#4 � 04/13/2017-04/12/2018 � �60,000.00 � Pmt#5 � 04/13/2018-04/12/Z019 � Sb0,000.Od 7.4. jAdditioaal� Master Llcense&Mainienance Agreemenf Page 14 of 14 1/1/15 ed. � AGENDA 1TEM #7, b) previous annual fee. Azteca Systems will notify Gicensee of the new pricin�no later than 40 days priar to tfre annual cenewal date af Ehe year precedin�the year for which sueh adjusted pricintr appiies. 3.3. in addition to chaFges due under this Support Agreement,C.icensee shall pay amounts equal to any sales tax,duties,or alher cansumption taxes,however designated,which are levied or based upon such charges. or upon khis Maintenance Agreement. 3.4. Azteca will use all reasona6(e efforts to utilize remote support-ty�pe services. However,in the event Licensee and Azceca Systems agree it becarnes necessary for Azteca Systeins to be an-site to prov'rde support for the Cavered Sofiware,t.icense�wiEt reimburse Azteca Systems far reasonable and customary craveC expenses directty related to ihe an-site work,As Ehe resuit of mcitua!ne�otiation by the parties,Azteca Systenis shafl provide a lump sum estimate and get the prior apprnva!af Licensee before incurring any costs Far�vhich it shall seek reimbursement fram Licensae under chis Section. The speed at which remote Azteca Systems staff can r�spond may be limited by the driving time or the airline fili�hts that are available. Licensee shali have the right ta request an audit of any such cost reiated recocds of Azteca Systems to the extent rein�bursement has been made by Licensee under the terms of this Section. 4. T�R141 AIVD T�RMIIVATIQN: , 4.1. The init'sal term of this Maintenance and Suppart Agreement wi11 begi��upon the eCfective date set Corth in sectian 7.�beia�v,�nd conkinue for twelve(12)consecutive months at the rate of fee(s)as noted in sectian 73 below. Thereafter,Licensee may continue maintenance as set farth in the table belotv and beyond at tlie then-current amount, 4.2. Tern�ination far convenience: Either parky may kern�inake this maintenance a�reernent by giving tiie other party thirty{30}days'notice prior to the end af the current maintenance period. 4.3. In the event tliat either Funding ffom[.icensee or other saurces is wiihdrawn,redviced,ar lirrtited,or the authority of Licensee ta perfocn7 any of its dutics is withdrawn,ceduced,or lirnited in arsy way after tlze CfFective Date ofthis Agreement and priar to normal completion,the partias shall have the authority to e�ercise the Termination for Convenience nption ta terminate khis Agreement,in whole or in part. tf a party ta this A;recment chooses to t�:rminate for canvenience ttiat party may do so by thirty(30�days'writien natice to the other party. 4.4, if this A,reem�nt is terminated far convenience.the t�icensee is only liable for payment required by� the terms c�f this Aaresment for services rendered or softrvare received and accepEed p��ior ta tl�e Effective Date ofterminatian. � 5. WAR1tANTY,UISCLAIMEtt REMEDY,AIYD LIMIT'AT10!V OF L1ABlLlTY 5.1. Azteca Systems wan-ants that all technical suppart provided pursuant t�this Maintenance Asreement shall be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner. Azteca Systems will use cnmmercially reasonable efforts to provide canectians to a technicat iss�ie or prnvide a workaraund,hut Azteca SVste�ns canaot guarant�e that a1i technica!issues can be fixed or resoEved. 5?. With respect tn tha services provided h�reunder and to the extent perttiitted by applicable law�this warranty is in lieu ofall ather�varranties,wl�ether written or oral,express or implied,including without limiting the�enerality ofthe foregaing,any warranty of non-infringement,merchantability or fitness far a particular purpose. 5.3. EXCEPT FOR THE AB(3VE EXPRESS Li141ITED WARRANTY,AZ"i'ECA SYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ALL OTI-EER WARRANTtES dF ANY KtND,ElTHER EXPRESS dR tMPLiED, Master Lirense&Maintenance Agreement Page 12 of 14 i/1/1s ed. _ �� AGENDA ITEM #7, b) - the Licensee of the Covered Soflware,including but not limited to neglect,abuse,unuuthorized modification,unauthoriud updates or electrical,fire,water or other damage;and (� Consulting regardin�Custom Applications created to function with the Covered Software unless the Custom Application is identified and listed as Covered Software in Addendum 1. 1.4. Suppon Periods aze renewable unless terminated as provided in Section 4 below. The Maintenance Services consists of software and documentation updates ftnd access to technical support via telephone,email, �veb-based(MyCityworks.cam)and after hours support as set forth in Section I of this addendum.The Licensee will provide Arteca Systems in writing the names of the users or individuals who are authorized to contact Azteca Systems and request support services if necessary. 2. PROCEDURES FOR ACCESSING SUPPORT: 2.1. All problem categories from routine,non-critical and critical that occur during normat business hours shall procedurally occur as fol lows: l j Licensee's system administration staff as first line of support,and then 2) Azteca Systems staff as the second line of support. Azteca Systems will mal:e all reasonable effocts to acknowled�e all requests for support during normal business hours within 4 hours. 2.2. Prior to callinb Azteca Systems for support services,the Licensee wili first attempt to isolate any pro6lems that occur with the System.The Licensee will try to reduce the problem down to a specific software or system componenL If it is determined that the problem is The Cityworks Sofrware component,Licensee�vill first try and resolve the problem without Azteca Systems'involvement. If the Licensee cannot resolve the problem or isolate the prablem.Licensee�vill call Azteca Systems directly. 2.3. For critical problems that occur outside of Azteca Systems'normal business hours(8 AM to 5 PM, Mountain Time)and cannot be isolated and resolved by the Licensee,Azteca Systems will provide an after- hours phone number or pa�er number that w•ill forward the call or page to the currently assigned Azteca Systems support staff.Azteca Systems will make all reasonable efforts to acl:nowledge and respond to the request for support For critical problems that occur outside of normal business hours widiin 4 hours of receipt of the call from a designated and authorized Licensee representative. Critica!problems are defined as problems that cause sevecal users to be unable to perfarm their duties. Depending upon the type of problem,Azteca Systems suppon staff may need to be sent from Azteca Systems offices to die Licensee(ocation.Azteca Systems project management will confer with l.ieensee's representative or project managemenl beFore making this decision. 1'he speed at Hhich remote Aneca Systems staff can respond may be limited by the driving time or the sirline flights that are available. The Licensee will reimburse Azteca Systems for all reasonable and customary travel eYpenses associated�vith resalving the problem(pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3.4). For routine and non-critical problems Licensee will submit support requests during nortnal busincss hours. 2.�. For all problems involving The Cityworks Software component that are resalved.vithout Azteca Systems' involvement,the Licensee will document the problem and the resolution and send a report to Azteca Systems so that it can be tracked monitored,and historically recorded 3. CHARGES/FEES 3.1. For services hereunder,Licensee shall pay Azteca Systems an annual fee Niaintenance Fees as set foKh in parngraph 7.3 below. The annual fee for each period is set forth in paragraph'73,and shall be paid prior to the start for each Maintenance Period untess otherwise specified. The annua)fee for successive Maintenance Periods(twelve-month periods)commencing upon the anniversary of the first maintenance period,shall become due prior to the end of the preceding paid-ap Maintenance Period. 3?. Upon 90 days written notice,the fee for Maintenance Periods listed in section 7.3 subsequent tu year three(3)of the Maintenance Period,may be adjusted by Azteca Systems to reflect increases in costs of providing the services;provided,however,that the fee shall not increase by more than the CPi from the Moster License&Mainteaance Agreement Page 11 of 14 1/i/is ed. i ..__ AGEIVDA ITEM #7. b) ADnF.NDUI�[2 MA[NTENANCE AGREEMENT& SOFTWA,RE TERM�C1F USE This Standard Maintenance Agreement is between the Licensee named below"Licensee"and Azteca,Systems. tnc. Maintenance provided herein co�lsists oftechnica!support,netiv versiooi soBware,hot fixes,patches.and software ' updates.Maintenance is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the signed License Aaz'eeme[tt�ttd�vlticlt is incnrparated by reference. I. MAINTENAI�iCE; Azteca Syste�tts will provide update ancl maintenance support services to Licensee for the times and periads and arnounts specified in section 7.3 below. Maintenance suppoR services consists af updates ta Soft;�are Cityworks and Retated Materials,documentaticrn updates and access to tetephane support,email support,web support,and other beneEits deeaned appropriate by Azteca Systems as pravided for in the MainEenance Aareeinent. 1.1. The services to be pravid�d during the Maintenance Periad inclucie Azteca Systems Product Updates to Azieca System's Citywarks applications including Program 1=ires,Pra�rani Upgrades and Pro��ram Niodifications(not Custom Applications), Azteca Systems will ensure upward cornpatibility for the Saft�vare applications within a reasonabie timeframe for minor and major ESRI�ArcGIS and Cityivorks supported data6ases revisions. If identified as"Covered Software."Azteca Systems wilt ensure upward campatibility within a reasonable timeframe for Custom Applications when ti�ere are minor ArcGIS and Citywarls suppocied databases revisians(for example,from rev t0.1 to rev 10.2). Azteca Systerns�vilf not ensure uQ�vard compatibitity for Custom Applications wl�en there are major ESRI Arcf.,i5 and Citywarks supported databases revisions(for example,from rev 10.Y to rev i t.:;}, Azteca Systems witi make atl reasonable effarts to provide uptivard campatibility. 1.2. Azieca Systems shall,without additional charge(except as alloived for in paragraph 3.4,during the tern�af lhis SupporC A�reement: (a) Withot�t limitin�any otlier obli�ation hereunder.make all reasanable efforts tc�provide those Program �'i�es, if any,that are necessary to assure Che Covered Saftware is funcCioning properfy; provided L.icensee provides Azteca�ystems with written notice specit'ying particuiarity in narrative,nan-technical terms to the hesT of Licensees'staff s abitity the apparent error in the system and the manner in which ttte 5oft���are is not functioning properly{as pr�vided in Scctior�2 ofthis Addendum);and (b) Deliver to Licensce any Pro;ram L'pgrades relating to khc Covered Software made avail<zble to od�ers. (c} Provide Telephane Support,Email Support, VJeb Suppart,durin�nonnat business 17ours, 8 AM tt�S PM Mauntain"l ime.Monday tlirou�ll Fr"rday(e�cep#in�Holidays}and aRzr hour emer�;e��cy support line,and other benefits deen�ed ap�ropriate by Azteca Systems(as set farth 'sn Section 2 below). (d) (mplen7ent and maintain a mcans of secure,remote direct network access(VI�N, Web-access,dial- up,ete.)to the Licensee's systems in order ta perform thoraugh r�mote dia�.!nastics and efPect remote repairs,upgrades,and fi�es. i.3. The follotivin�itenzs,amon�others,however,are specifically excluded as suppart services under this section c�f this Mainte�ance Atireemeot: (a) tnterpretation of program results, 'sncluding but nat linaited to suppart for applyin�or installi��� up��rades and service packs; (b) Assistance with questions related to comguter hardware and peripherals tliat are not related ta the use of the Covered Software; (c} Assistance with computer aperatinp system questions not directly pertinent to the Co�ered Saftware ar Pro�ram Madifications; (d) Data debugginb andior correcting: (e) Services necessitated as a result of any cause odier than authori�ed ordinary and praper use by I Moster ticense&Maintenonce Agreement Page 10 of 14 1/3lss ed. { � AGENDA ITEM #7, b) � � ADDENDUM#1 PRODUCT LtCENSING—SOFTWARE USE TO THE MASTER SOFTWARE LICENSE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Licensed Sofh��are: Citvworks Server AMS Standard Enterprise License: Ualimited licenses of Citvworlcs Server AMS.Local Government Temalates(LGT1,Storeroom,Eauiament Managcr, Micra�aver Interface,CCTV Interface,Contracts,Citti�works Analvtics,the use of the API's for 3rd aartv Cityworks-centric applications,and Server AMS Mobile Apps for i05 and Android. Addi[iosa!Snjlwure Lfceuses: Addl�lona!Suftware/ice�rses may be Qcensed and ofirerided Iu lhis Ucense Agreei�rcn�witli acknowledgenrent ojan o�cinl Cltyworks quot�signed by Llce�rsee and additiana!jee.�,if necessary,paid. � Additional Software � Iaitial . __ I ( � � � � ( -- ._____�.__ � Master ticense&Maintenonce Agreemen[ Page 9 of 14 i/i/is rd. • AGENDA 1TEM #7. c) , _. �rr� crTY oF ___._._... �r1�C)�'1 �` . , . � , , . , SUBJECT/TITLE: Contract Award for Bid Opening on 8/4/2015; CAG-15-149; Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 . . . , . .._�...._.........::.....: . . „� ._.....::.. .. Expenditure Re_quired: $?S2,904:32 Transfer Amendmient: $NjA Amount Budgeted: $ 900,000 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget $NI�►_�;;y � Citjr Share T+�t�l�ro�ect: $NJ� _ , � • � � • Engineers Estimate: $759,930 In accordance with Council procedure, bids submitted at the subject bid opening met the following thee criteria: • There was more than one bid. • The low bid was within the project budget. • There were no irregularities with the lowest responsive bid. Staff recommends acceptance of the lowest responsive bid by Insituform Technologies, LLC, in the amount of $752.904.32 for the Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project. : A. Staff Recommendation B. Bid Tab � � ' • � � • Accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Insituform Technologies, LLC, in the amount of$752,904.32 for the Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project. w AGENDA 1TEM #7. c) - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT p �o ��� j�{�' �� �SI�sO� =;i��• M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 4, 2015, CITypFR�NTON T0: Jason Seth,City Clerk FROM: lohn Hobson, Wastewate� Utility,x7279 � AUG p � 2��� SUBIECT: Bid Award for CAG-15-149 RECE►VEp CtTI'CLERK'S OFFJCE Cascade tnterceptor Rehabilitation Phase II The Public Works Department has reviewed the bids that were submitted for the Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project and we recommend that the bid be awarded to Insituform Technologies, LLC. We are requesting that an agenda bill for Council Concur be p�epared for the August 10, 2015,Counci) Meeting. The bid apening was on Tuesday,August 4, 2015. There were three bids received. The low bidder was Insituform Technologies, LLC.with a bid of$752,904.32. There were no errors in any of the bids. The project budget amount for the Central Renton Sewer interceptor Reline&Upsize project(426.465507) is$900,000. The low bid for the Cascade interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project is within the amaunt approved in the 2015 budget for this project. The project will rehabilitate 4,784 feet of existing concrete sewer with Cured-in-Place- Pipe(CIPP) and 20 manholes with a spray-on coating system. Attachment: Bid Tab cc: Gregg Zimmerman,PW Administretor Lys Hornsby,Utiliry Systems Director Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Supervisor H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03831 Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II�Award Info�Award-Clerk- Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase Il.doc�lDHtp a • CITY OF RENTON AGENDA ITEM #7�e� BID TABULATION SHEET Project:Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II CAG-15-149 Date:08/04/15 FORMS Bid Total from Bidder Prop L&I Bid Schedule Schedule of Prices Trpl Form Cert Bond of Prices *Includes Sales Tax Insituform Technologies,LLC 17988 Edison Av 1 Chesterfield x x x x $752,904.32 MO 83006 Whittney Schulte Michels Corporation 1715 16th Av SE x x x x $794,500.25 2 Salem OR 97302 Scott 0'Dell Planned and Engineered Construction, Inc 3400 Centennial Drive 3 Helena x x x x $809,040.75 MT 59601 Chris Peccia Engineer's Estimate $759,930 • AGENDA ITEM #7. d) �`.'.ICITY CF � � ����� . � . � � � � � SUBJECT/TITLE: Contract Award for Bid Opening on 8/4/2015; CAG-15-148; Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements Project RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: lason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 . • . Expenditure Requirecl: $�t44,005 Transfer Amendmeitt: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 625,000 Revenue Generated: $ N/A . ; Totat Project Bu�iget:` $t�/A - ; , City Share Totaf,Project: � . $NjA � � � � � • Engineers Estimate: $525,005.00 • In accordance with Council procedure, bids submitted at the subject bid opening met the following thee criteria: • There was more than one bid. • The low bid was within the project budget. • There were no irregularities with the lowest responsive bid. Staff recommends acceptance of the lowest responsive bid by Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$444,005.00 for the Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements project. : A. Staff Recommendation B. Bid Tab � � • • � � • Accept the Iowest responsive bid submitted by Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$444,005.00 for the Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements project. A GENDA ITEM #7, d) � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � o � ��0� � M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 5, 2015 T0: Jason Seth, City Clerk FROM: Ron Straka, Surface Water Utility Engineering Manager, x7248 SUBJECT: Bid Award Recommendation for the Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements Project, SWP-27-3617 The bid opening for the Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements project, SWP-27- 3617, was held on August 4, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. Seven bids were received. The engineer's estimate for the project construction cost is$525,005. The low bidder for the project is Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$444,005. The Surface Water Utility reviewed the low bid for completeness, inclusion of all required forms, bid bond, and mathematical correctness of the bid. All paperwork for the low bid is in order. One bidder had a minor math error as a result of incorrectly adding the individual bid items to come up with the bid total. The corrected bid amounts did not change the order of the bids. The corrections are listed below: � Bidder � Original Bid � Corrected Bid � I Shoreline Construction, Co. I $496,195.00 I $495,495.00 The low bid meets the following conditions for award: 1. The low bid must be within the total project budget; 2. There must be more than one bidder; and 3. The lowest, responsible, responsive bid contains no significant irregularities. The project will replace two failed stormwater outfalls with a single outfall that discharges to Maplewood Creek(see attached map). Both outfalls convey runoff from the Heather powns Subdivision to the east down a steep ravine to Maplewood Creek. The project was awarded a $200,000 flood reduction grant for construction from the King County Flood Control District. Project improvements include: • Construction, surveying, staking, as-builts and replacing survey monuments. • Traffic control and installing and maintaining erosion control. • Installing approximately 40 feet of 16-inch and 45 feet of 24-inch butt fused HDPE storm pipe down a steep ravine to Maplewood Creek including pipe anchors. • AGENDA 1TEM #7. d) Mr.Seth,City Clerk Page 2 of 2 August 5,2015 • Installing approximately 315 feet of 12-inch, 275 feet of 15-inch and 215 feet of 18-inch CPEP storm pipe and 245 feet of ductile iron storm pipe in Chelan Avenue SE between SE 2"d Place and SE 4th Place. • Installing 10 Type I catch basins and four Type II -48" catch basins. • Installing 54-inch diameter HDPE energy dissipator outfall structure including placement of approximately 20 tons of rip rap and 150 square yards of geotextile fabric along the ravine slope. • Removal and replacement of asphalt concrete pavement, asphalt overlay, concrete curbs and gutters. • Landscape and property restoration. • Trench excavation, including removal of existing unsuitable material, stockpiling excavated material, and maintenance of existing utilities. The project is funded from the approved 2015 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget for the Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements Project (427.475480). Project construction is partially funded by a $200,000 flood reduction grant fund from the King County Flood Control District that was approved by Council on March 9, 2015. There are sufficient funds in the 2015 Capital Improvement Program budget to fund the project. The Surface Water Utility, therefore, recommends that this item be placed on the August 10, 2015 consent agenda for Council concur. Staff further recommends that Council award the construction contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$444,005. Attached for your reference is the bid tabulation showing the engineer's estimate, the low bid, and the other bids submitted. Please contact me or Allen Quynn at x7247, if you have any questions. Attachments cc: Gregg Zimmerman,Public Works Administrator Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Division Director Allen Quynn,Surface Water Utility Engineer C:\Users\mgregor\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.0utlook\3FORGSD\080415 CLERK- Bid-Award-Maplewood Creek.doc�AQtp � � � i i � '.—�.'—i���.�..r�i. � r � � � ^,.. _�� � � , �- � �_z F� � _� . '"' t _�t a._�___., �� � � � � �� � ,�- �,,,_-.,�';,� ,t,�_ � ,_-_— � . ..�_._...._____...� �.�'.�.�.v .1_�� 1 � � . � (--�--� � . � � _ , � �� � � ' } ' ; i —.,� ,�., � ���, f ��.� .!,`_— , �-----�t 'o _ _. w.,f � � � ,� ,� . £ � __ j �" �.�, r' �� � � [ ,+�,�`� � � ` � � � .� , � ' � j � ' � _,. � �..��,m._ � � r � �� � � , ,,� � - - - - � � : � � �.�,-. � ,�--�-�--,�- � ��. � � , , �. .�...�.��_ � ..m.,�.....___ �-- __� .__ � ,� _ ,_._ — —..� �"ti,- �y i � , + ___. �; , .� _�' 1 r �"�.-- �.�— � i .� �' �� ' .� ^ i � �� ;{,_..._�""�—^�� — x � 1 — f a `�� . 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' CITY OF RENTON AGENDA ITEM #71�l� BID TABULATION SHEET Project: Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements Project CAG-15-148 Date:08/04/15 FORMS Bid Total from Bidder Prop I L&I I Bid I Sched. I Receipt I Sub Cont Schedule of Prices Trpl Form Cert Bond of Prics of Add List *Includes Sales Tax DPK, Inc 7829 South 206th Street X X X X X X $507,507.00 1 Kent WA 98032 David Kiyohara Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. 6622112th St East X X X X X X $444,005.00 2 Puyallup WA 98373 Steve Olson R.L. Alia Company 107 Williams Av S X X X X X X $459,775.00 3 Renton WA 98057 Richard Alia R.W.Scott Construction,Co. 4005 West Valley Highway,Suite A X X X X X X $589,895.00 4 Auburn Wa 98001 Jeff Scott Engineer's Estimate $525,005.00 CITY OF RENTON AGENDA ITEM #7��l� � BID TABULATION SHEET Project: Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements Project CAG-15-148 Date:08/04/15 FORMS � Bid Total from Bidder Prop I L&I I Bid I Sched. I Receipt I Sub Cont� Schedule of Prices Trpl Form Cert Bond of Prics of Add List *Includes Sales Tax Road Construction Northwest, Inc. P.O. Box 188 X X X X X X $536,730.00 5 Renton WA 98057 Peter Kenney Shoreline Construction,Co. P.O. Box 358 X X X X X X $496,195.00 6 Woodinville WA 98072 Douglas Suzuki WHH Nisqually Federal Services, LLC. 950 Pacific Avenue,Suite 620 X X X X X X $515,957.00 Tacoma 7 WA 98402 John Kirk Engineer's Estimate $525,005.00 • AGENDA ITEM #7. e) -���~�c�Tv o� ''R /�� � ����� . , . � � , , � SUBJECT/TITLE: Making Junk Vehicles and Unlawful Storage,etc.,of Solid Waste Civil Infractions RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Community& Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Donna Locher, Lead Code Compliance Inspector EXT.: 7438 . . . . :�.. . . ., ,. ... . _. Expenditure Requiretl: $� _ 7ransfer Am�ndrnent: $0 Amount Budgeted: $0 Revenue Generated: $ N/A , . Tota!Project Bur��et: ;;; . , $U , ,,: ,, _. City Share Tc��ai�"ro�ect: $N/A ..., . e:�:...._.. .. � � • � • The City's Code Compliance department receives numerous comp�aints and requests for action from residents and businesses regarding abandoned vehicles or illegal storage of non-operable vehicles and of unlawful storage, disposal, scavenging and hauling of solid wastes throughout Renton. This amended ordinance adds these instances to make them a violation of 6-1-3 and 8-1-4 Civil Infractions and correcting associated regulations. : A. Draft Ordinance � � ' • � � • Approve the revised ordinance. AGENDA ITEM #7. e) � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 1-3-1, 1-3-2 AND 1-3-3 OF CHAPTER 3, REMEDIES AND PENALTIES, OF TITLE I (ADMINISTRATIVE), SECTION 6-1-3 OF CHAPTER 1, JUNK VEHICLES OR ABANDONMENT OF VEHICLES, OF TITLE VI (POLICE REGULATIONS), AND SECTION 8-1-4, UNLAWFUL STORAGE, DEPOSIT, DISPOSAL, SCAVENGING, AND HAULING OF SOLID WASTE, OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, BY MAKING VIOLATIONS OF 6-1-3 AND 8-1-4 CIVIL INFRACTIONS AND CORRECTING ASSOCIATED REGULATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 1-3-1.A.1, of section 1-3-1, Criminal Penalties, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Commit any act declared by any of the provisions of the Renton Municipal Code to be unlawful criminal conduct, or any unlawful criminal act for which there is no stated penalty, or who shall fail to comply therewith; or SECTION II. Subsection 1-3-2.A.1, Code Violations, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Code Violations: Violations of RMC Chapters 4-2 (Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards), 4-3 (Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, except as it relates to Adult Retail and Entertainment), 4-4 (City-Wide Property Development Standards), 4-5 (Building and Fire Prevention Standards, except as it relates to multi-family homes), 4-6 (Street and Utility Standards), 4-9 (Permits 1 � AGENDA 1TEM #7. e) ORDINANCE NO. — Specific), 4-10 (Legal Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots), 5-5 (Business licenses), 6-1 (Junk Vehicles or Abandonment of Vehicles). 8-1 (Garba�el. 8-2 (Storm And Surface Water Drainage), 8-4 (Water), 8-5 (Sewers), 8-7 (Noise Level Regulations), 9-8 (Sidewalk Construction) and 9-10 (Street Excavations), shall be considered civil code violations under this Section. SECTION III. Subsection 1-3-3.B.19.g.ii, Dumping, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: ii. Dumping: Any violation of p""� � ''^ � �';*+^� '^ o^�'-�`, RMC 6-14-16 (Dropping Lit#er from Air Craft), onnr c �Q �nnn �i c++,,.�n,.�� �nn� Q � n b� M�M L.14,�,'i�� C.,I'.J \A/�r+�,\� � r , RCW 70.95.240 (Unlawful to dump or deposit solid waste without permit — Penalties — Litter cleanup restitution payment), and any applicable rule or regulation; SECTION IV. Subsection 6-1-3.J, Penalties, of Chapter 1, Junk Vehicles or Abandonment of Vehicles, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: J. Penalties: Any person violating subsection A of this Section shall be guilty of a mis�emeaner. Renal�ies fer 'ai�Tiiviai�vrr` ^�—.�-a,=r`T�,r+m��^.�,�v:�:5;v^,=r�—i-,�-`er�'„'� ��ie~ ��:�!! Se in asser� wi��i °��� 3 � civil infraction, and subiect to the penatties of RMC 1-3-2, as it currently exists or is hereafter amended. 2 , AGENDA ITEM #7. e) - ORDINANCE N0. SECTION V. Subsection 8-1-4.0 of section 8-1-4, Unlawful Storage, Deposit, Disposal, Scavenging, and Hauling of Solid Waste, of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 0. Any violation of this Section shall be a ��«'^�^��~�~ �� a�F:~�a "., o�`"' �^.'�.� civil infraction, and subiect to the nenalties of RMC 1-3-2, as it currently exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION VI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1874:7/28/15:scr 3 � AGENDA ITEM #7. t� .I'"".. _ � CtTY OF �r1�C�r1 � . , . � , , . � SUBJECT/TITLE: Compensate Brianne Gastfield as a Development Engineering Manager at Step E of Grade m33 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Community& Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: C. E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator EXT.: 6588 . . . Expenditure Requ'tred: $ 105,804 Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 105,804 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Totai Project Budget: $N/A City Share Totaf,,Pr,v�ec�: $N/A ,>,.,A , . .�., .,� . . . � • • • � � Brianne is a talented professional with over eleven years of experience working as a Principal for an Engineering Consulting firm. Brianne holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from University of Washington. In addition, she holds a Professional Engineer(PE) license. Through the interview process, Brianne stood out as the best candidate for the Development Engineering Manager position. If hired, she would bring to the City of Renton an experienced employee who would provide quality service to the community. Brianne will replace Steve Lee who resigned in June. Steve was budgeted at Step E for the 2015 budget year. This request for Brianne creates no additional increase in the Development Engineering Manager Salaries and Wages line item. It is our opinion that we will not be able to find an individual more suited by background, skills, and abilities to fill this position than Brianne Gastfield. Therefore, we are recommending that the City Council authorize the Administration to compensate the candidate for this position, Brianne Gastfield, at Step E of Grade m33, effective September 1, 2015. None � ' • �� • The Administration recommends that it be authorized by Council to compensate Brianne Gastfield as a Development Engineering Manager at Step E of Grade m33 effective, September 1, 2015. � AGENDA ITEM #7. g) � � CITY OF �'r1�0►�'1 � . . . , , . . , SUBJECT/TITLE: Renew Professional Services Agreement with Cayce &Grove for Public Defense Services RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer EXT.: 6500 . •. , . , _ , Expenditure Required: $423,626 ` Transfer Amendment: $NjA Amount Budgeted; $410,000 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Totat Profect Budget: . ,. -$N,(A. ...._,w ,. City Share Total Pco�ect $N/A. . � • • � • The City of Renton currently contracts with Cayce & Grove to provide indigent public defense representational services for qualifying defendants in Renton's Municipal Court system. The firm has provided these services to the City for a number of years. Since 2012, the City, Cayce &Grove, and many other stakeholders have worked with the Washington State Office of Public Defense to develop a caseload management system that meets Supreme Court mandated requirements from September 2012. The City's most recent contract with Cayce &Grove incorporated a flat monthly rate as a method of compensation, based on an estimated annual caseload of 1,800 cases, rather than speculate on what method or policies the State would mandate for a "weighted system" of compensation. In the 18 months of the current contract, the actual number of cases referred to Cayce &Grove has been very close to the 1,800 annual estimate. The city has been very satisfied with the public defense services provided by Cayce & Grove. The negotiated 3-year contract for services includes a phased adjustment in the cost per case, to bring the compensation more in line with the market. Cayce &Grove will continue to provide atl current representational services, and compensation will be as follows: • Between July 2015 and June 2016,C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at$245.16 per case and 200 cases at $220 per case,or$36,354.67 per month. • Between July 2016 and June 2017, C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at$264.77 per case and 200 cases at$220 per case, or$38,969.71 per month. • Between July 2017 and June 2018,C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at$278.01 per case and 200 cases at $220 per case,or$40,734.47 per month. If, in any fiscal year of the contract,the appointments fall between below 1,800 but above 1,600,the city will deduct $220 per case and amortize the credit over the next 12 months of contract invoices. In the final year of the contract, any credit due the city for cases paid but not appointed,the city will deduct from the last payment of the contract. : A. Agreement for Services AGENDA ITEM #7, g) - � � • �� • Approve the contract with Cayce &Grove Inc., PS., for public defense services and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. � � AGENDA ITEM #7. g) • � AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This agreement is being entered into this_day of , 2015, by and between the City of Renton, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as City, and Cayce & Grove Inc., PS., hereinafter referred to as Cayce &Grove, in consideration of the mutual benefits, terms and conditions herein after specified. 1) Term.The term of this Agreement shall be for three years from the date the Agreement is signed; subject, however, to the Section entitled "Termination." 2) Duties and Responsibilities a) Representational Services, defined as: i) Lawyer services and appropriate support staff services; investigation and appropriate sentencing advocacy and referral to social work services; and legat services, including but not limited to interviews of clients and potential witnesses; legal research; preparation and filing of pleadings; issuance of subpoenas (but not personal service of process); negotiations with the appropriate prosecutor and court regarding possible dispositions; in-custody hearings prior to appointment (regardless of whether the hearing results in appointment); and preparation for and appearance at all court proceedings for defendants who have the public defender appointed by the Renton Municipal Court to represent them.The Public Defender is expected to: (1) Be available for contact by assigned defendants within one business day after assignment (2) Be available to appear in Renton Municipal Court with in-custody defendants within 24 hours of booking into the Renton jail facility on Renton Municipal Court Charges (not including weekend days and City holidays). (3) Provide to the Court, the Renton Police Department and the City Jail Administrator telephone number(s) where (s)he can be reached for"critical stage" advice to defendants charged with a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor during the police investigation and arrest processes. ii) Counseling with defendants when appointed as public defender by the Renton Municipal Court. It is the City of Renton's responsibility to furnish attorney-client meeting space for Cayce &Grove. iii) Interviews, research, request and review of discovery, preparation for trial, consultation with agencies or experts, drafting of pleadings or other work essential to providing ordinary legal representation for defendants from receipt of Order Appointing Public Defender. AGENDA ITEM #7. g) � Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove,Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 2 of 7 iv) If the defendant being represented remains incarcerated, Cayce & Grove agrees to conduct such in-person interviews as may be necessary at the South Correctional Entity(SCORE). v) All appeals by Cayce & Grove of municipal court decisions to superior court or other state or federal appellate courts of cases handled at the trial level by Cayce &Grove. vi) Attendance at regularly scheduled roundtable meetings unless excused by the City's Chief Administrative Officer, as convened to monitor workload and costs, and improve City services and court operations. b) Coverage. Cayce & Grove is expected to provide attorney services for appointed clients at the following Renton Municipal Court events:jail calendar daily Monday through Friday; 30 minutes prior to court proceedings starting on arraignment calendar, available to consult with defendants charged in Renton Municipal Court with a crime, and available for follow-up in office hours. Motion/trial calendar three days per week; readiness calendar one day per week; review calendar one day per week; warrant walk- in calendar one day per week and jury trials as scheduled weekly. c) Supplemental Services, defined as: i) All appeals of municipal court decisions to superior court or other state or federal appellate courts of cases by City or not handled at the trial level by Cayce &Grove. City shall reimburse transcript preparation and other reasonable costs associated with such appeals. ii) Provision of extraordinarily complex or numerous public defense matters, but only upon the prior authorization for such supplemental services. Extraordinary complexity may be determined by the Renton Municipal Court upon written motion by Cayce & Grove. Fees for extraordinary complexity shall be mutually agreed upon by Cayce &Grove and the Court Services Director. If no agreement can be reached, the provisions in the "Method of Compensation" section shall control. d) Withdrawal of Public Defender i) Cayce &Grove's representation of indigent defendants, and obligation under this contract ceases at the time of withdrawal or substitution. ii) Cayce & Grove will withdraw, subject to order of the court at the time of client's failure to appear or at sentencing or other final order such as deferral or continuance for dismissal. Cayce &Grove may withdraw at other times appropriate under Professional Rules. � • AGENDA ITEM #7, g) Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove, Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 3 of 7 e) Services Not Included i) Cayce & Grove will respond to Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in-custody telephone calls during regular business hours only and shall not be obliged with reference to any other defendant-generated calls prior to their assignment as counsel in the given case or defendants already assigned to Cayce & Grove and in custody, reasonable and necessary telephone access acceptance of collect calls will be provided by Cayce &Grove. ii) Cayce & Grove will have no general obligation to appear at arraignments, bail hearings, or public defender appointment procedures unless the defendant is currently appointed to Cayce &Grove on the charge that requires the defendant's appearance. If future court rules require the public defender's appearances at these proceedings, the City and Cayce &Grove will re-negotiate the compensation for additional appearances. 3) Method of Compensation a) Cayce &Grove will be compensated for representational services as follows: • Between July 2015 and June 2016, C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at $245.16 per case and 200 cases at$220 per case, or$36,354.67 per month. • Between July 2016 and June 2017, C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at $264.77 per case and 200 cases at$220 per case, or$38,969.71 per month. • Between July 2017 and June 2018, C&G will be compensated for 1600 cases at $278.01 per case and 200 cases at$220 per case, or$40,734.47 per month. If, in any fiscal year of the contract, the appointments fall between below 1,800 but above 1,600, the city will deduct$220 per case and amortize the credit over the next 12 months of contract invoices. In the final year of the contract, any credit due the city for cases paid but not appointed, the city will deduct from the last payment of the contract. b) Supplemental Legal Services. All supplemental legal services will be performed only upon motion and approval by the Renton Municipal Court. Compensation for supplemental legal services will be at the prevailing rate for services provided by attorneys of comparable experience. However, the basis of compensation may be some other hourly rate, as agreed upon and shall be determined on the same basis as fees for prosecution for the same matters. c) Non-routine case expenses. The City shall pay for non-routine case expenses when requested by Cayce &Grove and approved by the Renton Municipal Court from funds available for that purpose. Non-routine case expenses include, but are not limited to: • Medical and psychiatric evaluations; AGENDA 1TEM #7, g) • Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove, Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 4 of 7 • Expert witness fees and expenses; • Investigation expenses outside preliminary review and witness interview; • Any other non-routine expense that the Renton Municipal Court finds necessary and proper for the investigation, preparation and presentation of a case. d) Conflict Attorneys i) Cayce & Grove shall maintain a written policy explaining how conflict of interest is defined, and identify conflicts as quickly as possible. This identification is controlled in part by the receipt of the discovery by the city attorney's office. Optimally, to avoid delays in court and well as attorney guidance, discovery should be provided to the conflict attorney along with the notice of appointment. ii) When Cayce & Grove determines they have been appointed to represent a defendant whom they cannot represent because of a conflict of interest; who is currently facing charges and could subsequently become a witness for the City on a separate charge; or due to other professional rules of conduct resulting in ineligibility; Cayce &Grove must notify the court and request withdrawal from the assignment. iii) The defendant shall then be referred to the court for reassignment to an attorney contracting with the City to provide Public Defender Services in conflict situations at no cost to Cayce & Grove. Such attorney will be compensated according to his or her agreement with City. No payment will be made to Cayce &Grove for work they performed on cases subsequently identified as conflicts. 4) Designation of Responsible Attorney a) The attorney with overall responsibility for legal services under this Agreement shall be Tricia R. Grove of Cayce & Grove. Other attorneys working for Cayce & Grove may be assigned to work on legal matters if properly licensed and insured at the direction of Cayce &G rove. b) The responsible attorney shall: i) Oversee training, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of attorneys. ii) Provide staff and support services as necessary to enable the effective provision of legat services. iii) Limit Private Practice.Attorneys responsible for performing services under this contract will limit his or her private practice to the number of hours that will not conflict with this contract. Assigned attorneys from Cayce &Grove shall each year provide a listing of hours billed for nonpublic defense legal services, including number and types of private cases. iv) Ensure Qualified Attorneys. All attorneys employed by Cayce &Grove performing services under this contract must be licensed to practice law in good standing and • A GENDA I TEM #7, g) Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove, Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 5 of 7 without historic reprimand, suspension or disbarment under rules and rulings of the State of Washington Supreme Court. v) Provide Training. The public defender shall take training approved by OPD, including at least seven hours per year of continuing legal education (CLE) credits related to criminal defense. vi) Dispose of Client Complaints. Client complaints shall not be a basis for referral of a client to the "conflicts" attorney. Client complaints will be referred to the attorney who will make his or her best reasonable effort to resolve the complaint and then move the court for leave to withdraw, refer the dispute to Cayce & Grove, or refer the dispute to an appropriate agency for settlement. vii) Report Activities. To accompany invoices for payment, Cayce &Grove shall submit to the City's Chief Administrative Officer monthly reports showing the number of appointed cases during the month for which payment is requested; defendant's name and case number; number of conflict cases and their reconciliation with appointments; cases closed; and appeals including their status. (1) Cases returned to the Court due to ineligibility for Public Defender services, and those returned for assignment to a conflict attorney must be shown on the report, but will not be treated as part of Cayce & Grove's caseload. (2) Invoices for general and supplemental services shall include sufficient detail to meet all auditor requirements but shall not violate any client confidentialities. 5) Indemnification. Cayce & Grove shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, losses or liability, or any portion thereof, including attorneys fees and costs, arising from legal malpractice, civil rights violations, injury or death to persons, including injuries, sickness, disease or death to Cayce &Grove's own employees, or damage to property occasioned by a negligent act, omission or failure of Cayce & Grove. 6) Insurance a) Cayce & Grove shall secure and maintain in force throughout the duration of this contract: Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000/aggregate and for personal injury and property damage; and Professional Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. b) The City shall be named as a Primary& Non-contributory additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to work performed by Cayce &Grove for, or on behalf of, the City. Cayce &Grove shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of said policy except upon forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the City. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. Certificates of Insurance evidencing Cayce &Grove's insurance AGENDA ITEM #7, g) - Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove,Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 6 of 7 coverage, with a copy of the endorsement naming the City as a Primary& Non- contributory additional insured on the general liability policy, shall be delivered to the City within 15 days of executing this agreement. 7) Compliance with Laws. Cayce &Grove shall, in performing the services contemplated by this agreement, faithfully observe and comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations, applicable to the services rendered under this agreement. 8) Discrimination Prohibited. Cayce &Grove, with regard to work performed under this agreement, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex,the presence of any physical or sensory handicap, or sexual orientation, in the selection and retention of employees or procurement of materials or supplies. 9) Independent Contractor. Cayce & Grove and the City agree that Cayce &Grove is an independent contractor with respect to the services provided under this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall be considered to create the relationship of employer and employee between the parties hereto. Neither Cayce & Grove nor any employee of Cayce & Grove shall be entitled to any benefits accorded City employees by virtue of the services provided under this agreement. 10)Assignment. Cayce &Grove shall not sublet or assign any of the services covered by this agreement without the express written consent of the City. 11)Non-Waiver.Waiver of any provision of this agreement, or any time limitation provided for in this agreement by the City shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision. 12)Termination.This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 with opportunity for extension in additional two-year increments. If the parties do not agree on the method of compensation, the city will publish a request for proposals from any interested and qualified law firm(s). Cayce &Grove will then be allowed to match the lowest responsive and qualified bid. This Agreement may be terminated for material breach of contract by either party upon notice and opportunity to come into compliance with the contract by either party upon giving the other party not less than one (1)year's notice of termination. This Agreement may be terminated notwithstanding the terms of this paragraph, should Cayce &Grove be dissolved as a law firm. Cayce &Grove' obligation to represent indigent defendants appointed to public defender will cease at the point of termination and the subsequent public defender will be substituted immediately. � A GENDA I TEM #7, g) Agreement:City of Renton and Cayce&Grove, Inc., PS. For Public Defense Services Page 7 of 7 CITY OF RENTON CAYCE &GROVE LLC By By: Denis Law Tricia R. Grove Mayor, City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, 7th Floor Mailing Address Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-6500 City State Zip FAX: (425) 430-6523 ( 1 Telephone Number ( 1 FAX Number ATTEST: By: Jason Seth City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lawrence J. Warren City Attorney I''� __ • AGENDA ITEM #7. h) �,'•�"'� `. � CtTY OF �'r1�C�� � . , . , � , . , SUBJECT/TITLE: Final Pay Estimate—CAG-14-079, SWP-27-3635,Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections: Harrington Ave NE and Harrington Ave NE Water Main Replacement Project RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Utility Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Ron Straka &Allen Quynn, Surface Water Utility Engineering Manager and Engineer EXT.: 7248 & 7247 . • . ,�.,,;. . . , . ::, _. _ ,.:;._ , . .. . . fxpenditure Required: $ 17,859,72 7ransferAmendment: $NjA � Amount Budgeted: $ 1,797,101 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Totai Pra,�ect Budget: :;, . r�„�;��7;��11��, City Share Tpta(Pro�ect: �1V/A . � • � � • Northwest Cascade, Inc. began construction on the Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections: Harrington Avenue NE and Harrington Avenue NE Water Main Replacement Project on August 12, 2014. Work was completed April 1, 2015. The project included installation of 2,017 linear feet of 12-inch and 18-inch CPEP storm pipe, 11 Type 2 48-inch catch basins, 12 Type 1 catch basins, nine bioretention swales, 765 linear feet of ductile iron water pipe, 24 service lines, nine gate valves, 543 square yards of pervious concrete sidewalk, 3,509 plants and trees and complete street restoration including 1,491 tons of asphalt and 2,411 linear feet of curb and gutter.The original contract amount was$1,101,142.55 and the final contract amount is$1,229,906.09.The increase of$128,763.54 was due to an increase in bid quantities ($50,988.64) and change orders ($77,774.90). The project was funded by the 2014 and 2015 CIP budget for the Surface Water Utility Harrington Avenue NE Green Connections Project (#427.475490) and the Water Utility Transmission Water Main Replacement Project(#425.455596)for a total project budget amount of$1,797,101.There is sufficient budget remaining in both accounts to fund the final pay estimate and anticipated staff costs.The stormwater portion of the project is 75%funded by the Department of Ecology's FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Agreement#G1200545 that was approved by Council in October 2012. : A. Pay Estimate#11—Final B. Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract � • � �� • Accept the Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections: Harrington Avenue NE and Harrington Avenue NE Water Main Replacement Project,approve the final pay estimate, and AGENDA 1TEM #7. h) - release the Retainage Bond No. 09171827 after 60 days and after all the required releases from the state have been obtained. To: FINANCE DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM #7, h� FROM: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR: Northwest Cascade, Inc.. CONTRACT NO. CAG-14-079 PO# 18/0001916 ESTIMATE NO. 11 (Final) PROJECT: Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections: Harrin$ton Ave NE and Har�in�ton Ave NE Water Main Replacement Project 1. CONTRACTOR EARNINGS THIS ESTIMATE $17,783.77 2. SALES TAX(ONLY ON SCHED B and C ITEMS)@ 9.50% $75.95 3. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT THIS ESTIMATE $17,859.72 4. EARNINGS PREVIOUSLY PAID CONTRACTOR $1,190,444.83 5. ' EARNINGS DUE CONTRACTOR THIS ESTIMATE $17,T83.77 6. SUBTOTAL-CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS $1,208,228.60 7. RETAINAGE ON PREVIOUS EARNINGS N/A S. *' RETAINAGE ON EARNINGS THIS ESTIMATE N/A 9. SUBTOTAL-RETAINAGE $0.00 10. SALES TAX PREVIOUSLY PAID $21,601.54 11. SALES TAX DUE THIS ESTIMATE $75.95 12. SUBTOTAL-SALES TAX $21,677.49 ' (95 o x LINE 1) *` (RETAIlVAGE:5%) GRAND TOTAL: $1,229,906.09 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACTION: PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR(Lines 5 and 11): ACCOUNT #427.475490.018.594.31.63.000 $15,948.18 # 11 (Final) # 425.455596.018.594.34.63.000 $1,911.54 # 426.465502.018.594.35.63.000 $0.00 $17,859.72 RETAINED AMOUNT(Line S): ACCOUNT #427.475490.018.594.31.63.000 $0.00 # 11 (Final) # 425.455596.018.594.34.63.000 $0.00 # 426.465502.018.594.35.63.000 $0.00 (Retainage covered by Bond No.09171827 issusd by Fidelity and Deposit Co.of Maryland) $0.00 TOTAL THIS ESTIMATE: $17,859.72 CHARTER '{16, LAWS OF 1965 CITY OF RENTON CERTIFICATION � 7/�.t,J yr' I,THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY CERTiFY UNOER PENALTY OF f �` PERJURY,THAT THE MATERW.S HAVE BEEN FURNISHED,THE SERVICES RENDEREO OR THE LABOR PERFORMED AS DESCRIBEd � �I�� /� HEREtN,ANO THAT THE CLAIM IS A JUST,DUE M1D UNPAIO OBLIGATION AGAINST THE CfTY OF RENTON,AN�TNAT I AM AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTICATE RTIFY TO SIUD CLAIM r Signed: Printed On:07/2912015 City of Renton Public Works Department Page 1 Printed On:07/29/2015 City of Renton Public Works Department AGENDA ITFpaM�` 7, f1� � Sunset Community Low Impac�Development Retrofit Starmwater Green Connedion: Harnngton Ave NE and Project: Hartinglon Ave NE W aler Main Replacement Project Contract Number. CAG-74-074 Coniractor.Northwest Cascade,Inc. Pay Estimate 11(Final) Closing Date: O6/30/2015 Item Oesrnptio� U�it Est. Unit Previous Previous This This Totai Total No. �uantity Price QuantitY Amount �uan6ty Amount �uanUry Amount Schedule A A•1 MinorChanges LS 1.00 530.060.00 1.60 529.92t.10 0.00 3000 1.00 529,921.i0 A-2 Mobilization LS 1.00 575.00OAO 7.00 $75.d00.Q0 0.06 SO 00 1.Od E75.060.00 A-3 Temporary TraKc Control lS 1.00 595,OOO.DO 1.00 595,OQ0.00 0.00 56.00 t.00 $95,OOQ 00 A-0 project Sign LS 1.00 $2,310.00 1.00 52,310.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 $2,310.06 A-5 Uti�ity Polholing EA 75.00 E230.00 18.00 Sa,140.00 0.00 $0 60 18.00 54.140 00 A-fi Construction Survepng,staking,and As•built l5 1.00 $16,000.00 1.00 516,000 00 0 00 SOAO t.00 516,000.00 A-7 Cleanng�nd Grubbing AC 7.00 513.000.00 0.7Q 59.100.00 4.00 50.00 0.70 59,100.00 A�8 Raadside Cleanup LS 1.D0 $5,D00.00 t.00 55,0�0.00 0.00 SO 00 1.00 55,000.00 A-4 Remove F�ctsting Tree EA 10.00 3100.OQ 10.00 3t,000.00 0.06 SO 60 10.00 51,000.06 A-10 Removal Exisllng Drainage SUucWre EA 4.00 5217.00 4.00 5844.00 0.00 50.00 4.00 5844.00 A-11 Removal Euisting O�ainage Pipe LF 255.00 57.20 250.00 51,80D.00 0.�0 50.00 250.00 51,800.00 A-12 Remove and Replace Wood Fence LF 80 fl0 ;24.00 78.00 51,872.00 0.00 SO 60 78.00 81,872.60 A-13 Remove and Replace Chain Link Fence LF 55.00 524.00 55.00 57.320.00 Q.00 50.00 55 DO 31.320.00 A-14 Remove HMA Pavemenl SY 4586.OD $6 00 4674.00 528,044.�0 0.00 SU.00 467R.00 528,044.00 A•15 Remove Cement Cancrete Sidewalk SY 998.00 516.00 1086.00 b17.376.00 0.06 30 00 1086.00 517.376.00 A-i6 Remave Cement Concrete CurO and Gutter LF 608.00 55.00 508.00 53.040A0 0.00 $0 00 608.00 53,640.00 A-77 Roadway Excavelion Including Haul CY 1059.U0 518.00 7320.00 $23,760.00 0.0� 50.00 1320.00 523,760.00 A48 Gravel Bonow Including Haul CY 540.00 $28.00 1535.30 542.988.40 0.00 SO 00 1535.30 342,986.40 A-19 Shoring or Extra Excavation qass 8 SF 11880.00 50.10 15$39 00 51.583 90 0.00 SO 00 15839.00 51,583.90 Removal and Repiacement of Unsuitable Foundation ' A-20 Material TON 530.00 323.00 0.00 50.00 0.0� 30.00 0.00 50.00 A-21 Construction Gealextlle fa Underground Orainage SY 230.00 52.50 I 380 00 5950.00 0.00 $0.00 380.00 5950.00 A-22 Crushed Surfacing Base Course TON 1688.00 522.00 2560.73 556,336.06 0.00 30.W 2560.73 556.336.06 A-23 Aggregale Base TON 168.00 543.00 � 225.00 59.675.00 0.00 50.40 225.00 $9,675.00 A-24 HMA CI.1t2-inch PG 64-22{Class B) TON 908.00 585 O6 1148.35 597,609.T5 0.00 $0.00 1148.35 597,609.75 A-25 Modular8lockWall SF 120.00 525.00 70.50 $t,762.50 0.00 50.00 70.50 $1,762.50 A-26 Underdrain 8-inches D�am lF 220.00 547.00 216.20 510,161.40 0.00 $0.00 216.20 510,161.40 A-27 Orain Pipe 8-inch Diam lF 130.00 550.00 130.OD S6.SOO.OQ 0.40 $0.00 130.00 56,500.00 � AGENDA /TFM�#7. h) Printed On: 07/29/2015 City of Renton Public Works Department age Sunset Community Low Impect Develapment Relroft Storrnwater Green Connedion Haningtan Ave NE and Projetl� Hartfngton Ave NE Water Main Replacement Project CanVacl Number CAG-14-079 ContraIXor:Northwest Cascede,Inc.. Pay Eetimale 11(Final) qosing Date: O6l30/2015 Ilem Descriplion Unit Est. Unit Previous Prev�ous This This Tolal ToWI No. �uantitv Price �uanlity Amount Quantity Amount DuanGry Amount A-2B Mineral Aggregale Type 26 TON 60.00 52.00 291.00 5562.00 0.00 50.00 291.00 5582.00 A•29 Dudfie Iron Slorm Sewer Pipe 81nch Diam LF 36.00 f40.00 38�0 51,520.00 D.00 50.00 38.00 51,620 00 Cortoguate Polyelhylene Slortn Sewer Plpe 12-inches A-30 Diam. LF 1514.00 S32 00 1680.00 553,760.00 �00 SO.QO 1680.00 553,760.00 Carroguale Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe 78-Inches A-31 Dism. LF 336.06 $45.00 337.00 515,165.00 0.00 $0.00 337.00 515,165.00 A-32 Testing Storm Sewer Pipe LF 1850.00 52.00 0 00 50.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 50.00 A-33 N Inspection LF 1886.00 57.00 2034.00 52,034.Q0 0.00 50.00 2034.00 52.034.00 A-34 Drein Baein EA 9.00 5950 00 9.00 58,550.00 0.00 50.00 9.00 E8,550.00 A-35 Catch 9as�n Type 1 FA 4.00 EB50.00 5.00 54,250.00 0 00 50.00 5.D0 54,250.00 A-36 Catch Basin Type t wilh Beehive Grele EA 6.00 5900-00 6 00 55.400 00 0 00 50.00 6.00 55,400.D0 A•37 Catch Basin Type 1 L wilh Beehive Grete EA t.00 5975.00 1.00 5975.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 5975.00 A•38 Calch Basin Type 2,481nch Diam. EA 9.00 51.950.00 9.00 E17,550.00 0.00 50.00 9.00 517,550.00 A39 Catch Basin Type 2.481nch Diam.With Beehive Grate EA 2.00 51.950.00 2.00 53.90D.00 000 50.00 2.00 53,900.00 A-00 AdjustCatchBasin EA 9.00 5130.00 9.00 51.170.00 0.00 50.00 9.00 57,�70.00 A-41 Calch Basin Solid Metat Cover EA 7.00 5350.00 7.00 52.450.00 0.00 50.00 7 00 52.450.00 A-42 Ad�st Utility Casting EA 15.00 5230.00 15.00 53,450 00 0 00 5�.00 15 00 53,450.00 A-03 Adjusl Junction 8ox E4 2 00 5130 00 2.00 5260.00 0 00 50.00 2.D0 $260.a0 A-04 Piu9ging F�cisting Pipe EA 2.00 SB0.00 2.00 3160.00 0.00 50.00 2.00 3160.00 A�5 Connection lo�reinege SWcture EA 8.00 5350.00 8.00 52,800.00 0.00 50.00 8.00 52,800.00 A-06 8 Inch Clean Out EA 9.00 5540.00 9.00 54,860.00 0.00 50.00 8.00 54,860.00 A-47 High YsiEility Fence LF 7300.00 $3.50 1300.00 f4,550.00 0.00 SO.OQ 1300.00 54,550.00 A-08 ESC Lead LS 1.06 f1,980A0 7.00 51.980.Q0 0 00 50.00 7 OQ 57.980.00 I A-09 SWPPP Preparation antl General Permil Comphance LS 1.00 53,000.00 � 1.00 53,000.00 0 00 50.00 1.00 53.000.00 A-50 Temporery Erosion and SedimenUWater Pollutian Contrd LS 1.00 530,000.00 � 1.00 530.000.00 0.00 50.00 1.00 S30,Q00.00 i A-51 Iniel Protection EA 14.00 550.00 � 16.00 5800.00 0.00 50.00 16.00 3800.00 i A-52 Woodchip Mulch CY 48.00 $40.00 100.00 $4,000 00 0.00 50.00 100.00 54,000.00 A-53 &oretenllon Sal CY 255.00 552.00 I 1fi0.00 58,320.00 0.00 50.00 160.00 58,320.00 i ' A•54 TopSoil Type A CY 189.00 535.00 � 195.00 56.825.00 0.00 SO-00 195 00 S6.B25.00 I , M35 Recycled FMastic Lumber Edging-Landscape Grede �F 281.00 511.00 ; 273.00 33,003.00 O.DO 50.00 273.00 53.003.00 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Printed On:07l29/2015 City of Renton Public Works Department Page 3 j Sunset Community Low Impact Development Relrofit Slormwater Green ConnecUon: Harrington Ave NE and Project: Harrington Ave NE Wa�er Me�n Replacement Project Contracl Number. CAG-14-079 Contractor:Northwest Cascade,Inc.. Pay Eslimate t t(Final) Closinq Oate. �6�30I2015 Item Description Unit Est. Unil Previous Previous Th�s 7his Total Talal No Ouantity Pdce Quantity Amaunt Quantity Amount (]uantity Amounl A-56 #4 Rebar LF 141.00 52.20 151.00 $332.20 0 00 50.00 151.00 $332 20 A-57 PSIPE-Nyssa sylvatica i BLACK TUPELO(2'Cal) EA 11.00 5400 DO 11.00 $4.400.00 0 00 SO 06 11.00 S4,4D0.00 PSIPE-Comus sericea'Kelseyi'/KELSEYI DOGWOO�{2 A•58 gal EA 357.00 S16 50 357.00 55,890 SO 0.00 SO 00 357.00 55,890.50 PSIPE-Berbens z stenophylla'Caralliaa Compacta'/ A-59 DWARF EA 166.00 518.00 166.00 52,98$.00 000 50.00 166.00 32,988.00 PSIPE-Berbens thunbtrgii'Cnmson Pyqmy'/CRIMSON A•60 PYGMY FA 291.00 519 00 291.00 55,529.40 0 00 SO.OQ 291.00 55,529 00 A-61 PSIPE-Ins dougiasiana 7 PACIFIC COAST IRIS(4'cont.) EA 611.00 E4 75 671.00 53,18725 0.00 50 00 67190 53,18715 P51PE-Juncus patens'Efk Blue'7 ELK BLUE RUSH(4' A-62 cont.) EA 671.00 55.50 671.09 53,690.50 0.00 �0.00 671.00 33,690.50 PSIPE-Juncus effusus'4uartz Creek'I QUARR CREEK A-63 SOFT EA 671.00 S5 50 67t.00 53,690.50 0 00 SO 00 671.00 33.640.50 A-64 PSlPE-Juncus tenws i SIENDER RUSH(4'cont.) EA 671.00 54.75 671.00 53,187.25 0.00 50.00 6�1.00 $3,187.25 A•65 Sod Installalion SF 6925.00 $1 10 6220.00 56,842.00 O.DO 50.00 6220.00 $6,842.00 A-66 Property Restoration l5 1.00 57,300.00 � 1 00 57,500.00 0 00 50.0� 1 00 57.500.00 A•67 Hand Water/Waler Truck LS 1.00 52.100.00 0.�0 50.00 1.00 52.700 00 1.00 52.100.00 A-6E Cement Conaele Traffic Curb and Gutter LF 2375.00 514.00 2316.00 532,424 00 0.00 $0.00 2316.00 $32.424.00 A-69 Inlet Cur6 Cul EA 7.00 5600.00 7.00 54.200.00 0.00 $0 00 7.00 $4,20Q 00 A-70 S�de Curb Cul EA 11.00 5445 00 t 1.00 54,895 00 0.00 50.00 11.00 54.895.00 A-71 Cement Concrete Onveway Entrance SY 728.00 542.00 I 733.56 530,809 52 0.00 50.00 733.56 S30.B09.52 A-72 Perv{ous Concrete Sidewalk SV 543.00 545.00 I 514.00 523,130.00 0.00 SQ.00 514.00 523.130.00 A-73 Cement Concrete Srdewalk SV 390.00 533 00 390.00 512.870.00 0 00 EO 00 390.00 $i2,870.00 A-74 Cement Concrele Curb Ramp Type tA EA 3.00 5950.00 3.00 $2.BSD.00 0.00 50.00 3.�0 52.850 00 A-75 Cement Conuele Curb Ramp Type t B EA 8.00 $890.00 8.00 $7,120 00 0.00 $6.00 8.00 $7,120 00 A-76 Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type 2B EA 2.40 51,300.00 2.00 52.600.00 0 00 50.00 2.00 52,600 DO A-77 Cement Concre�e Curb Ramp Type 4A EA 2.00 52,300 00 2 00 54,600.00 0.00 50.00 2.00 54,600.00 A-78 Relacafe Type III Mailbox Support wlboxas EA 4.00 E340.00 8.00 52.720.00 0.00 50.00 8.00 52.720.00 A•79 Remove and Reset Sign EA 3.00 SB0.00 3.00 5240.00 0.00 SOAO 3.00 $240-00 A-80 Permanent Signing LS 1.00 54,400.00 1.00 54,400.00 0 00 50.00 1.00 54,400.00 A•81 plastic Crosswalk Line LF 640.00 56.00 800.00 54.800.00 0.00 50.00 800.00 54.800.00 A•92 Plastic Slap Line LF 48.00 59.00 48 00 $432.00 0.00 50.00 48.00 5432 00 A-83 Remo�ng Plastic Crosswaik Vne �F 640.00 53.30 1 T0.00 SS6t.00 0 00 SD.00 170.00 $587.00 Printed On:07/29/2015 City of Renton Public Works Department AGENDA ITF�aM�7. �7J Sunset Commu�iry Low�mpact Oevefopment Retrofit Stormwater Green Connectiorc Hartington Ave NE and Project Hardngton Ave NE Water Main Replacement Project Contrect Number. CAG-14-079 Contraclor:Nathwest Cascade.Inc Pay Estimate 11(Final) Ciosing Date. 0 6130/2 0 1 5 Item Description Unit Est. Unit Previous Previous This This Total Total No i]uantity Price (]uantity Amount �uantity Amount (]uantity Amounl A-94 Plasttc Line LF 2220.00 53.50 0.00 SQ.O� O.OU 50.00 0.00 50.00 A-85 Cabbles CV 25.00 595.00 11.59 51,701A5 D.00 50.00 11.59 $1,101.05 A-8fi Temporary Cold M�x Asphalt Concrete Patch TON 125.00 5150.00 15i J8 $22,767.00 0.00 50.04 151.78 522.76Z00 CO#4-Consists of.a)Instalt modular block wali at 1 i 44 Harrin9on Ave.,b)Price edjuslmenk for Type 28 ag9regate Ihat exceeded bid quantity by 25°b,c)Re-eslablishment of survay monment Ihat could noi be preserved,dj Inslallation A-87 of concrete sleps at 7428 Harringto�Ave. lS 1.00 518,695.37 7.00 578.895.31 0.00 50.00 1.0� 518,895.3t CO#5•Consisls of a)Reinstall concrele cuPo cuts fa bioretention swales that were installed incprcectly,b)install concrete collar around biorctenlion swale drain basm frame and grele,c)Reslake curb retum elevations due lo A-88 incorrect elevations shovm on the plans. LS 1.00 513.848.18 0.00 50.00 1.00 St3,848 18 1.00 513,848.18 � TotalSchedu�eA $963,060.79 Si5,948.�8 5979,008.37 Schedule B � B-1 Mobdization anU Demobihzadon LS 1 5100.00 1.00 5100.00 50.00 1.00 5100.00 8•2 Tra�cCantml LS 7 $1,000.00 1.00 31,000.00 50.00 1.00 51,000.00 B-3 Trench Eacavation Safety Systems l5 1 5100.00 1.00 5100.00 50.00 t.00 310D 00 B-4 Consiruction Survcying,Staking,and As-Buiils LS 1 53,300.00 1.00 53,300.00 50.�0 7.00 53.300.00 &5 Temparary Erosion and Sedimentation Conlrol LS t 5100 00 t.00 5100.00 50.00 1A0 5100.00 B�6 Site Specific Potholing EA 4 5230 00 1 00 5230.00 50.00 1.00 5z30.00 Fumish and Instatl 12"CI 52 Dl W aler Pipe 8 Fittings wJ &7 POlywrap LF 765 550.00 720.00 536,D00.00 50.00 720.00 S3b.000.00 Fumish and Instalt 8"CI 52 DI Water Pipe 8 Fltfings wl &8 Polywrap LF 130 585.00 0.00 50.00 SO 00 0.00 50.00 &9 Furnish and Install 12'Gate Valve Assemb{y EA 4 52,200.00 I 4.00 56,800 00 SQ.00 4.D0 56,800.00 5-10 Fumish and Inslall 4'Gate Valve Assamb�y FJ� 1 5775.40 � 1.00 5775.00 50.00 1 00 5775 60 B-t t Concrete for Thrust Blocking,Dead-Man Anchor Blocks CY 5 $260.00 4.50 51.170.00 $0.00 4 50 $1,170.00 B-12 Fumish and Install Fire Hydranl Assembiy EA 6 53,700.00 6.00 $22,200.00 50.00 5.00 522.200.00 Fumish and Install 8'X 6'Wet-Tapping Tee and 6"Gate 8-13 Valve Assembly EA 3 $3,300.00 3.00 $4,900.00 S6.OQ 3.00 59.900.00 Fumish and Instali 12'X 6'W et-Tapping Tee and 6"Gate &14 Valve Assembly EA 1 $3,400.00 1.00 53,4C0.00 SO.QO 1.00 53,400_00 &15 Furnish 6 Install 1'Water Serv�ce Connedion EA 25 51,025.00 23.00 523,575.00 SO Ofl 23.00 523.575.00 8-16 Fum(sh&Install 1"Pressure Raducing Valve Assembly EA 16 5550.00 16.00 58,800.00 50 00 16.00 59,800.0� B-17 Fumish 8 install 2"Waler Service Connection EP, 1 53,a00.00 1.00 53,400.00 f0 00 1.00 53.400.00 6-18 Fumish 8 Install 2'Pressure Reducing Valve Assembfy EA t $1,000.00 1 06 51.000.00 50.00 1.00 51,OOO.pO � Printed On:07/29J2015 City of Renton Public Works Department a GENDA 1 TF�M�#7. �1� - Sunset CommuNty Low��aIX Development ReVofil Stormwater Green Connedion:Harrington Ave NE and Prqxt Harti�ylon Ave NE Water M�in Replacertient Projed ConVaU Number. CAG-14-079 Conlractor.Norlhweat GsCade,Inc. Pay EsUmate 11(Finaq Gosing Date: 06I3012015 Item Desulp6dt Urwt EsL Unit Previous Previous This This ToWI Total No. �uandtv Price Uuandtv Amowtit �uanGtv Amount QuandlY Amo�mt &19 Carv�ecUan ta Existmg Water Ma�n EA 3 5750.00 1.00 S7S0.00 50.00 7.00 5750.00 &2Q Cut.Cap.a�Blodc Exispng Water Main EA 2 3800.U0 2.00 57.600 00 SO 00 2.00 E1.600 00 Removat and Replacement of Unsuitable Founda6on &2t FAaterlal TON 10 52300 0,00 SO,DO 5000 0.00 50.00 &22 Se�ect Imported Trm�ch Ba�ll TON 160 523.00 673.57 515,4921 S 50.00 673.57 575,492.11 6-23 Gushed Surfadng Top Coixse d Crushed Rock Beckfill TON 300 522,Q0 451.90 54,941.80 50.00 451.40 59,941.80 &24 Y Temporary Cdd Mx Asphait for Trench Patching TON 90 5150.00 76.17 511,425.50 50.� 76.1 T 511.425 50 8-25 H M A Class%.'PG 64-22 ta Roadway Reconstruct�on TON 270 SBS 00 343.01 529,155 85 SO 00 343.01 529,155.B5 &26 Removal and Replacemenl ot Conaele Cufi and Gutter LF 20 S32 00 40.00 51.280 06 50,00 40.00 51,280.00 &27 Conuete Ddveway andlor S�dewalk ResloraGon SY 20 532.00 2510 5803.20 SO OU 25.70 580320 &?$ Propertyd Lsndswpe Rulotatlon lS 1 Sf06.00 1.00 S/00A0 50.08 1.00 5100.00 CO it1-Fiil�andoned 12'asbestos waler p{pa and iostaU wafer main at extra deplh due to wnflid with exist�ng &28 uUliUes al NE 10th Sfreet tS 1 515,76Q.00 1.D0 575,766.Q4 50.00 1.0� 515,7fi0.00 CA N6-Consiets of:a}$ewat and prep for new service � Iine aaphalt patch at 121h and Harrington and tor b)at a�d cap d 8'main al Glennwood Ave NE and Harringfon Ave 1�,ej Rastock fse iw unused waler fiiYngs. �G � St,835 S9 O.OD 5�.00 1.OG 51.835.59 1 tl0 51,835 59 Tdal Sebedule B 5270,t58.46 51.835.59 5211,994,05 Sales Tax Schedule 8(9 5�tor a end b oNy tor Change Order fi6,qem&30J S7 9.965.05 S75 95 520.041 AO Tolal Sehedu�e B(Incl.tea) 523�,123.51 E1,911.54 5232.035.05 Schedule C CA#2-Repair brdcen sanitary sewer tee at 10B t C-1 Hartfnglon Ave NE lS t 514,970.00 1.00 514,970 00 50.00 1.00 514,970.00 CO�M3-AddMional cost la provtde sewage pump-around a�d rerta�el d huried caotniction debris that was left in C-2 ihe trench trom the original newer co�stn�dUsn in 7942 LS 1 52,256.18 7.00 52,256 18 SO,DO 1.06 52,256.18 5ubtotal Schedule C 577.226/8 50.00 f17,226 t8 3ates Ta�c Scheduie C(9.SKj 31,636.49 50.00 51,636.48 TaWt SchedWe C pncl taxj S18,B62 fi7 50.00 578,862.67 ToW Sehedul�A(Inel tax),SchWule B i Seh�dule C f1.212,048 37 S77.B59.72 S1,Z29,906.09 /� 7/}4//� t QC. �-2 9-/S � AGENDA ITEM #7, h) ,���,�.���„o� w ❑ Original x ❑ Revised# �, ��<- 0 yH'� IPlO tt Y NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date: 7/24/15 Contractor's UBI Number: 278 049 149 � Name&Mailing Address af Public Agenc� Department iJse Only C:ity ot Kenton,Attn: Natalie Wissbrod Assigned ta: 1055 S. Gradv Wav � Renton, WA 98057 Date Assigned: UBI lYumber: Notice is hereby given relative to tlre completion of contract or project described below ProJect Name Contract Number Job Order Contracting Sunset Communiry Low Impact Development Retrofit I CAG-14-079 I ❑ Yes �No Description of Work Done/lnclude Jobsite Address(es) Installed 2,017 LF of 12"and 18"CPEP storm pipe, 23 Type 2 and Type I catch basins, 9 bioretention swales, 765 LF of ductile iron water pipe,24 service lines, 9 gate valves, 543 SY of pervious concrete sidewalk, 1,491 tons of asphalt and 2,411 LF of curb and gutter. Federally funded transportation project? ❑ Yes L1C1 No (if yes,provide Cantract Bond Statement below) Contractor's Name E-mail Address Affidavit ID* Northwest Cascade, Inc. ICIintMyers@nwcascade.com I588209 Contractor Address Telephone# 10412 John Bananola Way E., Puyallup,WA 98373 I253-848-2371 If Retainage is not withheld,please select one of the following and List 5urety's Name&Bond Number. � Retainage Bond ❑ COntr2Ct/Payment bOnd(valid for federally funded transportation projecu) �Name: Fidelity and Deposit Company Maryland �Bond Number: 09171827 Date Contract Awarded Date Work(;ommenced Date Work C;ompleted Date Work Accepted 06(16/14 I08/12/14 �04/01/15 I 08/10/1 S �Were Subcontracters used on this project?If so,please complete Addendum A. [�Yes ❑No I Affidavit ID•-No L&1 release will be granted until all affidavits are fisted. Contract Amount $ 1,101,142.55 Additions (+) $ 128,763.54 Liquidated Damages $ Reductions (-) $ Amount Disbursed $ 1,229,906.09 Sub-Total $ 1,22g,g06.09 Amount Retained$ 0.00 Amount of Sales Tax 21,677.5 (if various rates apply,please send a breakdown) $ TOTAL $ 1.229,906.09 TOTAL $ 1,229,906.09 NOTE: Tl:ese two totals must be e�ua! Comments: Note:The Disbursing Officer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance of the work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FIJNDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form:Please submit the completed fotm by email to a hr agencies below. Contact Name: Allen Quynn Title: Civfl Engineer III Email Address: aquynn�renco�wa.gov Phone Number: azs-aso-7za� � Dtpartmant of Rwanua washingmn simr oc�mmen:of Employment Securlty C Publfe Works Sactfon �Labor & Industries � Dapartment (360)704-5650 Contnct Relea:r �� Reglatntlon,lnqulry, PWC�dor.wa.gov (855)545-8763,optfon#4 Standards 6 Coordlnatlon ConVaetReleese�LNl.WA.GOV Unit (380)902-9450 publicwotks�esd.wa.gw REV 31 0020e(4/28/14) F215-038-000 04-2014 AGENDA ITEM #7, h) - Addendum A: Please List all Subcontractors and Sub-tiers Below This addendum can be submitted in other farmats. Provide known affidavits at this time. No L&I rciease will be�ranted until all aftidavitc arc listtd. Subcontractor's Name: �UBI Number:(Required) �A�david ID* C 8�P Fencing � 603210811 � 570530 Mulier Construction,LLC ( 603391521 ( 587477 ,Best Parking Lot Cleanng Inc. � 601901928 � 580533 , Buckley Nursery, Co. � 271000516 � 587324 � Pelland Enterprises,LLC � 602170157 I 587756 � Tyee Concrete Construction Inc. I 602123519 � � PLS, Inc. I 601979933 � � Miles Resources � 602870349 ( 587302 � Appiy A Line, Inc. � 600553941 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � � For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7705.Teletype(TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by cailing 7i l. �REV 31 0020e Addendum(04/28/14) F215-038-000 04-2014 � AGENDA ITEM # 9, a) CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 1-3-1, 1-3-2 AND 1-3-3 OF CHAPTER 3, REMEDlES AND PENALTIES, OF TITLE 1 (ADMINISTRATIVE), SECTION 6-1-3 OF CHAPTER 1, JUNK VEHICLES OR ABANDONMENT OF VEHICLES, OF TITLE VI (POLICE REGULATIONS), AND SECTION 8-1-4, UNLAWFUL STORAGE, DEPOSIT, DISPOSAL, SCAVENGING, AND HAULING OF SOLID WASTE, OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF THE RENTON MUNECIPAL CODE, BY MAKING VIOLATIONS OF 6-1-3 AND 8-1-4 CIVIL INFRACTIONS AND CORRECTING ASSOCIATED REGULATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 1-3-1.A.1, of section 1-3-1, Criminal Penalties, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Commit any act declared by any of the provisions of the Renton Municipal Code to be unlawful criminal conduct, or any unlawful criminal act for which there is no stated penalty, or who shall fail to comply therewith;or SECTION II. Subsection 1-3-2.A.1, Code Violations, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Code Violations: Violations of RMC Chapters 4-2 {Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards), 4-3 (Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, except as it relates to Adult Retail and Entertainment), 4-4 (City-Wide Property Development Standards), 4-5 (Building and Fire Preven#ion Standards, except as it relates to multi-family homes), 4-6 (Street and Utility Standards), 4-9 (Rermits � 1 '� __ AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) � ORDINANCE NO. — Specific), 4-10 (Legal Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots), 5-5 (Business Licenses), 6-1 (Junk Vehicles or Abandonment of Vehiclesl, 8-1 (Garba�e), 8-2 (Storm And Surface Water Drainage), 8-4 (Water), 8-5 (Sewers), 8-7 {Noise Levet RegulationsJ, 9-8 (Sidewalk Construction) and 9-10 (Street Excavations), shall be considered civil code violatians unc4er this Section. SECTION 111. Subsection 1-3-3.B.19.g.ii, Dumping, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties, of Title I {Adrninistrativej of the Renton Municipaf Code, is hereby amended as fol lows: ii. Dumping: Any violation of , RMC 6-14-16 (Dropping Litter from Air Craft), p^nr � �o �nnn ii :++,..:....►� onnr�_�__d , � , � � , RCW 70.95.240 (Unlawful to dump ar deposit solid waste withaut permit — Penalties — Litter cieanup restitution paymentj, and any applicable rule or regulation; SECTION IV. Subsection 6-1-3.J, Penalties, of Chapter 1, Junk Vehicles or Abandonment of Vehicles, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: J. Penalties: Any person violating subsection A of this Section shall be guilty of a . civil infraction. and subiect to the penalties of RMC 1-3-2, as it currentiv exists or is hereafter amended,. 2 • AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) ORDINANCE N0. SECTION V. Subsection 8-1-4.0 of section 8-1-4, Unlawfu) Storage, Depasit, Disposal, Scavenging, and Hauling of Solid Waste, of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitationj of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: O. Any vialation of this Section shall be a n".'��; civil infrattion, and subiect to the penalties of RMC 1-3-2, as it currently exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION VI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1$74:7/28/15:scr 3 • AGENDA ITEM # 9, a) CITY OF RENTON, WASHIN6TON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEARS 2015/2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5737 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDtNANCE NO. 5755, IN THE AMQUNT OF$16,$65,306. WHEREAS, on November 3, 2014, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5737 approving the City of Renton's 2015/2016 Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, on Apri) 13, 2015, the Council adapted Ordinance 5755 carrying forward funds appropriated in 2014, but not expended in 2014 due to capital project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, that needed to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2015; and WHEREAS, minor corrections and the recognition of grants, contributions and associated costs and new cost items not included in the budget require additional adjustments to the 2015/2016 Biennial Budget; NOW, THEREFORE, THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE C(TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinance Nos. 5737 and 5755 establishing the City of Renton's 2015/2016 Biennial 8udget are hereby amended in the total amount of $16,865,306 for an amended tota)of$569,702,499 over the biennium. SECTION Il. The 2015 2"d Quarter Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund is hereby attached as Exhibit A and the 2016 Adjusted Budget Summary by Fund is hereby attached as Exhibit B. Detailed lists of adjustments are available for public review in the Office af the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. 1 AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) • ORDINANCE N0. SEC710N EII. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1871:7/6/15:scr 2 � � ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit A: 2015 2ed Quarte�Budget Adjustment Summary by Pund � BEGINNWG FUND BAIAN{E REVENUES 0 EXPENDITURES ENDING fUND BAUINCE ......_._............ ., ,,,.._....... ..........�.,...,,,.... ,....._. ......... . . , .. .. Availabie 20158eg 2015 Adj 2015 2015 1015 2015 EndingFund Reserved/ Fund Fund Fund Bal Changes Fund Bal Budgeted Changes Adjusted Budgeted Changes Adjusted 8alance Designated ealance 000 GENERAL 11,159,323 - k1,159,313 83,431,472 1,434,000 84,865,472 86,638,847 386,168 87,025,065 8,999,719 8,999,719 001 COMMUNITYSERYICES 2,467,703 2,467,703 12,478,92Q - 12,478,420 12,608,356 - 12,60$,356 Z,338,267 2,338,2fi7 003 STREEfS 2,147,229 - 2,147,224 14,046,711 89,531 10,186,142 l0,263,711 89,531 10,353,242 1,480,229 1,480,229 004 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTBLOCKGNANT 74,951 - 74,951 4fi2,908 - 462,908 448,804 - 448,804 89,ff55 89,Q55 005 MUSEtIM 65,500 - 65,500 227,761 - 227,761 227,�61 - 227,761 65,500 65,500 QQ9 FARMERSMARKET 104,95Q 104,950 54,400 - 59,400 59,453 59,453 104,897 {104,897E - 011 FIREANDEMfRGENCYSVCHElLLTH&WELLNE55 74,565 - 74,565 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 74,565 (74,565) - 21X GENERAL GOVERNMENT M15C DEBT SVC 1,471,071 - 1,471,�71 6,463,588 13,691,804 20,155,392 6,4b3,588 13,687,706 20,151,288 1,475,175 1,A75,175 Total General Govemmental Funds v,ses,zet - i�,ses,zsi u3,�as,�eo is,ns,�s izs,oei,o9s iis,ris,s�o in,ic�,� i3o,e9s,� is,in,ao� (ir�,aez} ia,9a�,4as 102 ARiERIpL SZREETS 14,885 - 14,885 640,t100 - 640,000' 640,000 - 640,00p 14,885 14,885 108 tEASEDCiTYPA0PER11Es 121,014 121,014 768,957 - 768,957 663,403 - b63,403, 226,568 226,568 110 SPfC1ILL HOTEL-MOTEL TAX 219,090 - 219,090 265,000 - 265,000 283,942 - 283,942 200,148 200,148 125 ONEPERCENTFQRART 101,380 - 101,380 i 15,000 - 15,004: 1D2,950 - 102,950 13,430 13,430 127 CABLECOhAMUNICATIqJSDEVEIOPMENT 313,Q90 - 313,090 97,674 - 97,674 117,674 - 117,674 293,090 293,090 135 SPRINGBft00RWEfLANDSeANK 330,922 � 330,922. - - - - - - 330,922 33Q,922 303 COMMUNIlYSERVICE5IMPAC7Mt71GATi0N 1,238,600 - 1,238,600 86,SOd - 86,500 - - - 1,325,100 1,325,100 304 fIREIMPAC7M171GATI0N 426,488 - 926,488 99,00� - 44,Q00, 250,DOQ - 250,000 775,488 775,488 305 TRANSPORTAi10NIMPACTMIT1GATi0N 844,548 - 844,b48 216,500 383,500 fi00,00D 391,000 761,335 1,152,335 242,313 292,313 316 MUNICIPALFACILITIESCIP 4,493,986 4,493,986 4,718,145 827,870 5,546,015 8,418,715 827,B70 9,746,585 293,416 243,416 317 CAPfTAIIMPROVEI�ENT 4,059,718 - 4,059,718 38,683,242 290,322 1$,973,614 22,063,404 290,322 22,353,726 679,G06 (650,DOOj 29,606 326 HOUSINGOPPQRTUNITY/ECODEVREVaLVING 1,086,766 - 1,0$6,766 - - -. 75,000 - 75,OOQ 1,011,756 (1,000,000J 11,766 336 NEW LieRARYDEVELOPMENT 15,329,760 - 15,329,760 - - - IS,329,760 - 15,329,760 - - 402AIRPORTOPERATIONS&CIP 806,ffi1 - 806,821 16,596,888 - 16,596,888 16,464,427 - 16,469,427_ 933,182 {172,053) 761,724 403 SOIiDWASTEUTIUTY 1,545,606 - 1,545,G06 16,461,72fi - 16,461,72b 16,675,139 - 16,675,139 1,332,193 {400,00p� 932,143 404 GOLF COURSE SY57EM&CAPITAL �42,911) (42,911) 2,655,383 - 2,655,383 2,b1fi,052 - 2,615,052� {3,580�� � (3,580) 445 WATER OPEIiATI0N5&CAPITAL 15,872,094 - 15,8�2,094 16,272,634 - 16,272,63+4 20,749,381 - 2Q,749,381 11,345,347 {2,830,093} 8,515,254 406 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 10,905,399 - 10,905,349� 28,617,8b2 - 28,617,862; 30,226,748 - 3d,226,798 9,t96,4fi3 (1,695,9$8) 7,60D,475 407 SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAL 7,804,221 - 7,804,221 17,244,568 - 17,244,568 21,196,980 - 21,1%,980 3,851,804 (1,084,194) 2,�67,615 501 EQUIPMENTRENTAL 5,310,319 - 5,310,319= 5,779,036 122,235 5,401,271 b,878,442 558,335 7,436,777 3,�74,813 3,774,813 � 5021NSURANtE 12,069,311 - 12,064,311 5,641,b47 - 5,641,647 3,594,578 - 3,594,578 14,116,380 (14,306,268j (191,888) � 503 INfORMA110N SERVICES 1,916,048 - 1,926,048` 4,631,231 46,40Q 4,677,631 5,60G,865 4fi,400 5,653,265 940,414 940,414 m Sd4 FACILITIES 1,154,089 • 1,154,069 4,954,325 - 4,954,325 5,115,716 - 5,115,716 992,698 992,698 Z Sd5 COMMUNIGlT10N5 383,969 - 383,969 i 992,431 - 992,431 991,430 - 991,430 384,970 384,970 O Si2 HFALTHCAREINSURANCE 6,675,505 • 6,675,505 12,954,736 - 12,954,736 13,424,573 - 13,424,573 6,205,668 {4,027,372) 2,176,296 n 522 LEOPFi RETIREFS HEALTHCARE 7,711,8b3 7,711,Sfi3 2,271,434 - 2,271,434. 1,115,744 - 1,115,744 8,867,553 (223,149) 8,644,404 _ 611 FIREMEI�PENSION 5,040,� - 5,040,982 468,000 - �68,000 210,475 - 210,475 5,298,507 (5,298,507) - y111��� Total Other Funds 106,?33,663 - 106,233,663 ibi,i31,964 1,670,327 l62,802,296 193,757,948 2,48a,262 196,242,u0 72,793,749 (31,689,624) 41,104,125 !,1 TOTAL All FUNDS iZ3,798,945 - 123,798,995 274,3T1,729 16,685.662 291,263,391 310,493,518 1fi,64T,661 327,141,174 87,921,156 (31,869,086) 56,052,070 3 � 3 �p �. ORDINANCE NO. Exhibit B: 2016 Adjusted Budget Summary by Fund A BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDRURES ENDING FUND BAIANCE .- 2016.................... ...... 2016�..........2016.,,..... ..,_._.., ..._. 2016 Available 2016Beg 2016Adj. Budgeted Adjusted Hudgeted Adjusted EndingFund Reserved/ Fu�d fu�d Fund Bal Changes Fund Bal Reve�ue Changes Revenue fxpenditure Changes Expenditure Balance Oesignated Balance . „ _ ODO GENERAI 8,505,869 493,850 8,999,7]9 86,749,334 - 86,749,334 86,757,519 8,OQ0 66,765,519 8,983,534 8,983,534 ODl COMMUNITYSERVICES 2,022,533 315,734 2,338,267_ 12,727,828 - 12,727,B2H 12,727,828 12,727,828 2,338,267 2,338,267 003 STREETS 1,581,566 398.663 1,980,229 10,447,984 123,600 10,571,584 10,447,964 152,421 10,600,405 1,951,408 1,951,408 004 COMMUNITYDEVEtOPMENTBIOCKGRAIVT 24,301 64,754 89,055: 307,462 - 307,462 295,986 - 295,986 100,531 100,531 005 MUSEt1M 52,979 12,521 55,500 235,Z81 - 235,281 235,281 - 235,281 65,500 65,Sd6 009 FARMEftSMARKET 75,551 29,346 104,897 59,400 - 59,400 63,315 63,315 100,982 (1QD,482) - 011 FIREAND EMERGENCY SVC HEILLTH&WEtlNF55 55,094 14,47i 74,565 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 74,565 (74,565j - 2llC GENERAI GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC 1,115,674 35Q501 1,G75,175 6,248,676 - 6,248,6?6 6,248,67b - 6,248,676„ 1,475,175 - 1,475,175 Totai General Governmental Funds 13,433,567 1,643,840 15,127,407 116,800,%5 iZ3,600 116,924,565 116,801,589 160,421 116,962,010 15,089,962 (175,547j 14,914,414 102 ARTfRIALSTREETS 15,689 ($04) 14,885 650,000 - 650.000 b50,000 - 650,000 14,885 id,885 108 lEA5EDC3TYPRQPERTIES 473,815 (247,247) 226,568� 768,957 - 768,957� 671,979 � 671,979 323,546 323,546 liQ SPECtAIHOTEI-MOTEtTAX 155,913 44,235 200,148 265,000 - 265,OOQ 265,000 - 265,000 200,148 200,148 125 ONEPERCENTFORART 4,821 8,609 13,430 15,000 - 15,d00 - - - 28,430 28,430 127 G4BlECOMMUNItATIONSDEVELOPMENT 285,632 7,45$ 243,040 97,fi74 - 97,674 97,674 - 97,674 293,090 293,090 135 SPRINGBROOKWETtANDSBANK 669,613 (338,691) 330,922 - - - - - 330,422 330,922 303 COMI�INI1YSHtVICESiMPACiMITIGATiON 1,197,118 127,�2 1,325,100 86,500 - 86,500 - - - 1,411,600 1,411,600 3Q4 RREIMPACTMITiGATION 645,165 $0,323 775,488� 99,Q00 - 49,OQ0' 250,OOQ 25�,000 624,488 624,488 3Q5 TRANSPORTATIONIMPACTMITIC'iATtON 769,685 (477,372) 292,313 216,506 - 216,500 - - - 508,813 508,813 316 NRINICIPALFACILITIESCIP 424,684 (131,273) 243,416 5,103,000 5,103,000 5,392,000 - 5,392,000 4,416 4,416 317 CAPITALIMPROVEMENT 327,434 352,172 679,606 6,582,000 - 6,582,000 6,831,590 - 6,831,590 430,016 (400,000) 30,016 326 HIXJSINGOPPORiUNITYfECODEVREVOLVING 1,010,544 1,167 1,011,766 - - • • - - i,011,766 (1,000,000) 11,76b 336 NEW LIBRARYDEVELOPMENT 57,000 (57,000} - - - - - - - - - 4Q2 AIRPORTOPERATIQNS&CIP 623,964 309,813 933,782 3,473,293 - 3,A73,293� 3,786,285 - 3,186,185 620,890 f177,8%j 442,494 403 SOLIDWAS1EU71LITY 1,044,342 287,851 1,332,193 16,514,320 - 16,S1A,320 17,144,532 - 17,144,532 701,980 (400,000) 301,980 404 GOLF COURSE SYSTEM&CAPtTAt 151,022 (154,602� (3,580) 2,812,793 - 2,812,793' 2,363,479 - 2,303,479 5�5,735 {3Q6,542) 199,143 405 WATER OPERAT{ONS&CAPITAL 10,565,303 780,044 11,345,347 16,308,371 - 16,308,371 17,894,664 - 17,894,6b4 9,759,055 {Z,864,594j b,894,461 406 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAI 8,430,756 865,707 4,246,463� 26,417,398 26,4ll,398 25,885,356 iZ,224 25,897,580 9,816,251 (1,711,872) 8,104,409 407 SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS&CAPITAI 3,366,916 484,893 3,852,809 9,859,250 - 9,859,250 10,026,642 - 10,026,642 3,fi84,415 (1,117,753) 2,567,164 501 EQUIPMENTRENTAI 3,865,586 �90,773) 3,774,813 5,921,100 49,045 5,470,145� 4,203,192 45,000 4,248,192 5,496,76b 5,496,766 � 5021NSURAMCE 12,504,225 1,6]2,155 14,116,380 3,941,261 - 3,991,201 3,509,594 , - 3,509,594 14,597,988 (14,316,191) 281,797 � 503 INFORMA710NSERYICES 833,QSb 107,358 440,414 4,702,271 - 4,�02,Z71 4,712,338 - 4,712,338 930,347 93Q347 504 FACILITtES 710,924 281,774 492,698 4,930,94d - 4,930,944 4,926,946 - 4,926,946 996.697 996,647 � 505 COMMUNICATIONS 328,743 56,227 384,970; 1,027,739 - 1,027,739 1,026,738 - 1,026,738 385,971 385,971 � 512 HEALTHC1UtEiNSURANCE 5,950,595 255,073 6,2Q5,668 14,295,824 - 14,295,824 14,5%,144 - 14,596,144 5,905,343 {4,37$,845� 1,526,498 0 522 tE0FP1 RETIREESHEALTHCARE 7,745,180 1,122,373 8,867,553 2,2?2,207 - 2,272,207- 1,167,553 - 1,167,553 9,472,207 (9,972,207► - � 611 FIREMENSPEMSION 5,165,003 133,504 5,298,Sd7 468,000 - 468,000 200,475 - 200,475 5,566,032 (5,566,032) - � Total Other Funds 67,3T2,793 5,420,956 72,793,749 326,878,342 09,045 126,927,387 i25,542,086 57,224 1255�,310 74,121,826 (A2,211,481) 31,910,346 y TQTAIAILFUNDS $d,806,360 7,114,796 87,921,156 243,674,307 172,645 243,851,952 242,343,675 217,645 242,561,32d 89,221,788 (42,387,028) 46,824,�60 � 2yeartaql 123,798,945 518,057,�6 17,058,307�535,115,343 552,837,193 16,865,306 569,7p2,499 89,211,788 (42,387.028) 46,824.760 � 4 tC � - , Agenda Item No.: �' RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: �/ ��/�S PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit � r 1 N m � V � � 5 , a e�: ,, V� \ �1 Name: � � - � Address: � �j Address: Ci ip City: Zip Code:/ �'i - � / Email: � f e 1 1/1 Email: — Topic 'J� + �d� Topic: / 2 � 6 Name: Name: Addresr. Address: / City: Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: Em . Topic: / � opic: 3 � 7 Name: Name: Address: � Address: City: Zip Code: / City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: 4 g Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: / Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: ` Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET � CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: � City: Zip Code: City: Zip Cod • Email: Email: Topic: Topit: / 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: / City: Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: E ail: Topic: � Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: � / / Address: I, City: Zip Code: / City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: / Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: To�j.e' Topic: FINANCE COMMITTEE qPPROVED BY COMMITTEE REPORT C�TY COUNC��- August 10, 2015 Data � �� I S I Amendment "A" to LAG 13-001 with Puget Sound Access (PSA) (August 3, 2015) � The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve Amendment "A" to LAG-13-001 with Puget Sound Access to extend the lease for a ten year period (12/31/2025). 6�-c Don Persson, Chair � � � Greg Ta�?Iar�/ice-Chair Arm�derPavone, Member cc: Peter Renner, Facilities Director APPROVED �Y FINANCE COMMITTEE c�-1-y COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT �c3!te� �D August 10, 2015 � Executive Department Reorginazation (August 3, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the recommended budget adjustment of $75,055 to the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget, and associated changes in positions that will reorganization of the Executive Department as follows: • Authorize new Communications Manager (m26) • Fill a Communications Specialist II position at Communications Specialists I level (a12) � Leave second Communications Specialist II position unfilled and unfunded • Increase Print Shop Office Assistant position hours (a01) from 20 hours/week to 25 hours/week (0.50 FTE to 0.625 FTE) � Increase the 0.50 FTE Secretary II position to full time. O'�^� Don Persson, Chair ( �i_ � 1 Greg Taylor Vice Chair A on� Pavone, Member FINANCE COMMITTEE APPROV�[� ��` COMMITTEE REPORT �ITY �OU�CIL ��ta � August 10, 2015 Hire the Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division Civil Engineer III at Grade a28, Step E (August 3, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to hire the Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division Civil Engineer III at Grade a28, Step E, effective August 28, 2015. The budget adjustment for funding this position has been incorporated into the 2nd quarter budget adjustment ordinance. 6'r— .�t��J?�� Don Persson, Chair � \� � ) Greg Tayro�, Vice Chair Ar�ertdo Pavone, Member cc: Doug Jacobson, Deputy Public Works Administrator,Transportation Bob Hanson,Transportation Design Manager Cathryn Laird, Human Resources Manager Brian Sandler, Human Resources Analyst Hai Nguyen, Finance Analyst Heather Ulit,Administrative Secretary I AP�Rta`�i�.� �`� FINANCE COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT ��t� � ��` August 10, 2015 � Request to Create and Fill a New Full Time Legal Assistant Position (August 3, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the requested creation and filling of a new full time Legal Assistant position. The Committee further recommends that the funding for the new full time position be included in the 2015 — 2016 Mid- Biennial Budget Adjustment. � �� Don Persson, Chair `J ,.. \ � � 1 Greg Tay or, Vice Chair o Pavone, Member cc: Stephanie Rary ���'����1� �``�- TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE C�TX COE�I�CIL COMMITTEE REPORT g �a �� �-,. ���g? August 10, 2015 Conversion of PSE/Intolight-Owned Street Lights from High-Pressure Sodium(HPS) to Light Emitting Diode(LED) August 3, 2015 The Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding and Street Lighting Authorization Letter with PSE/Intolight for conversion of the remaining 2,593 PSE/Intolight-owned street light fixtures located within the City from high- pressure sodium and metal halide to more energy efficient light emitting diode (LED) fixtures. In addition the Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends authorizing the Administration to submit a Business Lighting Incentive Program application to PSE in order to secure incentive funds in the amount of $185,581 to help offset the cost of the street light conversion project. A budget of $577,686 for this project is in place as part of the 2015 2"d quarter budget adjustment that is made up of savings from the previous project (city-owned lights) estimated at $170,000, a general fund transfer of$222,105 and $185,581 in PSE incentive funds. I�Q'iLC'.tSL � Marcie Palmer, Chair � I ��,� Ruth Pe�, Vice Chair Not in Attendance Don Persson, Member cc: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Iwen Wang,Administrative Services Administrator Doug Jacobson, Deputy Public Works Administrator,Transportation Chris Barnes,Transportation Operations Manager Hai Nguyen,Finance Analyst "�.�a��CL��.� �`�f �i�"�' �C�t.;�C6L TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE � COMMITTEE REPORT �� i..4�r�..�.. August 10, 2015 ( Lake Washington Loop Trail Professional Services Agreement with OTAK, Inc. (August 3, 2015) The Transportation (Aviation) Committee reviewed and recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute the Professional Services Agreement with OTAK, Inc. for consultant services for the Lake Washington Loop Trail project. � �L'G��y�� Marcie Imer, Chair � � Ruth Perei, Vice Chair Not in Attendance Don Persson, Member cc: DougJacobson,Deputy PW Administrator—Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Programming Manager Juliana Fries,Program Development Coordinator Hai Nguyen,Finance Analyst Heather Ulit,Transportation Administrative Secretary I Q:\COUNCII\Council Committee Report Orafts\Transp Comm Pending\OTAK,Inc.Lk Wash Loop Trail.doc ,y'Q3 i 6��`Nf�� �,7 � TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE ';��' CC��I����- COMMITTEE REPORT r`1�a� I� —. August 10, 2015 Supplemental Agreement#2 with KPG, Inc. for Final Design Services for the Downtown Circulation Project–Phase 1 (Main Avenue 5 and Bronson Way 5) August 3, 2015 , ' The Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Supplemental Agreement 2 with KPG, Inc. for Final Design Services for the Downtown Circulation Project–Phase 1. A// ' �C����tS�' ' Marcie Palmer, Chair � ��� Ruth Pere� Vice Chair Not in Attendance Don Persson, Member cc: Keith Woolley,Transportation Design Project Manager Heather Ulit,Transportation Administrative Secretary I Q:\COUNCIL\Council Committee Report Drafts\Transp Comm Pending\KPG,Inc.Sup Agreement.doc PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ''�����"��� �� COMMITTEE REPORT €`'�� ������� �:.o g i� l August 10, 2015 Regulations for Legalized Marijuana Work Program Referred on January 6, 2014 The Planning and Development Committee concurs in the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt regulations establishing a process for local licensing of marijuana businesses after the business obtains an endorsement from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. The Planning and Development Committee recommends preparing the ordinance regarding this matter for first reading. f � , " � , � / �, ,, ; ___�.L"�+`-�� ',F�L'---- -- -- Randy Corman, Chair ondo Pavone, Vice Chair ` � Marcie Palmer, Member -r COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE `c��`��'�°3�f�'� �e�F COMMITTEE REPORT ���'� ����°``��" ,- .,..,t..,� 10 ��__.. August 10, 2015 -"'" - I Planning Commission Appointment (August 3, 2015) The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Mr. Charles Seil to the Planning Commission with a term expiring June 30, 2018. l . � Ruth Pere�►, Chair , � �/V)'G�/�i Marcie Palmer, Vice Chair �� � � , � I�ar�dy Corman, Member � cc: Judith Subia,Administrative Assistant _ J APPROVED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE CITY COU�CIL COMMITTEE REPORT �at� g �p August 10, 2015 Change of Facility Supervisor Position to Facility Manager (August 3, 2015) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the change of a Facility Supervisor (a21) position to a Facility Manger (m28) position, effective immediately, at a current annual cost of$8,528.00 inlcuding benefts. �n Don Persson, Chair � •- \ Greg Tay��/ice-Chair Ar n Pavone, Member ! cc: Peter Renner, Facilities Director STAFF RECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 8/10/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: None. Other Requests: Plan Reviewer position (grade a23)to Civil Engineer II position (grade a25) reclassification request approved via Council motion. -Vincent MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: None. *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented,with the exception of Item 7.e.which was � referred to the Plannins&Develoament Committee,and Item 7.g.which was approved as Council concur. '�-,--`� CITY OF � M I N UTES City Councii Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,August 10,2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall—1055 5. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:01 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Ed Prince, Council President , Randy Corman Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez Don Persson Marcie Palmer Greg Taylor ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Nancy Carlson, Human Resources and Risk Management Director Chip Vincent, Community and Economic Development Administrator Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Deborah Needham, Emergency Services Director Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Chief Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Deputy Chief Erik Wallgren, Fire & Emergency Services Department Chief Kevin Milosevich, Police Department Administrator Commander Jon Schuldt, Police Department August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES I PROCLAMATION Ready in Renton-September 2015.A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring the month of September to be Ready in Renton Month. Emergency Management Director Deborah Needham accepted the proclamation and let people know that the City has been prepared for earthquake risk for a number of years now.She explained that the purpose of"Ready in Renton" Month is to make sure that residents and business owners in Renton know that preparing for emergencies can make a difference.Additionally, Ms. Needham shared a number of resources that can assist people in preparation for an emergency situation. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ.CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) Library Grand Opening: Library Board President Erica Richey and King County Library System (KCLS) Cluster Manager John Sheller announced that KCLS will be hosting an event for the re- opening of the renovated Downtown Renton Library. It will be held on August 22, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. and everyone is invited to help celebrate. b) Return to Renton Car Show:Jim Medzegian, member of the Return to Renton Benefit Car Show Steering Committee,thanked the Piazza Renton organization for their volunteerism and financial , support. He reported that the 25th Annual Return to Renton Benefit Car Show held on 7/12/2015 displayed 325 classic vehicles,and approximately 4,000 spectators attended. Mr. Medzegian announced that the next event will be 7/10/2016 and presented Police Chief Milosevich a check in the amount of$13,000 and a Sponsor Plaque for the City's continued support of the program. He also noted that over the years,the show has raised about$225,000 for Renton youth ' programs. Chief Milosevich accepted the check and thanked all those involved for their efforts in supporting the City's youth programs.Additionally, Mayor Law and Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington thanked Mr. Medzegian and the Piazza Renton volunteers for their hard work and for the proceeds donated from the event. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: ' • The Riverview Bridge Grand Opening celebration on Friday, September 18th,from noon to 1 p.m., at Riverview Park, 2901 Maple Valley Highway. • Maple Ridge Estates Homeowners'Association will hold their annual picnic Wednesday, August 12, 2015 in their HOA area located at SE 156th St. and 140th St. SE. Liberty Ridge Homeowners'Association will hold their annual picnic this Thursday,August 13th in their common area, located at NE 1st St.All picnics begin at 5:30 p.m. • Preventative street maintenance,traffic impact projects, and road closures will continue to happen throughout the City. August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing.At the request of Councilmembers Persson and Prince, ConsentAgenda items 7.e. & 7.g. were pulled forseparate consideration. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of 8/3/2015. Council Concur. b) Administrative Services Department recommended purchasing CityWorks, a public asset management software,for$60,000 a year,for the purpose of tracking Public Works and Community Services asset conditions, work orders, service requests, and costs. Refer to Finance ' Committee. c) City Clerk reported the results from the 8/4/2015 bid opening for CAG-15-149-Cascade Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase II project; and submits the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Insituform Technologies, LLC. in the amount of$752,904.32. Council Concur. d) City Clerk reported the results from the 8/4/2015 bid opening for CAG-15-148- Maplewood Creek Stormwater Outfall Improvements project; and submits the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $444,005.Council Concur. f) Community and Economic Development Department requested authorization to hire a Development Engineering Manager at Step E of salary grade m33, effective September 1, 2015. Council Concur. h) Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-14-079,Sunset Community Low Impact Development Retrofit Stormwater Green Connections; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$17,859.72,commencement of a 60-day lien period, and � release retainage,to Northwest Cascade, Inc., if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEMS 7.E.AND 7.G. CARRIED. ' ITEMS 7.E.&7.G.-SEPARATE CONSIDERATION e) Community and Economic Development Department recommended adoption of an ordinance amending the City Code to add abandoned vehicles or illegal storage of non-operable vehicles and unlawful storage, disposal, scavenging and hauling of solid wastes throughout the City as violations of RMC 6-1-3 and 8-1-4 Civil Infractions. . Refer to the Plannin�and Development Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.E.AS REFER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ex iv g) ecut e Department recommended approval of a contract with Cayce &Grove, in the amount of$423,626,for public defense services until lune 30, 2018. °�f��+^ ��^,^�^�^^�^�;**^^. Council Concur. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.G.AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve Amendment"A"to LAG-13-001 with Puget Sound Access to extend the lease for a ten year period (12/31/2025). MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the change of a Facility Supervisor(a21) position to a Facilities Manager(m28) position, effective immediately,at a current annual cost of$8,528 including benefits. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the recommended budget adjustment of$75,055 to the 2015- 2016 Biennial Budget, and associated changes in positions that will reorganize of the Executive Department as follows: • Authorize new Communications Manager(m26) • Fill a Communications Specialist II position at Communications Specialists I level (a12) • Leave second Communications Specialist II position unfilled and unfunded • Increase Print Shop Office Assistant position hours(a01)from 20 hours/week to 25 hours/week(0.50 FTE to 0.625 FTE) • Increase the 0.50 FTE Secretary II position to full time. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. d) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to hire the Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division Civil Engineer III at Grade a28,Step E,effective August 28,2015.The budget adjustment for funding this position has been incorporated into the 2nd quarter budget adjustment ordinance. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. e) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the requested creation and filling of a new full time Legal Assistant position.The committee further recommended that the funding for the new full time position be included in the 2015-2016 Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustment. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. f) Finance Committee Chair Persson requested that item 7.g.from the August 3, 2015 Council Meeting Agenda, Community and Economic Development Department's request to authorize the reclassification of the Plan Reviewer position (salary grade a23)to a Civil Engineer II position (a25), be considered by the full council under unfinished business. Community and Economic ' Development Administrator Chip Vincent informed Council that the administration is requesting this reclassification to better meet the needs and provide more flexibility within the department. August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL APPROVE THE RECLASSIFICATION OF THE PLAN REVIEWER POSITION TO A CIVIL ENGINEER II POSITION. CARRIED. g) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding and Street Lighting Authorization Letter with PSE/Intolight for conversion of the remaining 2,593 PSE/Intolight-owned street light fixtures located within the City from high-pressure sodium and metal halide to more energy efficient light emitting diode (LED)fixtures. In addition,the Transportation (Aviation) Committee recommended authorizing th Admini r i e st at on to submit a Business Lighting Incentive Program application to PSE in order to secure incentive funds in the amount of$185,581 to help offset the cost of the street light conversion project.A budget of$577,686 for this project is in place as part of the 2015 2nd quarter budget adjustment that is made up of savings from the previous project(city-owned lights)estimated at$170,000,a general fund transfer of$222,105 and$185,581 in PSE incentive funds. MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. h) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute the Professional Services Agreement in the amount of$301,891 with OTAK, Inc.for consultant services for the Lake Washington Loop Trail project. , MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY PERE2, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. i) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Supplemental Agreement 2 with KPG, Inc. in the amount of$155,534 for Final Design Services for the Downtown Circulation Project— Phase 1. MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. j) Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt regulations establishing a process for local licensing of marijuana businesses after the business obtains an endorsement from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.The Planning and Development Committee recommends preparing the ordinance regarding this matter for first reading at the next Council meeting. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. k) Community Services Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Mr. Charles Seil to the Planning Commission with a term expiring June 30, 2018. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for second and final reading: a) ORD 5764: 2015 Second Quarter Biennial Budget Amendment:An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton fiscal years 2015/2016 Biennial Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 5737 and thereafter amended by Ordinance N0. 5755, in the amount of$16,865,306. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Commiftee meeting calendar. EXECUTIVE SESSION &ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL RECE55 INTO EXECUTIVE ' SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES TO DISCU55 PENDING UTIGATION- RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)-WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADIOURNED. CARRIED.TIME 7:44 P.M. Executive session was conducted.There was no action taken.The executive session and the Council meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. ^ n. � � Jason A. :+��MC, :i�jr Clerk � Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday,August 10, 2015 i August 10, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Council Committee Meeting Calendar August 10, 2015 August 17, 2015 I'i Manday Council Holiday - No Meetings August 24, 2015 Monday Council Holiday - No Meetings August 31, 2015 Monday Fifth Monday - No Meetings September 7,2015 Monday City Holiday - Labor Day September 14, 2015 Monday 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson - Council Conference Room 1. Enterprise Asset Management System 2. Emerging Issues 4:30 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Corman, Counci) Conference Rm 1. Amending Ordinance 6-1-3 and 8-1-4 -Junk Vehicles 2. Docket 1 1 CANCELED Community Services Committee, Chair Perez CANCELED Utilities Committee, Chair Taylor 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince - Council Chambers 1. Regional Fire Authority Update 2. Energize Eastside Briefing _, ��� 8/���s � --�� , - J ��S �� '1 August 10, 2015 Jim Medzegian RETURN TO RENTON (RTR) BENEFIT CAR SHOW RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PRESENTATION Good evening. I am Jim Medzegian, representing the RTR Benefit Car Show Steering Committee. I would like to recognize those members of our steering committee who are present this evening. They axe seated over there. They are a great group of folks to work with and they are folks that make good things happen within the Renton community. This year's RTR Benefit Car Show was held on Sunday, July 12th, in downtown Renton. It was our 25th anniversary. We had 325 classic vehicles on display and we estimate about 4,000 spectators viewed the vehicles. We had hoped for 400 vehicles or more, but the threatening weather in the morning affected our numbers a bit. We did a quick study regarding where did our classic car participants come from and found that 43% came from the Renton area; 16% from the KentlAuburn area; 11% from the SE King County area and 10% from each of the areas of Tacoma, Seattle, and Bellevue/Kirkland. We believe the data demonstrates that the Renton Car Show is now clearly a "Regional" car show. Our steering committee feels the show was once again a great success. We believe it was one of the best shows yet and the logo design for our 25�' year was over the top. We had over 60 local sponsors who helped make the show a financial success As in the past, we had great support from Renton city officials and city support staff which helped in making the show so very successful. Page 1/2 � _� We have established Sunday, July l Oth, 2016, as next year's show date. We I, will hold the show in downtown Renton. Our committee continues to meet '� monthly to ensure that next year's show is the best it can be. We hope downtown businesses will continue to grow their involvement with the show and we plan to once again use the Piazza as our show headquarters for registration, check-in, and presenta.tion of awards. The Piazza is a wonderful place to hold special events as well as on-going events such as the Renton Farmer's Market. At this time I want to let people know that my wife Joanne and I are stepping down from our leadership positions on the car show steering committee. This past show was our l Oth year of significant involvement. Without mentioning any names, I know a couple that will be 76 years old on their next birthdays. I also certainly know when you talk about volunteering on programs in Renton, 10 years is not all that much. ���rn� r'�-- ��eCll'K��-' ` /'S Gt 1 S'0 S`` _'��" ��7�''A� �/,✓F�`��"fz,.'� �Lr ✓ �(�V SvL � Ryan Runge w has been on our leadership team for several years will become Chairp rson. Ryan, please give us a wave. Thank you. , v�. � At this time, I ould Police�hief Keven Milosevich to please come forward. It is i dee my honor and pleasure to present you with a 2015 Car Show Plaque d a check in the amount of$13,000.00 for the RPD Youth Education Fun . Over the years, the show has raised about $225,000 for� Youth progr � (��-�� ��-C�,�,�-�w a l� �� ����� Page 2/2 I�n Gr l� � ��'' VVI � Denis Law CltY Of � o Mayor D � Y � U '�t, � + � + ��'N��� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC August 11, 2015 Charles Seil 11516 SE 173`d St Renton WA 98055 Re: Appointment to the Planning Commission Dear Mr.Seil: At the regular Council meeting of August 10, 2015,the Renton City Council concurred in your appointment by Mayor Denis Law to the Planning Commission for a term expiring on lune 30, 2018. Congratulations on your appointment.Your service on the Planning Commission is sincerely appreciated and valued by City officials and staff. Effective July 1, 2014 every member of the governing body or public agency must complete Open Public Meetings Act training within 90 days of taking the oath of office (if required) or assuming his or her duties as a public official. Refresher training is required at intervals of no more than four years as long ' as the individual is a member of the governing body or public agency(RCW 42.30.205). Washington State Attorney General Opinion 1986 No. 16 defines"governing body" to include committees appointed ' by the governing body. Therefore,the City of Renton is interpreting that this regulation applies to all boards and commission members. In order to comply with this regulation we are requesting that all boards and commission members view a short training video provided by the Attorney General's Office. Please visit httq://rentonwa.�ov/citvclerk and select Lesson 1—Open Public Meetings Act.After viewing the video please fill out the attached Certificate of Training and return the form no later than November 15, 2015. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, � G lason Seth City Clerk cc: Mayor Denis Law Council President Ed Prince Judith Subia,Administrative Secretary-CED April Alexander, Executive Assistant-Mayor Office 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057•(425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov STAFF RECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 8/10/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: None. Other Requests: Plan Reviewer position (grade a23)to Civil Engineer II position (grade a25) reclassification request approved via Council motion. -Vincent MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: None. *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented,with the exception of Item 7.e.which was referred to the Plannin�&Develooment Committee,and Item 7.g.which was approved as Council concur. .