HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0614 r- ` _._-.--._.. , " . R E S 0 L U T I 0 N N 0. 614 WHEREAS, t e Department of Highwt�ys of the State of W�,ehington is desirous of ` constructing ac e t e DA FII 28 (1 Unit 2 I t h r o u g h t h e i ty,__ of e nt o r� Gnd is desiroue of routing the tra.ffic on said improvement through �aid �i y of RPntnn over . Sixth �venue Tdorth in the City of Renton, beginning at Station I3+56.1 at the intersection of Sixth tivenue Pdorth v�ith S�illiams Street PTorth in the Cii;y of Renton and extending aresterly on Sixth Avenue North to an � intersection vrith the East boundary of ComrlerciaZ �daterti�nay No. 2 at Station 2L,,+71.8, and all as shown on map of definite location of the above numbered project kno�vn as Access City Street to the Boeing Assembly Plant in Renton, Sixth Avenue North� Project No. DA �I 2� (1) Unit 2� in King County, dated December �, 1943, and all filed in the office of the Director of HighWays, State of Utashington, Departm�nt of Highways, O7�mpia� �'t'ashington. �.nd crossing other certain intersecting streete and public thoraughfares, and, WHEREAS, the Dep�rtment of Highways of the St�.te of Washington ie desirous of receiving Federal funds for the improvement of s�id access street to Boeing �ssembly Plant in Renton , �d WHEREAS� the Public Ro�ds Adminietr�tion of the Department of Agriculture of � the United Statee of Americ� will not pn.rticipate in the construction of s4id access street to Boeing Assembly P1.a.nt in Renton until and unlese the � City of Renton will �.gree to refrr�.in from pertnitting encro�chment$ upon the right of w�.,y of said �bove mentioned streets, and until and unleea the Ctty of Renton will �gree to refr�in from p«eaing ordinancea or l�,ws �,ffectin� the free flow of tr�ffic on s�id �.bove mentioned streets or th�,t will give prefer�nce to 1oc�.1 routes which inter$ect with e�.id streets, other th�_n by the erection or inetull^tion of "slow" �nd�or.. "c�ution" signa or ai�n�ls, or th^t will unrewson��bly hinder or del�.y traffic on s�.id �.bove mentioned etreeta, �c.nd until �:nd unless the City of Renton will �gree, by suitable ordin^ncc, to �dopt the gr�,des of the improvement ae the �rrdes of the city streete thut �,re involved �d agree to protect the State of Washington ag�,inet 4ny �nd �.11 cl�.ims for d�zge� on �,ccount of �y ch�.nges of gr�das ��nd the construction of thie impravem�nt, �nd until and unless the City of Renton �� will �grQe to m�intain s�.id improvement within the corpor�.te �.imita of the C_ ity of Rento - ^fter tho improvement h�.e been completed; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT R�'SOLVED by the M�yor �.nd Council of Cit_v of Renton th�t for und in con�ideration af the Dcprstment of Highw�.ys of the State of Wcehington r:nd the Fublic Roade Adminietr�.tion of the Dep�xtment of Agriculture of the United St�,tes of Americu conatructing suid access street to Boeing AsseMbly Plant in Rentcn and routin� trr�ffic on the s�,me through the City of � ReritOnover -1- \ and croesing other cortain intersecting streets can8 public thoroughfaros, it hereby Agrees with thc Dep�stmont of Highwrzys of tho Stato of Waehington t�nd tho Public Roade Adminiatration of the Department of Agriculture of the United St�,toe of America, that it will not, in the future, permit encro�achmente on the right of w�y of the s�.id abova mentionod streets, nor will it p�se r�y ordin�nces or lnws �,ffecting the free flow of trr�.ffic on said r�bove mentioned etreete or that will givo preferencv to local routee which interseet with aaid streete, other th�n by the erection or inet�,llation of "slow" �nd�or "cra.ution" eigna or sign�.le, or th�.t will alow up, unreaeonably hinder, or dQlay traffic on eaid �,bove mentioned streeta, �nd that it will, by auit�,ble ordinanco, �dopt the grades of the improvc- ment �.s the gradoe of the city streote th�,t aro involved, and hereby agroQe to protect the St�.te of Washiz�ton c.gainat �.t�y and all claims for d�.tnages wccount chrsnges of ��,des and the conetruction of this improvement, �nd hereby furthQr agreee to m�,int�in srsid improvement within the corporate limits of the Cit�* of Renton �.f'ter this improvement h�.e been completed. PASSED tho Cit,y Council of the Cit�r, of Rerrt.an , Kin�; � County, W�ushington� thie 7th day of �la��,_A.D., 19�. � .� ,� � , �-� Mclyor ATTEST; Published: A.D. 19 ity Clark I hereby certify the foregoing to bo w true copy of tha original resolution No. �_ p�,ased by the City Council of the Cit� of Renton , King County, W�.ehington, on the 7th d�,y of March A.D., 19 44 , in the regular meeting of said Council. Dated this 1Qthd�y of March A. D., 19 44 . /,�- \J �- Y C ork Form A -2-