HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil 07/19/2010AGENDA  RENTON CITY COUNCIL  REGULAR MEETING  July 19, 2010  Monday, 7 p.m.   *REVISED* 1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2.ROLL CALL 3.PROCLAMATIONS a. Renton Welcomes Seahawk Fans To Training Camp Month ‐ August 2010  b. 100 Years of Camp Fire Day ‐ July 31, 2010  4.SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a. Summer Teen Musical Preview  b. Northwest Men's Project Pledge ‐ Domestic Violence Awareness  5.PUBLIC HEARING a. Permits Technology Surcharge Fee  6.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7.AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The  comment period will be limited to one‐half hour.  The second audience comment period later on in  the agenda is unlimited in duration.)  When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please  walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST  NAME. 8.CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the  recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion.  Any item may be removed for further  discussion if requested by a Councilmember.  a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 7/12/2010.  Council concur.  b. City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010 through 6/30/2010 and expiration  report for agreements expiring 7/1/2010 to 12/31/2010.  Information.  c. Community  and  Economic  Development  Department  recommends  adoption  of  the  Arts  &  Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Services Committee.  d. Community  and  Economic  Development  Department  recommends  adoption  of  the  2009  International  Property  Maintenance  Code  (IPMC)  with  local  amendments.   Refer  to Public  Safety Committee.  e. Community  and  Economic  Development  Department  recommends  designating  certain  code  violations  as  civil  infractions  to  reduce  code  enforcement  costs  and  process  times by  adopting revised Civil Enforcement of Code.  Refer to Public Safety Committee.  f. Community  and  Economic  Development  Department  recommends adoption  of housekeeping  amendments to City Code to clarify sections of the Unfit Building Regulations.  Refer to Public  Page 1 of 236 Safety Committee.  g. Community and Economic Development Department recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $157,975 with Blumen Consulting Group, Inc. to complete an Environmental Impact  Statement  (EIS)  for  the  proposed  mixed‐use  development  Quendall  Terminals.   Refer  to  Finance Committee.  h. Executive  Department  recommends  approval  of  the  2nd  Amendment  to  CAG‐00‐049,  with  Valley  Communications  Center,  to  vest  authority  to  its  Administration  Board  to consider  extending  Member  City  rates  and  a seat  on  its Operating  Board  to  future  Regional  Fire  Authorities  or  other  fire  entities  without  further  amendments  to  its governing  interlocal  agreement.  Council concur.  i. Finance  and  Information  Services  Department  recommends  approval  of  the  second  quarter  2010  Budget  amendments  increasing  appropriations  by  $8.1  million.   Refer  to Finance  Committee.  j. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave. S. (SR 167) Improvement  Project,  Phase  I ‐  Shattuck  Ave.  S.  Stormwater  Bypass;  and  requests  approval  of  the  project, commencement of a 60‐day lien period, and release of retained amount of $77,418.83  to  Pivetta  Brothers  Construction,  contractor,  if  all  required  releases  are  obtained.   Council  concur.  k. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the amount of $195,640 with  the  Washington  State  Department  of  Transportation  (WSDOT)  for  their  purchase  of  .4891  credits of the City's share of available credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat  Mitigation Bank to compensate for the impact to wetlands from the State's SR 167, 15th St. SW  to S. 180th St., HOV Lane project.  Council concur.  (See 10.a. for resolution.)  9.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week.  Those topics  marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation.  Committee reports on any topics may be held  by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Finance:  Vouchers; Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Natural Resources Plan Contract with  SvR; Library Site Analysis; Clean Cities Alternative Fuel & Advanced Technology Vehicle Pilot  Grant*  10.RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolutions: a. Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation credit purchase agreement with the  Washington State Department of Transportation (See 8.k.)  b. Clean Cities Alternative Fuel & Advanced Technology Vehicle Pilot Grant with the Puget  Sound Clean Air Agency  (See 9.a.)  11.NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425‐430‐6512 for recorded information.) 12.AUDIENCE COMMENT 13.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA   (Preceding Council Meeting)     Page 2 of 236   COUNCIL CHAMBERS   July 19, 2010  Monday, 5:30 p.m.    Annexation Update: Financial Analysis     • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk •     CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RECABLECAST:  Tues. & Thurs. at 11 AM & 9 PM, Wed. & Fri at 9 AM & 7 PM and Sat. & Sun. at 1 PM & 9 PM  Page 3 of 236 3a. ‐ Renton Welcomes Seahawk Fans To Training Camp Month ‐ August  2010 Page 4 of 236 3b. ‐ 100 Years of Camp Fire Day ‐ July 31, 2010 Page 5 of 236 !"#$% "&'()#*+ , -. . /0 0 . 1 ,/ ! " #$ %$ " 2 1 3 4 /- & ' ! ( " " " )$ " ' " ! *+ , - " " . #$ )//0 122 20# " + %$ 13)0 4%%" 5a. ‐ Permits Technology Surcharge Fee Page 6 of 236 5 " 6 & #$ " 7 " 8$ " " . #$ 9 " 7 %$ " : )/3)" 5a. ‐ Permits Technology Surcharge Fee Page 7 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Contract Lists: 2nd Quarter 2010 Report & Six-month Expiration Report Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: List of contracts fully executed from 4/1/10 - 6/30/10; and List of contracts expiring between 7/1/10 - 12/31/10 Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Executive Staff Contact: Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk Recommended Action: None; Information only Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The quarterly contract report shows 55 agreements fully executed during the 2nd quarter of 2010. The six-month expiration report shows 111 agreements expiring between 7/1/10 - 12/31/2010. Source: Contract Management Module in the EDEN financial software system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None; Information only 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 8 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 9 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 10 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 11 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 12 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 13 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 14 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 15 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 16 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 17 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 18 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 19 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 20 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 21 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 22 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 23 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 24 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 25 of 236 8b. ‐ City Clerk submits quarterly contract list for period 4/1/2010  through 6/30/2010 and expiration report for agreements expiring Page 26 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Arts & Culture Master Plan Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Arts & Culture Master Plan Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Jennifer Davis Hayes Recommended Action: Refer to Community Services Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: In 2008, the City Council amended RMC 2-8-3C to require that the Municipal Arts Commission "Develop a five-year Master Plan for Arts and Culture, which shall include the City's vision and goals for future works of public art, and a strategic plan for implementing these goals" (Ord. 5365). In November 2009, the City hired Lund Consulting to help develop this plan in conjunction with the broader arts and culture community. A “big tent” Community Steering Committee was formed of 50 community representatives, with a four person leadership group, which has worked more closely with City staff and the consultant. Stakeholder interviews, steering committee and leadership group meetings, a public open house and an on-line survey occurred to help develop the draft Arts & Culture Master Plan, which is presented here for City Council consideration. If and when the Plan is adopted, the Municipal Arts Commission will facilitate the implementation of the plan in partnership with community arts organizations and individuals interested in achieving the plan's goals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Arts & Culture Master Plan that has created actionable strategies for the City and community to implement that will help existing cultural organizations, individual artists, and creative businesses to survive and grow. 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 27 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ &LW\RI5HQWRQ $UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ $FWLRQ3ODQIRUD7KULYLQJ &UHDWLYH6HFWRUWKURXJK &RPPXQLW\3DUWQHUVKLSV     8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 28 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 29 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ &,7<2)5(1721 'HQLV/DZ0D\RU &,7<&281&,/ 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¿FLDOVEXVLQHVVOHDGHUVPDMRULQVWLWXWLRQVDUWLVWVDQGWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLF6HYHUDOKXQGUHG SHRSOHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKUHHSXEOLFPHHWLQJVDQGDOPRVWSHRSOHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQDQRQOLQH VXUYH\7KHVXUYH\UHVXOWVDUHLQFOXGHGDWWKHHQGRIWKLVUHSRUW 7KHUHVXOWLQJSODQVXFFHHGVLQGH¿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c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 34 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ &UHDWLYHZRUNHULQWKHSULQWLQJLQGXVWU\ 2SSRUWXQLWLHV 2SSRUWXQLWLHVDERXQG5HQWRQ¶VSK\VLFDODWWULEXWHVKHOSVKDSHWKH¿UVWRSSRUWXQLW\7KHFLW\ LVVLWHGRQ/DNH:DVKLQJWRQLVWUDYHUVHGE\WKH&HGDU5LYHUDQGKDVDQLGHQWL¿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¿FDQWSXEOLFDQGSULYDWHDUWFROOHFWLRQVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\0DMRUHPSOR\HUV IURP7KH%RHLQJ&RPSDQ\WR:L]DUGVRIWKH&RDVWWR,.($WR9DOOH\0HGLFDO&HQWHUDUHEXWD IHZRIWKHSOD\HUVZKRKDYHKLVWRULFDOO\MRLQHGFRPPXQLW\HIIRUWVWRVSRQVRUDQGVXSSRUWHYHQWV VXFKDV,.($5HQWRQ5LYHU'D\VWKH)DUPHUV0DUNHW+ROLGD\/LJKWVDQGWKH$UWDQG$QWLTXH :DON%XVLQHVVHVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVKDYHVWHSSHGXSWRKHOSEXLOGWKH5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV &HQWHUDQGWRVHUYHRQWKHERDUGVRIDUWVRUJDQL]DWLRQV 5HQWRQLVKRPHWRPDQ\FUHDWLYHEXVLQHVVHV±DWKLUGRSSRUWXQLW\7KHVHDUHEXVLQHVVHV ZKRVH HPSOR\HHV DUH DUWVFHQWULF VXFK DV JUDSKLF DUWLVWV JDPH DQG VRIWZDUH GHYHORSHUV DUFKLWHFWV SKRWRJUDSKHUV GHVLJQHUV PRYLH WKHDWUH VWDII DV ZHOO DV D QRQSUR¿W PXVHXP V\PSKRQLHVWKHDWUHJURXSVDQGGDQFHFRPSDQLHV7KHFUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHVDUHWKHKLJKRFWDQH IXHOWKDWGULYHVWKH³LQIRUPDWLRQHFRQRP\´²WKHIDVWHVWJURZLQJVHJPHQWRIWKHQDWLRQ¶VHFRQRP\ DFFRUGLQJWRWKHQDWLRQDORUJDQL]DWLRQ$PHULFDQVIRUWKH$UWV $VRI-DQXDU\DFRQVHUYDWLYHHVWLPDWHLQGLFDWHVWKDW5HQWRQLVKRPHWRRYHUIRUSUR¿W DUWVUHODWHGEXVLQHVVHVWKDWHPSOR\SHRSOH 7KHQRQSUR¿WDUWVLQ5HQWRQHPSOR\SHRSOHDQGFRQWULEXWHWD[UHYHQXHWRWKHFLW\DQGVWDWH RI7KLVHVWLPDWHLVFRQVHUYDWLYHEHFDXVHWKHIRUPXODXVHGWRFRXQWWKHQXPEHURI 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DQG HQWUHSUHQHXUVKLS DUH FUHDWLQJ QHZ ZD\V WR PDNH DQG VKRZ DUW LQFOXGLQJ WKURXJKWHFKQRORJ\VXFKDVGLJLWDOLPDJHU\<RX7XEHRQOLQHVRFLDOQHWZRUNVDQGPXVLFDQG¿OP GRZQORDGV (GXFDWLRQDODQG&DUHHU6XFFHVV 7KH5HQWRQVFKRROGLVWULFWLVKLJKO\UHJDUGHGE\HGXFDWLRQDOH[SHUWV7KHGLVWULFWKDVRQHRI WKHPRVWGLYHUVHVWXGHQWERGLHVRIDQ\GLVWULFWLQWKHVWDWHZLWKRYHUODQJXDJHVVSRNHQE\ VWXGHQWV7KHGLVWULFWRZQVDQGRSHUDWHVWKH5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHUDQGWKHGLVWULFW RIIHUVVRPHDUWVSURJUDPV/LNHRWKHUGLVWULFWVDURXQGWKHFRXQWU\DUWFODVVHVDQGDFWLYLWLHVDUH RIWHQWKH¿UVWWREHFXWGXHWRIXQGLQJVKRUWIDOOV,QGLYLGXDOWHDFKHUVSULQFLSDOVSDUHQWWHDFKHU DVVRFLDWLRQV 37$V DQGSDUHQWVDUHRIWHQRQWKHLURZQWR¿QGZD\VWRLQFOXGHDUWVLQWKHOLYHV RIVWXGHQWV7KHUHDUHJUHDWH[DPSOHVRIVXFKLQLWLDWLYH,Q5HQWRQVRPHFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUV WKURXJKWKH)ULHQGVRI5HQWRQ6FKRROVDUHSURYLGLQJSULYDWHIXQGLQJWRHQFRXUDJHH[WUDFXUULFXODU VFKRRODFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJWKHDUWV &DUHHUVLQWKHQHZHFRQRP\UHTXLUHSHRSOHZKRDUHNQRZOHGJHZRUNHUVZLWKFUHDWLYHVNLOOVWKDW 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´7KH/LJKWWKDW6HSDUDWHVµ2LORQ3DVWHOE\.DUHQ(YHQVRQ/RFDWLRQ&LW\+DOOWKÁRRU 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 41 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡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ÀHFWULFKDQGGLYHUVHDUWLVWLFNQRZOHGJH &RPPXQLWLHVLQSDUWLFXODULQGLJHQRXVDQGLPPLJUDQWFRPPXQLWLHVJURXSVDQGLQVRPHFDVHV 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7KHYROXQWHHU/HDGHUVKLS&RPPLWWHHHVWDEOLVKHGE\WKHFLW\WRJXLGHWKHPDVWHUSODQQLQJSURFHVV DSSURYHGWKHIROORZLQJYLVLRQVWDWHPHQWDIWHUUHYLHZLQJSXEOLFLQSXWDQGSUHYLRXVO\DGRSWHGYLVLRQ VWDWHPHQWV 5HQWRQDVSLUHVWREHDFHQWHUIRUDUWVDQGFXOWXUHZKHUHWUDGLWLRQDODQG FRQWHPSRUDU\DUWVWKULYHDQGFUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHVDUHFXOWLYDWHG +RZLVDWKULYLQJDUWVFRPPXQLW\GHÀQHG" +HDOWK\DUWVFRPPXQLWLHVDUHGH¿QHGDQGGRFXPHQWHGLQWHUPVRIKRZDUWVFXOWXUHDQGFUHDWLYH H[SUHVVLRQFRQWULEXWHWRWKHZHOOEHLQJRIFRPPXQLWLHVDQGWKHLUUHVLGHQWV ,QRUGHUWRGH¿QHVXFFHVVLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRORRNIRUPHWULFV7KH8UEDQ/DQG,QVWLWXWHKDV FRQGXFWHGUHVHDUFKWKDWKDVUHVXOWHGLQVRPHREMHFWLYHPHDVXUHVWKDW5HQWRQPLJKWXVHWRUHSRUW RQLWVVWDWXVDQGSURJUHVV 7KH8UEDQ,QVWLWXWH¶V$UWVDQG&XOWXUDO,QGLFDWRUV3URMHFWEHJDQPRUHWKDQWHQ\HDUVDJRWR LGHQWLI\DQGGRFXPHQWKRZDUWVFXOWXUHDQGFUHDWLYHH[SUHVVLRQFRQWULEXWHWRWKHZHOOEHLQJ RIGLYHUVHFRPPXQLWLHVDFURVVWKHQDWLRQ7KHSURMHFWXWLOL]HVWKHIROORZLQJGH¿QLWLRQRIFXOWXUDO YLWDOLW\WRGLVFXVVQRWVRPXFK³ZK\´EXW³KRZ´WKHDUWVPDWWHU 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&LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 7KH 8UEDQ ,QVWLWXWH GH¿QHV D KHDOWK\ DUWV FRPPXQLW\ DV KDYLQJ ³HYLGHQFH RI FUHDWLQJ GLVVHPLQDWLQJYDOLGDWLQJDQGVXSSRUWLQJDUWVDQGFXOWXUHDVDGLPHQVLRQRIHYHU\GD\OLIHDUWV DQGFXOWXUHDUHDOVRUHVRXUFHVWKDWFRPHRXWRIFRPPXQLWLHVUDWKHUWKDQPHUHO\UHVRXUFHVWKDW DUHEURXJKWWRFRPPXQLWLHVIURPWKHRXWVLGH´ ,QLWVUHSRUW&XOWXUH&RXQWVLQ&RPPXQLWLHV$)UDPHZRUNIRU0HDVXUHPHQWWKH8UEDQ ,QVWLWXWH LGHQWL¿HG D IUDPHZRUN PRUH PHDVXULQJ FXOWXUDO YLWDOLW\ WKDW LQFOXGHG SUHVHQFH SDUWLFLSDWLRQV\VWHPVRIVXSSRUWDQGLPSDFWV 3UHVHQFHRIRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUFXOWXUDOSDUWLFLSDWLRQ ‡1XPEHURIQRQSUR¿WSXEOLFDQGFRPPHUFLDOUHODWHGRUJDQL]DWLRQV ‡1XPEHURIUHWDLODUWYHQXHV ‡1XPEHURIQRQDUWVYHQXHVZLWKDUWVDQGFXOWXUDOSURJUDPPLQJ ‡1XPEHURIIHVWLYDOVDQGSDUDGHV ‡1XPEHURIDUWIRFXVHGPHGLDRXWOHWV ‡1XPEHURIDUWVFKRROVDQGSULYDWHWHDFKHUV ‡3DUWLFLSDWLRQ DPDWHXUDUWPDNLQJFROOHFWLYHDUWPDNLQJ.DQGDIWHUVFKRRODUWVHGXFDWLRQ DGXOWSDUWLFLSDWLRQSXUFKDVHRIDUWLVWLFJRRGVGLVFRXUVHDERXWDUWVLQWKHPHGLD 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RIWHQ\RXKDYHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQDQ\RIWKHVHDFWLYLWLHVRYHUWKH/$67 0217+6 3OHDVHW\SHLQDQXPEHUEHWZHHQ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 47 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ &5($7,9((&2120<$1' (&2120,&%(1(),76 :KDWLVWKH&UHDWLYH(FRQRP\" $FFRUGLQJWR:LNLSHGLD³&UHDWLYHLQGXVWULHVUHIHUWRDUDQJHRIHFRQRPLFDFWLYLWLHVZKLFKDUH FRQFHUQHGZLWKWKHJHQHUDWLRQRUH[SORLWDWLRQRINQRZOHGJHDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ7KH\PD\YDULRXVO\ DOVREHUHIHUUHGWRDVWKHFXOWXUDOLQGXVWULHVRUWKHFUHDWLYHHFRQRP\7KHFUHDWLYHHFRQRP\ FRPSULVHV DGYHUWLVLQJ DUFKLWHFWXUH DUW FUDIWV GHVLJQ IDVKLRQ ¿OP PXVLF SHUIRUPLQJ DUWV SXEOLVKLQJ UHVHDUFK DQG GHYHORSPHQW VRIWZDUH WR\V DQG JDPHV79 DQG UDGLR DQG YLGHR JDPHV´ 7KHFUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHVKDYHEHHQVHHQWREHFRPHLQFUHDVLQJO\LPSRUWDQWWRHFRQRPLFZHOOEHLQJ SURSRQHQWVVXJJHVWLQJWKDW³KXPDQFUHDWLYLW\LVWKHXOWLPDWHHFRQRPLFUHVRXUFH´DQGWKDW³WKH 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8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 49 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ $QDWLRQDOVWXG\XVHGDGYHUWLVLQJDVDQH[DPSOHDQGIRXQGWKDWRIWKHHPSOR\PHQWLQWKDW LQGXVWU\LVDUWLVWUHODWHG ([DPSOHVRIDUWLVWVHQJDJHGLQWKHDGYHUWLVLQJ¿HOG *UDSKLFGHVLJQHUV $UWGLUHFWRUV :ULWHUDQGDXWKRUV 0XOWLPHGLDDUWLVWVDQGDQLPDWRUV 0HUFKDQGLVHGLVSOD\HUVDQGZLQGRZWULPPHUV 3URGXFHUVDQGGLUHFWRUV )LQHDUWLVWVSDLQWHUVVFXOSWRUVDQGLOOXVWUDWRUV &RPPHUFLDODQGLQGXVWULDOGHVLJQHUV ,QWHULRUGHVLJQHUV $FWRUV :KDWLVWKH(FRQRPLF,PSDFWRIWKH $UWVDQG&UHDWLYH,QGXVWULHV" )RUWKLVPDVWHUSODQZHLQFOXGHGWKUHHPHWKRGVRIFDOFXODWLQJHFRQRPLFLPSDFWRIWKHDUWV ‡$PHULFDQVIRUWKH$UWV'XQQ %UDGVWUHHW5HSRUWRQ5HQWRQFUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHV ‡&LW\RI5HQWRQEXVLQHVVOLFHQVHDQDO\VLVE\1$,&FRGHV ‡(FRQRPLFLPSDFWFDOFXODWRUIRUQRQSUR¿WDUWV ([DPSOHRIDGYHUWLVLQJDVSXEOLFDUW 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 50 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ $PHULFDQVIRUWKH$UWV'XQQ %UDGVWUHHW 5HSRUWRQ5HQWRQ&UHDWLYH,QGXVWULHV $VRI-DQXDU\5HQWRQ:$LVKRPHWRDUWVUHODWHGEXVLQHVVHVWKDWHPSOR\ SHRSOH 7KHVRXUFHRIWKLVGDWDLVEDVHGVROHO\RQEXVLQHVVHVWKDWKDYHUHJLVWHUHGZLWK'XQQ %UDGVWUHHW RXU DQDO\VHV LQGLFDWH DQ XQGHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI QRQSUR¿W DUWV RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG LQGLYLGXDO DUWLVWV7KHUHIRUHWKLV&UHDWLYH,QGXVWULHVUHSRUWVKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGDFRQVHUYDWLYHHVWLPDWH 7KHFDWHJRULHVLGHQWL¿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¿WDUWVHFRQRPLF LPSDFWFDOFXODWRU 5HOLHVRQQDWLRQDOGDWDWRSURMHFWVSHQGLQJE\DUWV SDWURQVZKLFKPD\XQGHUUHSRUWVSHQGLQJLQWKH 3XJHW6RXQGUHJLRQGXHWRKLJKHUFRVWRIOLYLQJ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 51 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 7KHVHDUWVFHQWULFEXVLQHVVHVSOD\DQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQEXLOGLQJDQGVXVWDLQLQJHFRQRPLFYLEUDQF\ 7KH\HPSOR\SHRSOHVSHQGPRQH\ORFDOO\JHQHUDWHJRYHUQPHQWUHYHQXHDQGDUHDFRUQHUVWRQH RIWRXULVPDQGHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW &LW\RI5HQWRQEXVLQHVVOLFHQVHDQDO\VLV 7KH 1RUWK $PHULFDQ ,QGXVWU\ &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ 6\VWHP 1$,&6  LV WKH VWDQGDUG XVHG E\ )HGHUDO VWDWLVWLFDODJHQFLHVLQFODVVLI\LQJEXVLQHVVHVWDEOLVKPHQWVIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIFROOHFWLQJDQDO\]LQJ DQGSXEOLVKLQJVWDWLVWLFDOGDWDUHODWHGWRWKH86EXVLQHVVHFRQRP\(FRQRPLFLPSDFWRIWKHDUWVFDQ 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3XEOLFSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHDUWVDOVRLQFOXGHVJDOOHU\VWUROOVRQOLQHDUWVWUDLQLQJFRPPXQLW\WKHDWHU JDUDJHEDQGVWUDGLWLRQDODQGIRONDUWVDQGFLQHPDV $FFRUGLQJWRDQ,UYLQH)RXQGDWLRQUHSRUWRQ&DOLIRUQLDLQZHDUHH[SHULHQFLQJDEOXUULQJRI GLVWLQFWLRQEHWZHHQQRQSUR¿WFXOWXUDORUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGFRPPHUFLDODUWVSURYLGHUV7KHUDQJHRI DUWVSURYLGHUVQRUPDOO\VKRXOGUXQWKHJDPXWIURPJUDVVURRWVQRQSUR¿WVRUWULEDODUWVFHQWHUV WRODUJHDUWVLQVWLWXWLRQVWRIRUSUR¿WHQWLWLHVVXFKDVERRNVWRUHVDUWVVXSSO\VWRUHVDQGPRYLH WKHDWUHVWR079 ³7KHLQFUHDVLQJLQÀXHQFHRIWKHPDUNHWLQDOOVSKHUHVRI$PHULFDQOLIHLVIRUFLQJQRQSUR¿WVHFWRUV WUDGLWLRQDOO\VKLHOGHGIURPWKHPDUNHWSODFH HJDFDGHPLFLQVWLWXWLRQVFXOWXUDORUJDQL]DWLRQV QRQSUR¿W KHDOWK SURYLGHUV  WR FRPSHWH ZLWK FRPPHUFLDO HQWHUSULVHV IRU FXVWRPHUV VRFLHWDO YDOLGDWLRQDQGUHVRXUFHV :KHUHDV\HDUVDJRWKHGLVWLQFWLRQEHWZHHQQRQSUR¿WDQGFRPPHUFLDOHQWLWLHVLQDOOVHFWRUV VHHPHGWREHFOHDUWRGD\PRUHDQGPRUHQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQVDUHDVVXPLQJFRPPHUFLDO VWUDWHJLHVDQGYLFHYHUVD 5HQWRQ:HVWHUQ:HDUPXUDO 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 53 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 5(1721·6$576 25*$1,=$7,216$1' $57,676 $UWV2UJDQL]DWLRQVDQG(YHQWV 7KH&LW\RI5HQWRQKDVDSURXGKHULWDJHRIDUWVDQGFXOWXUDOSURJUDPVHYHQWVDUWZRUNVDQG UHVLGHQWDUWLVWV8QGHUVWDQGLQJWKHVWUHQJWKVDQGZHDNQHVVHVRIWKHSDUWQHUVHQJDJHGLQWKH GHOLYHU\RIWKHDUWVLQ5HQWRQKHOSVWRWDUJHWUHVRXUFHVPRVWHIIHFWLYHO\ $WWKHWLPHRIWKLVPDVWHUSODQSURFHVV1RYHPEHU±0D\WKHIROORZLQJQRQSUR¿WDUWV DQGFXOWXUHRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGIDFLOLWLHVZHUHDFWLYHLQ5HQWRQ ‡$OOLHG$UWVRI5HQWRQ ‡$UWV8QOLPLWHG ‡&DUFR7KHDWUH ‡(YHUJUHHQ&LW\%DOOHW ‡5HQWRQ$QQXDO$UW6KRZ ‡5HQWRQ&RPPXQLW\&HQWHUV ‡5HQWRQ&LW\&RQFHUW%DQG ‡5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUH ‡5HQWRQ)LOP)UHQ]\ ‡5HQWRQ+LVWRU\0XVHXP ‡5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHU ‡5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡,.($5HQWRQ5LYHU'D\V ‡5HQWRQ<RXWK6\PSKRQ\2UFKHVWUD ‡9DOOH\&RPPXQLW\3OD\HUV 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UHVWDXUDQWVDQGFRIIHHKRXVHVIRUH[DPSOH$UWLVWVSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHPDVWHUSODQVXJJHVWHGWKDW 'RZQWRZQQLJKWOLIHZRXOGLQFUHDVHHFRQRPLFYLEUDQF\DQGDOVRFUHDWHZRUNRSSRUWXQLWLHV 5HQWRQ·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¶VIRUWKH$UWVDUHDOVRUHVRXUFHVIRUHIIHFWLYH 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&LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 7KH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ 50$& 7KHPLVVLRQRIWKH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQLVWRLQVSLUHFRPPXQLW\LQYROYHPHQWLQ WKHDUWVWKURXJKHGXFDWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHDQGSXEOLFDUW'XULQJWKHPDVWHUSODQQLQJSURFHVVWKH $UWV&RPPLVVLRQHPHUJHGDVWKHPRVWOLNHO\IRUXPIRUFRQYHQLQJWKHDUWVFRPPXQLW\WRHQVXUH PDVWHUSODQUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVDUHLPSOHPHQWHG 7KH&RPPLVVLRQFRQVLVWVRIPHPEHUVDSSRLQWHGE\WKH0D\RUDQGVXEMHFWWRFRQ¿UPDWLRQ E\DPDMRULW\RIWKHPHPEHUVRIWKH&LW\&RXQFLO,WVPHPEHUVKLSLQFOXGHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP PDQ\GLYHUVH¿HOGVZLWKVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWVLQDUFKLWHFWXUHDUWPXVLFOLWHUDWXUHHGXFDWLRQDQG RWKHUFXOWXUDOGLVFLSOLQHV ,QHDUO\WKH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQKHOGDUHWUHDWWRLGHQWLI\SULRULW\DUHDVIRU WKHLUIXWXUH7KHDUHDVLGHQWL¿HGDWWKHUHWUHDWGRYHWDLOZLWKWKH¿QGLQJVDQGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV IURPWKHPDVWHUSODQSURFHVVUHLQIRUFLQJWKHFRQVHQVXVRQQH[WVWHSVIRU5HQWRQ)URPWKH UHWUHDWWKHIROORZLQJJRDOVZHUHLGHQWL¿HGIRUWKH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡(QULFKDQGLQFUHDVHSDUWLFLSDWLRQDQGDZDUHQHVVRIWKHFXOWXUDODQGDUWLVWFRPPXQLW\ ‡6HUYHDV5HQWRQ¶VVRXUFHIRUDUWVLQIRUPDWLRQ ‡,QFUHDVHIXQGLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDUWVDQGFXOWXUHSURJUDPV ‡$GYRFDWHIRUDUWVHGXFDWLRQDWDOOOHYHOV ‡$GYLVHWKH&LW\RI5HQWRQRQDUWVUHODWHGSURMHFWVDQGSXEOLFDUWV 7KH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQSURYLGHV¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWIRUDUWLVWVDQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVWR LQLWLDWHRUJDQL]HDQGSURPRWHDUWVDQGHGXFDWLRQWREHQH¿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c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 57 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ &DSDFLW\%XLOGLQJ %\WKHPHDVXUHVRIDWKULYLQJDUWVFRPPXQLW\5HQWRQLVRQWKHULJKWWUDFN :LWKVWDIIVXSSRUWLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQVHUYHDVWKHHQWLW\ WKDWZLOOFRQYHQHDQGIDFLOLWDWHWKHIRUPDWLRQRIFRPPLWWHHRUZRUNJURXSVWRDGYDQFHWKHDJHQGD $¿UVWWDVNFRXOGEHWRORRNDWWKHDFWLRQLWHPVDQGWRGHWHUPLQHZKRZRXOGEHVWKRVWWKHGLIIHUHQW DFWLYLWLHV&RPPXQLW\DUWVJURXSVVKRXOGEHLQYROYHGLQWKHGHOHJDWLRQRIWDVNVZLWKWKH$UWV &RPPLVVLRQFRRUGLQDWLQJZLWKDQH\HWRWKHH[HFXWLRQRILGHDVWREHSURIHVVLRQDODQGKLJKTXDOLW\ 7KH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQZLOOQHHGWRZRUNZLWKWKHLPSOHPHQWLQJJURXSDQGFRPPLWWHHVWRWUDFN SURJUHVVDQGWRHQVXUHWKHDJHQGDLWHPVDUHEHLQJZRUNHGRQDQGVWD\LQJRQPHVVDJH 7KH$UWV &RPPLVVLRQ VKRXOG WDNH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ RI &RPPLVVLRQ YDFDQFLHV WR DWWUDFW QHZ PHPEHUVWKDWKDYHWKHIROORZLQJVNLOOV ‡/HDGHUVKLS ‡$ELOLW\WRFRQYHQHSHRSOHWRNQRZZKRWRFRQYHQHDQGWRIDFLOLWDWH ‡$ELOLW\WRLQVSLUHDQGPRWLYDWH ‡&RPPLWPHQWWRWKHPDVWHUSODQ ‡.QRZOHGJHRIJUDQWZULWLQJIXQGUDLVLQJ ‡7LPHWRJLYHWRWKHFDXVH ‡:RUNVZHOOZLWKRWKHUV )LOOLQJVHDWVDQGEXLOGLQJDXGLHQFHVLVDSULRULW\ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 58 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ <HWLWLVQRWIHDVLEOHWRH[SHFWYROXQWHHUVWRGRHYHU\WKLQJ*UDQWIXQGLQJVKRXOGEHVRXJKWIRU WKHIROORZLQJ 1HHGIRU)XQGLQJ ‡*UDQWIXQGVVKRXOGEHIRXQGWRVXSSRUWDVWDIISHUVRQWRFRRUGLQDWHWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKLVSODQ ‡7KHVWDIISHUVRQZRXOGIDFLOLWDWHSDUWQHUVKLSVDQGDVVLVWLQFRQYHQLQJWKHFRPPXQLW\ ‡*UDQW IXQGV VKRXOG EH IRXQG WR KLUH D SURIHVVLRQDO DUW FXUDWRUFRQVXOWDQW WR IDFLOLWDWH WKH JDOYDQL]LQJSURMHFW ‡*UDQWIXQGVVKRXOGEHIRXQGWRIXQGDEXVLQHVVSODQIRUSHUIRUPLQJDUWVFHQWHUSODQQLQJZLWK 5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHU&DUFR7KHDWUHDQG5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUH ‡*UDQWIXQGVVKRXOGEHIRXQGWRDVVLVWRUJDQL]DWLRQVZLWKWKHLUPDUNHWLQJDQGIXQGUDLVLQJ 1HHGIRU7UDLQLQJDQG7HFKQLFDO$VVLVWDQFH 7KHIROORZLQJDUHVRPHORFDORUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDWFDQSURYLGHWHFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFHIRUFDSDFLW\EXLOGLQJ $UWLVW7UXVW 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¿QDQFHRUJDQL]DWLRQDOPDQDJHPHQWDQGDUWVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ6LQFHWKHLULQFHSWLRQ6KXQSLNHKDV VXSSRUWHGZRUNE\PRUHWKDQDUWLVWVZRUNLQJLQOLYHSHUIRUPDQFH¿OPOLWHUDU\DUWVYLVXDO DUWVDQGDUWVHGXFDWLRQ 1RQ3UR¿W$VVLVWDQFH&HQWHU 7KHPLVVLRQRIWKH1RQSUR¿W$VVLVWDQFH&HQWHULVWRHPSRZHUFRPPXQLWLHVE\EXLOGLQJVWURQJ QRQSUR¿WVDQGFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUVDQGWRVKDSHLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGSROLFLHVWRDFKLHYHVRFLDOMXVWLFH DQGHTXLW\7KH\SURYLGHWHFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFHWUDLQLQJOHDGHUVKLSGHYHORSPHQWDQGFRPPXQLW\ EDVHGUHVHDUFKDQGHYDOXDWLRQ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 59 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 0RGHOSURJUDPVDWRWKHUVWDWHDUWVDJHQFLHVVXSSRUWFRPPXQLW\GHYHORSPHQWWKURXJKWKHDUWV ZLWKJUDQWDQGWUDLQLQJSURJUDPV 6RPHNH\H[DPSOHV ‡$UWV%XLOG&RPPXQLWLHVSURJUDP±2UHJRQ$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡$UWV/LQNWR7RXULVPDQG(FRQRP\JUDQWV±$UL]RQD$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡&KDQJH/HDGHU3URJUDP±8WDK$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡7KH$UWRI/HDGHUVKLS3URJUDP±0RQWDQD$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ ‡1HEUDVND 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adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 61 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ $576)$&,/,7,(6 &XOWXUDO)DFLOLWLHV 5HQWRQ KDV VHYHUDO FXOWXUDO IDFLOLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 5HQWRQ ,.($ 3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV &HQWHU &DUFR7KHDWUH5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUHDQGWKH5HQWRQ+LVWRU\0XVHXP7KH5HQWRQ/LEUDU\ LQ'RZQWRZQLVDQLGHQWL¿DEOHODQGPDUN,WVIXWXUHXVHLVWREHGHWHUPLQHGIROORZLQJWKH UHFHQWYRWHWRDQQH[WKH5HQWRQOLEUDU\V\VWHPWRWKH.LQJ&RXQW\/LEUDU\6\VWHP7KHVFKRRO GLVWULFWKDVWZRKLJKVFKRRODXGLWRULXPVZKLFKFDQSURYLGHVHDWLQJXSWRSHRSOHIRU FRPPXQLW\DUWVDQGFXOWXUHHYHQWV 7KHFRPPXQLW\LQYHVWPHQWLQWKH5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHUZDVVXEVWDQWLDODQGLW UHVXOWHGLQFRQVWUXFWLRQRIDQHZDQGKLJKO\UHJDUGHGIDFLOLW\/RFDOFLWL]HQVDQGEXVLQHVVHV JHQHURXVO\FRQWULEXWHGFDSLWDOIXQGVDQGWKHLU³VWDUV´PDUNWKHLUGRQDWLRQVLQWKHWKHDWUH OREE\7KHVHGRQRUVDUHDUHVRXUFHLQWKHFRPPXQLW\WKDWQHHGVWREHQXUWXUHGDQGHQJDJHG LQIXWXUHDUWVDFWLYLWLHV &RPPXQLW\6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHHPHPEHUVDQGOHDGHUVLQWHUYLHZHGDVSDUWRIWKLVSODQXUJHG 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WKH&DUFR7KHDWUHDQG5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUHWRLQYHQWRU\GH¿FLHQFLHVDQGWRSULRULWL]HQHHGV $ MRLQW RSHUDWLQJ DVVHVVPHQW VKRXOG EH LQYHVWLJDWHG WR LGHQWLI\ SRWHQWLDO DGYDQWDJHV RI FRRUGLQDWHGPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHSHUIRUPDQFHVSDFHVLQWKHDUHDVRIPDUNHWLQJIXQGUDLVLQJ SURJUDPPLQJDQGPDLQWHQDQFH 7KHUHDUHDOVROHVVWUDGLWLRQDOFXOWXUDOVLWHVLQ5HQWRQ2QHWKDWLVSHUKDSVWKHPRVWSRSXODU GHVWLQDWLRQLVWKH-LPL+HQGUL[JUDYH2WKHUVLQFOXGHWKH)DUPHUV0DUNHWWKH3LD]]D8SWRZQ *ODVVZRUNVWKH7HD3DODFHWKH&LW\¶V&RPPXQLW\&HQWHUVDQG3DUNVWKDWSURYLGHFRQFHUWVDQG FODVVHVDQGGDQFHVWXGLRV $V5HQWRQHVWDEOLVKHVLWVFXOWXUDOEUDQGWKHEURDGHVWGH¿QLWLRQRIFXOWXUDOIDFLOLWLHVVKRXOGEH XVHGWRHQJDJHWKHEURDGHVWSXEOLFDQGSDUWQHUV 6SDFHIRU$UWLVWVWR/LYHDQG:RUN $QHPHUJLQJQHHGLGHQWL¿HGE\WKH6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHHLVWKHGHVLUHWR¿QGVSDFHIRUDUWLVW VWXGLRVJDOOHULHVFODVVHVDQGDUWLVWKRXVLQJ $UWLVWVKDYHVSHFL¿FVSDFHQHHGVIRUH[DPSOHODUJHVSDFHVRSHQVSDQVWDOOFHLOLQJKHLJKWV ORDGLQJIDFLOLWLHVDQGZLGHFRUULGRUV9LVXDODUWLVWVUHTXLUHJHQHURXVQDWXUDOOLJKWDQGSHUIRUPLQJ 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8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 64 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 2WKHUFXOWXUDOGLVWULFWPRGHOVH[LVWWKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOG+HUHDUHVHYHUDO '80%2%URRNO\Q7KH'XPER,PSURYHPHQW'LVWULFWZDVFUHDWHGLQ'HFHPEHUDQGLV HQWUXVWHGZLWKNHHSLQJWKHFRPPXQLW\¶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¶VWKKLVWRULFGLVWULFW 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UHPRYDORIVXFKZRUNVZKHQWKHLUSXUSRVHKDVEHHQIXO¿OOHG ,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKHFLW\FRQVLVWHQWO\HQFRXUDJHDKLJKVWDQGDUGIRULWVSHUPDQHQWFROOHFWLRQ E\ZRUNLQJSULPDULO\ZLWKSURIHVVLRQDODUWLVWVDQGKDYLQJDVHSDUDWHSURFHVVIRUFRPPXQLW\DUW 2ZQHUVKLS/RDQVDQG3URSULHWDU\5LJKWV &XUUHQWO\WKH&LW\RI5HQWRQ¶VSXEOLFDUWPDSLQFOXGHVZRUNVIXQGHGE\WKHFLW\¶VIRUDUW IXQGDVZHOODVJLIWVDQGZRUNVRIDUWIXQGHGE\RWKHURUDGGLWLRQDOVRXUFHV,QFOXVLYHQHVVLV HQFRXUDJHG*HQHUDOO\VSHDNLQJWKHSXEOLFGRHVQ¶WW\SLFDOO\FDUHZKDWWKHIXQGVRXUFHLVDVORQJ DVWKHZRUNLVHQJDJLQJ ,QUHYLVLWLQJWKHPDSWKHFLW\PLJKWZLVKWREHHYHQPRUHLQFOXVLYHIHDWXULQJZRUNVWKDWDUHSULYDWHO\ RZQHGRUVSRQVRUHGVXFKDVWKHSLORWWULEXWHDWWKH5HQWRQDLU¿HOGDUWZRUNFRPPLVVLRQHGE\ GHYHORSHUVQHDU7KH%ULVWRO$SDUWPHQWVDW6RXWKSRUWWKHWLPEHUWUDLQFDUUDLOZD\VHFWLRQQHDU WKHKLVWRU\PXVHXPWKH:DU0HPRULDODQG5HQWRQ¶VPRVWYLVLWHGFXOWXUDOPRQXPHQWWKH-LPL +HQGUL[0HPRULDO &UHDWLQJVXFKOLQNDJHVHQFRXUDJHVIXWXUHFROODERUDWLRQVDQGIUDPHVWKHFROOHFWLRQDVDPRUH YDULHGDQGFRPSUHKHQVLYHUHVRXUFH 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HOLJLEOHIRUDUW&RUULGRUVXVHGE\WKHSXEOLFWRUHDFKVWDIIDUHDVFDQDOVREHLPSURYHGE\SODFLQJ DUWZRUNDWNH\LQWHUVHFWLRQVWRHQKDQFHZD\¿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¿[HG VXUIDFHV QRWRQFXELFOHGLYLGHUV DQGVKRXOGEHPRXQWHGZLWKVHFXULW\KDUGZDUHWRSUHYHQWORVV RUGDPDJH 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FRPPXQLW\ZLWKWKHEUHDGWKDQGYLWDOLW\RIWKHFROOHFWLRQ7KHUHFHQWO\FUHDWHG³&LW\$UW:DON´ZHE EDVHGYLGHRLVDWHUUL¿FQHZDGGLWLRQWRWKHDUWVHGXFDWLRQHIIRUW *XLGHGFHOOXODUVHUYLFHLVDQRWKHUHGXFDWLRQDOWRROWKDWLVZRUWK\RIFRQVLGHUDWLRQHVSHFLDOO\IRU VRPHRIWKHKLJKYDOXHREMHFWVLQWKHFROOHFWLRQ$UWLVWVDUHUHFRUGHGGLVFXVVLQJWKHZRUNLQWKHLU RZQZRUGV7KLVFRPPHQWDU\LVDFFHVVHGYLDLQGLYLGXDOFHOOSKRQHVFRXUWHV\RIDFRQWUDFWHG VHUYLFHSURYLGHGE\WKH&LW\ ´$OOLQWKLV%RDW7RJHWKHUµE\DUWLVW+DUROG%DOD]VORFDWHGDWWKH5HQWRQ6HQLRU$FWLYLW\&HQWHU 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 75 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ ([SDQGLQJWKH&ROOHFWLRQ1HZ0RGHOV IRU3XEOLF$UWLQ5HQWRQ 7KH&LW\RI5HQWRQKDVFOHDUO\H[SUHVVHGDQLQWHUHVWLQEXLOGLQJLWVFROOHFWLRQVERWKIRUSXEOLF EHQH¿WDQGDVDYHKLFOHIRUFLYLFHQJDJHPHQWFXOWXUDOWRXULVPDQGHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW7KH SHUFHQWIRUDUWOHJLVODWLRQLVDYDOXDEOHDQGSURJUHVVLYHWRROWKDWPDNHVSRVVLEOHWKHFRPPLVVLRQLQJ 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‡&DOODKDQZDVDIUHTXHQWYLVLWRUWRWKH/RQJDFUHV7UDFNZKHUHKHVNHWFKHGDQGSDLQWHG WKHKRUVHVLQWKHFRPSDQ\RIKLVJHQHURXVSDWURQ$FXUDWHGVHOHFWLRQRIWKHVHZRUNVFRXOG EHPDGHDYDLODEOHIRUSXEOLFGLVSOD\FRQFXUUHQWZLWKWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWRIDSHUPDQHQWJLIW WRWKH&LW\7KHUHLVLQWHUHVWRQWKHSDUWRIWKHRZQHUIDPLO\LQIXUWKHUH[SORULQJWKLVLGHD7KLV SURMHFWLVHOLJLEOHIRUIXQGLQJIURP&XOWXUHLQWKHKHULWDJHFDWHJRU\ 3RWHQWLDOIRUDUWDWFRPPXQLW\JDUGHQ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 77 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 3XEOLFDUWFROOHFWLRQV³EHVWSUDFWLFHV %HVWSUDFWLFHVIRUFUHDWLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJDSXEOLFDUWFROOHFWLRQLQFOXGHWKHIROORZLQJ ‡0DQDJHWKHDUWZRUNDFTXLVLWLRQFORVHO\ ‡7KRURXJKO\GRFXPHQWWKHFROOHFWLRQ ‡3HUIRUPUHJXODULQYHQWRULHVFRQGLWLRQDVVHVVPHQWVDQGPDLQWHQDQFH ‡&RQVHUYHZRUNV ‡&RQGXFWRXWUHDFKDQGHGXFDWLRQSURJUDPV ‡'HDFFHVVLRQZRUNV )RXUDJHQFLHVFRQVLGHUHGDVEHVWPRGHOVDUHWKH0D\RU¶V2I¿FHRI$UW$QG&XOWXUHIRUWKH&LW\ RI6HDWWOH&XOWXUHLQ.LQJ&RXQW\WKH5HJLRQDO$UWVDQG&XOWXUH&RXQFLO 5$&& LQWKH3RUWODQG PHWURSROLWDQDUHDDQGWKH%URZDUG&RXQW\ )/ &XOWXUDO'LYLVLRQ %HVWDFTXLVLWLRQSUDFWLFHVIRUDUWLQSXEOLFSODFHVSURJUDPVLQFOXGHWKHIROORZLQJ ‡)OH[LEOHIXQGLQJ ‡&RPSUHKHQVLYHWUDQVSDUHQWVHOHFWLRQSURFHVV ‡3URIHVVLRQDOSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQW ‡3URIHVVLRQDODUWLVWV ‡&RQVHUYDWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFHUHYLHZ ‡(GXFDWLRQ ´)LUHPDQLQ$FWLRQµE\DUWLVW6FRWW)LIHORFDWHGDW)LUH6WDWLRQ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 78 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 79 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 35,25,7,(6$1' 5(&200(1'$7,216 7KHSXEOLFLQYROYHPHQWSURFHVVIRUWKLVSODQLQFOXGHGZRUNLQJZLWKWKH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQDPDVWHU SODQOHDGHUVKLSFRPPLWWHHDPDVWHUSODQFRPPXQLW\VWHHULQJFRPPLWWHHDQRQOLQHVXUYH\DQGD 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WKHFLW\QRQSUR¿WVHPSOR\HUVDQGDUWLVWVWRGHYHORSDEDVHIRUIXQGUDLVLQJPDUNHWLQJDXGLHQFH GHYHORSPHQWRXWUHDFKDQGHGXFDWLRQ &RPPXQLW\OHDGHUVKLSQHHGVWREHFRQYHQHGRQDUHJXODUEDVLVWRLPSOHPHQWWKH0DVWHU3ODQ LQFOXGLQJDUHSRUWLQJSURFHVVWRHQVXUHRQJRLQJFRPPLWPHQWWRDFKLHYLQJWKHSODQUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV 2QHDSSURDFKGLVFXVVHGLVDQHZDQGH[SDQGHGUROHIRUWKH5HQWRQ0XQLFLSDO$UWV&RPPLVVLRQLQ ZKLFKWKH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQVHUYHVDVDFRQYHQHURIFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUVFRPPLWWHGWRLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ VXFFHVV7KH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQZRXOGIDFLOLWDWHDQGIRFXVVWDNHKROGHUFKDPSLRQVDQGWKXVEHFRPH WKHURXQGWDEOHZKHUHQHWZRUNLQJFRRUGLQDWLRQDQGDFFRXQWDELOLW\FDQRFFXU7KHFXUUHQWUHFUXLWPHQW IRU$UWV&RPPLVVLRQYDFDQF\PLJKWLQFOXGHDFDOOIRUFLWL]HQVLQWHUHVWHGLQPDVWHUSODQLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ 3ODFHSKRWRGHVFULSWLRQFDSWLRQKHUH $ORW 6RPH 2QO\DOLWWOH 1RWDWDOO 1RWVXUHGRQ¶WNQRZ +RZRIWHQGR\RXVKRSDWJDOOHULHVRUVWRUHVIHDWXULQJSURGXFWVPDGHE\DUWLVWVLQFOXGLQJ DQWLTXHVWRUHVERRNVWRUHVFRIIHHVVKRSVUHVWDXUDQWV" 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 80 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ )LQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVZLOOEHQHFHVVDU\WRLPSOHPHQWWKLVSODQ$QLPSRUWDQWUROHWKDWPXVWEH¿OOHG LVDFRRUGLQDWRURIDJUDQWVWUDWHJ\WRREWDLQODUJHFRPSHWLWLYHDUWVJUDQWVIURPPDMRUIRXQGDWLRQV DQGFRUSRUDWLRQVVXFKDV)RUG)RXQGDWLRQ3HSVLDQG1DWLRQDO(QGRZPHQWIRUWKH$UWV$PHULFDQ ([SUHVV3XJHW6RXQG(QHUJ\%RHLQJDQG5HQWRQ&RPPXQLW\)RXQGDWLRQ7KH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ KDVEHJXQWRSOD\WKLVUROHRQDPRUHOLPLWHGEDVLV7KLVUROHFRXOGEHH[SDQGHGRUFRXOGEHGRQHLQ SDUWQHUVKLSZLWKDQRWKHUH[SHULHQFHGHQWLW\VXFKDVWKH5HQWRQ&RPPXQLW\)RXQGDWLRQ 7DEOH0DVWHU3ODQ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 9LVLRQ *RDOV 3ULRULW\6WUDWHJLHV 7DFWLFV 5HQWRQDVSLUHV WREHDFHQWHUIRU DUWVDQGFXOWXUH ZKHUHWUDGLWLRQDO DQGFRQWHPSRUDU\ DUWVWKULYHDQG FUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHV DUHFXOWLYDWHG 6XSSRUWWKHJURZWK DQGOHDGHUVKLS HIIRUWVRIORFDODUWV RUJDQL]DWLRQV 6XSSRUWORFDO HPHUJLQJDQG H[SHULHQFHGDUWLVWV %HWWHUVHUYHDQG UHSUHVHQW5HQWRQ¶V GLYHUVHSRSXODWLRQ 3DUWQHUZLWKORFDO RUJDQL]DWLRQV 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FXOWXUDOEXVLQHVVKXEV LQ'RZQWRZQDQGLQ QHLJKERUKRRGVWRKHLJKWHQ YLVLELOLW\VXVWDLQDELOLW\DQG JURZWKRIWKHDUWVHFRQRP\ 0DNHXVHRIHPSW\ VWRUHIURQWVDQGEXLOGLQJV DQGHQOLYHQWKHPZLWKDUW 5HDFKRXWWRHPSOR\HUV DQGEXVLQHVVHVWRLGHQWLI\ DUWLVWHPSOR\HHVDQG WRGLVSOD\WKHLUDUW 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 83 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 9LVLRQ *RDOV 3ULRULW\6WUDWHJLHV 7DFWLFV 5HQWRQDVSLUHVWREH DFHQWHUIRUDUWVDQG FXOWXUHZKHUHWUDGLWLRQDO DQGFRQWHPSRUDU\DUWV WKULYHDQGFUHDWLYH LQGXVWULHVDUHFXOWLYDWHG (QVXUHDUWVDQGFXOWXUDO IDFLOLWLHVPHHWWKH FXUUHQWDQGIXWXUHQHHGV RIWKHFRPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSDYLDEOHEXVLQHVV PRGHOIRUUHWDLQLQJWKH OLYHSHUIRUPLQJDUWVWKDW UHFRJQL]HVWKHUHDOLW\RI QRQSUR¿WUHYHQXHPRGHOV DQGH[SORUHSDUWQHUVKLSV ZLWKRWKHUORFDOWKHDWHUV ,QYHVWLJDWHWKHIHDVLELOLW\ RIFUHDWLQJDQDUWVFHQWHU JDWKHULQJVSDFHIRUYLVXDO DUWVFODVVHVDQGVWXGLRV :RUNZLWKH[LVWLQJ SUHVHQWHUVDQGSURGXFHUV 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&LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡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SUHVHQWDWLRQVDQGSROLFLHV 3ULRULW\6WUDWHJ\(QVXUHWKHFRQWLQXDWLRQRIOLYHSHUIRUPLQJDUWVLQ5HQWRQ 5HQWRQ¶VWKHDWUHVDUHWDQJLEOHFRPPXQLW\UHVRXUFHVWKDWDUHQDWXUDOIRFDOSRLQWVIRUDUWVDFWLYLWLHV 7KHIDFLOLWLHVDUHUHVRXUFHVWKHFRPPXQLW\ZDQWVWRVHHXVHGWRWKHLUIXOOSRWHQWLDO7KH5HQWRQ ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHU&DUFR7KHDWUH5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUHDQGRWKHUYHQXHVZRXOG EHQH¿WIURPDQXSGDWHGDQGSHUKDSVDFRRUGLQDWHGRUMRLQHGRSHUDWLQJPRGHOWKDWFRXOGOHYHUDJH UHVRXUFHVLQWKHDUHDVRIPDQDJHPHQWSURJUDPPLQJPDUNHWLQJDQGIXQGUDLVLQJ ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ7DFWLFV 2SHUDWLQJ0RGHOV ‡'HYHORSDYLDEOHEXVLQHVVPRGHOIRUWKH5HQWRQ,.($3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWHU&DUFR7KHDWUH DQGWKH5HQWRQ&LYLF7KHDWUH ‡&ROOHFWH[LVWLQJGDWDRQH[SHQVHVDQGUHYHQXHIRUREMHFWLYHDQGWKRURXJKDVVHVVPHQW5HYLHZ SULRUDQGH[LVWLQJGRFXPHQWVUHODWHGWRWKHWKHDWUHRSHUDWLRQVWRLGHQWLI\RSWLRQVIRUIXQGLQJ RSHUDWLQJFRVWVXQGHUVFHQDULRVRISUHVHQWHUDQGUHQWDOPRGHOV -RLQW2SHUDWLRQV ‡:RUNZLWKRUJDQL]DWLRQVFLW\SUHVHQWHUVDQGSURGXFHUVWRDQDO\]HRSHUDWLQJFRVWVPDUNHWLQJ FRVWVSURJUDPPLQJQHHGVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHV 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SDUWQHUVKLSV IRU DUWV VSDFHV ERWK WHPSRUDU\ DQG ORQJHUWHUP  ‡ :RUNZLWKFLW\VWDIIDQGODQGRZQHUVWRLGHQWLI\OLNHO\ORFDWLRQVIRUDUWVVSDFHV  ‡ 6HHNHQJDJHPHQWE\DUWLVWVLQWKLVSURFHVV  ‡ 6HHN DGYLFH E\ RWKHU FRPPXQLWLHV VXFK DV %XULHQ %HOOLQJKDP %HOOHYXH ZKR KDYH VXFFHVVIXOO\FUHDWHGWHPSRUDU\DUWVVSDFHV  ‡ 3ULRULWL]HQHZFDSLWDOLQYHVWPHQWLQDUWVVSDFHVWRHQVXUHVXVWDLQDELOLW\ 5HQWRQ+LVWRU\0XVHXP([SHULPHQWDO+LVWRU\3URMHFW 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 91 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 7DEOH)LYH<HDU$FWLRQ3ODQ 6WUDWHJ\7DFWLFV :KHQ &RVW :KR 8QGHUWDNH DFWLYLWLHVWR EXLOGDZDUHQHVV DPRQJDOO SHRSOHDERXWDOO DVSHFWVRIWKH DUWVDQGLQFUHDVH FRQQHFWLRQV DPRQJH[LVWLQJ JURXSVDQG VXSSRUWHUV )XQGUDLVLQJ ‡%XLOGIXQGHUDZDUHQHVVDERXW EHQH¿WVRIWKHDUWV ‡'HYHORSVSHDNHUVEXUHDXXVLQJSUHVHQWDWLRQ GHYHORSHGDVSDUWRIWKLVSODQ ‡'HYHORSMRLQWIXQGUDLVLQJFDPSDLJQV ‡6ROLFLWDVVLVWDQFHIURPH[SHULHQFHG RUJDQL]DWLRQVXFK*UDQWPDNHUVIRUWKH$UWV &XOWXUH6WDWH$UWV&RPPLVVLRQ5HQWRQ &RPPXQLW\)RXQGDWLRQWRFUDIW DMRLQWIXQGUDLVLQJHIIRUW ‡&RQYHQHGHYHORSPHQWVWDIIDQGYROXQWHHUV IURP5HQWRQDUWVRUJDQL]DWLRQVWR VHWIXQGUDLVLQJSULRULWLHVDQGJRDOV ‡$OLJQWKHVHJRDOVZLWKRWHQWLDOJUDQWVRXUFHV 6XPPHU /RZ 6WHHULQJ &RPPLWWHH $UWV &RPPLVVLRQ &ROODERUDWLRQV ‡%XLOGDXGLHQFHVIRUDUWVDQGFXOWXUH HYHQWVZLWKMRLQWPDUNHWLQJ ‡3RVWHYHQWVRQFRPPRQFDOHQGDU ‡(QFRXUDJHFRQQHFWLYLW\DQQHWZRUNLQJWKURXJK HYHQWVVRFLDOPHGLDEORJVFLW\ZHEVLWH ‡&ROODERUDWHRQWHFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFHZRUNVKRSV )DOO  :LQWHU  0HGLXP $UWV 2UJDQL]DWLRQV ([SDQGHG3DUWQHUVZLWK6FKRROV ‡%XLOGUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKVFKRROVWREHFRPH DZDUHRIYLVLWLQJDUWLVWVVSHFLDOSURMHFWV\RXWK RUJDQL]DWLRQVFXOWXUDOGLYHUVLW\LQLWLDWLYHV 2QJRLQJ /RZ $UWV &RPPLVVLRQ 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 92 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 6WUDWHJ\7DFWLFV :KHQ &RVW :KR &DSWXUHWKH FRPPXQLW\¶V 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8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 93 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 6WUDWHJ\7DFWLFV :KHQ &RVW :KR :RUNZLWK&LW\ HOHFWHGOHDGHUV DQGVWDIIWR DGYRFDWHIRU SROLFLHVWKDW VXSSRUWWKHDUWV DQGFUHDWLYH EXVLQHVVHV± UDQJLQJIURP HFRQRPLF GHYHORSPHQW WRSDUNV WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQGRWKHU VHUYLFHV &UHDWLYH,QGXVWU\'HYHORSPHQW ‡:RUNZLWKFLW\HOHFWHGOHDGHUVDQGVWDII WRDGYRFDWHIRUSROLFLHVWKDWVXSSRUWWKH DUWVDQGFUHDWLYHEXVLQHVVHV±UDQJLQJ IURPHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWWRSDUNV WUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGRWKHUVHUYLFHV ‡,GHQWLI\FUHDWLYHEXVLQHVVHVDQGFRQGXFW RXWUHDFKWRFRQQHFWZLWKWKHPDERXWWKHLU QHHGVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRULQYROYHPHQW ‡:RUNZLWK&KDPEHUDQGRWKHU SDUWQHUVWRLQFUHDVHDZDUHQHVV DERXWWKHFUHDWLYHHFRQRP\ ‡&UHDWHSUHVHQWDWLRQWRSURYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFUHDWLYHLQGXVWULHV IRUDVSHDNHU¶VEXUHDX ‡:RUNZLWKFRPPXQLW\DQGFLW\WRUHWDLQ DQGDWWUDFWFUHDWLYHEXVLQHVVHV 6XPPHU  2QJRLQJ 0HG $UWV &RPPLVVLRQ /HDGHUVKLS &RPPLWWHH 6WHHULQJ 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6WUDWHJ\7DFWLFV :KHQ &RVW :KR ,QYHVWLJDWHWKH IHDVLELOLW\RI FUHDWLQJDQDUWV FHQWHUJDWKHULQJ VSDFHIRUYLVXDO DUWVFODVVHV DQGVWXGLRV 6XSSRUWFLW\SROLFLHVWKDWLPSURYH DFFHVVWRDUWVIDFLOLWLHV ‡7KH5HQWRQ+LVWRU\0XVHXP0DVWHU3ODQ LQFOXGHVUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVUHJDUGLQJ SK\VLFDOLPSURYHPHQWVWKDWZRXOGPDNH WKHPXVHXPHDVLHUWRDFFHVVIRUYLVLWRUV ,GHQWLI\LQJZD\VWRKHOSWKHPXVHXPDFKLHYH WKLVUHFRPPHQGDWLRQZRXOGEHDVWHS WRZDUGDQLPPHGLDWHFROODERUDWLYHZLQ ‡,QYHVWLJDWHUHXVHRIH[LVWLQJSXEOLF EXLOGLQJVRUSXEOLFSURJUDPVWRLQFOXGH DUWVDFWLYLWLHVIRUSHRSOHRIDOODJHV QRWMXVWFKLOGUHQDQGVHQLRUV )DOO  0HG +LJK /HDGHUVKLS &RPPLWWHH 2UJDQL]DWLRQV &LW\ ,QFRUSRUDWHDUWVSDFHVDQGDUWZRUN LQFLYLFFHQWHUGHYHORSPHQW ‡7KHFLW\UHFHQWO\FRPSOHWHGDVWXG\UHJDUGLQJ DFLYLFFHQWHU7KHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV LQWKLVSODQVKRXOGEHWUDFNHGDQG RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUWKHLQFOXVLRQRIDUWDQG DUWLVWVLQWKHFHQWHUGHYHORSPHQWVKRXOG EHLGHQWL¿HGDQGDFWHGXSRQ )DOO  0HG +LJK $UWV &RPPLVVLRQ &LW\ ([SORUHUHDOHVWDWHRSSRUWXQLWLHV DQGSDUWQHUVKLSVIRUDUWVVSDFHV ERWKWHPSRUDU\DQGORQJHUWHUP 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 Refer to Community Page 98 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ 3RWHQWLDOIXQGLQJVRXUFHVDUHQXPHURXVDQGYDULHG 3DUWLDO/LVW ‡%16) ‡:DVKLQJWRQ6WDWH'HSWRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ JUDQWVDYDLODEOH ‡:DVKLQJWRQ7UDI¿F6DIHW\&RPPLVVLRQ *UDQW'HDGOLQHIRU ‡:DVKLQJWRQ6WDWH+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\+HULWDJH&DSLWDO)XQG *UDQW'HDGOLQH0D\ ‡:DVKLQJWRQ7UDI¿F6DIHW\&RPPLVVLRQ HDUO\0D\ 3XJHW6RXQG(QHUJ\ 36()RXQGDWLRQ DSSOLFDWLRQGHDGOLQHVDUH$SULODQG2FW$OOFDSLWDOUHTXHVWVIRUWKH\HDUDUHFRQVLGHUHGDW WKH2FWGHDGOLQH ‡:DVKLQJWRQ,QVXUDQFH&RPPLVVLRQ ‡5HQWRQ7HFKQLFDO&ROOHJH ‡6HDWWOH6HDKDZNV ‡+LVWRULF/LJKWLQJJUDQWV ‡'2(JUDQWV5HFRYHU\3URJUDP ‡(QHUJ\(I¿FLHQF\DQG&RQVHUYDWLRQ%ORFN*UDQW)XQGV ‡&RPSDQLHVGRLQJEXVLQHVVLQ5HQWRQLH5RGDUWH&RQVWUXFWLRQ6XSHULRU$VSKDOW0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH(OHFWULF,QF7XEH$UW&DUGHDOHUV ‡$UWLVW7UXVW&XOWXUH (YHQWVWRSURPRWHEULGJHV 1RQ0RWRUL]HG%RDWLQJ ZLWK&DVFDGH.D\DNV ,.($5HQWRQ5LYHU'D\V /LJKWLQJRQEULGJHVIURPDURXQGWKHZRUOG 8c. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the Arts & Culture Master Plan.  Refer to Community Page 99 of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ +RPHVIRU+HURHV $UWLVWV'RQRUV9HWHUDQVFROODERUDWHZLWK VSRQVRUVWRHQKDQFHYHWHUDQKRXVLQJ 5HQWRQLVVRRQWREHKRPHWRDQHZIDFLOLW\WRKRXVHYHWHUDQVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV7KH&RPSDVV 9HWHUDQV&HQWHU5HQWRQZLOOKRXVHDIIRUGDEOHDSDUWPHQWVIRUYHWHUDQVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQ RXWGRRUSOD\DUHDIRUFKLOGUHQDFRPSXWHUODEDQGFRPPRQURRPVIRUVRFLDODFWLYLWLHVFRPPXQLW\ PHDOVDQGWKHUDSHXWLFJURXSDFWLYLWLHV%HORZRQWKH¿UVWÀRRUZLOOEH/XWKHU V7DEOHDFRIIHH VKRSDQGEDNHU\E\GD\DQGDZLQHEDUDQGPXVLFYHQXHE\QLJKW6W0DWWKHZ V/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK ZLOOUXQWKHIDFLOLW\LQFROODERUDWLRQZLWKWKH(YDQJHOLFDO/XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQ$PHULFD 7KHRSHQLQJRIWKLVQHZIDFLOLW\SURYLGHVDJDOYDQL]LQJRSSRUWXQLW\WRZHOFRPHYHWHUDQVDQGWR EULQJWKHDUWVLQWRWKHRSHQLQJDQGRQJRLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVSURYLGHG 7KHPHV3KLODQWKURS\6HUYLFH5HFRJQLWLRQ6NLOOEXLOGLQJ 3RWHQWLDO3URMHFW3DUWQHUVDQG)XQGLQJ6RXUFHV &RPSDVV +RXVLQJ2SSRUWXQLW\)XQGWR5HQWRQ+RXVLQJ$XWKRULW\ 9HW&RQQHFW 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SHRSOH)XQGDPHQWDOWRWKHVSHFLDOFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQ5HQWRQDQG&XDXWODDUH&XDXWOD V $EVHQW6RQVRIZKLFKPDQ\OLYHLQRUQHDU5HQWRQ7KH$EVHQW6RQVDVWKH\DUHUHIHUUHGWR LQ&XDXWODDUHDEDQGRIJUHDWHU3XJHW6RXQG5HJLRQUHVWDXUDQWHXUVZKROHIW&XDXWODZKHQWKH\ ZHUH\RXQJPHQFDPHWRWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQGRSHQHGWKHPDMRULW\RIWKH0H[LFDQUHVWDXUDQWV ZHSDWURQL]HWRGD\$]WHFD/D)XHQWH/D+DFLHQGD/DV0DUJDULWDV0D\DV0D]DWODQ7DSDWLRV 7DTXHULD*XD\PDVDQG7RUHUR VWRQDPHMXVWDIHZ 1LVKLZDNL-DSDQLVORFDWHGLQDYDOOH\EHWZHHQWZRKLOOVZLWKDULYHUUXQQLQJWKURXJKWKHFHQWHU RIWRZQLQ+\RJR-DSDQ7KHFOLPDWHVDUHYHU\VLPLODU%RWKFLWLHVDUHLQGXVWULDOEDVHG(DFK KDVWKUHHKLJKVFKRROV1LVKLZDNLLVORFDWHGQHDUWKHFLW\RI.REHZKLFKLVRQHRI6HDWWOH VVLVWHU FLWLHV:HVWRIWKHFLW\RI1LVKLZDNLOLHV.HQW VVLVWHUFLW\DQGZHVWRIWKHUHOLHV$XEXUQ VVLVWHUFLW\ $WWKHWLPHRIWKHVHOHFWLRQRI1LVKLZDNLDVD6LVWHU&LW\LWVSRSXODWLRQZDVDERXWZKLFK ZDVFRPSDUDEOHWRWKHSRSXODWLRQRIWKHDUHDEHLQJVHUYHGE\5HQWRQ´ 7KHVLVWHUFLWLHVSURYLGHPDQ\RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDUWVDQGFXOWXUH6KRZFDVLQJDUWZRUNIURPWKH 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of 236 &LW\RI5HQWRQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH0DVWHU3ODQ‡)LQDO'UDIW-XO\ $&712: $SULPDU\JRDORIWKLVPDVWHUSODQLVWREHDQDFWLRQSODQQRWDSODQWKDWVLWVRQDVKHOI$WWKHVDPH WLPHWKHUHDUHQRFXUUHQWO\LGHQWL¿HGIXQGVRUSDLGVWDIIWRLPSOHPHQWWKHSODQ7KXVWKHVXFFHVV RIWKLVSODQZLOOLQLWLDOO\UHO\XSRQYROXQWHHUVZKRFDQDUWLFXODWHWKHYLVLRQWRWKHFRPPXQLW\DQG EXLOGDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKHDUWVLQWKHQHZHFRQRP\DQGLQ5HQWRQ¶VIXWXUH ,QLWLDOVWHSVYROXQWHHUVFDQWDNHLQFOXGH ‡6SHDNWRWKHFRPPXQLW\DERXW5HQWRQ¶VDUWVDQGFXOWXUHYLVLRQDQGSODQ  9ROXQWHHUWREHDVSHDNHUXVLQJDSUHVHQWDWLRQGHYHORSHGWREHSDUWRIWKLVSODQ  $OLVWRISRWHQWLDOJURXSVWRDGGUHVVDQGDFRS\RIWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIURPWKH$UWV &RPPLVVLRQVWDIIDW&LW\+DOO ‡$WWHQG&LW\&RXQFLOPHHWLQJVUHJXODUO\  $WWHQGFLW\FRXQFLOPHHWLQJVDQGUHTXHVWWLPHWRVSHDNRQDJHQGDVDERXWWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKH DUWVDQGFXOWXUH,GHQWLI\FLW\SURMHFWVDQGSODQVLQZKLFKWKHUHLVDSODFHIRUWKHDUWV.HHSWKH FLW\FRXQFLOLQIRUPHGDERXWSODQSURJUHVV ‡3URYLGHOHWWHUVRIVXSSRUWIRUJUDQWVDQGSURMHFWV  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Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City has existing code regulations prescribing the minimum building standards for the use and occupancy of dwellings and other structures in the City. The City also has regulations preventing the use of any building that is injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, and provisions for vacating, repairing or demolishing such substandard buildings. These regulations were established when the City adopted the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC), Dangerous Building Code, and 1997 UBC Minimum Housing Standards. In 2004, the City adopted new building codes prepared by the International Code Council (ICC) and approved by the Washington State Building Code Council. The adoption of these ICC codes replaced most of the prior building codes prepared by the Uniform Building Code Council (UBC). The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) is a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing buildings. The IPMC covers the same requirements met by the older 1997 UBC codes and is also compatible with the requirements and definitions already used in our other adopted ICC building codes. The IPMC is intended to establish minimum maintenance standards for basic equipment, light, ventilation, heating, sanitation, and fire safety. Property maintenance responsibility is defined for owners, operators, and occupants for code compliance. The IPMC also provides for the regulation and safe use of existing structures in the interest of the social and economic welfare of the community. Staff is also recommending adoption of the following local amendments to the IPMC: 1) Amend the Administrative Section to comply with Renton procedures and policies; 2) Amend definitions to comply with existing Renton definitions for garbage; 3) Add additional requirements for maintenance of vacant structures; and 4) Add additional requirements for outdoor storage on residential properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) with minor local amendments. The adoption of these updated standards will replace the 1997 Dangerous Building Code and Minimum Housing Standards. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 108 of 236 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 109 of 236 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:July 1, 2010 TO:Don Persson, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Neil Watts, Development Services Director (x-7218) SUBJECT:Adoption of New Minimum Maintenance Standards ISSUE: Should the City adopt the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC)? RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code with minor local amendments. The adoption of these updated standards will replace the 1997 Dangerous Building Code and Minimum Housing Standards. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City has existing code regulations prescribing the minimum building standards for the use and occupancy of dwellings and other structures in the City. The City also has regulations preventing the use of any building that is injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, and provisions for vacating, repairing or demolishing such substandard buildings. These regulations were established when the City adopted the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC), Dangerous Building Code, and 1997 UBC Minimum Housing Standards. In 2004, the City adopted new building codes prepared by the International Code Council (ICC) and approved by the Washington State Building Code Council. The adoption of these ICC codes replaced most of the prior building codes prepared by the Uniform Building Code Council (UBC). The IPMC is a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing buildings. The International Property Maintenance Code covers the same requirements met by the older 1997 UBC codes and is also compatible with the requirements and definitions already used in our other adopted ICC building codes. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 110 of 236 Adoption of New Minimum Maintenance Standards Page 2 of 2 July 1, 2010 The IPMC is intended to establish minimum maintenance standards for basic equipment, light, ventilation, heating, sanitation, and fire safety. Property maintenance responsibility is defined for owners, operators, and occupants for code compliance. The IPMC also provides for the regulation and safe use of existing structures in the interest of the social and economic welfare of the community. Staff is also recommending consideration and adoption of the following local amendments to the IPMC: 1) Amend the Administrative Section to comply with Renton procedures and policies; 2) Amend definitions to comply with existing Renton definitions for garbage; 3) Add additional requirements for maintenance of vacant structures; and 4) Add additional requirements for outdoor storage on residential properties. Attachment cc:Jay Covington, CAO Kevin Milosevich, Police Chief Larry Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling, Building Official Paul Baker, Lead Code Compliance Inspector 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 111 of 236 4-5-130 International Property Maintenance Code A. Code Adopted. B.Amendments. C.Copy of File A. Code Adopted. The following code is adopted as amended, added to, or excepted in this title, and shall be applicable within the city: (1) 2009 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, except Sections 111, 303, 307, 308, and 507 are not adopted. 13.35.030 Amendments. The following amendments to the Code adopted in RMC 4-5-130A are hereby adopted: (1) Section 102.3 is amended to read as follows: Application of other codes: Repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in accordance with procedures and provisions of the International Building Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and the Renton Electrical Code. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify or set aside any provision of the Renton Revised Code. (2) Section 103.5 is deleted in its entirety. (3) Sections 106.1 through 106.5 are deleted in their entirety. (4) Section 107.1 is amended to read as follows: Notice to person responsible: Whenever the code official determines that there has been a violation of this code or has grounds to believe that a violation has occurred, notice shall be given in the manner prescribed in section 107.2 and the applicable provisions of the RMC Section 1.3.2, Civil Enforcement of Code. (5) Section 107.2 is amended to read as follows: Form: Such notice prescribed in Section 107.1 shall be in accordance with RMC 1-3-2. In addition to the information required by RMC 1-3-2, the notice and order shall contain: Delete items 1 – 6 from section 107.2 and replace with the following: 1. A statement that the building official has found the building to be dangerous with a brief and concise description of the conditions found to render the building dangerous under the provisions of section 108 of this Code. 2. Statements advising that if any required repair or demolition work 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 112 of 236 (without vacation being also required) is not commenced within the time specified, the building official: (i) Will order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) May proceed to cause to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owner. (6) Sections 107.3 through 107.4 are deleted in their entirety. (7) Section 108.1 is amended to read as follows: General: When a structure or equipment is found by the code official to be unsafe, or when a structure is found unfit for human occupancy, or is found unlawful, such structure shall be closed pursuant to the provisions of this code. (8) Section 108.2 is amended to read as follows: Closing of vacant structures: If the structure is vacant and unfit for human habitation and occupancy, and is not in danger of structural collapse, the code official is authorized to post the structure “Do Not Occupy” and order the structure to be closed up so as not to be an attractive nuisance. Upon failure of the owner to close up such premises within the time specified in the order, the code official shall cause the premises to be closed and secured through any available public agency or by contract or arrangement by private persons and the cost thereof shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate and may be collected by any other legal resource. (9) Section 108.3 is amended and supplemented to read as follows: Notice: Whenever the code official has closed a structure or locked out equipment under the provisions of this section, notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place in, on or about the structure or equipment affected by such notice and served on the owner or the person or persons responsible for the structure or equipment in accordance with RMC 1-3-2. The notice shall be in the form prescribed in section 107.2. Every notice to vacate shall be issued, served and posted as an order to cease activity under RMC 1-3-2C. (10) Section 108.4 is amended and supplemented to read as follows: Placarding: Upon failure of the owner or person responsible to comply with the notice provisions within the time given, the code official shall post on or at each entry of the premises a placard indicating that the building is not fit for occupancy and other information determined relevant by the building 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 113 of 236 official. (11) Section 108.4.1 is amended to read as follows: Placard removal: The code official shall remove the placard posted in accordance with the provisions of section 108 whenever the defect or defects upon which the action was based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or removes the placard without the approval of the code official shall be subject to the penalties set forth in RMC 1-3-2. (12) Section 108.6 is added to read as follows: Repair, vacation and demolition: The following standards shall be followed by the building official (and by the hearing examiner if an appeal is taken) in ordering the repair, vacation or demolition of any dangerous building or structure: 1. Any building declared a dangerous building under this Code shall be made to comply with one of the following: 1.1 The building shall be repaired in accordance with the current building code or other current code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair; 1.2 The building shall be demolished at the option of the building owner; or 1.3 If the building does not constitute an immediate danger to the life, limb, property or safety of the public it may be vacated, secured and maintained against entry. 2. If the building or structure is in such condition as to make it immediately dangerous to the life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated. (13) Section 202 is amended to read as follows: Delete the definitions of GARBAGE, INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLE, AND RUBBISH. (14) Section 301.2 is amended to read as follows: Responsibility: The owner of the premises shall maintain the structures and exterior property in compliance with these requirements, except as otherwise provided for in this code. A person shall not occupy as owner-occupant or permit another person to occupy premises which are not in a sanitary and safe condition and which do not comply with the requirements of this chapter. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 114 of 236 (15) Subsection 301.3, Vacant buildings and land, is repealed in its entirety and replaced by the following: 301.3 Vacant buildings: All vacant buildings and premises thereof must comply with this Code. Vacant buildings shall be maintained in a clean, safe, secure and sanitary condition provided herein so as not to cause a blighting problem or otherwise adversely affect the public health, safety or quality of life. 301.3.1 Appearance: All vacant buildings must appear to be occupied, or appear able to be occupied with little or no repairs. 301.3.2 Security: All vacant buildings must be secured against outside entry at all times. Security shall be by the normal building amenities such as windows and doors having adequate strength to resist intrusion. All doors and windows must remain locked. There shall be at least one operable door into every building and into each housing unit. Exterior walls and roofs must remain intact without holes. 301.3.2.1 Architectural (cosmetic) structural panels: Architectural structural panels may be used to secure windows, doors and other openings provided they are cut to fit the opening and match the characteristics of the building. Architectural panels may be of exterior grade finished plywood or Medium Density Overlaid plywood (MDO) that is painted to match the building exterior or covered with a reflective material such as plexi-glass. Exception. Untreated plywood or similar structural panels may be used to secure windows, doors and other openings for a maximum period of 30 days. 301.3.2.2 Security fences: Temporary construction fencing shall not be used as a method to secure a building from entry. Exception. Temporary construction fencing may be used for a maximum period of 30 days. 301.3.3 Weather protection: The exterior roofing and siding shall be maintained as required in Section 304. 301.3.4 Fire Safety: 301.3.4.1 Fire protection systems: All fire suppression and alarms systems shall be maintained in a working condition and inspected as required by the Fire Department. 301.3.4.2 Flammable liquids: No vacant building or premises or portion thereof shall be used for the storage of flammable liquids or other materials that constitute a safety or fire hazard. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 115 of 236 301.3.4.3 Combustible materials: All debris, combustible materials, litter and garbage shall be removed from vacant buildings, their accessory buildings and adjoining yard areas. The building and premises shall be maintained free from such items. 301.3.4.3 Fire inspections: Periodic fire department inspections may be required at intervals set forth by the fire chief or his designee. 301.3.5 Plumbing fixtures: Plumbing fixtures connected to an approved water system, an approved sewage system, or an approved natural gas utility system shall be installed in accordance with applicable codes and be maintained in sound condition and good repair or removed and the service terminated in the manner prescribed by applicable codes. 301.3.5.1 Freeze protection: The building’s water systems shall be protected from freezing. 301.3.6 Electrical: Electrical service lines, wiring, outlets or fixtures not installed or maintained in accordance with applicable codes shall be repaired, removed or the electrical services terminated to the building in accordance with applicable codes. 301.3.7 Heating: Heating facilities or heating equipment in vacant buildings shall be removed, rendered inoperable, or maintained in accordance with applicable codes. 301.3.8 Interior floors: If a hole in a floor presents a hazard, the hole shall be covered and secured with three-quarter (3/4) inch plywood, or a material of equivalent strength, cut to overlap the hole on all sides by at least six (6) inches. 301.3.9 Termination of utilities: The code official may, by written notice to the owner and to the appropriate water, electricity or gas utility, request that water, electricity, or gas service to a vacant building be terminated or disconnected. 301.3.9.1 Restoration of service: If water, electricity or gas service has been terminated or disconnected pursuant to Section 313.9, no one except the utility may take any action to restore the service, including an owner or other private party requesting restoration of service until written notification is given by the code official that service may be restored. 301.3.10 Notice to person responsible: Whenever the code official has reason to believe that a building is vacant, the code official may inspect the building and premises. If the code official determines that a vacant building violates any provision of this section, the code official shall notify in writing, the owner of the building, or real property upon which the building is located, or other person responsible, of the violations and required 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 116 of 236 corrections and shall be given a time frame to comply. 301.3.10.1 Alternate requirements: The requirements and time frames of this section may be modified under an approved Plan of Action. Within 30 days of notification that a building or real property upon which the building is located, is in violation of this Section, an owner may submit a written Plan of Action for the code official to review and approve if found acceptable. A Plan of Action may allow: 1) Extended use of non-architectural panels 2) Extended use of temporary security fencing 3) Extended time before the demolition of a building is required 4) For substandard conditions to exist for a specific period of time, provided the building is secured in an approved manner. When considering a Plan of Action, the building official shall take into consideration the magnitude of the violation and the impact to the neighborhood. 301.3.11 Enforcement: Violations of this section shall be enforced according to the provisions and procedures of RMC 1-3-2 and subject to the monetary penalties contained therein. 301.3.11.1 Abatement: A building or structure accessory thereto that remains vacant and open to entry after the required compliance date is found and declared to be a public nuisance. The code official is hereby authorized to summarily abate the violation by closing the building to unauthorized entry. The costs of abatement shall be collected from the owner in the manner provided by law. 301.3.11.2 Unsafe buildings and equipment: Any vacant building or equipment therein, declared unsafe is subject to the provisions of Section 108 and the demolition provisions of Section 110. (16) Section 302.4 is amended to read as follows: Weeds: All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve inches in height on development property or 24 inches in height on vacant land. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs; provided, however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Upon failure of the owner or agent having charge of a property to cut and destroy weeds after service of a notice of violation, they shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 1-3-2 Civil Enforcement of Code. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 117 of 236 (17) Section 308 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Section 308 Residential Outdoor Storage which read as follows: 308.1 Purpose: The purpose of this section is to define and regulate the outdoor storage of materials on residential property while maintaining the character and use intended for single family residential neighborhoods. For purposes of this section, residentially zoned property is any property zoned RC, R1, R4 or R8. 308.2 Allowed residential outdoor storage: For RC and R1 zoned properties, a maximum of 400 square feet of area may be used for outdoor storage. For R4 and R8 zoned properties, a maximum of 200 square feet of area may be used for outdoor storage. 308.3 Prohibited areas for outdoor storage: Outdoor storage is prohibited on residentially zoned property in the following areas: Front yards Side yards Slopes greater than 15% Designated open spaces or restricted areas Critical areas, including wetland, streams and associated buffer areas 308.4 Emergency access: Outdoor storage areas shall not prevent emergency access to the residential structure or any other building. 308.5 Business related storage: Materials stored outdoors on residentially zoned properties shall not be owned by or used in any business or industry including a home occupation business. 308.6 Height limitations: Materials stored outdoors on residentially zoned properties shall be neatly stacked and not exceed a height of six feet. Tarps may not be utilized for screening outdoor storage. 308.7 Firewood: Firewood must be split, neatly stacked, and intended for use on the premises on which it is stored. Tarps may be used to protect firewood. 308.8 Membrane structures: Membrane structures are considered outdoor storage, and subject to the location restrictions of 308.3. Such structures shall not exceed 200 square feet in area. Membrane structures shall be immediately removed or repaired in the event of disrepair or in the event of damage caused by weather, fire, collision, accident or other forms of damage. Tarps and makeshift covers are prohibited for this use. 308.9 Prohibited materials: Shipping containers and other similar storage units do not qualify as accessory buildings on residentially zoned properties, and are prohibited. Hazardous materials are also prohibited for outdoor 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 118 of 236 storage on residentially zoned propertties. C. Copy on file. At least one (1) copy of the adopted edition of the International Property Maintenance Code shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk. 8d. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  adoption of the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Page 119 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Code Enforcement Violations as Civil Infractions Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Issue Paper Proposed Revised Code - Civil Enforcement of Code Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Neil Watts, x-7218 Recommended Action: Refer to the Public Safety Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: In response to State court actions allowing search warrants for criminal infractions only, the City adopted code changes in 2002 to classify all code violations as criminal infractions. Search warrants may be helpful to obtain additional site information not readily available without entering the property. However, criminal infractions create challenges in the application of many code enforcement procedures, as code enforcement inspectors cannot directly issue criminal violation tickets. This results in a time consuming procedure, where Police, City Attorney, and Municipal Court staff are also involved with preparing each case for prosecution. Restoring many of the code violations to civil infractions would allow for more efficient use of staff time. These code violations include signs, nuisance violations, noise, garbage, business license violations, zoning violations, on-site parking violations, etc. Code enforcement staff is trained and highly skilled in case preparation and authorized to issue tickets for civil infractions. Such cases could be handled administratively, with appeals to the Hearing Examiner, resulting in quicker response to neighborhood concerns. In those few cases where the property owner absolutely refuses to take action and is willing to take the issue through the full appeal process, this revision will be of limited benefit. Fortunately, these time-consuming cases have been rare. Some code sections benefit from additional evidence that can be obtained through a search warrant and should remain criminal. These are junk vehicles (RMC 6-1) and minimum housing standards for multi-family structures (RMC 4-5-060). Other violations in the City criminal code that are traditional Police Department enforcement areas would remain so. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt revised Civil Enforcement of Code. Code violations that may require search warrants for enforcement purposes should remain as criminal violations; all other code enforcement violations should be classified as civil infractions. 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 120 of 236 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:July 1, 2010 TO:Don Persson, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Neil Watts, Development Services Director (x-7218) SUBJECT:Code Enforcement Violations as Civil Infractions ISSUE: Should the City designate certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code enforcement costs and reduce enforcement process times? RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends code violations that may require search warrants for enforcement purposes remain as criminal violations. However, all other code enforcement violations should be classified as civil violations. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In 2002, the City adopted code changes to classify all code violations as criminal infractions. This change was in response to State court actions allowing search warrants for criminal infractions only. Search warrants can be helpful in code enforcement cases to obtain additional site information not readily available without entering the property. The City has successfully used evidence obtained through search warrants to prosecute code violations related to junk vehicles and dangerous buildings. Criminal infractions create challenges, however, in the application of many code enforcement procedures. Code enforcement inspectors cannot directly issue criminal violation tickets themselves and, therefore, must present a fully prepared case to a police officer. The police officer must then become familiar enough with the case to be able to issue a ticket. This criminal citation is then forwarded to the prosecutor, who reviews the case for completeness based on the higher court standards for criminal violations. The case then gets forwarded to the Municipal Court system to be scheduled on their busy docket. This process can be very time consuming for staff, as well as create inherently long delays for the neighborhood waiting to see corrections of the 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 121 of 236 Code Enforcement Violations as Civil Infractions Page 2 of 2 July 1, 2010 problem. Restoring many of the code violations to civil infractions would allow for a more efficient use of limited code enforcement and police staff time. The code enforcement staff is trained and highly skilled in case preparation and authorized to issue tickets for civil infractions. These cases could be handled administratively, with appeals to the Hearing Examiner. All of this would result in a faster process that will result in correcting the code enforcement problems in the neighborhoods more quickly. In those few cases where the property owner absolutely refuses to take action, and is willing to take the issue through the full appeal process, this revision will be of limited benefit. Fortunately, these time-consuming cases have been rare. Some code sections benefit from additional evidence that can be obtained through a search warrant and should remain criminal. These are junk vehicles (RMC 6-1) and minimum housing standards for multi-family structures (RMC 4-5-060). Other violations in the City criminal code that are traditional Police Department enforcement areas would remain so. All other code violations, including signs, nuisance violations, noise, garbage, business license violations, zoning violations, on-site parking violations, etc., would be classified as civil infractions and enforced administratively. Attachment cc:Jay Covington, CAO Kevin Milosevich, Police Chief Larry Warren, City Attorney Paul Baker, Lead Code Compliance Inspector 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 122 of 236 1 1.3.2:CIVIL ENFORCEMENT OF CODE A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to establish an efficient, civil administrative system to enforce the regulations of the city, to provide an opportunity for an appeal of determinations of violations and prompt hearings and decisions on any such appeals, to establish monetary penalties for violations, and to provide for the collection of said penalties. It is the express and specific purpose and intent of this section to provide for and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public and not to create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially protected or benefited by the terms of this chapter. It is also the express and specific purpose and intent of this section that no provision nor any term used in this section is intended to impose any duty whatsoever upon the city or any of its officers or employees. Nothing contained in this section is intended nor shall be construed to create or form the basis of any liability on the part of the city, its officers, employees or agents, for any injury or damage resulting from any action or inaction on the part of the city, its officers, employees or agents. B. Applicability: 1.Violation is a Civil Infraction: Any person who commits a violation subject to civil penalties shall be guilty of a civil infraction on the first offense. 2.Enforcement: Civil enforcement of the Code provisions listed in RMC Section 1.3.2B.3 or the terms and conditions of any permit or approval issued pursuant to this Code shall be governed by this section unless other more specific provisions apply. This section may be used to address or enforce the code against any violation. Each day or portion of a day during which a violation occurs or exists is a separate violation. Aiding or abetting a violation of another is also a violation. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any civil enforcement of the provisions of this Code or the terms and conditions of any permit or approval issued pursuant to this Code is in addition to, and does not preclude or limit, any other forms of enforcement available to the City including, but not limited to, criminal proceedings or sanctions, nuisance and injunction actions, or other civil or equitable actions to abate, discontinue, correct, or discourage unlawful acts in violation of this chapter. Code enforcement officers are authorized to enforce the Code using the provisions and procedures of this chapter. 3.Civil Violations Listed: Violations of the following Renton Municipal Code (RMC) chapters shall be considered civil violations for purposes of this section: RMC 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.9, 4.10, 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7, 9.8 and 9.10. 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 123 of 236 2 4.Subsequent Offense: Any person who commits a violation, as set forth in subsection C of this Section, within one year of a committed finding for a prior offense within the same Chapter of the Renton Municipal Code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as set forth in RMC 1-3-1. 5.Multifamily Building Violations Criminal: Any person who commits a violation of the standards adopted in RMC 4-5 for a multifamily residential building shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as set forth in RMC 1-3-1. C. Authority To Inspect: A code enforcement officer and/or law enforcement officer may inspect properties as necessary to determine whether permittees have complied with conditions of the respective permits and, whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that a permittee is in violation of the provisions as set forth in this Chapter, may request permission from the owner or other person having possession, custody, or control of the premises to enter upon such premises at reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any other duty allowed the code enforcement officer and/or law enforcement officer by the Renton Municipal Code. The code enforcement officer and/or law enforcement officer, if requested by the owner or subject of the enforcement action, shall present proper credentials to the owner or other person in charge of the premises before requesting entry. D. Order to Cease Activity: 1. Issuance: Whenever the enforcement officer determines a violation exists, he or she may issue an order to cease activity directing any person causing, allowing, or participating in the offending conduct to cease such activity or conduct immediately. 2. Service of order: The enforcement official shall serve the order upon the person to whom it is directed, either by delivering it personally or by mailing a copy of it by registered or certified mail to such person at his or her last known address and by posting a copy of the order to cease activity conspicuously on the affected property or structure, or as near to the affected property or structure as feasible. If service is not accomplished by personal service and if an address for mailed service cannot be ascertained, service shall be accomplished by posting a copy of the order conspicuously on the affected property or structure. If service is by personal service, service shall be deemed complete immediately. If service is made by mail, service shall be deemed complete upon the third day following the day upon which the order is placed in the mail, unless the third day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, in which event service shall be deemed complete on the first day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday following the third day. If service is made by posting, service shall be deemed complete on the third day following the day the order is posted. Proof of service shall be made at the time of service by a written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the person effecting the service, declaring the date and the manner of service. Any failure of the person to whom the order to cease activity is directed to observe the posted order or to actually receive the mailed order shall not invalidate service made in compliance with this section, nor 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 124 of 236 3 shall it invalidate the order to cease activity. 3. Appeal of Order to Cease Activity: An order to cease activity may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner under the procedures set forth in RMC 1-3-2G and 4-8-110E. During any such appeal, the order to cease activity shall remain in effect. 4. Effect of Order to Cease Activity: When an order to cease activity has been issued, posted and/or served pursuant to this section, it is unlawful for any person to whom the order is directed or any person with actual or constructive knowledge of the order to conduct the activity or perform the work covered by the order, even if the order to cease activity has been appealed, until the enforcement officer has removed the copy of the order, if posted, and issued written authorization for the activity or work to be resumed. Violation of an order to cease activity constitutes a misdemeanor. In addition, a monetary penalty shall accrue for each day or portion thereof that a violation of an order to cease activity occurs, in the same amounts as under RMC 1-3-2E.5. In addition to such criminal or monetary penalties, the city may enforce the order to cease activity in accordance with RMC 1-3-2I, and enforce it in superior court. E. Order to Correct. 1. Issuance: Whenever the enforcement official determines that a violation has occurred or is occurring, he or she may issue an order to correct to any person causing, allowing or participating in the violation, including the property owner. The intent of the Order to Correct is to provide the property owner an opportunity to voluntarily correct the code violation without being served a Notice of Civil Infraction. The Order to Correct issued pursuant to this section represents a determination that a violation of this Code has been committed. This determination is final and conclusive unless appealed as provided herein. 2. Content: The enforcement official shall include the following in the Order to Correct: a. The name and address of the property owner and/or other person to whom the notice and order is directed; b. The street address or description sufficient for identification of the building, structure, premises, or land upon or within which the violation has occurred or is occurring; c. A description of the violation and a reference to that provision of a city development regulation which has been violated; d. A statement of the action required to be taken to correct the violation as determined by the enforcement official and a date or time, not less than three days after service of the notice and order, by which correction is to be completed; e. A statement that the person to whom the notice and order is directed must: i. Complete correction of the violation by the date stated in the notice; ii. Appeal the notice and order to the Development Services Director; or iii. Enter and comply with a voluntary correction agreement with the city; and f. A statement that, if the violation is not corrected, the Order to Correct is not appealed, a voluntary correction agreement is not entered or complied with, a Notice of Civil Infraction may be issued for the violation, including a monetary penalty as specified in this chapter. 4. Extension: Upon written request received prior to the correction date or 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 125 of 236 4 time, the enforcement official may extend the date set for correction for good cause or in order to accommodate a violation correction agreement. The enforcement official may consider substantial completion of the necessary correction or unforeseeable circumstances which render completion impossible by the date established as a good cause. 5. Appeal: The Order to Correct may be appealed to the Director of Development Services within 10 days of issuance of the Order to Correct. The Director shall conduct a hearing with 21 days on the appeal, per the procedures outlined for the Hearing Examiner appeal process in Section 1-3-2I. The Director’s decision shall be final, with no further appeal available. 5. Declaration of Compliance: When the violation has been corrected, the enforcement officer shall issue a letter which shall so state, and shall also record the date upon which the violation was fully corrected. F. Voluntary Correction Agreement. 1. General: When the city determines that a violation has occurred, the city may enter into a voluntary correction agreement with any person causing, allowing, or participating in the violation, including the property owner. A voluntary correction agreement may be instead of, in lieu of, or in conjunction with a notice and order under RMC 1-3-2E. 2. Contents: A voluntary correction agreement shall be in writing, signed by the person responsible for the violation and an enforcement official, and shall contain substantially the following information: a. The name and address of the person responsible for the violation; b. The street address or a description sufficient for identification of the building, structure, premises, or land upon or within which the violation has occurred or is occurring; c. A description of the violation and a reference to the regulation violated; d. The necessary corrective action to be taken, and a date or time by which the correction must be completed; e. An agreement by the person responsible for the violation that the city may inspect the premises as may be necessary to determine compliance with the voluntary correction agreement; f. An agreement by the person responsible for the violation and/or the owner(s) of property on which the violation has occurred or is occurring that, if the terms of the voluntary correction agreement are not met, the city may enter the property, abate the violation, and recover its costs and expenses as provided in this chapter; g. An agreement that by entering into the voluntary correction agreement, the person responsible for the violation waives the right to a hearing before the examiner under this section regarding the violation, any penalty, and required corrective action; and h. A statement that failure to comply with the terms of the agreement shall constitute a misdemeanor. 3. Modification and Time Extension: An extension of the time limit for correction or a modification of the required corrective action may be granted by the enforcement official if the person responsible for the violation has shown due diligence in correcting the violation but unforeseen circumstances render 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 126 of 236 5 correction under the original conditions unattainable. All modifications or time extensions shall be in writing, signed by the person responsible for the violation and an enforcement official. 4. Penalty for Noncompliance: Violation of the terms of a voluntary correction agreement is a misdemeanor. Further, the city may enter the property, abate the violation, and recover all costs and expenses of abatement in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. G. Notice of Civil Infraction 1. Issuance: Whenever the enforcement official determines that a violation has occurred or is occurring, and is unable to secure voluntary correction pursuant to RMC 1.3.2D or RMC 1.3.2E, he or she may issue a Notice of Civil Infraction to any person causing, allowing or participating in the violation, including the property owner. A Notice of Civil Infraction issued pursuant to this section represents a determination that a civil infraction has been committed. This determination is final and conclusive unless appealed as provided herein. 2. Issuance Without Order to Cease Activity or Order to Correct: The enforcement official may issue a Notice of Civil Infraction without having attempted to secure correction through an Order to Cease Activity or Order to Correct under the following circumstances: a. When an emergency exists; or b. When a repeated violation occurs; or c. When the violation creates a situation or condition which cannot be corrected; or d. When the person knows or reasonably should have known that the action is in violation of a City regulation; or e. The person cannot be contacted or refuses to communicate or cooperate with the City in correcting the violation. 2. Content: The enforcement official shall include the following in the Order to Correct: a. The name and address of the property owner and/or other person to whom the notice and order is directed; b. The street address or description sufficient for identification of the building, structure, premises, or land upon or within which the violation has occurred or is occurring; c. A description of the specific civil infraction and a reference to that provision of a city development regulation which has been violated; d. A statement of that the notice represents a determination that a civil infraction has been committed by the person named in the notice and that the determination is final unless contested as provided in this chapter; e. A statement that a civil infraction is a noncriminal offense for which imprisonment may not be imposed as a sanction; f. A statement that the person to whom the notice and order is directed must: i. Pay the stipulated monetary penalty and complete correction of the violation; ii. Appeal the Notice of Civil Infraction as provided in RMC 1-3-2G; or III. Request a Hearing to explain mitigating circumstances to allow for modification of the monetary penalty. 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 127 of 236 6 g. A statement that at any hearing to contest the determination the state has the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the civil infraction was committed and that the person may subpoena witnesses including the enforcement officer who issued the notice of civil infraction; h. A statement that at any hearing requested for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances surrounding the commission of the civil infraction, the person will be deemed to have committed the civil infraction and may not subpoena witnesses; i. A statement that the person must respond to the notice as provided in this chapter within fifteen days; A statement that the person must respond to the notice as provided in this chapter within fifteen days; j. A statement that failure to respond to a notice of civil infraction or to appear at a requested hearing is a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine or imprisonment in jail. 3. Service of Notice of Civil Infraction: The enforcement official shall serve the Notice of Civil Infraction upon the person to whom it is directed, either by delivering it personally or by mailing a copy of it by registered or certified mail to such person at his or her last known address and by posting a copy of the Notice of Civil Infraction conspicuously on the affected property or structure. If service is not accomplished by personal service and if an address for mailed service cannot be ascertained, service shall be accomplished by posting a copy of the Notice of Civil Infraction conspicuously on the affected property or structure. If service is by personal service, service shall be deemed complete immediately. If service is made by mail, service shall be deemed complete upon the third day following the day upon which the notice and order is placed in the mail, unless the third day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, in which event service shall be deemed complete on the first day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday following the third day. If service is made by posting, service shall be deemed complete on the third day following the day the Notice of Civil Infraction is posted. Proof of service shall be made at the time of service by a written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the person effecting the service, declaring the date and the manner of service. Any failure of the person to whom the Notice of Civil Infraction is directed to observe the posted Notice of Civil Infraction or to actually receive the mailed Notice of Civil Infraction shall not invalidate service made in compliance with this section, nor shall it invalidate the Notice of Civil Infraction. 4. Monetary Penalty: A monetary penalty shall accrue for each day or portion thereof that each violation occurs. The maximum penalty and the default amount shall be $100.00 for the first violation, $200.00 for a second violation of the same nature or a continuing violation, $300.00 for a third violation of the same nature or a continuing violation, and $500.00 for each additional violation of the same nature or a continuing violation in excess of three not including fees, costs, and assessments. 5. Continued Duty to Correct: Payment of a monetary penalty pursuant to this chapter does not relieve a person of the duty to correct the violation as ordered by 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 128 of 236 7 the enforcement official. 6. Declaration of Compliance: When the violation has been corrected and the penalty paid, the enforcement officer shall issue a letter which shall so state, and shall also record the date upon which the violation was fully corrected, beyond which no further penalty shall accrue. 7. Effect of Unappealed Notice and Order: If Notice of Civil Infraction is not appealed, each future violation of the same nature within a one year time period shall constitute a misdemeanor. H. Response to Notice of Civil Infraction 1. Time to Respond: Any person who receives a notice of Civil Infraction shall respond to such notice as provided in this section within fifteen days of the date of the notice. 2. Decision to Not Contest Civil Infraction: If the person determined to have committed the civil infraction does not contest the determination, the person shall respond by completing the appropriate portion of the Notice of Civil Infraction and submitting it, either by mail or in person, to the Renton City Clerk. A check or money order in the amount of the penalty prescribed for the civil infraction must be submitted with the response. The City Clerk may accept cash in payment for an infraction. When a response which does not contest the determination is received, an appropriate order shall be entered in the City's records. 3. Appeal of Civil Infraction: If the person determined to have committed the civil infraction wishes to contest the determination, the person shall respond by completing the portion of the notice of Notice of Civil Infraction requesting a hearing and submitting it, either by mail or in person, to the City Clerk. The Hearing Examiner shall notify the person in writing of the time, place, and date of the hearing, and that date shall not be earlier than seven days nor more than ninety days from the date of the notice of hearing, except by agreement. 4. Request to Explain Mitigating Circumstances: If the person determined to have committed the civil infraction does not contest the determination but wishes to explain mitigating circumstances surrounding the infraction, the person shall respond by completing the portion of the Notice of Civil Infraction requesting a hearing for that purpose and submitting it, either by mail or in person, to the City Clerk. The Hearing Examiner shall notify the person in writing of the time, place, and date of the hearing, and that date shall not be earlier than seven days nor more than ninety days from the date of the notice of hearing, except by agreement. 5. Failure to Respond: The Hearing Examiner shall enter a default judgment assessing the monetary penalty prescribed for the civil infraction and may notify the prosecuting attorney of the failure to respond to the Notice of Civil Infraction or to appear at a requested hearing if any person issued a notice of civil infraction: a. Fails to respond to the Notice of Civil Infraction as provided in subsection (2) of this section; or b. Fails to appear at a hearing requested pursuant to subsection (3) or (4) of this section. I. Appeal to Hearing Examiner. 1. General: A person may appeal an Order to Cease Activity, an Order to 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 129 of 236 8 Correct, or a Notice of Civil Infraction to the Hearing Examiner by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within 14 calendar days from the date of service of the order to cease activity or notice and order, specifying what issue is being appealed. The person appealing may appeal either the determination that a violation exists, the amount of any monetary penalty imposed, the corrective action ordered, or any combination thereof. The city may also request a hearing before the hearing examiner to assess costs, modify previous orders, or to enter other orders as needed. The appeal must be accompanied by cash or a check, payable to the City of Renton, in the amount of $250.00, which is refundable in the event the appellant prevails on the appeal. The filing fee is waived in cases where the city requests the hearing. 2. Effect of appeal: The timely filing of an appeal in compliance with this section shall stay the requirement for action specified in the notice and order that is the subject of the appeal. The monetary penalty for a continuing violation does not continue to accrue during the pendency of the appeal; however, the hearing examiner may impose a daily monetary penalty from the date of service of the order to cease activity or notice and order if the hearing examiner finds that the appeal is frivolous or intended solely to delay compliance. An appeal does not lift or stay an order to cease activity. 3. Date of Hearing: Within 10 days of the clerk’s receipt of the appeal, the hearing examiner shall set a public hearing for a date within 30 days of the clerk’s receipt of the appeal. 4. Notice of Hearing: The notice shall contain the following: a. The file number and a brief description of the matter being appealed. b. A statement of the scope of the appeal, including a summary of the errors alleged and the findings and/or legal conclusions disputed in the appeal. c. The date, term and place of the public hearing on the appeal. (iv) A statement of who may participate in the appeal. d. A statement of how to participate in the appeal. 5. Participation in the Appeal: The City and the appellant may participate as parties in the hearing and each may call witnesses. The appellant may be represented by counsel. The attorney representing the City may appear in the appeal hearing, but need not appear. Any person may participate in the public hearing in either or both of the following ways: a. By submitting written comments to the hearing examiner, either by delivering these comments to the clerk prior to the hearing or by giving these directly to the hearing examiner at the hearing. b. By appearing in person, or through a representative, at the hearing and making oral comments directly to the hearing. The hearing examiner may reasonably limit the extent of oral comments to facilitate the orderly and timely conduct of the hearing. 6. Conduct of Hearing: The Hearing Examiner shall conduct the hearing on the appeal pursuant to the rules of procedure of the Hearing Examiner. The hearing shall be without a jury. The Hearing Examiner may consider the Notice of Civil Infraction and any other written report made under oath submitted by the enforcement officer who issued the notice or whose written statement was the basis for the issuance of the notice in lieu of the officer's personal appearance at the hearing. The person named in 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 130 of 236 9 the notice may request the court for issuance of subpoena of witnesses, including the enforcement officer who issued the notice, and has the right to present evidence and examine witnesses present in court. The burden of proof is upon the City to establish the commission of the civil infraction by a preponderance of the evidence. The Hearing Examiner shall make a complete electronic sound recording of the public hearing. 6. Continuation of the Hearing: The Hearing Examiner may continue the hearing if he or she is unable to hear all of the public comments on the matter or if the Hearing Examiner determines that he or she needs more information on the matter. If, during the hearing, the Hearing Examiner announces the time and place of the next hearing on the matter, no further notice of that hearing need be given. 7. Failure to Appear: If the person to whom the notice of infraction was issued fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the Municipal Court Judge may enter an order finding that the violation occurred, assess the appropriate monetary penalty, and order abatement of the violation. The City will carry out the Municipal Court Judge’s order and recover all related expenses, plus the cost of the hearing and any monetary penalty from that person. 8. Decision of Hearing Examiner: After consideration of the evidence and argument, the Hearing Examiner shall determine whether the civil infraction was committed. Where it has not been established that the civil infraction was committed, an order dismissing the notice shall be entered in the City’s records. Where it has been established that the civil infraction was committed, an appropriate order shall be entered in the City's records. a. Vacation: If the Hearing Examiner determines that the appellant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that no violation substantially has occurred, the Hearing Examiner shall vacate the Notice of Civil Infraction, and order the appeal fee refunded. b. Affirmance: If the Hearing Examiner determines that the City has proven by a preponderance of the evidence, the Hearing Examiner shall affirm the Notice of Civil Infraction. c. Modification: If the Hearing Examiner determines that the corrective action ordered was unnecessary to cure the violation, the Hearing Examiner may modify the corrective action required depending on the determinations of the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner may also modify the assessment of penalties and costs if good cause is found. In so ordering, the hearing examiner shall consider the following: i. Whether the intent of the appeal was to delay compliance; ii. Whether the appeal was frivolous; iii. Whether there was a written contract or agreement with another party which specified the securing by the other party of the applicable permit or approval from the city; iv. Whether the applicant exercised reasonable, timely, and good faith effort to comply with the applicable development regulations; or v. Any other relevant factors. The monetary penalty shall not be modified without assuring the violation is corrected, unless the penalty is legally erroneous. In modifying the corrective action ordered, the Hearing Examiner shall require, at a minimum, any action necessary to 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 131 of 236 10 ensure actual compliance within 14 days of the date of the Hearing Examiner’s decision. 9. Issuance of Decision: The Hearing Examiner shall issue an oral decision at the time of the hearing unless good cause exists to delay the decision. The Hearing Examiner shall issue a written decision, including findings of fact, conclusions, and order within 14 days of the hearing. The appellant is required to comply with any decision of the Hearing Examiner whether oral or written upon issuance. 10. Costs and Attorney Fees: Each party to a civil infraction case is responsible for costs incurred by that party, but the Hearing Examiner may assess witness fees against a nonprevailing respondent. Attorney fees may be awarded to either party in a civil infraction case. 11. Judicial review: Any party remaining aggrieved by the decision of the Hearing Examiner may further appeal to the King County Superior Court within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the Hearing Examiner’s decision. 12. Effect of decision: If judicial review is not obtained, the decision of the Hearing Examiner shall constitute the final decision of the city, and the failure to comply with the decision of the Hearing Examiner shall constitute a misdemeanor. J. Mitigating Circumstances to the Hearing Examiner 1. A hearing held for the purpose of allowing a person to explain mitigating circumstances surrounding the commission of a civil infraction shall be an informal proceeding. The person may not subpoena witnesses. The determination that a civil infraction has been committed may not be contested at a hearing held for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances. 2. The Hearing Examiner may waive, reduce, or suspend the monetary penalty prescribed for the civil infraction. If the Hearing Examiner determines that a person has insufficient funds to pay the monetary penalty, the Hearing Examiner may order performance of a number of hours of community restitution in lieu of a monetary penalty, at the rate of the then state minimum wage per hour. 3. After the Hearing Examiner has heard the explanation of the circumstances surrounding the commission of the civil infraction, the Hearing Examiner shall issue an oral decision at the time of the hearing unless good cause exists to delay the decision. The Hearing Examiner shall issue a written decision, including findings of fact, conclusions, and order within 14 days of the hearing. The appellant is required to comply with any decision of the Hearing Examiner whether oral or written upon issuance. 3. There is no appeal from the Hearing Examiner’s determination or order. K. Collection of Monetary Penalty. 1. Any monetary penalty imposed under this Code constitutes a personal obligation of the person in violation. Any monetary penalty assessed must be paid to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days from the date of service of the Notice of Civil Infraction or, if an appeal was filed pursuant to RMC 1-3-2G, within 14 calendar days of the hearing examiner’s decision. 2. Continued Duty to Correct: Payment of a monetary penalty pursuant to this chapter does not relieve the person to whom the notice of civil violation was issued of 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 132 of 236 11 the duty to correct the violation. 3. The City Clerk is authorized to collect the monetary penalty by use of appropriate legal remedies, the seeking a granting of which shall neither stay nor terminate the accrual of additional per diem monetary penalties so long as the violation continues. 4. The City may authorize the use of collection agencies to recover monetary penalties, in which case the cost of the collection process shall be assessed in addition to the monetary penalty. 5. The City may incorporate any outstanding penalty into an assessment lien when the city incurs costs of abating the violation pursuant to RMC 1-3-2I. L. Abatement and Additional Enforcement Procedures. 1. Abatement by City: The city may perform the abatement required upon noncompliance with the terms of an unappealed notice and order, a voluntary correction agreement, or a final order of the hearing examiner. The city may utilize city employees or a private contractor under city direction to accomplish the abatement. The city, its employees and agents using lawful means are expressly authorized to enter upon the property of the violator for such purposes. 2. Recovery of Costs: The city shall bill its costs, including incidental expenses, of abating the violation to the person obligated to perform the work under the notice and order, voluntary correction agreement or the hearing examiner’s decision, which costs shall become due and payable 30 days after the date of the bill. The term “incidental expenses” shall include, but not be limited to, personnel costs, both direct and indirect, including attorneys’ fees incurred by the city; costs incurred in documenting the violation; the actual expenses and costs to the city in the preparation of notices, specifications and contracts, and in inspecting the work; and the cost of any required printing and mailing. The city manager or designee, or the hearing examiner, may in his or her discretion waive in whole or part the assessment of any costs of abatement upon a showing that abatement has occurred or is no longer necessary, or that the costs would cause a significant financial hardship for the responsible party. The city may authorize the use of collection agencies to recover costs. The city attorney is authorized to collect the costs by use of appropriate legal remedies. 3. Obstruction with Work Prohibited: No person shall obstruct, impede or interfere with the city, its employees or agents, or any person who owns or holds any interest or estate in any property in the performance of any necessary act, preliminary or incidental to carrying out the requirements of a notice and order to correct, voluntary correction agreement, or order of the hearing examiner issued pursuant to this chapter. A violation of this provision shall constitute a misdemeanor. 4. Report to City Council Review of Cost of Abatement: Where costs are assessed under this section and the person responsible fails to pay within the 30-day period, the enforcement official shall prepare a written itemized report to the City Council showing the cost of abatement, including rehabilitation, demolition, restoration or repair of such property, including such salvage value relating thereto plus the amount of any outstanding penalties. a. A copy of the report and a notice of the time and date when the report shall be heard by the city council shall be served on the person responsible for payment at 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 133 of 236 12 least five days prior to the review by the City Council. b. The City Council shall review the report and such other information on the matter as it receives and deems relevant. The City Council shall confirm or revise the amounts in the report, authorize collection of that amount or, in the case of a debt owed by a property owner, authorize placement of an assessment lien on the property as provided herein. 5. Assessment Lien: Following the authorization by the City Council, the City Clerk shall certify to the county treasurer the confirmed amount. The county treasurer shall enter the amount of such assessment upon the tax rolls against the property for the current year and the same shall become a part of the general taxes for that year to be collected at the same time and with interest at such rates as provided in RCW 84.56.020, as now or hereafter amended, for delinquent taxes, and when collected to be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the city. The lien shall be of equal rank with the state, county and municipal taxes. The validity of any assessment made under the provisions of this section shall not be contested in any action or proceeding unless the same is commenced within 15 calendar days after the assessment is placed upon the assessment roll. 6. Additional Remedies: Unless otherwise precluded by law, the provisions of this section may be used in lieu of or in addition to other enforcement provisions, including, but not limited to, other provisions in this Code, the use of collection agencies, or other civil actions including injunctions. M. Conflicts: In the event of a conflict between this and any other provision of this Code or city ordinance providing for a civil penalty, the more specific provision shall control. N. Meaning of Terms: Whenever the term “civil penalty” is used in any code, ordinance or regulation of the city, this term shall be deemed to have the same meaning as the term “monetary penalty,” as used in this chapter. O. Infractions Authorized and Statutes Adopted. 1. Authority: Enforcement officers and officials are authorized to issue civil infractions to enforce the provisions of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) except those provisions that are specifically designated as crimes, specifically indicated as not being infractions, or designated as traffic infractions. 2. RCW Statute Adopted: Unless otherwise provided, civil infractions under this section shall be governed by Chapter 7.80 RCW, except that, to the extent allowed by law, the rules of evidence shall not apply in any hearing held regarding civil infractions. P. Suspension or Revocation of Permits/Licenses: In addition to other penalties provided for elsewhere, the City may suspend or revoke a permit or license if it finds that the applicant or permittee has not complied with any or all conditions of limitations set forth in the permit, has 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 134 of 236 13 exceeded the scope of work set forth in the permit, or has failed to undertake the project in the manner set forth in the approved application. Q. Severability If any one of more sections, subsections or sentences of this chapter are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this chapter and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 8e. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  designating certain code violations as civil infractions to reduce code Page 135 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Unfit Building Regulations - Housekeeping Amendments Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Issue Paper Unfit Building Ordinance Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Neil Watts, x-7218 Recommended Action: Refer to Public Safety Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City adopted new regulations for unfit buildings in 2006, requiring that all structures must be habitable and repaired or demolished if they fail to meet applicable building codes for occupancy. These regulations have been used by code enforcement staff to achieve voluntary compliance by many Renton property owners. The process for obtaining corrective action from the owner of a derelict structure begins with an issuance of an Order to Correct to the property owner. If the property owner does not resolve the problem within the stated time frame, the Building Official issues a formal complaint to the property owner. This complaint is also sent to all parties with financial interest in the property, King County, and posted on the property itself. The complaint also provides notice of a public hearing on the unfit building complaint before the Development Services Director. Following the public hearing, the Director’s decision is issued and sent to the property owner, all parties with a financial interest in the property, and all parties of record to the hearing. If an appeal of the Director's decision is made to the Hearing Examiner within the 30-day appeal period, the Hearing Examiner's decision is also sent to the same list of parties. Based on experience with this process, minor gaps in the code have been noted, and staff is recommending five minor updates to Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 1-3-5 Unfit Building regulations: 1. Clarify the notification requirements for posting of the Director and Hearing Examiner’s decisions on unfit building cases; 2. Clarify the cumulative effect of administrative fees for failure to comply with unfit building correction requirements; 3. Clarify the rules of evidence for unfit building hearings; 4. Correct three incorrect references to other city code sections; and 5. Allow the City to record tax liens against the properties to recover costs and expenses for enforcement of unfit building decisions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt minor amendments to the Unfit Building Regulations, to clarify notification requirements and the cumulative impacts for penalty fees. Five code amendments would be updated in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 1-3-5 Unfit Building regulations. 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 136 of 236 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:July 1, 2010 TO:Don Persson, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Neil Watts, Development Services Director (x-7218) SUBJECT:Unfit Building Regulations Housekeeping Amendments ISSUE: Should the City adopt minor housekeeping changes to the Unfit Building Regulations to clarify notification requirements and the cumulative impacts for penalty fees? RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 1-3-5 Unfit Building regulations be updated with five code amendments: 1. Clarify the notification requirements for posting of the Director and Hearing Examiner’s decisions on unfit building cases; 2. Clarify the cumulative effect of administrative fees for failure to comply with unfit building correction requirements; 3. Clarify the rules of evidence for unfit building hearings; 4. Correct three incorrect references to other city code sections; and 5. Allow the City to record tax liens against the properties to recover costs and expenses for enforcement of unfit building decisions. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In 2006, the City adopted new regulations for unfit buildings, requiring that all structures must be habitable and repaired or demolished if they fail to meet applicable building codes for occupancy. Code enforcement inspectors have used these regulations to achieve voluntary compliance actions from property owners in many neighborhoods within Renton. The process for obtaining corrective action from the owner of a derelict structure begins with sending a written Order to Correct to the property owner, typically providing up to 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 137 of 236 Unfit Building Regulations - Housekeeping Amendments Page 2 of 3 July 1, 2010 10 or 60 days to take corrective measures to repair or remove the structure. If the property owner does not resolve the problem within this time frame, the Building Official issues a formal complaint to the property owner. In addition to the property owners, this complaint is sent to all parties with financial interest in the property, King County, and posted on the property itself. This complaint also provides notice of a public hearing on the unfit building complaint before the Development Services Director. Following the public hearing, the Director’s decision is issued. The decision is sent to the property owner, all parties with a financial interest in the property, and all parties of record to the hearing. There is then a 30-day opportunity for appeal of the Director’s decision to the Hearing Examiner. If an appeal is made to the Hearing Examiner, his decision is also sent to the same list of parties. Based upon experience with this process, minor gaps in the code have been noted. Staff is recommending five minor updates to the unfit building regulations to improve and clarify the process: 1) Notification of the Director’s decision and any Hearing Examiner appeal decision to also be physically posted on the property itself. Code enforcement inspectors are currently providing this additional notice. This will bring the City’s Unfit Building regulations into conformance with the noticing requirements listed in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 2) Clarification of the administrative fees. RMC Section 1-3-5.I.5 lists the fees that are to be paid by the property owner if they delay responding to correction orders for an unfit building. This section reads as follows: 5. In addition to actual abatement costs, the following administrative fees shall be assessed and collected in the same manner: a. Where abatement is accomplished prior to director hearing: $300.00; provided, the building official may waive these fees if abatement is complete 48 hours prior to a director hearing; b. Where abatement is accomplished subsequent to or less than 48 hours prior to a director hearing: $1500: c. Where abatement is accomplished following breach of an agreement or understanding between a property owner and building official, director, or hearing examiner: $3,000: d. Where the abatement is accomplished by the City following hearing or default of the property owner: $3,000. 6. The building official, director, or hearing examiner may modify the time or methods of payment of such expenses as the condition of the property and the circumstances of the owner may warrant. In setting costs, they may reduce the costs to an owner who has acted in good faith and would suffer extreme financial hardship. They may increase costs if it appears that the scheduled costs are 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 138 of 236 Unfit Building Regulations - Housekeeping Amendments Page 3 of 3 July 1, 2010 inadequate to make the City whole with respect to a particular violation. It is not clear if the various administrative fees are intended to be cumulative, or separate for each situation. Based on the increased amount for each step, it seems reasonable to not have the fees be additive for each additional step in the process. Rather, the recommendation is to clarify this section so only one administrative fee (based on the appropriate remedy) is charged per unfit building case. 3) Amend the City regulations to be consistent with the state regulations authorizing unfit building regulations for rules of evidence. This is a minor change which was brought to our attention in an ongoing enforcement action. 4) RMC 1-10-4. There are four references in city’s current code to RMC 1-10-4. This section, however, does not exist. Therefore, reference to notice for the Hearing Examiner appeal notice requirements is proposed to be corrected, and the other three references can be deleted from the code. 5) Amend City regulations to allow for filing of tax liens for unpaid costs related to enforcement of unfit building regulations, including possible abatement action undertaken by the City. This is permitted by the state regulations authorizing unfit building regulations, and would allow for quicker recovery of City costs related to enforcement actions. Attachment cc:Jay Covington, CAO Larry Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling, Building Official Paul Baker, Lead Code Compliance Inspector 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 139 of 236 Proposed amendments to the Unfit Building regulations 1-3-5 UNFIT DWELLINGS, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: A. Purpose: It is found that there exist, in the City of Renton, dwellings that are unfit for human habitation and buildings and structures that are unfit for other uses due to dilapidation, disrepair, structural defects, defects increasing the hazards of fire, accidents or other calamities, inadequate ventilation, inadequate light or sanitary facilities, inadequate drainage, overcrowding, or due to other conditions that are inimical to the health and welfare of the residents. It is further the purpose of this section to provide a means of demolishing structures heavily damaged by fire, weather, earth movement or other causes, which have been allowed to sit in the damaged condition without repair for an extended period of time as set forth in this ordinance. B. Repair, Vacation, Demolition, or Abatement of Unfit Dwellings, Buildings and Structures: 1. Incorporation by Reference. Chapter 35.80 RCW is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth, at least one copy of which has been filed with the City Clerk. 2. Standards for Repair, Vacation or Demolition. a. The following standards shall be followed in substance by the director or the hearing examiner in ordering repair, vacation or demolition of unfit buildings: (1) If the unfit building can reasonably be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this chapter, it shall be ordered repaired by the director or, on appeal, by the hearing examiner. (2) If the unfit building is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, morals, safety or general welfare of its occupants, neighbors or the general public, it shall be ordered to be vacated by the director or, on appeal, by the hearing examiner. (3) If the unfit building is fifty percent damaged or decayed or deteriorated in value it shall be demolished. “Value” as used herein shall be the valuation placed upon the building or structure for purposes of general taxation. (4) If the unfit building cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this chapter it shall be demolished. (5) If the unfit building is a fire hazard, existing or erected in violation of the terms of this chapter or any other ordinance of the City of Renton or the laws of the state of Washington, it shall be demolished, provided the fire hazard is not eliminated by the owner within a reasonable time. C. If the director or hearing examiner orders the building to be demolished, it shall also require that the land be suitably filled and cleared, and that the property immediately be vacated and secured as completely as possible pending demolition. D. Complaint: If, after a preliminary investigation of any building or premises, the building official finds that it is unfit, substandard, boarded-up and unfit for use as a dwelling, building or structure, or required to be boarded-up and unfit for use as a dwelling, building or structure; he or she shall cause the owners to be served, either personally or, if personal service cannot be obtained, by first class and certified mail, with return receipt requested, and shall post in a conspicuous place on such property, a complaint stating in what respect such building is unfit for human habitation or other use or is substandard or that it is or should be a boarded-up building, together with the corrective action to be taken and the fees and costs to be paid. If the whereabouts of such person are unknown and cannot be ascertained by the 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 140 of 236 building official in the exercise of reasonable diligence, he or she shall make an affidavit to that effect, then the serving of such complaint or order upon such persons may be made either by personal service or by mailing a copy of the notice and orders by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to each person at the address appearing on the last equalized tax assessment roll of the county where the property is located, or at the address known to the county assessor. A copy of the notice and order shall also be mailed, addressed to each person, at the address of the building involved in the proceedings, if different, and to each person or party having a recorded right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the property. A copy of the complaint shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the property. Such complaint shall contain a notice that a hearing will be held before the director at a place therein fixed, not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days after the service of such complaint, that all parties in interest shall be given the right to file an answer to the complaint, and to appear in person or otherwise and give testimony at the time and place fixed in the complaint. A copy of such complaint shall also be filed with the auditor of King County, and such filing of the complaint or order shall have the force and effect of a lis pendens. E. Voluntary Correction: 1. The building official may secure voluntary correction in the form and manner as authorized by RMC 1-3-3.B. 2. The voluntary correction agreement is a contract between the City and the owner in which such person agrees to abate the violation within a specified time and according to specified conditions. The voluntary agreement must include: a. The name and address of the owner or person bound under the contract; b. The street address and a legal description sufficient to identify the premises; c. A description of the violation and a reference to the provisions of this code or other regulation that has been violated; d. The corrective action to be taken, and a date and time by which the corrective action must be completed; e. An agreement by the owner that the City of Renton may abate the violation and recover its costs and expenses pursuant to this chapter if all terms of the voluntary agreement are not met; f. A waiver by the owner of his right to any administrative or legal review of the violations, the appropriate corrections, and all other rights except those in the agreement; g. The administrative costs to be paid and by whom; h. Permission by the owner for the City to enter upon the property at any time or, in the case of occupied property, at reasonable times until the violation is abated; and i. An acknowledgement. The building official may grant an extension for corrections or modifications if the owner has been diligent and made substantial progress but has been unavoidably delayed. F. Hearings Before the Director: 1. Unless, prior to the time fixed for hearing in the complaint issued by the building official, arrangements satisfactory to the building official for the repair, demolition, vacation or re-occupancy of the building or premises are made, including the proper application for permits, or abatement of the unfit building, the director shall hold a hearing for the purpose of determining the immediate disposition of the building or premises. The hearing will be canceled if the building official approves the completed corrective action at least 48 hours before the 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 141 of 236 scheduled hearing. 2. The director shall conduct an administrative hearing. The hearing shall be governed by the civil rules of superior court for the state of Washington, but the strict rules of evidence shall not be applied. Any party wishing to testify shall be sworn on oath. The rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not be controlling in hearings before the director or Hearing Examiner. The building official or his or her designee and the owner may participate as parties in the hearing and each party may call witnesses. Any complainant or person affected by the violation may appear and present evidence. The City shall have the burden of demonstrating by a preponderance of evidence that a violation has occurred and that the required corrective action is reasonable. 3. The director may determine that a dwelling, building, structure, or premises is unfit for human habitation or other use if he or she finds that conditions exist in such dwelling, building, structure, or premises that are dangerous or injurious to the health or safety of the occupants of such dwelling, building, structure, or premises, the occupants of neighboring dwellings, or other residents of the City. Such conditions may include the following, without limitations: Defects therein increasing the hazards of fire or accident; inadequate ventilation, light, or sanitary facilities, dilapidation, disrepair, structural defects, uncleanliness, overcrowding, or inadequate drainage. The minimum standards to be applied are those contained in this chapter, RMC Title 4, and all standardized codes adopted by the City of Renton. 4. The director shall issue an order to the owner that contains the following information: a. The decision regarding the alleged violation including findings of fact and conclusions based thereon. b. The required corrective action. c. The date and time by which the correction must be completed. d. The costs assessed. e. The date and time after which the City may proceed with abatement of the unlawful condition if the required correction is not completed. f. The decision shall state that the owner has the right to appeal to the hearing examiner within 30 days and, unless he does appeal or comply with the order, the City shall have the power, without further notice or proceedings, to vacate and secure the building or premises and do any act required of the owner in the order of the director, and to charge any expenses incurred thereby to the owner and assess them against the property. 5. The director shall mail, by certified mail, a copy of the decision to the owner or occupant within 10 working days following the hearing. 6. If no appeal is filed, a copy of such order shall be filed with the auditor of King County and shall be a final order. G. Hearings Before the Hearing Examiner: 1. The purpose of the hearing examiner under this chapter is to review the proceedings and orders of the director and to affirm, modify or vacate said orders. 2. Within 30 days from the date of service and posting of an order of the director, an owner may file an appeal with the hearing examiner by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk setting out the reasons he believes the findings or order of the director to be erroneous. There will be not less than 10 or more than 30 days from the date of said appeal or referral and the hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be made in accord 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 142 of 236 with RMC 1-10-54-8-110E. The matter of the appeal will be scheduled for public hearing before the hearing examiner so as to allow 10 days’ notice of the hearing to the appellant and all interested parties and to permit final decision thereon to be made within 60 days after the filing of the appeal. The filing of the notice of appeal shall stay the order of the director, except so much thereof as requires temporary measures, such as securing of the building to minimize any emergent danger to the public health or safety. 3. Upon the public hearing of the appeal, the hearing examiner shall consider the file of the proceedings before the director and such other evidence as may be presented. After the hearing, the examiner may affirm, modify or vacate the order of the director, or may continue the matter for further deliberation or presentation of additional evidence. Normally the hearing examiner will not accept new evidence or evidence not made available to the director in the absence of good cause. The examiner’s review is on the record, not de novo. The determination of the hearing examiner shall be accorded substantial weight. If the owner fails to appear at the scheduled hearing, the director will enter an order finding that the violation occurred and assess the appropriate costs. A record of the proceedings shall be made and kept for one year or until the matter is final, whichever is longer. The examiner shall cause his findings of fact and order to be made in writing; provided, he may adopt the findings and order of the director, or so much thereof as supports his decision. Such findings and order shall be served and posted in the same manner as an order of the director. In addition, such notice shall state that the owner has the right to petition the superior court of King County for appropriate relief within 30 days after the order becomes final. H. Enforcement: 1. The order of the director or the hearing examiner may prescribe times within which demolition shall be commenced or completed. If the action is not commenced or completed within the prescribed time, or if no time is prescribed within the time for appeal, the building official may seek the appropriate warrant from King County Superior Court to enter upon the property, and cause the building to be demolished and the premises to be suitably filled and cleared as provided by RMC 1-10-4. If satisfactory progress has been made and sufficient evidence is presented that the work will be completed within a reasonable time, the director or the hearing examiner may extend the time for completion of the work. If satisfactory or substantial progress has not been made, the director or the examiner may cause the building to be demolished and the premises suitably filled and cleared as provided by RMC 1-10-4. The building official shall let bids for any demolition in accordance with RMC 1-10-10. 2. If other action ordered by the director or the hearing examiner is not taken within the time prescribed, or if no time is specified within the time for appeal, the building official may seek the appropriate warrant from King County Superior Court to enter upon the property, and cause the action to be taken. 3. If the building official deems it necessary to have the building secured as an interim measure for the protection of the public health and welfare while pending action, he may so order. If the owner is unable or unwilling to secure the building within 48 hours, the building official may seek the appropriate warrant from King County Superior Court to enter upon the property and secure the building. 4. If the owner is unable to comply with the director’s or hearing examiner’s order within the time required, and the time for appeals to the examiner or petition to the court has passed, he or she may, for good and sufficient cause beyond his or her control, request in 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 143 of 236 writing an extension of time. The director or the hearing examiner may grant a reasonable extension of time after a finding that the delay was beyond the control of the owner. There shall be no appeal or petition from the director’s or the hearing examiner’s ruling on an extension of time. I. Costs: 1. Actual costs and expenses will be assessed in accord with the provisions of this section, including the cost of repairs, alterations, improvements, vacating and closing, removal, and/or demolition. Actual costs shall include the costs of staff time, including overhead, contracted engineering fees or consultants’ fees, relocation assistance payments including interest and penalties, and any attorney’s fees incurred in having the dwelling, building or structure declared unfit, in any hearing before the director or hearing examiner, or in Superior Court obtaining any warrant for entry or order of abatement. 2. The costs of abatement, repair, alteration or improvement, or vacating and closing, or removal or demolition, when borne by the City, shall be assessed against the real property upon which such costs were incurred as a lien unless paidThe City Clerk shall certify to the county treasure the confirmed amount of the actual costs and expenses as provide in above Section I.1. Upon certification to him or her by the City Cerk, the county treasurer shall enter the amount of such assessment upon the tax rolls against the property for the current year and same shall become a part of the general taxes for that year to be collected at the same time and with interest at such rates and in such manner as provide for in RCW 84.56.020 for delinquent taxes, and when collected to be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the City of Renton. The assessment shall constitute a lien against the property which shall be of equal rank with state, county and municipal taxes.. 3. Bids for demolition shall be let only to a licensed contractor. The contract documents shall provide that the value of the materials and other salvage of the property shall be credited against the costs of the demolition. The contract documents may require bidders to estimate the salvage value of the property and, by claiming the salvage, reduce the amount of his bid accordingly. Such bids may be let prior to the time for compliance or appeal but shall not be binding or accepted until the order for demolition is final. The building official shall have the authority to sign the contract on behalf of the City. 4. There shall be charged against the owner and assessed against the property of any boarded-up building an annual inspection fee of $250.00. Such fee shall be payable at the time the building becomes a boarded-up building. The hearing examiner or director shall order a refund of the proportional amount not due if the building is reoccupied or demolished. Subsequent annual fees shall be payable on or before the time the preceding annual fee has been exhausted. 5. In addition to actual abatement costs, the following administrative fees shall be assessed and collected in the same manner: a. Where abatement is accomplished prior to director hearing: $300.00; provided, the building official may waive these fees if abatement is complete 48 hours prior to a director hearing; or b. Where abatement is accomplished subsequent to or less than 48 hours prior to a director hearing: $1,500; or c. Where abatement is accomplished following breach of an agreement or understanding between a property owner and building official, director, or hearing examiner: $3,000; or 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 144 of 236 d. Where the abatement is accomplished by the City following hearing or default of the property owner: $3,000. 6. The building official, director, or hearing examiner may modify the time or methods of payment of such expenses as the condition of the property and the circumstances of the owner may warrant. In setting costs, they may reduce the costs to an owner who has acted in good faith and would suffer extreme financial hardship. They may increase costs if it appears that the scheduled costs are inadequate to make the City whole with respect to a particular violation. J. Unfit Building Abatement Fund: A fund shall be created to retain the moneys collected pursuant to this chapter and pay for any demolitions and unfit building abatements undertaken by the City. K. Permit Required: Any work including construction, repairs or alterations under this chapter to rehabilitate any building or structure may require a permit in accord with the provisions of RMC Title 4. L. Rules and Regulations: The director may make and promulgate such rules and regulations as will effectuate the purposes of this chapter and do substantial justice. M. Penalties: It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter to: 1. Occupy or suffer to be occupied any building or premises ordered vacated; or 2. Fail to comply with any order issued pursuant to this chapter. Any person having been found to have violated this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1. N. Emergencies: The provisions of this chapter shall not prevent the director or any other officer of the City of Renton or other governmental unit from taking any other action, summary or otherwise, necessary to eliminate or minimize an imminent danger to the health or safety of any person or property. 8f. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department  recommends adoption of housekeeping amendments to City Code to  Page 145 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: EIS Consultant Contract for Quendall Terminals (LUA09-151) Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Issue Paper Blumen QT Contract Phase II and III Blumen Scope Phase II Blumen Scope Phase III Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Vanessa Dolbee Recommended Action: Refer to the Finance Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed mixed-use development Quendall Terminals was submitted to the City on November 18, 2009. The project applicant is Campbell Mathewson of Century Pacific, L.P. and the property owners are Altino Properties, Inc. and J.H. Baxter & Co. The application was determined to be complete on February 5, 2010 and a SEPA Determination of Significance was issued by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 15, 2010. As a result of the ERC’s decision, the applicant and the City are required to complete an EIS for the subject project. Pursuant to Renton Municipal Code section 4-1-170, the applicant is required to finance 100% of the costs of EIS coordination, review, and appeals. After a Request for Proposals process, the City has selected Blumen Consulting Group, Inc. to complete the EIS work for the Quendall Terminals Development project. The costs included in this contract would be for Phases 2 and 3 of the EIS (Phase 2 would be $125,975 and Phase 3 would be $32,000). If Council authorizes the execution of this contract with Blumen Consulting Group, Inc., a pass-through account would be setup to forward all cost of the consulting services to the project applicants. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract with Blumen Consulting Group, Inc., in the amount of $157,975, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign it. 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 146 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 147 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 148 of 236 1 CONSULTANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the day of , 2010, between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “CITY” and Blumen Consulting Group, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “CONSULTANT”, for them to prepare and issue an EIS for the Quendall Terminals project, Phases II and III. Information shall be made available for use by the City of Renton Staff and City Council. The CITY and CONSULTANT agree as set forth below: 1.Scope of Services. The Consultant will provide all labor necessary to perform all work, which is described in the attached Scope of Services (Exhibit A). This Agreement and Exhibit hereto contain the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written representation or understandings. This Agreement may only be amended by written agreement of the parties. The scope of work may be amended as provided herein. 2.Changes in Scope of Services. The City, without invalidating the Consultant Agreement, may order changes in the services consisting of additions, deletions or modifications, and adjust the fee accordingly. Such changes in the work shall be authorized by written agreement signed by the City and Consultant. If the project scope requires less time, a lower fee will be charged. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to serve the purposes and objectives of this Agreement. 3.Time of Performance. The Consultant shall complete performance of the Consultant Agreement for the items under Consultant’s control in accordance. If items not under the Consultant’s control impact the time of performance, the Consultant will notify the City. 4.Term of Consultant Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall end at completion of the scope of work identified in Exhibit A, but no later than March 31, 2011. This Agreement may be extended to accomplish change orders, if required, upon mutual written agreement of the City and the Consultant. 5.Consultant Agreement Sum. The total amount of this Agreement is not to exceed the sum of one hundred fifty-seven thousand, nine hundred seventy-five dollars ($157,975). Washington State Sales Tax is not required. The Cost Estimate provided by the Consultant to the City specifies total cost. 6.Method of Payment. Payment by the City for services rendered will be made after a voucher or invoice is submitted in the form specified by the City. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of such voucher or invoice. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Consultant for any work not completed in a satisfactory manner until such time as the Consultant modifies such work so that the same is satisfactory. 7.Record Maintenance and Work Product. The Consultant shall maintain accounts and records, which properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended and services provided in the performance of this Agreement. The Consultant agrees to provide access to any records required by the City. All originals and copies of work product, exclusive of Consultant’s proprietary items protected by copyright such as computer programs, methodology, methods, materials, and forms, shall belong to the City, including records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced by Consultant while performing the services. 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 149 of 236 2 Consultant will grant the City the right to use and copy Consultant copyright materials as an inseparable part of the work product provided. 8.Assignment Agreement. The Consultant shall not assign any portion of this consultant Agreement without express written consent of the City of Renton. 9.Hold Harmless. The Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, losses or liability, or any portion thereof, including attorneys fees and costs, arising from injury or death to persons, including injuries, sickness, disease or death of Consultant’s own employees, or damage to property caused by a negligent act or omission of the Consultant, except for those acts caused by or resulting from a negligent act or omission by the City and its officers, agents, employees and volunteers. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the consultant and the city, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, the consultant’s liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the consultant’s negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitute the consultant’s waiver of immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. 10.Insurance. The Consultant shall secure and maintain commercial liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 in full force throughout the duration of this Consultant Agreement. It is agreed that on the CONSULTANT’s policy, the City of Renton will be named as Additional Insured(s) on a non-contributory primary basis. A certificate of insurance and the Primary & Non-Contributory Additional Insurance Endorsement page, properly endorsed, shall be delivered to the City before executing the work of this agreement. Please note: The cancellation language should read “Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will mail 45 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left.” 11.Independent Consultant. Any and all employees of the Consultant, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Consultant under this agreement, shall be considered employees of the Consultant only and not of the City. The Consultant’s relation to the City shall be at all times as an independent consultant. Any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workman’s Compensation Act on behalf of said employees, while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the Consultant’s employees, while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the Consultant. 12.Compliance with Laws. The Consultant and all of the Consultant’s employees shall perform the services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, county and city laws, codes and ordinances. Discrimination Prohibited: Consultant, with regard to work performed under this agreement, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, the presence of any physical or sensory handicap, or sexual orientation, in the selection and/or retention of employees, or procurement of materials or supplies. This agreement is entered into as of the day and year written above. 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 150 of 236 3 CONSULTANT _______________________________and Michael Blumen Blumen Consulting Group 720 Sixth St, Ste 100 Kirkland, WA 98033 QUENDALL TERMINALS, a joint venture of Altino Properties, Inc. and J. H. Baxter & Co. _________________________________________________________________ BY: BY: Altino Properties J. H. Baxter & Co. Title:Title: Date:Date: CITY OF RENTON ________________________________ Denis Law Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM:ATTEST: _________________________________________________________________ City Attorney Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 151 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 152 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 153 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 154 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 155 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 156 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 157 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 158 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 159 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 160 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 161 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 162 of 236 8g. ‐ Community and Economic Development Department recommends  approval of a contract in the amount of $157,975 with Blumen Page 163 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Valley Communications Center Interlocal Agreement - 2nd Amendment; CAG-00-049 Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Original VCC Interlocal Agreement (background information) 1st Amendment (background information) 2nd Amendment Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Executive Staff Contact: Marty Wine, x6526 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: At its June 18, 2010 special meeting, the ValleyComm Administration Board voted to approve the attached amendment to VCC’s governing interlocal agreement. Council action by each VCC Member City is required to ratify changes to the agreement. In the past, when one of the five VCC Member Cities has opted to receive fire protection service from an entity other than the City’s own fire department, the Administration Board has recognized the entity providing said service as a Member City when calculating the assessment rate for calls for service, and as having a designated seat on the VCC Operating Board. The governing VCC interlocal agreement adopted in 2000 when Federal Way became a Member City and the 1st Amendment to the VCC interlocal agreement adopted in July 2008 granted this authority to the VCC Administration Board. Recently the City of Kent and King County Fire District 37 recently formed a Regional Fire Authority (RFA) known as the Kent Fire Department RFA (KFDRFA). To remain consistent with past practice, the Administration Board has been asked to consider extending Member City rates and a seat on the Operating Board to the new KFDRFA, requiring this 2nd amendment to VCC’s governing interlocal agreement. This amendment vests authority with the VCC Administration Board to decide to do the same for future RFAs or other fire entities providing fire protection services for Member Cities without further amendments to VCC’s governing interlocal agreement, and would allow the Administration Board to permit changes to existing relationships should there be further consolidations or name changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the second amendment to the interlocal agreement with Valley Communications Center 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 164 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 165 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 166 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 167 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 168 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 169 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 170 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 171 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 172 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 173 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 174 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 175 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 176 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 177 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 178 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 179 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 180 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 181 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 182 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 183 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 184 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 185 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 186 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 187 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 188 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 189 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 190 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 191 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 192 of 236 SECOND AMENDMENT TO VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RECITALS A.The undersigned municipal corporations, Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton and Tukwila, the “Member Cities” which compose the Valley Communications Center (“VCC”) entered into an Interlocal Agreement (“VCC Interlocal Agreement”) on or about April 17, 2000, that sets forth certain provisions, rights and obligations among the Member Cities. B.The Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority (“KFDRFA”) is a new Regional Fire Protection Service Authority formed to provide fire and emergency medical services within its jurisdictional boundaries which boundaries include the City of Kent. C.The VCC Interlocal Agreement permitted the City of Federal Way to enter into a further interlocal agreement with the Federal Way Fire Department (now merged with South King Fire and Rescue) for purposes of providing fire and emergency medical services dispatch via the City of Federal Way’s membership in VCC. D.The First Amendment to the VCC Interlocal Agreement permitted the City of Auburn to enter into the same arrangements with the Valley Regional Fire Authority. E.The City of Kent now seeks to enter into an interlocal agreement with the KFDRFA for the same purpose and in the same manner. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual rights and obligations established in the Amendment, the Member Cities agree hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.The following provisions are hereby added to Section 1 of the VCC Interlocal Agreement: The City of Kent may enter into an interlocal agreement with KFDRFA for the purposes of providing fire and emergency medical services dispatch via the City of Kent’s membership in VCC. Upon execution of the interlocal agreement, the City of Kent may, at its option and under such terms and conditions as Kent deems proper, appoint KFDRFA to function as to the other Member City Fire Departments, for purposes of its representation on the Operating Board and for purposes of calculating and remitting payment for dispatch services. VCC and KFDRFA shall mutually indemnify one another without passing that indemnification through the City. The Valley Communications Center Administration Board is hereby vested with the authority to vote to approve permitting further interlocal agreements between Member Cities, VCC and a Regional Fire Authority, Fire District or other legal entity formed for purposes of providing fire protection and emergency medical services to said Member Cities for the purpose of permitting said Member Cities to have representation on the Operating Board and for calculating and remitting payment for dispatch services at Member City rates. 2.The other terms of the VCC Interlocal Agreement shall remain the same and shall be in full force and effect. 3.This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but those counterparts will constitute one and the same instrument. 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 193 of 236 4.This Amendment shall be effective upon the last date of execution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hereby affix their hands and seals. CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON CITY OF TUKWILA, WASHINGTON By: By: Print Name: Print Name: Its: Its: Date: Date: CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON By: By: Print Name: Print Name: Its: Its: Date: Date: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON By: Print Name: Its: Date: (Notary Acknowledgments Appear on the Following Pages) 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 194 of 236 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that on the ______ day of ___________________, 2010, I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______________________ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the CITY OF KENT as its _______________________, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that on the ______ day of ___________________, 2010, I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______________________ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the CITY OF TUWKILA as its _______________________, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 195 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 196 of 236 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that on the ______ day of ___________________, 2010, I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______________________ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the CITY OF AUBURN as its _______________________, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that on the ______ day of ___________________, 2010, I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______________________ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the CITY OF RENTON as its _______________________, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 197 of 236 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that on the ______ day of ___________________, 2010, I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______________________ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY as its _______________________, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 198 of 236 8h. ‐ Executive Department recommends approval of the 2nd  Amendment to CAG‐00‐049, with Valley Communications Center, to vest Page 199 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: 2010 Second Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Issue Paper Ordinance/Attachment A(2010 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund) Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Finance & Information Services Staff Contact: Iwen Wang, Administrator Recommended Action: Refer to Finance Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $8,116,407 Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed budget amendment increases the overall City budget appropriations by $8.1 million, and: 1) Makes minor corrections to 2010 adopted budget; 2) Recognizes grants, contributions, and associated costs; and 3) Provides for new cost items in the 2010 budget to cover necessary expenditures that were not included in the adopted budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed 2010 Second Quarter Budget Amendment and place the ordinance on for first reading. 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 200 of 236 FINANCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY M E M O R A N D U M DATE:July 19, 2010 TO:Don Persson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Iwen Wang, Administrator SUBJECT:2010 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance ISSUE Should the 2010 budget be amended to incorporate changes as detailed below? RECOMMENDATION Adopt the ordinance amending the 2010 Budget. BACKGROUND SUMMARY The combined adjustments are a total addition of $8.1 million in the 2010 City’s spending plan, including $6.9 million in General Governmental Funds and $1.2 million in capital and other designated funds as highlighted below. Of the $6.9 million General Governmental Funds amount, $6.6 million is related to bond proceeds/premiums that were used to refund the 2001 Limited Term General Obligation (LTGO) Bond, previously approved by Council. The details of the remaining $271k are identified later in this memo. Also included in this budget adjustment are minor corrections to the adopted and carry forward budget as identified below: Budget Corrections: 1.Community and Economic Development: a.$25k for Arts and Culture Master Plan consulting should have been included in the Carry Forward adjustment. 2.Community Services: a.$31k for intermittent help in Specialized Recreation and Aquatics. $16k should have been included in the Carry Forward adjustment and $15k is a correction to the Adopted Budget. 3.Public Works: a.Within the four Utility Funds and Street Maintenance Division, reallocate $8,760 in cell phone budgets to correctly reflect the usage of each division. The adopted budget showed the full $8,760 only in the Utility Engineering Division and not the Utility Maintenance or Street Maintenance Divisions. This result will not increase the overall city budget. b.Increase by $972 for pager budgets in the Maintenance Division that were not included in the adopted budget. This includes all the maintenance divisions of the following funds: Street, Solid Waste, Water, Wastewater, Surface Water, and Fleet. c.Increase by $279,950 for various interfund charges/expenses that each Maintenance section (Street, Solid Waste, Water, Wastewater, and Surface 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 201 of 236 Don Persson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 July 19, 2010 h:\finance\council\2010\2010 2nd qtr budget adjustment agbip.doc Water) incurs by performing work for each other. These expenditures were omitted in the adopted budget by mistake. General Governmental New Adjustments: The proposed adjustments total $271k for General Governmental Funds, of which $173k is supported by revenues. The remaining $98k will be from fund balance. 1.Community and Economic Development: a.$35k for a contract with Cascadia Consulting to develop a Sustainable Economy Strategy. Source of funds will be fund balance. b.$173k for a contract with Blumen and others to follow for the Quendall Terminal Environmental Impact Statement study. Source of funds will be from Boeing. 2.Community Services: a.$63k for site analysis for new Library sites. Will be funded by King County Library System funds currently in fund balance. Other Funds New Adjustments: The proposed new adjustments total to $770k and consist of the following new items: 1.Public Works: a.Increase by $770 in the Transportation CIP fund to include: the additional $20k from Community and Economic Development for the Highlands Redevelopment project for sidewalk work; $750k as a result of receiving additional WSDOT funds for the payment to the BNSF bridge replacements (Rainier Avenue South project); and reallocate within Fund 317 $70k from the Garden Avenue project to the Lake Washington Trail project to account for pedestrian‐scale illumination and reconfiguration of the entry to the Stadium Park. CONCLUSION The 2010 2nd Quarter budget amendments will make corrections to the adopted 2010 budget; and also recommend setting aside new appropriations as identified herein. The adjusted fund balance that results from the above adjustments/corrections is $11.2 million, which is just below the 12% policy target. Staff recommends Council approve the proposed adjustments. Attachments: Budget Amendment Ordinance and Attachment A Proposed Carry Forward Budget Amendment Detail 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 202 of 236 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 203 of 236 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 204 of 236 8i. ‐ Finance and Information Services Department recommends approval  of the second quarter 2010 Budget amendments increasing Page 205 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Rainier Avenue South (SR 167) Improvement Project Phase I: Shattuck Avenue South Stormwater Bypass Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc. (CAG 09-125) Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Final Pay Estimate Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Robert Lochmiller, ext. 7303 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $1,943,674 Total Project Budget: $ 1,943,674 City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The contract provided for installation of approximately 1,150 feet of 48-inch diameter storm pipe in Shattuck Avenue South from the intersection of South 4th Place, underneath the BNSF Railway, to the intersection of South 7th Street. The work also included a two-lane roadway underneath the BNSF Railway with traffic safety features due to the height restriction of the underpass. The original contract was in the amount of $1,450,608.98, with the final contract amount being $1,551,489.82. The change in the final amount was due to unforeseen utility conflicts with installation of the new 48-inch storm line. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept completion of the project and release retainage for the full project in the amount of $77,418.83 after 60 days, subject to the required authorization. 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 206 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 207 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 208 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 209 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 210 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 211 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 212 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 213 of 236 8j. ‐ Transportation Systems Division submits CAG‐09‐125, Rainier Ave.  S. (SR 167) Improvement Project, Phase I ‐ Shattuck Ave. S. Stormwater Page 214 of 236 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank WSDOT Credit Purchase Agreement for SR- 167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project Meeting: Regular Council - 19 Jul 2010 Exhibits: Issue Paper Agreement GCA-4685 Resolution Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Ron Straka, x7248/ Allen Quynn, x7247 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $195,640 Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is requesting to purchase 0.4891 credits from the City’s share of available credits from the City/WSDOT Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank (Bank), for the amount of $195,640, to compensate for impacts to 0.444 acres of Category II wetlands and 0.0530 acres of Category III wetlands. The purchase of these credits is to fulfill mitigation requirements for the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project, in accordance with the City’s critical areas regulations. Under the terms of the Mitigation Bank Instrument, 0.444 acres of Category II wetland impacts are equivalent to 0.444 Bank credits and 0.0530 acres of Category III wetland impacts are equivalent to 0.0451 Bank credits for a total of 0.4891 acres. The City currently has a balance of 1.0 credit in the Bank that is available for purchase. The revenue from the sale of the 0.04891 credits will be deposited in the Springbrook Wetland Bank Fund revenue account (#135.000000.018.308.00.00.000) to fund long-term management of the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank as required by the City’s Wetland Mitigation Bank Instrument Agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve WSDOT’s request to purchase a total of 0.4891 credits from the Springbrook Creek Habitat and Wetland Mitigation Bank, for the amount of $195,640, to mitigate for wetland impacts associated with the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project and adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Agreement GCA-4685. 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 215 of 236 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 216 of 236 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:July 12, 2010 TO:Don Persson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Ron Straka, Surface Water Utility Supervisor, x 7248 Allen Quynn, Surface Water Utility Engineer, x7247 SUBJECT:Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank WSDOT Credit Purchase Agreement for SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project ISSUE: Should the Council approve Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) request to purchase 0.4891 credits from the City’s share of the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank, for the amount of $195,640, to mitigate for wetland impacts as a result of the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project and adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Agreement GCA-4685? RECOMMENDATION: Approve WSDOT’s request to purchase 0.4891 credits from the City’s share of the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank, for the amount of $195,640, to mitigate for wetland impacts as a result of the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project and adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Agreement GCA-4685. BACKGROUND: In 2006, WSDOT provided the City a letter of commitment documenting its intentions to mitigate for wetland impacts as a result of the portion of its SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project that was constructed in Renton in 2007. Specifically, the SR-167/South 180th Street interchange northbound and southbound ramps were widened to add a high occupancy vehicle bypass lane and ramp meters as well as widening of the northbound and southbound ramps to provide deceleration tapers. The project resulted in 0.444 acres of impacts to Category II wetlands and 0.0530 acres of impacts to Category III wetlands, which must be mitigated as required 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 217 of 236 Mr. Persson, Council President Page 2 of 3 July 12, 2010 H:\File Sys\SWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)\27-3170 Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Bank\1201 Bank Ledger\WSDOT SR-167 HOV Debit\Issue Paper.doc \AQtp under the City’s critical areas regulations. To mitigate for these impacts, WSDOT proposes to purchase mitigation credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank (Bank). The Bank was constructed by the City and WSDOT through a joint agreement in 2006 that allowed both parties to share in the generation of wetland mitigation credits. Bank construction was completed in June 2009. Based on the WSDOT maintained master accounting ledger that tracks the Bank debits and credits, the City has 1 credit available for purchase as of March 11, 2010. WSDOT’s purchase of 0.4891 credits represents compensation for 0.444 acres of Category II wetlands and 0.0530 acres of Category III wetlands as outlined in the Mitigation Bank Instrument (MBI). The MBI was developed and approved by the City, WSDOT, and other approving agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Ecology, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife. The purpose of the MBI is to provide an implementation plan for the establishment, maintenance, and management of the Bank. The MBI also defines the required number of mitigation credits based on the type of wetlands being impacted. For impacts to Category II wetlands that are classified based on the state wetland classification system, the Bank will compensate at a 1:1 ratio. Lower value wetlands such as Category III and IV wetlands are mitigated at a lower ratio; specifically, 1:0.85 for Category III wetland impacts. WSDOT’s project has impacted 0.444 acres of Category II wetlands, which is equivalent to 0.444 credits at a 1:1 replacement ratio. The project has also impacted 0.0530 acres of Category III wetlands, which is equivalent to 0.0451 credits at a 1:0.85 replacement ratio. The combined Bank credits required for project compensation of the Category II and III wetland impacts is 0.4891 credits. The Letter of Commitment (attached) stipulated that WSDOT will agree to pay the City $400,000 per wetland credit purchased from the Bank. The wetland impacts stated in the letter vary slightly from the wetland impacts stated here. This is because the Letter of Commitment was based on preliminary wetland impacts and not the actual wetland impacts identified in the Final Wetland Mitigation Report. For the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project, WSDOT will purchase from the City 0.4891 credits at $400,000 per credit for a total of $195,640. The revenue from the sale of the credits will be deposited into the Springbrook Wetland Bank Fund revenue account number 135.000000.018.308.00.00.000. The purpose of this account is to fund the long-term management of the Bank which is the responsibility of the City. Revenue generated from the sale of wetland mitigation credits from the City’s share of available credits in the Bank may also be used to reimburse the Surface Water Utility for expenses incurred by the utility in developing and managing the Bank. Such expenses include property acquisition, planning, design, permitting, construction, project management, wetland plant establishment costs, site monitoring costs, annual conservation easement stewardship fee and other expenses necessary for the long-term management of the Bank. 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 218 of 236 Mr. Persson, Council President Page 3 of 3 July 12, 2010 H:\File Sys\SWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)\27-3170 Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Bank\1201 Bank Ledger\WSDOT SR-167 HOV Debit\Issue Paper.doc \AQtp CONCLUSION: The Council should allow WSDOT to purchase 0.4891 credits from the City’s share of the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank, for the amount of $195,640, to mitigate for wetland impacts as a result of the SR-167 15th Street SW to South 180th Street HOV Lane Project. The funds from the purchase of the credits will be deposited into the Springbrook Wetland Bank Fund revenue account for the long-term management costs associated with the Bank. Attachment cc:Iwen Wang, Finance/IT Administrator Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director JoAnn Wykpisz, PW Principal Financial and Admin Analyst Hai Nguyen, FIT Budget Analyst File 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 219 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 4 AGREEMENT GCA-4685 SR 167 15th Street SW to S. 180th Street HOV Lane WETLAND BANK CREDIT PURCHASE This Agreement is entered into by the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and the STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as the "STATE." WHEREAS, the STATE is constructing improvements on SR 167 as part of a project known as 15th Street SW to S. 180th Street HOV Lane, hereinafter referred to as the “Project”; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Project is within the corporate limits of the CITY; and WHEREAS, Project work within the CITY requires the STATE to mitigate for wetland impacts in accordance with Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3-050, hereinafter the “Code”; and WHEREAS, in order to comply with Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3-050 and proceed with construction of the Project, the STATE committed to the purchase of future CITY wetland mitigation credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank as detailed in a letter to the CITY, attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, a summary of the actual Class II and Class III direct wetland impacts of the Project within the corporate limits of the CITY based on the United States Army Corps of Engineers Permit Number 200401241 and the STATE’s Final Wetland Mitigation Report for the Project are provided in Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Banking Oversight Committee (BOC) has released credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank which are now available for the STATE to purchase from the CITY; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES desire to enter into an agreement to memorialize and formalize the details of said commitments, NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, the above recitals that are incorporated herein as if set forth below, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The STATE agrees to purchase 0.4891 wetland mitigation bank credits, hereinafter 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 220 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 2 of 4 referred to as the “Credit,” from the CITY, as mitigation for Project wetland impacts. 1.2 The Parties agree that the Credit represents mitigation for 0.4440 acre category II and 0.0530 acre category III wetland impacts resulting from Project work within the CITY. 1.3 The Parties agree that in accordance with Table 4-2 of the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank, Mitigation Bank Instrument, the mitigation credit required for 1.0 acre of Category II impact is 1.0, and the mitigation credit required for 1.0 acre of Category III impact is 0.85. These mitigation credit requirements translate to 0.4440 credits in mitigation for Category II wetland impacts and 0.0451 credits for Category III wetland impacts for a total of 0.4891 credits in mitigation for wetland impacts stated in Section 1.2. 1.4 The Parties agree that for this Agreement the price of a bank credit is Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000), and based on this price, the Credit cost to the STATE is One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty Dollars ($195,640.00). 2.0 PAYMENT 2.1 The STATE agrees to make a lump sum payment to the CITY within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the City’s invoice for the required Credit as full compliance with the Code in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty Dollars ($195,640.00). 2.2 The CITY may invoice the STATE for the lump sum payment in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty Dollars ($195,640.00) after this Agreement has been fully executed. 3.0 AMENDMENT 3.1 Either Party may request changes in these provisions. Such changes, which are mutually agreed upon, shall be incorporated by written amendment to this Agreement. No variation or alteration of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties hereto. 4.0 DISPUTES 4.1 The designated representatives herein under section 6.0 shall use their best efforts to resolve disputes between the Parties. If these individuals are unable to resolve a dispute, the responsible Project directors of each Party shall review the matter and attempt to resolve it. If they are unable to resolve the dispute, the matter shall be reviewed by the department director of each Party or his or her designee. The Parties agree to exhaust each of these procedural steps before seeking to resolve disputes in a court of law or any other forum. 5.0 EFFECTIVENESS AND DURATION 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 221 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 3 of 4 5.1 This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by the Parties and shall remain in effect until such time as the STATE makes a lump sum payment pursuant to Section 2.0, unless otherwise amended or terminated. 6.0 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES AND NOTIFICATION 6.1 Any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent postage prepaid by U.S. Mail, return receipt requested, to the Designated Representative at the addresses listed below, unless otherwise indicated by the Parties to the Agreement: To the STATE:Stacy Trussler, Deputy Director Eastside Corridor Project Office 600-108th Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 To the CITY: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Director City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 All notifications or contact shall include reference to this Agreement number GCA 4685. 6.2 Any change to a Party’s Designated Representative identified in Section 6.1 may be provided to the other Party by electronic mail notification. The Party in receipt of the change will confirm receipt of the change by electronic mail notification to the initiating Party. 7.0 TERMINATION 7.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the STATE any time prior to the STATE’s purchase of the Credit, by providing the CITY with thirty (30) calendar days advanced written notice. 8.0 VENUE 8.1 In the event either Party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the Parties agree that any such action or proceedings shall be brought in Thurston County Superior Court. Further, the Parties agree that each will be solely responsible for payment of its own attorney’s fees, witness fees, and costs. 9.0 SEVERABILITY 9.1 If any provisions of this AGREEMENT or its application are held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected. 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 222 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 4 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the latest date written below. CITY OF RENTON STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ________________________________________________________________ By By Denis Law Kim Henry, PE Mayor, City of Renton Project Director, Eastside Corridor ________________________________________________________________ Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM:APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________________________________________ Signature Signature ________________________________________________________________ By (print)By (print) ______________________________Assistant Attorney General Title Office of the Attorney General ________________________________________________________________ Date Date 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 223 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A EXHIBIT A 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 224 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 225 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit B EXHIBIT B SUMMARY OF ACTUAL WETLAND IMPACTS IN RENTON SR 167 15TH Street SE to S. 180th Street HOV Lane Project DOE Class II Wetland Impacts* Wetland #Direct Wetland Impact Acres Z-6 0.206 E-16 0.238 Total 0.4440 Total Class II Impacts = 0.4440 acres at 1.00 credit per acre impacted = 0.4440 credits DOE Class III Wetland Impacts* Wetland #Direct Wetland Impact Acres N-1 0.013 N-2 0.025 Z-7 0.015 P-4 0.0 P-5 0.0 Total 0.0530 Total Class III Impacts = 0.0530 acres at 0.85 credit per acre impacted = 0.0451 credits Total credits required = 0.4891 credits at $400,000 per credit = $195,640 *Source of DOE Class II and Class III direct wetland impacts are based on the US Army Corps of Engineers Permit # 200401241, and the State’s Final Wetland Mitigation Report for the Project. Excerpts of both are attached and incorporated into this Exhibit. 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 226 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit B 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 227 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit B 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 228 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit B 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 229 of 236 GCA 4685 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit B 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 230 of 236 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 231 of 236 8k. ‐ Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the  amount of $195,640 with the Washington State Department of Page 232 of 236 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, REGARDING SR 167 AT 15TH STREET SW TO S 180™ STREET HOV LANE WETLAND BANK CREDIT PURCHASE. WHEREAS, the State of Washington through its Department of Transportation (hereinafter "State") is constructing improvements on SR 167 as part of a project known as 15th Street SW to S 180th Street HOV Lane, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Project is within the corporate limits of the City of Renton (hereinafter "City"); and WHEREAS, work on the Project within the City requires the State to mitigate for wetland impacts in accordance with RMC 4-3-050; and WHEREAS, in order to comply with RMC 4-3-050 and proceed with construction of the Project, the State committed to the purchase of future City credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank; and WHEREAS, the Banking Oversight Committee has released credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank which are now available for the State to purchase from the City; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to enter into an agreement to memorialize and formalize the terms and conditions of the purchase; 10a. ‐ Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation credit purchase  agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation Page 233 of 236 RESOLUTION NO. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement with the State entitled Agreement GCA-4685 SR 167 15th Street SW to S 180th Street HOV Lane Wetland Bank Credit Purchase. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2010. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2010. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1454:5/4/10:scr Denis Law, Mayor 10a. ‐ Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation credit purchase  agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation Page 234 of 236 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AGENCY TO ACCEPT GRANT FUNDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE ELECTRIC HYBRID VEHICLES IN 2011 AS PART OF THE CLEAN CITIES ALTERNATIVE FUEL AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY VEHICLE PILOT GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has participated in a collaborative effort among public agencies, private businesses, universities and colleges spanning five counties and eleven cities in Washington State to increase the use of alternative fueled vehicles and to install infrastructure that supports alternative fueled and advanced technology vehicles; and WHEREAS, the overall objective of this program is to increase the use of alternative fueled vehicles and advanced technology vehicles as a means to reduce U.S. dependence on imported petroleum, increase fuel economy and improve emissions; and WHEREAS, this collaboration, referred to as the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicle Pilot Grant Program is led by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, which has secured a federal ARRA grant that will provide up to one hundred fourteen thousand two hundred eighty-nine dollars ($114,289) in matching funds to enable Renton to purchase three electric hybrid vehicles in 2011; and WHEREAS, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency requires grant Cost-Share Partners including Renton to enter into an interlocal Contract for Services Agreement in order to be eligible for reimbursement of grant funding for the purchase of the electric hybrid vehicles; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 10b. ‐ Clean Cities Alternative Fuel & Advanced Technology Vehicle Pilot  Grant with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency  (See 9.a.) Page 235 of 236 RESOLUTION NO. SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency to accept grant funding to reimburse costs of purchasing three electric hybrid vehicles in 2011. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2010. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2010. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:1464:6/17/10:scr 10b. ‐ Clean Cities Alternative Fuel & Advanced Technology Vehicle Pilot  Grant with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency  (See 9.a.) Page 236 of 236