HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0494 RESOLIITION �0 494 �RESOZUTIODt ACCEPTII�G THE OFFER OF TIiE UNITID ST1iTES TO CITY OF RENTOlY TO gID BY WAY OF G88NT IN FINANCING AN' EXTENSION OF WAIaLA WALI,A A.VENUE {C O�OP�Y KNOWN AS THE THIRD is�TEI�tUE EXTEN� SION) NORTFiEASTERLY 9.CROSS CEDAR RIVEFt i�ND CONTINtTING TO � CONNECTION YVITS BRONSON WAY� NORTH, I�T THE CITY OF RENTON, RfASHINGTON. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o� the City of Renton I a,s follo�s: I Section l. That the o��er of the United States of America to the City of Renton to aid by way of grant in �'inanain� the Qonstruotion o� a highway bridge over Cedax river, and the neQess- ary oonneating roadway from ffi�i�d:�esue to Bronson �iay, North, in the eity of Renton, a aopy of which offer reads as follow$: P. 1�. 58548-38 FEDER9I, �RGENCY ADbIINISTRATION OF PUBZIC WORKS Washington, D. C. , Dated: Oet 16 1936 Doaket No. Wash. 137Q-D. The City o� Renton, King Coun�y, Washington, Renton, Y�ashington. Sub�eot to the Terme �nd Conditions (PWk Form I�o. 2xL0, July l, 1936)which are made a p art hereof, the IInited Stat� . o� AmeriQa hereby o�fers to aid in finanaing the eonstruat-- ion of a bridge over Cedar River and approaahes thereto inaluding ac3quisition of necessary lancl (herein a�lled the "projec3t") by making a gra.nt to the City of Renton in the amount o� 45 peresent of the oost of the Pro�eat upon aompletion, as determined by the Federa.l Emergency Adminis- trator o� Public Works, but not to exoeecl, in any event, the sum o� �14,4�0. Ui�ITED STATES OF .A�dERICA Federal �nergency �ldministrator , of Publia Works By (S�. } Horatio B. Haakett ssis an �dministrator. be and the eame is hereby in all respeots aacepted. -1- . . - ... . Seetion 2. That said City of Renton agrees to abide by all terms a,nd aonditions relating to suoh grant a copy of whiah terms and Qonditions were anneged to tbe GovernmentTs offer a.n.d made a paxt thereo�'. SeQtion 3• That the City Clerk be e.nd she is hereby author— ized and direoted forthwi�h to send to the Federal Emergenay �dministration o� Publia Work� three certified aopies of thia Resolution and three eertified oopie� of the proceedinga of this � Counail meeting in QonneQtion with the adoption of thi� Resolution, and euch further doaumenta or proofs in oonnection with the aQeeptanee of eaid o�'fer as may be requested by the Federal ` Emergency Administration of Pablia Works. I� Seation 4. It is hereby Qavenanted that work on this projeot I described in t he Offer will be eommenoed as early as possible but 'I in no event later than January ].Z�, 1937; �hat the work will be planned so that it w311 reaeh a substa.ntial,peak before gpril 11, 1937; and that the pro�evt will be com�leted b� Jannary 11, 1938. I A:PPROV'�D this 27th day of October , 1936 _,- �:= - - i- �� - - - - 0.�N. �C�OCHRAIY � PA�SED this 27th day of October , 1936 I �iGI�ES EDW��RDS I Approved as to form: JOHN W. DOBSON A ..2_ II �