HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0524 , (Resolution of Intention.) RESOLUTION N0. ��� -- � � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: 1. That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of Seventh Avenue from Renton �treet to Sez�ttle Pipe Line �i;;�zt-oi-cday: �i�ntri kvenue, soutii side, from Gr�nt Street to ni:;h 3�;reet: Rentoiz 5treet, east side, froi:, Seventh Avenue to Eightn Ave:loa: Grant Street, froi�, SeGttle 1'ipe Line r:i;��t-of-�v;�J to Li�htn Avenue: Hign Street, from Seattla Pipe I,ine �ti�ht-of'-'tl�ay to a point 31U feet soutli oi };i{;nth 4venue: Jones Street, tivest side, irom �eve�itil �lvenu.e i;o Lit;�Zth �lvenue: an urinariied street parallel to Seattle Pi�e Line �ight-of-'�'lav, southtaesterl�• side, f'rom aev2ntn Svenue to Jones Street. (IIi��[�Rt�4��3Z�Z25L��4R��he1'�9��R��.z�P_ra:vg�) bY ���PR�l��1S�_4�imP_rPy4'?A�?3tj:X:i construction oi concrete side�v�lks and doing sueh other work as may be neQessary in csonnecstion therewith, all in a000rda.nce with pla,ns prepared by the city engineer. and doing such other �vork as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in ;ccordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer. 2. That all persons who may desire to object thereto are hereby notified to appear and present such objections � at a meeting of the City Councif to be held in !he Council Chamber in t.he City Hall in the City of Renton at -------�.S.QQ. o'clock P. M.. on the ---..�-a.�-�--•---- day of ._----�Li.].�y.---•----------------------------- 193._�--_-... Which time and place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to ssid proposed ir.iprovement, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. 3. That the City Engineer shaii, in the inanner provided by la�v, submit to the City Council, at or prior to said date, all d�ta and information required by law to be suhmitted. 4. That the cost and espense of said improvement shall be borne by atid assessed against the pc•operty liable therefor, as provided by law. Approved this ._....2Q'�i'� day of ------------J.11I1:�---......•••••••--, A. D. 193._y_... : % �\ --�•--•----•- ----•-1��-1(-�--• - - -.. Msyor. Passed this __2�ti��y of --------------�J�e--------------------. A. D. 193..9.._. ....-----• City Clerk. . Date of first publication _._.JL�,I1B.....�,e1S_t.y_.._.l�_s��........................ I ' Date of second publication June�_�$�3a z_.__19 39 .