HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0436 • � '-, ~ "�' � 3 G � RESOLUTTON N0. 4 �i f� That �NHEREkS the pres ent wooden urater main� and �rvater supply equipment generally of t�e City of Renton were constructed in the year 1910, and 1fiTHEREAS, the said vvooden water mains and ti��ater supply equipment generally has, by reason of long usage and vrear and . tear generally become badly depleted and �.��� in a state of seriou.s disrepair and in a condition of need of constant and immeda.ate replacement and betterment generally, and '�;�IHEREAS the same in i t s pre s ent c ond it i on i s in.- adeqUate to furniah sufficient water f'or the immediate need_s and use of the user�s thereof and of the people of Renton and vica.nity generally, and tn1l-�REAS by reason of its present condition at is liable at any ti�.e to sera.ous leakage,, bursting and break�.ng to such an extent as to threaten the entire deprivation of the Ci�y of Renton and i�s inh�bitants of the use of this water syster�, and ��rHEREAS a situa�a.on const�tuting a present emer�;enc� exists, and tNHERE.�S it �s necessary for the preservation of' the � public ealth and safet of the people of Renton and vicxn�.ty at a pecxal election�be e1d to vote upon the proposition of ssuin.g tilaty ���Iater Bk�nds for the purpose of making �the s aid eplacement, betterments , e �tensions and additions, NOtiN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLV-'.�D: 1, That a present emer�ency exists f or the calling of a special municipal election to be held iri the City of Henton and in all of the voting precincts therein on Tuesday, March 11, I930, at tivha.ch said spec�.a1 election there sh.a11 be submitted to and vo�ted up�n by the qualified voters of the City of �en�on for their ratification, adoption and a proval or rejection of the proposition to issue not to excee��D�,000.00 of Utility ��later Bonds for the purpose hereinabove set f orth. i 2. That the statemex�.t of said proposition shall be placed upon the b�.11ot in substantially the follov�ing vrords: Sha11 the City of Renton issue not �to exceed YES ��98,000.00 of Utility '��Iat�r Bonds for replacer�ent, better�en�ts� extensions and addi�ions to the ND present vlater system? 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Renton be and she is hereby instructed to fl.i.rnish to the County EZection Board at least 45 days before the proposed special rnunicipaZ election a copy of th�.s resolution and ballot title. Passed this 21st day of Januarv 1930. L�e e� � � l�2ayor Cit C1erk � ' 4� • �� � ����c�`3'��F� ��r �si�: "t���' ������«�� ��� �P`���"� CI���� C7�1'��� ���t� ��. 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