HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1201 �,P��r.��� �?_�
ORDINANCE #1201 C�� t���1�
The City Council of the City of Rentan do ordain as �ollows:
SECTiON 1: The foll.owing streets and portions thereaf be�Gween
the points named and at the points named are hereby designated as
arterl�l. high�ays and stop-streets;
BRON50N I�AY AND BROtJSON WAY NORTH: From Seeond Avenue to East
City Limits provided however, that intersection of Second Avenue and
Bronson 4�ay sha11 not be a sto� street.
PARit STREE^1; From Broneon Way North to North City Limits.
WILLIA�IS STREET NORTH: From Cedar River to Northerly terminus
of Williams Street North.
r'OURTFi AVENtT� I�ORTH; Fro� Eas� mar�in oP Park Street to East
City limits.
FACTORY STREET: From North margin of Bronson Way North to
Northerl y terminus of Factory Street.
GRADY WAY: From South City limits to West margin oP �tain Street.
WA.LLA �YALLA AVENUE: From center line of Northern P�.cific Railroad
Company tracks to interseetion with Third Avenue.
THIRD AVENUEt From T�'est margin of Snattuck Street to East margin
of Cedar Street, wit�� the exception of north side of 3urnett Street.
SECOND AVr..�1UE: From the West City limits to �test margin of Bronson
Way, except that the West margin of Burne�t Street shall be a stop street
Yor traffic travelling East on Second Avenue.
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LOGAN STR��T. F'rom north margin of Second Avenue to North mar�in
of Tobin Avenue.
D�ILL STRE�.T: From center line of Walla �a11.a Avenue to south
m�rgin of Bronaon �Tay.
Pd1AIR1 STRr.ET: From North margin of �hird Avenue to South mar�in
o� Bronson '�ay.
�iAIN S�'REET: At the Southerly intersec�ion with Grady °�ay sha.11
be A stop street.
SECTION 2; �to� Before Enterin� Arteri�l Highwa.ys:-The �river of
any vehicles enterin� upon an arterisl highway from a public or pr�vate
highway, road, street, way or dri�e-way, shall yield the rigrt-of-���,y
to vehicles on such arterial highway, and shall come to a Pull stop
thereat when and where signs, posts or other markers so direct or
lndicate; sub�ect, however, to the �irection of any traffic control
sig�ns or signal or a.ny police officer directin� traffic there�,t.
The driver of a �ehicle appro�ching the intersection of tvro a.rterial
highw�.ys shall stop such vehicle v��here a. sign or other mark.ers so indie�te
before enterina such intersection.
SECTION 3: Superintendent of Utilities to Ereet and �aint�.in
, Arterial uSTOP'� SIGNS;-mhe Superintendent oP Utilities is hereby authorized
and directed to erect and maintain or cause to be erected �na maintainec3
on each street intersecting sny arterial highway at or near the property
line thereof appropriate signs, and in addition, ma� p18ce and maintain
�..ny approp�'i c�.tQ devices or marks in the roadv��,y. All sueh signs, devices,
or marks snall be�r the work "STOP" in letters of sueh size anc� located
in sueh a position as to be clearly legible from a distance of at least
one hundred (100) feet along the road�vay oP such intersectin� street, and
when pl aeed at intersections with 9tate highways shall conPorm to the
provisions of the Washin�ton 5tate High�vay Act.
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SECTION 4: Stop Be�ore Entering ArteriG.l Highways and Da_ngerous
Intersections:-Ir. addition to the points of intersection oP any �ublic
highway with a.ny arterial publlc highway, the Strest and A1.ley
Committee in con�unction wlth the Chief oP Police sha.l.l determine and
designate any particular intersection, or a.ny particular highcvay, road
or street or portion thereoP, at any intersection with which vehlcles
Ghall be required to stop bePore entering such intersection; �nd u�on
determination and designation of such points at �hieh nehicles will be
reauired to come to a stop bePore entering such intersection, ths Street
and Alley Committes sha11 c�use to be posted a�d maint�ined proper signs
of the atand.ard design adopted by the dir-ector of high�ays indicating
th�t sueh intersection has been so deter�ined and desi�nated and that
vehicles entering the same are required to stop. It sha11 be unl�w-
ftal for any person operatin a vehicle �hen en��rin an intersection or
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point determined, desi�nated and bearing the sign aforesaid, to fa.il and
neglect to bring such vehicle to a complete stop before entering such
intersection, except when dir�ected to proceed by a peace officer or
traffic control signal.
SECTI�N 5: A11 ord3nanees or parts oP ordinanees in eonfliet
hereaSrith are hereby repeale�.
SECtION 6: Any person viol ating any of the provisions of this
ordinanee shall be punished by a fine not exceeding �25.00 or by
imprisonment in the City �ail for � term not exeeeding 10 days, ar
by botr such fine and imprisonment.
SECTI�N 7: This Or�inance shall be in full force and efPect five
(5) days from �.nd after its passage, appro�ral and le�al public�,tion.
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�' �-c�c.�t._
P�ssed by �he City Council of the Clty oP Renton, �ashington,
this 5th d�yo uf �ecember, 1944.
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j, ity lerk
Approved as to form:
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City Attorne� .
D�te ot Publieation: December 7, 1944