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�esoluti�n �o. I9?--A
A petition ha�ing been filed with the City Clerk of t�e City o� Renton,
��'ashington, on the �Ith day of �ay I9I5,for the improv�ment of Block (23)
twenty three in Renton Farm Plat Ao, 3-(The same being in an additi4n to
said Cit� vP Renton� in the County •P S�ng and State oP �ctzcgt��[ Washi�g-
ton) �a By gravelling the l�lley��running north �,nd south thrc►ugh �a#d
Block 23, in acccr�,ance With plane to be preparsd by the Cit� �ngineer�
And that p�ymsnt therefor be made by apecial asaess�ents,payable in the
�ode oF immediat� payment= --A�d the City En�ineer havin� filsel an �stimate
of the eoat and egpense of the improvement petitioned for,and 0ther data
and matters deGme�- ' es-�-�- be required under aection 2
of ordinancz No. 274 of the City of Renton;
The estima,t� of the eost ane� expense of eaid imprvvcsment aa made by aaid
City Engine�r is the sum oY ons huadred a,nd tv�enty dollars divicled as
follgwa on lste I, 7,I3�I4i20 and 26 the sum of five elollars eac2� on lots
2�3�4�5�6�$�9,IO�IIiI2�I5�I6�I7�I8�I9� 2I�22,23�24��.i'[ and 25 tha stm� of
four dollara and fifty cents each--The said 26 lots beiag all of i�}�t�X
aforesaid Block ccmposing the asses$ment �iatrict tc bear thE cost and ,
expense vf said i�.provement.� ��.rY�r�t�r:T Y
B� it ordained by the City Caunoil vf the City of Renton;
I; That it is the intention oP the City Council to order the improvement
oP Block S�ent�T Three (23) in Farm Plat No. 3 in said City of Renton, �
�asni:�gton,by gravelling the Alley running narth and sou�h through said
Block 23,and doing such other woxk in connection therewit�.,a11. in aecord-
ance v�ith plans to be prepared by the City Engineor.
2: T'h.at all ersons �vho n1a desire to ob'eet thereto are hereb notified ta aU ear and resent such ��
P Y J Y _P P ,
objections at a meeting of the City Council to d in the cil C�hamber iti the City �Iall in the City �
� o � � 9��- ,. �
. �__
of Renton at -�--------- o'clock P. �1T., on the ----��=-=-- -------- day of ----_ `- ---- �'�-=-�'�'� --------, 191__�. ,
«-hieh tiine and place is hereby fi�ed for hearing all matters relatinb to said proposed improvement, and all
objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said iinprovenlent.
3: T'hat the City Engineer shall, in the manner provided by law, subniit to the City Council, at or prior �
to said date, all data and information required by la�v to be submitted. I
4: That the eost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed aaainst the property
liable therefor, as provided� law.
Approved this _....- (��y o f ----- -- ---G"-'-�+�'�.P-- -�-�----� �. D. 191�_.�.-
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Y��ssed this ---13..---� cl�y' ut -. .- --- ��- - . _-- ----•------� �. D. 191.��✓.-----•
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� � City Clerl:.
Date of first ptiUlicatiori --•- -.��t..ey,.,//,--. �...��...�_5, .._....,- ......_..-
Dnte of second puUlica ion ..__.__...!.!._._ � �� / � 5
.................. •�- .._.......-/--•-- •---��--•------ ----•- -- �