HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0141A �' � J 4._ , • (Resolntion of Intentioi�.) �I RESOLUTION N0. __..__,...__'..�s_s� BE I'1' ORD�I\ED B1' THE CIT�' COi?\'CIL OF THF' CIT1' OF RE\TTON: L• 7'hat it �s the intention of the Cit3� Council to order the improvement of . . . , _ _ . _.. �.. ,. .. _ _ . � , -. -� .�. :. I � ��'���� � � l.!_�. .._ :. . � .....i��• CL )C.��1.� J C .. l'i i�,, . . �, � .. �. . . �1 . . .. _ .,_ ..... .__ _ __._..._ .. �"' _"_�: - ". � (Insert streets or portions thereof to be improvecl) by (specifying nature of improvemeut) __ � . ,. - _- _ _ - , , ; , �: _ . _.. ,....�.. , ,_ _ , . . ,., �.._ _ " ,_ �: ...__ �:. .__ _ .. . �-- - -• _ -_ -.__ ._.. ....- --._ _ o" .�'�TG11 'GO '.L.,f.'�l"i,';% 1i1Ci1;tS1V� 1'�1 S'..�,.7.�i .;�.:.OG'.y3: ..:1.�i1t,9 .,_���iCG 1ii �.,..::Cr c1G�°Ou;� .:`O�GLi Grl ,�zzve, _--.�;�.ce in, z�,;on ur.u. �c:co�s �ile ��res� elzd oi Zo�i;s :�e,i i�o ��;i�ie�cecl�. i�1 , . - . , - . .�, ,_ ;�, ,, n� - . , �.a'1v�c "�il. S�.1C'_ . � ^,-�'' � .C' ., iC? !'0:' '1 "���;.�' -1. _ :i'-.. --�'-��- _. __„�.._ _.. _ �,�c: .. �, '7 1.� »_ C`7 and doinb snch other worl: as inay be necessary in conneetion therewith, all in accordance ��ith plans to be I�reparecl by tl�e City En�inee�•. ?: '1'h�at all persons �-ho may desire to objeet thereto are herebv notifie�� t�� :�ppear �lnd r>reseut such ol�jections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the �ouncil Cnamber in the City FIall in the City - �- ^� ,, . . .. of Renton at ----�--s-�---+- o'clock P. lZ., on the -------�----�----------------- day of --------------------------_._-----------------------, 191--------� ivhich time and place is hereby fixed for hearin� all matters relatina to said proposed improvement, and all objections thereto, and for determininb the znethod of payment for said improvement. 3: That the City Enbineer shall, in ihe riianner provided by law, submit to the City Council, at or prior to said date, all data and information required by la�v to be submitted. 4: That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by ancl assessed a��ainst the property liable therefor, as provided by law. Appro�-c�d this - -�--,.. -�- d�v of ._ - - - - � - -- ----�- - , A. D. 191 -�--•• i r �? //� �p � ,. _ .�/G-�'"i ����/,�„�� „%'!�� P rt. CL. "` . ��? /"' "�'...."""'�._'_____._.'__"_"_""__"__._.._......_...__... �I<l,l'0P. Yassed this --�.�<--=�:..,- _ �lety �if -- - ...:_ - �- -- ....._. . -- �---- � .1. ll. 191.-��- • o � -------------------- ------,- -- ���.�� J�. � -- -_ ,� � - -C,it�- Clcrl:. ll�t� �af fir,t I�ttblicaYioii �• -� .-_.__...._.,._.._. ,_.,__._..._,.__.--� � -_.�.-- ...-- -�-- Uxt�� nt S��cond ptlblic�ition . - - - -..,� .__._.__... � - --� - �- - - - -- -�-