HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0999 • c ♦ -.+� r� � � � � �� •�iM• ' . si .� .. ' ' ' li.1.:.�i:...._.��:� ..�i:. / ��r � �. _tr�. . , -._ ..r- �1 '.�.T �y.. ..,�.rT _. ..� ..'..i ' '1:�.rr �..n�,-. ,.:'.:^1'.' . l"..(� ...� .., �., T ,..�..� \T 1 l ' T (� �, ]' �1LV -t.JliV_..YV'J' V_ .�.�ii:J V1�11 _ i�J.. Vli' '.��y�.111tiSlUiU iJ�'J�J��+�tl_�V _._.�:1 1'�i.:.J1J 11111�� J � �'JBI,IC E�'��Gr,iJCY OTHER THAN Oi�TF' 0.� THOSE F�1L]IUt�r,�TED Ii�T ��IJGTOPl'S _REVI SL� I STATUTES, SE�TION 9000-6 LVHICH SAID E��*�GE'i'dCY COULD NOT �4EASOPdABLY HAVE B�i- FOR�SEEN AT T?iE TII�1� OF �;?bKING T� BUDGET FO�t T_� YEAR 1938 AI�TD dPP�OP�IATII�?G THE SU1�;S OF THI�TY-FIVE �TJND�ED AND FIFTY AND no�100 ({�3550.00) - -�OLI�A'.3S F�_�: T�i� PU�CHASE OF P:�OP�RTY FO_R AN ADDITION TO LIBE?�TY PA�: TH'� CITY COUNCII, OF T� CITY OF �R�'��TO�d DO OR��IN 9S �OLLO'..5: � �.�s�tion 1. t�hereas it has become necessary and expe�:ie�:t aar t:�� �ull use, e:-:joyment and improvement of Liberty Park in tne C�.t;,r �� :�_:tc:�, tc� acquire additional property for the enlargement of said park, and T'�hereas it has been estirn�ted that th� co s u to tn� ci u;; =or t�a� accluisit�.on oi' said property will be the sum of �3550.00. Section 2. That there be and there ?�ereb�r is �p�ropri�.���a, iri adaition to the amount of the budget for the, year 1938, the sum of �p3550.00 out of the �eneral fund for the purpose o�' acqu�r�.�g�� �.adi+��n�� ,_ro�eri�,� i.'o: �;1� er•_1,���t,�:�.ant of Liberty Park, Renton, Zdasnington. 5ection 3. The City Council oi tiie �it,� o� ,;�=��on da�s i:e.re��� decl�.re tn°�:� they have found an emergency to exist. 5ection 4. This Ordinance si�all not be passed until one vaeeK aft;er it� in�roduction and it shall require the unanirnous vote oi the councilmen ya.resQ-zt �.nd tne a�proeal of the Mayor. �2CulOY1 J. '�_n1.S l:'T�11I1%.,:iC2 S':1:ii1 oecome Ef=P.Ci.I.V� 2:1Vc ��J �.`-�.;jS iY'Oill �.Y'iu �:��'iE. lt^a "O�:,S,"y;�:�'8� �-��JY'OVc:.l 2.:7� 12<��:•l i�.il'"JZ1C'u�i;.7.031• =�PP30V:��J this �day of June, 1938. T:�YO 3 r�S:;;�_, z2is � aa,� o�' Jun�, 1933. ��I 1Y-C Z�r�Z — �irY_.�1�i� -iJ '�v _��Vi�_. �� crTY ATlo�:��:y + ..� ;. ,' ,.,/�,,,�,�,/ fr� � . ,