HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0903 , U�.i)�I��tPTC�, �iC}w `�tl� il ��� t�:�.DI?�7A�3C� �z•fl.nf,i.n� a :fx�.nehis� ta t,h� Ua_��r ai' Sea�t�e fz}r �hrEar i3.�p,� :f_�?.�e� �x� �.°�;;.ns �:c�r �rat�r �uppZy- ;rn.a.r�posL� 3n cer��.in s�re�t, �zS' �hF u�tr;� ni' ':���-t�nm i;� �`i ��1�i�i'� � `�'I�u f`i�iJ.I�{�°� �� .^l�u �:�`l'� �7� �Ti`���'•!g c'�9 IO�CS'vdud ��c�;i.a�-! 1. That t;hc�r� is har�'rr,j �ra,tzt�d tr� ths Cit�r ai 5��.�t_1�,, �. r.n?r,- ic:��,��.1 �or}�orat:ians ��a� �hE conditic�na se� �or�c�� i.n Sectzon 2 h�rec�.;, �, i'r�a7c'�,isc tc� c{�n�iru.cv, r�-ccsnstr�uct� �zintain �.n.d. crp�rate thre� �ipt=; .-iin�s e>• mx=�r�s �'�.��,° �a�.ter �u���.�- ��?rpo5e� i� the City c,i' R�aa�n$ as �a13c��rts: ��a�j �t pipe l.in� vr m��.in npt �to exc�ed r��.���-six incl.z�;� in �.�.ra�ter� �cr�:��s �.n.�' un�.e�° i�s11 �tr�et and t�7�1.1� �'a1_I.4: Av�nu�,, �nd a�on�; vn� �md�;�, ".tl��i��� �t�°e�t� �.s 1���_d �f� anci sha��n. on tre plat of the '�.�otan o�' R�ntan; _�� A pipe 1j.ne oz� r,��.iri no� ta e.:�ceed �if'�E:���'our inche� ?r� «.�cr�et�tir <?1en�; ti�e t'c�Ilawin� rou�e: �nt�rin� the sau�h line ot the To�rn r�f Ren�on under �ha� i�_;;a��t af Ura�- known a� the Ced�,r R�ivez l�ipa Lin� riaht of Zvs,ya foll��uri.n� ths s.=�sn.a 3_xi 3, r�c�rth.,rz�tax_ty dirsction� cr.aasi.ri� in i�s coursei Hi.�rh Sti-eat' Ren4on Avc,izuea Csd�,z �c%�e� and ��I�li. Str���s. tnence crossing ���31�, Wa�.la Av�nu� and cantin�i_i�� ir. �. n�r�Lxl�res�e.riv direction tr� its� intex�ectiar� '€ritY: '�hir� �tre��, th�nce west �.lor�� inis�a S'creet to the e�.s� rnasgzn c�f' �urrz�tt Street,� tY�ence ntirt'rz�v�ster�y :i1_csr.�; s;�.c: r-igYi�t o� vd�yr to tha t�est mas•gir► �sf �h� Tc,� o� �.er��n� (�) � ��pe lixiE or ma�� not to ex�Ed si�:t��-,-��, irehes ir dia,�ne;�r �lcn�; thf� io�I.o�r±zz; mut�: i`3egi.ruZng at �, point in �ii�1 5tre�t eight (�� ��et �as� oz the c�nter lin� *h:�r�a�, �nd vn �he nQr�h rr�.x•�in o� �eattle�s C�dar i3iYTer p:ipe :��_��� r��hi;-of�,ray� wh5.ch �.xsint is appr+�x�raa.t�ly e?�hty�twt�{�2� za�t sou�h t�� the �uth s�.rgi.n; af �`h�.rd Avenu�� then�e z^�zn.�zix!� i.n a nc�rtherl� dir•ect:iarz c�n. sai.� T=Li�7_ �*,rec�� 4nd ei�ht (8} f�et east af tha center 7_in� thesc�ei to S�^�^�i�. . �,jr�=:nuc:; th�nce c�n 3�cond Av�nu�,� �i�ht (S) f�c� �ou�h a� the cent�r line nf sai�. SEconca. A-venue i� a, s,r�st�rl� �.irecti�n to tlae vdesterl� 1�nf.ts of th� �iL�,r of Ren�on, Sa.id pip� l�_ne� �z�;�t the ��nt�r�ectian of s��.:�ci rz�h.t,�--��:"v�a� ta �1��. Lr�ci a�` th� cur�r� n�ar thE sas� l..in� af NSaiz7 Streot,� �hencc� �rest a�� 'i`lliru Stre�� tG �th� :a��L l.:ine of Burnett Strest� shall be ]..t�cat�d t�n (10} fe�t so•uth of' thc c�nt�r :ti�A af sa.id �'hird St.reet� SC,'�''...L3Y1 �i �;Uri�V.lOilra- e (a} ln� said fr�.r7.chise sh�,ll terrn3natt� f��� �5Q) Yea�-s fzrrcf �che �.�.t� of i�s ar:,e�pt�;zca in �ittng �r th� Ci�y �f Se�ttle� �,uj �`��� C�.ty oi Seattl� sha�1 p�.y into th� Treasury of' :he C��� v�' 1en�rr. "�h�rt�r �`�lausand Dollar� (�30�aU0�Q0� in cash c�n the acceptance i.n ���.tin, GY �his �Y'�3TiClLS£' an�' �ns.11 pa.y in ad.di�ic�r�� if snd •ds'r�sn, pava.ng is r,cam�Z�:��d l�r �he Ci��r or Rent,an, such sum c�vex� and above the cost of. 5tandard r:oncxEte pav- i;�g bst1,�T�en eurbs �,s th�y now exist nn �hird Str��t9 izz the City af Renton, frr�r�i �h� ��re�� z�.r,�zn of Burneit Strea� to the southe�.st�rn mar�in af Wa1I2 v��.�.�� AvEnu�g �:.; is :s�ca�ioned k�,� d he ex:i.s'cence of street ��.ilw�� traek� tnereona {c) The City of S�attlQ will� during th�a life of said f'ranch:i.se, iurnish tc� tha Uit;y �f F�entc�r� r�a�. 1�ss than one 'thou�and cubia feet n�r more tk;an tti,fentv th��..;^.r���. cubic feet �f vsato-r per day as rQquire�. by th� �ity o.� ��nt.a.;�� ��; thc� a ,` �a;c� vi' �.c7ux e�nt,s ]�E3i �?UTiCIr�c� ctab�.c f�e�'d. � y` t•�) '.l't�e City o� Se�.��tl� �ri11 perana.t �hs Ci%y oi Ren�:�n duri�a.� th� .�er:n c�.� s<zi� �."rrs��zc�i�e to us� it� p�°iv�.te righ�,-c�f-w�� ��. Se�ond 3treat ��en�ec� ���st� I '�s;t-r�re��� r�h�E��u�k ;�cr��t and a 1�e 100 f��t �isst �s� the �rs�w rs��.r,�in c'f �r�a� , :�-ws:�;��9 s"or. �traeu pa.r~t.�csse; c�r �8r th� pur�s� c�f be�.ut t f�i_�� t?�o »<�t��e� .-����„�ct ', ;�.�: ra._l_:i t:ir,ces t;� �he par�unt r:ight t�f the City of ��aattl� to tPic� usc �the .r�^a�' �i;;a~ �L'�r.�.c t��'«t�� system� ', (u� �he Cit� c��' Se���Ie v�i.�!1, u�on app?icaiion th�refnr� grant �.a �he , f�i+.,y- ��' P�snt�n n�rmi.s�ion to 1ay a tir�7_vs-inc�i s�arm sewer a� a su�_��.�;I.� :l.occ�.tior� ir� a.�,� ri��si-of��,y fr�m ��°nett; Stre�t tn 87..�ak �vera s�.bj�ct at �,11 time� t� ;i1� ��.i°..a,c�unt rry�;h�. r�i �the C:ity of Seattle to th� u�e of said righ�-c��°�a��� io� :i+.,; waV�x� s�-stem. If saic� storm sewer is Iaid ��.thin tr�e ta�a.tar �=�in ��ench c��' �,h� Ci�� �f Seatf,le' the City of S�attle trr�.11 backfill over the s+..or�n secrer� px�a�r:yd.e�, hotntever' th�.t the sa.me is reacl�p �or backfilling at th� same t�ne th� wa�er main trench �s baekf.�I�.�xi- , (f) In carryin� out the oonstruction wc�rk now under cantract, it is urider- �te�od that th� Ci.ty of5 3e�ttl.e wwa..13. t�ar up so �ch of the old paving as mag be necessary� dig the trench, ].a� the �,rater mairij bacl€.fi].1 the �rench and pay to the City of Renton Thirt� Thou:aand I?oLlars (�30,C�00.(70) aa above set £orth,� �o- gether with ar�y suan ov�r and above �he eost of a atandard concrete paving betw�en eurbs a� they naw exi.st on Third Av�n�e (�treet) fr�m the �,rest margi.n of Bu.rnett ,�tre�t to the s4utheasterly m�.rgin of Wall� 1�alla Aven.ue, oceasioned by the ex- istenc$ af street r�il.wa.y track� thereor�. St is underataod that the City of Renton is �tt> c� the paving and �pav,ing made neees�ary by said c*.e•nstructian work no�r undsr eontractm (g) It ia underst.00d that the City of Renton �rill promptly �rant the nec- essar,� p�rtaits to the City of Seattle and �o the railmad eo�panies for sua� �rark in the streets as may be neces�aay t.c� :�t�ns�rucrt th� sixty-six inah main now und�r contract. ' (h) Where said propossd pipe lines c�ss any street or sidewaik, the ex�ava- tion made by the grantee for la3ring pipe 9�Sall be �o b:ridged that said stree�s sha11 at a1I tis�s be open ta travel by peds�rians and veh:icles and said side�lks open to travel by pedestrians. i�Ihs�� �airi pipe lines are along ax�y street9 the entire width of sueh atreet aha11. be kept free from obstructions and open to travels excepting that portion to b� accup3.�d by the p3.pe lirie �rench. Suitable gu�.rds ; �hall be plaeed and maintsined to prot�ct vt�hi�les and pedestrians from in�uxY �Y �eason of exeavation.s. All pipe I.inezs and water m�iris and all ather service lin.es or mai.ns no�a in pl�ae in anry af the streets on �ch exaavations are made shall be allow�d to remai.n in thBir present location, or if' i��ured or destroyed shall be replaced by the grantee or an equal substitute provided therefor. {i) AI.1 d3..rt r�v�d from eaccav�tion$ na� rsquired for the refilling thereof shall be depo�ited oM the streets of the City af R�nton by the grantee a� d.irected by an irispeetc�r to be appt>inted �ry �aid �3.ty vP Rentc►n; Provided, that no haul over six blocks �hall be r�quired to be �ade. The service� of said inspector ap- pointed as above prov�ided Por �ha11 b� paid by ths grantee at th� rate of �5v00 PeT` �Y'• (3 j Up�n ths eompletion of the wark herein. c�rrt�mpl.ated ths surface o� �.7.1 streets in whi.ch excavations are �rade s�all be restored b,y the grantee to their present �rade reac�p far r�paving �y' the gran'tora (kj If the City of Seattle elect� at any time to abandon the franchise her�- by grantedi 'it ahall ren�ve all pipes and �ta:ter mains hereunder included, and in sn daing it shall restore a11. streets #:.cra good condition and repair. (1) All work conte�npl.a,ted by this �xanahise tc� b� done by th� grantee, sha11 b� prnsecuted �rithc�ut delay and with a11. reasonable dispatch. (m) AZ7. repairs ta be made hereaf'ter o� �aid pi�ae I.ines withi.n th� limits of the City of Renton shall be ma.d� under �he dir�ction of an inspector tcs be appo3.nted by said Ci�y, and the gr�ntee sh�Ll. restore the surf�ee of any str��t upon which excavations are �d�, to the same eonditio�: it �as in gs�i.Qr to the a�.kI.ng of such repa.ix°�. (n) �'he grantee agr�es to �ave a,nd keep harmless the Cit�r of Renton �rom any loss or damage� susta�ned by abu�ting prcperty o�ers or by ar� other person, occas- , i�ned by tha exercise of the rights here�r grantad. (o) This franch3.s� sh�tl be stzla�eet ta forfeiture for failure of' the grantee , to ccsmply with any of its tex�ns. I Section 3s '�h3.s ordinane� shaLL be in Pu� foree and ef�ect five (�) days � from and after its gassage, approval and leg�.l p�zb�.icat3.vn as b� law provided. Appx�oved this lOth day af �rchD 193Zo �sL t�. W�b�.ossom i�a�ror Pass�d tYiis 14th day of Ma.r�hp I.931� , �s� A�nes Edward� , Appraved as to form this C1.erk �nd da� of l�arch, �.93zo Agz�es N. Richmpnd �sJ' ity A c�rney Dats of first publication� MarGh 13ths 1931s