HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/2007 - Minutes , °`'�"�" '''� �ITY OF REhlTQhl ADVISORY C4MMISSION ON DIVERSITY 0 C T 1 2 2Qp7 _ � September 12, 2007 Minutes ��G�i�,�� � CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Committee: Serena Aquino Antonio F. Cube, Sr. Raymand Larn Vern 1'�iichols Erica Rehberg Charles Thomas, Vice Chair Lari White Absent: Sandel Demastus, Chair Audrey Godwin Guest: Deborah Needham, City of Renton Emergency Management Directar Staff: Gloria Gamba Bonnie Rerecich CALL T4 ORDER: Vice Chair Charles Thornas called the meeting to arder at 6:37 p.m. APPRt�VAL 4F MINUTES:. Antonio made a mation to apprave the August 8, 2007, minutes as submitted. Second by Vem. Motion carried. - COIYIMENTSlANNQUNCEMENTS: Sandel is recovering nicely but is still in � rehabilitation to gain strength. Antonio has been reappointed by Governor Christine Gregiore to{the Connmission on Judicial Conduct. GUEST: Debarah Needham, City of Renton Emergency Management Directar, gave a briefing on the Map Your Neighhorhood(MYN} Facilitator Training to be held at the Renton Community Center an September 2b, 2007, from b:30 p.m. —8:30 p.m. The training prepares volunteers ta lead discussian groups in their neighborhoads, in arder ta do azl inventory of special needs and emergency resources that exist in their neighborhoods. The inventory may include names and addresses of elderly neighbars or others wha may require special needs, and an inventory of toals that are available in their neighborhoods, i.e., saws, ladders, generators, etc. The training is free, and will be offered again in the near future. The Renton Emergency Management"Team is alsa reaching out to diverse ethnic populations to assist in disaster preparedness. Team members are contacting variaus churches, neighbarhaod graups, Ukrainian Community Center, Ghinese Infarmation Center, etc,, ta irnprove communication on a daily basis and in times of emergency. Cammissioners were asked ta assist with this effort by contacting Deborah Needham with names and contact information of ar�y leaders within these groups or others. The City will alsa be revising a major Evacuatiorz Plan with King County and the federal � gavernment in 2008. �" Corresnondence: A copy of the City of Renton Wayfinding Program was distributed ta direct/bring peaple to Renton and ta incorporate a coordinated response in tirnes of emergencies. � � Ahead of the Curve Emplovment Pipeline for The Landin�: There will be an Ahead of ,�� the Curve Job Fair on September 20, 2007, from 2:00 p.m. —7:00 p.m. at Renton Technical College. The Job Fair community partners include the City of Renton, Renton �' Chamber of Commerce, Renton Technical College, Renton School District, WorkSource, Puget Sound Training Center, Washington State University(King County Extension), and BuRSST(a Northwest Area Foundation-funded initiative focused on poverty reduction in South King County). The first phase of The Landing is scheduled to open in mid-October 2007. The Landing will be completed in Spring 2008 and will include national and local retail stores, restaurants, and nearly 1,000 residential units. Managers from Target, Staples, and Lowe's will be available to provide employment opportunities and perhaps hire individuals at the Job Fair. A"Save the Date"post card was distributed to the Commissioners. The Community Services Department will host a second Board and Commission Training, "Leading for the Future", on October 29, 2007, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at Renton City Hall, Council Chambers, 7th Floor. Commissioners are to contact Gloria with their RSVP. Due to the timing of this event, it was decided to postpone the annual Advisory Commission's Diversity Planning Retreat unti12008. The Tiffany Park Building will have their unveiling of the new activity building on September 29, 2007, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., located at 1902 Lake Youngs Way S.E. Additional information is available by phoning 425-430-6700. OLD BUSINESS: Bonnie reported on a Building Bridges Cultural Competency Tralning in cooperation � � with the Renton School District and the Renton School District Diversity Advisory � Committee. "Their committee is comprised of district employees! parents, and community members who value the enhanced learning environment that Renton's diverse community offers children." Charles reviewed a handout describing Optional Procedures for Small Boards. Sebrina distributed a Parliamentary Procedures flyer used by the Green River Community College. This was in response to Vern's request at the August meeting for a more formal meeting format and the use of Robert's Rules of Order. Discussion followed, with Antonio suggesting a review of bylaws. Commissioners will be sent a copy of the 2006 Advisary Commission on Diversity Bylaws for their review and discussion at a later date. NEW BUSINESS: A brochure of the Ukrainian Community Center was included in the monthly packets. Bonnie will contact Oleg Pynda, Executive Director,to arrange for a tour of their facility to learn more about their programs, senior activities, translation services, adult day care, etc. Black Historv Month: The Commission was asked to assist the City in taking an inventory of community activities that celebrate diversity. A new web-based calendar is being developed to connect community events and locations during Black History month in February. Additional months will be identified, and the calendar may be part of the w � ACOD web page. Commissioners should contact Bonnie with any information acquired. � �l �• �� ��� A draft of the Advisory Commission on Diversity Flyer(with the addition of new w. .., members and all current members and with an updated picture of children) was passed for approval. Discussion followed and staff was directed to do a limited printing, as there v""' may be need for additional redesign in 2008. Lari gave an update of future speakers who will be asked to address the Commission. It was decided to invite Carlos Guangorena, President and Chief Executive Officer from Plaza Bank of Kent. Gloria will give Lari his phone number. A flyer on the Eastside's Booming Diversity Training on September 18, 2007, was distributed. Anyone wanting to attend should contact Gloria, at 425-430-6600. North Highlands Neighborhood Center, 3000 N.E. 16'h Street, Renton, will be conducting English as a Second Language (ESL) classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., beginning September 18`h and ending December 13tn. COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Erica stated she found two individuals interested in volunteering for ESL classes and that the Holiday Inn may be able to host the classes. Erica announced that the Holiday Inn will be having a training on diversity for their staff. She inquired if the members of the Commission knew of any speakers or trainers who would be willing to speak at the training. Vern volunteered, but not on behalf of the :�, . Commission, or his role as a Commissioner. Bonnie will contact Erica with resources the City has used. � ADJOURNMENT: ' ` Antonio made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Second by Lari, meeting adj ourned. Minutes were taken by Gloria Gamba. ����� Charles Thomas, Vice Chair (for Sandel Demastus, Chair) �, �