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(Improvenient Oi•dinance Bond Forui j
ORDINANGE NO�_._.._...' _::-:_..._....
CED�.,..� Si^R�ET 3ET'�;�'��7 SECTION S?��ET n�TD CENT.,��R 1�VT��;rdTT.r; �
(ins�z�t stre�ts oi• portions thereo$ to be iinproved) by (specifying natnre of improvement)
grading and gravelling a strip twelve feet in �idth
all in aecordance with Resoluiion No,_!��.Q.._.... of the City Council of the City of Renton, creating a local
imi>roveinent district tlierefor, a.nd providing that �ayment for said im�rovement be inade by special
assessuieuts upon pz•operty in said district payable by the mode of "P�yment by Bonds."
sectio�� i: �nat Cedar Street bet�reen Section Street and Center Avenue
iinsere streets or portions thereof to be inil�rovect) be imp�o�-ed by (�peciPcin� nature oY iinproee�iieut)
�;r��.ding and �rav�lling a sttiy� twelve feet in zvidth
and that such other work be done as may be necessary in connection tt�erewith, according to the plans�and
specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City Engineer and on file in ihe office of the City
Clerk. �
Section 2: That the cost and expense of said impi•ove�nent, including all necessary and incidental ��
expenses, shall i�e borile bp and assessed against the property included in tlie assessmeut district herein-
after created iii a-ccordance with law. The City of Reuton shall not be liable in any maiuier tor any Z�or-� ���
tioil of the cost and expense oE said improvement, except as I�ere�in pi�ovided. I
(insert appropriate proviso for coutribtition from the General Ftu.�d if any) I�
Sectiou 3: That �ligig is hereby established a local i�nprovement district to be cailed "Local Iin-
pi•ovement District Iv'o._166_ ,�� �hich said district is described as folio«s:
�`All the property between the termini of said improvement abutting upon, adjacent, vacinal or
proximate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance baci_ fro�n the marginal lines thereof, as
l�rovided by law." I
Sectiou 4: Bouds bearing iuterest at tlie rate of_.._E:1��1'tper cent. per annuin payable on or before
--S_8Vi'.T!-____.years from the date of issuance shall be issued in payment of the cost and expeuse of this
improvement, which bonds shall be redeemed by the eollectiou of special assessments to be levied and
assessed tipon the property within said district, payable in_f1tlf:__._equal annual installments with interest at
the i'ate of__e],gr].�__.per cent. per annum under the mode oE "Payment by Bonds," as defined by law and '
the charter and ordinauces of the City of Renton. These bonds shaii be delivered to the contractor in
redemption of �varra.nts on the Local Improveinent District :Fuiid issued ou estimates of the City Engineer, I
or the Citv of Renton may, at its election, sell said bonds and make such redeinption in cash. ��
Section 5: This oi°dina�ce shall be in full force and effect fi�-e (:i) days from and after its passage,
approval and leg�al publicatio�
Approved this -----�i.-7.-------- day of..--.���e�}��ar--, 192_
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Passed this _.__......�_�_..._ day ot .__September______, 192..�._._.
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`l,� 2--�---- ------------� City Clerk.
Date of first publication____..._� ....._.
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