HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0820 . ; .. . �� M • � l l � . ` 1 . . • . , V . �. �i ORDIiT�-,���� �rG._L��— �.iv Ci�DITvnNC.�, �S�'iBLIS�iIISG ��G-�� �i�.:� CITY v_T �tEi��; T:, :� CI'iY �F i T7i' iz:�',D CI,r_SS, :.'+ ?I� Si r lE OF ':;i='�SHIi�TGTON� .A GUr^,�i�tiiY FUi�ID, nS I'RO�IID�'�,D FOI� BY ��u�I'T�;R 209, 0�+' TI-� ��;Sr;IOi? 1.A�sv�� OF 1927. BE Ii O�Dl�IN�D 73Y i�' CIiY CCUI�TCIL G"�' `"u'L CITY C� RLi�iCiT, a,s follo�r�s : Secti on 1: ihwt there i s hereby est�.blitihed for the City of �enton w fund fcr t��e ��vey�ose of gu�r��nteein�, ta �Y�e extent cf such iund, U.nd in trie _:_�nner ��,ereinafter pro�ided, the �ayrnent af its loc�.l i�prcYerrient bonds �.nd ��aarrwnts i;�sued tc pay for any local im;pro�rernent crdered.. PRCVZDED: that trzis shall in no:�ise be construed to include or wpply to any indebtedness arisin� prior to �i_1, 7�.h, 19�6. Sectiun 2: Such fund sh�.11 be �eti��,�n:-.ted "CitS� cf zenton Zocal Improve:uent Guara•nty �'und. " � Section 3: Th��t there is Y�lereby lejried �ne Hundred 100 Thirty-eight and 37,�:_Doll�.rti , rrhich is the surn riece� ti<�;,ry I to :��.eet the financi�1 requirementti of :��id funa for the II current ;�ewr, and said levy sc authori�ed and directed i:� I in �.ddi ticn to :�nd in exces� of �.ny and �.�11 st�.tutory Ur�c� ' chwrter limit�tions �.pplic�.ble tc the t^x le�ry of the cv rren t ye��r of t�e Ci ty cf �en tcn. aection 4: i�.t the City Ccuncil cf the City of �erl�on does nereby prescribe by �rdinance approiriate rules �.nd regul�.t�cns fo r t��e :�ain te:��nc e o C the Gu��r�.nty � Fund as follows : I a rt' 'T` �_", r- L•. '� �:-, -�o , a 1- ,: � ( } . llie .� �.yc�, .e �� 1,� _rea..,�� r, =�ri� �lie Cii,,, Clerk zre hereby designated as a cc�ittee to �.,� �o�• '�i,� -.urpase of pretectin� the guara.rty i _'u.;:_. �:.;:w u� ��.se so mucY� of tr.e money of the fun� :.ti is nece�ti�s=�.ry to be used to purchase certific�.tes . �. . • � . � . " + • , ' - ` � ' ` . / . �:� ue1112:,1UE:iiC;y' �Ci: ��1:f;Y'�.i t',e:i�'�2�5 OT? _�;i viiG�-Y'��' �,U'�i�] t',C i: to lec�.i iiu�;�c�TeL.en�: ��tisessmer�ts, underlyin� bcnds or i�.rarrants �uaranteed by the fund, or to purchwse .�ucl: rla�y:erty �t ccunty foreclosures or from the c��::rl t;.� �; �ter foreclotiure. (b� .. Th�,�; the locwl imprcvement �uaranty fund _hall be kept sepwr�te and apart from all cthel fun�.� cf the Ci t;� ef Rentcn �=tind any and all funu.s ccming into the �csses�icn of the City by t�..x leTry, r eden��ti on? cr in �.ny r�,nner zr�rh�.tso ezrGr o Such r.�oney shall �;e depcsite� to the cre�.it .._ s�.id fund irl w��id b�.nk �.nd �,ny �.nd �ti11 interes� �thereor�, �.s n��ell �.s any �nu ��11 tiurplus rerr.�..inin�. in any local i�proverl?ent fund guaranteed nere��r�c��t� , �fter �ne pG.yment cf �11 cutst�.nding bonc�� cr �:•�.rra.nt� p�=.y��.ble prima,rily cu� of tiuch local �.� �_ �.-.��- ment funds , �hall be and belon� to �uch fund, �.r�u shall i�,rnediutelys upcn the same �eccming azTczll���).��- s 'pe transferred by the City ire�surer tc ��.id Fui�.��.. (c� . Th��t nc mone;, _ �. ��: _� _. �_ _ -:�... _ . _:u exce�;t by Ordinanc.� �. __ _� " ':y �:�' ����.'c4�::�.m . (d� . Any �.n� �11 sales of any �roperty �.c�,uire�� by �Gid fund tihall be �.nd rernG�in the property c�� . sai d fur�d, and any �.nd all property recei�ed b;� �rirtue of s�.id fund sh�ll �e scld in the ma.nner -._;�. � form �rescribed by Chapte� 209 of the Sessicn I:�:�--. cf 19�7, or �uch oth�r legislatisre act �,�ti ?:�ay be I in effect �.t the time such �aie is al�,d. Sec�i or� 5. This f. � _s-. _��� .:__ 1:_ :_:_ ,_.;_ i'crce and effect fi�e days _ �•,: :_ =1 �_ ._ _�?• a �ti _ . ... � �- , appro�al �.r.d le gal �u-blic�.tion. . � � . . • � ` ' , • , , � � _ ., � �. - .. _ - .. �_n �. ti �� ---y uz , .� , 19�7. - -�,,D�1/ ��� � �� � � � / /,/ �� � � . "� " �.� ' E�/i��✓'���✓:J� _ _ �. � �:��.y o r . T?.%c'Q�(��� '{'1 � C. I G,��T �y� �l�i� L 1 C'U A.�l i l.t V l.i l.N C �J y r]. ✓�-�-� • � ✓ Lr � � [����'�L/ 1I� Gity Clerx. 1-1t�.L��Ii��S:J�L :.�J 1V .i�it�ir'ii i ��j �� � City nttcrney. _ �w�e af fir�� t ru�lic�.ticn: ��G� !� !.� ;' �"�'%/