HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0810 ORDIT�iht10E ZTO. %� ,;� �,� r.�'� CRy��'��rT;�� �_`±' iHE CITY OF R�Z1i0N, �"JASHINGTON, �?�LAiIidG i0 THE STARTITdG GF FIRES OU^iSIDE O�T+' BUILDII�TGS, ���; BURNII�TG OF ?3EFUSE, ATTD �REPEALING ORDIN.q...NCE5 �v�y�ER ��"�,,��y�,Z�✓� ' 350 and 416, AND ALL OiHER ORDINATdCLS AND PARTS OF ORDIN.�NC�S IN CONFLICT i�iE�tii(ITH, r.NZ) �ESCRIBING A PEI�AL�'Y. THE CITY COUTJCII, OF T�-LE CITY 0�' RLZ�lON DCES ORDd�IN AS FOLI,OWS: Section 1: It �hall be unlawful for any person or persons � firm or firms , partnership pr partner�hip� cnrpor�.tion or corporations , to start or cau�e to be started any fire outside of �.ny buil�.ing within the City limits of the City of Renton, for the purpose of burnin� any rubbish, refuse, ma.tter or any brush,, logs or stumps , unless a permit shall first be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department of thc City of Rentc�r�} permi tting and directing the starting of such fire. Provided: ho�rever, that no permit shall be granted to st�.rt any fire outside of any building �rithin tr.e Ci�y limits of the City of Renton during the r�cnths of July, August �.nd September of each year, ���..�.� ��:?�l� , ,�.�-G-rio�,-,....:�--g—�-.�.c_e ��-.--�� to ��u e«_��=c,c-�•-�����.,�t�,o� �w�.,, Sectian 2s Such perrnit shall be in writing and • shall contain th� na.me a� naines of the person or per�on�, • firm cr firms, partnership or partnerships ,, corporation, or ecrporations to whom such permission i� granted, the � description of the property an which permission i� given I ta start such fire and shall state at what hour such fire shaZ3 be extin�uirhed, �,nd shall be signed by the Chief of the �'ire Depar�r:er�t. Section 3: A17. fires started undei �he ��rc�isions of trlis ordinance sh�ll be extinguished �iy tivhomsoever s tarted it no t later than � � t clock P.M. � of the day an which said fire �aas started. Section 4: It shall be unlawful for any person ar persons, firm or firms, p�,rtnership or p�rtnershigs corpor�tian or ccrpQrations to permit cr cause to accumulate or be lef t on any premises , except in metal containers any rubbish or combustible material for a period longer than �� �-z.�-u�� . Any rubbish or combustible rr�ateri��l left other than as herein protrided �hall be rem.oved by the City and the cost cf such remo�ral sh�ll be charged to the ov�ner or persQn in possessiQn of the premises upo� �hich such rubhish and ccmbustible material i� permitted to be left.. Section 5: Any pers��: or per�ons , firm or firms, p�.rtnership cr partnership� = corporation or ccrporations, �ioZ�,ting any of the provi ions of the ordin�nce , shall be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail. not exceeding thir�y d�.y s or �y both such fine and imprisonment. Sectian 6 ; Tha� Ordinance Number 350, of the City of Renton, en titled "AN ORDINANCE P�OHIBITING 1HE STARiING OF FIRES �UiSIDE OF BUILDIATGS tittITHIIvT iHE LIMITS GF i�-� TERRITORY BOzJNDED CN THE ?��ORTH BY SECOND �VENUE, ON THE EAST BY CEDAR STREET, ON iHE SOUTH BY �4URTH AVE].VUE ON iI� yJEST BY BURNETT SiREEi, IN iHE CITY OI' R�NTON, WASHINGTaI�t, �'rITHOUi n �hi�ITTE�3 FE�I i iHEREFOR FROIt2 iHI+; CHIEF OF iI� FI� DEPART1l�NT PROVIDING r OR T?� I EXiINGUIS�� 'Ni GF FIRES ;�iEN SifiRTED t1NDER PERI��IT, A2dD i PRQVIDING A PENALiY F0� VIOL��fi^ION iHEEREOF�, " passed cn � Au�ust 26th, 1913, and Ordinance Numb�� 416 , en�itled " AN ORDINANCE PRaHIBITING iHE BITI�NING QF HAY, PA�'ER, SiRAVI, BRUSH, t�.GS, CLO"'H, RU'?BISH, GARf3AG�+ OR OiH:ER CQIt�BUSiIBI�E SUL'STIy.N�E �:dI^1HIN 1WEIJi'?' FEEl OF ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE r�.ND PROVIDIhTG THAT 1�I,L FIRES OUiSIDE 0� BUI7�DII�TGS SHAI�L BE WAT�D BY l� PERSQN OVER 18 I'EARS OI,Ia, A?�TD iHAT SUCH r�'ERSON �,UST HiVr; uTITHIN �:IS REACH �1 HOSE CONNECiF+,D Z�IITH d'CATER A2vrD PRESCRIBING A PE�lAL`i'Y,� passe� January 21str! 1916, and all other ordinances and parts of ordin�.nces in ccnflict herewith, be and the same. �re hereby repealed. See�ion 7 : This ordinance shal]. ta:ke effect fi�re days from and �:fter its passage, approval and legal publication. Passed this ��' �� day of June, 1927. 01�.� ; r'-�-- i MAYOR Apgro ve d th is � �� day of J'u�re, 192 7. �t�.��=,� � - - - ,/ — �% ei�Y c�x t1'�'PPzO VED A� i 0 �'ORIt2: C I TY AT'TORNF,'Y ,,,� , Date of first publication: ��;;� ���� � ._.�_ � :�����;