HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0772 � � n V4 � �• ; � � � � ��PrIi;��'t�� r��, �,��` �/ AN �t?LI:��i�1�C� ui�11i�T^1It�YG TO Tr��' ?'UGET SOUND ELEG'�'FIC RAIL�'�AY � ��'"P1�VY, A CORnflF�ATIOIJ, ASSIGNEE OT' iH� SEATILE-Tt�CO"?A I�VTTER�.JBBA'�1 � P.AIL�"'AY, AN EXTEi�T�I��T OF a PERIOD �F T?�?EE YE�:S FRO"� TI� T'A'"� G'�' I� �AS=<�G� L:':-1 ";�F IP�T «�ICH T� �A�rE Ot1 ."iAIN S`I'FEET, B�T�nEEP1 THEIF �r a"?>S �'�'� �'uE NAILS T�?L.���;OI�T �i�1� Tt�P Oi�E t 00T 7:; E�Cr SI�'E OF T1-=E �:�`JTER R�ILS, APdD ��?nRITTII�CY ^'�� PL'GET �OTJi�T�? ELyCT�IC �0"�PANY, h G.;�-_P0�?�TI�:d T4 PL�TJK SAID SPACE, TI�iE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF RENTON DOES OI?DI�II� AS FOLLO�S : Section 1: Th��t S�ction 3 cf Jrdin�,nce 35, bein� an or.c�inance wp,r�oving t�e location of �:�1� line of r�,ilt��a,� of tne ��att2e-�acor�a Inter�.0 a�,n r=',:�il��atr, a corpo�ation, along an� �,cz•o�s c�rt�.in streets, -all�ys ;�n::� ���i�h���ay� on the Tnwn o� �anton, anu gra�n�in� �a saia cor- ��or;�tion the ri�r.t, authority ana ��ermia�ion t� locate, l�y �own and m�,intain xailway t�acka, �e�ith �oles, ��rires �,na a�purtan:�nce�, wna to run and onerata cars an an� across �aia streets anu }�.igh�^�ay�, r,�,�s�:i by the City Council of ��ie City ��' r�nton, on thc; �9t�. ��,y of 1��ri1, 1902, and a�prov�d on the U9th �.ay of A�ril, 19C�3, be �nd tr�U ��.��:;e :�e�e':��� ia _�:,n::n�.e:� to reaa as follows, to�tvi�: U-�c�ian 3: T�.ia,t s�.id line of r�,ilti�ay on t�� �,�ove aesi�nate3 rou-te rndy consist of eith�r a si��;le ox �.ou��1e track, �nd any s�ortion nr ?�4rtior�s ��zereof may ;e chan;e3 �'ro� sin�;l� ta dnu::la tyack �.t �,ny ti�ne c�r �itn�s, all at �h� cption of sai:i �r�.nvze, its sucees�or� or asqi��ns, �.n:� t�e s�,r1e :���y �e cnnstruc�ea ��vith �.11 th�; s�vitci�es, turnouts and �iac;-tr�eks nz��ss�.ry to �he full �,nd prop�r equipr�en J ���J.�O�� •Jhe txa��� of s�,ia rail���;� sh�.11' be �f st�nd�,ra gau.�e. The rails o� s:�i;� txa.ck �h�,11 tie of steel and sh:�ll �e lai:�. so tll:�t �h� to�s t�l�reof s1�a11 ��e, as ne�,xly as practicabla, wt uhe estaali�h�:ci �;r.�.�e a�' the stxee� or ;�venues �„rnere �hcy ar� "l:�id and �he s�ac� be�lveen ���a rai15 �.nu far one �c�Ut on a�:c�� �i�.e t���ereo� sh�.11 be either �i�.nked e� �r�-wvel�ied �o ti��:t vehicles of �:li kin;z� can •��:�il� cross �h�: satn�, c�hen- aver sai�. tr�,ck cr tA�.c�s s�xall be �xo�sGd �y t��.e tra�•^k or t�acka �z �,ny otilcr lirle of rail�ray, t�e r�.ils of e�,ch sh�,ll �e al�ered cr cut so as �a �er:nit �iiE: c�,r5 of ea�n to ��as �°aiuhou� ob��t�=uc- tion. The sai:� ��antee its �uccestiors or assi�n�, in cons�ruc�in� ��i,i xa�il�r�.s� sn�.11 not t�ar un '�.Ze stree-� ar c'�struct tra.ve� ta:�ra- on an�T fu��iier. �h�:�.n is ur�avoiaa�le �.nd si�a�l1 keep �aic:i ra.ilrM�ay a�t a11 times in good rep��,ir, ar�:i u�a�:n �he completi�n of the I ccns�xuc�ion ti�.��eof anu e�` �nt,� rep�.irs ti�er�;o�, sha11 ieave �.n�r � dncz a�il ���eets Uo«m up or abs�ruc�ea �hereby in ws gaod ren�ir wnd �ona}�ion �or tr�,vel. ws �h� sam� tive�e in b�fore tn� be�innin� �:� sucii ennst�.uc�ion ox re�;��.i�, �.n� ��7i�never �.na. �Q t.�vhatev�r :�ttez1t �:��� ;;�,ia io�,vn of E��enton sha11 c:�us�; �.ny stxeet nr streeta �- - -�11 ��.ve ��en l:�i� �o be iii whicl� �.ny �:�r � o�' saia x�,il�v�,y �h�. l� -�-ave� or �l��lcec�, s:�,i� �zar�'l�e :,�r�i::, its :�ucc�;ssars ax :���i;na, • - � � , _. . -•_ ' � � . � � �,_��;�.�_ _�� ;:�;, .,�ii� �i.:,e _�; ��.a �.� a:_��_ o�:«� .,.�Y��r��e ��v�; �r � ��.a:11ii �iilc; al�:a.Ci.-' >iCT?��t.-'i1 v11E.' 8�.1C:L �i:i,C�iS cLT'�.�L uiat: �`�.;��1tii ui:l::�'f:— . �f �.n� �'oz on.e ioot on ��,,ch si3e of �ile a�at�r r�,i'ls, a�c ti�.e sa,rle l��v�ul ���n:� �,-rz��ii ��� :�a,rne Y�:atexi�:.l �.5 �li�.11 be u:�zcz in I ���.vin; r .� . � �._._ __ _ �, _ : _, . ...��z ���i��_.� t.� :�� ,__ ��l�e� ux :��i8���. m Prc�vi�eci; 1�1��,� �"_�� ;J•���.n:�e��, ;�.� :��;:�c;�:��ra :. �,��l:�n<�, _-ra re�eby �xantec� til� ilf.��`Z�, .:�a�h�rity an��. ��r:�i�sion to �1ank th� srwia, s��,ce �F�it'� �l�.nk� o� �� le�:st tnrae �nches in thicY- nebs 1�8�tnrof;:j �17.t.-' fic.'1�..C�iS �v�3:1. �'itii:. Y'c'�,11.� Of �i18 r:�j.1.S'Vi;LjT �:�.I1:.i. r�S' I c�n� �oot e:� C-'icii,Cl'� sz��: o�' �l-�e ac;u�l r�.ils ttizreo� �t�r �. x�er�;;� not �� excz�d ti.��e v�;�.rs �'ror.: tn. ����.�t� i�er�oi, ��.�d sh�.11 �3�,in��,in tx3e sarn� in � �,oaa s v�.t�; c� rep���ir �:.zz�. to �ne satis- i�,ction of �che �:�an�Gor; t��=�.t �ha �;ran���, its succe�sc�rs � :�n� wssi�n�, in con�ia�r�:.tion �f -t1�e ext�nsion o�' �i::e ir i, t�:iiicn to �r�ve �:,:.iu rcaci, s�,all r��;:�.ir wn� a.nu �lI c��:�n-a;��:; �� �'iilc rcr•'U.V�.11� �C1�cLC�'i�l� t'iG u.il'� i'�,'cJu�'.+�y11z�,: LlvO+i luu t�c3.C�t3 UT'i ei�h�r �:�e o� :�a,i:;� p144r�ki:d Y�c�r�io�l, �.u� �o �r� c�.ube� ; , ���e c�%�er oi ti:e r�aa-!ttra�,� ra�:zwir�ir�; �l�.nke:� aurin� t��� ti:::� tn;;.t t.se gr�r�.:,ee, it� succGs�ars or ��.�si,;..s s��w11 ex:,�reise th� p�ivil�:L;� �� ke�pir.�; s�.i:i ra�.c�«aY pi.wnkeci, tu-�:;!it: fex the fu11 �ario�. af thr�;e �r�;::�.rs �rom :�a�� i�<;�eo�, ar ur3til. ; sdia roa��vay is ���,ve�, ���.culd ��c �;r�,nte�, i�� �ucces�ors 0r i:,bia1�'�1S �`Ci.V-L' 5�.7.:.� _'Ciw < tJ��� ,�E:1vI.''c' .,ii_. E::C�'1�._,.t1i�=? C;1 �:1i Cti. year� �rorn :�a,�e �zereo�`. , A11 �ole� �.nc� �N1Tt;U .� ::�i:� ,41.�iwl.0 ;� �v..�.:���a .�1�ti�.•�- Zjl�fi'i11 u,Tl�.:.} u�-L' r;li���:��.ci� ;:iTl� .^•O21a�X UC ulOI1 L�' ui1�: i Oc;.�1 �t:::t Si c:�ll b� sacn �s to in�i�fere as li��l� as is h�ractiea�le �.�ith ��ny cther publi.c uae of t�ze str.�;�t5, wn�. 'r�oth ,.1at�;x ial �.ncz t�rflrkm��n�ti7�ix� �ha1l ���: o� -`'ir�t cla�s kin�. a:� qu��li�y. Sa:i�i ;r�.ntz� i t� succ essors or �,s�i�n� �x� i��xe�ay �rwn��u the xi���t, �,uth�xi�y �.nu Y�ex�^�i�sian ta enter u�on ��ny �na all 5tr�e�u, �,Ileys ai�.�. t�.ir�n��vays �n a-�.i� �esi��.�ted rou�� far all ��ar�cse� ccn��rnpla�e�:i in t��_i4 o�•�in�nc� rv.�.�. �o con�txuct, c;a,uip �n� r�aint�::i.� �or �'iftg yea�s �.n�. c��=erat� �ai� lir�e of railti�ra�t an s�.id aesi�;n��,�ea xoute, �,nc� te ?�l�c e, ex�ct �na main�ain �or fi�'�y �,����.zs an :�ny �,n:x aI1 such st�-ee�s, :�ll�v,r;� �.r.0 hi�h�Mr�.ys �.ny arrli�.nce� �.���ic� !�ay �e requireu in "�_�_�; r,c;nstrue�ia��, �:�.inter�ance c;r o�:,ratior, of suc�i r:�i:iwa��. Section 2: �11 ottiLr �orti�ns of sa�id franc�lise shali r�7.��ir� in fuil fcrc� ::�n� effect �nci if th� �;ran�ea, iUs �uccessc�xa �x �.sUi�;:i� sh�,11 �v piar�k s:�i� sp�.ce •a�i� keLp roa,d�,4ra;� in repair, ita iailure �o pa.ve �tn� Lo�.���cay f'or � p�ri.o�. o�' thr�e �rewr� from tia�e h�;reof ai�t:�li Tlp�'i, ��rOyk ..e C:.s,ilCc.i�.::-�1C.L �i :i'c:�JO��,�lOT: ::f :�T1V '';p?'�1C�I1 vi 1.�u ��<'.,l:w fx�,nchis�. IJ V v U.L 4 11� �.J• i,i J.�IJ lJ ��\A 1 i:.�11 V'.i a����:�l 1. .1 V �i l .�.lA�i ...1J 1*�.� ..�.li��.. �/r.Y9�J l7 �-`1 V V d�ys �'rom ana a�!'ter its rass��.��, �.��:��ov�:l �.nc� leg:�l p�.blication. ;-� �.,�- A�prev�;::i �:na p�wsse�z �c1�i� �� �_=�z �Y -�1 ��r'�•�::.� ,�� , 1��� . 1 nm-i;'C�rn , ' ,..i1t7.JI'- �------�--__—____— l�i_ _�.._ ._ vl�v<<T ._iil:-��''i .�-�: �zr�;,. c; -,,� �_:�F. 1:. i '.J _. t . .`.� 1 I.� ��- j�+ u iJ V i ll Ci`.� V 1 U� „ • �.J.. ..v V �. ..,. . =J l+ _ ..� - v �... �_.__�......._.,.....�