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I17G TOR LII I < X' A 3 _I --.a 33 .�.d N laL
1i--17.1 IS'ZT-,T--" OF '10-13
J7.7 1` 3TT' OF'173
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TT'�- OFF T -T- f= -Y 07 - - L' i.i�l .1 - -
-7)01-03ILTION A!'- -I- -v'-TTT' -�T vT --f -T- C C ^t -r 7� -
TT -r- r-Ifn rj r,� 71 T� T - -V 0- A'!_ -
v C0777-
Lectio-ja 1: That a bi'id�--e shall be built Lecroi-�3, Ced&.f
1-�ive r in the pity of -, ton, ',L -;L t ;'ells Ztree t .
to ay, there-L'or shall be issued
in the sum o Three ThousanE Dollars `.,ayable in ten
(1'�%) years at a rate 0-±f interest not to exce-Elsiz per cent (6%0)
11 Iii accordance iL' U
'-h Gaolher 151 of Session Laws of 1923.
Uid bonds are to be serial i -L,, form u.nC,, exce-,t in the iirstu
1, bond., shall be in a -f,-,uli+.Ille of One Hundre I !ollars ("l-0.00) .
Section 3: That the -uest'o-n of issuing said bonds
shall be submitted to the :lectors of the City of Renton,'Jash-
in-gton, on the 11th nc-:7 of h -arch, 10124, at theregular elecl-ion
o 'be held on that clay. The esti--'nate' cost, o-;-' w44-&�', is Three
,, Thousand Dollars.
Section 4: That s4ia election shall be bel^ in ac"ord-
ance with lay.7s o--° th- State of rroviOin- for
snecial elections &n� under direction 1- 7ing County -'lection
3oard. The b�. i i ot- Shall co-ntain t h c -fo 11 o wi D, : " 3 hi al 1 the City
of Menton Uon issue Three Thousand Doll��.r--
of bonds forent
bridge across Ledar t-'ivur?"
1i th,--- vo-u--r desires to vote for the bonds, he shall place a
doss in the box after "Yes", and if he disires to vote a5ai-ctst
said bonds, ".1-cs luil place -s:- -vcoss in the box after the ,cord
"I.Io". The 1".Cayor a:cic"L the City- Cler-"k shall certify to the County
jj election Board, a copy of the '-Hes-j-ution of the intention of
the City of "Renton to submit said c'uestion at the election to
be hclP. T.=f,rch 11, 1924, at least forty-five (45) days before
the -lecticn and shall certify proper ballot form �s f rovided.
by law and not excee,7in7• t�-enty-five (25) words
Section 5: That if three-fifths (315) of the voters
Off said. Cit,;, Of `ntor votin` u�on said cro^osition of ?.onds
;ryes", twit uav`Or anC, the i'WitJ '_i of tht .ity 02 _-enton, ash-
irlgton shall be, and tiicy are i1c re - au thoriLed t o have ,riated
or enEraved, uonds o the said U' it;y of. �'entofi, aashinoton, in
the sum of Three Tnousaiid Dollars ( 3OOO.00) to be denominated
rlls Street Bridge Bonds". Said ,onds siiaall bear rot to ex-
ce d six per cent (6;o) interest, shall be s`rial in form and
maturity and numbered from one up ce nsecutively and interest
1 payable semi-annually aiid shall be ten year bonds. The various
annual maturitjres shall cor.nence t,ith the s�econd year after the
ry date of issue of the bonds and shall, as nearly as is practicible,
!be in such amounts as will, together with the interest on all
outstanding '_,onds, be met by an equal, annual tax levy for the
1payment of said conds 1-nd interest, cut only bond numbered one
d i
I shall be of a denomination other than a. multiple oil One Hundred
1')"ollars (''100.00) anc shall have a coi;= attached fo-r each
`interest pgyment.
Section 6: i'he amity you: cil shall anhually levy
osuf`ficierit taxes to meet the semi-annual of interest
�alid red-_Eption of aonds.
5ecti�n "r The bonds shall be sold at public auction
and n once callirl� ffor gids for the urchase of` said wonds,
jsnall eui;l1sI1C-C OriEB a tide_1c 101 I0ull consecutive vdeCks in the
s;offic dl nevispaioer, specifying the place, desiLmatinc, the day
Viand hour, subsequent to the date of last ��ublication ther:_of,
Phen sealed bids will be received and nualiely opened. :-'i co y
110 the notice shall be mailed tub the State Finance Committee at
ia,'Washington, at least three we; - -,s before the date of sale.
e notice shall specify the c.aximur: amount of interest thz
',,o n6 s hall bear :nd reruire the bidder to submit a bid s ecify-
(a) ^''.' e lotii est rate of interest and premiur., if any,
above -oar, at .' ich the biOder will purchase said bonds; or,
(b) I.he lo -est rate of int --rest at which the bidder
,will purchase the Bonds at rar.
The bonds shall sold to "-he bidder makinL the b st bid, sub -
j .ct to right o -L the city to re jec k- any and all gids and re -
advertise I a. -,d no I;ond snail be sol- for less than spar a -ad acc fu -
ed interest nor shall any discount or commission be allowed in
the sale of such bonds. �1__ uids shall be sealee, and,�except
in the case of the ::'taste of aahington, i_ ti:e state Lids,
shall be accom�a.niec� by a deposit of five _ger cent (� ), either
cash or certifies check of the a-moUnu 'L:id, vJ lich deposit shall
be returned i the bid is -r:ot asserted; ane if the successful
bidder shall ±7ail or neglect to cr lle the said ,urchase of
cones, within. tarn y (7';0) � ays collo, l -,i tb-e acc t-nce of his
bid, the anou4t o -I his deposit shall be - orfeited to the city
and in that event the city nay accept t' -Le o-ffer of the one
n k- nT the next best bid.
lection 0: o bOnll shall be issued for a e=ri0cOl to
exee� t era (10) years . '"'je-- shall be raya'--le a+ tn.. off; ee o�
uhe it77rea.sure-r, be re=,istere Z, the pity clerk in a hook
Uo be kept for that purpose and shall have printed in the face
thereof all niatttir Lecuired by the law of �h Ota,te oz iasiling-
Section 9: o rovide for the =: ayme-it of interest
Jul said onds, tr is I Cr by "Levied a -f1 d ti --t apart c.'1(i specifi-
cally appropriated, an.annual tax of root to exceed one-third
(113) of one mill on each One I'OolwaL's f t"1.00) ,iorth of property,
real and. Personal, within the City of Renton, riot exempt from
taxation; such taxes to be assessed and oecome due and be coll-
ected annually, u -,til the ori-.cipa.l and inti --rest o` said bonds
an,-! r3i scharged.
Sec' ir,-p,
10: The -fi-fst .levy of tax ahsll be so timed
the -ayment of the f first conn andas to provide a fund for t
interest, vihI-ch shall mature with the second veer after the
date of issue, as -,-iell as t t=rest � ue_ be -'ore maturity, arcl it
saall be the o-.rthe treasurer to ri;-,_,'Iish u, notice callin�
for the surrender of said bonds in the ord.-r of their issue
f:CQM OIL UP COrlSeOUtively and t -11L- LAyn��:c Of holder Of L d 1 ond
must present the Sarre for 1payment on or before the -next int-
e:ce6-'L-, -jDa�arie-nt -,Period, z;.-nd iL -lot so presentee , it shall there-
after Cease to drativ interest.
Section 11: This ordinance shall be in full force
end effect five C& -Ts (0) IrOlf, a& alter its passage, a-,I:)roval
6nd legal publication as '-rovi'e,77 -ID77 la�-j
proved this day of
Thomas Raymond_
I. av o r
a 9 s e d S t17 ay of Jt 4
. 7. --i-, iF
(Seal) J• tj L �T,,j S
_,_,proved as to o r ri
Lot I)avis
Lity �ttorney.
Bate -first 01 publicatiD-c,: Jan -u ar
L _L L 0-
, 1(j 24.