HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0568 � �
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'�=i : CITY COTJi1CIT, OF' T��`� CIT Y 0�' =' "1`?TON, i'_�"HINGTON, DO.�S
u=':= _._�. __ � rOZI,w�',1�; .
>3�ction 1: That for the purposes of this Ordina,nce the
taor� "�erson" s�.11 be held anc� canstrued to me�n and include ane
or� more natu-ral persons of eith.er sex, asso�is, tions , co-��,rtner-
� s'rlips and corporations , Y�hethe r €�c�ir.� by t�emselves , servan�, agent .
� os e�n_r.Zoyee, the singul.�,-r numb�r sha11 inelude the plural, and the
masauline , the feminine �r onoun. �
Sectian 2: That if any person to v�hom a license has been
issued to transaet or carry �n a�y pv�iness vritkin the �ity o f �tenton
shall be canvicted in the p�lice cour� of violatin; r�ny Ordina.nce of
u��e Ci ty o.� ���enton�n the Jus ti ce or othe r �ourt for violating any
lavr of the State of ?�7ashington in the conduct of said bUsin�ss, the �
����y �ounci l shall give the perso n so co nvi eted fiv e days noti c� in
�:Triting of the time and pl�.ce when it will ccnsic�er the c�.ncel].a�ion
of the license.
3ection 3: If any person to �rhom a l�.c�nse has "been issUed
�c� tra,n;�act business in the City of Ren.ton, sha,ll ha.ve �een �complained
against in ti��riting '�o the effect �hat he is conduc�ing a disorderly
��lace, or that the city ordinances ox law� of #�ie state are peing
violated by the holder of such lieense, the Git� �ouneil shall airect
t l�e �it y CLe rl� to giv e nat i ee in ��rr iti ng to su ch pe rs on tha t the
courlcil will hear the complr�.int on a d.€�te ta be named and direc�ing
-�he aceu sed to �,ppeax and defend if he so desires.
Sec�ion 4; That the ;-�.i�.��Q.uneil �hall h�a,-r the evidenca
, --_ � _ �
ana if i-� sh��l �.i:��e�.r to tre �=a-t�.�i��tion� of -the �our�cil tha.t such I
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�erson has �been eonvicted as provided in �ection T���o hereof, �no_
iu��xy membe rs of the Counc il so va ting, the lic ense o f su ch ��:��on
:.��.�y= �e c�ncelled and if t�ae �it�t �ouncil upon hearing unr�e� �ectiun
�hree hereof is satisfied of the trath e�iarged against sueh per�cn
�.nd foUr �mbers vote therefor the licens�e granted such person
r.:a�r be sUspended for sixty ( 60) days.
"ection 5: It shall be a misdemeanor �or any person whose
lie ens e is r evoked, or suspended to carry on s aid �usiness , in
-tr�;: ii-:•�;� ,"�` , v�ithin one year, an� in the second case , ..-�th.-ir�
s�x�.� ( �::': �.�.�s from date of revoeation or suspension, �.ilc�_ v-ro�i
�anviction therefor shall be fined in any �um nat exceeding the
sum of One hundr�d (�100.00� T�ollars or i�npri�oned in the county
�ail not exce edin,� s ixty ( 60) �.ays or bybot h su ch =ine and impri son- 'i
r�:� n�. �.��-���.I����, �l�at if �vithin t�n ( 1J) da�s, the perso r� shall
� t�.ke ste�s �� �r join the c ity from er�forcing th� c ancella�ian o� I
;uspension of the licen�e , the order of c�ncell�tion or suspeasion
s nal3 not be ex��u ted ariti 1 �hF �'�i s�}a si ti on o� tne r:�.t ter in -�he I
S���IO� �OUx2T. I
���::t ion 6 ; This o rdi r,�.nc e s hal 1 no t be co ns tru ed as I
_rer.e�1.�.n� or limi�ing �he provision of any existing or�in��nc e on
t ne sub�ect, but as addit ional le gisla ti on supplemental the reto. I
�ection 7: This ordinance shall be in �,ill force an� �
e�"fect �i�e �a�s from and xafter i�s �.�saTe, a.rri�n�Tal anc? le:_n�l
-,,��licatior ;�� pravi�ed by law.
_�.�;����-red t'his � c?a� o� _�-� 1c�2;.
- ` . �_G�C7'� ___
/�i:rG�2' ,
�=�.ssed this day of s�-'�1 192�. �
Gity �ounci l.
�s�o�ro v ed as to fo rm.
Git� �:�ttorney.
��te o� pu�lic ation: �`�':�- �
. �