HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0509 __ --- -- � �.r��,, , ��TNOR�Z�NG �OP�D I�SC1E� ORD�NAMGE N0. 509 -- _� _� ; - �� �� ORD1l�ANCE N0, 50� (Grave] Tra�k> � �������rF �o���] �* - l An ordinance �ranting the Seattle ��L � !" An ordinance of the City of Ren- � a"� Rainier Valley Railway Com- '�`�!!� ,,k �' ton, Washington, authorizi�np and � Pany, its successors and assigns, a .A\ ORDINA\CI? OF THE�� '�,' lirecting the �layor andCitvUouneil franchise to construct, maintain and ' of Re:�toii; �\Tashii rei f"i to operate a commercial spur track in the use of the ��ic H� -wa � to issue road aud bridge bonds of � j ` S the City of Renton. y *l�e City of Renton, providing the � Be it ordained by the City of Renton ti��itl�iii said Ci� and .Reg �ating���rate of iiiterest said bonds will bear, � � as follows: tlie len�th of I, ��'�erm te� to be. tlie date of tlieir issue and their ma- � � �auled upon t p Ulic str��s there-' turity, and authorizing the sale there- � Section 1. That there Ue and , hcreby is granted to the Seattle and in by IVtotor ks and;prescrib- of. The City Council of the City � � ing Pciialty� e �'iolation there- ,� of Reuton do ordain as follows: Rainier Valley Railway Company, a� of. - ," !' Section 1: That, wl�ereas the City I corporation, its successors and as-i The City C n of��ity of Reu-�� Co�mcil of the City pf Renton rliti qn ! signs, the right, privi�lege, aud au- ton, \-�/a . ' on rdam as Fol-�I the 9th day of Noveinber, 1920, pass thority to locate, lay down and lo,�ss: � � � iraintain tracks, conduits, arid all � Ordinance �06, whicli was dul y a�- �lecessary equipment of every sort Sec 1: t iii y� opinioii of the � proved oii sai�l date b;� the mayor .;tld to erect poles and string wires ' City C i � o� the City of Renton, a,nd publishcd, as is by law re�uired; for the street railwa and to con- ���ashi 'soextremely danger- and under the provisions of said struct, viaintain and operate a sys- ous �e 1 public and trafhc arclitiauce, there was submitted to �e�u of railways within the Citq of .lot� e therein for motor the voters at the eneral mttnicipal ruc�s o t � " Renton, u on the routes hereinafter ys in excess of forty election held December 7, 1920, �I� designated, and to carry freight (40) feet ' �th. � the City of Rentou, ti�%ashin�tou, the � thereon, and to charge and collect� Sec. 2: Th t no owner or operator question ���hether or not road and � fare therefor, and to euter upon any oi any s -heeled motor or other ,,� and all of the streets or parts of `n:cl: shall haul any log aloug thc I bridge bonds in the sum of Five�� streets comprised in the routes here- ����biic streets �vithin the City of Ren-I thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars should' inafter designated, for the purpose� oii, inore than forty (40) feet long, be issued, and, whereas morc than of constructing, �recting and locat-I provided, ho�vever, that this sliall not three-fifths (3-5) of the voters voting �, �ii� and maintaining, �repairiiag, and � :�e. construed as prohibiting the haul- upon said subject voted in favor of removing tracks, poles, wires, con- uig of telephone and telegraph poles the issuance of the bonds, and said �. duits aud equipment of every sort, �r p:linj more than forty (40). feet iii bo�id issue «�as duly carried. and to operate said system of street len�th. Section 2, Now, therefore, the ' raihvays for the purposes coutem- ' Sec. 3: All logs shall be loaded with Nlayor and City CIerk of Renton Plated by this ordinance. th� butt eud to the front and the �'jayor and City Council of Renton Section 2. The route herein refer- ' weight so distributed as to rest as he and they are hereby authorized red to Uegins at Black River, run- near equal as possible on the front and directed to issue road and bridge ning thence southeasterly and east- and rear �cheels and it is hereby de- >>p1�ds of the City of Renton, Wash- rly on and along Commercial Ave- clared unlawful to load logs with the '�iigton, in the suin of Five Thousand nue to Logau Street, thez�ce south- o�er-han�ing .portion so distributed� «'000.00) Dollars and in the denom- casterly and southerly on Lo�an as to make the rear wheels carry more "lation of frotn Oiie to Five Hun- Strcet to Dixie Avenue, in the City I than one-half the load. � dred Dollars; Twenty-five Hundred of Renton, Ki�ig County, Washing- Sec. 4: Any person violatiug this «2500.00) Dollars of said bonds, ton, as inore particularly shown up-, ordinaizce or aiiy section thereof sl�all "t""}'ered One (1) to Twenty-five on the blueprint hereto attached and I (25) consecutively to be of One 'hereby made a part hereof. �I upon conviction be fined in any sum! Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, and � not exceedii�g Oue Hundred ($100.00) Twenty-five Hund�jed (�2$pp,pq Section 3. The Seattle and Rai- , Dollars nor less than Fifty ($50.00) � Dollars of said bonds, numbered� 'iier Valley Raiiway Company, i�ts � , Do;lars or imprisoned i�i the city jail Twenty-six (26) to Thirty {30), both `t'ccessors and assigns, shall within- I not to esceed thirty (30) days or Uy'; ni�iety days from and afte- the t�:_s- both such fine and imprisonment. � inclusive, of the denomination of �sage and approval of this ordinance,l I � Five Hui�dred ($500.00) Dollars each, com lete the construction of said I Sec. 5: 1'his ordinance shall be in, P payable on or liefpre teu years from Etill force and effect five days froir.l �ate and to bear six per cent 6% raiiway upou the route l�erein desig- 3nd aftcr its passa�e, approral and � � nated, and shall, as near as possible, mterest, payaUte annually from the! place its rails u 'e.tral publication. date pf their issuance until called for� pon the grade of the � Appro�-ed this 9th day of Nov. 1920. streets whenever a grade has been nia or I naymen.t Uy the Treasurer pf the' estaUlished except when specifically Y City of Renton, and si�all be evi- herein provided. Passed this 9th day of Nov. 1920. �]enced by interest coupous attached . �'V. J. �V�ILI_IA14SS to each �f said Upnds, otie coupon SectTon 4. Said Seattle and Rai- � Ciry Clerk for each year's interest, aJl of which i�ier �alley Raihvay Company, its �� l»pro�-ed as to forin. coupons shall Ue subject to the terins successors and assigiis, by acceptance � LOT DAVIS atid conditions of the bond to which of this fra�ichise, hereby agrees, for � City Attorney ; tlie same are attached, and if aily I �tself, its successors and assigns, to ' Dat� of firsf publication Nov. 13thj }�onds shall be called for a ment� �'rotect and save hannless the City 1920. before the maturity of anyPcoupon : of Renton, from all claittis, actions � -- that may be attached thereto, the °r damages of every kind and de- i said coupon shall be void. scriptioii which may acerue to or � Section 3: Said bonds shall be is- �'e suffered by any person or persons suecl on or after the 20th day of De � �'y reason of any defecti�•e construc- cember, 1920, and payabl� qn or be- tion or maintenance or improper oc- fore ten years after date. cupation of said right of way, or by I reason of the ne�ligent operation of ' Section 4: The honc(s lssued un- cars over said right of �yay, and in I der the provisions of this ordivance case suit or actioii is commtnced I � may be sold for cash at not less against said city for dama�es arising tha�i their par value and accrued in- oirt of or by reason of suclt defec- I terest. tive construction, maintenance, occu- { Section 5: This ordinance shall pztioii or operation, said Seattle and� � take effect five (5) days fr�m and xaiuier Valley Kailway Company, its, after its passage, approvai and le�al publication, as provided by law. I Approved this 14th day of De- cember, 1920. WM. TONKIN, Mayor. Passed this 14th day of December,� 1920. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk.+ Approved as to form this 14th day! of December, 1920. I,OT DAVIS, i City Attorney. � Date of first puUlicatio�i, Decei�i- ber 17, 1920. � . � , ... �-'.CY 6F RENTON. - - � . � Gl.�r�,.��So7 oYgy��f��.; ;rKue nuo :.� ,���� I �..�.�..�.. .>. �.,�J�-c-- 2�' . � _ �� ►_L�� � }' successors and assigns, will upoii I Sucli crossin�s shall consist of operation of cars. � E_ � proper notice to it of the eommencc- p]anking withiu and between thei�r Section 16. This �rant is sttbject �'���-� 5,;q ment of said action, defend the i tracks, and for one aud one half to the right of the City of Renton — ` same at its owu cost and expense, feet on each side thereof, with a to at any time hereafter repeal, and fully satisfy such judginent after I reasonabie apron approach thereto; clian,e or rnodify this ordivance if said act�on shall have Ueen finally i and to extend such reasonable dis- the franchise granted hereby is not - determined if determined adversely, tance lengthwise of their tracks as operated in accordance �i-ith the pro-' to said City of Renton. I shall make a reasonable crossiug, visiuns of this ordinance, or at all, Section 5. That the grantee here- and the City of Rentou reserves the Whenever a�id to �vhatever exte�it right at an i�i, its successors or assigns, may y time hereafter to so the �rade of any of the streets or re�nove from all streets, avenues,, � repeal, chan;e or modify ttiis grant. and public places, all garts and por-� 1veiiues over «�hich the lines of said Section 17. This ordinance shall tions of lheir said roadbed and ap-I traci<s shall extend shall be changed l�ot be construed to effect or impair purtenances within thirty days after' �'v 5aid city, said tracks shall be so the: right of aUutting property own- notice by the City of Renton of its, �ldjusted and changed as to conforin ers to claim or sue for dainages or to said arade so established, said ad- intention to improve said streets or in any manner to effect the ri�hts of � avenues or any portion thereof, pro-I justuient and change in all things to said property owuers iu the preinises, I ��ided that within said thirty days; >>e made at the cost and expense of except as it may be deemed a pro- i said grantee, its successors and as-'� tl�e owner of said tracks. The own- tection to sttch property owners and cr or o�vners of said track shall from i sinns, shall have put the surface of their rights. time to time, as directed by t4e City �. said streets, avevues, and public Couucil, connect the various con- Section 18. The arantee shall pay, places in as good condition for pub- �uits, rail �rooves and other chan- the cost of the publicatiou of this I lic travel and durabi�lity as the abut- �iels with dumps, city catch basins,' °rdi�nauce. � ting portions thereof. sewers, and drains. Section 19. This ordinance shall� Section 6. Ii� any case this shall take effect and be in full force five� ' cease and determine at 12 dclock Section 11. That the rights, privi- �ays after its passage, approval and midnight FeU. lst, 1922, and witliin leges and franchises hereiu granted legal publication. shall not be deemed exciusive aud passed this 14 day of Dec., 1920. thirty days thereafter, said grantee, i its successors or assi ns, shall re- the ri�ht is hereUy reserved to the g Cit of Renton to rant to an oth- Approved this 14 da}� of Dec., 1920, ruove from all streets, avenues and Y g y ��M. TONFiIN, public piaces ali parts aiid portions er person or persons, compauy or ,y.[ayor. of their said roadbed and a purten- companies, or corporation, or to any P coinmission a oint d under� the then `�ttest: City Clerk. � atices and shall have put the surface PP Exa�nined and Approved. City At- , of said streets, avenues and public existin� laws of th State of Wash- torne}�. � places in as good condition for puli- inbton, or to itself xercise the right �ate of Pttblication, Dec. 17, 1920. � lic travel and durability as the aUut- and privilege to coi struct, lay down, tin� portion thereof. ma�ntain and opera e a line or lines State of VUashington, County of of railway through along and over King, ss. Sectiou 7. Upon completion of the strcets aud ave ues herein men- I, City Clerk in and for the City, construction or repairs the s,treets tioned. of Renton, Washinjton, do hereby�I and avenues and puUlic places in � certify that the aUove and forego-� which such construction or repairs Section 12. Nott ing in this ordi- ing is a true and correct copy of have been made shali be left in as �lance shall be so construed as to Ordinance No. 509. of the City of good condition for public travel as Preveiit the authori y of the City of 12enton, as the sanie appears oii file they were Uefore the commencement Renton from se erin�, planking, in my office, and do fttrther certify of such work by the arantee, its suc- P�'�i��, grading, r pair�ug, altering that the same has beeu puhlished or otherwise sin ov�nm or re-im- cessors or assigns. � a according to law. proving any of th �s,treets or ave- Section 8. The City of Renton 7n witness ���hereof I have here- nues here�n name and the City shall ha�� the right to aExach or unto set my hand and atTixed the� shall not be liable for an dama c have att�rched any wires, used for y � seal of the City of Reuton this 4 to the o��-ners of s id road that may public purposes to any of the poles day of Dec., 1920. � placed al�'aig its line by grantee, its occur by reason of the perform- \7�7, J, �11LIAb1S, successor:' or assigns. ance of such ��-ork or Uy the exer- City Clerk. � cise of any right provided or re- pirst Pub. Dec. 17, 1920. Section 9. The owners of this served iu this ordi ance. -���� grant shall withiu and Uetween all Section 13. Thi ordinance shall tracks ttiereof, and for one and one- not be so constru d as to deprive half feet on each side of said tracks the City of Rentoi of any powers, from time to time pave and repave, ri�hts or privileges whi�ch it�now has plank and replank, macadamize and or which ma�� here fter be conferrecl re-macadamize, and regrade any and upon it to regulat the use of and all streets and avenues or puUlic coutrol of the str ets, avenues and places, over which the lines hereby alleys of said city. authorized shall extend, in like mau- Section 14. Tha said grantee, its � ner and to the saine level and with successors aud ass �ns, shall forfeit the same material and at the same and shall be deemed to have forfeit- time as the City of Kent9n ulay pro- ed and abandoned a11 rights, privi- vide for the improvement of suc1� le�es, and franchi es conferred b�- streets, avenues, and public plaCes this ordiiiance unl Ss, within thirty � �i�here the lines of said grantee are �ays_.after the app oval of this ordi- located. and to unite ��-ith the im- i�ance they fi1� in the office Af the provement so inade or provided by City Clerk their ri�Gf�n accei>tance�� the City. � � of the rights and privileges hereb����, Section 10. On these streets, or conferred, subject o tlie terms and�' portions of streets which are. not conditions and res ai�lts hereby ini-� paved, platiked or n�acadamized, the Posed, and iti cas of their failttre!, o�i-ners of said railways shall main- so to do, this ordic nce shall be null'; tain a plank crossing over their and voicl and of n force and effect' � tracks at all street intersections �'hatever. � wl�ich are actually used for the Section 15. T at none of the- crossing of teanis, and at all other tracks hereivabove escribed sl�all be'' locatious wl�ere teaming is, or may used as dead tra ks nor for tlic hereafter be carried on across such standiva of cars ereoti, but shall tracks. l�e used only au ���holly for the .�TE.T� , - '. �_ " _ � � it Ci;U�r": C'.,- K I N G 1 _ ,�Il'".,. _ ._ ... . -� .. . - _ __ .._ . . . ,....��,..__-,. __- „� -�.,�.k r .-..,- . -�.- .-.^-=�.01^dG�3i-I�-`=i�kZ/�---�'-Q ---.��141. - . . � ,i. . , ,� , � i�� "� �.�-.: . .-- _____O�THE CITY OF RGiJTON�AS IT APr�..^.>OT,J Fil,i>:. ,.. . � i __._ _. . _ ' V�F �.,��_E,A�� � . -. �.t . �. �.�iA"f i.-c ...�i_:ia$� -�!! :��3LIati�.iD P LO:;v'�.���-0 L�4V. , IN i'1�.:;. .._ . _ E'riEr{evid��S:� ^.fY HAfiDAIVD AFFI.�u -. -: - _ ..: _ -. .. � . ..'._...�,.:�L �_ C:=-----�-- -' --'-"'--'-----t9�'-- . ........�.. ......��%�%!!./��.af!`�—`.'..�,. _,__..e` III i