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";s': � :::*� .� .-- --- (���1�.��1�� ��J, ��3 . ; j AtiTH�ORIZItiG BOND ISSJ�. o����,qNGE �0. lDo� i � ��,�����IU� ��� ua� �A\ ORD1:\:'1NCL OI' TfI� CITY AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING pr R�\TGN �ti'ASHINGTON j I'OR THL I�iPROVEDiENT OF � A\ GRDINA\TCE OI� THE CIT ti� I,�VYI�,�G A\D ASSESS7NG OF RE'_v10\, ti�ASHIN'GTO � ;,Fifth Avenue South, in the City of A TA� liI O\ TH� PP�CP�R'�Y aUTIiORILI`;G TH}..� MA�C""�enton. between tiVells Street and � �,i�i'HIN THT CITY OF RLv-I ANI3 C1TY" CI,I:Ri� to issue bonds�i Burnett Street by g•rading and gravel--,I 1 O\ WASIIIiv GTON 1�OR Gr N- a�ainst I.ocal Imnroaement District,' ing the same, for a width of thirty i' T�2AL 112U\ICIPAL,�PUP.POSES \o. 96, Sanitzry F'iil No. 1 of said` feet in the center thereof a11 iu• p�R THL YEAR 1S20. �'it rovid;nj the ;ate of interesY accordance with Resolution No. 209,of� THE CITY COUi�CIL OF THE� Y, P �ai1 bonds shall bear,:tl:e daie of their the City Couneil of the City of I�enton,I CITY OF RE\'TON, Z�TASHI\G-j issu� and ot their inaturity aud au- creating a local improvement district TON DO ORDAIN AS FOI,LO\�'c: ki�orizin� the sale or delivery to the �therefor, an� providing that payment� Section 1. That a g�eneral mu�iici-� �ontractor vlalci:ig the impro�-ement for said improvement be made by spe-', ;�al tax be and tlie sa�ne is hereby cial assessments upon praperty in ���id - ul said eistrict � distric�t payable by the mqde of "Pay-�,=evied upon all the tzv�able ptoper�ty The City Council of the City of inent by Bonds." I ��ithin the City of Rent��n for� the� Rentou do ordzin as follows: � Section 1: T:�at the Mayor and the THI3 CITY COL�NCIL OF THF�»ITY � ear 1920 in the sum of twelve�and� ���ity Cleric of the City� of Renton be, OF RENTON DOES ORDAIN AS �eighty-one (8�) hnndreds mills on .nd the}- ar� hereby authorized a�zd �'OLLOWS: . (each dallar of such taxaUle property. lirected to execute s=id issue I,ocal Seetion 1: ThatFifth Avenue South�i �ection 2. That this ordiriance tmpro�ement Fonds agaiiist I.ocal in the C';ty of Renton, Washington,� ,��all be in ii:ll force and effect five impro�ement District No. 96 of th� bet�veen We]ls Street and Burnett l ;aid City and the property included Street, de improved by grading and� days from a��d after its passage, ap- herein, wl�ich district was created by g'raveling• the sa�me for a width of �ro+�al and legal publication. :rdinanc� :Vo. 4%2 of said City as thirty feet in the center thereof, �:ovid`d by la�v and the oruinauces i and that such other work be done as Apnroved this October 5th, 1920. �f said c�ty, in tlie aggregate sum of� ��Y be necessary in connection there-� � ��m. TOi1Iti\? I'hirty-�:�e Tl�ousand Ei�ht Hundred with, according to the plans and speci- bZayor. ��iine and �8? (535,£309.53) Dollars. fi�cations therefor prepared under the� � � Sec�io:i 2: Said bo�ids shall be in dir2ction of the City Engineer and on I �'assed Q,c�o'�e: 5th, 1920. -ieuom:nations as follows: Bonds file in the office of the Gity Llerk � ���T• J. WILLIATIS �iunlbered 1 to 20, both inclusi��e, �hich are hereby approvod and con-' j Ciry Clerk � > ;1000.00; Bonds iiumbered 21 to 40, fit�med. � ' Date of lst, pubiication Oct. 8t1�, 1920. � '�o?h inclusi��, 5�00.00; Bonds I�To. 41� Section 2: That the cost and ex-� <�.ppro�ed as io form I i -0 9R, both i�iclusive, $1QO.OG and L'•ond pense of said improvement, including I,OT DAVIS � �' \'o. 99 �9.82. al� necessary and in-cidental expenses, � Said Uonds shall be issued on or� shall be borne by and assessed against City Attarney j � rEt�r the lst day o'i September, 1920„ the groperty iricluded in the as�ess- ----�-� � ����id shali be payable on or before w ment district hereina.fter created in � �g /� '� � `�c-elve years after the date of their a,ccorclar.�ce with l�,w. Tbe City oi o�������E ��e Wo'it, �� ' ssue. Renton shall not be liaUle in any man- � i,yey shall bear inferest at the rate n:r for any portion qf the eost and ' � 'i j �f eight per cert oer annum from the espe:�se of said improvement, except A�I OPDINA�TCE �Y T E CITF' �. late of their issue until called for i�s herein gro.�id2d. ....OF RENTOIV, Z'vAS TO\, ; oayzttent by- the Tr�asurer of said' C��t:on 3: That there ia herQby es- A\IENDI:VG JECTIO! OF t� ' Ci�y, «�hich interest shall be payable�tablished a local im�provement district URDINA\CE NO. 49 D ���-�� � I t.o be cal�e3 "Local Improvement Di�-' LNG THE P�N:�T�R 'A� _ � �nnuaily znd sha11 be evidenced bp I .� �' � ` °interest coupons attached to eacfi �t� triet No � :�;.'.,whieh said district is', VIC�i,ATIO\ THEREOT. �,ai3 bonds, one coupon for each years i�escribcd�s�i'ollc«-s: � The City Council �he Ci�� of � ; :nt.rest, all of v,�hich coupons shali "AIl tl,e property between the iZenton do ordain as��ow�: � e subject to the terins and coudi-! teriniai ef said improvement abutting� S�CTI(}.N �,�� tions of the bond to which the same upon, adjacent, vicinal or proximato to� That Section 27 _��'(��rdin � No. � _tire attached and if any bond shall be'� ���li F�ztion of said streetu and ave-i �'98 of the City cf .Keliton, Z�shin�- alled for payment before tlie ma-� nue, to a distance back from th� mar-I �on; be ainen de d i�a� to rea c�/as fo l-i turity of any coupon that ma}- be at-'.€ir_ai li��es thereof, as provided by i 1o1�-s: �� � ! _ clied tiiereto the said conpon shall i law." '� 5�-�!��N =7 f I be vo;d. � °c�tion 4: Bonds bearing interest Any person vio�fqtiug provisiors ) !at the ruTe of 8 per �cent. per annum of this ordina e� hall 1�ned in an;� S�cticii 3; Tl�e bo�ids issued underi �ur.l not exc�� o�i�'.'�.. iindred dol-a the provisions of this ordinauce may�Payabl� on or before 7 years froin t:�e :ars nor Ie han oTlars or ii.�-I be sold for ca�h at not iess than their�date oi issuar.ce shall be issued in � � � i� :.ar ealue or may, at the election oi�AaYmeit of the cost and expenee of�,i i�risoned f i ' term ot to exceel thirty da�� �,o��Ly�i�oth such fine ar.d � tF:e Cita, be issu�d dii-ectly to the con_�tliis i::�:roven7ent, whieh bonds shall�� . � raccor inal<ii.� the impro�-einent iu!be redeamed by the collection of spec- � mprison _. �E � A II � r � sai<l district and delirered to him by',ial aseessments to be levied and as- � � ' c C;t}- Clerk ir.im�diate�v u �n; "essed uFail the property within said This iiia �all bc in fuil ='�'. „ P: . _`o:ce auc e. 5 days from and � �he;r is��:a��ce znd tLe surrender by`distric-t, payable in 5 equaI annual in- � �,fter its pa e approval and legal � >>m or his assians of v��arrar.ts of the��tallments �vi�h interest at the rate of �ublicatioi�. � �ai� City o� Rentoii issued agaiiist� � p y ;aid L,ocal Iinprove�neut District in�8 Per cent. �pei� annnm under the mode � ;9 CP roved s ith da of October, � an a.n:ount equzi to the par vaiue of i o���,`�a�tee char+��er and ordananees of � W_12. TON�allor. � said Lo:?ds, toaether with an adcii-I�+��Q C:ty of Renton. These bonds shall t:onal w�r.o:i:it of «��rrants issued�b� ��li�ered to the contractor in re-� '' Passed City Council Oct. 5th, 192�!.�, ^naiiist said District ii� tl�e sum oil �emption of lrarrants on the Local Im-' ' � � W.�J. tiUILTAMS, Fi�-c Theu�and ($S,OGG.00�) Dollars. i rovement District Fund issued on es-� � City Clerk. I vection 4: i�h,s Ord�nance s1�a11 timates of the City Engineer, or the � P�rst publication Oct 8th, 1920. ; tai:e effect fi�,c (�) days from a�:d af- City af Renton ina,y, at its el�ction, ���proved as to forn�. ' �er its oas�a�e, a;,pro�al �nd leaal sell s�.id boncis and make such re-; LOT DAVIS, �,",,1i p �' deinption in �cash. � � �.,.. cztiou a5 rovided b� la��-. �+ _A.;�nrovel :hi; 13th day of Oc�ober,� Section 5: This ordinance shall be � City Attorney. } 1%'���• in fnil force and effect five (5) days � ZVir.. TOPdKT�T fro�n and afte� its passage, approval� I��ayor ��nd legal pt�blication. � i Pa�sed this i?th day of October, �i���r��ed this 28th day of Septem- ,;;� � `'='�• ber, 7 S)20. ' Vd. r. WII,I�IAMS w:�. TorrxiN. City Clerk Mayor � i2t���y� of Octobera�i920.�orm this� p��sed thi.s 28th day of Septembei^, � L,OT DAVIS i�9��. W. J. WILLIAiVIS, � ; � City Attorney i City Clerk. � � Date o� 5_:st puUlicatio.i: Gc�ober I � i5t'.., 1920. Date of firs�pu�il�,cation Oct.1, 1�20.! — __ _- --__--- i _ . I �tt`��''`" . - ..-..�:_i�'�"A`f'^€ , .,_. . _.. ,_... _ . � . . . .. ......-'-__.... .. -. .-- -,^��' ! $iL ..Er<.,.J . _ p�__ - . .. . �Y '_ , ;� �, ..�:..