HomeMy WebLinkAbout03475 - Technical Information Report - Drainage �_ � � �� � � � �I ns�.� h ��__ _.. _ � a� � CONCEPTUAL STORM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR KEY PLAZA 2 LOT SHORT PLAT RE�ITON, `VASHINGTO�i (LUA12-012-SHPL-A) REFERENCE (LUA 08-013) �� A. FI✓ qti oF �s 1'+�i Project Manager: David E. Cayton, P.E. �T� �'o Prepared b��: Dean A. Furr, P.E. `' 2 Date: May� 2012 Core 1\o.: 070b9 � � 4693 ��S��N��� S 3°��- r�_3 y�'S � ` . ; i � KEY PLAZA 2 LOT SHORT PLAT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Project Ove�riew II. Core Requirements APPENDIX r ' �_� { _ _ I. PROJECT OVER�'IE�'�' This project proposes to subdi�°ide the 1.� acre parcel into ? separate tax parcels or 2 lot short plat. The name of the existing commercial development is "Key Plaza of Renton Highlands�'. The north half(Lot 1) includes a Key Bank building, parking and utilities and a stormwater detention,�water quality vault. The south half(Lot 2) is vacant and is prepared for future development that includes clearing/grading and w•ater/sewer/stormwater services ��-ithin. The project site is located on the northeast corner of 4th St NE and Bremerton Ave NE. The site is located in the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23, Range 5 in Renton Washington and is bordered by 4`h St NE to the north, Bremerton Ave NE to the east, a new residential development (Ridgevie�� Court) to the south, and a single-family residence to the west. The site is currently zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The existinb storm��-ater detention,%�vater quality vault «�as constructed to detain and treat storm���ater from the developed "Key Plaza" parcel and v�ras designed per the 2005 King County Surface VVater Manual (KCSVi�'M). In the Key Plaza Drainage report, it states that the developed impe��ious area for the parcel (proposed subdivided Lots 1 and 2) is 1.27 acres impervious surface and by adhering to this maximum impervious area, the project will meet the Level II (Conservation Flo«� Control} and Basic VVater Qualit�� standard of the later?009 Kin�= Countv Surface �'�rater Design Manual (KCS��G���I). r` II. CORE REQUIREMENTS The following list outlines the 8 Core Requirements per the 2009 KCSWM and provides the details of how the}� were fulfilled by the existing "Key Plaza" development: Core Requirement#1: Discharge at the Natural Location Surface water discharges from the site into the existing storm system on NE 4ih St. Core Requirement#2: Offsite Anal,y-sis No additional analysis required. (see the "Offsite Analysis" section of the Storm Drainage Report for KeS� Plaza) Core Requirements #3: Flow Control Level 2 Flo�� Control (Conservation FC Areas) is required for this development. The combined land cover far Lots 1 and 2 should not exceed 1.27 acres impervious surface and by adhering to this maximum impervious area the project �vill comply with the Level II (Conservation Flow Control) which specifies that developed runoff must match existing durations for 50% of 2-year through 50-y7 peaks as well as the existing 2- and 10-year peaks. (see "Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design' section of the Storm Drainage Report far Key Plaza) I S,. Core Requirement#4: Conveyance S�rstems The conveyance system has been designed to contain and conve}� up to the 25-year storm � per Core Requirement#4. Core Requirement#�: Erosion and Sediment Control The site is cleared and graded and other disturbing activities ��-i11 be controlled by , standard erosion control measures. (ESC plans to be provided at final design stage) Core Requirement#6: Maintenance and Operations All onsite drainage facilities ��ill be privately maintained (by o��ners of Lots 1 and 2) in accordance ��-ith Appendix A and Chapter 6 of the 200� KCSWM (equivalent to the 2009 KCSWM). ' Core Requirement#7: Financial Guarantees and Liability Determination of financial Guarantees and Liabilities to be determined. Core Requirement#8: Water Quality Basic ��'ater Quality treatment is provided as dead stora��e ���ithin the e�isting vault. In addition to the 8 Core Requirements liste�d abo�-e, the 2009 I�CS��'DI�1 requires that the following Special Requirements are met: • Special Requirement#1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements • Special Requirement#2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation • Special Requirement#3: Flood Protection Facilities • Special Requirement#4: Source C�rltr�ls • Special Requirement#5: Oil Contrc�l Of these Special Requirements, only Special Requirement �4 is applicable to this project. In order to fulfill this requirement, the King Count�� Storm��ater P��llution Pre��entic�n Manual and King County Code 9.12 will be adhered to. t � APPENDIX • Existing Conditions Exhibit • Developed Conditions Exhibit • Storm Drainage Anal}rsis for Key Plaza, by Core Design Inc., dated October 7, 2008 { � � «:. � �c � �1 k � � �, � i, � � l�_ i �—� --\ / / � 74 1.��F'M W117\�� � �-= —._,.._= ._..-__.___..__..N.E.__4IH_SIEEEi_,_ a�rt w-aa�ar •�\ i . _ --- -- — �_— LEGEND -� "J APPfl�%IAAiE \ . ..._ _... —..y—.-__ ._.._ ..._. _.—___. . �'7 ...L(H:AIIWd af ti � \ . " - _.— _-- . . . �"v / WAIEflMAIN PER IT ..;'RO � .. 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I ...��-- --912 I----__.__..__ i21E(CAIPW.it1h.IJ SCALE: 1' = 50� en�� w�tt r ie(u�r)e-Mn.�� . --- s iE�cup[-�ce.m SHORT PLA T �ntruv�-+' � Lf'NG1N�!65" IS I �� � A/YWO o ,z.s 2s so �p°� 16 2� F��-;�;��' �'�_ DEVELOPEDS/TE �u---...-_---I -----_.. i RI�G['diEW COURt e'ir�-u�n.as i �o�. z35, °�5. 75-�a ; HYDROLOGY � �---. —_. . . _ -----' -- --_.� �__.. ---_ —.._—..... ,-so' �� Core Design,lnc. CO�� 14711 N.E.29th Place,Suife 101 ��DESIGN Bellevue,Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax425.885.7963 www.coredes igninc.com �_ I STORM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR KEY PLAZA RENTON, WASHINGTON (LUA 08-013) ��wof w.�s Tq� I � y� �� �C � ,. '�7 �,r , � ��G�&�O ��� ,� `��`�4AL E��� ' .�.� �tr�.s7-25— D Project Manager: David E. Cayton, P.E. Project Engineer: Brennan P. Taylor, P.E. Prepared by: Jason Toba, E.I.T. Date: August 2008 Revised: October 7,2008 Core No.: 07069 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYINv �' .�� KEY PLAZA TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Proj ect Overview II. Preliminary Conditions and Core Requirements III. Off-Site Analysis IV. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design A. Hydraulic Analysis B. Detention Routing Calculations C. Water Quality Volume V. Conveyance System Analysis and Design VI. Erosion Control Calculations APPENDIX I. PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed commercial development is named "Key Plaza of Renton Highlands" and will consist of two buildings located on the southwest corner of 4`�' St NE and Bremerton Ave NE. The 1.40 acre site is currently undeveloped and is located in the northwest quarter of Section 1�, Township 23, Range 5 in Renton Washington. The site is currently zoned for commercial use and is bordered by 4`� St NE to the north, Bremerton Ave NE to the east, a new residential development (Ridgeview Court) to the south, and a single- family residence to the west. The anchor tenant in this development will be Key Bank wzth a 4,081 square foot building. The other structure will be a 11,119 square foot three- story office/retail building with a parking garage and retail on the main floor and office on the 2"d and 3`a floors. The existing ground coverage over the site is thick with vegetation and forested with evergreen trees. The existing onsite topography forms a high point in the southem portion of the site. The site does not receive any flovv from offsite and no wetlands are located on or within the vicinity of the site. The design of the onsite stormwater facilities is per the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual (KCSWM). The Key Plaza of Renton Highlands project will provide detention to the Level II standard and��ater quality from the Basic `'�'ater Quality menu. 4G5 � a 3 Z ��. �o��� n-��A,�LA�p1��� 9pp � �1�A �c �� � ��'' r� ENTON ^ � � W �� g �o � ;i a S(T� '� / � , t`I= 4T+�.ST. 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Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPMand shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GP]l� within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fireflow of tlze new commercial building, if it remains at 4000 GPM then 4 fire hydrants will be required. Existing fire hydrants shall be retrofitted with a quick disconnect Stortz fitting. Per the City of Renton code when the required fire flow is over 2,500 GPMthe�re hydrants shall be served by a main which loops around the building or complex of buildings arzd reconnects back into a distribution supply>main. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. • In order to achieve 4,000 GPM this project u�ill need to install a new 12" watermain connected to the existing 10"watermain (not the 8'), extend it to the east in NE 4th St, then (in a IS' wide easement prepared by a PE or PLS) loop around the buildings and conf�ect back to the existing 8" watermain in Bremerton Ave NE. The project will also need to extend this new 12"watermain to the west property line, also in a 15'easement. The designed watermain is a 12" loop connecting to the existing 10" in NE 4�', looping through the site and connecting to the existing 8" main in Bremerton. The proposed 12" watermain is stubbed to the west property line as well. Four fire hydrants are proposed to address the required fireflo��- for the three stor5- building � The proposal needs to shotiv a DDCVA. Internal DDCVA for fire ser-vice rrzust be desi�zed per City of Renton water standards and detail requirements. A 6" DDCVA is proposed for the three story office building. Sizing should be verified by the sprinkler engineer. The Key Bank building is proposed with no fire sprinklers. • The Fire Service fee amount is based on the size of the fire service water line. Noted • I3uildings that exceed 30 feet in height shall install bac�Pr•essure devices. A 6" DDCVA/backflow preventer is proposed for the three story office buildin�. • The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the total number and size of all domestic water meters. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Noted Sanitary Sewer: • The applicant needs to show how to provide this private site with a rivate commercial side sewer with sanitary sewer to either the sewer main on the south side or the sewer MN on the north side with a commer•cial side sewer. An 8" sewer main extension is proposed to serve the office building and Key Bank. Each building will be served by a separate side sewer. � This site is located in the East Renton Special Assessment District (SAD). This fee is 13.7 cents per square foot of land and shall be paid prior to issuance of a construction permit. Understood • The Sanitary Sewer SDC fees are based on the si�e of any and all domestic i+�ater meters. Understood Street Improveme��ts: � Per City of Rentor� coc�e proPerh�cor��ers at i�lterscctio�r i�� c�c�nrmercicul blocks all lot cr,r��, ,�. at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-wcry shall have a mininium radius of 2�,f�����. The ne«r ri�ht of���ay line at the l�'E corner of the site is designed ��-ith a 2�' radius. • Additional�•ighc-of-way (minimum 1 foot� along,'��E 4tlz ST h�ill be required to be dedicated. l foot of right-of v��ay is shown to be dedicated along NE 4th St. • Per Cit}� of Renton code, con:mercial pr•ojects that are I D,000 sq ft and more in size shall provide full pavement width per standard, curb, gutter and sidewalks along the ull frontages of the parcel being developed on the project side. Unless existing, new curb, gutter and sidewalk �Till be constructed along I�TE 4�' and Bremerton. • Street lighting is reguired for a projecl this si�e alor�g the frontages of the par°cel being developed. All street lighting shall be per City of Reizton standards und specifications. Private street lighting is not allowed. Street lighting���ill be desiQned bS� others per city requirements. �;' � � • The project will need to design and install a new traffc curb and channelization to prevent left-turns onto the site on lb'E 4th St. The channelization plan shows a continuation of the existing type C block traffic curb to prevent left turns onto NE 4�' St. • The driveway approach from NE 4th St will be required to be a right in right out only. The channelization plan shows a continuation of the existing type C block traffic curb to prevent left turns onto NE 4�' St. • Per the NE 3rd/NE 4th St Corridor Plan the proposal needs to revise the typical street section to show a five foot sidewalk separated from the roadway curb with a planting strip including street trees on 1�'E 4th St. The required frontage improvements are shown on the plans. • Existing channelization on Bremerton will need to be revised to accommodate the proposed development project's new driveway. � The channelization on Bremerton is shov��n to be revised to allovv for ingress/eb ess from site drive��a�� on Bremerton. • The project design will need to incof porale a pedestrian access to Bremerton Ave NE. The plan inc.orporates a pedestrian access to Bremerton just south of the drive��-ay on Bre�uerton. • A Ti•aff c S�udy has beer� subri2itted and it has heen determined bti' the Ti�a��sportatiorz staff that the Traffic Impact Analysis is acceptable. Noted • Tra�c Mitigation fees tivill apply. This fee is�'�2,�00. I�Toted Stornr: • A conceptual drainage plan afzd report was satbmitted �vitli the formaT application for a co�nmercial project. The drainage control submitted states that the prnject tit�ill be desig��ed per the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual as required. The final draina�e desi�n is per Kin� County SV4'M 2005 edition. 1+jl� • The Surface Water SDC fees are $0.405 per square foot (but not less than $1012) of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Noted A ui er.• • The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons of regulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility(RMC 4- 3-O�OH2d(i)). A fill source statement (RMC 4-4-060L4) is required if more than 100 cubic yards of fill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards (RMC 4-4-03007) shall be followed if during construction, more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be sFored on site or i�ehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)--Biofilters, stormwater conveyance, and x>ater quality ponds may require a groundwater protection liner. Impervious surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the APA requirements nor does this information substitute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton code book. At this time, the proposed use does not include the presence of a "regulated hazardous material." In addition, it should be noted these soils are Alderwood type soils (glacial till) and are not pervious type soils. General: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. I • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. � Two control points and benchmarks are noted on the Title Sheet - C 1.01 ; • Permit applicatiorz must include an itemized cost estimate for these inzprovements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There rnay be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. I Noted. I CORE REQUIREMENTS: The following list outlines the 8 Core Requirements per the 2005 KCSWM and provides the details of how they were fulfilled by this design: Core Requirement#1: Discharge at the Natural Location In the developed condition, surface water from the site will be released from the site at natural discharge location which is to the existing storm system on NE 4�' St. Core Requirement#2: Offsite Analysis A Level 1 downstream analysis was conducted (see "Offsite Analysis" section of this report) to satisfy this requirement. Core Requirements #3: Flo��� Control Level 2 Flow Control (Conservation FC Areas) is required for this de��elopment. 'I�l�e onsite detention vault was designed to match existing durations for 50% of 2-��ear throu�Tll �0-�r peal:s as «�ell as tl�e existin�� �'- and l 0-���ar peal:s. (��irc [Zcyuircnicnt �-t: (�iin��c��ance ti�stcrn� The conveyance system has been designed to � . , _ . , : per Core Requirement��. Core Requirement#�: Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sedimentation caused by clearing, grading, and other disturbing acti�-ities will be controlled bv standard erosion control measures. Core Requirement#6: Maintenance and Operations All onsite drainage facilities will be privately maintained in accordance with Appendix A and Chapter 6 of the 2005 KCS�T�jD'��. Core Requirement#7: Financial Guarantees and Liability The applicant will post a drainage facilities restoration and site stabilization financial guarantee in order to cover the cost of any required corrective work. Core Requirement#8: Water Quality Basic Water Quality treatment is required and will be provided with 3' of dead storage within the proposed vault. In addition to the 8 Core Requirements listed above, the 2005 KCSWDM requires that the following Special Requirements are met: • Special Requirement#1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements • Special Requirement#2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation • Special Requirement#3: Flood Protection Facilities • Special Requirement#4: Source Controls • Special Requirement#5: Oil Control Of these Special Requirements, only Special Requirement #4 is applicable to this project. In order to fulfill this requirement, the King County �rnrm«aT�T- P�ll�,ii�n 1're��nti���„ III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS: Upstream Tributary Area The existing topography of the site is higher than the surrounding areas. Therefore, no upstream areas contribute runoff to this property. See below for a detailed narrative of the do�mstream system. Downstream Analvsis See "Downstream Drainage Map" attached in appendix as an aid in the following discussion. On July 25, 2007 a site visit was conducted. The purpose of this site visit was to determine the surface water flow characteristics of this site and assess the locations of surface water running off of this property. The weather was warm with clear skies and the temperature was around 80 degrees. Heavy rain occuned over the past weekend (July 21- 22). Besides the weekend rainfall, no substantial precipitation had occurred w-ithin the past few weeks. � i The site is bordered by NE 4th Street to the north, Bremerton Ave NE to the east, the Ridgeview Court development to the south, and a single-family residence to the west. The e�isting topography of the site forms a u-shaped ridge which traverses the site running roughly parallel to the west, south and east property lines (Point 1). During rainfall events, the majority of the resulting on-site surface water sheet flows off of the northern boundary of the site. Smaller amounts of surface water sheet flows off the site along the west, south, and east property lines. The downstream investigation began along the eastern boundary of the site near Bremerton Ave NE. Two catch basins are located in Bremerton Ave NE near the southeast property corner (Point 2). A high point in Bremerton Ave NE is located approximately 80 feet south of the northern property line. The portion of Bremerton Ave NE located south of the high point is tributary to these catch basins. Currently, a small area of the eastern portion of the site is also tributary to the catch basin located in the western side of Bremerton Ave NE. Stormwater flows out of this catch basin in a 12" pipe, to the east. A detention pipe located on the southern property line of the neighboring property to the east receives flow from the Bremerton Ave catch basins as well as from the developed properly in which it is located. A control structure located in the southeastern corner of this property receives flows from the detention pipe and releases attenuated flows to a vegetated area to the southeast. This vegetated area is a low area without any outlet (Point 3). Historically this area flowed to the west but has been blocked by the fill used to construct Bremerton Ave NE. Stormwater �-hich currently ' flows off the site to the east is tributary to the flows released into this low area. The developed conditions of the site will remove some of the flow from the eastern portion of the site to the north, thus improving the existing situation by reducing the amount of runoff that is released into the low area. Surface �vater �-hich sheet flows to the north currently enters an existing 12" storm pipe system located along the southern side of NE 4`h Street. Two catch basins (one located at the southwest corner of the intersection of NE 4`h Street and Bremerton Ave NE and another located just west of the northwest property corner) intercept stormwater v�7hich currently flow�s off the site as well as from portions of Bremerton Ave NE and NE 4tn Street. The existing 12" storm system conveys the collected stormwater in a ���esterly direction along the south side of NE 4`h Street. Near the northwest corner of the USPS site (located two parcels to the west of the subject property�) a Type II catch basin located in a gravel walk area receives flows from the existing 12" pipe system (Point 4). Stormwater from the USPS site drains into this catch basin from the south via a 12" storm pipe. A catch basin located in the curb line of NE 4�' Street (approximately 3 feet north of the Type II catch basin) contributes flow to the Type II catch basin from the north via an 8" storm pipe. From this point, the storm system increases from 12" pipe to 18" pipe and continues to the west. The 18" pipe flows into a Type II catch basin w7th a solid lid located in the gravel w�alk area on the south side of NE 4th Street approximately 183 feet west of the northwest corner of the USPS site (Point 5). Tributary to this catch basin is a 36" pipe from the north and an 8" pipe from the northeast (connected to a catch basin located 2-3 feet northeast of the Type II catch basin). At the time of the investigation, the ground surrounding the Type II catch basin was dazk colored from recent water flow. From this point, the storm system increases from 18" to 36" and continues to convey stormwater to the west. Approximately 115 feet farther west, the 36" storm pipe enters a Type II catch basin which is located approximately 20 feet south of NE 4`" Street (Point 6). This catch basin has a solid lid. Stormwater entering this Type II catch basin is directed to the south and is discharged into a pond which is approximately 20 feet wide by 30 feet long with 3 feet of freeboard above standing water. No erosion was observed within the pond. At the time of the investigation, a standing pool of water (approximately 1 foot deep) was contained ��ithin the pond. At the southern end of the pond a riprap weir provides an outfall into a stream channel which e�tends to��-ards the south (Point 7). The stream traverses a heavily vegetated area for approaimately S00 feet between Points 7 and 8. Overall this area is flat v��ith no clearly defined stream channel except for an 18" wide, 6" deep channel appearing near Point 8. At this point, the downstream investigation had been camed out past '/4 of a mile dowTnstream from the site. It was noted that the overall channel was approximately 30 feet in width between Points 7 and 8. Any water flowing through this len�h of the stream occurs intermittently. At Point 8, the stream turns towards the east and connects with a manmade ditch at Point 9. The manmade ditch also receives stormwater runoff from a vault in the Ridgeview Court Development to the east. The ditch continues towards the south from Point 9 to Point 10 where it crosses Bremerton Pl. NE. A Type II catch basin with a"bird cage" top is located on the northwest side of Bremerton Pl NE. It receives water from the stream via a 12" pipe and discharges w�ater via a 36" pipe that crosses Bremerton Pl NE and outfalls on the southeast side of Bremerton Pl NE where the stream channel continues towards the south. It appears this catch basin has been designed to detain upstream flovvs by allowing water to pool upstream of the catch basin before being released through the 36" pipe. There was no water flowing in the channel at this point. From Point 10, the stream continues towards the south and meanders though a residential area before entering a deep ravine. Flowing water was observed in the stream from the top of the ravine at Point 11. At this location, the downstream path had been observed for approximately 1 mile. It should be noted that this stream is called Maplewood Creek and that no flowing water was observed between Points 7 and 10. li ;_ � � � � i i . i ; - l . . 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(L�T�l//V �•' �1;; i�y`� � f„ :I; _ 'ifi: � _ -- � �I".� ' �'�1" ,�� .`��. � �:;.iiL-ii" '-I`. 11L. � 1 / � .. l'I i _. - ��Z J; �'- ` - -` :1i . . . .v.;�r� _. � Q . f ; n. ��� s<S� �1, u�' �,�_ r<; - — -r' .. .. �- ,., � r ' ,�, �t . , . ._ ..,. . ',�. .. . . . • , ..,. . � �. _ _ ... _ IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: A. Hydraulic Analysis The drainage analysis was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series (version 5.0) software. The site soils are Alderwood (AgC), KCRTS group Till. See attached soils map. The site is located in the Sea-Tac rainfall region with a location scale factor of 1.0. EXISTING CONDITIONS The 1.46 acre site is undeveloped and is forested.with evergreen trees. The following information was used for generating time series and flow frequencies. EXISTING CONDITIONS Total Area= 1.46 acres redev.ts fl GROLJND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Forest 1.46 ,, � _; I � ! . DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The developed site will consist of two commercial buildings with associated parking areas and utilities. Frontage improvements w�ill be constructed along 4th St NE. Offsite flows will be added to the vault to mitigate for onsite flows that v�711 not be tributary to the site. The input used for the KCRTS anal}�sis is sum.marized in the table below: DEVELOPED CONDITIONS T'otal Area= 1.45 acre (dev.ts fl GROLTND COVER AREA(acre) ' Till-Grass (Landsca in ) 0.18 ! Im ervious 1.27 Roadwa /Parkin 0.79 Roof 0.26 Sidewalk 0.10 Offsite Area 0.12 B. Detention Routin� Calculations The City of Renton requires Le��el 2 Flo��� Control to be applied to the subject site. �l�he Level II standard requires matching the predeveloped release rate for the 2 and 10-�c events while matching the predeveloped frequency and duration between '/2 of the 2-ye..r to the 50-y�ear storm with no more than a +10% excursion. A 38'x1�-�� detention/weri�ault w�th a structural wall dovvn the center will be used for flow control. Since the wall down the center will be approximately l0" thick, the nominal dimension for detention calculation �i-i11 be 37.16'x124'. See attached KCRTS printouts for vault sizing desi�n. Required Live Storage in Vault: 22,901 cf Provided Live Storage in Vault: 22,901 cf The detention,�wet vault �vill contain a structural support ���all longitudinally do��n the middle which separates the vault into two cells. The east cell is the 1 S` cell and will be desi�ned as detention only per section ti.3.3 of the KCSWDM. This cell will have sediment storage and a small amount of dead storage as a result of the minimum inside height requirement of 7'. The west cell is the 2"d cell and will be desib ed as a detention/wet vault per section 6.4.2 of the KCSWDM. � J.\2007\07069\Exhibits\07069LandCover.dwg, Layoutl (2), 8/1/07 10:43:50 AM, RRI �� .. � '"� _. 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Rh o� Py:i Ma � • Qc� � � � � n AkF , E . ,' `-'� PY `- ; ' .� �c � � �� � 1i C �� ' ' .' -� • '� �\ � 1 M � • .vo �q '. Ri: � .`� aP • •• 'y• �� f' 6 pNB 1 "• �, �E: �PY I� p `,����� • _�4 . cZ `Mt� ;u I• ��'�• `EIIIOt Pp�- • I,� i I Y = _ �� �� • Y ; M � �y'= � . �' � .P'' `e AkF �' S� r ' \\�� � � AgC e��� AkF ?ark N � p�, ^ �-u� •�`` .I i i ��� ��' �lt^a �1�°` EvC � •, �� � •` qep AkF M 8 `�. � .e` . . � ` � `� ---- -- 2 - � � -_-_--- __--a_ -_ --- ---- ---- � u `'�- -- -�-- ----•---•-- �-�- •--- ----'- •_BM�----•_�BM 2�'3�n ~A B ( -'°---�--0___4%-�_-- � �C°"'�- "' � "- � /1e D AQC AgD�, � AkF BM� ' `�`� I 428 �c `� �`. � At� � � � AgB� m6 I AgB ' --PIPEL- - � � � � 27 e� � 1 2� SOILS MAP � � 49z j '\ KEY PLAZA OF RENTON HIGHL.�VDS , _. „ „ ' , .�f : � ('C)RF PR(1.TFC'T \T�. n�n�,�� CREATING A TIME SERIES FILE (EXAMPLE� TABLE III-1 EQUIVALENCE BETWEEW SOIL TYPES CLASSIFIED BY U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE AND KING COUNTY RUNOFF TIME SERIES SCS KCRTS Soil SCS Soil Type Hydrologic Group Notes Soil Grou . Alderwood(AQB,A C,A D) • C Till Arents,Alderwood Material(AmB,AmC) C Till Arents,Everett�Iaterial(.4n) B Outwash 1 Beausite(BeC,BeD,BeF) C Till 2 Bellin ham(Bh) � D Till 3 Briscot(Br D Till 3 Buckle (Bu D Till 4 Earlmont(Ea) D Till 3 Ed ewick(Ed) C Till 3 Everett EvB,EvC,EvD,EwC) A/B Outwash 1 Indianola(InC,InA,InD) A Outwash 1 Kitsa (K B,K C,K D) C Till Klaus(KsC) C Outwash 1 Neilton(NeC) A Outwash 1 Newber (N ) B Till 3 Nooksack(Nk C Till 3 tiorma(No) D Till 3 Orcas(Qr) D Wetland Oridia(Os) D TiII 3 Ovall(OvC,OvD,OvF) C Till 2 _ Pilchuck(Pc) C Till 3 Pu et(Pu) D Till 3 _ Pu allu (P ) B Till 3 Rasnar(RaC,RaD,RaC,RaE) B Outwash 1 Renton(Re) D Till 3 Salal(Sa C Till 3 Samrnamish(Sh) D Till 3 Seattle(Sk) D ��Vetland Shalcar(Sm) D Till 3 Si(Sn) C Till 3 Snohomish(So,Sr} D Till 3 Sultan(Su) C Till 3 Tukwila Tu D Till 3 Woodinville Wo) D Till 3 Key to Notes: I. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth(<5 feet)by elacial rill,they should be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedrock soils,but calibration of HSPF(Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran)by King County Surface Water:vianagement shows bedrock soils to have similar hydrologic response to rill soils. 3. These are allu�rial soils,some of which are underlain by glacial rill or have a seasonally hieh w�ater tab]e. In the absence of detai]ed study,these soils should be treated as till soils. 4. Buckley soils are formed on the]ow permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that for till soils. December 15,i99s SOILS TYPE � � KEY PLAZA OF RENTON HIGHLANDS CORE PROJECT \TO. 07069 , � _ � , _ � LEGEND , — 4,� ���.. � � � f� �����= r� , 1,� �� �,� � �i: v3;._..�^f.: �:; :I ` �. �► fLOW ARROW �.,i�� .;1���;i ` �-�` �:n r � ��� .� ;' ,;��� � � � ; ':� Ensnnrc c�cwarnorvs � '�� � I 1 i� paeyous�R£� (ncc �eEsr> - i��.. � � ,{ — �.+c�cr�Es , �t: f' , � 1.� t �t. ,'�; , s, ;� �� !,� � n . ,� ; ;�, ,� ; ; ' ,� �� � ; � � �;� � i�. �.�T+ i . 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Q i ! _ �, � �`� `��f +� 1 � �J! ��,. .iti� :' „+id � .. F..[ !1 f Y � l I _ � � �. �.�i.-f �� � _ Sm;,id Q.. l� !' �. * ,� , ,`— . � - ' ') '��`^ ��r\ �l� ` p � F� 1 x ' _ L ,=�� ' ' `. �;' ,\�° _ � ,� I, __ f---� .,� �- �ti y,a j � . � r I � � 0.54" ,i ,, �, �'1 , ;,,� ` , ,, .. �` '� rL �`� iA��' 1 (0.045') � �" � � a � �'�j.-r... f �1H'.N��cc I> � CE:O N T 0.47" (0.039') '' ,{• r°,__ : ;.fw��7-n_ i�J Incorporated Area �` �. .�� RivedLaka 0.47•• — t�ajor Road (0.039') p,$2" (0.043`) 0.65" � NOTE:Ar2as east of the�astemmost isopluvial should use 0.65 0.56" (O.OJ4�� inch�s unisss rainfall data is availabl�for tha Iecatior of interest (0.047'� 24 The mean annual 5'.JRiI I£3 c�nc=pt:al stom fcur:d by dividingthe annuel��_.,�I:�tior.'-, ��_._-al n�.�nbe� of storn events per y=_er result, generates large amounts of runoff. For dus application;till soil t}pe� include Buc%1ey a�d bedrock soils,and alluvial and ouh�ash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are und"'.��i-� �t a shallow depth (less than� feet)by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service(SCS)hydrol� eroups that are classified as till soils include a few B,most C, and all D soils. See Chapter � classification of specific SCS soil types. PRECIPITATIOl� GRAP� 200�Surface Water Dzsign Manual KEY PLAZA OF RENTO'� i ii�F E��.-t-_' " 6-71 CORE PROJECT NO. 07069 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----�low Frequency Anaiysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.092 2 2/09/O1 18:00 0. 118 1 100.00 0.990 0.025 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.092 2 25.00 0.960 0.068 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.071 3 10.00 0. 900 0.003 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.068 4 5.00 0.800 0.090 6 1/05/05 8:�0 0.060 5 3.00 0. 667 0.071 3 1/16/06 21:00 0.040 6 2.00 0.500 0.060 5 11/24/06 4 :00 0.025 7 1.30 0.231 0.118 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.003 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.109 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow �ates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS} (CFS) Period 0.324 6 2/09/O1 2:00 0. 638 1 100.00 0. 990 0.280 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.466 2 25.00 0.960 0.391 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.391 3 10.00 0. 900 0.320 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.381 9 5.00 0.800 0.381 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.346 5 3.00 0.667 0.346 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.324 6 2.00 0.500 0.466 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.320 7 1.30 0.231 0.638 1 1/09/OS 6:00 0.280 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.581 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devl5.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0. 605 6 8/27/O1 18:00 1.59 1 100.00 0. 990 0.422 8 9/17/02 17:45 1.18 2 25.00 0.960 1.18 2 12/08/02 17:15 0.827 3 10.00 0. 900 0.987 7 8/23/04 14:30 0. 688 9 5.00 0.800 0.652 5 10/28/04 16:00 0. 652 5 3.00 0.667 0.688 4 10/27/05 10:�5 0. 605 6 2.00 0.500 0.827 3 10/25/06 22:45 0.487 7 1.30 0.231 1.59 1 1/09/08 6:30 0.422 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.95 50.00 0. 980 R.etent'_o�/Cetent�o� Facili�y Type of Fac�lit}�: �e�er.tio:� �'ault Facility Length: 124.00 ft Facility Width: 37. 16 ft Facility Area: 4608. s�. f� Effective Storage Depth: 9. 97 �t Stage 0 Elevation: 901.49 ft Storage Volume: 22901. � .. �t Riser Head: 4. 97 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Head PiF� Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) {CFS) (in) 1 0.00 0. 65 0.026 2 2. 95 1.08 0.045 9 .0 3 3. 90 O. E9 0. 013 4 .0 Top Notch Weir: None O�stflcw ?ating Cu-v�: "vcne S�a�e Eleva�ior. Storage Discharge Fercolat-or. (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cis) {cfs) 0.00 401.49 0. 0.000 0.000 O.CG 0.01 401.50 46. 0.001 0.001 O.CG 0.02 401.51 92. 0.002 0.002 O.CO 0.03 401.52 138. 0.003 0.002 0.00 0.04 401.53 189 . 0.004 0.002 0.0� 0.05 401.54 230. 0.005 0.003 0.0� 0.15 401. 64 691. 0.016 0.004 O.00 0.25 401.74 1152. 0.026 0.006 O.00 0.35 401.84 1613. 0.037 0.007 O.CG 0.45 401. 99 2074. 0.048 0.008 O.GG 0.55 402.04 2534. 0.058 0.009 0.00 0. 65 402.14 2995. 0.069 0.009 0.0� 0.75 402.24 3456. 0.079 0.010 0.00 0.85 402.34 3917. 0.090 0.011 O.OG 0. 95 402.44 4377. 0.100 0.011 O.CO 1.05 402.54 4838. 0.111 0.012 O.GG 1. 15 402. 64 5299. 0.122 0.012 0.0� 1.25 402.�4 5760. 0.132 0.013 0.0� 1.35 402.84 6221. 0.143 0.013 O.00 1.45 402.94 6681. 0.153 0.014 O.00 1.55 903.04 7142. 0.164 0.014 O.CC 1. 65 403.14 7603. 0.175 0.015 O.C; 1.75 403.24 8064 . 0.185 0.015 0.0' 1.85 403.34 8525. 0.196 0. 016 O.G., 1. 95 403.44 8985. 0.206 0.016 O.00 2.05 403.54 9446. 0.217 0.016 O.OG 2.15 903. 64 9907. 0.227 0.017 O.OG 2.25 403.74 10368. 0.238 0.017 0.00 2.35 403.84 10828. 0.249 0.018 O.OG 2.95 403. 94 11289. 0.259 0.018 0.00 2.55 404.04 11750. 0.270 0.016 0.00 2. 65 404. 14 12211. 0.280 0.019 0. 00 2.75 909.24 12672. 0.291 0.019 0.00 2.85 904.39 13132. 0.301 0.019 0.00 2. 95 404.94 13593. 0.312 0.020 0.00 2. 96 404.45 13639. 0.313 0.020 0.00 2. 97 404.46 13685. 0.314 0.021 0.00 2. 98 404.47 13731. 0.315 0.022 0. 00 3.00 404 . 49 13824. 0.317 0.024 0.00 3.01 404.50 13870. 0.318 0.026 0.00 3.02 409.51 13916. 0.319 0.028 0.00 3.03 404.52 13962. 0.321 0.029 0.00 � 3. 04 404.53 14008. 0.322 0.029 0.00 3. 14 404. 63 14469. 0.332 0.034 0. 00 3.24 404.73 14929. 0.343 0.038 0.00 3. 34 404.83 15390. 0.353 0.041 0.00 3.44 409 . 93 15851. 0.364 0.043 0.00 3.54 405.03 16312. 0.374 0.046 0.00 3. 64 405.13 16773. 0.385 0.048 0.00 3.74 405.23 17233. 0.396 0.050 0.00 3.84 405.33 17699 . 0.406 0.052 0.00 3. 90 405.39 17971. 0.413 0.053 0.00 3. 91 405.40 18017. 0.414 0.054 0.00 3. 92 405.41 18063. 0.415 0.055 0.00 3. 93 405. 42 18109. 0.416 0.055 0.00 3. 94 905. 43 18155. 0.417 0.057 0.00 3. 95 405.99 18201. 0.418 0.057 0.00 3. 96 405.45 18247. 0.919 0.058 0. 00 4 .06 405.55 18708. 0.429 0.061 0.00 9 . 16 405. 65 19169. 0.940 0.064 0.00 4.26 905.75 19629. 0.451 0.06� 0.00 4.36 405.85 20090. 0.461 0.070 0.00 4.46 905. 95 20551. 0.472 0.072 0.00 � 4.56 406.05 21012. 0.982 0.075 0.00 �� 4. 66 406.15 21473. 0.993 0.077 0.00 4.76 406.25 21933. 0.504 0.079 0.00 i 9.86 906. 35 22399. 0.514 0.081 0.00 � 4. 96 406. 45 22855. 0.525 0.083 0.00 4. 97 406.46 22901. 0.526 0.083 0.00 5.07 406.56 23362. 0.536 0.393 0.00 I 5. 17 406. 66 23823. 0.547 0.°58 0.00 i 5.27 406.76 24283. 0.557 1.690 0.00 5.37 906.86 24794. 0.568 2.480 0.00 5. 47 406. 96 25205. 0.579 2.770 0.00 5. 57 407.06 25666. 0.589 3.020 0.00 5. 67 407.16 26126. 0.600 3.260 0.00 5.77 407.26 26587. 0.610 3.480 0.00 5. 87 907. 36 27048. 0.621 3.690 0.00 5. 97 407.46 27509. 0.632 3.880 0.00 6.07 407.56 27970. 0.642 4.070 0.00 6. 17 407. 66 28930. 0.653 4.250 0.00 6.27 907.76 28891. 0.663 4 .420 0.00 6.37 907.86 29352. 0.674 4.580 0.00 6. 47 907. 96 29813. 0.684 9 .740 0.00 6.57 408.06 30274. 0.695 4.890 0.00 6. 67 408.16 30734. 0.706 5.040 0.00 6.77 908.26 31195. 0.716 5.190 0.0� 6. 87 408. 36 31656. 0.727 5.330 O.00 6. 97 408.46 32117. 0.737 5.460 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage �arget Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0. 64 ******* 0.33 5.05 906.54 23275. 0.534 2 0.47 0.09 0.02 2.84 404.33 13089. 0.300 3 0.39 ******* 0.01 1.69 403. 18 7789. 0.179 4 0.38 ******* 0.01 1. 46 402. 95 6718. 0.154 5 0.35 ******* 0. 04 3.46 409 . 95 15931. 0.366 6 0.32 ******* 0.08 4.78 406.27 22004. 0.505 7 0.32 ******* 0.02 2.22 403.71 10216. 0.235 8 0.28 ******* 0.02 3.00 404.49 �3840. 0.318 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.638 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.334 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 5.05 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 406.54 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 23275. Cu-Ft . 0.534 Ac-Ft Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf i Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS o g % 0.002 26638 43.441 43.441 56.559 0.566E+00 0.004 9384 15.303 58.749 41.256 0.413E+00 0.007 5936 9. 680 68.425 31.575 0.316E+00 ' 0.010 7251 11.825 80.250 19.750 0.198E+00 0.013 5333 8. 697 88.947 11.053 0.111E+00 0.015 3010 4. 909 93.855 6.145 0. 614E-01 0.018 2440 3. 979 97.839 2.166 0.217E-01 0.021 878 1.432 99.266 0.734 0.734E-02 0.024 49 0.080 99.346 0. 654 0.654E-02 0.026 15 0.024 99.371 0. 629 0. 629E-02 0.029 29 0.039 99:410 0.590 0.590E-02 0.032 43 0.070 99.480 0.520 0.520E-02 0.035 41 0.067 99.547 0. 453 0.453E-02 0.037 94 0.072 99. 618 0.382 0.382E-02 0.040 40 0.065 99.684 0.316 0.316E-02 0.043 41 0.067 99.750 0.250 0.250E-02 0.046 27 0.044 99.795 0.205 0.205E-02 0.048 17 0.028 99.822 0.178 0. 178E-C2 0.051 18 0.029 99.852 0.148 0.148�-02 0.054 13 0.021 99.873 0. 127 0.127E-02 0.057 5 0.008 99.881 0.119 0.119E-02 0.059 7 0.011 99.892 0.108 0.108E-02 0.062 8 0.013 99.905 0.095 0. 946E-03 0.065 9 0.015 99.920 0.080 0.799E-03 0.068 17 0.028 99. 998 0.052 0.522E-03 0.071 12 0.020 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 0.073 4 0.007 99.974 0.026 0.2E1E-03 0.076 3 0.005 99. 979 0.021 0.212E-03 0.079 3 0.005 99. 984 0.016 0.163E-03 0.082 5 0.008 99.992 0.008 0.615E-04 0.084 4 0.007 99.998 0.002 0. 163E-04 0.087 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.090 0 0.000 99.996 0.002 0.163E-04 0.093 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.095 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.096 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0. 163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New oChange Probability Base New oChange 0.020 I 0.96E-02 0.80E-02 -17.3 I 0. 96E-02 0.020 0.019 -3.5 <_0 ✓ 0.025 � 0.64E-02 0. 69E-02 -0.8 I 0. 64E-02 0.025 0.025 -2.7 0.031 � 0.50E-02 0.54E-02 8.6 I 0.50E-02 0.031 0.033 6. 1 0.037 � 0.38E-02 0.40E-02 7.4 � 0.38E-02 0.037 0.038 3.5 0.042 I 0.29E-02 0.27E-02 -6.2 I 0.29E-02 0.042 0.042 -1.5 0.048 I 0.22E-02 0. 19E-02 -15.6 I 0.22E-02 0.098 0.044 -7.0 0.053 I 0.15E-02 0.13E-02 -13.3 I 0. 15E-02 0.053 0.051 -3.4 0.059 I O.10E-02 0.11E-02 7.9 � O.10E-02 0.059 0.060 2.7 0.064 � 0. 62E-03 0.82E-03 31. 6 � 0.62E-03 0.064 0.067 4 .0 0.070 I 0.34E-03 0.39E-03 14.3 I 0.34E-03 0.070 0.070 0. 4 0.075 I 0.21E-03 0.23E-03 7.7 I 0.21E-03 0.075 0.077 1.8 0.081 I 0.16E-03 0.82E-09 -50.0 I 0.16E-03 0. 081 0.079 -2.8 0.087 I 0. 98E-04 0.16E-04 -83.3 I 0. 98E-09 0.087 0.081 -6.7 0.092 I 0.16E-04 0.16E-04 0.0 I 0. 16E-04 0.092 0.099 7.5 Maximum positive excursion = 0.008 cfs { 9.0%} <10 ✓ I occurring at 0.091 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.099 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.003 cfs (-12.3�) occurring at 0.023 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.020 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf 0 rdvut diar � �+� target.dur ♦ .....`. ,.�. ._.�`� � R _ - �`� o ::,���. �e.��� ,�Z cn ��t (� Q u.. � `♦='m U o00 ,,s� �v' `��s f0 �,�4 C�.f `:;��'f N � � 0 O- O �� � \�� ?►� � 00 �� r�_'.'t�.. � `��� ``—<>_ e;�` �-�� .�x O Q O � 10 -5 10 4 10 3 10 z 10 � 10° Probability Exceedence i �! C. Water Quality Calculations The water quality volume for Key Plaza was calculated using the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM),200� Edition,pages 6-68 to 6-71. Vb =f*(0.9A; + 0.25A�g + O.IOA�+ 0.1 DAo)*(R/12) YVhere, Vb = wetpool volume (c� required f= volume factor A� = area of impervious surface (s� Atg = area of till soil covered with grass (s� A�= area of till soil covered with forest (s� Ao = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest R =rainfall from mean annual storm (inches) (refer to the attached precipitation graph) Vr = 0.90*Ai + 0.2�*Ag x R/12 Vr =j0.90*(1.27*43560) + 0.2�*(0.18*43560)]x 0.47/12 Vr =[0.90*(��,321) + 0.25*(7,841)J x 0.47/12 Vr = (49,789+ 1,960)x 0.47/12 Vr =2,027 i Vb = 3 x Vr I Vb = 3 *2,027 I Vb = 6,081 cf The water quality volume will be provided in the western half of the detention/wetvault. The v��estern half of the vault is 18.5'x124' and the wetpool depth is 4 feet. Hence the amount of dead storage provided is 18.5'� 124' x 4' = 9,176 cf which e�ceeds the 6,081 cf required. In addition, the eastern half of the vault includes 1.74 feet of dead storage or 3,992 cf of dead storage. V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The smallest capacity com�eyance pipe on this project site is a 12"pipe sloped at 0.6%. The flowing full capacity of a 12" smooth wall pipe sloped at 0.6% is 2.99 cfs. Since the peak 100-year flow with a 1�-minute time step into the detention vault is less than 1.6 cfs, there are no pipe capacity issues. i � NW 4 NW 4 SEG 15 TWP.23 N. RGE.5E W.M. _. _-_-�-�_ - - - - - __ � - ..y e _ = , . . � � . - -- ---- - � - - --_,s- �___. . . � : � ` s � -- �-a �a- � -- - � -- -- =- � }''�' _ . . O --- - - -- -- ":, �` • ---- ,.. �-�__ � � , - - -- - � . i �., , ��. _—_. _._.. _. i- � - -- � V I.� � �—�' � � i j�� 17 %� '� ; � -_ _ . . fitsr/�EEr �A,�� ! 1 � � � --�1-- — _– ,. .` --_____ �— f9 - --�r__—_.._.. 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I AL[OW RfllOYi1L i F, (h7CFff ~ o � 1?"/OV fRLW CB E ORKL OIP YA� a � 6 � � C�IENTX,W/IL�7YAG¢7 y� ..r 11"Rf IA2I9 LY/T Q68'I A4ArICF � rT0�T � �9r°9 S R!I/�V._ � RAl QFV. I7216t— �� J• M R_SIRKTAP fAY) . r _._ _._TQ°SFDAVfNT SRXL9l�Q.797f9_ _ _. g ' � �� �.. � B� . — .: . 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GA7E' — }�5 I05 ���srv��. � f sr�as rrn s�rx wut �ieas(�m�sa'nr wut ,� ( ) �- �e'vtaFaFA�m P�Foonroc � I s� oA':- — � - _,uavuu w=a eai.<s _ oiavv wn.wrcc w�z',rz' � —__ -- _.—___— ——__ —.—.— — _.— _ — — — —_—..—_— —. S S C ./� 11"/£t0!.49 i .-..—..—_— — I '_ - D✓fA/N R�EDD/NG AND � � �c E t �� �^ 396.6j CAW£C7 IU£XLSIING CB AS e'�ZS I ^...L TA°G4�Sf�llfN7 STAPAGE Q.397_I9 (H�� '��d'''YA�T�'�' �O� ta71 I Ne 19m?ioce Sune IOl ¢� P-.-r.� ,,.�..^ —..r. _Q�_,— ;;,_",. , -.''_ .:��,— �_.'^ — _ — — -- -•7l3j� -:�— --�::�-e SEEABDYf ee , mhmpro� 9 - e n w�w aoo� I/AULTSECT/O ..- , _ , . C 4 - .�95 .�9$ � /DESlGN '�25.885.78T/Foz 25.885.796J �� N B-B �� ENGINEERIh'G � PLANNING • SURVEYfNG S�'ALL�MSi4'S�WTA:.� 1=7C ry,Z �nc,ac ;'=s' COREJOB#OT069 Y.IU(T DEIAKS.S�C1KW5 AND N07E5 CI.Jt VI. EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS: Design of the ESC plan was completed in conformance with Core Requirement#5 per the 2005 KCSWDM. Compliance with the 9 minimum requirements is summarized below. 1. Clearing Limits: Clearing limits have been delineated on sheet C2A1 of the civil plans. The clearing limits extend only to those areas that will be disturbed during construction of the subject project. 2. Cover Measures: The Erosion/Sedimentation Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans specify specific times at which temporary and permanent cover measures wzll be installed. 3. Perimeter Protection: Per sheet C2.01 of the civil plans, silt fence will be used for perimeter protection. Silt fence will be installed along the perimeters of those areas that��ill be receiving silt-laden runoff. 4. Traffic Area Stabilization: A construction entrance �vill be installed at the entrance to the project site. See sh�ets C?.Ol and C?.�] for ]ocation c�i� construction entrance and detail. 5. Sediment Retention: The proposed detention/water quality vault will be used t � � sediment retc.,,;,-,.� �,,.i;�,,.,,,. ,,_,,,r;�,,, �,,�;1� t,,� ,I,_�":,,,,, ? ,,:,,- ,�,_� '�nn� k�r���'?�� � Appendix D. Surface Area: QZ(DEV 15.ts�= 0.83 cfs (See attached KCRTS Flow Frequency Analysis in Section 4B of this Report) SA= 2080 sf/cfs * Q2 SA = 2080 sf/cfs * 0.83 cfs= 1.726 SF SA Provided=4,588SF> 1,726 SF � OK Riser Diameter: The 12" riser on the control structure will be used for the principle spill��-ay. The riser was sized to accommodate the developed 100-year, 15-minute return period storm. See Section 4B of this Report for sizing calculation. Emergency Overflo��� Spillw�a��: The 12" riser on the control structure will be used for emergency overflov��. The riser was sized to accommodate the developed 100-year, 15-minute return period storm. See Section 4B of this Report for sizing calculation. 6. Surface Water Collection: Interceptor swales will be used to direct all sediment- laden runoff to the sedimentation pond. See sheets C2.01 and C2.31 for location of s���ales and details. 7. Dewatering Control: A note on sheet C2.01 addresses the procedure for discharge/treatment of runoff from dewatering. Dewatering Orifice Sizing As (2h)o.s Ao = 0.6x3600Tgo.s .Ao = 4,588�2 x 3.S�.s 294166 Ao = 0.041 D=24x `�o � �— D = 24x�0.041 � D = 2.74„ 8. Dust Control: A note on sheet C2.01 addresses the procedure for dust control should soils become too dry. 9. Flow Control: The proposed detention/water quality facility w111 be used for sediment retention therefore, discharge from the facility will be per the Conservation (Level Two) Flow Control standard. Design of the SWPPS plan ���as completed in conformance writh Section in the ' 2005 KCSWDM. The ESC and SWPPS plan contains notes establishing what materials I w�ll not be allowed on the site along with notes describing BMPs for treatment of ' materials that will be on the site. Since no storage of liquids including fuel will be ' allowed on the site, no spill prevention report and/or clean up report is required. Vehicle maintenance will not be allowed on the site. Storage of construction materials and wastes «-i11 be stored within the "potential stockpile area" delineated on the ESC and SWPPS plan. Any concrete waste or waste from sawcutting or surfacing will be discharged to , formed areas awaiting installation of concrete or asphalt and/or to a lined sump as specified in the notes and sho��n on the ESC and SWPPS plan. The contractor shall designate a person as the responsible representative in charge of erosion control and ' maintenance of all erosion control and stormwater pollution prevention facilities. APPENDIX • Technical Information Report(TIR) Worksheet (� pages) • KCRTS Input File (1 page) I , i i KING COUNTY, `�JASHINGTON, SURFACE ��ATBR DESiGN i��1A:��UAL TECHNfCAL 1NFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET „� _ ;. ` , ., . , a F r `.. r� � `Parf��� �RqJECT bWNEf2 AND �, � � � ' `, : �arf 2 PROJECT L.O�ATION AND ' �w „ P�}�OJ�C�ENGINEER - ��. � ' ' = DESGRIPTION� �� �' �: , - � J. .'l .L� F I. 1 !I �3'. F� �� 4 ProjectOwner Amber Properties, LLC. projecttJame Key Plaza of Renton Phone 20b-391 -71 04 DDES Permit# PRE-023 Hzg�- nds Address p•�• Box 3015 Location Totvnsh�p 23 Renton, WA 98056 Range 5 Projeci Engineer David Cayton Section �� Company Core Design, Inc. SiteAddress 4500 Block of NE 4th t. Phone 425-885-7877 Renton, S+lA 98059 � - :- �.. +, ..;..' . �.�. :�.. -: � ��' ; � �� � '�� ci:.,��,�' . .� : k -.. _r ��p . � .. Part3� 7YPE OF PERMITAPPLICATION � ` , ` ' -'Par�4� OTHER REVfEWS AND PERMfTS � i i - ' r. - r. - ' �.� { . r�. i. 'F_ ��r.� .iuf. ..,�. _.. . . . ..... . . .... . ., . ..... ..._. . .... . .. _ .r. i.. 4. .. _ . _.. . .. � . �. .• .. .. � Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shorefine Subdivison / Short Subd. / UPD Management ❑ COE 404 ❑ Building Services ❑ DOE Dam Safety � Structural M/F/Commerica! 1 SFR RockeryNault/ ❑ C[earing and Grading ❑ FEMA Floodplain � �SA Section 7 � Right-of-Way Use ❑ COE Wetlands � ❑ Other ❑ Ofher t , - , s _: _ � �:j, Part 5�PLAN AND R�PORT li�'FORMATIOtJ t - � � ��I� .;V t~ .I i -k l )�_ Technical Information Report Site Improvemenf Plan (Engr. Plans} � Type of Drainaga Review ul ! Targefed / Type(circle one): �tall I tvlodified / (circie); Large Siie maii Site Date (include revision 8/14/0 7 Date (incf ude revision g�� 4/0 7 dates); Re�ssed 8/4/08 dates): Revised 8/4/08 Date of Finaf: Date of Final; �- , _ , , � , � t, < < � { ; t Ra�rf 6 ADJUSTMENTAPPR�VALS - - i - � �: ' } _ .i: .4..' rt. _h � - •'� �1 7 t i:) � �1 � Type (circle one): Standard I Complex I Preapplication / Experimental I Blanket Description: (include conditions in TiR Section 2) Dafe of Apnroval: 2005 Surface�'�'ater Design Man��al li 1/O5 1 KING COUNTY, ��JASHINGTON, SURFACE SVATER DESIGN MAN[iAL TECHNICAL INFORMATlON REPORT (TiR) WORKSHEET ' �.r . . . ... - ' ` . - ` y'. � - k . + 4 : t_ � # -. F�ar�.•7 h40I�11TOR)I�G REQUIREMENT��� ,�� �. 1� `� �F� ,} : « � ' �t° _i�:�.�3 4 ,:.:��a T'� -e. .r �� �4 r - ' _ _ . .:.-l.,_ ,.. . ... . .. .�...�. ..., ...� ., r� ....—..+.._ . �. .. .�. r... . Monitoring Requlred: Yes / No �escribe: Start Dafe: Complstion Date: 7._ ' '�_' '... ..t � :5 { . , . .' 3. �� .�.�. � -f'� t c i . Fart}8 S(TE GONIVIUNITY ANQ DRAIN,4GE BASIN ��--�� ' `r� F ', °� �, �- -` ,• a � - ;, �_.',- .-;.:i. - _.r='��..> ., ��..;;� ,_, � �:�: �,:_ -, „ r�'�� � , � r. x ,� r,. Community Plan : Speciaf Disfrict Overlays: Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar Rzver Starmwafer Requirements: King County 2005 z -, _ ,., � r � �+ t, .� ,,. rPart9 ON$i�E ANDTADJAC-�NT:SENSfl'IVEAR�AS,;F;� , ,� , '�'' • „�`'��'' �;��;�, � , ': + t — � ;. - t - .=>..;r—'%f•���-4:•.. ❑ River/Stream � Steep Slope ❑ Lake ❑ Erosion Nazard ❑ Wetlands ❑ Landslide Hazard ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Ccal Mine Hazard � ❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard ❑ O€her ❑ Habifat Profecfion � ❑ � .� � �.t �'� !'�� �.F�t i.�i �� .I : �1'y F � t -. i � ` � ���." �F � � { �part 10 �SO1LS _� _ "= : - ' �� ' _ . ` h, ' � ; . �� t" L c y` `("r't ',.,'.� ,.i.. t, _— .X� .t �t' i .3.:n_� Soil 7ype Slopes Erosion Potenfiai Alderwood 6 — 15o Slight ❑ High Groundwafer 7abfe(within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer � Other Aquif�� =� Zone 2 ❑ SeepslSprings Q Addifional Sheets Attached � 24a5 Surface E3�ater Design A�lanua] 1;1!OS � KING COL'NTY, �VASHINGTON, SURFACE ���ATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET �... ,. _._ _ _ _ � : ; - °Part.,11 DRAINAG�:DESIGN LlMITATIOi�5 - `� � �: { ` •- .i; _ -r�. .��: ! ' __ t' _:t; REFERENCE L1M(TATION/SITE CONSTRAINT 0 Core 2—Offsite Analvsis none ❑ SensitivelCritical Areas N/A 0 SEPA none ❑ Other ❑ ❑ Additional Sheets Attached Part -12-TIR SUMMARY SHEET, : +� prav�be one.�TIR Summary S'heet per�-Threshpld DfscF�a�ge Area) .,. ,.;� .; -= Threshold Discharge Area: � ,q acres (onsite} name or descri tion Core Requirements {a!I 8 apply) Dischar e at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharqe Locations: 2 Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated: 7 25 07 � Flotv Controi Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number incl. facilit summa sheet Smalf Site BM s Conveyance System Spil! containrrtent locafed at: vault Erosian and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: TBD Contacf Phone:TBD After Hours Phone: BD PJlaintenance and Operafian Responsibility: rivat / Pubfic If Private, P�ainten ce Lo �te uired: Yes /�Io Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liabilif Water Quality Type: Basic I Sens. Lahe I `n�anced Basicm I Bog (include faciiity summary sheet) or Ex,emptio o. Landsca e Mana ement Plan: Yes ! No S eciat Re uirements (as a licable Area 5pecific Drainage 7ype: CDA/SDO/MDP/BP/LtviP/Shared Fac./None Re uirements Name: A UI Zone 2 FloodplainlFiood�vay Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exempfion / one 900-year Base Flood Elevafion (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Faciliti2s Describe: N/A Source Control Describe landuse: �ommercial (comm.lindustrial landuse) Describe any stn�cturai controls: Water quality vault 2005 Surface��Ta�erDesign Manual 1!]!OS 3 KING COUNTY, ��JASHINGTON, SURFACE �WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNlCAL INFORMATION REPORT {TIR) WORKSHEET Oii Contro! High-use Site: Yes No Treatmenf BNP: Maintenance Agreement; Yes / No with whom? Other Draina e Structures Describe: N/A ... ,.. : Pa"rE,�'13 EROSION AND`SEDIMENT.CONTROL REQUIREMEtJTS. -,= , .:�<-- ,_, -: _;. ,T.,� M}NIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MfNiMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURfNG CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION � Clearing Limits � Stabilize Exposed Surfaces � Cover Measures � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Faciiities � Perimeter Profection � C3ean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure � Tra�c Area Stabifization Operation of Permanenf Facilities � Sediment Retention ❑ Ffag Limits Qf SAO and open space preservation areas � Surface Water Control ❑ Other � Dust Control � Construction Se uence � Part�.��. Sl"QRM�NATER�FAGILITY;DESCRIP._TIONS; Nofe:'Include:Fa�ci(if :Su�ma ::a�id:�Sketch "~' ' ;_.�: Flow Controf T e/�escri tion Wafer Qualit T e/Descri fion � Detention vault ❑ Biofiltration vault I ❑ Infiifration � Wetpoo! ❑ Regional Facifity ❑ Media Fiifration I ❑ Shared Facifity ❑ Oif Controf ❑ Smal! Site BMPs ❑ Spili Control ❑ O#hsr ❑ Small Sife BJv1Ps I ❑ Other i 2005 Surface��ater Design Manual 1/1/�5 I 4 KING COUNTY, �VASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL 1NFORMATiON REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part,15 EASEMENTSITRACTS ' Rar# �6` STRUCTURAL�ANALYSIS - . ... , .. . . , . � Drainage Easement 0 Cast in Place Vault ❑ Access Easement ❑ Retafning Wall ❑ Native Growth Protection Covenant ❑ Rockery>4'High ❑ Tract ❑ Structural on Steep Slope . ❑ �ther ❑ Other :Part:9,7 ':SIGNATIJRE OF'.:PROFESSIONAL:ENGINC.ER : �: . , (, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Acfuaf site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and fhe attached Technica! lnformafion Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Sioned,iDate �I 2045 Surface Water Design R4anual l,'1/0� 5 .exc KCRTS Program. . .File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 1.46 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Impervious predev.tsf T 1.00000 T [T] Enter the analysis Too�s Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies predev.tsf predev.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.18 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 1.27 0.00 0.000000 Impervious dev.tsf T 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.18 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 1.Z7 0.00 0.000000 Impervious devl5.tsf ' T 1.00000 ' F [T] Enter the Analysis Too�s Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies devl5.tsf devl5.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies dev.tsf dev.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [F] Size a Retention/Detention FACILITY Manual Design vault.rdf 5 Route Time Series 0 Return to Main Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program Page 1