HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0487 { " �r s a!
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� " (Improvement Ordinance Bonc1 Form.) �,
AFR 1 3 1g2Q ' '
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Cl�r.c I ORDINANCE NO. :-.---�_--.._..
'�1a21a Walla Avenue, in the original tov�m(no�r city) of Renton,
`•�ashinton,by constructing concrete sidewalks in front of and
�,long the foll.owing nam.ed lot and block abuttin� upon said
Avenue to wit;
Lot eleven in bloc�ten and block "A"
all in accordetnce �sith R�;solllti��n \o. ���__.____ of the City Coliz�cil oi tlie City of K�eiito��i. creaYin�; ,i locxl
improveriient distriet theref.or, and providing that payrnent for said i�nprovement be made by special �ssess-
rnents npon property in saicl ciistrict p�yable bp the mode of "P�ayment by Bonc�s."
�e�t�on l: �1'11:�t WaTla �alla Avenue , in the original town(nov�r city) of
Renton,�Nashin�ton,be improved by constz-ucting concrete sidewalks
(six fest a:n width) iri front of and along the foilowing named
lot and block abutting upan saic� Avenue to wit;
Z,ot eleven in block t�n and block "A"
and that 5nch otlier «ork be done as rnay be necessary in connection therewitli, accordina to the plans and
specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the Citv Ena�ineer and on file in the office of the City
��t�rk.��'nich saic� plans and specifieations are herEby expressly a��proved..
Section 2: '1'hat the cost and expense of said improvement, including all necessary an� incidental es-
��enses, sh�ll be borne by and assessec� a�ainst the property inciudecZ in the assessment district hereinafter
�reated in accordance ��vith la«�. The City of Renton s hall ziot be liable in any� manner for any portion of the
cost and expense of s�id improvement, except as herein �rovided.
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Sectiou :3: '1'h�> >cr�� i� hereb� est�hlished a lo���al �mprol-eiueut tlistrict to l�e ceill�d "I.oc<ll Iiuprove-
ment District \a �� __.," �.�-hich said district is deseribed as follo���s:
"r�l] the prope ty betwe�n the terrnini of sai�d improvement �ibnttin�; iipon, adj�cent, vicinal or prosi-
inate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a c�istance bacl: irorn the �uar,��in�31 lines thereof, as pro-
vided by la�v."
Sec ion 4: I3onds beariub interest at the rate of. ___._�.�. ..____ per cerit, per anr�tun �ayable on or before
.____.._� years from the date of isstlance shall be issued in payment of the eost and expense of this
------ --
iuiprovement, which bonds sh�ll be redeemecl by the co tion of special assessnlents to be levied and assesse�ci
npon the proper within said district, payable in .______.�_.____ ec�ual annual installments with interest �at the
rate of __________ �._____ per cent. per annum under the inode of "Payment by Bonds,'•' as cZefined by law ancl the
charter and or�inances of the City of Rsnton. These bonds shall be deliverecl to the contractor in redemption
of warrants on the Local Irnprovement District Fund issned on estimates of the City E�n�ineer, or the Cit3>
of Renton ma�>, at its election, sell said bonds and make such redemption in cash.
Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and -effect five (5) da�-s froi�i �nd after its passa�e,
ap��roval and le�al publication.
,lppro�ec1 this ----'�__..------.----- day of _ -- ...----
, _ . _..---•---•---, 19�eG_.
- �---- - -..--------.._ --..._ -- _._... ___. __ .- -- - -- -- ---
�� lIayor.
Passed this .....- �. .._..__.... day of --...��Z�Z�!f.. - - � �- > 19'��:�--•
-�- -- ...---•--•--�-- � - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -
Citv Clet�li.
Date of $rst publication _. ��..�_G=�:� �'� — ���--�_________
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