HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0474 ��`.�-\� i6�141�tCl a4i i.� �b'�l��..�°Y g %� � _ � L��.`' y .. :^,N QR�TNANCI�; PROV�DI�dG �OR m�iF: TY�PRn�I��q�NT OF �'hat ��rtion of F2a.ilr�ad Avenue in ine Ciiy of Renton, ?k'as:�ir.�tor,�nunded �n the South b�� the Sout�� ]_ire of Yesler �treet and on the ;'lorth by thc "y���h line of Cos�1 SLrses,, to�ether �ith i.hat �ortivn �� that certai.n un- named street bein� �.n extention of Railre�:d Avenue in Ad�it 'sLaYe �Vash- ington Plat ae described and set foi�th in that . �ert�in de�d bearing date rfaT'C13 4, I895,executed b,y C.H.Adsit to Ring County,�Aash. , recorded in Vfl1. � of Ro�d Book Page 2f9 records oi King Gounty,�lashington,being kno�n as :��ad_ ?to.375,extending North fron th� No��hboun�ary of Ads3t 's Lake Wash- ington P1at #,o the �J:eandQr line as the same exists in front of lot One(I ) in Section Seven(7) ,Townghip twenty-ti�ree (23) North Range r'ive(5} East, �y grading, gravelling and gut,tering the same. �11 in accordanee with Resciu.tion No.246 of the City Council of thP Cit� �i Renton,creatin� a �ocal im���vc,�ent .district therefor, and providin� #,hat payr�ent for saicl improvement be made by special assess�nPnts upon ;�roperty i.n sa�.d district payable by t��e made o� " Immediate Pavrr;eizt. " �IiE CITY COL'NCIL OF THE CIT� �F REfi1TOP�, �iASHII�GTON, nOFS OR�?�I1i AS �'�I..TI>>::5: :�Pction I : That 'oriion of P.ailrodd «ve:►ue in tne City of Renton,'�Jashin�}a3�; bounded on the Suuth by t'�e South line of Yesler Street and. on thP Nortr_ , by thP Nortn l.i.ne of Coal rtreet,together with that portion of tha�. certain unnam�d strnet bei�g an extention of Railr�ad Ave.r�ue in Adsit °� � h'r� n Plat as describe� and set forth in that certain deed Lake as i to � bearin� date i�arch 4th,III95,executed by C.::.Adsit to King County,b'Vash� ington ,reco�ded in Ve1.3 of I:o�d �3ook,Page 269,records of King County, �Jasll. ,being known as F�o�.d No.376,exten�in� North from the Atorth bou»clar;; of Adsit `s I,aks �iashington Plat to the me�Ader 1_ine as tne same exist� in front of T,ot �ne(I) in Section seven (7) Township twenty-three (23) �. Rang� 5 East, be improved by �radin�,gravellin� and guttering and tr���t sc�c}� other urork be done �s may be necetisary in connecti�n there�vith, accordin� ta the plans and specifications theref'or pre��.red unc�er tr.e ' � direc#.ior •of the City ��gineer and on fi]_e in t�a office o�' the Cit:�i Clerk,Which said nlans and specifications �re hereby expr�ssly appr��>�:;s� . Section 2:That the cost ar_c� expense o� sai.d improvement ,includ3.ng a7.�. nec�ss�ry and inci:��'.~�t.al expenses , shall be corne �nd assessed a�ainst� the property included in the assessment disLrict, r����in�fter Ereated in accordanee �rith la.i�. Th� Cit;� o#' Renton shall not be _1_iable in any manr��� for any portion �f the sost ar±d expense of said irr�provement ,except here�� provided. (insert appropriate proviso f�r contribution fromthe General Fur�d if an�=' Section 3: Tha#, ther� is hereby e�tsbll.shed a l�c�'�. i�pr�vement districi to be called "Local Improvement District NoE�$o . '` which said district �.r� f - described as fol.lows : "t�ll the property betwPen the te�^mini of said improvement abutting upc�y:� ad�ac�;�.t,vicinal ar proxirr�ate to such portiQn of said street,s and aven�d�-:� � to a distance �ack from trie marginal lines thereof,as. provided by law. 't � ' Section 4: That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be defrayed � by 4peciaJ. assessment.s payable by tiTe mode of "Imediate Payment"as defined by Iaw and the ch�.rter and ordinances of the Cit.y pf Renion.s�7arrants bearirl� intereqt at the rate of 8 per cent .per annum until paid,shal.l be issuPd Lo the contracLor f�r the redemption of as maaay of' the warrant4 issued ;��# the Local Improv�ment �'=.stri�t Fund on estimates of thE City L•'ngineer, as may not be redeemed 3.n cash. . . Section 5: Tr�is ordinance shali be in full force and effect fi:=� (5) dav� fra?n and after its passage,a�proval and legal publicaticn. • � App�^oved thi� 23th da�T ofr���e,;:'��:,I9I9, V!'m.Tonkin. I��ayor. �� Pa�sed thi, <:3th day of' '�%ecemc��r, i9Ia. '��. J. ;i`illia�: . Cit�t C�.�r�'�, �-_�.__ w�. ,.~�.ui:r�, t:`_ .`�:;'61�,: ,r,;�a 'U 1 �c :'�Ll�?j�,*,r nf��.�'1� ) e .�'. �T '`,+12�'1.��:T,S 'Clt,� v1 P,?"'h �Y;CI ].2� I��' �rie "1�.�� �i i`�E??'?�C3Z2� � z,;:��r:� r=_°�, � � hAreby certify that the foergoing iq a true and ec�rrect I c�py of ordinance t�1o.�?4,of the Git;� of Renton,as it a�pears or� file in � mJ office,and to further cPrtify that the same has been publisheci accord- ' ing to 1�w,Ir. witne�s whereof I have riereunto set my han�i and affix.ed ` t �:t- :��a� :>� -;:t-:F,- 3; „ �tx �� _.*<,�g��v���� �:. wxzs.-. �:" December,I9I9. I _ ���� � � � ' � �"-�_ _� __ • i#,;� CZerk .