HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0413 . . ' , s� ! ' ' ra . w , . (�pprovin� Orc�inance--Itnmecli�te Ya��inent Form.) �� ORDII�ANCE N0. _---_.------ ----- �\ ORDIN�\C'N. �YPhO�'I\Cx a\D �'0\FIR_lII\U THF. .ISSES�JIE\1' :\\D ,\SSI:�SJ1`r:\'1' ROLI, pF �L9C�U� IlIPRO�VE�MEVT DISTRICT NO�,_73 ---..----._. F'OR- '1'HE� I1IPR�Oti'EI�iEV'r OF All thst �art of the east half ef bloak�'aur( 4) in tne ori�inai to>E.� � now city-oP Renton,VLrashizlgton,l,ying s�uth of the northeasterly margin cf the� city of Seattle' s �fg}tX�x3�t�c Pipe Line Ri�ht. cf Way, and that part �:� lmts faurt�an (I4) �nd �ifteen(I5) lying north of sald nort.�.easterl;� margi�� of s�,id SedttZa� s Pipe Line Ri�ht .f Way�-By Canstructina a sevror--�ut�oc All being in said block 4-- x�c���.�x��x���x��.�x���������s�s�'�����xx�: 40 7 nnder Ordinance �'o. _____, and levyinb and assessina the auiounts th�ereof ��ainst the several lots, � tracts, parcels of land and other property as sho�vn on said roll, and estlblisliino a Locrll Iinprovement F`und. TfI� CITY CO'tiNCIL OF� TIIE CIT'l' OF RI:A'I'0.��� DOE'S O�Rll aI\ �S FOLLOWS: n Se�ction L That the al�. that d at'ts 4ft trieo sast,� half�of�b1�Ck�f��� � A _ ur l4) i:� the o°�i��i►�°���t(�ow city) of R�nton,Washington,l,�in� soutn �P the nort��- easterly margin oP the City of Seattle' s Pipe I,ine Ri�ht of Way-and that part cf l�ts fourt�en (I4) and fi�teen(I5) l;�ing nart,�. oP said north- easterly margin of aaid SeattYe'�s Pipe Line Right of Way --A17, befn� iM said bl�ck �our . By the constructiar� et' :� s�wer �:��dxs�eldxi�x�r.�w�Xe:+�x;���.���s��:��i��a��i��¢����titc��ix��i�c�xxx�cac.xxx v: it�der Urdinaiice \o. __���____--_, as tlie s���ne no���- Sta»ds. i�e, an�l flle S��u�e is, lier�eb�� in all thin,�s approvecl � z�nd confirined. Section '?: That each ��f the lots, tracts, p�rccls of 1<iud aucl oth�er propert�- slio«-u npoll said roll is hereby declarecl to be specially benefittecl b,y said improvement in at least the amount charaed against the sanie and th�lt the �assessment appearing against the saine is in proportion to the several assessments appear- in; upon said roll. There is hereby levied and assessed against �each such lot, tract, parcel of land and other property appearinb upon sllch roll the a�mount fina�lly charged �aainst the same thereon. �� Section 3: For the pllrpose of this iii7provement there is hereby created nnd established a special fund <_, � T� be called "L�ocal Iuiprore�nent Fun�c1, I�istrict \o.__��__:'_____._. 5ection �: Z`l�is orclinauce sli�ill Ue iu fiill force ai�cl ef'ect five (�) da��s :I'roui zin<l after its passa��e, approval and le��al publication. � _1 > >roved this --.--���� � i'�0��'1'TII���� � 1� - - --- day oi -- - --__ - --, 191.`.__.._ . - - - - -�� - ---- , - -- - - - _llav��r. �� NOPC�lbG I' ' Yassec� this --.-�-3-,-------- day of ---------- 91------ ?t�.Zlt�t-- � - - - - - - - - -- - - -- --- - - - - ---- - - - City Clerk. Date of first publication .._..._��e��.__..,2._.v._"-__�__1-�_y.�___. � �^' � ' �'2� _ r � ,,% � "-- -�--. `j _ . ,