HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0282 f �� . r ...:� �I�S? . .. �G•�� .._ �. . Y . � r � � lui��r������in��iii �1tvlinrnir��--luini���li�ii�� I',i� �u��n1 I���i ORDINANCE NO. �-.g z- �1�� 1)li_ul\��\(,�]�� �'R�O�V�D�N(� FQR� '1'IIE �111'IiU�"F:Jll:A'l' ��i� Th.�t ;��rtion of tTie '�ast side of r��a3n St. i7orth, �.�:�rc���'. c�r� �`;��: :;o:-��i h�r ;h �:��. ^�.z��. �:oxth <�nr.�_ �n t�e so7ith hv SFct�r.c? .�s�= . 'or`h, � ;.,,r„ .Q , r ,_ ,_...�-� '�i�:iC�ti"i:i�,ir�sii.�,�i'�fi4.�°�I���e.�i3i�uAu liJ' �{�.��3� �''�+� � �k the construction of a board s�.ri��,��,:1k +�f�rt=.c�r �.xL �or�?�7_i.;;rce ..wt;3� ':he provi�ions o�' Qrdin�nce �:o. .39, all in xcc��rciance ��ith R.esolntion No. 9.7"'�'�--_ ul' tli�� (;ity' ('unr�<�il uf tl�c l'it�- ui' li��nl��n. ��r��r��iu� �� In�-,�l i�nl�rovetnent district therefor, and providinb that payinent for sa�id ilnproveinent b�� �ur��l�� 1»� ,��r��i;,l �i5,����- nicnts npon property in said district payable bv the inode of "Imnie�tiate Yaymeut.'� '1'IIF CI'CY COU\CIL OF� '1'HE CITY OF R]�:N'1'0:A�, ����5�'II\(�7'0\�, DOI:S U[ill.�l\ .Ati 1���1.(.�)\�"�: ����r��r� z: �rh�t t�.t portion o£ t1�e eaut; sid� o-� P�€��n ;t. Zlorth, ���^�-1�G:��- 8d 0?"i �'11� i+0„'t'',�: �)�T "��.�� '.�_ �? -�-}7 £1� Q11 �r`�' SOli':h �,�,s `�f'G'�`-1;? 1.VE' •� �:,�a . l�v� . or� � i:or th 1 �` � �<����;:��Ti{��.��1�73��'� hi� iiii��r�>�-��ci l�r ���+�;%��i�i�:'u�''��u.�� f,he construetion o� a board sidewalk theret�n in eompi�.ar.c� -�;��i.r,:-: ,he prov3sions o� Orc�inance r�o. .39, >i���l that snc}i other ��ork be done as may be necessary in connect�ion therewith, �lccuraina to the plans an<1 s��r��ificat�ons therefor prepared under the direction of the Cit�� Eng�in er an�on file in the office of the Cit��_ � ������:., crY:ich 3�:�fic1 pl�z1S �d sp�ci�'� c�.tions are �here � ��pressly r�p��r�v�c�. �ection 2: '1'hat the cost and expense of said improveinent, including all iiecessary an� inciclental e�- �x�n���s, shall be borne by ancl assessed against the property incluc�ed in the assessment district hereinaftea• �•rrr�ted in accorclance with law. The City of Renton shall not be ]iable iri ;�ny> >uanner f��r :u��= portir�u of th�� �•��st and expense of said irnprovement, except as herein provided. i insert a����ro��rit�te proti�iso t��r �>ontribtttion from the Gen��r�i] 1�'i�ri�i �f <�n��l �',rciiuii �3: '1'li��t tiiere is liereby est�iblishe�l a loe�al in���roveinent �listrict to l�e c�ill���'t "Luczil Iniprove- ���r>>t llistrict \To. .��__._.____," which said district is described as follo��s: "�lll the property bet�wee�n the termini of said improvement abuttin�; tz�on, adjacent, vicinal or pro�i- n��ate to such portion of saicl streets anc� avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as pro- �'i<(i�rl �y law.,, �<�ction 4: '1"ha�t the cost ancl espense of said improvement shall be defrayed b,y special assessYnent� l�a����hle by the mode of "Ii�nineciiate Yaynient" as defined by law and the charter and orclinances oi the Cit�• ��f Henton. Wari°ants bParing interest at the rate of S per cent. per �nmuu linYil pai�l, sh�ill li<� i�5n��ci t�> the contractor for the redemption of a�s many of the �varrants issue�l uii il�.� L������1 I�u��ru;���n���nt I)i.t�;�•t Flui�l on estimates of the City Engineer, as may not be redeemed in cash. Section 5: �lhis ordivance shall be in full force and ef�ect fi�-�� i,:>> �la�-s i'�•��u� ��n�t <il't��i• its l�assa,����, <��proval and leaal publication. :1pJ�r�i�-���1 thi, � � _ ��:��- �f _ 11�7'-i l -- - � 191_ - , � ' J i � � � �� 7 .. �G. . '��. � �� - - ���%� _ Jlt�enr. I',i�s���i 1hi; - -��-� �la�- of _ ,i;�<T:��.. _ • 19L_w � . � . ._ i'_�� v - -. - - - -� - -- -- - -�-� ----. -- --_ ---'= ---- Cit�- ll�rl�. ll:�tc ��i' tir,t In�ilili��rtti���u ���� -./.�`� ��� � .���� f - -- --. �/ � )� � � �� . � NOTICE OF HEARING ON AS�ESSMENT ROLL. �villi�,ms �t�'iowwm R�ntun "r'���� , Irnproveiyient of _td81-ri-.;.t_�.NO.�-ih-.�_.........._.---St. ... .---.. BY-$O.STd. S�dEWR:..'�': I:. L D.-- -.�1-.. 11c...�:�--..._. _ _ . -__-. . t)rc�.282. �?�':' \�otice i� l�c�r��l>�� ���i����n tl�nt th�� ��n,��.�ni�°nt i•:,II i'or L�_�r�al 1n��>e�i�����u��iit I?i,ti•i�•t \��. - -- �'�__�� i'�,�° t}��� ;..���ove���ent of Ea�t side of Il[ain 3t North bounded on the no�th F�;,* '�:�ird "vanuQ North �,nd on $�1P, sauth by S�cond AvEnue North e��.' • _, - � j.,,��±;n�a �, F ;'��11.i.a:rr�� �t� in frnnt o� Lot�f ,... . ; � , ; �:;1 _.:.. L//. ' � ' tl�11�r�I!%d 1F � PTF ffr�a`3��Y '1 l:r�f( t `a 'j C 5�Z„L;A.a v= f �� , a �I� i• ,, � , ' IiIS�,�.1 ''��X°�1��+ '(11' '�(7 Pfl3�1`�J ?�1 �T p ,711.? V3�fr(}'�� j�l- !��ICST 1't F71u" 1k'n�AN 4, .4��;�=1�Pt J�L�@=l!'�1 f IIf,"� , . ,. '�:<�'. �`i,iil�J y C`u:b.1t�Z7 J�I� :3 DU�Ii""..� `3.il�v4V<�.ir� �^1r' ' ` ` nr.' ;. " ., . . � . .1'E•Utl a.11 GIJi;_ 9., :i `...'.'' �r .(: _ �7�."+JV,i'"£�.�XIF� td� ''�:�����'D�Ck!;F:� ?�4 �� '3f ;�'1€± t`7.'�:," !?t� 47�j-,�,-yp,�e i.5 u��s ��u (il�� i�� t1��, nfH�•�� nf th�� ('it�- ('l��rl:. �a.i�l r��ll h�i5 l���i�t� �et �I��«�i 1'���• li��ru�iri,�' at tl�e r��,�'ttl�ir tu����Yin��� ��i' thi� ('it�� ('nttur•il tn h�� ]i��lal i�i tli�� Couacil Chamber in the City Ha11 in the City of R�enton at __`7_,_�4_. o'clock __..P____.__ lT. o>> ti�� ''��' "`�'� ��� day of __�13��.'' . ..._____________________ 191_�.___, and all persons �vho may desire to object to S�+i�l �i�se,sii�c�nt ��r�> notixied to make such objections in writino nnd to file same �vith the City Clerk, att or prior to the dat�� �� fi�ed for such hearinb. At ihe time and place fixed and at such other tinies as the hearing may be continu���l to, the Conncil will sit as a Roard of Eqnalization fc,r the purpose of considering such roll, and at stich hear- ing, or hearings, will consider such objections rriade thereto, or any- part thereof, and will correct, re�visc�. raise, lower, ch�inae or modify such roll, or any part thereof, or set aside such roll and order that such assess- ment be i���acle cle novo, as t,o sneh hodv ehall a�pear jnst and ec{uitable, ancl theri proeeed to eonfirin sarrie h�- ordinan��c�_ � - �.�--t�-''. ,-- - - - - -- _ - _ __ - _--- _ � �--�� � - ��;r�� ���,��•i:. � � . llate of first pnblication _- ---�-��---------�--/_-� "i'�-----•��--------- _ - NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. �Immediate Payment Plan) , , . _ _3or�r-; r7. .� +���,y�.i liriprovemeut of ��rl ti .�r . ��3�'�bf.: 5'1' 1��� � I,. I. D. - ��1_.. - _ . _ - ORD. . . ��?��, _ \��li�•�� i� herrh�- �i�-��u ih�it tl��� ��5s��»iu��iiY r��l] 1'ur th�� iiul�r�i����iu��nt ui pOTL10l1 O� ti'lE: ;�1�:± e, ��ide of �ain St North bounded on the north by �'hi�d Avenue Nort: •�.,�;;i ��,il i.���.: f>�,u;��': Y�.y ��.::^.:�.1�1 �'�r�:•ci�l� .�l+"a� �,i� (ins��rt �tr��rts or liorti�in� th�reof tu I�c iinprul-e�i1 li�- (specif��in� nxtiu•e of i�upru�c�iicnt;l the con�truo�ion of a board sidewalk thereon in compai����=.�� �<yi. �'=�. .�:��-: proaisinns of Ordins�nce No 39.of said C3.ty of Rentc�r� r�11 in the C;ity of R�eiito», eo�uprisin�; Loc�il liuprovenieut .11istrict l�'o. ._�1,_..___ tul<�er Ordinance �'0..2�;___ is in my hands for collectii�ii, ancl any assessment thereon or any portion of any such assessinent iiiay be l�:ii��l at any tin�e within thirty (30) days frorn the date of the first publication of this notice, withont l�en<�11�-, interest or costs, and tmless payment is inade within snch time such assessment or unpaid portion thereof ��ill become delinquent. jlpon delinqttency a penalty of five (5) per cent. will attach t�o and become a l�art ot sueh assessment. llelinquent assessment will bear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent. per annum nntil paid. Snch delinquent assessment with penalty and iuterest will forthwith be collectecZ and the ]icii thereof b�� enforce�l in the manner lir��vided by law an�l tl�e ch<u�t��r ��n�l ordin��nc��s �if the (_'it�� u1' Kent��u. �, � , _ ..l.................... _ City Trc���,�u���e. � ll.�te of first publication ,