HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0289 t ' � ` _ ^ _� __.�..r ,O� 'r • � � �_ _ .. - � � ` • e J � � r � 4,� �. il r •- � (Iinproveinent Orclitiance—�intnecliate 1'eiyinent F�orn�.) ., �� ORDINANCE N0. _ � _: �. �.. :1\' uPl)I\�:�\'CE PR�OVIDI\G 1�`OI� 'l'��F I111']�O�'FJ[I.A'1' (�F Th:1x'ti ;�ve. �re�f 'honnRed on thA f�fit h�� f1�F c��nter tine a� Bitxn�tf, 5f. t�� aha�n in thP Ox�3.n�1 P�Rt of thA To�m o� ".rn�on ;�nd ar� th� L"IP.,�t; 'h�- 1.�ip F�a;�f, �.-ine o� �h�.tfzzc:n ;f.. uy �r��c'�n�. �zlr.l�ing finc� �n�in�; t�he s�iF �aith 'hrznk ��11 iu ,��•�•ur�i.�n��c� n-il�li R���ultttioti \i�. ._Zn�_":i ul' tli�� ('it�• Cutuiril �it llt�• �'it�� nl' li��nt�rii. �•r��:iliu� <i ]o��tl iu���rove�uent <�i�trict the:t•efor, and providiu� that pay»ient for said i�uprovement be made by special assess- �neilts upon property in said clistrict p�yable by the uiode of "Innnecii<<te Payiii�>nt." TIlI: ('I'1'Y CO[`\CIL OF 7'I]]�: l'ITY OF I�EV'1'O\. ��Va�III\U'1'0\. D(�}�;� ORll.�I\ a� .N`OT�LOWS: ����t,�„� 1: '1'l���t �,� Th�rd .1ve. ':��sfi bc�zinclA� �n thA Afi:lf; h�r thF nPnter lin� o� �irnett gt. a� �r�awn in thR Original. P��t of thF Town �� :'.Fntc�n and on fih� ��e�i; h�r �hR eRSf 1znP �f .7h�i:fitzck �t. be inipro�e�d by � �i'llC�jlTl�! (lU.x'��Y� A?1� pKv�]'tg f:}lE' i3AfiA with br.�.ak <u�d th�it sncli other ���orl. be done as n�ay be necessary in eonnection there�vith, rlecordir�a to the plans anc� specificatiolls th�refor pr�pared nnder the clirection of the City F.ng•ineer and on file in the office of the City c�l��r�z,� Y,�h3c�h �x::�:c� ��.,��a ��ar ,�������<:.:.�� c:rc 2��c+c'b� c:��un��,� ��;�.��ra�c�.. SecYio» `?: 'I'he�t tlie cost and eKpense of said im C�roveinent, includina all necess�ry anc� incidental es- penses, sl��ll be borne by and assessed aaainst the property included in the assess�iient district hereinafter ��reatea in accorclance ���ith la�v. The City of Renton sl�rzil not be li<ii�le iu any �iianner for any poriion of the eost and ei�ense of said improvement, except as herein providea. (insert ���i�ir����riate pr����iw f�ir colitribntion froin the G��ncral Finul if :in�r) ����•ti�ii� :3: 7'lirit t.h��r�� i5 l��reby- ctit<til�liahe�l r� loe�il i�uj�ru����ui���it �li,ti�ict tu I�e ca11cc1 "Lucal liu��rove- iu��ut Uistrict No. _�'_�:______," �vhich said district is described as followv: "��11 the property bet«een the terniini of sai�d improvement abtittinn�• upori, adjacent, vicinal or proxi- ivate to such portioii of s�iid streets and avcnues to a distance back from the inarbinal lines thereof, as pro- ��i�i���l I��• latv." �����tion 4: T'hat the c�ost and expense of s�id impi°ovement shall be defrayed by special <issessments �,a��<�I�I�� by the inode of "I»unec�iate Yx�-rnent" as defined by law and the charter aznd ordinances of the City ��1` Kenton. Warrants b���ariii� inter�+st .it the r<tit�� of 8 per cent. per annu�n iuiti] p�id, shall be iseued to the contractor_for_the redPmption �f a� n�any of the warrants issned on the Local Iin��rovement Distric>t F'tmd un estimnt�s of the City Enaineer, as n�iay not be redeen�ed in cash. SecYion �: �l`liis ordinauce shall be in full force and effect five (�) days from and after its passaae, ��j�Pro��xl and legal publication. :����>ru�'r�l this _ - �1.��' ��f` ���,�?'�•�• - _ , 1!)1 �' . lla�•��r. I'�i,����1 ihi, -- _ - �i�i�• �,t _ r_�_�"?�1 . 1!l7_ :;. __ _ __ _ __ _ __ -_ l'it�� L'lerk. 1_):�te nf (irst l�t�l�li�•,it i„n ._ _ _ _ - - - __ _ _----- -- -__ -- -