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�linproveiu��i�i. l)rditi��u�e--luiuu'(�ia�e Y.�,yiu��ut Forn�.)
ORDINANCE N0.29.5........... .
Av OPllI\��\CF PRO�%IDING 1+�)R '1'II�+J IIIPROV�:1'II;N'1' nF
that porti.on of ]Cain Street bounded on the�ya�(th by Fourth Avenue
s,nd on the south hy the ci ty limi t�
(it�sert�'����#fr�'�`��#�'�����=��'i�F�f��r�lr`�'�it#�` '''' ��n`��##�if��'��E.���,,����'7t����`��ff
�� grading and gravelling the �ame
all in accordance ��ith Resolution \�o. �ra.,'Z��_ of th� City Conncil of the City of Reliton, creatin; � local
il�npro�ement district ther�for, and providing that payment for �aid improvement he m�de by speci�l assess-
ments npon property in s�ic� district payahle by the u�oile of "Ininiedi�te Payrnent."
TI3I�.'� C'T'1'Y GOI�\'CIL OF 7'III�: ('I7'1' OF KE\7'p\, ti�'atiIl1\U'1'0\, DOES 4Rll�AI\ r�S I+`O]�LO�WS:
��<�t�o�� 1: �rl���t that pirr t3on of l(ain �treet bounded on the��rY�i�y
Fourth Avenua and on the sb�uth by the City limits
' �ins�rt��9������'.�1�'��i�����l��l�e improved by ��9�'�'��9���i�������
�rading and gravelling the eame.
�ind that snch ot}�er work be done as may be necessary� in connectiou therewitl�, accordina to the plans and
tipeeific�tions t�hcrefor pr��p�red under the direction of the City Fnnineer and on file in tlie office of the City
���ction 2: '1`hat the cost and etpense of said itn�rovement, including all necessary and incidental ex-
�����r;��,, Sh111 be borne by anc� assessed ag•ainst the property includecl in tlie assessmellt district hereinafter
�•reat��<l in accordance with law. The City of Renton sh<�ll not be liable in any i►ianner for any portion of the
cost and expense of said improvement, e�cept as here in provided.
(insert a��pro��riate proviao for contributiou from the General Pund if any) �
, � ��_.-"'._..�`� . . -. . :�
ti����tiuii :3: That there is liereby established a local improveii�ent distrie.t t�� be called "Local Iinprove-
�n��nt l)istrict No. ��=" which said district is described as follows: �
� - -�
"1111 the property k�et�veen the terrnini of said improvement abuttin,� upon, adjacent, vicinal or proxi-
mate to such portion of said streets and a��ennes to a distance back froin the mar�inal lines thereof, as pro-
�•i�l�,�l hy law.,,
���ction 4: '1"hat the cost and espense of s�id ilnproveinent sl�all be defrayed by speci�l ��ssessments
Ir,i��,il�l�� by the iiiode of "In�tnediate Yayment" as defined by law and the charter and ordinances of the�City
of I����nton. Warrants b�aring intere��t� �it the r�it� of 8 per cent. per annum nntil paid, shall be issued to
the contractor for the redemption of as �nany of t11e warrants issued on the Loc�l In�provement District F'und
��n estimates of the City Ennineer, as tnay not be redeemed in cash. �
Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect fi��e (o) days from and after its passage,
approval and legal publication.
Apprnved this _ �i4�-. ,� il�i�� of - -- __- ---.------ -, 191-�--• .:-
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_lIayor. :�/
P��ssed this -���. � - day of�G!L/._- � �-- � 191.�.. i
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City Clerk.
I);it�� nl' first pttl�lic�iti�n'�?��-- -----�(v.� ,l '�
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1Immediate Payment Plan)
' . �'ou2'i::�1 r1v�;--���� CiL;� li:nit�
Iinprovement of-- Nlain 5 tY'@P�� . ••-� - - ST.. ....... - -�•- ...--�- -�� ---��- -�- ... By .�,'x:�ARi�.B..-Rc �TAVf3.�,..
r,. l. n.. c��' _ - . �Rn. �'Q�_ _ _ _ _ _ __
\nii�•�� i:� I�er��h�• �it���u 1h�iY th�� �i5,r�5ui��nt r��ll I'ur ili�� iu�l�r���•��iui�nl nf :•'�:s,i t'1 �-� i,r`�;w�`-,
�F'1»-,��.; �'U�1T'9-4i i�17f.�fl'.,�F' �7 �t��"1�' C� �t`,' �..:�.`�"�1 rg s?ti7 S�),.�'�
(i��'t;;!str.E��tS'f�'t�''�ib�f�ti'ui� �tYi�+l�'af t�� "�9re i�1��ht���t�el�'1 1��� (s���'4Y�-,�fr�,Ai9f,�t�%if'�'tiji��t�u'v�iii�hi`tl
_;�-`;�' ' '; '+,��r� r�•,�vt'.I].in,_
,�11 iu the C'�ty of Reiitou, coinprisiu�; Loctil Iiuproveiuent 1�istrict vo. _��'__.____ ttuder Ordivancc \�u.._�:�`��'
. . ,.... .,
i, i�� my hands for eollection, and any aqsessment thereor� or any purtion of any such assessment m�y be paid
, ,it �ny tin�ie within thirty (30) days froni the date of the first ptiblication of this notice, withoiit penalty,
' interest or costs, and unless payment is rnade witl�in such time such assessment or nnplid portion thereof
��-i11 becon�e delinquent. lTpon deliilquency a penalty of five (5) per cent. will attach to and becoiue �� part of
such assessment. Delin��ne»t assesstnent �r�ill bear interest at the r��te of ei�ht (8) per cent. per ai�uum nutil
���aid. Such delinquent assessment with penalty and interest will forthwith be collect�d anci the lif�u thereof be
euforced in the �uan�ier ��ri�vided l�y l���v .�n�l the ch��rt��r <�nd ordin:�necs ��f the C'it�� �if R<�nton.
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City Treasttrer.
I)�ite of first puulication
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luipro�-eiiieiit of .�8.].Tl--�>�?'@��.. ............ ..._... �t. ---- �- � �!� ��-�'.�,Cle �f �;I'dvesa'.
' "i F.
�.. �. ��. :: �. . . OIV�. s:�
\otice is li��r��{��� ���i���ii tli:it �fi�� ;:"��,�iu��ut r��li I��u• I.u��<il luil�rn��,iu��ii� I�i,ti�i��t A�n. ' � f�,i.
tt��� ::r;�;,��,��e���ent of t:+(�,in Str�et fx��n Fourt'n Avenue tn eit��� 13.mits on sout�i
-J4�js�•Y�I.!��lf�+�l�t!����',�E�,��t+l��a�� k)���A�lr�a���t��';�/Pqz�,i����l,+�,��1� !��� � :Er��C�+f'�'Ii.{`11r(.rlf/rr(�'",;C'�i�i�j;r�nif-l�;iiE��fy�`�
�rr�c�,i71.�1;�, �.Clt�; �*T'i3YG''l�?!�„
i� �t�u' ��n lil�� iu lh�� nffi���� n1' tli�� ('it� ('I��i•I:.
�ui�l r�,ll hs�, li����n ���1 �lu���u f��r li��ai�in,�� �iY tli�� r�����iil,n� n;����tiii��� �,i' tli�� ('it�• ('�,iin�•il to bc li��ltl in tl���
('��nacil Chamber in the City H�11 iu th�� City of R�enton at ..7.-3-0-- o'clock _____P___.__. l7. on the _20.t,�1
�i��v of ._....._�:'��__--_-____--_-----. 191__.?_ , and all persons who niay desire to object to said a�ssessmeait .ir��
uutiied to make snch ohjections in writinn and to file same zvith the City C9erk, at or prior to the dat��
fi�ed for such he�aring•. :�t ihe tiine anct plaee fitiecl �in�� at such other times as tl�e hearing n�ay be continn���l
t��. th�� �'��l�ncil ��ill sit as a Roard of F��7nalization for the purpose of cons�clerin�;snch roll, and at stich hP.u•-
in��. ��r hearings, will consider such objections m�de tliereto, or any part thereof, a,nd �vill correct, retii���.
e��ise, lower, change or modif�� such roll, or any part thereof, or set aside such roll and order that such asse�s-
n�ent be n�iade cl�� rim•��. �� t� st�eh h��l}- sh�ll apl�ear ji�st �incl ����nitr�ble. tmcl thPn }�roeeed to eonfirm same h}�
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