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�lni��r������nirnt 1)r�liu�nac��—In��urcli�ir�� I'����iui�>>t 1�'urni.l
AV EJRDI\�ANCE ]'liO�V�DIN(�r FOI� 7'TTI'; �DI.k'I�OVEIILN'1' 0�' th8� p07C't10A
of the saut.h side of Fourth �venu� DTorth,bounde3 on the west by
3�a3n 3treet North and on the east by Garden venu�
,,��se������'����#���������'��> a�y (��������������1'��'
the conatruct.ion of a board sidewalk thereon
all in aecordance with Reso]ution V'o. �,1��`A_ of the City Council of the City of Renton, creatin�� a local
iinprovenlent district therefor, ancl providing that pay�nent for said in�provernent be made by special �ssess-
inents upon property in eaid district payable Uy the iuode of "Iniinediate Yay�n�nt."
TAF. CI'L'Y COt'\�CIL OF� '1'F1E CI'1'Y OF KE\TO��,�, W.�SIII\GTO�'��, DOES (�RD.�I\ .�S FOI�LO��S:
5e�t��»> 1: �1���:at '�at portion of the eouth side of Bourth Avenue North
bounded on the we s t by Main S tree t Nor th and on t�� eas t by Ga�de n
' �venue ,�hall
(inse���������'��9������' be ii����roved hy ��'�����'�����4���
the constrsct3nn of a board sidewalk thereon
� arid that such other work be done as rna - be necessar � in connection therewith aecordin�T to the �lans and
5 � a �
speeification5 therefor prepared nnder the direction of the City Ena�ineer and on file in the office of the City
Section 2: That the cost and expense of said improvelnet�t, inchidin� all necessary an� incidental ex-
penses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property includecl �n the assessment c�istrict hereinafter
created in �ccordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of the
cost and expense of said improve�nent, except �s herein provided.
�insert appropr�iate proviso for contribution from the Genera] Fund if ai�y)
> '� ' '�'�
� s"
�ectioii 3: �I'h� � tl�cre is hereby established a loeal improveinent �listrict to be cailed "Local Improve-
n���nt ])istrict No. .._ __.s�.," w}�ich said district is described as follows:
'`l�ll the property between tbe termini of saicl improvement �bntting� upon, adjacent, vicinal or proxi-
inate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the rnarginal lines thereof, as pro-
�-i�led by law."
�ection 4: T'hat the cost and expense of s�aid improvernent shall be defrayed by special assessments
�i�a�-al>Le by the mode of "I�nmediate Ya��inent" as defined by law and the charter and ordinances of the City
uf Penton. Warrants bP�aring interest at the r�te of 8 per cent. ger annum until paid, shall be issued to
t.he contractor for the redemption of�as many of the warrants issued on the Local Improvement District F'und
on estimates of the City En�ineer, as may not be recleemed in cash.
Section 5: '1'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) c3ays from and after its passage,
>ir�proval and leg�al public�tion.
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City Clerk.
llate uf first publiceitiou .���._>.---v-----_�-----:..°i-���---•��•�•--:'-•
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�Immediate Payment Plan)
•:•�iJ i-! �_ iir'i,�"•l�!_'i:
4th Avenue Ilorth �'c�:,z°;+. � ;` .; � `
Improvement of-----..-- -.. -.--, •--•---.--- ST.. _ _ _ _
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T�. I. D.. `','�. _.. ORD.- -�'9�
\oticc is herel�� �,�iven t1�xY tlie a�sessineut ruLl fur tlle i�nj>rut�ment oi'
�n,_�r tY: 1'i�rrs� �a�+ N��'r,�}�� f r�rn '�rc� ��vE� g t� 4 tYi, �v� ?�r�r ';r}
�insert streets or portions t}»rcof to be i�uproveclj by (specif��in� natnre of ii�i�proveii�entj
�.�c�:�rd �>i.rt�1���1k
�11 in the City of R�enton, coinpri�ing Local Li���rove�nent llistrict No. ._`��____.._ uuder O�rclinauce \o.___'"�'���___
is in m,y hands for collection, and any assessinent thc;reon or any purtion of any qiich assessinent u�ay be paitl
at any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this notie,e, without pen��lt,y,
interest or costs, and unless payment is inade within such time sueh assessment or unpaid portion thereof
will becoine delinquent. TTpon delinquency a peualty of five (5) per cent. will attach to and become a part of
such assesstnent. Delinqtter�t assessment will bear interest at the r�ate of eiaht (8) per cent. per annum until
paid. Sueh delinquent assessrnent with penalty and �nterest will forthwith be collected and thc: lien there��f hc
rnforced in the �uanuet� l�rovided l�y l��v an�l the chartc r r�ncl ordin�wc��s uf the Cit}- nf T�eutou.
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City Treasilrer.
ll�te of first publication