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AI� Or�I1Z�iIi�� PxOVI�ING i OR 'i�: �U�'I��'.S OI+' �'ti: L`I'"� C71�Ri� OF '�'H.:
C I�i'Y OF R�'1.'OTa, �yrnSfiI1SG�?'ON, FI:IZdG F�IS 0 n'l+�IC; HOU��i �1]D �Pt:��T TTiG :iLZ
O�r?i�Ii�t�'►iC�.a 0� �.'1�TS 0�' Oi;JIN!ii��`�S IiJ CQr;�':.3C?' �':�I'�'H "'�i� �OZTISIO�TS
�'iiI; C I�.'�' C OIJ�iC iT U�' �;.-+�T: C I'w'�' Q?+ R�Tr�'()Ti� �til�SH ii�C L U Ti i70 Q��liIST tiS
F OZ�O�I�:
Se c i t- T � n • •
t on l. It s�all be �he dut�r o�. the �Zt;� Clerk to ksep a
full, true record of all the proceedings of �he city council and �he
board of equ�,lization. The proceec�ings o� +he cit;� courieil s�a.11 be
k�pt in a book r�ar��ed "Recorcls o� the c�t� coancil. " '^he procEedings
o� the board of equaliza�ion sl�.11 be kept in a separate bcok r�arkEd
"Reco�ds o� the bo�,rd of equalization." fie shf�ll also i;Eep a boo��
���.ich sha11 be r��.rked "Ci�� .�ccounts, " in ►r'rii�h sh;�.11 be EnterEd as a
c7•edit all raone�s rece ivecl b;� the eit3r for licenses, the anount of an3r
t� «?�en levied, u�;1, all other inoneS�s recei�red, ��nd in ��hi.ch s��,ll
t�� o�tered upon the �eb�or side �.11 vrarrants dravm an �he treasurd.
He sh�,ll al�o l�eet� a book marked "Tre�.utzrer=s �iccount,`� in w:�ich he
s�^�.11 keep a f�all account of t�e �rans�,ctions o-� the ci#;� v�ith �he
^re�,surer. He shall also keeP a book rn�sked "Cit�r Zicenses, t' in Fv�aich
he s�all e�iter a�l licenses issued bf him, the c��.te thereof, uo y�hom
� ss�d, for �vhat, tne tine �°,rh�n it expires, and th� anotin�G p��.id. He
shall also ��eep a, bool: r���,rked "CitJ Ordinances, " into crhich �E s�:�:.11
eOP:I �11 cit�T ordin�;.nees, �rith his certif�c�,te anr,exed to s�,_�c� �op��
st�.t in� uhe rore�,roin� ordin�.nce is � true �.nc� correct copJ of a� ord-- '
inance of s:.��d cit�T �d �iving the nunber �.nc� ti�le c :c ;�xid ordin�.rb���
and stating that t�e ,ame has been published or ��os�ed �.ccorciir� '•,;c
l�Y�• ���r af �he fore�ozn� books, el�cept the r�corcis of thE ei�v�
couiicil <<;nd of the bo�,rd o�' equal�.s�.tion, s�l� have a �eneral inde:�
Sttf-�7.C1e?1t1J cor�rrehen:i�re �o cn�.���Ie a r���;c�n ref�d�i�� +,o �,��;�,.ert�a�r�
matters cor.t�.�nEd thprein. "'h� ;i+;;; �"i�r� :�1-�1I a�;::. � ?�eel� a �oel�
r.�iarked "D�r�a�ds anc� "J�.rrarts, " in wh�ch he s'n�.1Z no�e ever� �er��e�c�
a�ainst the city �a� file tbe sar�e. He shall st�,te r?�e�ry��� .zr�LLer
the note o� the de��.nds the �in�a,l dispo�ition na,de o� `;��e s��;��� ; U�L�
if the swme is allowed r:;,nc� a warrant is dr�.v�n, he sh�ll also st�.te
�he number o�' the warrant c��th suffi e�ent da�es. '"hi.� book sh€�.11
cont�,in an index, in �rhich reference sha11 be ?�,de to each de�a�l,
."'ihe �i�y Clerk sh€�?1 Ue the custodian of -�he se€�1 of the cit;�. �ie �
shall make u o,uarterly statement in writing, sho�in� the receints w�
exp�nditures of ���e eit;� for the �recedin� quarter and the ar�ot�r�t
remainin� i: the t�easury. �e ��:�.11, a� trre end o-� ever� fisc�.� �r��ir,
ma�e a full �nd detailed stater�ent o�' the receip�s �.nc� E�:�enditures
of the prece�in� �ear and a �ull state��ent of the yin��rc.�al conditior.
of the affairs of the city, �hieh sha11 be publisl�ed. It sh�:�.11 be
the du�f of the Cit�r Clerk to collect all water rentals due �� thE
City of Renton in the ma.nner pro7�idec� b� ordin�.n„e. He sr��.11 Prepar�
all assessr�n� rolls for loc�.l improve�nents, eert�fs�in€; the sar�e �a
the noard of Equalization o�er his si�nature. It �hall be �he �uJ�
of the City Cle�k to keep open in the r�anner �ovided b� 1a� t}�e
regist-ration boaks -�o� the Cit;� of Ren+on, ;;uch re�i��r�,tion �cc?�s
snall be open at �he o ffic e o� the C it� i,lerk from 8 li. T�a. unt i1 �2
noon �d �ron 1 P. P�I. to 5 P. P�t of e€�ch d�.�, eYcept Sunca.�Ts ���d
le��.l holida�s �nd rr�en closec� a,s �oz�ided b� s�atute, � ovide«, horv-�
ever, tn.ea.t �or a period of thirt�r (30) da�s p�ior to th� �losin� of
the re�istra�ion boaks for �.n.y municip€�1 election, such books shall
be kept open b� tne Cit� C1erk from 7 P. �I. t o 9 P. T��T. on r�edne sda;�
� and Friday of each vreek. ��henever anf local improvEr.zent ��ork is done
o� performed by the c�.t;�, independent of contr�.ct, it �h�.?1 be the
duty of �he Ci�y C1erk to accuratel� record the cost of e�.ch iten o�
materi.�.I �urr�ished, or labor pErformed in the con��'°�,uetion of such
irnpxoVe3�leZi�� ar�a vr?�er. the s�e is r�o���±et�d �ribm-�t te �;.,� c�±� co�?7c �:t
;r 3.
a 1e��.ilEu s�wUer:�en� ir. ,;���'��.r�� sror;�l�� ��.e total ec�'� �,��_ e�,���l�.�e
thereof. �he Ci��T Clerk s�,ll np,intain a record to be '�ot�rn �,u
"Engineer's Record," �d in the s�,me shall be recorc�ed �,r;� der_1�,;�ds
filed ��� i�h sai� Clerk bJ an� contr�.etor e�plo�ed in �he c�r�:��r:���yon
of any public �rork under cantra,ct �ith the Cit� of Rer_ton f0y' the
services of the City En�ineer of saic3 city, such record shall �tw�e
the time of such notice, by ���on served aa�c?. a brief sta�enent of vhe
same. All not=ces dera�,ndin� the pr��ence or services of the CitJ
En ineer b� a ezt�T con r
g � n� � � actor s�all be in v�r�tzn�, signed b� such
con�ractor �.nd st�.te the �ime �,nd P�aee, �hen and t�::�re �.�u�d� ��r�ic�s
are required, The Cit� Clerk sh�.11 attend the re�;ul.�:r �L::r:_;-.u;;=� :_�e�,���
irg on Frid�,y of each v�eek a:�d such other committee r�eetings as des--
ign�x�e a by tn.e c i��T c ouncil.
Section I1. '�he o�f�ce o-� *r:e Ci�� Cle��: of tne �i�� o��
�ent on, ;Yashin�;t on, �hall be kep� open for busine ss from £3 A. I,:. �;�
I 12 noon �.nd from 1 �'. i,i. to 5 P. L�. of each da�T, eYaept Sunda�s ar:c�
leg�.l holida�rs, provided, ho�rever, that durin� the thi�-t�T (30 ) da`g
period p�ovided in Section 1 hereo-�, durin� which the registra#�ia.
books of the City shall be o�en �wo ni�hts each �veek, the of�ice o�'
the Cit� Clerk sh�,l1 be open on Sa�urda.� from �3 r;. l:i. to 12 noor�.
Se ct ' �+ � .
lon 111. _hat al1 ordin�nees or part;� of ordin�,nces _t�
confli�t �rith the provisions Yiereof sh�.11 be �,�d the � �me are here��r
express�� repealed, p-�ovided, ho��ever, that this ordinance s�.l?
not be held to repeal u.n� ordin€incE of the cit� of
.� �. REntan no�-; ;a=
force prescribin� thc duties of the Cit� Clerk, but the �ov; :�_��.�s
hereof �nall be deenec� to be in �.ddition to the �ro�isions of such
prior o�di���n�e or ox��in�nces so f�,� �,s �n� s;�,�:� ;��� :�+ ��,-, ,_,.��
�t., „� -;c ,�_�E: tF_, . �L
of tne Ci�� Cler�..
' _r r,�1, ' - . , .
Seet3on 1� . ��_z� ord�n�,nce sha11 c<: _YS '',��_ ����•cF f�� :L
�� __1_�. e� ... �, :,
' five (5) da�s fro:a �,nd �.fter its passa�e, approval anc? legal pu�'-'_-,w--
t ion.
�pproved this � da;� of Febri2ar�* �. �. Zg1��
Passec' ��7 is ���7 �-� �,'�,; n � . ,,1�
/�7� Fe ��:^�T .�. �. i ��,
'f,��,,F s �c � ; C�r''Y ���_ _.::. � _