HomeMy WebLinkAbout03261 - Technical Information Report - Wetland and Stream Determination _ � � �� � � The Riley Group Inc. Z L �� Technical Memorandum October 27, 2004 Mr. Jack Alhadeff JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, WA 98055 RE: Wetland and Stream Determination � Alhadeff 6th Street Short Plat � Riley Project#2002-061C Dear Mr. Alhadeff: Per your request, T'he Riley Group, Inc. ;(Riley} has completed its determination of wetlands and streams on the site of the`proposed Alhadeff short plat project. The objective of the study was to determine if wetlands, streams or their buffers are present within 100 feet of the subj ect site (the Study Area), and if so, to determine their classification and buffer requirements. The project is located on the east side of the eastern terminus of NW 6�' Street in Renton, Washington at the top of a ridge overlooking Boeing Field. No wetlands or streams aze located on the subject site. An approximately 16,600 square foot (0.38 acre) Class 3 wetland (the South Wetland) is located within a ravine at the toe of the slope to the south of the project. An approximately 21,700 square foot Class 2 wetland is located within another ravine approximately 450 feet north of the southern wetland. Class 3 wetlands are protected with a standard 25-foot buffer; Class 2 wetlands are protected with a standazd 50-foot buffer. The proposed project lies well outside of the buffers of these areas. Study Area Description The proposed short plat construction area is primarily deciduous forest dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra) and big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzeisia� and western red cedar (Thuja plicata) are also present. Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) dominates in forest openings and beneath the canopy in some areas, though Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), Pacific blackberry (Rubus ursinus), and California hazelnut(Corylus cornuta) are also present in the understory. I I D�CiT�Y OF ENTAON�NG i ''' �� NOV 0 y 2004 � il SERVING THE PACIFIC I�TORTHWEST RECEIVED Seattle Office: 10728 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 Tel (206)417-0551 • F�(206)417-0552 �' Alhadeff Short Plat 2 October 27, 2004 Wetland&Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Rilev Pr�e.ct#2002-061 c � �ackground Research - A wetland and stream study (Wetland Delineation & Conceptual Mitigation Report, South Parking Lot, 5�9 to 625 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington, dated July 22, 2004) was performed by The Riley Group, Inc. for the Alhadeff South Parking Lot project. , Wetland Delineation On January 6, 2003, Ms. Celeste Botha with The Riley Group, Inc. (Riley) examined the study area for indicators of critical areas, such as fish and wildlife habita.t conservation areas (including strea.ms, areas occupied by sensitive, threatened, or endangered species) and wetlands. Wetlands were identified based on the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology using the method outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identifrcation and Delineation Manual (Washington Sta.te Manual), and following City of Renton regulations. The "routine on-site determination method" was used to make the wetlands determination. T'he routine method is used for areas equal to or less than five acres in size, or for lazger areas with relatively homogeneous vegeta.tive, soil, and hydrologic properties. During the study area evaluation, six detailed data points were located in distinct representative vegetation units in order to characterize the wetland and non-wetland communities within 100 feet of the subject_Short Plat site. Field observations at each data point were compiled on preformatted Wetland Data Sheets, labeled 1 through 6. Vegetation Vegeta.tion was evalua.ted across the study azea to determine the presence of hydrophytic plant communities. Plant communities aze considered hydrophytic when more than 50 percent of the dominant species in the plant community have a wetland indicator sta.tus of facultative {FAC+,FAC, & FAC-), facultative wetland(FACW+, FACW, &FACW-), or obligate wetland (OBL), as listed in the National List of Plant Species That Occur in , Wetlands, Region 9 — Northwest (Reed, 1993 and 1988). The indicator codes for plant species are noted in Table 1. I Table 1. Plant Indicator Codes '� Indicator Code Frequency of Occurrence in Wetlands Obli ate Wetland OBL)—occur almost alwa s in wetlands >99% Facultative Wetland(FACW*)—usuall occur in wetlands 67-99% Facultative (FAC*) — equally lil:ely to occur in wetlands or 34-66% non-wetlands Facultative U land(FACU*)—usually occur in non-wetlands 1-34% Obli ate U land(UPL)—occur almost alwa s in non-wetlands <1% Not Listed(NL)—no indicator status -- *Note: FACW, FAC,and FACU also have+and—values to represent species near the wetter end of the s ectrum(+)and ecies near the drier end of the s ectrum(-). Dominant species were recorded as species comprising more thari 20 percent of the plant community in each stratum (tree, shrub, and/or herb layer). THE RILEY GROUP,INC. AlhadefJShort Plat 3 October 27, 2004 Wetland&Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Rilev Proiect#2002-061 c .SOIIS Anaerobic (saturated) conditions cause soils to form certain characteristics that can be • observed in the field. Hydric indicators include: the presence of a matrix chroma of 1 or less in unmottled soil or 2 or less in mottled soil, gleyed soil, organic soils (peats and mucks), and the accumulation of sulfidic material. Soil pits were dug in each data point, using a shovel to depths of 16 to 18 inches below ground surface (BGS). Soils textures were characterized using Natural Resources Conservation Service protocol, and examined for hydric indicators as described by the Washington State Manual. Soil colors were identified using a Munsell soil color chart (Kollmorgen Corporation, 1988). Depth of soil saturation was recorded for each data point Wetland Data Sheets are included in Appendix B. Several secondary data points were examined across the wetland/upland boundazy in order to deternune the approximate boundary line, although data forms were not completed at the secondary data points. T'he secondary data points were used to examine similarities or differences in soils between major data points and to establish mapped soil unit boundaries. HydTotogy At each data point, observations of direct ar�d i.ndirect wetland hydrology indicators were evaluated and recorded. Under normal conditions, hydrologic indicators are used to determine if the hydrology is either currently present or can be inferred from the guidelines provided in the Washington State Manual. These indicators include: recorded data, visual observation of inundation or saturation, watermarks, drift lines, sediment deposits, drainage patterns, local soil survey data, oxidized root channels, and water- stained leaves. Wetland Study Results Riley identified and delineated two wetlands within the neighboring Alhadeff Parking Lot project boundaries but determined that no streams, wetlands or their buffers are present on the subject Alhadeff Short Plat project. A summary of the vegetation, soils, and hydrology observed in the wetlands and the adjacent upland on this neighboring site is presented below. Yegetation The wetland south of the proposed Short Plat project is dominated by Himalayan blackberry, Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) and lady fern (Athyrium filix femina). Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum), deadly nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) and vine maple (Acer circinatum) are also present. This primarily emergent plant community is represented by DP 5. An area characterized by the dominance of invasive species specifically Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), a Class B noxious weed in V�Tashington State and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) is located ax the east end of the wetland and watercourse lying within the wetland. THE RILEY GROUP,INC. Alhadeff Short Plat 4 October 27, 2004 Wetland&Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Riley Proiect#2002-061 c Within the wetland lying northeast of the subject property, the low-lying azeas are dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) and Pacific willow (Salix . lasiandra)in the overstory and red osier dogwood(Cornus stolonifera)in the shrub layer. Red alder (Alnus rubra) is also present in the overstory. The ground layer is sparse in places but domi.nated in patches by various invasive exotic species, including reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinaceae), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and , English ivy (Hedera heliz), although native species including small-fiuited bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus}, piggy-back plant (Tolmiea menziesii) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are also present. The eastern edge of the wetland is filled with primarily debris and dominated by Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) which has also invaded the eastern end of the buffer. A small watercourse was flowing from west to east through the wetland. Data points 1, 2, and 6 represent this area. Soil The site is not mapped in the Soil Survey of King County�Area. Soil at DP 5 represents the southern wetland area. Soil here has a surface layer comprised of 6 inches of silt � overlying gleyed sand to 16+ inches. DPs 1 and 2, which represent the northern wetland area, are located west of the property line. Soils at DP 1 have a dark organic/silt surface layer underlain by low chroma. sand to 16+ inches. Soils at DP 2 further to the west are low chroma silt loam, which is mottled below 8-inches. Data sheet 6 includes a generalized description of vegetation within the wetland at the toe of slope north of the subj ect site. Hydrology Direct evidence of wetland hydrology (i.e., inundation or soil saturation) was observed in DPs 1, 2, and 5 at the time of Riley's the delineation on the adjacent South Parking Lot site. City of Renton Regulations for Wetlands and Streams Class 3 wetlands aze protected with a standazd 25-foot buffer; Class 2 wetlands are protected with a standard 50-foot buffer. The proposed project lies well outside of the buffers of these areas. The City of Renton is in the process of revising the municipal code sections related to streams. The City of Renton defines stream, creek,river, or water- course as, "any portion of a channel,bed,ba.nk, or bottom waterward of the ordinary high water mark in which fish may spawn,reside,or through which they may pass, and tributary waters with defined beds or bank which influence the quality of fish habitat downstream. This includes watercourses which flow on an intermittent basis or which fluctuate in level during the year, and applies to the entire bed of such watercourse whether or not the water is at peak level. This definition does not include irrigation of ditches, canals, stormwater runoff devices, or other entirely artificial watercourses, except where they e�cist in a natural watercourse which has been altered by humans or except where there are salmonids."The watercourse lying within the wetland boundaries of the off=site wetlands meets the city's definition. At this point in time,there is no stream classification system or any stream buffer requirements in the municipal code. THE RILEY GROUP,INC. AlhadeffShortPlat 5 October27, ?004 . Wetland&Stream Determination Technical R��naorandum Rile��Proiect:='OG2-0<>Ic Wetland & Stream Impacts No impacts to wetlands, streams or their buffers are proposed related to construction of the Alhadeff Short Plat project. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this information. Please do not hesitate to call with questions or comments. Sincerely, t �� ':� ; � Cele�Botha Paul Riley -=� � Senior Wetland Associate President, The Riley Group, I�7c. Attachment: AHBL Site Plan Wetland Data Forms (from Wetland Report dated July 2?, 2004) cc:ll�lr. Richard Wagner @ Baylis Architects � ,_ � , � ; ����� : I. _ - _ , . �.. . �' � . : ' _ - . . . : THE RILEY GROUP,INC. � - — � o � � ��� � � g \ i �yU � � o � S tN111 A � 5' 2 �i� S � � --/_ . - a ..+....�._a�,�a_.��.��� � `_._ __ ,- � j I R a � --�x � �1 :, -, ,�, , ' TE g .��= _ " �k � ,, GRAPHIC SCALE Z ��� . .��� , i . m eo 7f d - �-au�ca aoa�' ��, ` � �AHBL= � �ona a ~Q � _ ..� EASEIIFNT � . � .:�t e(IX PF3.T) � IY� �i P �3 w . \ �� ,' � � � i m�n- ao a �Z � i;` - � :l � � __ I (� ,`, �;���-�, � BENCHMARK � O � �r,,,s,,,_,�-s. . . � 5616 3� 1 �j}- W - S2 2 � . .-, �•k DATU!! � W W � ' �A , 7851 I � .�t . � �, QiY ff RQ1-CR1 SUkhY CUN7RSl NE1M�'iK � � ��' O T �'' �• I - . -.'� / � . , :�, �� � YFAIIGY DAiUY�ILRTH T4EIaCPN 5fR71CA1 OA1tM;985 YETERS INAY9 88)� q f1� U ���'F�f . r�; , ' 1 ( _-._• �� � Sni 3 LK IJi1fY EA�It . conat�.lEn ro US FEEr � � �- . 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Tp�E7HEP.W7H THAT POR71(Iry pF 9LCq(5 13 4ND Y1,LATN6t�S LAKE P/!M w a�� �� ,wwnon,accoaonc To n�c�u n�oF r�cowm w�a�t+e a .<� UTILITY NOTE STATISTICAL PROJECT BREAKDOWN ���PAGE 6S,FEIX1R05 OF NNG COUNTY,WASMNGIQJ,W01 LIES E/ST '� � . aF s�M000r caEn Aoorna��un�sr s A ur+e ort�w vutuui wn� V!W Vl µp 50 iEET MESTFRLY YWEH yEA9J�U Ai R7pi7 AN(7,E5 AtO/Op RApulY d'a 2 � TNE LOCA71a15 SF E70511NC UI�(RWND U71U11E5 ME APPROANAIE QlY AMl HA�E NOT 97E RAFA 80,^_95 SF(1.8�ACRES� FRaM iME(Rl7ER L'NE OF A31IRY STA7E M1p1MY NO.4(RNNER A4EM1�, �j Vll SHEET INDEX W<O�� B E D I N O ff Q O�I 7 L Y Y F F F i m B Y h 1 E O Y N E P tl+I 7 S R E P F l E�M A 7 1 4 E,h E C U I I R A C T 9 R S H N l N A O R Q ID M G f A W I tl p 1'A A Y E N C W E F R'S S T A 7 I U I&3 r 3 0 S W i N R L V T O W V Z �lERI1NE TFff EXA(.'T LOGl1ICN OF All EXISIINC UTRf11ES�FORE C(WIENC7NG i�itK AH1 NEGULi7ED Y�E AJEA 31.975 3(0.73 ACRfS) wp+wtr enaN¢x's sr�non eer� Z�< u�s m eE Fw.ir�sva+�va+u+r ano u�oeuec�s nuT H�wv�ouE ra n� PiB4AlE ROPD EA$L�V1: �.952 SF(0.1I AOlES) ��T TNAT PORIWN iFfEfBp�LNNG EAST OF hE SOU7M 79I FFET OF g�T �5�� (��J� 'U' BLOpc 6 aF n+E PUt Of YIOODY GLfN; CQI W1£R 91EE7 / Z� CQl1NACTQ+'S FI�YURE TO LOCAIE E1LtCRY MID Pt�.?1f Nli ANO N.L Uf�EAtRW1A NET DEYELCPIENT PREk {3,388 S(f.00 pQ�S) C1A UNU C1fNaNG PLAII IEtlg ff UOG�FItrs W J U71UlES AH9_A59RES�K7 UAEtIfi'FUi iVE�OiAi1011 OF Ut�ER(Ft�.Uta lIR1TIE$. EpSfNG ZtNMC: R-8 MIO r0¢n1ER vn7H�OTS 1 7FetauGi e.NCLV9t'e,BLCCK 17,uIMEP'S C20 SR/pIG h ORNIA(,E PL41 �� • LAYE PItbC AOpTWM..�Of�NG TO 7ME PUT TME�TEOF RECOf1DED N 40.WrE FILL SPECIfICATION TOTA N0.ff LQIS AllOED: 8 ie aa vuis.P�ucE sa.aEcaius a Kr+c cowtt.r,�ruron: C10 PRIYAIE ROAD PLNr 3 PROf1E o�cevr ccana�m•+�ro hr�c counn raa Row wiroosEs er oems G.0 utWTY RAN WTA�N0.ff�QI$Pfl���: 7 17E�1�fJI71f1 RECOROm INDEP.RECORCYNG MhSERS H56173 A110 7033137: FlLl HA1FAiiN.9IALL NOT COMT,W PEIROLEIAr PR7l1UC15�CR 9JBSLJICES MNC1 Af� PROPOS�T OEN9TC J W�AOZE TOCEl/1ER M1H THAT PORTON OF VACA7ED NORTHMEST 7TH SiREET AS HAZAf910U5.DANGfRWS,RDOC.Oft M9C4 O7HERWSE 1t0.A&N1Y STAIE.iEDERAL OR LOGL FRONT YIA;47BAIX: 20 FEE'f vncatm auesuuaT m oaoNancE na.s+aa,aetonnED uoEn rseatune LAYL ORD�MKE.�'..mE REdJUTF7N.RUE OADEP,CP SF�iI1DMD. SIDE YFFm 2�.IX: - 5 FEEf er�a�aEnnna+�o�urrea.uvoi vacan«+.ATfAOim TO SAI�PROPQtT' TOPOGRAPHIC NOTE �Y'um s�teacx 20�EFi nno rocEn+ae vnn+n+�r vatnp�or wc�tm souni iza+u sm�r�s C�EMC�MD FOpR�COM,P�LW!ICE CITY OF R.ENTON YACAiEL'PUFtSUAtIT TO OqpNAf/CE MIHBQ2 4357,RECOf�m lNOER ,V Y��D,�q�W WYER LOT S�YAI�J SE7BAOC 1S FEET RECCROING rvUY�R 920513f801,WiQ1,VVQJ VAGTION,ATfAQ1E0 Til SAD DEPAATMENT OF PUHLIC WORKS { PPOPEpT'BY QPERATION QF U�L �� 1F�EXISfNC CULNRAL AND TOPOGRAPIi1C DAT4 9101YN ON THE��RA4lNIGS NAS YA7�IW 81AWIG ffflOiT: 3D fEEf a� �', ema Pa��n.m Paerr, a�n uaa+n�-oaunna+�n�n er otH�s. ua�sr�ar u� z�.e�s g -0Y1E COYElt SHEET r�.1 � . � p xmi�m�s xaora+anon�s eEuerm ro eE�uF�. a+e�c,wraT�rsuee s+►i�sr ior� assz s� 01iE � accuw�cr Fno TMus�s nar e�sacr�sie�we r��ccuw�r oF rwv Av�aff�or,u�x ,o.srn g CALL 48 HOURS IhEORYAT{ON OR FOR ANY ERRORS OR OIli59(iN5 NHICH k1AY HAVE B�l iJl cesu� o�� c�wuE: � iNCCdiPOR41ED tNiO TF�SE CW\WINCS AS A REMT. BEFORE YOU D1G a�Ea�ce2 Sc.YE: �en.o� '"ae m _ 1-800-424-5555 v � " ,10. RlYISICM ev VGF. u0.TE MORGVEA SXEEr, OF: D�►T�1 FOR�I 1 (Revised) - - Roatine�Vetland Determination («:a State�i'etland Delinea6on ManuaI or 1987 Cor s«'etland Delineation Manual) ProjecVSite: �t�� � /'.r T-� � �� Datz: �-:i`����;.s • / j/Y%J��� � j";P/i�ir +'�3 V j � t �- Appliranr/o�•ner: / � (�� Councy: t,�fr�� ����`"•`� J State: f In�•esti�_�tor(s): �' �� �%�`�� Srt'IR: Do tiacmal Circumstances exist on tht site' �t� no Cornmunin• ID: Is 4he cite si=nificandy di�turbed(aq�pical situaciont^ ye; no Transect ID: ��— � Is chr area a potential Probtzm Area? y� Q Ploc ID: , ` `�" ,-�rt , Exvlanation of an� i�al or robiem area: �� J`��'-'1 F�`-��� _ VEGETATION (For strata, indica�e T=tree:S =shrub: H=herb;V=vine) Dominant Plant S ecia Stratum 9c co�•er Indicator pominant Plant S ecies S�ratum �ic co�•er � [ndic�tor , 1'b�rc� vur5i de_ � f s �„ �. �• �� � �'0 �. � r -��r�c. .�.�G'�� %-� .�/1 '��✓. �a, t�r - - J �'�.,�� �:-, 1 J �� ��-:F-f'i I r :*i`� `.'I1 . � . . //� ( C] /�' i I�{/ �v . � �V / 1.'� I -��f/��� �`/ � �it/L_ .. � . � ri-�'-;� �`,1 , ;�' ,j �r�-� I � E.�����:,- i21�„- ��� s �� ��-G .__ _,, f 1'=i;° �/i -✓ %� �' %-" f" !"I C� HYDROPHTTIC�'EGETATIO�I�DIC�TORS: 9'c of dominanu OBL.F:�CV�'.� FaC ��f/ Chec{:all indicators that appEy 8 e�piain bclo«•: " Visua!obser�•ation of plant species gro�ti•in_in P;��sioloRicaUreproductive adaptacions area.c of prolonged inundation/saturation� «'edand plant database Morpholo�ical adaptation� Pznonal knowlcdgc of re`iortal planc commur.ities Technicai�Litzrature Other(explain) Hcdroph}-tic vegetation present' �es) no ' • R.ztionale for d�cision/Remarks: HI'DROLOGY Is it thz gro«•in�season? }�e no V�'a�er Mar}:s: ��es no' Szc�imznt Dzposits: ya :�n�o� � on � � ,Y B�ed on: �''-'J"�'soil tzmp frecord ttmp ) Drift Lines: yes �no' Draina�e P�ttcrns: ��r no othtr(ex lain) ' � Dept.of inundation: � inches •j Oridized Root(li��e roou) Local Soil Surve�•: yes :ri� S�r Channels<12 in�v s f no 1 Dcpth to frez w�ater in pit: � inchzs ��•'l l FAC Neutrat: � yes ;�no. Watzr-stainzd i.ea�•es y�s�n� De th to saturaccd soil: � �—inches � Chzck all that apply&exptain below•: Other(explain): Stream,Lak�or ga�e daca: Aerial hoto�ravhs: Other: Weiland hrdrolog,��preseni? ��•es �i no Rationaie for decision/Remar�:s: �'�� DATA FOR�i 1 (Ftevised} Rocetine tVetland Determinati�n (�i:�Siate«'etland Deliaeamon Manuat or _ 1987 Cor s �ti'etland Delineation Manuall � Date: Project/Si[e: '� ' � �' c.' d? %�Q r�'}o�y� ��`� (l��"'�,� /f `f `�- Apglirant/o�•ner: �/��� � Counry: /�� � � f'� `� l Stace: f ` f'" Imesti:aror(sl: (_` ����f'� 5��: Do!�armat Circumstances exist on the sitt' �e� no Communit.� ID: Is the site si�.nificantfy di�turbed(at��pical situation►^. yt; no Transecr ID: ,r� ' Is the uea a poeential Problem Area? y� no Pfot ID: �:/��� Ex lanation of anroical or roblem area: !�!p>'� 1`�--� VEGETATION (For�trata, indicate T=tree; 5 =shrub: H =herb;V=vine) •'� Dominant Plan� S ecies Straeum _ nc co��er Fndicaror pominant Plant S ecies Stracum �'ic co�•er 'Indicator , � j �,;; �C�� �����c���� i �r ,�r' �i r f' � �,� �.�- r�,; C � : `y� / j'i;•�!',, �'!'l�s'? f 1%� y . /�./�N.,t /',�C!�. � �� � ., J��� ;: J � � T rI f S th� E`r":.,� / � �� V V�t ��r 0� � % �}�'f'r,' � f ' � ��PS ���ri � � �+-�'�—' ���►�� i t/ts I � �� / rJ � .�- � /���/j,i� ... �,�.��'. c_ � � ..�� . =�,'�-_. .. /� /m ��el r�- � � ��/ °� �/'-r-� � �f �,,�(�yi,� a�,..�s� �� �p %��-�J� ��� �� `�� � �rE��`�` Fil'DROPHITIC YEGETATIOti ItiDIC�TORS: � 90 of dominanu OBL.FaC�'.�i FaC ���� . Check all indicaton that apply 8 axplain below•: Visual obsen•ation of plant species�ro«�ins in Physiola�icaUreproducti�•e adaptzcions art��of prolonged inun�iation/saturation� «'tcland plant dacabase MorpholoQical adaptacion� Personal l:nowledge of re�ionzl pilni commur.i[ies Technicai Li[zrature Other(eti lain} Hydrnph}�tic vegetation preseat? ��•es' no ' . Rationale for decision/Ftemari:s: HYDROLOGY Is it the gro��inQ season'. ��e� no �'a[er Mar}:s: ya /n�� Sediment Dtposits:'yes� no ' l� r on � � E�ised on: ��'�--�–��- soil cemp trecord temp ) Drift Lines: yes o�� Drzir:a�=e Pacterns: ����n� , other(eY lain) . Dept.of inuadation: � �—� --- inches _ Oxidized Root(ti�-e roou) Locz] SoilSurve�•: yes:`o� , .�.:� Channels<12 in.; t�s= no , Depth to free w•ater in pit: � inches FAC Neutrai: - `}�es-.^,n� Watzr-stained L,ea��es yes;�noJ � -, De ch to saturaced soil: --- inches t;=. � I Chec�:aEl that applr•&expfain below•: - _- _ - . Other"(explain): Svearn,Lake or ga�e data: Aeriai hotoora�hs: ��`:; Ocher. �ettand h}•drotog}•present? ' _ � �•es; no Ratianale for decision/Rernar�;s''== � ��. D�Ta FOR�1 1 (Revised) � Routine�Vettand Deiesmination � («:�State��'etland Delineation Manua!or 19�7 Cor s«'etland DeIineation Manual) Pruject/Si�e: � �� D�z: - ��� l��Ofi �.�✓.�s� ,� � —= Applirant/ow-n�r: ;%��.� ��,fi,��. County: f �� �` �/1� State: !�� — J Imesti�_atortsl: ����-� 5��: Do?�ormal Circumscances zxist on the sice' �zs -. no Communit.� [D: t���� Is the site signific�ntly di�turbed(an�pical situation�'' ye; � Trans�ct ID: v Is�he area a pocential Problzm Area? yzs no- Plo� ID: ��.21'�,�� ;f:j��� — �-2 �—� ExDfanation of an� ical or roblern area: �'EGETATION (For�trata, indicate T=tree: S =shrub: H =hzrb;V-vine) Dorninant Plant S �cies Stratum 9c co��er Indicator pominant P1anc S ecies Str�tum c co�•er � Indirator �r��?'�-� i i.l�"cC.i�� l- � , f r • I ��� � �} r �i`''U�;�. �t'��-t:.�./4✓ � �(J ;�/'�,1 ��f/ ��/v/ �` " � f �.�✓, �/� � j �I� `S.�i:G',� iC� . � 5 '� . �'4�f �1"/l9fi �;� � `r l r�� , 1 . . , � !� � ✓ �r./':;�� ,r ��Y. � �J---/,�. �:� � / �'t'tr�,1�_ H1'Di20PH1TIC�'EGETATIOti I\DIC�TORS: � 9c of dominants OBL.FACVI',�i F�C 2� � Chzck all ;ndicacon chat apply g explain beio«•: " Visual obsen•ation of plant species sro�tin�in Physiolo�icaUreproductive adaptations area�of prolanged inundation/;aturation «'ttland plant database Morphaloaical adapt�tions Ptrsona! knowledg�of re=ional ptant commur.ities Technical Literature Other(exatain) Hcdroph}�tic vegetation greseat'! ��es no ' . Rationale for decision/Remari:s: HZ'DROLOGY Is it tht�roa�inQ season? .•es' no 1�'acer Mar}s: yes �i Szdiment Deposits: yes.�o� ,� on Bas�d on: �`-���l, soil tzmp trecord t�mp } Drift Lincs: Ses Ln� � Draina__e P:,tterns: yes` no othtr(ex lainl � - Dtpt.of inundacion: +' inches � Oxidiztd Root(li��e roots� Local SoilSun'e}•: yes:� ���`�� Channds<12 in.ves �no� � Depth to fre�water in pit: � inchzs ��E f„;J�� FAC tieutral: � yes ,�n_or Vl%ater-stainzd i,e��•es yzs,no De th to sacuraced soil: �--inc�►es ��"''�y'� Check ail that apply&ezplain below: Ocher(expiain): t Stream,Lake or gage data: ' Aerial hotosra hs: Other. Weiland h}•drolog_�•present? �•es ,r' ao��/ Rationate for decision/Rzmar�:s: `-/ - � n �E� ��s^ `r' f j,� !`r f`' �_ /.. � i� �. � .!, r� .\f�� �/� f �-f� ���/ ����J✓'� uS ,'t� �_!�,�� �% f � ` ` DaT�► FOR1I i (Revised) � Igoatine�Vetiand Determic�ation '� (�i:fi State�i'etland Delineation Maaua!or 19�7 Ca s«'etland DeIineation Manuatl Project/Site: � - • � - Date: „� ,� � r�-�n,�.�-� l�i� �..'�� �!f I 1� �- Appl irant/ow ner. I .( � � Counry: /J " ;!�.;��s?.� � � E State: �.,,f`r'� t In��esti�_a�ortsl: :.�.-�..�` L.v; S�TYR: Do!`c�tma!Circumstance�exist on the site' �zs o Communit�� ID: ��` �� Is the cite si=nificantl�-di�turbed(at��pical situationt^. ye; n Transzrt ID: � Is the zrea a pocenual Pcobizm Area? yes no Plot ID: � h .,`- Exalanation of anvical or orobiem area: 1�.� �'J���� �� !%f�f` .. VEGETATIO'v (For strata, indicate T=tree:S=shrub: H=herb:V=vine) � � . � ��G��� Dominant Plant S ecia Stratum �Ic co��er Indicator pominant Plant S ecies Stratum �rc co��er 'Indicator �'I I i!FJ,�! "r!'t r�l'tr ~'_ � "� 1'%`'t"�/ I�� f'"�� i L.!`!_ 7 Q f�f1� �' �r iv � �. �;�,,,,, �,: ��..�. � � �i"f',��1 �1 � �.i,�s-1 � G'-��'�i.. � � ���. _ ` � ; �'��.�.,�� �P:..�f�: .c I r�= �� C , � � �'V���.�J-- �.,�ti%�°i` �`� �� r��t'-- - !'��/-i ��u.� �/� �� ��"`� H1 Di20PH1TIC VEGETATIO�►I\DICaTORS: 9�of dominanu OBL.F:�CVI',�F�C � Check all indicaton that�pply 8:explain belou•: . " Visual obsen•adon of plant species�rou•in�in PhysiolagicaUreproductive adaptations areas of prolanged inundatian/;a[uracion� «'ttland plant database Morphological adapt�tions Pznonal knowledge of re�ional plant c�mmur.ities T:chnicai Li[zrature Other(ex lain) H�drogh}�tic vegetation preseni' �•es no ' • Rationale for decision/Remarks: HI'DROLOGY � -->. Is it the r o�•ing season? �}�e� no �'ater Marks: yes tn j Szdiment Drposits: yes ',n�� �r— on -- Based on: '"'w=R 'r soii temp(record temp ) Drift Lines: yes •� Drsins�e P:�tterns: yes :��� 3./.J�.'-- othzr tex lainl � � _ Dept.of inundation: � iinches OYidized Root(li�•e rootsj Loca! Soil Surve�•: yes ;-no �'; Channels<12 in. ves no� ``-� Depth ta free w•ater in pit: � inches ���f ;� FAC Neutrai: - yes � Watzr-stained Leati'es yzs�n�� De th to satnraced soi l: - � inches �� �?�� Check all that apply&e�plain below: Other(explain): Sueam,Lake or gaoe data: Aerial hotoera hs: Other. V�etiand h�•drotog.�•preseat? res �o Rationale for decision/Remart;s: a?,aTA FOR�I 1 (Revised) Routine�Veftand Determination ` («:�State �i'etland Delineation Manual or � 1987 �o s«'etland Delineation?Vianuall ` Project/Site: �� . , ��� � Date: j �� ��i� ��f1J�-:E^✓ — � t��.�;'J..F�.� i�',7r��-- / f ` Applicandov:ner: ��} /r �` �, n f'-� County: � ' �, �/vL/�-�/ `, LG•�%'"�� Stace: . /`��'� Imesti:ator(sl: ✓v'�-�`��._._---- 5��: Do?�c�rma�Circumstances zxist on che site' �e� ° no Communit�• ID: �� Is the si[e si�nificantly di�turbed tat�•picat situation►^. yz; no Transect ID: �. Is the zrea a potentiat Prob{�m Area' y� no Plot ID: ' Ex lan�tion of an� ical or croblem azea: ✓�-� �'J'��� VEG�TATION (For�trata, indicate T=tre�:S =shrub: H =herb:V -viae) � Dominant Plan�S ecies Stratum �c co�•er Indicator pominant Plant S ecies Str�tum � co�•er 'Indi�ator �.� ;J ! �,�'� �� � � ?� � : �f�J/(� �.s°`.�t1./, G;' C ��./E�='� ' .-t�r S�-� .�l /�%r— �' J��i� � �, �e� � �iG� ;�`...�ta�. � O ����/ ' �,�,r�u /'�,r�.� �� 3 U �,,� �1 S� ^ �.f�-:�.�.� � ��l_ ✓ � � r�a:� �.�J�, G�i?..�i � / r'f`c`� �--5 t��� rJ.�.�� � �� f HYDROPHITIC�'EGETATIO�I\DIC�TORS: r;,��=- �i �c.�� ��,��'�j f,L,�.� „��;�.,�,�,�' : 9�of dominants OBi..FaCV�',�FaC ��P UJ� ��`' �''�. L ��-�`'`�i-`�`-.. ,f Check ait indicaton tha[apply g zxplain belo��•: _ " Visual obsen•ation of plant species ero�rin_ in PhysioiopicaUreproductive adaptacions are��of prolanged inundation/saturation «'tttand plant database Morphoio�ical adaptacion� Ptrsonal knowled=e of re�ionai plant commur.itia Technical Literature Other(ez lain) � Hpdroph�7ic vegetation p�eseat? es nv ' • Rationale for decision/Remarks: HI'DROLOGY � Is it ttie gro�•ing seasan? ��� no V�'ater Marks: yes ` n� Szdiment Dzgosits: yes� � on Bas�d on: ��� soil cemp(record temp ) Drift Lines: yes `� Drain�ge Pstterns�� no othrr(ex laini � Dept.af inundation: � inches Oxidized Root(li��e roou? Local Soil Surve�•: yes :n�� Channels<12 in.s no Depth to free water in pit: � inches FAC Neutral: • y�s� V�%atzr-stainzd Lea��es'yzs tn��' D� th to sacurated soiL• � �. incha �� Check aii that aQQly&explain below: Other(explain): Sueam,Lake or ga�e daca: Aerial photosra hs: Other. Wetiand h�•drolog,�•preseat? }•es no � Rationale for decisionlRemari:s: t - � � DAZ:� r�UR�t 1 (R�Yised) ; Routine�VeEland Detern3i�tion . . (�i:�State�i'ettand Delinea�on Manfsal or � � � __ . �g87 Ca s«'et�a�d Delineation��nuall Frc�jecvSiu: ��f � R'�:�`'� l�1 V✓�� � Dacc: Z�l�G �! �...,. � APPlir�nt/o�-ntr: County: ��'., State: Im�:sti:atorisl: � �GJ�.l� SrT7R: , . � Do!�c�rmal Circumstancec ttist on tf�t sitt' ����` no Communit�• ID�� _ . . - - . . • Is the sit�Si�sificanch�diatuz�d(at�-pical situaciont' yt; � Trsnsect ID: . - - . . � Is rhe zrea a po�enual Problem Acca° �zs rio Ptoc FDG�'�'� G� . �calanation of anroicsi or roblem area: � � ' �TEGETATION (For strata,indicatt T=tr�:5 =shrub: H =htrb:V=vinc) U �G��.�J � ��-,�it� �.~v,f-�.�_ t��C L. . Dominant Plan:Soecies Stratum 9c eo�-er Ind��ator pominant Plant SDecies Stratum �'x c ��` �,1=�,�.,,� � � �TE(i •��✓'✓.� t/�.�.� I � .. �I .f � �jJ y, .. . . . _ : : �.�..,�:��` � � �� � �� �l�-� a.��� _ ! ! _ /�;,R-Q i s- �� ��.��1� ��h; :�r,�cr � I� ; ���_ �}�11,,c. ��'C(�� ( � � � ��Ci / Gy .:� � . . . . � �i � I � 1 _"�F�/V 1!� .i�'�l'' �/� � . �i O ��✓v. ' ��' w- ��ll. ��� r j _ _ - ; �C" —�— {�,�'-�c. �'�' .�,!� f��. 6�rn }-y�.��,,v,_ �/ . Fi�'DROPFiITI��'EGETAI'IO:�Iti�IC�►TO�2S: U S�ef dominanrs OBL FaCv►',�FaC ��� . Ci��ck ali indicaton thac appty�g�xplain belo�•: - V'�sual obsrn-acion of plant sDecies Qro«ins in . PhvsioloRicaUreproduai�•e adaptations arta.�of prolonged inun�tion/;atura�ion� �'tdand plant datahase Jvfo:phofoaiCll �1G'd�illi0cti PecsOc�.11 kllOwjed=c of re�ionsl gE.znt commur.ities � - . Tr.iinicat Literature Other(exalain) � - . . . _ .. I�rdroph��tic vegetatioa gresent? �•a no ' . �; Rationate far decisionlRemarks: HSTDROLOGY Is it tilt gro�-ina se�son? �•ts no �'a�er Marks: ves �na j Stdim�nt D - ' � on � Basrd on: �' '-'-soil cemp erecord temp } Drift Lins: ye5 `no' � Drair.s�e P: . othtr(�xalain l . . �. D��.of inr�ndation: incha Oziaizrd Root{Ii�•e roots> Loca] Soil S Channels<I2 in. vts ��oti . Dtpth to fre:w-ater in�pit: � inch�s f , Y,� rAC heutral: • yes�no; R%at�r-stain� D�th to satLrated soit: � F-= inches -'"'�'f`'`�, Ch-.c�aIt that appty&e.�p:ain bclo��: � Other(e:piain): Stream,Lakc or gage data: Aer.al hotQsraohs: Other. '+'PttEand hcdroiog.�•prseat? � z•es no Rationale for decision/Remaris: � P ' —�- '�� f �-=r.�'.�^'�-�`-'� �f.� ��'�`� " _ ' V.J\.-.��r 4 ` s V i ✓ . f D�.T�FOR��t 1 (Rtvised} . Routine Wetland Det�rmination, . (��:�State.�;'etiand Delineation Manual o't -- , . - .IS�7 Caras�«'et�and Detinea�an?Vf�ua11 .. �svjc^.2/Site: � 1`� �,�(::� . Datt: Z,���Q� � d� . � � �PPiirantfow-ns' .. . . Councy: ��, . _ '' State: � 'I Inz-�sti=atar(s�: � �`�'�t.� Srt7R: � Do?�c�rmai Circumszances zzi5i on ti�t s�tc' � � - no Comrttunit�•ID�� � A D ,T.t '` ; LS tizc cite si�ifcantf}��i�tu.�(aq•pical�ituation�`': ` ye; �o�' Tran;rct ID• �L—� � ' Is rhe srea a pounual Problem Area? y� no Ploc ID: ; _ � �- :�vlaRation of anroica2 or robl�m azea: , �'EGETATION (For;�.�-a:a. indica[e T=tr�:S=shrub:H=E�trb:V-viae) . � _ .� � - U,_� � ��� _ . � =Jominant Plant S�ci-s Str�tvm �'ic co�•er Indicstor pominani PEant Sce.."ics Stratum �'c c��•er. Endit-stor � � 1���, ` ���Y-� 1 � ��(j !'� �' _ 'f't' .._.�� � ( � - � � ; I � sv � ,� �� h r 1� � � I s� . �� � � ,�,�,-� � -�---. c��� �'1,�;w � ��.- � r o _ � � �� ,� � T -- � ��� �� � ��o l/r�` � a-�' � � f� � � ��0 1�� � � H�"DROPFII?I. �'EGETATIati I1'DIC.�TORS: . �of domircanrs QBL FaC�►',c�FaC� . . . � � � � • Ch��1:all indi�ors tkac apply&: �.cplain i�eiou�; fV"Lsua! obs�rs•ati�n of glant snecies Qroa•in�in Ph��sioia=icaUreproducti�:e adaptations - are�c of prolflng�d inundatiaNsaturaiion~ R'ttland glant�abase � h4orpholoaical ada�tation.i Personal l;nowiedge of re_iacs�l plant coinmur.iti�s - T�nic�1 Lit�anue 4thez fexaiain� ��droph�7ic v�etatiaa present? �-es no . . Ratioaalc for decisionlRemsr}:s: � . � . " . . . � €i4i'DROLOG�' � . I �S it tht grou ina sc.�son? �•a no �`at:r Marls: y�s na Szcfimcnt Dzposiu es no � �.�-� on Ba.s.:d on: ��-�`�`=soil tem�trecord ttrna 1 Drift Lines: ���s ao� � Drair.�re P�cterus ti- �`no otnzr(�xRlain) � . �„ D�p�.of inundation: � ! inc�es Oxidiz..-d Root{Iiti•c roo�,,,� Local Soil Sur�e�•: yes a� Channris<t?in.vts f.�.o} Dcpth to fr� �.�ater in pit: � inch�s ��� �AC N�utral: • yes no ti%ater-stain� Lra�•es y�s no � IYAih LO Sc�LY�3(GG� SDlF: • � inchs `�"� ,' Chr.ck atI t�,at aggly&e.xplain below•: � Ottsu(explain): • SIIL32I1.I.3kt OC�c1�t�1Ia: Ar-:al hoto�nahs: � Q���: . WetFand hcdroEo�•preseat? �•es no - � ��'onale far decisiot�lRtmar',:s: . . �-%�-�-� � ��� ��"���`'--' _ � - . . � � . .na owrw�mnn . r� ( . .� . t ...-+i.....�_ ._ �* ..----- ��_..... '. . 1 � ' ���� �1�I�� M ��l--^.-:r a� . . . . :�... �. i ' ,�.'�-'.�.�5�`...'�^r�`M.=xkF`i�".. ' . � . ' ' � . �. 'A1S � _,r-�'° . ..—� , ,y �F�. •[--- . .. � . . . . � . � 1 f� 1 �:i: :' ��f� , . { . , ' . , / .�K '�'�-„"^ rr � u.+� �� � ' ry ( Ixil ,, .� �;, ---'� .,N°.R 1. �1 �.. 1 . ' � ��jii 1� 'i ' � ��. '���� � �� ���,�,1�,.-� "'�—,:-��� � , �u f �.� , . �. Il�i!� 1�) .'`.;�� f r :r-��a,�'S�•}_.����Il�,,. '�y �� � .. i;l . . ,. . . . . , . . '� . !r.�� j's� , �'" _ '��.k..���q���E'f� 1 U lttl � ' � i ;��r + " � �ii ,ut ��,,,_ • . . ._ �����I� iii ��� .. - t� - .� �r ,�-_,...,.: � _ . � ._��.. ,�.� �:r.,:;;...,, _,�-.:; Ili�s�l i '��rN ,. .��,! r � ���. ,� .�. :.,�-� - ' ,.--� `=i: .�.�.�� '� :�= �;:� � 13{. � '.:\I\."' �� � P� �'. � � �' t •- - � � Il�I �::,•'.�;�.:_ - �� � �-=i� _- �'"' . � i� - . � . �; � ,,,,.�F�" 1 - „ `� _ .,. '� I�� �, . . '"\ av { ry .c>"".,.r _ . . '•1 \ _.. 1 f t� , � . I .. . . �,,,, .� , �. .; ;�,�� � l "`� ��y _'�+ :- �,' ^�y .. I �, �� ?�1� � �;,h..�- �' i ,�! Q ,rr"./ l `\' �T � � ${� �� �i J �� h �� ,� �:''�~ 1 A'�I :.,.. ' 7 1/„- :.�' pi +�� _�� `� ���"�l ~\ �I � _ . .. _ � �:, r' '`I ��j j_... ,.r:, '.-a� c� __ .\•�, ' � I! /� �'} �'I I . . . ., . a ;! I � � - fr` _ 1 � 1 (�� . , ,. � . � �I\�/ �J'�Y�yY ' �,�j}�_. � ./�� � . 11. � � . . . 'r,�+ �f^(r-r' ,�i.:��� ....i i y� / QL. .� ,�a_' I i, f , A u ��..-' _ ... Cr �� �'' ��_ �� /! _�c�-_ �..�_ ; � ��,ll,l�f � �- /�����.� _ � ; .�"__-" ° _ 'f�� ,J,'JJ,II� � �. �, `\ �! /� _i�,i,;� _ `�� � � �,�..--=-� :::�%� '�/,.''���� 0 V �. �.�:,�-_' ;k.,=•�:, �; �l . . `\\\'�)•rrr-��= . � . � , l `"^�.,.�" ��r:;'' I . , .. , . . .. � � \\ 1� ( . _ � //'�'�'���,�' ��� // .���.'.��• . . q � �` / A ������ �� ��� , , //�.�� � .: .�::::::..,:. \ . 1 I / . . t � / S•• � =:;.?:;:i. �\ A'. /'/ � �._ k' . • �! �'+.. 1 . �\ Y �:� ._�^,' �.4� � �— '� '4'':�'•,�`::�•.•••• / . . . . � �� ����� `„ -�- - -- ,� I� � �; ;,,�.�- � �, :.�:.::.::: � . . � � _ - — _ r ( � �.c� , . � _ �� � i � �� � , �•.✓%.� . � . �, . 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'� . . . .. r: � a �� :��� . .. .. . r• . . , � . ,. . , :•� . . . . � . . .. ,, ... :�:: ��� ':::r ' :. :: . ,.:....:.. .:. .:: ....:: ,......,.:.;:.:�: . :. ::. ... . . ..:. :. :. . : .. . �. . .��;:.. ... :. :.: .. :: . . . ....:.. : .:. :. ......:. � . . . .. ,.. .......:. . � � . ,.: ..: •`t: :�::� — � �;'; . .. �;; `� �hi! . . � ' . `.`: �:,,:�, � '. . :: , �� . . �: � ; . �. � . , . . . � ` 2Q00 Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi-quantitative Performance Assessment , Wetland # ����` t�✓j%`'�%/�%� Staff � ���`4`�- Date c�•t F � f�2 Location S T R N/A=Not AppHcable, N/!=No informat�an available i Table 1: Deterfninin Wetland Size in Landsca e Context Attnbute Low 1 t Med.ium ts. H' h 3 ts. Total � Absolute Size <5 a ecr s �-10 acres > 1Q aaes / Wetland Loss in Basin �'60 % 20— 60 % < 20 % ) Size Relative to Other Wet�ands ia Basin (oa 100%of 100—200 % of t > 200%of � NWI m s a� a size av size Buffer Size < 75 feet ,_ �0 200 _._ � > 200 feet �-- �uffer Condition > GO% disturbed i20-G�lo distuzhec� < 2Q% disturbed If score is> en give the question a 1 score/5 Relative Size if score is 1.5 to 2 rhen give the question a 2 � If score is 2.5 to >_3 then �ve the uestion a 3 �% Function Criteria Grnu 1 1 t Grou 2 2 ts Gro 3 3 ts F i o o d/ size cxanuianve score (see Table 1) size cunulative sc�e (see Table 1) size cumulative score (see TaWe t) Storm Water ✓r�rtne,ot shaAow deptession /mid-eiaped we!land ' _lake,depressior�s,headwaters,bogs Control _<�o%t«esteacover ✓10-3o%to�doo�+e� � _>so%fo�sreaornrer _�wtlei ' sertd-corwstrained oanet !J��Nbenr�outlet I ppirtts� �!located In lower i!3 of the drainage _located in mid�e 1�of the drainege _loca�ed in upper 1/3 ot 1he drainage max 15 � 8 88 @ F I O W/ ��Size,eumulBUve Score (see Teble 1) Slze CumufBtiviB smre (see Table 1) _S1ze almulative score (see Teble 1) G ro u n d W ate r ��verine,ar shatlow depressbn _mid-sloped wetland. lake.depre�iais,headwatets,bogs S U p p O�t !/bcated in low�er 1A of the drae�age :locamed in rt�fddle]�af the drainage _located!n upper il3 of the drainage _ temPorally tfooded or sahtrated �easortaNy or serni-pertrtanentiy _ Pem�nentlY 1looded or saRaated. poirris/ lfooded or sahrsted a irrtertnfttenUY exposed max 15 �! ' <20°�OBL ' 20 b 40�o OBL ' >40%OBL Ef 0810 A/ _spatse grassRietbs or no vey abng ✓Ssratse wood or veg along O!-iWM _dense wood or veg along OHWM Shoreline O�lWM P r ot e Ct i O[l ��Uand ex�ends<30 m irom _wetiand extends 30-60 m trom wettand extends>200 m from OHWM OHWM OHYILM' poirrts%i1 _�0°�shorerme developed _ZO to 6Q%sha�ei;ne devetoped ':/QO°k snore�ne devebped (max 9 W a t e r Q u a!i L y _rapid tlow ttvougn site m/oderate now througn site \ slow now n,rough site improvement _<so%vegcover '✓50-so%cover >so'hv�egco,�er _QO°k shoreline developed 20 to 50°'0 of basin upstream from � />50°k of basin upstream irom �oitrts�� �yWWand 's deve[oped weUand is dev�ebped (max 12) _resutt trom Tabie 2 `� resatt from Tabfe 2 _ resutt from Table 2 =j SaT coasse�ravel.Sarid,sandyloam ��So11 organic minerai mix Soil heavy organic muck and peat � + � 2000 Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi-quantitative Performance Assessment Wetland # Staff Date Table 2: Overland Flow Contained in Wetland Atmbuu Low 1 t Medium 2 ts. H' h 3 ts. Total Coufi{�uzation Plate s�iaped ' Shallow bowl- Deep Bowl- r.� sha ed sha d � Draia Basin Size /<2_acLes--J 2-5 acres > 5 acres _ � Oudet Unconstcai.ued Semi-const=aiaed , onstraia � Iaput Groundwater Suiface flow� �"urfac�w � � o �, oundwate'r"� �— ' Basia Condition < 20°/a 20-40 % �>40%� � ervious im ervious 1 im ervio Flow Contaiaed �''- score/5 f� �� , N at u r a 1 _size a,mulative soo�e (see Table�) �stze axnulathne scae (see Tabie 1) cxannula�ve soore (see Table�) cxa B i01 O g1C81 _law cormedivtty m veg'd b�ets mod oorttiecSNty b veD'd buffers _ ' corv�edivlty 10 veg'd btAfers S u p p o rt _ag�end,�ow veg strt�ure ✓2 laye�s oi vege� _rrign veQ svucaue _seasonai surtace water �rrt surtaoe we2er _ope�waPer pools fhrough svmmer �one ha�iype �two habltat types >3 habitad types PAS POW PEM PSS PFO EST � PAB POW PEM SS F� ST PAB PdW PEM PSS PFO EST _low Plant diversttY l<6 sPecles) ✓moderaie Plant dversttY(7-15 sPP) _hi9h Plar�t�ve�sttY h 15 sPP) _>50%�vasive spedes _if0�0 50 56 invasive species _<1096 4nrast�e speaes � �"organic eccumutation `�rtwderaUe orgaNc aoaanulatlon _tdgt►or9anic aoaxnulatio� `V bw cr9aric e�t _ a9ard�e�On _high o�ganiC e�o�t _few habaa2 teattaes _ ttabRai feah�es _marry habitat teatures buffets very�abed � rs s6ghtly disdubed no1 d�rbed po�� _isotafed b'om upland hsbitats _PartlaRy connected to��pland habitats _w�etl crnnec�ed to uptand habitats max 36 O V e�811 _size cx�mula6ve soae (see Table 1) size'curnutative soore (see TaWe 1) size curtt�fative score (see Table 1) H a b itat _�ow r,�di�s�sy ✓moderate na�rtat�rsKy _rogn t�an�rac��+�ers�ty F u n ct i o Tt� _aw sar�cwery or retupe _moaerate sanca,ary or retuge '!.r�sanctuary or retuge poinLs r max S Spec if lc �ow invertebrate nabitat ✓moderate invetcebrare habitac _ti�pn invertebrate nabicat Habitat :�amph�blan t►abitat '✓moderate amphlbian nabttat _high art�h�ian h�itst F un ct Ia n s _row r�sn naertat hsn t,a�cat _ni�r,t�t,abica� polrRs�f/ _!ow mammal habftat _1 rraderate mammal habitat hl mammal hahttat {max 15) _!ow bird hebttat _moderate bird habitai �� high bird habitai � ��j 1 2000 WeUand and Buifer Functions and Semi-quarrti#ative Performance Assessment , Wetland # ��`/�� 1 �J.�.�`�`'�/f�!� Staff ��-���� Date �� ����'�.� Location S T R IWA=Not Applicable, N/l= No informat�on available Table 1: Determinin Wetland Size in Landsca e Context Attnbute Low t Medium ts. H' h 3 ts. Total Absolute Size 5-10 acres > 14 acres Wetland I.oss in Basin GO ° 20—GO % < 20 % Size Relative to Other Wetlands in Basia (on < 10 /o 0 100—200% of t > 200%of j NWI ma s av siz av size ave size Buffer Size feet to 200 > 200 feet 2i Buffer Condition > GO%disturbed 0-GO% clistur� < 20%disturbed �i If score is >_1 then give the questiaa a 1 score/5 Relative Size If score is 1.5 to 2 thea give the question a 2 If score is 25 to >_3 then 've the uestioa a 3 Function Criteria Grou 1 1 t Grau 2 2 ts Grou 3 3 ts F I O O d/ sue aarnulative score (see Table 1) size txgnulefive score (see Table t) size cumt�ladve score (see Table t) Storm Water �r�er�ne,ar shaqow depression _rr,�a�apea wenena _faice,dePress�,neadwffiers,�s C o n t r o i ✓�o%torested cover _�o•so%to�sd oover _>so�toresced oonrer a�ef �atned outlet �vertlberrned outlet poirns (> ��i��lower 1l3 01 the dra�age _located in ttdd�e 4r3 of the drainage _located in upper 1!3 ot the drainqqe max 15 / B 88@ FIO W/ _Sfze wmuls�ve soote (see Table 1) _Stze a�mWatHe scwe (see Table 1) _Size cumulative score (see Tabie t) Ground Water ��� r�ne,orshaQowdepressbn _rr�a-SioPedwenend _ iake,depressions,r,eadwa�ers,boys S u p p o rt ��iocared k�bwer 1A ot me dramage _b`ca�d in mid�e�13 a me drainape _Iocated in upper 1/�ot tne dreinage _ ternporaAy tlooded or sah�rated i�seasonaMy or semi-permanenity _ parmar�entty flooded or saturated, poirrts� � tfooded ar sahraEed or inieRrd�ntlY exposed max 15 a6on<20%OBL 20 10 40°k OBL ' >40%OBL E ro s i o n/ _sparse gr�smerbs or no ve8 atag _sparse wooa or v�eg aang otiwM `�de�se wooa or veg aior�g oHwM Shoreline �HWM P f O t e Ct i O[t welland extends<30 m from wetland e�30-60 m from weUand ex6ends>200 m fran / — QHWM OHWM OHWM poii�ts� \�>60%stroreGne devebped _20 to 60%stforeCaie devebped _QO°k shoreUne developed max 9 � Water fluality _rapidibw�ra�ghsite moderaTetbwthroughsite s/�ownowmrou9t,si�e Improvement _<so°�avegcover _sa-sfl°�acover `�h�0°�vegcover _�0%�ore�ne devei� 20 to 50°'0 of basfi upstream from �>50°k of basin upstream from n poirris!� v�and is deve.loped vwelfand is dev�eloped (max 12) resuR trom TatNe 2 % r+esult from Tabie 2 _ resaft trom Table 2 Z/Sal coarse t�ravel.Sand.sandy(oam Soli organic mineral ma SoH heavy orgarac mudc and peat 2000 Wettand and Buffer Functions and Semi-quantitaiive Pertormance Assessment r. ► � � �/ 4 �.}.� � G J Wetland �t ��- ����j'� � f-�������`�'--4` Staff �r (�'.� Date 6 �� � / � �� . � , Table 2: Overland Flow Contained in Wetland Astnbute Low 1 t Medium ts. H' h 3 ts. Tatal Confi�uratioa late-shap Shallow bow1-� Deep Bowl- sha d sha d Drai.n Basin Size <2 acres 2-5 acres > 5 acres Oudet Unconstrained Semi> ' ed �Constrained Iaput Groundwater �Surface flow aad Surface � 0 Basin Condition < 20% 20-40 % >40% im rvious im ervious im erv�ious Flow Contain�d acore/5 ��/j� N at u ra t stze a,mu�ative saore �see Taae t} aarxi�a�ve scae (see Table t) _slze caanula6ve soore (see Table 1) n� m B i O 1 Og 1 C 81 —lo�r cot�nedivlty 10 vag'd buRets mod ' 10 vag'd butters �_t�gh oonnec6vlty to veg'd butfers S u p p o rt /a8�and,�ow veg strt�re _21�r�s ot veye�n �hig�ves s�cRue saasonal stuface water �permanerrt suAaoe wffist _open waEer pools fhrough summer •�one habited type _two habt�t types >3 habite2 types PAB POW PEM��PFO EST �A8 POW PEM PSS PPO EST PAS PO'W PEM PSS PF�EST �Piant diversitY(<6 sPecies) _rtwdera�a Pfant d'tue�ItY p-t5 sPP) _�Plant�ve�sttY(>15 sPP) > %invasfve spedes _10 b 50%invasiv�e spedes _<10%Utvasive speCies iow organic acaaru�tion mod�orgar�ic acaunt�llon _f�gh organic acc+unulation \/w or9anic export _mode�te orgardC e�ort _high orSardc export �f e w h�t s 2 t e a h u e s �s o a�e h a b i t ffi t e a ti u e s _m a n y t t a b t t a t featires bul'(ecs very d�bed �by�rs sOghtly dlshubed burte�s not disRabed poirris ` D _isolabed from upland habitats �!part�llycorv�ected 6�t�land habitafs �well corv�ected to up{and habftats max 36 /' O V e�8 I I �^ cumulative score (see Tabie 1) �size cianula�ve sca�e (see T�le 1) size aunula�ve soore {ses Table 1) , Habitat �/bw na�caQdi�ers�y -�na�at�+�ersny _n�yn r�a�d�ver�cy F u n ct i o n� _�ow sar�ary or retuge �'�sanca,ffiy or retupe _high sar�civary or refuge �� ma�c 9 / S p e c I f i c �ow invertebrate t�bitat ���mvertenrare riabitac _nign�verte�race r►abitat H a b I2 a 2 low•ampru'btan t,abliffi V'moderace amprdbian hatttac _nigh arnphibian h�icat F u n ct i a n s �/iaw Usn habitai moderate t�st+habitat _nigh run habitat pc�lr�,s,� �ow mammal hebitffi ate mammal habitat _hlgh mammef habttai P (max 15) _bw bird hebiia2 _moder�e bird haWtat _high bird habitat � �i , �L � �� �� � - �