HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0260 + � , •- - '• . , . . , ^t �r,�► ' �, � ,i .r _� - � - ` e . �(5 T � ^ r��T ��xr1;; T (� � � , ���_��_�. AT� OR�I?�T��^��F 0�' T?-T:� CI`rY 0�'+' RF?TTON, A ?_�TTCI�AL CORPORA- ^_'IC??? 0'? T?r?+' TI?I�D CLASS, l�''{�7'"TnI�TG SFr�z�*1 3 Cf�' QR�I�TA?fC,F TTO � �; n'' �AIn CITY F�T'�I`L'L��� ; "An Ordinance o f the ri�y o f �en�on, a munir.ipal carporation of the third cl�ss, �raritir_� to the Co1u.�i�ia & Puget Sound Railraad Co�par�y, a corporatian, it� successore and as�signs� the ri�*ht, priv�.lege and atzthority to lay do�n, canstruct, mair_tain and op�rate sundry railv�ay trac�s along and across sundry streets� avenues a.nd ot'n_er �ub].ic placea arithin the Ci�y of Renton, and upon o ther property v�ithin the limits o� said C.ity, and grantir_g to said Company, its succes�rrs and assigns, ri�;hts of w�,y for such tracks alon� and across all sucla streets, avenues ar_d otYzer pu�lic � places o�' said c�.ty� PA��S� TI-3�', ��� �AY 0^ ���, 1511, `y'N�' CI'I'Y COU'1_'?GIT� C1F Tl?�; CI`_['Y 0?+' RFrTTON �0 OR�AIN AS FOLLO�� rectian 1 . That �ectian 3 of prdinance �To . �� of the City of .,enton, entf.�I.ed " An Ordinance of the City of Renton, a '�unicipal Corparatior_ af the third cla�s, Rraazting to the Colvnbia 8c Puget 5ound '�ailroad Corzpany, a corporaLion, its successors and assi�ns, the ri�;ht, pri'vilege and ai:thority to lay down, construct maintain �.nd operate sundry railsrray tracks �lon� and across sundry streets, a.venues and other pu'�lic places �rithin the cii;y of R�nton, ' and upon other property rvithin �he limit�s o� said c3�:y , an� granting to said ca�pany it� succes�ors and a�si�na, r��hts of way for such tracl:� along and across all such streets, avenues and ather public G�- places of said Ci�y", pasaed the / �'—� day o� �, ],911, be and the . same is hereby a,r_�ended so as to read as follaws: N �ec�i�n 3: The grart �n this ord�r.ance contair_ed, is made expressly subject to the following conditians and requiremertt� to-grit; . � . � . r . ^ .�_ �. . 1 �, ,� . .. t ^irs�: m�:e Cit s o� i,�r.�or_ sr��ll re�air� th� s��� con.- trol of tre stre�+s, avenues and all�;,�s in and acro�s evnic�� said railway tracks s'na11 be laid da�frn, �s over �ther str�ets, ar��,i:vs �.nd all�ys and s��.11 ��;.ve the ri�ht at all tir_Zes by r�t�cr.�:,y ordinarce, to regul�.�� ths sp�e� a� lccar�otives and �� ...?r�s .._�:,��i�.� '�i�� limits of the rights o� ti�ay h���in grar_ted � __:�c? t��� .��� :i>��.��T�� ,�erio� a� tir_�� for ��rh� ch loco�.otives, c�,rs or tr�,ins sh�,ll be �:loc�red to blockade t rdvel alozig or across the streets, e�abracecl in �ris �;rar_t or i�^tersecti��g s�reets and shdl]. :-.ave such �'Llrtrer co�=tro1 and the police poS��rers over w�,zeh rights :�,T t�ay as the s�ate la�rs permi�, And s�id City of F�r.ton reserv�s to ��;se1f ar�d i+s �rante�s, the right to carr�� all T��ater mains, s ��er ��,ins, gas pipe�, conduits ar�d ot'_n�r public ��tilities ur.derr.ecth any�d all. o�' tl�e trucz�s h�rE�n authorized, ��}''� -'�he ri.�h+ oi access ta any spc ces occupied b;� such tracks �.�ithin t'rle IimitS of any such stre�t, avtir_uEs or otrer pu'r�lic �lace , ar;d the right to open thn �round beneath said tracl�s for a1:1 par��s�s oy const-ructior_, �.ain�enancE , repair, alteration and inspEction af' a?ly such public uti�ities, tivn.ich rights s��,ll ��r �xercisEci, h.oi�rever, so a,s to ir_+erfere �,s little as practi- c_.�ble rvith thE t�se oi said tracks and so as to leavE the right o� ?;��.;�r occ�apied the�eby, restorEdto as �;ood �, condii;ior_ as �rion to any Exercise oi such ri�hts. I, �?COIld: Tlze Sc"i,.iC3. gz'c;,����E d,�;rE�S �'pr i1�SE1�*�'� i4s SUC- :^�ssors ��nd «,ssi�ns, s:.t i�;s osvn ex�Enses vli�hi�. nir_�ty(9G) days af�er this orainwnce shall ta?;e Eflect� to pave �he ri�t of v�ay granted bJ this ordin�.7�ce 24 fset �r��id.e on r�:'�llw ti7all�. �lveni�E I' fror� the �iorthern Pa�ifi.c Railtira�r tracl�> to the east lir�e of I ,.!311 Street �.rd that portior_ of t?�e �ioad Spur i�clt;�cied ��ri�hirl i:,he bovndaries o� �;£Ta11.a ti��a11a Avenue and that portion of the �ou.s� Track bounded or. th� �:fest b �- �. �� ����' y �hE 1?orthern Pac�.-�'ic�,track � and on tnE edst k�y tr.E jL�r_ctior_ o�' said. House '.�r�.ck tvi-�li tl�e _�.. , �. . , .. . ," . . �' , . � . . ; . „ , � �� . . . . � ::��,in lin� �t'acl_ n�_��ti;iri�.��v::'or�; ��sc-ri`��d, sucr� �puYr:�r�� tc �� s iw�i lar to the paving to b� coi� trt�c�eci in thE re�a�;ir_der o�' �;:`�11a '�;�all�. AV�rue ur_der the provisi��r�s o�' Grdi�ancE ?�o. 2�1 c' the Ci�.y o� Rentox��, ti�'�s�iin��:oi�, �nd said �ran��e its suc- c�swors and assi�r.s agrees to �.aintain sai�. �.�ove described =��.ving if1 zirst cl�.ss cor_di�ic��i durirg the life cf this fran- cIzise . �'?�ird: Swi� nrantee its successors and �,ssi�;ns further ��rrec. to ;.�au�� t>;�,�� ��ortion o� the Trar:sfer Tr�,c�: hercinbefore �.�:�scri.b�d irclv.ded v�it_�.in the bour_dar:i.Es ol Third Avel�L�e in }_��� Ci'�y o�' RE-^.�on_, ��as��i:=gto�,-, ti4rl;�ne�r�r the rer�ain_ir�g portians �� o��� sai� :t-re�t. � paved urder an� ordinanc� of tn.e Cit�r of a;vr�tor., r��,s'ni���ton, sucy� pa.vir_� to be sisilar �o t'r.� �avirg �`O11S+T't�C'�Ed 1"Il f.X18 T'�1''!�.li GE1 O.i Sct.7C'l 51:�'�G'�i, `'our{;,h: T�le saic� �;rant��, i�s successers �.r..d assigr_s, s�i�z11 bear and pay o.ie-'r�,,lf of tne reaso:�u,b1E exy:�ense oi' �air_- taini��g the �eces;:a�ur 1i�-�r�ts ��t t?le intersectior_ of aZl strsEts rrhicYi cross the ri�Yit of ���a;� r�r•ein graNtE�., a;� ��11a ��ralla Ave riLze . '' ' '-� "` ' ' �_. L `� ,� anc o.� t_��s grwnt, � r1�v� A�c;.iQ �7"c�'1'v-G' i��i 1t;S `ci.CC�� '�,, r � ' '� does a�;r�:,� a�d covsi2ant for itself, i-�s successors ��nd �,ssir;t�s , to and vrit,i� the Cit�,T oz 3��nton, to pro�ect and save harm�ess s�.id city fror� all clair�s, acti�na ar da,ma�es o�' every ki__c! �.�.d descriptic�.z whi.ch r;1�.�T accrue to or be stzfTered by ai�y persor_ or p�Y'S022S by T'Ec:8021 Oi �,2:y d.BfECt1.VE C0�"�S�'i,t�ucti�n OZ' YT!i;.?Ylt•u11c:,1:_�'E: or i�prop�r occul�atia�? of said ri��ts of tr,ray, or by reasor? c�' �ne re�;liger_t operatio�� of s�.id gr�,rtee , its succ�ssors �.n�. assi�ns, o� i�s or treir r��il��raJY�r��ii�s ��rer +he righ�;s o�' ���,�r �.long UY�_d across the said public pl�.ces l�ereir_l�ezore �escr���::ci and ?r_ case any action or suit be begun a�ai��s� s�.id City fo�_• da�na,es a:7_s�.�?g out o� or by rawson o� suc'ci d�fe��ive co--�strtac- '�10�1 Or ^'!�;1�1'�@Y?c�I1C� Q�" irnproper OGC'�i,c'r.�1C>il Oi ?^�?11c�Gn� p�r��Z'�;c,'�i0Y7 �iJ' . . �' ♦ � w, , r ,� . . . . , . * . �aic� graiat�e, it� succ�:,sors an� as�;a-gns, T�_��vy wnc� slu,,ll u�,oi� �o+ice to i u cr t"r!em of thE co��!anc�r:��rst of sar.h wction_ or �tzi�., �.e�'e�ct t:nc s��e �,t i�;s or �rie ir sole cos� �.r�d e<�ens�; _,�;.c� ii_ ���.;�: jud�en� s-zall b� re�:�ereci�,€,.ir_Gt said cit�r ir ti � s;,,^'_ �.c�;ic-<� o�� sui�, shall fu11y satis�'y such jud��ient �Tit�_i�� _�ti:r_c�y(9G ) �wvrs wfte� s2ac'r_ �,ction or s�.it sh�ll '_��ave �ecn �'in�,,ll�% G'.@'i;E1"»?12'l�d� 1i d�1:Br'��jn�C�. a,C�i7E�SE�(.;j '�0 S d.iCl. Ci�s,�j'. ����n: S`"icz gr��nt��, i��s successars �,nd assi;r.s, sha,Il �-��,���� �.�ork u;�on tiic co��st�Uctic�n o� the trac'.�:s he1�Ein author- izecl, a,�:Q ths cor�str�,�.ctiUn o� the p�,vir_g helein pio�rid�� to be coi�s�rL:.ctEc� b;j�a,id grar_teE , «•i.thin thirtSr(3G ) da�rs after this `J:`G�171czT1C8 s��.11 t�,ke effect, d�.d s's��,11 co�:pl�te the cai�strta.c�ic,n o� th� sa..�e v�i�-,hii: ninet;T(9G ) days a�tEr �ne clate it co�er�ces s::Aid .•�ork �,s a�or:�said. A�.�d if said r�or�� sn�,11 no� be b��un wi�.�.irz the �im� in this clause pr�scrib!:d, tl��r� unless the be�ialnin�; o�' sai�. tirork or the cor.2p�tion o� thE sar�e sn�,,ll have bE�r_ pr�vented � i�? 'unctioz� � T ' � Y s v n�,ti o 1 � ��r � J C,.�,b le �i.e r� - , 1�.,,s lr_ c o<_dE±n_.d tian suits, �f,�ikes, riafs, or o���Er occurre�ces beyond tre co:::- trol oi s�,�.d gl"a,Y2'��E� its svccessors �.nd �.ss�gns, the sai�. council oi said ci*y shall 'nave the ri�ht a�'�er thrity(3G) days �.o�i ce to s�:.i�. grar_tee, its sv.ecessors an.� assi�rs, �o �e clare , by orair...a„ce the for�'eiture o� �,11 ri;�'rlts, �rivileg�s �.nd a��_t��oriti�s h�lein grL:a�tY� . SEtierth: Tne said gra�tE:., �?.oes a�re� in and by t:.�e �.cce�tance of th� Y�enefi�s af this o ��dir�ance L:2a.t s�.id �r�>,����e , Y its s uccessors a_�d assigr.s, troill �3.k� up and rer�ove the s�ritch I nozv used by it in connectio�� wi�h th.e S��.Zt}e� ReI?tOr_ & So�zthErn Rail�aa;r t�r�,a�:�.f th� .junc�i�xt o:^ �?wll�, �Tall'a. AvvnuE and Third I Stre�� in said City. "��i�hth: The saicl gran�e: �r�es �'or itself, its suc- cvssors a�ct �,ssi�ns, ta constrvc� a�:�d put inat its ayan � xpens�: , ' ��ithi� or�� i��t;�dred�,��enty da�-s iro�n thE dat� of the acce�tance of -4- . . • . . l 1 ., I r � . • - ' . , . + . �_,,is o����ti�lanc� , w �°a�.l��o;�d crossin� l� Feet wicie in t?� cl��r. L_y�cler its tracks �nrosite Si��,v�:.:c� Strea-t in swid Cit�r. 1'.'lY2t�1� ua1� �Z'a'_.:i'�c� I OY' :itS��.i� 1tS BUCC�SSO?'S �:.11(� �, .,_ ;:"�S � f'L:1""1;J.1A1"' �?.?;Y'�E t11c`�,t '�'1� iODY"�:i071 0�� 'G�8 SO"C�;.].l'cC� �1100d Sp�zr rio�,�r in plac� east o� *'r�e p�Q��osed nezr loc;��ion o* said �'Vooc1 Spur as iz:,reina��ov� descri�ed s=.�,11 be tal,p� u� �,nd r�- �.ov�d ��; �n.e said {�runte�, and t��e sa;d graiztee .ior itself, its succ�ssors and ass��ns, does :.�ereb,y co��.s�nt t��a,t th� Ci��T o* Renton sl�,.11 be allt�•:red t� use trE ground cover�� �her�'��r as a pub li c �horou;�lfa,re . Te��t�:i: Sa�id gra�2tee , its successors a,nd assions furtzer a�r�� in consic;era�,ion of ti�� S�ass_L�e ard a��proval of this fraizchis:. to re�ovw ;,'r� �ole 1in:: no��r i�^stallad and in y�l�„c� I on tne �7or�l� sid� of �,'��.11a ��T�lla Ave�;L.e -to ��� so�z�l-� side t�_e�_��:0��1 5ec�(:ion 2: T:'�7s 0?^dixlaiiC� s�all be in fu_lJ. force and. effect five ( 5 ) da�rs �oz�i az�d a�te�, its a1��proZTu1. and legal pu�lica,io��. Apprr�vea i,�^�is� d�.:j of Augu�t, 1911. /1 /i ' > � , / . ._ _.___..__. "-T.7�`ror;`._..�.__ V �'ass�d t�{�.s��d�..�-� of A1.;�,7��s v� I�11. �- � �C,-ei�_�___�2�Y�__ I __.__ -_. C�t 4r C 1�Y,'L, __._._ I I, Paul �I� �i0L1SB1^� Gi�,:- C���o���:c:;'r i'-, a�^�? ao,~ t�ie ' Cit�r of F.e�ton do .� r��y��rov� the wbo�re and �orr�;oi�LL�; Gx•,����.. i na�Zc� , tri • ci� i Avou�t�_ ...�.__...-.-�_.. _ -.. y .��fnrpa�i�'�`.___'_ � �J�