HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0201 , � �' r � � � ; .�� •• � � : .�.� ,, � ,. .{� � �.�,�`. .-�`� .a�`G.�`��"`�""�� �'"�;�`" � � _... ��� � � ;.�,.�r,.=��. �x,� '�,�,,..� r�� ''�">�� ���'�� �'��►�,��,� ��°:.��. � �,�,�"'�"�"`"�"�"� �� � � � � � � � e r�� � �� a'�?`� �k:, .Ay.,'f P��.. .. . ORDIYidT10E t�0. Z � .� � ., '' '1 C`�IiT�:.IICE �i�OVI�ii:�G � 0� "'_'�� �CI;Si�?UC`�IGi? 0�' �i:�� �IGNT ( � } IIiCH �7�i'"�:�: i:uiIi�� II�, U�QI+ 1�T:U 1i�i?T�'G �'.:,���' .�r ORTI�i? OF �:1nISu STt�l...'�:T BOU"i�DEi;, 0� "'I�:: SOUyi3 I3Y rCt7R1Ti IiV.C�ITUE tilzD OiS T� T�O.i�H B� S:{;�1� �e�V;::i3VH:: ��i'� i'CRTIOiT Q�' SE��QIT� .iiV���iU'� i�OUT�:il�::y�; OSI �'I-i� i�S^ B3�' TS��I�' Sr�L�T .e�T1D OTT ':.'�� �s�S�' B�.' S�TI�� ��'��'; T��l PO��i TOT� 0�' T,�I.�,�u S^��ET BOU�ID� OTJ T� S�u'1'H BY SECOT�D �V`1�IUE r';,ItiTD OT� "'AE T;GRTH ��' C�.�'�� RZV.i:ri: .IiT�TD i� COiIS'?RTuC'�SOIZ OF �ilt i,IGHi � II ) IIVTCIi :7.E�TER �"�.liTTTT� U?OI1 i h1�OT�G tii� !�G`ROSS �'�'i^r, I3RTDG� CB�OSS�11G C��iR RIV'�R FROI:I Tb� �s'.dml:��SEC�IQIV� 0:' S�i�D r�IL� S�?I��:�' 4�ITH �i� SOUyHI;i��.' BOUIID�'�� OF �`F:�:��ji t�IV':;R TO �� +� POITTl Q�' ZTti'fiE�S;Cr'�039� Oi' �IV�;� �i1.i�i�Ur, lili� �'F� COUT�i'Y RO.:D, PO�I:�.:���? �10;�iv' I�S COtn:'�Y .�0�� �0. Z7�, noti�v �iz•st liV�i?LL IiOi'.�'i�ia i�� CILY COiTI�CI:;:� Qn' �'�i� Ci'?Y Cr T��i?"OlT DO O��1TT� l�S �'OL:.:�ryS: Section �, Th�.t there sllall be constluetec� an eigh� (8) inch ;rr�.��r r�a.in in, u��on and alon�; tha,t �aortian of ��ain �tree� boUnded on the South b;� Four�h �venue and on the T�or'�h bJ Secon� Avenue; tht:.t portion of S�cond Avenue ��oundea on the �7e�� by r:�;,in a�reet €�nd on the Last by T�Iill Street; �h�t portion o� 14�i11 Street bounded on the South by Second Avenue ancl on the Itorth by Cedr�r River; ui1� ul�on, aZor�.� and aeross �r�e bridge crossing Cec.ar River -?rorn �he intersection of said P�ill �treet �rith the Sout�.erly Boundary of Ce�?a.r I�iver to the.::poin� of intersection of River �venue and �h� :;�-L-v ;��c��i, �ormerl�r a, ��10Z'T11 as Count�r Road Tdo. 174, TJo� First .�venu� TSorth,n�:"_.o be constr~�zc�ed in accorcl.n.ance to and in cor�pliance with the plan� ��.7,c� ��;��ci�'ic�tions for �he same, noti� on file in the office of the ci�y elerk of the Ci�y af Renton, 4;ashin�ton, �aein� specific�.t�or�� ?;o. . ��ie cost o� �Lhe sat�e to be paid out o� �he �enera.l �l�c.�o�" the Ci�;�T of Rentan, Section 2, iiithin thir��r d�;�s �.-�ter the pausage, approv�,l �nd le�t�l publieation o� the ordiar_ance i;he cit�r clerk of the �it;� of . �ry +� ,, �, � � � �enton sh�.11 aclvex•�ise for bids �or the construction o� tre im�rqvement conter�platee� herein. �ec�ion �. �'his Or�inance shall Ue �n full �orce and effeet five days �rar�� w�_d �:fter i� passage, €�pprov�l and legal oublica�ion. r' l�pprove�� this � �ay of��ja ��. �. I�J10o ��ti � �� � - �',:t�:,,;y''O Z'� P�,ssec� this �� day of 1�. v. 1910. � ,. , ✓1 ♦ -- S`�- `"Li:�-��''UC-„�(T`�/ C� C i.�;� C1erI�. The City of Renton--�Department of Pub�ic Works PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT 'For Improvement of __P_or-ta.-ri�--�#'-�-ax�i-�c-ara.d-Aue.x�'s�E��x1t�_�.="�i11_�t..b�-l��rin�------- ---=�-�--=�.r;�G::'_:�.�_1:�_;.i:r.:_I;;r _?_�15 _fee_�_��_�3!'r_w�od -�'yl'�'�------a�-s�r�-u_i.;i�ii------------------- -- - ----------._under Ordinance No. �Ol -- , cr�i�t�'''� �Y,�;'It'►��t'�q`�����,��;��`fi�'��b��- ----- PAYMENTS TO BE MADE BY-_uE'ric�•��l �''ur.�is �f ;,'.�e �i�,� r.�r I;�: �it,o.no EXAMINED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND CITY ENGINEER BIDDERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That no bids can be withdrawn, after having been upened by the City Clerk, on account of alle�ed error, or from any other cause whatever. A certified check for not less than five peY• cent. of the total amount of bid, payable to the order of the Cit,y Treasurer, must accompany each bid. Any bidder who fails to enter into a contract within ten days after it has been awarded to him, will be declared irresponsible and his check will be forfeited to the city. The approximate quantities are for the purpose of comparir�g bids only, payments for the work will be based upon the actua] quantities measured in the finished work. DO NOT BID BEFORE YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND the manner in which payment is proposed to be made for the cost of this improvement. PROPOSAL _ Renton, Washington,--1;�.�---f�----_�-�_/�.------_ To the City Council of the City of Renton. ' The undersigned hereby certi�v_ that_�____has____ pe onally and carefully examined the plans, s�ecifications and form of contract for the work to be done on ���-�1�..���il��J?,�t�----__� ---- ------- ---- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- that.�:f„�________fully �anderstand�_ the manner in which payment is proposed to be made for the cost of said improvement, that_,�.f_____._hereby expressly agree�__that, if awarded the contract for this improveinent ______the cost of List of Owners, Erigineering and Advertising, to the amount of the Fix stimate, and will pay therefor the par value thereof, in coin, into Local Improvement Fund Distriet�:_ ____of Renton, in the City Treasury, before receiving the thirty (30) per cent. of the co��r�ct payments reserved from the estimates as provi�ed by the contract; and havin� made tne necesaary examination, hereby propose___to fur- nish all material and to perform all ;abor which may be required to complete said work in accordance with said plans and specifications, and upon the terms and conditions provided in said specifications and f�>rm of con- tract, at the followin� prices, to wit: Abstractof Title,Engineer- DOLLARS CENTS FIXED ESTI;VIATE ing and Advertising --��1-�-�--�_"-_wQ�d_ Pi�e-.`_'.,00�_-head.--�--G-��-- ----,�-.�L�y� la�--- - v-- ---------------------------------- ; ------ 2 f3�� __��,i,�__Y�Zy��--------i;,��-a�-�-�----_P,_�LC�1-- -------�f-'-�- --- ---------- ---- ------------ ---------------------- ------2----8��---9Q-°--t��_�a$,----------�------�----- ------��- ------- ------------------------------------ � ------a-----&u---� -+------------------------------ ------�-- ------ ; � .. � ._ , , _ ., ;a � —�—�_��--=--------- ---=�----��-------------- —���---�=— --�- ---�--- ------- ----------------------- ----------- _ �� -`T Q � - - ------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------- ------- -�-+1-�--�'�---------- I ---------------------- ------ --- --------------�----- ----------- I ---------------------- ------- ---------------------------- ------------ ----- ----------------------------- � I ---------------------- --�- ---- -------------------------------- ----------- ------ ------------------------------- 1 _________ _________________________________________ ____________,_______ '_"_""""""""'_'___""'_'_' '____'_______ I I ______________________ ___________________.______________________ ___-________I_______ ____'_"""_"'___""""""""' ______________________ ___ . ________'_____'______"________ __'___'_'______"' " _""'________""_"_'_"'__"_�"'_""___'______ � !// /Y I"///�_.//�/'- /l // I/ DTT11lL�D ! � � � ) r�olryrc� �r� corr��r,��r,�l�ors: Z�Oi'ICE is Yzereby �;ivei�. that seale� propoCal� will be recieved �t LYie office of tN.c Cit4� Clerk,endorsed tivith the title of the �vork� and thF nar�.e of the ��idder,unta.l 7 .;�0 P.T�'.. Jtxne ,l4th, 191Q.fo� +.rie construction anc� l�yin� of aPProxirn.�.tely �we�. ty Hundred �.nd j'�if teer. (�3015) fee�, �f e i�ht (8 ) inch w�ad pi�ae . Dis tric� to ��e as follo�r� ,Pe�innin� at the int,ersectior. of 4t}z,Aven�ze a.r�d I;ia.in St. tr.etice nor�h ta aecond tiver,ue , thence ea;�t on Secanci A,renus, to ��ill %t, , thence nort� on i�.iiJ.l :t, to the noxth si.�e �f t.�e Cedar �;iver �2"1C��P. ��li1E? Citv Council tvill pxo- cPed :�itk�out unnece�sary c�elaw✓ to award ��te contract far the aY�ove v:�ork ta the lozve;� t ancl �;est bidder,witli �.dequate security; �he �ouncil xeserves t'r�r ri�;ht to rej�ct anv or �.11 Y�icis ��ll bids for trii.� improvement must be marle upon �he �rinted bl=r.k� pro�ridec� therefo� by the Citv Cler�...47.1. bid� must k�e accomp�znied by a certified check payable ta the City Of Rent�n,foz• a sum not le�� �than 5; o f the arr.ount of the bid, �nd no bic'. sh�ll t�e r,ons idered unle�s a.ccompanied by such cheek.r:�.nd if t��;.e contract be let,�.11 _. check� shall be returned to tl:e bi�ders excePt that of tYie succe- ��ful bid.der.vr?�.i.ch �h�,ll be ret�ined until. a, contract Y�e enter�c� 1TIt,0 for m�.kin� tYiis im�rovemer.t re t�rreen the bic..der and the Cit�r. ., in a�ccordance vrith such bid.ihis v�►oxk ta r� pa,ic� out of the ��� Generwl Fund� of tre Cit,,r of nenton, '—`�T O� "`' �l - _��iti�-�--�' ___.... C,i tv , e.rk � � 2 � 3 � _ - :�-=..,�.�� ._ , t;,.�`. • , . . . .. . ,� �' ' � � , ; , '�, . ._ �..s �:���' .x �' ,r+.: • - .�`�r.�` +4.►. ,. _.,.�:e:.rt. ° r., f � ' � �; ;; �' ^�` '� .� � 0: f I A' , �. �' C � � .�� � � � ` � �� � � � , � � � � PROPOS�IL. � , :� TO `� HONORABLE �ISAYOR .AND �i:�;MBLR� OF THE CI`i'Y COUNCIL 0��� `l� CS't'Y ;� OF R�NT4N? �P�HI22��(�TON. � The und�rsigned� bein� a bfdder vn tihe construction of an � ' eight inch wat�r main or� and 9.n oertain e i�ree te in the City af '. �� �� . Rentpn, Wa�hin�ton� in accordanoe to the term� of Oxdin+�nce No. " i 241 of eaid City, hereby proposes a reduotion in tYie bid of the � � � unciersi�,ned by reaeon of th� alieration of the �pecificatione for �' � eaid improvemc�nd► t ch�nging �a id water main on Be cond Avenue between Ma�in 3i�reet and �Vlill Street from the north side t.hereof �-���� � � to the eouth �id� �thereof. in the amount of � ��'��.� �'�'`�� � ; ��ted at Renton� 1�aeh ingt, rthig June 14th.1910. �' *, �` Bidder. � � , � .. � , �� �. �.�,�.�� � r; � � ��,: : $ �✓���.�m r� �;��. ' r ';;_: ",�}�.� ;�. t �, F� � � . : �{. �„� �� �",-' _ ` ` • �� ` � `''�' `� � ���y�y 33 s"��.#� �'.�.:i �• t� y.�a* � '^A .w� . �. e. _ . . , ,_ , - _.,y, , . _ : . _ _ . ' . � � . � ,�.'+ � "av.i�'.Y s� . ' . .. �.� � � � � � - _ .,. �� a�. , , t „-;. _ . ,, � � �,� � :. � � , � . wwa�..,+w...w�+*w..rw...�..rmea¢..w.o��rr»,..w.,.-..>,..�-�w,�v�*+�s..,n�a ,.�,.��,y . . '.�: *w1etl�+��1�1�W,a r..,,.»��. ,r�.�-:.,,h.esa.q+,vit..wvS� ,... . . %.� . ' . . , ,.. �i�w, �;r� ..,.. �. � � .. � 'r�#�' ~ :,,. ,::, .. �:: ��.4� {x�+'��"���#,"i�$' �y ��` �t^�.,��`,�,L_t5��y 4�, z:� �'��, r+",�,,,;�� � ,�,'�'a�a `.'. �'; { �. ��,t� ��8 *k.' . /.�-S �``s .:r, 1�`:r#�'."4"w ,� �.� � �+t ?L�,�� A�'��, . ; Q �e»� "'��, . Y '� ...J�f'# 'd ..XSk' S,� � y' .R� . h *a �3+ , ��� J;. ��Y� .. �` w + s r a '� �F,�`�''f �'.'. 4 i. 't��l���' ti. ��,� _ ; � � � ��� s �+'� e,� £ � r '� � t �^. � � a`x � er'� t :. - r,r�5p� = 4�} �� ' ',� Dst�'fy�� #�,.� ���� { �•�. , 3 ��y{ 'y��'"+ �h�' f C.-� 6+ /_ ,.A '' ,�. � , i.. . . �y, ��, ;," o-i e�. b�;: rv �j i�. "w a '� �`,.�v X- _ � q{� tit"'.�' A i" 4 t c�d + . � k, .,� y .`F w � -3 J b'3 � ��� ' .�h�Jk i 3''+� teW rt ' t a'"sr:t #, r' � . Sr �. �� �'�y}I�� . ! . . . 4# y,\'. tl i 3 5� ,J,-�3.;y�"� ��t P t�s � Y '�' k �1 g '��n S t� . . . � T _ • 'N h ' � �: � �y��� �.. ` .� �.z� ' . . . . `�att Mfi �13.: . . � �'. . �,� � . . . . , . � � , . , . ��y.. ,� .�., . . � , , F ,,: � �� � �' . � � . . . .,3 s •� , + , , '� . .. ,. ��. .�� , r�;r ,. .. ",��' ' , . . � � �� � .�' L'0'n ""1 �'t 7"r� ;+ ,.��_� ` i� ��,t, ,-�TrT��.-(�rir�?T ^�.�1�'-5 ..�' 11v :U �� :i 1� �. Gi ��1���:,�_,.�����, �JLL i.�♦ _� . ,i�T.;�T,. .,j.,.�`.�. ._-C�. 0�' v V�;.�'��..'i%".:� _Ui� C G��:�'...'R�.;��'I Oii Gr' �,�1�'y�.ii �r�TOR:�S. �li�y u� u 1� 1�: �.� � .0 i�. ,,.r.a l,.r ._.:�..: _..�.. - ,iu:iay Yi�_..�J�l:..'�7� i� i7,� ... ',. ... '.i Li.L1y'C�e 1� . as �=�rinci� .. -�, s _ �.i�� �,s slireties i 1 .. are he lt� ���i�:� =i� - „� .�_u � 1::;o �t7ie S;;_��� a" '�,'::V �-.ir_$ �o��, �n t��e full _�`; ��11c1 s�._��;r . uC � cE�i;s �wnci �us� swa or Gne LY��ci:tN:�.i��. �lhree ru.n�.red �.nd "ai.��;r-ei{�h� i�ollar�/ (�136�.60 ), I..��riuZ r�on.e;� o�' �he unite�: Stw':eu, ioi• 1.}_e ���.�'--:c'��� of �;'r11C�1'1 Si1T1� tiTe1� w71ci `u"1111jr �0 ti� 7'lcC�@� �J@ C�0 ��7.7iCt O11Y�:�elee:�, Ol1I'? cy71C1 G�C�1 0� OLlz' !1�'1z'S� es_eci��0]'3 c,.71C� �C1T:1121iE�;Z'�L�O:tS� uliCGES�OY'S � � �.� ; r+l�,� < <. � , �, 'i�•�:�ly U� t7��e se Z��r�sen�s : wnc. �.�:;�: ��.� „oi_�„ „ ancl ae aer�,l1 � ae:�Ie�-_ rr��'ri otzr s�als an« d�.tecl �i��s Jui�e 2���1, i:. ��. ?910. � �'his :�oncl is e�>eeu�e�:� in �j,�zrsu�,��ee o� arclin��nee I;o, uCl, 0:� "t�,'tl@ '.i7.�"i�T Of t�E321�U71� tipf�YOVEc�� �7Ui1E �.`.�''v� ��. �. .:.:.��J= ,..__Ci 1S �`.�il.�i�jEGi� �iGZ �.._C y.'.o r_;�_ons ' �(+� �7 .(` .L- �-a.; r_y_ �y� L i_� n aV ,.;,1 i M 1 �1'` Z "1 '1 �1��r�Q 1 �G�,riU �.... J!'_f7' J�;i L���;.1 V e i� �� ti"� l��.� T ���" Re�i�orr, �.rd �ne la�-is of t;l�e 5��.�e o� ���,sni3z�,�to�2, �U.rlc� �rie ��rofiles, 7�1�.�.s, s��eci=ic�.tions a�nc� �eneral ��iy�ulatioi�s, �.nc1 �he con�r�.c� here�o��ore e_.ecutec:�; ���,_c� �s e-n_tereci ir_+o �rith +�he �twte o-� �f`u�.::ii:�]"'�.t01"1 '�OY" '.:--C ..`,:.'�c.' :...._�� 'I���]iEr�.� Or "'vi?2 �ii��T Q� .�@'_2�'i0T1' y��S1:7.7i�;'{",011� i0Y` ��12 1ZS2 �Y7C�. �iE'rl@f1'f', 0� a.l� lu.borers, T:�@C!?�211.CSy :iU�)—0071�'�'�::.Cf.,01:'S> L'Oii�Y'u,C�"i0't'� '+ c. � c�'•� l c• t c� � � wnc? laaterl�.l �.er, U,nc� �.1� ��_er:�o��s v�10 ����,1� uup��1J .���c��,'sut- r con-�:�wc�or� �riti� l�rovis�or�s or �u��-�y:.Iies �or ���ie c�.rr��i_1�;� oxz �� �ne �T,ror'. coTrerec. b� t��e coiltr�.c�t entere:�_ in-�o �his �Tuxle N����, �.. J. 19�C, I�et-�:een the above bc�r4��len ��rilz�i�nul � . �. C�.z�-�be11 �r�L tr�e C+1.f,;r 0"i �8]`1�Q_i� �1�;,Sli1r�"t,021� �OL' ti.iC' CdiiS�i".,;;�1flT1 0'� �:. +J�1t�'iE.'2' I..�?1.T1 in tne C�it;;% of Renton, ��cc����win� to ':,lie _�la�, s�ecific��:io�� �_ � �, _ , _ „ i,�--•�, -,�- u:�ii �;ei�er�l a:;i ,��_. :�ons ���r t}?e .i::e ��.:� ;��.� � _ U�. ��':- --- ,.,�;. „o _li���:, el.�;;ere�-_ �.n�o �,u �,ic,:�es�.iu as orclel•e�i ���i Cr�ii.il�.n�e I�o. :.'Cl o�' �i;i�e Ci��r o-� Rezi�on, ;7�.siiiiii.;;c,., t:,-�-;?rove� Jure ���, ��. �. I:�l�, °�,.�c� �r�� eorlditioi�� o_' t��is o��l�i�;ta�ioi. .:,i•e �:uc=,,� t�.�.t i� the s�.ic1 l���ricil�al C. �. C€�:��,L�e�� u';all �r-,erfol•�.i �i�e ��tii�. , , , . . c:a� yu��� �tir�izcl� -i�> _�r.•��r � �._r���ress��r y�icrt�_ �o �. ._� ����;�e . vr�- � hereoi w� t��ou�;l� ;e� r�s•ti. �,� �t. �;L-�� i�e�ei�l, wcccr•c�-i���; t� i�s ��i@L`ti�.�i� CO2`�C�1�i10i:^� &.YIC� St�i�1iZ.c:.f'10115> �?SiC: ::'''lu.i� Yi�.:��' £3.�= fi'1�@ f ��E,'CO:''1C C:L1E.' �;.1� �lZav C:.�i.F,;.i,.i� ��02' �:.Z� �'J02.'i. 2]�71C,'� �c:,�01'y i�E.'C�1�;.T11.G�`a`y ,."at1Z"'r,-• cont-racters �.nd ��titeri�.l t�en anc� ��11 l��ersor�s r��io ;;}i��= tiui;l� u1tCI1 y�@1.'�`a07i€i OZ ,.�'i1zl.?—.CO]��'t'c?,v�OT'S �71�!1 y'iY'OJ1.�.',1.07'l."i ul :ill";";'t',1iG'.`.'� �0�' tf"idlE3 c�rr�r�n�; on of �l�ch �•:�;. .L �.r�d cor����:�lur „��li _:1�. �t�:� _w<<�:.� o-� �;r�e Stw�e o.�' :,fashiri�;�t;o�� �,n�:� ti_e urttir�ar�ce� oi ��ze Cit�r o� Re7�to��, ���luu?�i���;•;;er�,. �,li(� tll@ �d:u1ET1C�T.�@il'tS i2e7 4�U �;.�C�. w�'_c;,�i 8�3.V@ �'ilG ��?,il:. ti 7.t jT 0� �e7�f an har�?es� �rci:; �Il �€�:_�z:�eu of ever-;- l�ii�ci :�.nrt r��.�ure e�.�her irl iz���� or irl e i�Ai-�;�, �z o���ir��; ou� �-� ti�e �er-�mrr:���rlee o� Gii�s cor�trr.�,et `�,ii11S (�cl�T execu�e:' �"L.`�.� u,fDl^E.'S€j.Zt� �11t?11 u111w 0!.?11z'E�.f'i1UTI ��1%.i, !�E "i'11�.i.� wnc� vozc� o�_ie�,�:iae to re�.��,in �;� fal� �'o�ee ��;u C':LfP,vfi,. ai�;iie�.- , „c:._1�.� �..:.�� �_e� i-� ey .. _. ��_�:; ��.���eG����.. 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' �N`�. ; x.,•. -kr ,.AA � �'-.- �.,� +fy���.,y '*1��� �'�.t�'�,��`, , a :n.; � ���f�"�°::���'�`� r"`"-�r �.. ���'�'" '�l"� . �� �"'�`� r- i CITY OF RENTON SPECIFICATIONS For the� t � Or, . • -h��d,*�ic�i� o�`----------�.�?-P-r-Ox117t�:�.�1�-r-t3!u�.Xltiy.--huz�dx'�.a---a,nd_f�f_teen__f ee t----�_2G15.)_. of...e_i�;Yit__inch woad pipe line ,a� -- -�--� --�-------- ----------------------------------------...----------------------------------------- _.. . -----�- --------- --------�------------�-------- ---------------�-------------- --------- - -------.....-----------�-------�-----------------------------.....---�------------------------------ ..:__...-----�-- ---�-- --------------�------ ------------------__------- ---- ---------- ------------�-._------�--�--��---�------------------------..._-------�------�-------------------- -- ------------ - - ---------------�-------------�--�--------------/��am�-._-to---b�---�-a.i�.__ma u---Q�----���---G.�.�e:rt�.l._Funcl�..._of_ ��ti pro�-ided by Ordinanee :�To._._�.f).1_._..---- � --1.._- - -, cr����������Ia�� �Pt���i�i����Uis�ti�t���o._�,kl�_..�.l.t�'--v�..heri Esamined and Approved by the City Council of the City of Renton...__.._._.._.._____..____.._._.._.__._._.__..__.___________ Attest: _ __.Clerk. _____. �1layor. ----�--- --- ---- -- -------------- - ------------------- - - ------------------------------------- -- --- �-- --------------------- PROPOSALS, Sealed proposals for this work, endorsed �vith the title of the work and the name of the bidder, will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk until-------�--•-•-•---••-••--------------- ----•---------••-----••--•---•-•----�--------•------•------------------------....._... 'Phe said Council will proceed, without unnecessary delay, to award the contract for the above work to the lowest and be�t bidder, with adequate security; the Couneil re�er�-ing the right to reject any or all bids. Yermission will not be given for the withdrawal, modification or explanation of an� bid or pruposal. I3idders are notified to thoroughl� examine these specifications, the plans, the form of proposal.s and form of ��ontract; if there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any part of the saine, before making their pro- posals intending biclders should ask the City Engineer for an explanation. If, after proposals are delivered to the City Clerk, an� difference of opinion shall arise as to the true intent and meanin� of any part of these specification, vr oi the plans for this improvement, the decision of the City Fngineer Shall be final and conclusive, and binding on all parties. The bidders are warned that all bids which are deficient in either of the following requirements will be rejected as infarmal: (a) �ll bids for this improvement must be made upon the printed blanks provided therefor by the Cit,y Clerk. (b) No bid will be received if detached from the form of contract with which it is bound, nor must any of the accompanying papers be detached therefrom; but the entire package must be unbroken and in good order, and enclosed in a sealed envelope when the bid is deposited. Intending bidders should ask for the form of con- tract upon the basis of which they desire to make proposal, and the successful bidder will be required to enter into the contract which is attached to his proposals for this improvement. � __ (c) Bids must be made on every item noted on the blanks for proposals provided for this improvement. The prices must be stated, both in words and figures, in the respective columns provided for the same on said blanks. (d) All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the City Treasurer for a sum not less than five (�i) per cent. of the amount of the bid, and no bid shall be considered unless accompanied b,y such check, and if the contract be let, all checks shall be returned to the bidders except that of the successful bidder, which shall be retained until a contract be entered into for making this impro��ement between the bidder and the City, in accordance with such bid. If the said bidder fails to enter into such contract in accordance with his bid within ten days from the date at which he is notified that he is the successful bidder, the said check and tl�e amount thereof shall be forfeited to the City. Before such contract between the successfnl bidder and the Cit3� shall be valid or binding against the City of Renton, the contractor shall enter into a joint and several bond `vith the City of Renton, to be approved by the City Attorney of said City, for the use of said C'ity, and also for tl�e use of all persons `vho may perform or cause to be performed any �vork or labor or furnish or eause to be furnished any skill, labor, material or supplies in the execution of such contract, which bond shall be in amount fixed b,y the City Council, but not less than the contract price agreed to be paid for the performance of such contract. Bef�re the final 30 per cent. payment shall be made the contractor sh�►11 fi1e a Surety Bond of twenty per cent of the amount of the contract price as a guarantee for uncompleted or defective work if the same is discovered witnin one year from the completion and acceptance of the work. LOCATION. The Distriet will be as follows: �., _.. , .. . I.ia,in �t,bdur�c:ed or, the south by Four�h Aver,ue ,a.nd on the north by Seconci �lveriue �`aha�t por �ion of Second Kver.ue ,bnuncied on tk�.e wes t by hia.irl :�t.and on tr,e e�,st by I�ill :?t.'1'hat porLion of T��Ii11St.bounc]ed on the s.outh by ae cond `'venue ,and on th� nor th by Cedar ��iver ,hnd the cons t- ruc ticar of an ei�;h� inch watez� r�►ain,upon,�.lon� and across the brid�,e cro�sir�� C�d�.r F�iver from the inter�ection of �aici P��ill at �rith the southerly boundary of Cea�ac� River �o tk�e poirat of ir.ter�ection of River Avenue and the Caunt,y xoa.d�formerly kno�rn as �ounty Road 2do,174.now� First �venue North. Gorinecting tini�h a tiva-;-,er rn�,iTi �lreac�y laid,nea,r �he intersectinn of i''ouri.Y 1�ve-F� I:��ain �t. :,hence rzorLl� on T.ia.in ,ru2inun� twelv feet e��.si; of } arid ���.rallel with) the r�est propei 1:y line of �:ain S�. ) t;o a point tvwelve fee� sout�a ,aiici tv�rel�•e fee�c east of �'ri� rior��i wes� corner of mairi ;t,arzd �eco�id Ave- ;.lience eas t on �'�econci Ave- (runiiin�; 12 feet s autn of j and p��rellel wi 1:h) t�ie north proper ty lii7e of Se coi�d Ave-� to a point �tweli*e feet eas� and tweiue fe�t south oS 'c��e nort�i west corner of Secnnu Ave-%:�iid T��ill :3t. the�nce north on P.�ill �t.a11d across� Cedar �?iver on sou�h side of Urid�e tc t�_e �oir►t of in�ersect�or! of Ftiver Avenue and t;he Cc�un-ty Fo�.d,1'orrr�rl,y kriotivn as Count�r P�ad I�to ,1.74.Now Firs t ��v�;r�ue i?o r th. GENERAL DECRIPTION OF WORK AND MATERIALS. The improvement herein described is authorized by Ordinance No.__,'.',OL...............of the City of Renton, and shall eonform to the requirements thereof. It shall consist of laying water mains of proper dimensions, together with all necessary gates, tees, crosses, fire hqdrants and other appurtenances, necessary for the proper water service and fire protection of said distriet, in accordance with the accompanying plans and as hereinafter more particularly specified, --------------------------------------------------------------------------•-----------------•-------•--------------••-----•---•----•------•--------•------------------...---------..._.....------••----•--•-- ------------------------------------------------------------------•--�------•----------------...------••---------------•-------------•------------._....---.............-------------...----•----------------•-- ----------------------------------------------------�--------------------------•-------.......--------•----------------------------------------------------•---------------•--------------•-----•---------__..._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-----------------------..__..._._...__._--------••----------------._....------.._.------._ ------------------------_.-----------------------------------------------------.....---... . --...------------------.._....---------------..._...--------------------------•-------._.._.........---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--.__...__......---•----------------•--•------------•----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---�-------------------------------.._....-------.....-------------------------•---------------•----•--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------•----•--.._.----•- �,- ---------------...------------------------------------------------•---•-----------------•------------------------ ----�-------•-----------------�-----------------------------------------...------------�---------------- -------------------------------------.._..----•--------------------------------------------._....------- -------------------------------------------------- __�----------------�---------------�--- --------------- ---------.....-----------...--------------------------------------------...-------- Special Castings, Any special casting re�uired shall be made in accorclance �vith the details shown, from the same quality oi iron as hereinafter spe�.ified, and shall be subject to the same requirements as to cleaning, coating and marking weight. Especial care must be taken to have the socket of the required size. Any special castin� which is defective in joint room, from any cause, �vill be rejected. They sh�ll conform closely to the dimensions and �veights given. Special castings will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per pound, and such payment shall be in full for fur- nishing and setting in place, i�lcluding all labor and materials. No excess of weight above the estimated weigbt for the reepective patterns of more than five (�) per cent. will be paid for. Trenching. Trenches for the pipe shall be opened in accordance with the ]ines and grades ;�iven, and in such order as rna,y be directed. They shall be of sui�'icient �vidth to gi�-e convenient access to the pipes. �'Vherever the pipe is to be laid on a fill, such fills shall be made of proper material and of such dimensions as to be not less than eighteen inches in depth over the top of the pipe, and four feet in width on top of the fill, with proper side slopes. The fills shall l�e prope�i�1.3� compacted b�� tamping ur ��ther���ise, as may be directed by the City Engineer, before la�-ing the pipe. The uost of such filling shall be inclnded in the priee bid per lineal foat for the pipe complete. .�ny cnl�-erts ur box drains �vhicl� ina5 be necessary ihrougl► fille sball be constructed in .accordance with the details al�own on the plans, or the ciirertion of the City Engineer. Such work will be p�id for at the prices bid therefor aa stated on the bid blanks for thi� improve�nent. �11 parts of stumps th�t are ��itnin four (�) feet of ti;e pipe must he totally remove�d. 13oulders or rocks must be removed to the width ot the trench before the �vater m�tiii is ]aid, �nd the c�st of stleh reinoval must be included in the price bid per lineal f��ot of v��a;er main laid. Nherever paving, macadani, pl�nl;in�;, etc., have to he dirttirbed to permit the conti•actor to lay the pipe, he will remove it and replace it in ��s g•oo�l� c,�iidition a5 titi-he�n ��i�turhe�j. The cost of relaying all paving, macadam, planking, etc., shall be included in the price bid per foot of pipe laid in place. Back Filling. In re-filling the trenches, the earth filled into the bottom of the trench, under and to the top of the pipes and other castings, shall be free from stones and carefully packed and well rammed with proper tools for the purpose. Special care shall be taken in ramming not to injure the coatin�; of the pipe. Care shall be taken to gi��e the pipe a solid bearing throughout its entire length. The earth filling above the pipes shall be sufficiently packed and rammed to prevent after settlement, and the material used shall be free from large stones. The trenches shall, in all cases, be re-filled with the material furnished by their excavation, provided that it be of proper qualit3�. In lieu of ramming, the trenches may be thoroughly water settled. Measurements. 1Ieasurements for the e�timate of pipe laid �vill be taken aloug the top of the pipe �n a vertieal plane passing � ��hrottgh its a�is; inelucling all standard specials and omitting all special castings. Payments. Wood pipe and standard specials ��rill be p�id for at the rate bid therefor per lineal foot of completed pipe, and 5uch payment will be in full for furnishing aucl laying the pipe, and all standard speeials shown on the plans, and shall also include all trenching, j ointing, back-filling, restorinn� the Street surfae.e, rela�ing of paving or planking, and all other material aaid labor necessary for the completed work. Any standard specials not shown on the plans, and ���hich may be ordered by the City Engineer, �t•ill be paid for at the rate of six cents ($0.06) per pound. In case �.n� such standard special5 as shown or� the pian are omitted in the work, a correspond�ng reduction will be rnade from the estimate. Any eicavxtion abo�-e that sho«-n on ihe profiles, or specified above, under "Alignment and Grades," which may be ordered by the City Engineer, ���ill be paid for at the rate bid for "Extra Excavation" �er cubic �ard. i�ACHINE BANDED �'VOODEN FIPE. Lumber. �Il lumber used in the cunst��llction ot wooden p�pe shrlll be �lear, Solzncl, straight-ar�lined Sellow fir or the bes` � ��uality ��f California red��uo<L �n�i�l ��ntir�,lti- free frum l�n�its. ��1r3� rot, pitch SeamS, cracl�s, ��-ind thakes, sap «�ood, � ur otI�er defects that might impair its streng•th or durabilit�-. �lll Inmber l��ed sl�all be Subject to inspectior�. i�efore being milled into sta��es aud a�'ain befure bein� ni�de int�� pipe. �ll pipe sliall be subject to inspection liefore being put into the trencl�. and any pipe coiitaining �lefective lr.mber yhal] be rejected. �11 lnmber, be- f:�re being inade into st�ve��, S.i�ll be thorong:llti- 5easoned by eit}�er air <lrying or kiln dryiug. The staves shall be planed to t�riic circular olitline of th� �ipe, b.,th insirle .zn�l outside, and Y.he e�lges sl�all be planed io trt�e radial lines. The ends of all pipe shall be 5awe�j ��ff sqrare �in�l turlied smoothl�� to correspond ���ith the coup- ling ttsed; Yhe ends to be of r� proper �ize� to �nake a ti�ht fit �-hei� tlle pipe i5 driven into the couplings, g�tes or �peeials. It shall be laid in se�tions of snch len�tl� as the contractor ma,y decide, bi�t not more than ten (10) per cent. of the sections sna]1 he less thai� ten (101 fe�et in length. . ,�___ _. ----____ _._ an . _ . The pipe sha11 be banded with double galvanized iron or steel wire, having a tensile strength of not less than 60,000 pounds nor more than iQ,000 pounds per square inch. The spacing of the banding sha11 be as shown in following table, and the maximum spacing on an� sized pipe and under any pressure will be three (3) inches. In �vinding, the bands must h�ve sufficient tension to imprese the band slightly into the wood, but bands that have broken the fibre of the wood will subject the section of pipe to condemnation. �11 sections of pipe over 12 feet in len�th shall ha�-e banding with staples in middle of joint. The banding shall be coated with a mi:�ture of pure refined asphalt and linseed oil, of proper consistency. This coating �nnst adhere etron�•ly to the iron and must show no tendency to flow when exposed to the sun in stlmmer, or to become so brittle as to scale off in winter. All pipe after the bands have been coated, shall be carefully handled �n order that the coating may be injuied as little as possible. A11 pipe with esposed banding wire on which rusting or corroding has commenced will be rejected. �11 l�ands, �vhere the coating has been znjured and w•here rusting has not commenced, shall be thoroughly painted ��-�th hot applications of the s�me kind and ��onsistency of coativg material as that put on at the factor3�, as soon as practicable and to the satisfaction of the City Engi-neer. SPACING TABLE Size oE Pipe--- 4° ',� 6° 8° 10° 10° - 12" � Size of Wire__ No.6 j No. 4 Diam. 0.225 ,No. 2 Diam. 0.263 � Head in Feet �' SPACING IN 1NCHES __ . 50 . 2 1-2 ' 3 � 3 3 3 � 3 ---- — --- � 100 2 1-4 3 2 11-16 2 3-16 3 2 1-2 150 2 2 7-161 13-161 7-16 2 1 5-8 200 1 13-16 1 5-16 1 1-16 1 1-2 1 1-4 Washburn and Moen Guage. Tensile strength of wire 60,000 pounds per square inch. Factory of safety 5. Spacing in inches=-43,400 D H where d-�Diam. of Wire, D-=Diam. of Pipe, and H—Head in Feet Couplings. No coupling shall be less than six (6) inches lengthwise with the pipe, and all must be a. true circle trans- versely' with the axis of the pipe: Cast iron couplings, co necting sections of the wooder� pipe, shail be of a good quality of gray iron castings, uniform in thickness, smooth outside, free from blow or sand holes, or other imper- fections. They are to be thorou�hly cleaned and coated, as specified for cast iron pipes. The cast iron must have a minimum tensile strength of 18,000 pounds per square inch. Wrought iron or lap-welded tubing coupling will not be allowed. Sampl�. All intending bidders will be required to submit samples of the wood pipe they intend to use in this contract to the City Engineer for approval. Each sample must show � coupling complete, and the fastening of the band- ing at the beginning and ending of a section of pipe. Couplings and fastenings must be approved by the City Engi- neer. Bids must state what kind of coupling is to be used. Standard Specials. All standard specials shall be made of the same quality of iron as specified for Special Casting pipe, and shall be coated with a si�nilar preparation of coal tar pitch varnish, or such other coating as may be approved by the City Engineer. They shall conform to the dimension� qhown on the plans, and shall not vary more than five per cent. either wa,y from the computed wei�hts. The bells must be a true circle transversely with the axis ��f the pipe. Cast �ron plugs shall be furnished a�nd set where necessary. Where directed these plugs shall be fur- r�i�hed with yokes put on in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. All plugs shall be tapped for four-inch ���rew pipe� and treated as plugs for cast iron pipe. Special castings, trenching, back-filling and measurement. Quality of Metal. All special castings shall be made of cast iron, of good quality, remelted in a cupola or air furnace, and of such character as to make the metal of the castings strong, tough and of sound, eeen grain, a�nd such as will satis- factorily bear drilling, chipping and cutting. It shall possess a tensile strength of not less than 18,Oi10 pounds per square inch. Test bars of the metal, poured from the ladle at any time, two (2) inches by one (1) ineh by t«�enty-six (26) inches long, when broken transv�rse�y t���ent�four (24) inehes between supparts, shall have a hreaking load of not less than �,000 pounds, and sha11 haee a total deflection of not less than thirty-two hunclredths � (0.�2) of �n inch before breaking. All castings shall be entirely free frorn sand holes, scabs and defects of every kind. Ao plugging or filling will be allowed. Coating. 13efore be�ng coated, all Special castings shall he thoroughly cleanecl from all ecale, rtlst or othe�r deleterious rnatter, both inside and ontside. They shall then be immediatel,y coated with a preparation of hot coal tar pitch varnisYi. Tl�i� eoatin� innst be dura�le, smooth, ��lossy, hard, tough, perfectly waterproof, not affected by any salts ur aci��s fonnd in the soil, free from bubbles or blisters, strongl�� adliesive to the iron under all circumstances, an� � ��•ith no tendenc�� to 8ow when esposed to the sun in sununer, or to become so brittle as to scale off in winter Thi� coating nhall be appliecl at the foundry where the pipes are �ast. Care shall be e�ercised iii handling the pipe and fitti�gs up to the time they are laid in the trench so as not to injure the coating. If any rust spo+s ��ppear on the pipe �vhen delivered on the work they sh��ll be re�moved, and the pipe coated with �. & B. or some ���ther appi�oved coatinfl�. If the worknien, in la,ying or caulking the jr�ints, remove the coating, it shall be replaced xs speeifie�i for ruat spots. Pipe Laying. �11 pipe shall be carefully laid to the grac�es and alignmeut given. _�11 pipe sl�all be earefully swept out and I . cleaned of any earth or rubbish that may be inside the pipe before or during the laying of the pipe. The pipe shall be laid by carefully driving the coupling on the pipe with hard wood blocks and heavy maul or ram, and then driving the negt joint of the pipe into the coupling, l�To driving of both coupling and pipe at the same time will be allowed. Walking over the bare �vooden pipe at any time is prohibited, especially �vhen laid in the trench. Pipe laid in the trench, whose�bands show the coating abraded, must be taken up and a perfeet specimen laid in lieu thereof. Back Filling. � In re-filling the trenche�, the. earth filled into the bottom of the trench, under and to the top of the pipes and other castings, shall be free from stones and carefnlly packed and tivell rammed ���ith proper tools for the purpose. �pecial c�re shall be taken in ramming not to injnre the coating of the pipe. Care shall be taken to gi�-e the pipe a solid bearing throughout its entire length. The earth filling above the �ipes shall be 5ufficie�ntly packed an�l rammed to prevent after settlement, and the material used shall be free from large stoiies. The trenehes Shall, in a11 eases, be re-filled �cith the i�iaterial fnrnished by their ebcavation, provided that it be �f proper qualit�-. In lieu of raznming, the treu��hes may be thoroughly ��ater settled. Tests. ti�hen necessary, in the judgment of the City Engineer, suitable pipe lengths, to�ether with couplings, sha3l be selected from the pipe to be l�id and subjected to a hyclraulic pressure to determine the efficiency of the longa- tudinal and trans�-erse joints and of the couplings. Such pressure shall be not less than fifty pounds more than the static pressure for which the pipe is built. Under such pressure these joints sha11 develop no leaks whatever-, �nd if such leaks dei�elop the lot of pipe from which the joint was selected shall be rejected. The contraetor will also be required to ftzrnish sample5 of the different sized wires to be used oi� tl�e pipe. Such samples to be te�ted b� tlie City Engineer for tensile strength, as speci�ied abov�. All wooden pipe, after being laid and c�onpled, shall be subject to a test of fift�� pounde more than the static head pressure, and any �lefects or leaks �hall be remediecl i�,y the contractor in a manner satisfactory t� the City Engineer. tiVhen necessary, in the ,jn��gnicnt cif t�he Cit�- Fn��ineer, aiiy defeeti�-e pipe shall he remove�l and replaced with sound material. The �����t of making ��11 tests, r�ti specified abo��e, shall be bor�ie h�- the ��ontractox�, who sl�all furnish all purnps, gaug�s �i�d �ppliances necessar,y; the Citti�, ho���ever, reseraiu,� the rigl�t to Yest an�l appro�-e any gange� i�sed. Payments. 1V��oden pipe and standard specials ��•ill be paid fur xt tlie r•ate� bid tlier�fol• per Iine�r foot of complete�� l�ipe, and �uch p�ynient ���ill be in fnll for ft�rnisliing anci la,ying t3�e pipe a�ncl couplings, a�nd all �Yandara specials .is sho��-n o❑ the plans, and sl�all r�lso include all trenchins,, jointing, bacl�-fillin�, re5toring of street surface, re- 1�il-ing� uf pavi��� or planl:ing, an�l xll otl�er inaterial and lxl�ur �� Specified abo�'e, or necessary for the completEa ��-ur1�. �i�y standard specials n��t sho��-n on the plans, whicli may be� ordered b,y the City �;ngineer, �vill be paa�� f��r at Ylie 1•�te of �i� cents (�sQ06) per ponn<� in pl.ace. In ��else any saeh stat�dard specials, as sho��n on the plans, are oinitte�i in tlie ���ork, �� corre5poniiing• recltiction ���ill he tn��le from the estimate. �ny eYcavation above that shown on the profiles, or specified uncler "Alignment and Grades," which may be ordered by the C'ity Engineer, �=ill be paid for at the rate bid for "Extra Excavation," per cubic yard. MAINTENANCE OF WOODEN PIPE. In additian to the bonds and sureties hereinbefore mentioned, which the laws of the State of Washington ,require to be furnished by the contractor, a surety bond amounting to not less than twenty (20) per cent. _oi � the full amount of the contract, as shown by the final estimate, shall be furnished by the contractor previous to the release and payment of the thirty (30) per cent. held for thirty (30) days under the City Charter. Said bond shall be furnished b,y some approved surety compan,y, and sball be conditioned that the pipes, together wit,h all r2�"NTnn! �ates, hydrants and other appurtenances, shall be operated without expense to the City of� arising from defective materials or workmanship during and for the period of one (l) year from and after the payment of the thirty (30) per cent. reserve. Said bonds shall be further conditioned that said pipe, together with the gates, hydrants, and other appur- �enances, shall, at the expiration of aaid period of one pear, be in perfect eondition and repair and free fr�om all leaks or other clefects arising from or caused b,v defective materials. during� said period of one year, which ma3� be performed without interfering with the operation of said pipe, shall be performed by the contractor at hia own expense; such other repairs or replacing of defective materials as may be nece�sary shall be performed by the City Water Department, and the contractor shall be required to pay into the City Treasury the cost of a,]l rnaterials and labor necessar� therefor. Said bonds shall be further conditioned that the con tractor shall assume all damages to public or private property arising from or caused by defective material or workmanship in any portion of the work during the said period of one (1) year. It is understood that the contractor will rEceive no compensation or payment for any of the costs or expenses of repairing or replacing an3� defective material in said pipe and its appurtenances, beyond the amount of the final estimate, and that the cost of all such repairs or replacing of defective material shall be included in the re- specti�•e prices bid for the several parts of this improvement. It is expressly understood and agreed that the acceptance of the work by the Board of Yiiblic Works relates to its apparent condition only, and shall not relea�e the contractor from liability to repair any defects in the pipes, or replacing of any defective valves, h�drants, or other appurtenances, so far as any defects may develop during the said period of one (]) year. GATE VALVES. All gate valves shall be iron-bodied, bronze-mounted, t�o-faced, wedge valves of some stanclard make. All valves shall be equal to those made b� the Rensselaer Manufacturing Co., of Troy, v. Y. If raquired, detail pians of the gates proposed to be used shall be submitted to the City Engineer for his approval. Valves and seat rings shall be of eomposition metal, and �alve stems of phosphor bronze, of some approved proportions. All gates shall satisfaetorily stand a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch, both when elosed and when ope�v, and the con- tractor shall be required to furnish a certificate of sueh test for each gate used. r�ll gates, except by-pass gates, shall stand erect unless otherwise shown. By-pass gate5 shall lie on their sides. All gates shall be provid�ed vYith a nut for a wrench, and shall open by turning to the left, and sha11 have an arrow indicating the direction of ��penina. Gate valves will be paid for at the respective rates bid therefor, and such payment will include the cost of the gate, together with all material and labor neeessary for setting in place. The cast iron frame and eo��er shall be coated by dipping in asphalt at a temperatUre of not less than 300 degrees Fahrenheit, or when permitted by the City En�ineer, by painting with three coats of Smith's Durable 117eta1 Coating, or some other approved composition. Gate chambers �vill be paid for at the rate bid therefor, such payment to be in full for all material and ]abor necessary for the completed result. CAST IRON VALVE BOXE$. All gate valves, except where they are enclosed in wooden boxes, shall be protected by an adjustable cast iron ��al��e box, provided with a suitable cover and of a deaign satisfactory to the Citg Engineer. All valve bogey shall be coate�l a.s specified above for cast iron pipe. �'alve boxes will be paid f�r the price bid for same, and the price so paid will be in full for furniqhing and r�etti�ig in place. WOODEN VALVE BOXES Where shown o� the plans, or where directed l�y the Uity Engineer, gate ��a�vea sball be proteeted by a wooden box, constructed of three (3) inch lumber and made in conformity with the standard drawings, unless ��tberwise shown on the plans. Wooden valve boxes will be paid for at the price bid for the same, and the price so paid will be in full fcr fiirnishin� all material and labor necessary for setting in plaee. xYnx.AxTs. Hydrants shall be located as shown on plans. They sha.11 be of some standard make, at least equal to those made by the Rensselaer Nlanufacturing Co. If required, detail plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for his approval. All hydrants shall have bronze mountings, and be so arranged that all working parts �an b� removed without di�ging around or disturbing the barrel. They shall be set in a bed of broken stone or coarse gravel. Each branch shall be provided near the h,ydrant with an auxiliary gate valve placed vertifically an�� provided ��ith a suitable cast iron valve bos. This gate valve shall conform to the foregoing specifications, �ll hydrants and auailiary gate valves shall have hub ends. Hydrants must have a waste orifice for draining them, so ]ocated and designed that when all hose and steamer ports are closed and the main valve slightly opened, watPr wil] be forcecl through the waste orific under pressure. The waste orifice shall have a suitable threaded connection for attaching a drain pipe. The cast iroii tees for hydrant connections are to have lug� cast on the four-inch outlet for the insertion �of rods to tie the hydrant to the main. A four-inch cast iron hub and flange connection, made in accordance with standard drawings, is to be bolted on t�� each auxiliary hydrant gate. Hydrants are to be shackled to the main pipe by two three-c�uarter ineh iron rods attaehed at one end to lugs cast on the outlet tee in the main pipe and at the other end to lugs cast on the four-inch hub and flan�e con- C 5 nection mentioned in the paragraph last above. The price of these rode, together with all nuts necessary to attach them, is to be included in the price bid �or four-inch pipe for hydrant connections. These rods are to be painted with two coats of P. & B. paint. The dimensions and details shall be as follows: Inside diameter of stand pipe __.____.._____.__.____._...______.______...______ inehes Depth below sidewalk ---------------------------------------._.._..-•---------------------------. feet Diameter of valve opening -------------------------------._..---••---•--•-------•-•-------- inches Size of pipe connection to main _._.____..._.................___._..__.__.___._..______._Four inches Size of auxiliary gate valve _.._---.-.-_...._...__..__.___.__________._.___....____.Four inches Number and s�ze of nozzles __._.._._..___.__.__._._.. ------•------------------------- -Two-21/2 inches Size of valve nut ----------------------------------------�------ ------------- ----.._._.._.--------Five-sided as per templet. Number of nozzle threads per inch_.__...............__....._._____..._..___._.._._�s per samples � Diameter at top of threads, hose nozzles.___..__...__________..._._____.__._...._furnished by Diameter at top of threads, steamer nozzles ._................____._...._.___._._.the City Engineer That portion of hydrants below the surface of the ground shall be thoroughly repainted with "P. & B." or some other preparation approved by the City Engineer. The portion above the ground shall be repainted with two coats of dark green. The paint above ground to be applied after the hydrants are set and tested. �11 hydrants shall open by turning to the left. They shall be able to stand a pressure of 150 pounds when the hydrant valve is closed, and of 150 pounds when the valve is open. Hydrants will be paid for at the rate bid therefor, and this payment will be in full for the hydrant proper, the auxiliary gate valve and valve box, the hub and flange casting, all bolts, nuts and gaskets, laying jointing, and setting thereof in place, including all excavation and re-filling, and all other materials and labor necessary for a finished result; except the tee on the main line. "Hydrant connections" will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per ]ineal foot, and such payment to be in full for furnishing, laying, jointing, and all other material and labor necessary for the completed result. "Hydrant connections" �vill be measured from socket of tee on main Ifne to socket of gate at hydrant. CONCRETE. - All concrete used for ;ate chambers or elsewhere on this work, unless otherwise specified, shall be composed of one (1) part Yortland cement, three (3) parts sand, and fi��e (5) parts gravel. In proportioning conerete, one barrel of cement, weighing not less than 400 pounds gross, shall be taken as measuring three and one-half (3i/2) cubic feet. Gravel used for concrete shall be screened, clean, entirely free from dirt and sand. The smallest stones must not be less than one-c�uarter (1/.�) inch in diameter, and the larn�est stones must not exceed one and one-half (li/�) inches in greatest diameter. Hydrant drains. When ordered by the City Engineer, waste orifices of hydrants are to be connected to the sewer, or other � � �utlet, by three-quarter incli galvanized �vrought iron pipe. These hydrant drains will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per lineal foot, and such payment will be in full for furnishing and laying the pipe, ineluding all trench- ing and back filling necessary. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Connections to Existing Ma,ins. All connections of water mains in use will be made b}- the City Water Department. Any crosses or other spe�ia�ls requirec� to be inserted in any main already in use shall be furnished by the contractor and set by the Cit,y Water Department. The eontraetor shall furnish the specials, as shown on the plans, and all other materia] rec�uired, and shall make all necessary excavations at his own expense. The labor of cutting and inserting the ,pecial will be performed by the City Water Department. The eontractor shall give at least twenty-four hours' n��tice when the service of the Water Department is reqnired. 'Phe City Water Department will chax�ge the contractor f.or this labor, and the amount so charged shall be pxid into the C�ity Treasury, to the credit of the �Vater Fun�l. The amount so paid by the contractor will be re- � tt;rned to him in the estimates. Service Connections. As soon as the section satisfactorily stands the required test, the Water Department will make any service connections or changes of connection required. The contractor will leave open the section of trench until sucb. connections have been made, e�cept at street crossings a,nd where back-filling is specially directed by the City Engineer. For the purpose of supplying consumers with water, it is understood and agreed that the City of Renton shall have the right, at such time, or times, and at such place or places, as the Board of Public ti�orks may elect, during the progress of the improvement, to attach corporation cocks to the main or mains to be constructed here- under, and the attachinb of any sueh corporation cock or cocks shall not be construed as an acceptance by the City � of Renton of any part of the �vork to be performed under this contract. Removal of Old Pipe, The contractor �i�ill be required to give proper care and protection, during construction, to any water pipes or mains �n use. As soon as service connections have been made aU the old pipe will be taken up and removed by the Wat�r llepartment. �hen the old pipe does not come in the ;a.me trench ae the new pipe and entire «�ork of digging t�p, taking out and removing such old pipe and back-fillin{� will be performed by the Water Department. Whe�. it does coine in the same trench all excavation and hack-filling shall be performed by the contractor, when dire�ted by the City Engineer. Maintena,nce of Roadway. After the trenches have been flushed, and before the final release of the eontract, the street surface shall be restored and any surplus earth removed. In all cases the contractor shall maintain the roadway over the water main constructed for a period of thirty (30) days after the acceptance of the water main by the Roard of Publi� 7 : ,� x_ ,`-_� i I � ( Works, and in no case will the thirty (30) per cent. nf the total amount of the contract reserved for thirty (30) days under the provisions of the City Charter be paid ±o the contractor until the roadway shall have been leveled or surfaced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Plans a�nd Sup�erintendence. Gene�ral plans for this iinpru��ement, sho�ving the location of crosses, tee�, valves, hydrants and other fittings aild appurtena�nces, and the character and dimensions of the materials to be t�sed therein, will be furnished by the City Engineer, and such plans are hereby made a part of these specificationq and will be strictly enforced. llurina the progress of the work, the City Engineer may rurnish additional plans, and may make such alterations of the original plans as he �hall deem nece�sary, and the contractor shall, upon receiving notice of such additional plai�s or �lterations, obtain a cop� �if the same and cau�e the �vork to be prosecuted in conformity with such pla.ns and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Thie improvement shall be made under the �uperintendence of the City Engineer, and any orders or ��irections given by him or his duly appointed representative shall be r��s��eete�l and �mmediately and strictly obeyed by the contra�ct�or or any overseer in charge of the v��ork. GENERAL STIPULATIONS. It will be further expressly a�reed be2ween the parties to the contract for� this,impro��ement that the contract is m�de subject to the following conditions and stipulations: First. The contractor is required to furnish all necessar3- labor and materials axid fully to complete the said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, for the prices bid. Bidders must eaamine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the� escavation to be made, and the work to be done. It is understood that the �vhole of the work to be performed under the contract for this improvement is to be done at the contractor's risk, and he is to assume the responsi- bility and risk of all damages to the �cork or to property, on the line of said work «�hich may be occassioned by. fioods, backwater, caving of the street, settling of the foundation of buildings, or for any cause whatever, The con- tractor shall not assign or �ransfer the contract for this impro��ement or snblet any of the �vork embraced in it; without the written consent of the City Cotmcil. Second. The contractor shall commence the work at such points as the City Engineer may direct, and shall conform to his direetions as to the order of time in which the different parts of the work shall be done. Third. Whenever the contractor is not present on the �vork, orders will be given to the superintendent oi° overseer who inay have immediate charge thereof, and shall b,y them be received and strictly obe�ed. And if any person employed on the work shall refuse or negleet to obe�,y the directions of the City Enn�ineer or I3oar�� of Yublic� ��rorks in anything relating to the work, or shaIi appear to be incompetent, disorderly or unfaithfiil, he shall, upon the requisition of the engineer, be at once discharged, and not again employed upon any part of the work. Fourth. The contractor will be required to obser��e all City nrdivances in relation to obstructing streets, keeping open passage ways and protecting the same where exposed, maintaining signa�s, and genera]ly to obey all laws and ordinances eontrolling or limiting those en gaged on the works, and the said contractor eYpressly stipulates ancl agrees to erect and maintain good and sufficient guards, barricades and sianals at all unsafe plaees . � �r at or near where the said �vork and improvei7ient contemplated herein is to be done or made, and to indemnify and save harmless the Cit,y of Renton from all suits and actions of every name and description, brought against the said City for or on a,ccount of anv injuries oi• damages received or sustained by any party or parties, by reason of the failure of said �ontractor to erect or maintain �uch �nards, barricades or signals, or by or in conse- � ��t�ence of any� neg•ligence of said contractor or his or their agents or employees, in carrying on �aid work, or by � or on acc�ount of any act or omission of said contractor in the performance of said work, and �t is agreed by the contractor that so mnch of the money �tihich shall be due him or them under and by virtue of the� contract for this impru��einent as shall be eonsiaered necessary b�� the City Council, may be retained by the City of Senton t;ntil all suits of claims for damages �s aforesaid shall have bee;n �ettled, and evidence to that ef�eet furnished to t}ic s�tisfaction of said Council, in addition to the percentage reserved �s otherwise herein pr�ovided. Fifth. To prevent all disputes and litigation, it is fur�her agreed by the contractor that the City Fngineer shall in all cases determine the amount of ���ork to be paid for nnder the contract for this improvement, and his esti- inrite;; as�d deeisions shall be final arid conclusive, subject to the approval of the City Council. Sixth. Tl�e City Engineer 5ha11 lia��e the i°ight t�o �uake changes in the location, form, climensions, grades and alignments, and to make any variations in the quantity of the �vork to be done, as e�hibited �n the schedule of_ prices or bid for said work, and to entirel� exclude any of the items of work relating to said quantities at any time, either Uefore the commencemerit of the i��ork, or during the progress, without thereby altering or invalidating any of the prices herein named; should sach aetion diminish the amount of ���ork that would otherwise be done, no claim shall be made for damages on the ground of loss of anticipated profits on work so dispensed with; and should such action be taken after the commencement of an�� particular piece of work, and result thereby in extra cost to the contractor, the City Engineer shall estimate the arnount to be allowed therefor, which he shall consider fair and equitable, and his decision shall he final and conclusive. Seventh. The contractor shall not be allowed to dig up or occupy with material any �nore of the street than there is absolute necessity for in the prosecution of the worl�, ancl of such necessity the City Engineer sha11 be the sole judge. Eighth. '�he contractor shall give twenty-Your hours' notice, in �vriting, when he shall require the services or the engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessar� to give lines and levels. He shall furnish and keep on the work, at all times, a spirit level and straight-edge, of such form and size as directed by the engineer. He shall carefnlly preser�-e all stakes �vhen set; and in case any of them shall have to be replaced by the engineer, the contractor shall be charged �ti-ith the espense thereof, and the same be �leducted from his estimates. Ninth. The contractor shall not disturb any monument or stakes found on the line of the impro��ement unti]. ordered by the eugineer. A penalty of twenty-five dollars will be imposed for each monument disturbed withotat orders, and the amount deducted from the estimates. Tenth. The contractor shall provide for the flow of all water courses, se�vers or drains encotintered in t�ne progress of the work, and shall make such final provisions for them as the engineer shall direct. _.-- _.;,r � �� ..k.. ��.r.' Eleventh. The contractor shall support, by timbers �r otherwise, all water or gas pipes or other conduits �vhich may in any way be affected by the work, and do everything neeessary to support and sustain said water or gas pipes or other eonduits laid along or across said street. In case any of said water or gas pipes or other con- auits sha11 be damaged, they shall be repaired by the authurities having control of the same, and the egpense of ,uch repair shall be deducted from the aomunt due the contractor on his final estimate. Twelfth. The work embraced in the contract for this improvement shall be begun immediately after written notice so to do shall have been given to the eontractor b,y the City Council, and carried on regularly and t:llinterruptedly thereafter (unless the eaid I3oard sh�ll otherwise, �n writing, speeially direct), with such force a5 10 secure its completion prior to--•------.-_-_-_----_-_----------__---_--_---_--_-_--_-----_----------_-__..__.----__days after notice; the Y,ime of beginning, rate of progress and time of completion being essential conditions of said contraet. And if i the contractor shall fail to complete the �vork by the ti�ne above specified, the sum of$__.._____.._...___.____....___per day, for each and every day thereafter until stich completion, 5ha11 be deducted from the moneys pa�able under said ��ontract. Thirte�enth. It is further specially aareed that if a,t any tin�e the City Engineer is of the opinion that the work is unnecessarily delayed, and will not be finished within the prescribed time, he shall notify the contractor, in ° ��-riting, to that effect. And if the said contractor shall not, within fi�-e days thereafter, take such measures a,s ��-i11, in the judgment of said engineer, insure the satisfactory completion of the work the City C'onncil may then iiotify the said contractor to discontinue all work under the contract for this improz�ement; and it is hereby � agreed that the said contractor shall immediately respect such notice and stop work and cease to have any rights to the possession of the grounds. The City Council may thereupon employ such force as they may deem advis- able to complete the work, and charge the eapense of all labor and materials necessary for such completion to the 5aid contractor; and the espense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the City of Renton out of such moneys as may be then due, or may afterwards become due, to the said contractor under and by virtue of the contract for this improvement, and in case such expense is less than the sum «>hich would have been payable under such � coi7tract if the same had been fulfilled by the said contractor, then said eontractor shall be entitled to receive the difference; and in case such expense is greater, the said contractor, then shall pa� to the City the amount of such excess so due. And if the said contractor shall assign the eontract for this improvement or abandon the work thereon, or shall negiect or refuse to comply with the instructions of the City Engineer relative thereto, or shall in any manner fail to comply with any of the specifications or stipulations herein contained, or Ordinances of the City, the City Counci] shall have the right to annul and �ancel said contract, and to relet the work or any part thereof, and such annulment shall not entitle the said contractor to any claim for dan�ages on account thereof, nor shall it affect the right of the City to recover damages which may arise from such failure. Fourteenth. The said contractor agrees to pay the wages of all persons and for assistance of every kind em- ployed npon or about said work, and for all materials purchaqed therefor, and the said City of Renton may with- hold an3� and a11 payments under this contract until satisfied that such wa;es, assistance and materials have been fully paid for. * : i"" _� ti,.� Fifteenth. The contract for this improvement shall take effect and be in force only upon its approval by the City Council of the City of Renton, and shall be assigned only with the written consent of said Council endorsed thereon, and no assignment that shall be made shall relea�e the contractor therefor, or his or their sureties, from any liability ariaing under said contraet. Sixteenth. In all cases wherein the accepted bid for this impro�-einent is upon the basis uf "Payment by war- �rants upon cash in fund after the sale of Local Improvelnent Bonds," the improvement shall not be begun until the bonds to be issued therefor shall ha��e been negotiatec�;� and written notice of said negotiation given to the contractor by the City Engineer, and unless said bonds be issued and negotiated, the contract for said improve- ment shall be void and neither party shall ha��e any elaim thereunder. If such bonds be not negotiated within sig rnonths from the date of the contract, said contract ma,y be terminated and declared void by either party giving �vritten notice thereof to the other, provided euch notice he given before the bonds are negotiated. Seventeenth. �'o claim for extra work will be eonsidered or allowed unless aaid work l�as been previously � ur�dered by the City Engineer in writing, and the price for doing the same agreed upon by the parties to this eon- tract in advance. All claims for extra work so ordered must be presented on or before the :3rd day of the month suceeeding that in which the work �s done. In case any eatra work has to be done, the City hereby reserves the ri�;ht to let the contract for doing the same to whomsoever it sees fit, unless an agreement upon the prices for doing such extra work can be speedily reached between the City and the contractor. In case any extra work is required for which a price has not been included in the contract for this improve- inent, the same shall not be begun until a price therefor snall ha��e been agreed upon, in writing, by the contractor and the City Engineer. If, for any reason, the said extra work cannot be performed at an agreed price, it will be paid for at the actual cost of all labor and ma.terial required, together with teu per cent. additional. Eighteenth. Whenever the words "City Engineer" are used herein, it shall be and is understood to refer to, the City Engineer of the C'ity of Renton, and to his duly appointed assistants or inspectors, limited by the par- ticular duties entrusted to them. Nineteenth. :�Il fees, or royalties for any patented invention, article or arragangement, that may be used upon, or be in any manner connected with the work, or any part thereof, connected �vith these specifications, shall k�e included in the price mentioned in the proposals, and the contractor shall protect and hold harmless the City against any and all demands for such fees or royalties, and before the final payment is made on the contract the contractor must furnish acceptable proof of proper and satisfactory release from all such claims. Twentieth. And it is further agreed that said work shall be performed in ���orkda3�s of not more than eiah� hours each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency; and that this contract may be cancelled by the City Coun- cil in ease such work is not performed in accordance with the pro�isions of this contract above specified, and no case of extraordinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight hours in any calendar day. . .,.�i