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� �1�lilYili.'J..� 1.\ • �� �
I ��n ordin�,nce establishin� €� systera �!'or ,��1�� �ol�iec�� c;--.
��na dis�;a;:i+ion of Fn�.rbage in tY� tiit�r of Ren�on, "t�,�Y:�in�';�>>,
`�� establishing a r�.ue to be paid For ';�ie eol�eetion of g�rb�� :-
I x�� 5 � �� �. L,. � • , .s ,c�,' �. + ry .
�; �-i�-inL; cert�.ln �.�thori�� to �he He�.l�h O��zeer ol �he vz{.;� c-`'
� �.
� - Ren�on d�finin�; �h�.t g�:rbage shall b� understood �o cor:s=s'.; :__.
• "j�� in the City of Renton, ,7a:nir:� tcn, ?iti_ :ro�r ���; -_ �:en_-1��
, _ .
��"�ak,,. for vaolwtion hereo�.
TI�€ �I�Y �:C� , �i�. �; �, .. ;1. _� t`_ _. ��. s , ,, �� ___ �C�,
DO (.�E:DAIi1 �,� �'QT�,O"TS:
Sectior, 1. �'� � �.�:�e� .,_�� ,<«. •�j - r�vz�l :�•�._
leg€�1 �ublic�:�ion af �his orciinance ��ll €�;�:rbage sYiall be col� ��-
lected by �r u�der �he �.Zthority o� �he Cit� Council �_' �.�e
Ci�y o� Renton in �.ccord�,nce 'to �;he provisions hei~Eof, e-_ce-,.:�
� i�i the n�.r�er herein�fter ��rovi�ied.
Se cti on 2. G�,rb�zg� sh�zl 1 ';e z{A_t;:Y e�°u���oc. �� �;e :�:�1
refuse ��tiuter, 1�0�es c�r lumber, ashes, tr�.de �ua:�te, t�.ble ref'use ��~
wnd. �1� o�her �raste �::�tcri�.l, ei�he r or. �
�;�,nia or inor��.ric
�hich is pro�uci�.� or .Thich m�.� �:roduce uns�.ni�ar� eonc�i�ionso
Sec�ion 3. 1iny person or persons, �ir� or cox-�:c�°�.-
tion in 'che cit� of �iento�, �Yashin�ton ;rho ra€�J desire �;<.�rb�t�e rr-
me�red from �.ny pr e r�i�e s in s a.i c. c it� shal l �i le ti�r i�t;h �he y 1�J�p
Clerk of s�.id ci�y a �ari�ten ���plic��ion Vhex•Pfor, ;ihich �E��:;�
�-�pplic�tion sh�:.11 s�ate �he r.�.ne �.nd street nux�er o� such �,�--
�lic�.i��, �he lot �:ynd block deseription o'" the x�remises �'�o:��
�,hich such gaxb�.�e is to be h�uled �:nd t}ie n�.tituz-e oi t�;.e c,c--
eura,ney of sueh �remises. Sucn �,gpi��<��y�, u , ;� � _ , ,
-, , , - _
- �:.i,._.: .��E' :i vei.� u�i.u�
i of its e��ecu�ion. I= the ,�remises =�a_e-we c�e:�cri��,e,�'_ �:,z� occ��,ie:�_ �I
�.s a �;riv�.�e resic�ence �r�e nu�.ber of persons livir�; �'r�ereon
shd-11 be s�u�ed« Z� �he sar�e is occupied by a �o�.rdir�� 'r�cu;:�e
the numbe r o�' b oarder s fi�he r� in sh€�11 ��e st r:.t ecI; i f �z ho�e l �i1e
... . , �-+ . II
nur::aer �'' �•cc�;� -���er��s: ,:�«11 ��e ;,;�f;�,<�ec��. ihe �dit�' �lerk shu.11
� -y�ynish bl�nk �orms ior the above purpose. The charge �or t��e
collec�;ion of gar3age sha11 be i� accord�.nce �rith �h� ra��� �
� •,u,,ry--C.c..o s�,..� ��-�r.u� ��c��� '
es'�ablisheca, sueh c7�rges to be p�.id`��m; �����t"'' �'� in aclv�.nce. v
till �. plic�tions f_or �he hauling or ��.rbage shall be aceor�punlecl �
by w sui�`'icie�.t :um af r�oney �o -y-�,��`T ior tYie h�.ulir_g o�' sueh �
� garbage -�-ro� sach ,��re�ises z�t t;l,le 2ute herein�,fter established \��
,�r.u,�L�---�-c-•-� f� �-rwtos�' '�
for �: ; erioc� o�'� ' -� �'roz:� i:���e '� , provided ho�rever,
�.11 =,:pp].icat�ons received rrior 1,c�'�1, 191Q, sh�:.11 be ae� .
c� �-q--�-�
comx��nied by sueh portion o� s�.icl r�zten-�e y�,;� �'ar tre ���
o-� said �;arba�e �.� �::�,�e rate hereir.af�er es�al,ii;:hed r_ro� `>>_e
d�te thereo� un�i7� I, 191�.
5ec�ion 4. �t sh�:ll be f,��_e duty of ;;"ne �i+�� ��ler�b
� ` J✓
oi the �it�r of �jen�on, '�ashir�;ton ta issue receip�r/the � �'kt
collection of �arba�e and �eep �. set of books sh�.�in�� the lo�
a.na 1�locl� descrix.tion o� fille �rer�ises f�ora r�hich garba�e ��
h<�uled un�ier �;he �rovis�o:�s o-F' this ordin€�nce, �lie records ,��
�..,r. n �� c� T ���,.
�,wrb�.�e collecti or�s t o be �:e pt nthe s��ocr in u.�e b�r �. e
City ��lerk o-� :;�.�ci c���:� �'ez ;;;�e co:l-_ecJio-r_, c,.,. �.. ue� �:.�e�:`.;�.Z� I
in said �%itU-.
_ ,
aeCi:;lor �, . :ri'�h1L'' =�=iVe cw°:;.�-s �;.��ex' �.:�e _:;�,�U::��e�
� i'ro �::Ul ,:�_u �Fy:�;:� �ou?�li����io� o= ' _,,: -r{l�a�.��nce +;he Ci-Ey ��erA_
o� the ��t�T of �e��on, ti"lashin�to�, shfzll �dvertise �or 1�ics for I
haulin� ali �arba e in the �i�r o� �?en�on, �`J�.shin�;ton, frora
��l��i l, 1910 t y� 1� 191�, �,nd su ch hau 1 ing sh�,11 be le t
a� w conrract price to the lo�rest qurA�.i�ied bid.der by �he Cit�
i Couilcil o� �iie �i�y o-� Rel_�on, �7�,s�in��on, such eontr�et �o I
��o•,ride ��r �i�� �«u,iin�;' o� al1 �arba�e �or �^:hich �--; �"liJ�-`�ior. I
��v� raa,de �n the r�.nner 1�rovide� f or in th i� o rc�in�.nee is�i=�i
_^�,�-_ , y Z `'"_ <� , be t�re en s�.icl c��.�e s
�-";s�ir-€�-p'�--'�i�„`�-��6"' ; ,—r;;,;;«. +k .� ;� y o ,
��-�y~ce, €��i3 t��ereaiter suc�t n�Luli� . �' �, ry � i
� u�l�.11 .., 1
� e ..'� by contr�.et
to �he Io�x�es-� res�onsible bidder �or such �erio� or ti�:e �.s tne
couneil sh�ll b�r ordin�.nee deterr�ine. �12 �; ids sh�.11 be ac-- �
comp�nied by � cer�ified ehec�i �n the �.r�ount of 10 per cent. oi
the �unount of such b id�thin Tive days of t he a���rdin�; o� the �c,_�
tract the succeasf�al bidder sh��ll enter in�o �. �ond to the �it�-
of Rento�, Z'r�,;;hin�ton in tYie �um of �1C00.00, t�rith �ure�y to �e
��.7:�prov��v �he s.zid cit� condi�ionec? � fo �he � =t.;�.,��
� � C �j �
� •� �-7'h�—�-^.2..
�Or t° '
�'� -r ersz s e s �y h����a��z��-�o���—w���;�v��v��-�=:� I,
in `.r�P �r..nrl�i •C�Y�C��" P� �—'� � - ���;-b-� The checks o� ��,11 II
u 1 •lJ v 1 u 1 t
u.nslzcces::ful Lic.ders sh��ll l�e r�L:.-�-.;�ci -,-�;���iri � .� , _� �-�'�-�. �
_ •e e u.�,y-� _. �, _
�:��Tardin�; the c ont rac; �:e re in.
a@Cv10i1 6. r,,, :<.. _,' -,� - • .�..,_ , t- ,,.
�1= .��_�_ _„e,.: �:� �_.c uo: �,. � lia-�.� �-r"
g�.rb�,�e �h�ll be so constructed as to l�e ��rater �ight anc� sizel� ,.���� o�� i
cvher� loaded shalry be coverec� �;ith t�.rp�,ulin or ..er._�- �,;;;�y r :�r,� �,���1�{a
��;.icsh ��rohibi�s the �e�v oi�dust �.nd other uns�,n�.����-r�? _:�_,�er���Li,
from such cragons. The Lity �ouncil shwll hf�,ve �.uthorit� �o �
deuignate the streets �hraugh ��lhich gr�rbage r��:� be Y��,u1ec� ��r�d II�
m�z� 'uy ordin�,nce prescribe cer��,in 1:ous�s during �rhich such h<a��lir;:-
shall be c�one. The �%i+� Council sh�,ll h��ve t��e aut�ho�i�� �o ��es��-�--
n�,�e the pl�.ce or places v✓here �,rb�,ge r�:.�r �e durnped ar:_ _;o �l��x•-� '
bage sh�all �e �urape� a,t �,ny s�atior� other th€�n o�e established 1�;�
the Ci��r +%ouncil, ti11 gwrb�e �a�ons sl�€�.11 be ke1�t in a sanitar�r
condition �nc� free from con��.rninu�ion or infec�ion.
The �e e s to be c�r�ed i or ti�_e co l�e c�ion of g��rba�e
'a:uer %�_e y�:�ovis�ons hereof sh�::.11 be au f_olloz-;s:
�'or �,�rivate residences 25 cen�� per raonth;
��'or �o�.rclin�� houses, l0 roo�s or less, 50 cents -�er �o1�th;
'�^�e,�e.t,���-�-^��� __
�,:c:�.-,�c�i��� �,_o;'ses�10 rooms, � cents �or each �.cldi�ion�1 room �er month.
Hotels sa.me as bo�.rdin�� houses. G-rocery s�ores 75 cents �er montYi.
S�loons �v1.0� per mon',;h. Res�aur�.nts �1.00 �;er mon�-h. �.estaur€�.n�s
more than 6 t�bles 10 cents tor each �.c�ditional �€�.bie ,;er raonth.
T�e�t m�.r��ets �1.00 �er r�on�h. �omr.;ission houses ��1.00 ,.,er mon�h. j
�ru�:•s�;cres �v1.00 .:e�.� :aor�th. u�.r���r�.re �tbY'�s �r1.G0 11er �oz�°;h. Dr;�
�oods stores �1.00 �er riontr_. �on�ee�ionery stores �;;'�.=,G �_�:er r��c_���1:. ��I
Othe-r �usiness Yiouses €�nc� �f.rices 50 cents ?;er Mox�th. ��
Sect ian 7. �in� �n�. �.11 ��.rb�.�e derou i��d on �.ny ;;z���
r�ises ti�7ithin t7ie �ity o� t.enton, `�7as]2ira€;ton shall be �e,��osited in �
r�etal or ���ooden cont�.ir�ers, anc� shwll �,� u,ll �i�es be r�ept covere�
�.nd U��zific iently ��rot ectec� �o ��r even� �he �,ccess o�' �lie s �iie xeto. I
Sue cont�.iners sh�.11 be ��laced or_ such �r emis es so &,s �a rerlder `>;e I
raulix�.€; o-� such ���rb��,ge �.s cor�venient a,s is cor��istent �;ri��i �}_c I
gro�er ti�se c� s�.ic� ';�re��ses, �nu. �h�11 urlc�e� �.o circu,_:s;,�-,:ces �_���,-e �.
capac i�� of mor e �h€�.n �v;entv-"i�,r; "�:.�lcx�rs o I,
Secti.on £3. �-_�� ��ii.:e c: r: :;��_a.t; c :;i�l� c�' _�� � . �U.Le
sh�.11 be as �017_o�s, to-Y�;it= �'ror�� s�a.loor�s, �-rocer,� s�ore�, dru� st;c;,e�.�
h��rdtirpre u�ores, dry �oods s�t;ores, elo�:hin�r� s';ores �.nd other places
of busine ss �or ti�hich �. .,1_� rge oi �%1.00 »e r mon.th is I.,�,de on thE � _: :; `.
� fa i 1' rn -C_'`
�:ond�.�; o� eaen c�eek, or as soon thel�af�er �.� the volurr�e� oi' h�:.�__�-:�.�
done �oill Y�ermit, pro�rided h + �.':..__� ' �. �': , -
� t a� g��r�a{�e _ . ;e __ vie� �•o� .��
' suc'n. Fluaes zzt le a�� once e�.ch �°;eel:.
Fro� �,11 t�d�her ?�rernises on �i�e :'irs'; ��x��. i;i11Y•c� ��ior�; :;.;;-:; ,
of eacr r:�onth, or �s :�eaz ����reaf�er €�s �rie volurae o" h�.�lin� c.on.e
shs�ll ��errnit, �-rovidec� ��iwt �;a�rbage sr�I1 'ae h�..u�.ed �'::erefro� at least
� once every �v��o ���Eeks. �'rovided, hov,Tever, th�,t any a��-plie�,nt desiring
����.rb�.�e re�oved from i:remises o��r.eu or occu���ied b�r i:ir1, cftener than
� �
��a�reir �rovicled �or the reraov�l of �;arbage �rom N�ueh cias� c�' -r e-
�r,ises, sh€�11 in his a�;plication st�.�te the number o-F tizne s pe r rnonth he
::t�sires such garba�e re�oved zror� ;�ai�� �rernises, Gn�z sh�:�ll n€z� �herefor
�.t an incre�sed r�te in praportion to the rates ��erein establishea.
f' - �+• ...
See�lon 9, T�o ��erson or ,r.ersons, corpo��.�lon or cor
por�.tions sh��ll haul garbage for hire iz� the �i�y of Renton,
4Ya.shint ton other th�n. in �he ra�.nner provide�� ixi �his orc�in�.�ce,
�rovide�, ho�yeve "r,�ordin€�nce uhall nat in �tnJ ���;r_�,�er irapair �he
right of the occu���.nt of any premises in said Ci+�r of Renton,
to h€�.ul a4x�ay fro� s�id �_�remises and dispose of �,ny ��.rbage
� that mus �ccurnul�,te on si,�ch premises.
Sec�ien 10. �ny �.,�erson or 1:ersons, cor?�oration or
cor�or��tians haulin� garb�ge in the �i�y af Renton, ��ashin��on,
other than tne con�,;ractor �;;::�.reeu ��-�e contr�.ct for such ��,rb�,ge
i�aule�� by s�.id ��f;;- o� Re-:�';cn, ir_ ',r;.e r�r�er ��erein ��rovic"ted,
or �,ny i�erso� cr y:ersons, coz•i��oration or cor�or€�.tions ��;ho shall
in ��.ulin�; u;;�,;� �,�,rb4ge irorn �;rer�ises o���Tneci or cccurieu. by �hern,
haui �,tiray or c�ispose o�' the�n same in �,n:r m�;n�er corstrary to
�he provisions h�reof, shall t�e �uilt;l o� a �isc�.eraea.nor ��d shall
be rine�. in �ny sum r�ot; eyceedin€�, �YlCQ.OG.
Section 11. �rny person viola.tit� �nv� of �l�e �,l�ovisions
o� this or�in��ce sl��{�.1 be :f'ined in wn;� su� not exeeei�i� �100.G0.
aecti��_ 12. mh��t �11 ordinarlces or �:��:.-rts of orclin��nces
in cor��flic� �:i�h �re brovisions hereof s���.� Le �:nc� -`ti�e s€;tme are
hereby e��X;ressl� re��ealed.
����ro�aecl this -1�� day oi Febru�r�*,�"�.�. i910.
o��i-�' ��� `
�'asUed �his �� �ia� or February,i�.D. 1910.
�%/ �/F�'� /� �
— ��--�- -�,<_.�-�l�-x � :r. d.sl_)�_
.�i 1t,�� �i8 7'��,