HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0071A �EAD'�'1i�t�� nt� APR t �� 1�.�_� f�AQ 5E(�D �i��. "���:��. '��{ REsozU � zoz� r� o. �1 � �. . RE�OT,U�'IO.i`Z �ROVIDTNG FOR i$� IIltPRO��'i QL� T�`i.�'i PORTION OF a..fU� a��iO��.JD .�V�IVUE ATID QT` THIRD �V�,'14� Il� 1'�� CTTY 0� REN`I'OT�� S^Jl`iSHI�dG�-► 1 �t9N' BOUND�� OIF �HE EAS� Bv �iE EAST �IrTE 0� P,TI2+L S�'�EE'� �T�T� OS1 THE ' �TYEST BY T +' �'�EST I,II,� OF �3UR�TETT SiREF2' 1�S PI,.A�1".I�ED �'i.ltiD SHQ� II�' � ^ ORIGIi�gZ PI,��' OF �'IiE TO[�TI OI+` Pu:N'TONi �'HA� PORT�QI�T OE` I�'OUR.':'H A.VETIUE BOt3TI�ED OS� TH�+ EAS?' BY iHE �ST I�IIaTE OI' L'i�IN S1��T ��TiT�J' OT� TN� �1EST BY TflE �'�ST ZINE UT` BUP.�ET�' STREET AS PL,����D AISD SH0:�1 Il� THE ORIGITTaZ, PT.�kT 0� THE TO�N 0� RENTOI�, TH11m POR'�SO�I 0� �iIZZ STR�T BOUNDED QII TfiE NORTH BY .�'. +��'�.t? RIVER �iT� ON THE SOULH BY '?'HE SOU'i'H ZZ�TE OF T�iIFLD AVETItS.�, �'�d'I� POR�IOlY C}� �dIN STREET, 0� �EZZS STREET 0�' �lTII�I,�S �'"REE� 11,N� 0'H' I3Ur,I`1�T� ST �""�' dS �Z aT 1'El) �ITD S�0;GN ON TI3^t�. QAIGIN�Ii PIaAT 0�' TI�', T0� 4F REN�'OlQ� B4UN]3� OPd iHE T;[OR'iH BY' TI� I�0?�H LINE �F SLCOND 1�V�l�NE ��ND Ol� i'H� SOUi'H BY iFiT �QUTH ZINE �x FQURTH AVE�, THkT PORTIOI� Qr S7.AZLt1 �"1.l�ZZ�A AV��Ni�'E BOUNDED ON IHE EAS•:.' BY THE i+,A`'u'i ZI1dE �F �II�L SiR`'L+�+T 1�I� Oid ?'� �ES� BY THE T�7EST ZINE OF BU�T�T�' S2' �T 1�� PZA�'�'�� �3TTD SHO;� OrF mAu O:tIGIItbZ PI�� 0� 1'HE TQ��TT OI' REl�i�'ON, BY GRADIT�iG �1� PI�VIITG S�ID A�3�VL' D.�SCRIBED POR� Z'IONS 0.� a�LI1� AB�V�' DESC�IB� STREE2S ��id'� �Va:?�S �tITH BRiGK �ND �UR�I�SG �H^ �ATtiE IT� AC.CORDgTIC� .�c Q �d� IS� C O�.iPZI��G� Z7�TH THE P2�TS A2d'J SPEC IP It;.�?T I Oi�S I1TOnl OIT F+I I.E I1� �^. �` 0�'?+'IC L''' O;i' 2'� C I i Y C I��t OP TH� CT1�Y OF RE?�TTO�T, ':dAaHI�'�iOI�, B�I�►TG PI�TS t'�I'� Sg++ I�'�IC�'��IO�iS NO« 44, THE COS1^. Q� TIi� �.��E TC? BE �VIED UPON TH� P�OPERTY 1�UT"'IITG , APPRO�IlV!1�Tu O�R gDJAGEIuT �'0 �1�ID I�.BOVE DESCRIBED PORiIOItS 0?' S1�ID �' ABOVE DESC4IBED ST�?�TS �� �'�V��'rN�� �'1IID IITC�UD�D ITI '�'HE �SSE�S@.,'EN�' DISTRICT AS FROVIDE� �Y LlL�I. BE IT �SO�V�D BY �HE C I�'� CQUT�C IZ OF 1 HE C I°L�' Q� R�T+�'OT;, �7i ASH� I14GTO1�T; Section I. T�.�t th�.t portio� of Second Av�nue a,n�3 of fihird g�enwe in the �it� of Ren�on, �lashir��o�, bounded on t2ie East by the �as� line af �Iill Street and on the �lost b� the �est line of BurnEtt `::<: _ : > :;,e':�`�.�.� 3"•,�;`. ,. � �2� � � Stre�t as pla�ted a�d shc��n in tY�e o�i�inal p�.a� af �he '�o� c�f Ren� I �au, tha� pc�rtiox� of �'ourth .�venue bounded on �b.e Eas� by the Eas� ' line of It�tain Street €�nd on �he �e�t b� the �Jes� line o� Burnet� Street as platted and. sha�n in t�.e ori�;inal pla� o�' �he 2own af Ren� �c�n, tha� pc�r�ion c�f �ill Stree� bozan�ed c�n the I�'or�Gh 'by �edar River and on the Sauth b� the South line of Thi�'d Avenue� �h�.t por�ion� o� Main. Street, of t�ells Street, of �`Ji11i�,ms Stree� and o� Burne�t �tree� as plat�ed and shar�n an th� ari�in�.l pla� af �he �awn o� Ren� �Gc�n, bounded on the T�or�h bg tb.e :�orth line of �e�ond Avenue �ci on �he Sauth b� �he �auth line o� �aur�h �.venuE, �ha,t �ortion of �'alla �Yalla �iv�nue bounded on the Eas� �a�r thE Ea^t l�.ne c►f I�i11 Stree� � and c�n the �est b� '�he �est line c��' BurnEt� S�ree� as platted �;d shawr� on �he ori�;inu.l plat o f the �own af Ren�on, sh�,lZ be �.mpraved b� grading atzd pavi�sg uhe s�me �tith bric3� and cur�i�g �Ghe s�me in accordance to and in eonpliance �ai�h the �l�n� and specifica�io�.s II �herefor, s�ov� an file in �he of�ice a� �hE City Cl�rl; of the City af r�e�tar�, i�as�ing�o�, bein� pla�.s an� speei�ic�.�ian� �o. 44, �he co�� o�' the s�me to b� 3evied. upan �� prop�r�G�r �.bu�ting, aPproFimate or adjacent �o s�id above deseribcd portions o�' s�id abo�e described r street� �d ���nues an�d included in thE a�sessmen� di,triet �,s pr4� Fidsd b�r law. �'he estimated cos� r�� said �.mpravemen�, bea.n�, to� �rit : �he sum of �'�a "�`�._- �allars. Section IT. Protestu a�ain�t the improvement of said above described port�.ons o� said above descri'bed stre�ts and avenues ms� be filed �vi-�h �he C�.�y Clerk of �h� Gi�� af R�nton, �asb.izzg�og, on or before the 16�h da�r of �a� �, D. 1911�. Appro�ed �h�.s � �' ' da.y of �Ia� Q, D. 1911. . �ayor. . , Passed �hi� ""y`' da�� c�f �ay .�. �. 1911� � �. t,� ...%�-�d-"�- �it�r C le rl�.