HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0084A ! T r �f �-��ry � <.0 -�t .� t-,( "t�rr/�.c.c t��-`a �7 < � ,/ - '�'P�C'J��� � o � �--�T2'rc c -y/ T_"u � � CC/L� -t x � �2�/'T ^�" � �/ �.�rr Ri�. SO � U � IOII �TO RE�031U�^.IQI`1 �ROVI�IiI'G i OR i'HI� ��:t�:OV:Li�+T OT` CER^AI�T S�I.'F��"�'S I�TiD 1�$LTTU.�S IN 1'�� CI"'TI 0�` i�:Ii'�Oit� �A:�.�.�iIIG:.'OII! Il��L`r2�i�D aa �'O�I,O�S� T0� �II�: i$.�T POE`.:'IOTi OI`��7�i.T�w." ��.�?u1 .�.VI:IN"�:��OUi1DF.� OI� ri'�E E�ST BY t�iE �'YES'� I�IS� QF` riLi�i+'ZT�' S�P.��� �a �3�.ii�'�� �� :�T'i0 r + Iii �'hr OF:IGII��iI� PI�A'i OF T� �'OL?Ii OI` �.i N'1�0I7 :ili1�? OiT �� :�5�' 1�3Y '''..'�3E �`I'.t�S9.' �IS.S� OF S�I�HERS ST�EET� THi,.^� PO::.`IOiT OF �:ii�iT'��S amiZLL��i30U"��D�D OIi ��II: tI�R�Ii �Y �.'� I r�ox�� z�t� o� �7��r.� ��az� a�,r��� ��� a�i �� sou�g �•� �� �ov��x ���� OF COUTITY R0�';� IdO. 464� �IIc�S.' POETIOSl OI'' COU�imY R0:1D PIO. 464 OUbtDE� . OI�1 �. EAS^ BY TF"� £ASm I�IT�E 0�' S�Ii Ii:RS S�'Ry�.^ liYm Oli iFIE '�ES1 �3Y 1ffi'.+, ,�..' I�I%TL+' OIa "iR11C':.' �" OF :�uI�Il�'�a I'iI'�H ��i�I':.'iOTl �.'0 �'�TF CIIY OF �E.►TTOA� Pt�017UC� SOU"�'H� � Gu�'..i)�i.�G� CLilI3IT+G �D F�iTTIPtG ^� J1�Tt1Ii �"�IlH BRICK II`� �Ct:OFiD1�CI�; ^0 �'�i.iD Iii COI.2P3T.,It�C� �'i�H `.�"HF: P�F:.t�+."� �17 SPT;CIFICAF TIOPi3 PQ�: i^I� St'� iIOF� 4TT P�3.�£ IT1 i�ir. QFF�GL 0� r'�� C�T.�'� CLF'� 0�' .'�tFE CITY Ok� RF:ir�'OPt� iE;�HIT�if�TOII� BET�I.o'G I�Tut�T�S ui�l i+�:IFiC11"�'IQT�S T.O. C��� � T�iE COS'�^ 0��.+ TH.i. 5.� i0 D� I.s�`TI1�'� UPON �'Ti� I'T�P£�ii'�i' �3i.�}�� ��3I: �'E%T,�I�i OF ��� ��OV'�r. ,uil�' �E��'^iT.TTG li�OT1, �J�C�17T, V�CII�'�i, 0�: �PPROX-- 1�tI1x'i'� .r.'0 :.'�C �^.>^:��:.'il i.T.� ��TL'1IIT.GS OI3DE�� I��OVI'�3 �;I7 AI�'� Ilt�LUDED I� �Fi..� liS+Jua�il�L�i� �Ia�T{�il tiJ �:��i��� �i �ti� . c� �:Di��liiCt 1'f�i� l��""` SOIdS �ESIF:.T►NG �'0 0�3.T�C'P i0 � Il`:2�:OV�.::S;� I��.;II� OI{' m� "�'IIIiF.` �+It, ATI'D �'.',� P�:�,CL �l��E SIICH QBJ�C�'IO�S �i�; I3: t��,� I�I►D DIRI:C'iI�G "�'HE C I"�'Y '.uI:GiIT.��i OF "..'xi:� C I'�^s OI� F:.r�+T'.I'OT+T� `l.,S�i�TiG:'OIa� i 0 SUBT�"I^i' O�I: (�-� �:g PRIOP� �0 T� D.��E rI�� �`0� �L'CH ��F�IiG i� ES�I��'�ED CO3^ �D E$P" SE 0� T� II;IPIiOVI�'�TTi I�EPwIil Oyu'?Lt�L'� ��'ID r� ii�n`�I�iL��rn OF iH� PROP4RT�O��iiE ,A]'10UN� I��'.EO�, �iICH S'3IOGuJ B i �ORT� BY TI�; P�O�r.Ri'Y ►JI'�^tIITI ='� T'FtOPQS:� irSaLS�.�.:��^ �I i�iilG`� �� �; a��:.��.:T:TIT? OI' iF� I�S3ESS� ED '{)`1�,tTdT�OI� �F "�'B� R��I. ES�'A�E �1SmHIT7 �a��I'.J DI�i�ICi i �'OGE'"'�'�R `'IIiH 1� DI�,GRf�' OF. PI:.�.T�i S�OSi ITZG �'II;..wOIT i°IiF, 'iR1iC�S� �0�'S Ol? i�iRC.�i�S 0�' I,�.I�ID �'0 $� ES�.'E�I�'�7�3� BE13E�?I�'"�'L� HERE3? ui� '�Fi"+u ESi�IF�'s�rD �I4:OUI3T 0�' i . COSTS liTiI? '"'�' f i1SES OF S�a�D �PROV�?�I�' ^Q �� �4i:I,� I3Y �isCH ►.�T, PA�tC�Z OR ^P.�C� OI� .r.,�',S� l�TD izE�E��IT�G P.L�OI,II�'IOI� TtO. 82--�'� OF �'HE I .� � �2K .\ � , - . � s , . f +-� � r� rt ,� CITY �� �i(3I�Ii ��dS�I�iTG':.'0�� PAS�E� GT��? �.�.�V::.�J i.liGtFS:. 1� A. D. 1911� � � BE Zi 1'�SQuV�D I3Y T�Ii t�.I'�.''I G`QUidCI:� 0� ^IiZ G'Z'-�."Y OY' ���TOi�� , j911.``iH IPTG�"OI�i: Seetion 1: s�aa� �h�xt portion o� CJa21a �?al�a Avei�ue bounded on the Eas� b� tlie TYe st line o� Burne�� utraet as pla��ed and shocvn in th� ori�a.nal pl�t o� �he i0C7Y`► of �en4on aud ou the FTe�t b;� '�he , t'�eut Iine o:� Smifihers Straet, tha� �ortion o� :�rai�her� Street bouzid�- ed on tne TIorth b� the �orth lins o� �7�.11a �alla Avenue and o� the South b� t�e Sou�h 3inE of County Roaci Iia. �64, �h�.� por�ion af Count� �osc� i�o. 464 bounc�e� o�yhe�7,€��� by the E�s� Iine of Smlchere :���— Street an� on �he t7o�� by the � I�n� o� "'�raet �,T' Sr:iithers Fi�th 1�ddition �o th� Cit� of �'.c�nton �rroducea Sau�h, shall be inproved by gra�in�, ctirbin� �.nd paving �he sa�ae ��ith brick in aecord€ince to and in. con�arnit� �ri�h thc plau� �nd speei�ica��on� for the sarue na.� on i�.le in t;he ofrice o� thE City Cl�r2: o� th�Cit� of Renton, rYas�ir�ton, bein� p1�U a� s�ec�ficatians �o. � {� , the cost o� the sa�e to be lsvied upon �he propert� '�e�creen tlie tez7aini of uaia impravenexFt abu���n� upon, ad�acent, v.icinal or r�p�ro�ir.l�te to the � 3treets �nci avar�ues orciered iwprove� nerEin as provi�ed by la�. Section 2: '�h��� aIl per�ans �rho nay de�ire �o ob ject to the inprove�En� herEin or�iez�d a�� �ereU3� noti�ied to apper�.r arrd prese� �h objections at a nae��ng o� �he Ci�y Council on to vait: o� the day of .�u�u�t �.� D� 1911, on c�hich 3a�Ee a� �Iie hour n� 7:30 , P. �. a�3 ob�ections to tlie i�provoment hsz�Ein ordered vrzll Ue con� i.dere� by tI�E City Gouricil o� tihe Cz�� ai Reu�on, Pl3f3I17.72�0II,� See�ion �: ^h�;: �'lle Cit�r E�;inoer af �}is Ci-�y o� Re���on, �I�.sh� in�ton is hereby ordered �.c3 �:iree�ed �o file �ri�h the City Clerk of ���said. Ci�y at Iea�t one (1� k�se�: prio� to ,€zicl � `a� o� .;u�;-ust �. D. 1911 �he eutinated cast and e�pe��e o� saia �provement herein orderE� €zad a staten�nt cr�' �hE proporvion€�te a�oux�t �IIE��`EOf' � ,� �-3-� vrhich shall be �orne by the �roperty ��ithin �h� .p�raposecl assessment district and a �tt�ten�n� o� tlie aggre�avQ a�se�sed ��.lua��.an af the real e�tate, e�clusive of improvsme��, v�i;hin said di v�rict, aacordi� �o the .valu�:tion las� plaeec� upon it �ar the pnrpo�s a� general taAation, to�ether �ith a dia�ra� o�• print s�ovtin� thereon the lot�, trae�s und p�ree i� o� lanc� an�d otT�er p-ro�er�y r�hieh ti�ill be espeei�lly '�ene�it�ed �ersby and t�o ��tin�.�ed �ount of the cos�u and s:pens�� of such irilprovemerr� to be t�orne b� each la�, traet or p�reel j�p 1^ c� or o�G�.er praper�y. �Y�, Section 4: ����yolution i10 �32�»1�� 03 �he City of Rar�ton, F�ash-� in�ton, passod and approved August 1, E�.. D. 1911 :ha11 bE �d �lie same i s hereUy repealed. 6pproved t�ii� �_ c3a� o� �u€;us� ��. D. 1911, ---��'�d�-r� / G �� a �r or ' " , . � . � . . Pa�sad this � da;� ai �nga,t �. D. 1911. . C it� C lo rk�