HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0303 Sala"ries " (RESOLUTTON OF INTENTION) �) Resolution N0. ®$, City Engineer .-.-......-upt._... $ 1,200 00 ��� Police and Water Supt........... 5,120.08 Health Officer ------- -- 300.00 Quarantines _=--•:............ 25:00 Be it Ordained by the City Council of City Clerk ... 1,800.00 the City of Renton: Clerk's Assistant ...................... 100.00 1: That it is the intention of the City Treasurer _----------------------- 480.00 City Council to order the improve- City Attorney ............................ 900.00 ment of the sidewalk in front of Lot 1, Block 18, Town (now city) of Renton, 1 $ 9,925.00 by constructing a concrete sidewalk in ' Total of Expenditures for front of said Lot 1, Block 18, Town (now city) of Renton, and doing such : the Year 1923 ........................$38,962.60 other work as may be necessary in Estimated-Receipts connection therewith, all in accord- Permits ---------------------------------------$ 10.00 ante with plans to be prepared by the Licenses -------------------------------------- 267.00 City Engineer. Pound Fees -------------------------------- 25.00 3: That all persons who may desire Sale of Light------------------------------ - 108.00 to object thereto are hereby notifiedPolice Court Fines.................... 100.00 to appear and present such objections i -Water Department Receipts.- 12,009.00 at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the Total of Estimated Receipts..$12,510.00 City Ball in the City of Renton at 8 o'clock P. M., on the 15th day of Au- Necessary to Raise by gust, 1922, which time and place is ereby Taxation .--.............................$26,45 all mtt2.6 y hfixed for hearing matters b g proposed improvement, A levy of 15 mills for relating to said ro Current Expenses 21,448.0 Y�- and all objections thereto and for determining the method of� A levy of 11 payment /2 mills for for said improvement. Library ..---------------------------------- 2,144.8 3: That the City Engineer shall, in A levy of 1 mill for `? 7� �� the manner provided by law, submit to Bridge Bonds .....-..--_---_........ 1,429.8 !J the City Council, at or prior to said A levy of 1 mill for q / date, all data and information required Park Bonds ...-_-._-_-..-_------ 1,429.87 0 �7, 7 by law to be submitted. ' I 4, That the cost and expense of $26,452.60 said improvement shall be borne by Making a total levy of 181/ mills- ip and assessed against the property lia- Section 2: That the City Council .ble therefor, as provided by law, will meet in the Council Chamber, in Approved this 25th day of July, A. the City Hall, in the City of Renton. D. 1922, at 7:30 P. m. Monday, October 2fid. T116S. RAYMOND, Mayor. 1922, for the purpose, of making ta7 Passed this 25th day of July, A. D. levies as stated in the foregoing esti- 1922. mate, at which time and place any tax- W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. payer may appear before the City Date of first publication, July 28, 1922. Council, and shall be heard either in Date of second publication, August 4,I favor of or aginst any proposed tax i 1922. levies. When such hearing shall have been concluded the City Council shall pro- Resolution No. 304. teed to make, determine and decide E the amount of.taxes to be levied on resolution making and adopting the the levy for the samhe current assessment rolls,and make estimate of the amount required to Section 3: That the City Clerk be. meet the public expenses of the City' and is hereby directed to cause the es 1 of Renton for the year 1923; fixing timate set forth in Section 1 of this, the time and place of hearing on resolution, together hearing provided for In Section o2ice he of f said estirdate and directing the giv-, of (and the whole of this resolution) Ing of notice thereof. to be published in the official newspa- ;t ..�. x: Be it Resolved by the City Council per of the City of Renton for two con- secutive weeks following the adoptiop of this resolution. Section 1: That there be and is Passed by the City Council on the r hereby made and adopted an estimate 5th day of September, 1922, and signed of the amount required to meet the by me, in open session. in authentifi- public expenses of the City of Renton, . cation of the passage this 5th day of September, 1922. for the year 1923, and to raise by tax- THOS. RAYMOND, ation in such City of Renton as fol- Attest: Mayor. Tows: W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. Estimate of revenues and expenses Date of first publication, September . g 1922. � for the City of Renton for year 1923.: Date of second publication, Septem- Expenditures her 15, 1922. City Hall Maintenance.------- --$ 200.00 State of Washington, Count yof King. ss. Fire Depart.r:lent -_------------------ 1,500.00 I W. J. Williams, City Clerk of the Streets and Sewers ----------=------- 2,350.00 City of Renton,Washington, do herebv Lights ------------------------------------------- 1,800.00 certify that the foregoing resolution is Garbage ----------------------------•-•------- 750.00 a true and correct copy of Resolution 60.00 No. 304 of the City of Renton, as the Comfort Station _---_-------........ same appears on file in my office. Fuel .......... --•• •• In witness whereof I have hereunto Stationery and Printing ...__ 460.00 set my hand and seal and affixed the Park Fund --------------------•-•----------- 1,500.00 seal of the City of Renton,this 5th day Library Fund ---------------------------- 2,144.80 of September, 1922. , Inspection of Accounts .......... 100.00 W. J. WILLIAMS, Sinking Fund- ._, ° City Clerk. 1 Water Bonds No. 1.---- 490.00 f/� - Water Dept. Maintenance...... 4,000.00 Sundry Miscellaneous Accts. 2,000.00 Accident Fund -------------------------- 1,386.88 Extra Attorney 200.00 Fire Insurance -------------------_---- Street Cleaning ......................... 700.00 Surety Bonds 100.00 Industrial Insurance................ 1,512.00" I Hydrant Rental --_------------------- 36.52 Alley Pavements ----------------...... 810.00 Recording Deeds ------•-----•--• 407.40 Park Avenue Paving-.---------- 6,000.00 New Water Pipe----------------------- 100.00 ' Taxes -------------------------•-------•--•-- $29,037.60 ;