HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0023 , +�1' � � . ,� � ..r , , �. ,.�,._- . ,.. _.� ___--- ` �II► a !�f t'� +��,,. ; � Ordi n�.nc e No.�x--�f—. .An Jrdin��c e a.ut ho ri zi n� the ma;�or. and clerl� of th� town of Renton to P�.te�c into �. contra,�t �vit?� the Seattle ;�;lectric Co:�pany,of SQattle,Kinn County,�Tashinaton, ��r the pur.ch�s� of property to be use3 f or �, tovm jai 1 �n.�l pound:- Be it or3ained by the Council of t,he '?'own �f Ranton:- Sec ti �� 1. Th�.t t:�e ��,yor �,nd c lerk o f t he t own o f Ren- ton ent�r into a cea�tr�,ct �vit � thQ Seattle Electric Co.np�ny,o� Seattl�, r�r the �urc�i�,se of the follo?rin�; �roperty,to he user� Por a to�m. j ai 1 and poun�.�, t�nri t;- Lots 8, 9 and l0,in Block ?,of the Ori„inal Plat of the Town of i�anton, s�n:� thc: east parts of Lots 11, 12 and 13,in s�,i �3 Block 2,be in�? �.11 o f sai d 1 ot s 11, 12 a�3 13 ovme3 by the �ompa.ny; al so all that tract of lan3 lying east of s�.i =3 block 2,b�lznde�i on the �eGtoxly si �Q by the easterly line of sai3 blo�'� ?,and houn�.e�l or. the sout!zerly as�.d easter. l;� side by the ri�ht of way of the C4lurlbi�, � Pu�;et Souncl R�i lro�d C��n�any's .iVewca�tl e Brarich, �n.d bounde:� on t�!�e north by the bank of �e3�.r River; s�^�.e b�in�; in Sectio� 1�, of tov.mship ?3,�orth r�.nge 5,;.��7.TQ. , cont�,inin? 0. 56 acres rnore or 1e�s, a c�opy of s�id cc�ntxact bein� �,tta^hed hereto. Secti on ?. Thi s or�ii nan.c e snal l be in f c�rce �n:� ef f ect from an.�� aiter i ts public�tion in tLL'�P Kin,7 CA�nty �teskly. _ Appxovec� this Nov�ber _l� ,1901. '� D ?�... Attest. �tlayor. ��� �� � i, `��,�til�z%h.���/�--, ;. �„ C 1 e rk. ��, �j � < -..�.-- �' . � . • � � ` _ - _.� . s • , . � � • � ♦ !�' , ' '. _• • . ' 711 !j � �� (C�py) THIS �G��T.�v`r, i�.`�de thi s :�a� of Novemher., 1901,�y �.nd betzveeri the SeattlQ Elactri�c Corrlpany,a '��.st�iir���;tor corpoxation, hereinafter ca.11Qd ��the Co�pany",party of the fir. st pa.xt, an�. the Town of i�P.�lt,on,a municipal corpor�.tion of the St�,te of' �ashin�tar_, hereinafter ���,llec3. "s�,i �. Tow.�l",party of the seconcl part,i�I iNESSLTH: ui�H1+:l�iS, s�,id To-� .�:�e,ir�;s to buy FrOTr, tne Compa.nY the land hereinafter described, for �, city jail an�. pouna, and other. corporate pux�oses; �TOu1��1Hi;:i'w�+'FU����THI S AGR;�L��Ni �'11I`.?'21�CS�TH: 1 . The Compatly r.ereb;� ��rQes to sell, an�3 s.�i d T���n a�rees to buy, on the terrls herein�.f ter. st�t e�., the f ol l owir��; c�e��;ri npc� real est�.te, situat�d in tYie ToLvn of Renton,in T�in� CQunty,�tash- in�;t,or_,r�.�.meiy: Lo:�s ei�;rlt (t3) , nine (�) �Zd tsn ( 10) , in hlock two ( 2.) ,of the ori�in�.l Pl�.t of the To�ui� of 1�enton, an� tne er�.st part� of lots els�en ( 11) ,twelve ( 12) a.n�� thir_teen ( 13) ,in SS.1. c� hlocl� �wo ( 2),bein��; all of saif3 Lots eleven ( 11 ) �tZ46�VP, ( 1?) �si�-1 thir.teen ( 13) owne�3 b;� trie Coznp�iy; also �.11 tn�t tract o�' l�.r_�3 lyin� east of s3id block tLvo ( :�; ,bouniied on the westPrl�r sic��° hy the sa,terly line oi s�i <.� hlock two (?) ,and bOU11�.P(j, on the souther ly �.xic� easterly si ��e by t�e r.i;ht �f v�ay o£ the Colurnbfia & Pu�et Sound Rai lroa�i Co��ip�.ny' s Newc;�,stl� Branch, anc? boun��.e� on the nort� k�y the h�.nk of Cg�3� i.i�rer;tile s�..7:ne bQin; ii� secti ��n sever�teen ( 17) of to�rr�lsnip ttivc�nt;� t:�ree ( `?3) north,r�,n;� five (5) east o�' the ��lill�netts �ieri�3i �r�,coazta,inin;; fifty six one-hundredths (0.56) �f an acre,l-�oz•e or. les:�, exce�btia� a.r�.�i reservin� to the Comp�,n.y, its succe5sors ��d assi ,?ns ,all �ines Rn�.l dapo�>i �� of co?1 a.n��. oth-- er riineral s an:i. metal s lyin;; ?�e:�eath t!�e surf_'a.c� of sai t� 1�.na, �r any part thc�reof,wi th the ri,�;'�t ta riine for a�d extr�.ct the S�'18. 2. The purch�.so price of s�i .� �aroperty is the �u^� ap four hunc�red a,n�� fi f t;� doll�rs (�450. �0) ,whi c h stz_m s=�i�i Tovan horeby g�rees to �a�y to the Cor°�p��+y an or b�f are t hs� (3) years from , �`1— �r � ` ..� � � . t . �,3�e •3a.te of this a�;reement, �d in the meantiYne to p�y int��rest on sai c� purch�s e �ri c e sQ:�i.-ra..�nual 1 y, �t thc� expi.rati on of e�,ch semi-annual perio� fra:�i the ci�.te hQreof,at, t?ze rate of si� (6�) per cent,per asi.nu.*n. Said Town also a�;rees to pay �,11 taxes ar_�i assess�n�nts of every kind o� s�.ic� propert;� for t'�e ye�.r 1901,�n:i all t�,xes and assessments hereafter levied. 3. On payment of s�,i.� purch�.�Q �ricQ ?si thin the time fi �eri $ this agreer�e,,�t,t�ie r,o�p�.n.� af;rees to execute an:� deliver to said Town a, d�ed to sai�� pramises, eAcc;�tin;� an�. resarvin�; all rnines, an�� deposite of coal .�.n.;l other �ninerals �.n3 metals lyin; beneath the surface af s�.i:i l��.n�:i, or �n.y part th�rec�f,wit:n tne ri �ht to mine f or a�ci axtr<:at th e same. 4,� Tirne is hereby a�r_ee3 hy tne paxties iier.eto to hQ c�f the es se;r,e o° t�ii s a?reer_ment. IN �I `�LSS :��.�I�OF, the �or_ipany has c�,u^e� t�ese pre�ent� to b� �ir;ned hy the: Presi 3ant ancl Secret�ry , �,n.� its c�orporate se�.l to be her�;unto �.ffixed, and s�i-� iow� ha5 c�use�. these nTes� ents to be sir;ne�i by its �,gayor �,�.d To�� Clerk,a�cl its corp�rato sea.l to be hereunto �,f Fi��;�� by �.uthori ty �f Ordin�nce i���r�r �Z... � '""., _-----'``. of s�.i�� T�T.nM, �,11 an th� ��y an� y��.r i irst abov�; wri tten. TH�, SEAT`^LJ �LECTRI C CO'��PI�NY. By president. Axld by SecxPt�ry, J TOiNN OF RFNTON. gy ���^;; 1�iayor. __ i A�d.,�'� � , Tou�i C 1 erk. �.� . i i .,�_ _� " • ' � . � �, • �- . .-: r �R i► � '�. "� �-- � ; F STA'�!� OF ���ASHIIZGTON, : Cou:�ty o� Kin�. � THI S I S TO Cr'�i. TI FY�hat on thi s day oP Novemb�r, 1�01, h�foro �e,the ianc�arsit;ne�., a not�.ry pu;�lic in a��i for �he St�,te of �ashin�t�n,duly cor�nission�:� an�l s��rorn,person�,ll� �.ppe�.re�i Jac�h Furth,to m�; known ta be the Preside�t of tlle Seattl� Electric Co�- p�n.y,a corpor�tion, �,nd the saz�p per. s�r� srho �,s such Presider�t executeci tlie ?vi thin instru^�ent in behal f of said m rporatior�,anc� GeorF;e Donworth,to me knowxi to be t:i� Secret�.r;� af s�.i d co�por�ti cr_� €��. tli� s�:ne ��ers�n. Urho,as suc'rt Secret�,r;�, execute�i �aici instrume::t in ��eha.�l f`:o�' sai� corp.mrati on, and s�,id Presi dent and Se�,retary then and there a,cknowl ed�e:� to :^�e tha,t, as such Presi dent �.�:� Secreta.ry,respectivaly,tizey sir;ned, se�,le;� �,n� execute�. s�.i :i wi.thin instxu�ns;�t, as thQ �'rse an:l v�luntary act �,n� dee�i of saic� r.,ar��r�� yion for the uses �id purposes thQrr�in mentio.r,.e�i. +�1ITI�ILSS my h�.nd and offi;;ial seal the d�.y and year in this certific�t�� first �,bove written. Not a..�ty Pub l i o i n and f or t ne St�,te �f i4Tashington,resic�in�; at Se�.ttl o, in s�i c� St�te. � �3-