HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0203 � •'' .r , � � . (R,esolution for \Totice of Assessnient Roll.) - � RESOL�ITTON No. __ ---.--.C-��'-----�t T3E� I'1v R,E�SOI�VE.D BY T'I3E CIT�' COU\TCIL OF` T'HE CIT�' OF RENTO\T: � Section l: Th�t the _.__.j_�.�}�, day of ._.�.q�cg��_x.............. 191.�...., at __.�_�_�Q. o'cloclz _.�?_,. \�I., is hereby fised as the clate of hearing on the .............................................. assessment rolls for the follo«�in� Local Iinprovement Distric�" viz.: _ _ __� _ - _-__ — — - ;I $ — — — _� - - � No, 7� For the �mprovem�nt or al�. t�.a� par� a�' the �e�,�t half nP ?�IQ�Is Four ( �) in �th� original tuwri {r�ow city) of Renton� Washin�ton, l;riz�� south oF the nt�rtheastexly �n,argir� of the City e�' Seattle' � Pipc: Line Right of 'GVay--and that �ar� of �.o�s fourteen (I4} �,nd f�fteen (I5) I lying nor�th n� said n4rtheast�rly r�a,rgirz of .saici Seattle' s P�ge �iz�e Ri�ht pf �a;r--By canst�ucti a sewer�---under OrdinancQ 3�0 4p7 all. being in said block 4� .�. - Section 2: That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Renton, notices thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the City of R.enton. �pproved this -- -I9�k'i-- day of --Gl_C�Ob�x-- -- - - �-; I91---�--� -- -- _.- -- --�- -- -. .. - --- - - -- - - - -,._..._. .... l2avor. I9th- - d�y of --.--Q_c�c�ber 5 Passed this --- - -�-�-�- - -- -- - - -- ---�--; 191-- - -� Cit,y Clerlc. . - Date of first publication .._.._...�_.`�! ` � Z / � � ------------ ------ -- - ----� - --- -�- -- -------- -- �- ----- / Date of seeond publication ---�---- --- - --- -- �--�--....- - -�--�----------�-- --- - ---- -�- �-�---.. ,