HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0216 � r �' � v Resolut�on,Ha ,6 ��,� Ber�i�ting and inareasing newspaper reports of proposed chan- ges in thc l�.ws proh3bitir_g Coolie �m�t� 3xnmigratian-�Ard cons�ar�t efforts on the part oP certain employers to 3ntrvduce L�itz�- �-e- AsiaticA ' �3��� ta compete with American��un..der the insidi-� cus plea t�.at ther� will be a scarcity of lebar during the war�- But with the obvious intent o� maki�g this plea an entering wedge to open the gates and flood the coun�ry with a cla.s� undea� d work��� ��e�_ �irable for citi�ens,and whose cheap ways of ��vingt�w itably deprive our people of the means of praper°ly naurishing, clothing and educa,ting their children. The proponents of th3s Asiatie invitatian well knowing that when normal conditior_s �x re�urn after the war and the induatries fostered and made nec- essa.ry by tne abnarmal ccnditi.ons nov� existiag,no longer furn3sh I employment far aur o�vn people, it will, be impoasible to return ths Coalie hordes to the3.r fermer abode. Asiatic labor for �he last 40 years has been th� anost disturb� ing ele�rzent on the Pacific coast,causing riots and e�en interna-� }ional complicat3ons---H3storyrf�'����it�elf,and will inevitably in thi� ca�e.. '�h�r�fore: Be �t resoZved by the City Council of the City oP Renton: ��as�� That the President of the United States a.n�. each and all of the Senators and Representative� of the Stat�: of �lashington are her.eby earnestly�.� petitioned and request- ed to use every effcrt to prevent A�iatic immigration to this, Pacific, coast�aa��oc . And especially to pre�ent any change in. our present i�migra- � tion Iaws,thaw wil7. tend to encoura.ge or invi�e those unde�irable ag citizens. ' To the end that labor may be enobled rather than degraded. ��-Tr�s�t the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this reso- lution to tre President of the United Statea,and to each o� the Senatars and Representatives in Congress fro�n the State af �ash�� ir.gt on. � Passed�i�ay of June,T927. Appro�red 3�%day of June,I9I7 . /�� Nayor Attest City Clerk �