HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0251 r i 5 � y i .. . ._ 1 !` , ' • •. Resolutivn PIo.�� ,� _.. . . ., ,: .._ _ . . _ _ . . _ . . ._ ._ _. . ........ .. .. . . . -- .._ . . . . � _ .. . . __... . . ..._... A resolut%ori-'autliorizing the'"ass3griment of` a��ud�.erita �recovered by '�he�� City of �Reritoz� a�ain's� A.J. JBaui�iga,rtner �&�S.F: �ougin-And a claim against the Esta�e of Spencer F. �ougfn,d�ceased. _ . . . .. .._ . .. �._. . _ . � _ ,._ ... .. -�_-- ----• . . ., _. . ._ . ._ . Be it Re�o].ved by the City Counci�l of the Citp of Renton; That the Mayor of the City of Renton bE,and hei� is,hereby a�thorized to make,execute and deliver to IYan L. Hyland a,n aesignme�t of the judgment recovered by tY�e City of Renton, pn to wit the IOth day of �ay �9I6, in the Superior Court of the State of Washin�ton forKing county, a�ain�t A.J. Baumgartner and S.F. Mcugin, copartners,in cause �o.I09668 of said Court,�or the sum of one thousand two hundred sixte� and 97/I0a do2lars (�I2I6.97) including interest �nd costs-I�ow amountin� to the sum of �I489. 57-. A�id said h�ayor is a2so authvri�ed to make ,ex- .r .. . ._.... - . -„_. . .. . . � _ . .. .. . _ _ . _� . . .. . ..�.. _ . . _ _ _. ._ _ .. ... . . .. . .__ . _ ecute and deliver �o said Iva�n Z. Hyland an assignment of the cl�im of _ . .. ,... . _.... . .. . . . . . .. .._ . .. .. _._. _. ..._ . _ . . .. . .. . ... . _,, tY�e said City of �enton again�t the estate of Spencer F. �ougin,decea,se� which cl�im is now filed ir� Probate cause No.25465, in the Probate rec- ords of said �ing county; �he said elaim being based upon the aforesaid �udgmer�t againat said A.J. Baur�agartner and S.F. �ougin-- _ . . _. .. _ . ._., _. .. - - - - - � T�ereby making said Ivan I,. Hyland the owner of said judgment and of ,�„� said claim. . . ,. Paseed thi s 6th� day of Febru�ry,�920. ' �� Approved this 6th da� of February,I920. �� • r At t e s t �.O�i��vu�o • . �" �Ci�ty Cl erk Bdayo r State of �ashingtor� ss i Gounty of King � , . . illiams,Clerk of the ity of Renton, do hereby ce�tify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of reso- • � r . lution No.� ,entitled "A Resolution authorizing the assignment of A.J. a judgment recovered by the City of Rentori against�„�aumgartner and �,F. , �ou�3n-And a clsim against the estate of Spencer �. �ou�in, decea�ed". Said resolutio� was regularly passed at a speci�l meeting ealled by the Niayor of the City of Renton by wi���enYno�ice�,t�ue�c��counci�maneser�ed on each and every oF the '7 counilmen of Renton as provided by 1aw-praof of said service being on file in the City Clerks office� in Renton. ����� Ci ty Clerk �of Renton �ashington,