HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1144 � +{ � �
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� "�he City Counc�.1 of the City �of Rentan does ordain, as fo3lows: "
SECTTON l:� For the purpose of this ord�nance certain words and phrases are
defined as fo�.lows! and. certaixx prov3.sions shall be construed as herein set
I forth� unless it shall be apparent from their context that the�r have a
� different meaning.
� �Fords use�, ir� the s�.ngular include the plural�, and the plur�l the sin,gular.
�I Words used �ri -�he present tense i�clude the fut�z�e.
rtC9MP CAR and/or 3'R�ILER�',- Is� anF unit used for living or sleeping purposes
' and which is equipped with- wheels or similar devices us�d for the purgose
� of transpor�ing said unit from place �o place? �hetl�er by motive power or
other means.
C�fP Grourad is defi��c�. to be any placey area ar tract of laz�d upa� which is
located any' camp car and/or trailer.� �
�E�ALTI� D�PARTMENT is the Health Depa�tmer�t or �he I3ealth Of�'icer of t�e Citg
�f Ren�on. .
SEGTION lls It shall be the duty of t�.e Health Department to er�force all af
the. provisiar�� af this ordinaxice a�a,d far the p�pose af securing en.forcement
thereof� the heal.th officer� or an3r of his duly autharized representatives�
shall haee �ha right and are hereby empowered ta enter upan �he premises
af a�,y eamp ground nflw operati�g or whieh ma�r hereafter be operated within
the City of Rentonf to �.nspeet t�.e same and all aecommflda�ions co�ected
�herew:ith.� -
SECTION lll: It sha�.l be �alawfu.l fc+r any person�,wfirm or corporation ta
operate or main�ain� or to of fe� far public use� v�ithzn the confines af the
C,ity of Renton�; as here�nafter set fortl� a�z,y camp ground �3.thout f�.rst
applying, for and receiv3ng fresm t�e heal�h department a pe�mit so to do� in
the manner hereinafter provided.� or without compl�ing with regulations
hereinafter set forth� or any rules or an.� regulations which map be form=
ulated by the health depart;ment from t�i.me to time and the laws of t�e S�tate I
of Washington,� P�rmit may be issued under the provisions hereo�' for not I
to exceed tYarree (3} trailer or camp cars or� praperty of a resident o�' the I
C ity., '
�'o person shall star.�da placef park or locate� or permit to be stood�,; parked�, �
cated u on an ro ert belon in t€� �im or under his c on�rol
placed or l4 p � p p �' � g f ,
lotrailer �less such person permitting s�.ch sta�.ding3 parki�g placing or
ata.ng shall have fir�t obtained a permit to operate a trailer camp from I
the Health Departmen.t of the City of Ren�o�t_ I
��CTIQ�I l�: Over nigh� parking shal�. be prahibited �.�. any� street or land
in. t�e municipality� except in an approved or licensed ca�zp ground�, e�cept
that not more than. three trailers or camp cars of non-paying guests 4f a �,
� resident of the municipality ma� pa;rk an the pr4pert;� of said res3dent for
not to e�ceed ?2 hours in any one mon�th;_ providing the loca�ion of the
trailer complies w3th th.e se�-back requirem.ents of the zoning ordinan.ce� and I
is �o� less than 10 feet from a� building or other trailer. I
SEC�ION y: E�,ch application far sueh permit sl�all be in writingz upon a
fo�n provided by �he Hsalth Depa�t�nent for that purpose and ava�.lable zn the
office o� t�,e Gity Clerk. It shall s�ate the na�e and a�.dress of the applicant
and a descrigtion fl� the property�3 wherein or w�ierean it is proposed ta
conduct a ca�p ground. It shall also con�ain such ather inforznation as. the
Aealth Departmen,t may require and it shall be filed with the City C1erk
not les� than fi�e days? nor more t:nan ten da�rs before said camp graund
� . �
I , > i
3.s made read for use a�nd it shall be aceo
9 � _ �paz�ied by� aa 3.nspection fes oP �5.00 fdr
which the Gi�tg C1.erk sha31 3.ssue s receipt.
i �IC}1dEY' TO CI�Y TR�'s�4.St3R�t — S�GTIQN 'f�.t :A.11: monies�re�ei�d by the Ci�g Clerk as ir�»»
speetio� fees� or a� pexmit f ees,� under prov3.sioa� of this ardiaance�, shall be paid i�- I
� 'fi� the City treasury and placed 3a the Ceneral hu�d. �
:� F'�R ISSU�NGE OF F�NIIT -� Si�CTIf�N V11.t The fee ftrr a trailer c�iap Iicaase shall�be
and hereb�r i� fixed fa �he ��nt of TWra �2.{�#} Ur�la.ars psr a.nr�rm fqr eaah tr�i3er that -
sa�.d camp is eguipped tc ar�oimncda�e p�ov�.di�g that �he fee fnr any sizch Li.cense �laall
not be less thaa #1ie sv�n t�f Fift�r (��jQ,t�E3) DoLlars per a�um; an�d providi�g thi�t where I
� ar�p xesiden� sets up a tra3�].er eat�qa on hi� premises: theri a fee bf Fifteen (�15.00) I
Do7lars per �ea.r shall be paid for �he issu,a�ae c+f sa3d pex7nit s pravi.ded always th�t � I
said resideut �railer eamp have na mare than three trailers or ee.mp ears on said prem�.ses
a-� sny�ane tim�. Said payment �.o be �de tc �he Cit� Clerk� upon tbe iss�.ace o� the
perm�.t,. I
INUFSTIGATION REQUIRE� BEFOFtE ISSUIRG PF,�T - S�CTION Vl].la��pon the filiz�� of such I
applicatian a��ompanied by the i�spei��iori f'ee� i� shall be the dut�r af-the- health de-• I
paz�ment c�r a� of its duly authorizerl xepresent,�:tives to investigate the prem3.�es azud
deterzaine whether said prapased �a�sp grautsd ar the site se3.ec�ed therefor �auform,s saf.�h
th� requirett�ents �if �his ardinan�e� ths rc�.es aacl regulati€�ns oP �he ha�l�h de r�tr'aent
ai�d laws af �he 5tate �of �,lashi.ngton� arui nc� perm3.t shall be isaued �n].ess� such camp
grou�d or the �3te selected therefor c�omplies �wi.�h such requiremsn�s� aud�mee�s the . .
appraval of the heal�h�department� aad aaid depar�mer�t ma,q a� it� di�eretion approve or
re�ec� ar�y praposed �amp grauttci site.
R�'E�t3CC�.T'IdN C�R SUSFENSIOA aF P�T — SEI��I{}N lgs Ansr perm�t granted heretxiic3�er shall be
subjea� �c� r evacat�.on or suspens3.on by the health department in �he Po3.1:oi�i:ng zaanr�er,�
ta»�.t: A notiee sha3.1 be served on the pexson haldirig said perm3.�G spec3.fy3ng taherein
h� has failed to ca�ly with ��h3.s ordinan�e� and requir3.n� him tc► appear before the
kieal�h departmentt at a day ar�,d, hour herein speoif3.ed� not yess th�n fYve�da�a after -
the perso�aa,l sexw3.ce of said notice oa eu�h permi.� ho3der; requiriug hi�rn to show aause st
�aid time and pla�e why said pez�riit �hauld not be revoked or s�zspeniied. �.t the tims
and p1.a�e meg�ioned"3.a said ac+ticea the persc�n hc�ldi.ng said permit shall hav+m the "righ�
t� appea.r in person! dT' �btf COtl138C:� aud ta introduce snch evidenee as he ma� desire! and
�he health depaz�,nient s?�all c:onf`ront said pexzr►it holder �rit�i any �harges �ha�t said
health department imay h�ve aga,inst h3m� a�ad af'ter said hear�.ng� the health department
m ay a� its diacretianf revoke or suspend the pez�Lt,�
PEF�+ILT MA.Y BE 7�,ANSF8I3R�� — S�CTIODt %t Such pesYioit s2ia11 be transferrrzble upan�the
wr3.tten appli�s�ion of ths ht��.der of t.h�e pexm3.t to -�he heal�h departmeu� artd wg.th i#s
canseut �adorsed therean. i pex�n.i.t may be grart�ed at a�y tims during the �ear� aad �nle��
prev�..ausZg revoked slaall �xpire one r.ale�uiar year �'ollawing the date of issus• '
PII�MIT MUST BE FOSTET7 TN CONSPICtJOUS PLAGE •-�SEGTIOid S1t It �ha11 be iml�vr ful for�
aay person� fir�ti or corporatian to establ3.s�c, m�infi,aini-�ondu�t ar cax�r on ar�,y camp
growad ux�.eas there shall be at a11 times posted in a �onap3.euo�zs place at said eamp
grovud the pear�ni.t obtainad frcam the health depaz�ment 3.a ac�ox�dance w3th the pra�-
v3sioa af thia ox�3.r�ance„
SCOPE OF TFi� OFcDINANCE — .S�GTIQN S11�s �Yie provisions aP this ordinanee shsll be �
applicable to every �smp grc��and c�3.thia the 3,neoxpoxated area of the �i�y of Renton� and
it shal.l be unlat�afl.il. for an� persan� firm or aorporatiaa mainta�.t�:sg�, opera�iz�g� c:or�
ductir�g or earrying on any sueh c.amp ground ox �'or ar,�g person 7.3.viz�g or s2e+a�p3.ng in aay
camp ear andfar trailer located in a camp grour�d� or any other p�re�oa� to vio�te� or
cantribute in auy wa�r to the vialatic�n of � any �f �he provisig�s of this ord3.�anee.
R.��SPt?NSIBILITY C?F 0� OP QPE�ATGR -- �TTON x:l.1].: Every person owaing or operating a
camg� graut�d sha11 ms.intain su+�h c amg grour�d sad aa�' toilets� bath�-ar other per-
mans�at equipment in -�oaaaeetion t,herewith! ia� a �lean at�d sanitary CO}1C1�.��.OII 831CI shall
ma3ntain said equ3.pmegt in a state of good repai.r.
� - _ ... _ . . . . .. - - - -- -
POWE'1� OF HEAL�H DEP9RT1�11T -• SD��IO�i �'�t The Health Departmeut is hereby empo�ered
� ta formulate from time ta time and ta enforce a.z�q iv�.ss aad regula�ions t��at sai.ii
depaactment ma,� deem advisable gove� the �pera�iaa of��a, g�uz�ds or ca� cars aad/or
tra3,3ers bear3ng on any ma�ters of sani.tation or housi�sg.
R�►ST"RICTIQN OF ARF'�AS F�OR CAiMII' (�t013NDa •� S�7CTION 8'Ps Idc� camp grc�un.d hexeaPter est.ab»
lished shall be laid placed 3.n �on�raveation of �he terms aud pmvieiona oF any zanir�g
code of the C3�y c�f Renton.
. �,
GRO�iD ARFR. ,�NT) ACCP�SSIBILITY - SHCTION XVI s E"�rery c amp groiu�3�liereiriafter est,abliahed
shall be laid out w3.th� sad all existing caa�p grour�ds shall provide a,vailabls unoecupied �
space of not less �haa 350 square feet for each Camp car and/or trailer, and snch �
available �occupied space shall aot be construsd to meari �he spa�e direC�ly �iader aay
portion �of anq �amp ear or trailer, Camp cars sad/or trailers shall be arraaged in row�
abu�ting or -facing on a drivet�ay or clear uaoe�ia,pied space of not less trian 16 feet iu
width� which space shall ha�ve ur3obstru�ted acCesa to a pttblic street or alley.
DF�TI3�GE ON PREI�SEa - S�CgIOR X9ILs �rery camp grouad hereaf`ter e stablisY�ed� shall-be
located�on a we�. drained aicea� and the premises of eversr suah eamp �ground or an4y e�i.s�ing
� ground� shall be properlp graded so as to prevent the �ceumulatioa of st,orm or
aasual waters, .
WAT�t SUPPLY - S�CTI01� XVIIi t Au adequate supply of pure�►eter for �rink3:ng aiid dome"stia
pui�oses shall be supplied �o meet the reqia5.remen�s of said ea$�p grourids. Said water� �
supply shall be obtained from faa�ets only� eonvenieritl�r loca�ed in said eamp gro�nd� aad�
no dipping veasels ox c�o�on �ups shall. be pex�tiitted. In no case shall said faueet be
more than 200 fee� fro� a�q trailer or camp �ar.
RE�lOVAL OF� ?d��OR SIMILAR DEVICL�•S - S��ION %VIVs It shall�be �lawf"�l for any person�
firm or Corporation owi�i.ng or operatiag a camp r.ar ar�d/ox trailer located�i�i a camp -
ground to remo9e or �ause �o tiave removed the wheels or aqy simi].�.r transporting_deviees
frc�m said 'c�.mp car`and/or trailer or to othexw3.se permanently fix it to the grow�d in�a�
m�aner t�iat would prevent the ready removal oP said ea� car and�or trailer without firat ,
obtaii�ing a permit so �o do from "the butldirag departmen��af the City cf Renton: Ariy ��
alterations to aqg � r.ar and/or trailer as -above set foi�h shall be �coastrii.ecl as x�e•• I
moving it from the req,uireaients�of tYiis oi�li.nance and converting it into a d�ie3liag and
it shall thereupon be sub�ect t,c� the requiremsnts of the bui].c�iug eode of the City of
Rer�ton and the State Housiag gc� of Washingtc�n.
DOGS NOT AL'I;�WED-AT I�ARGE •- SECTION X�s l3ogs at no time ahall be perm3.tted t,c� rna at
l�arge in any �amp gro�nd.
��II�TS�- S�GTION �L t �'hers shall be provided ia everg exi.st3.ng caiap gro�uid�and every
cam��i grotand ��r�ii.Ch may hereafter be e ste,blished� one water-closet far eaeh��saX; one oP ,
snch water-elosets shall be distiac"tly�marlced "For Mea»� an�d onE of si�h wa.ter�:closets� ,
shall be dis�tinctly marked �?For Women�� and these shall be pirovi:ded an add3:tioia�l wa�ei�•
c�loset for each sex for every seeen (7) or frae�ional-p�rt �thereof ia �exces"s'of �even�
(7) male"s or seven (�!,� females living-in suc�li esmp growrd;�proaided�� hoiaever� tha.t the
health department may e�� any camp �ground e�c3.sting at the ti�ie of tlie passage of this
-. o"rdi.rian�e from f`�i11.y complying �3.th the prc�visions oP this sec�t3on iahen� ia 3.ts �dis*� ��
�� cretiou� such� devi,atiou� will aot be detrimental to the-health of persons occ�xpying sa.id
camp grc�und or to t,he proper san3.tation of t,he premi.ses.
�ARSAC� gOC�'TACI� « S8G2YON �Is There sha11 be proe3ded iri every aamp`grouiu'i. here-
' tofbre or here�,fter esfiablished�' such number oP tight recep�aales trith close fitting �
� met�al eovers for garbage� rePu"se� ashes and =ubbish as a�g be desmed necessary tiy�the
health departmen�� and s�tch garbage recept,�elea sh�ll at all times be maintained in a
clean and sanitary conditior�.
STAB S��%S�_ ��3CTI0� �I�s There� shall be pr�vided ia:every caatp growzd_Yiere�ofore �or
hereaf�er established� one or more slop sinks properly conaected with a sewer oT�aess�
pool� such sinka to be�conveniei�tly lo�ated at no greater dis�t�anee than one huz►dred feet
from ar� caiap �ar and/or tra3ler.
, REFUSE 1�ND SEWAC� DISPOS�IiI� - S�CTION %�IIYs It �shall be uril�a�flal to per�.t az�p waste �rater �
. or �terial from sinks� baths� shower� or othEr plumbing fixtures"in �amp r.a"rs and�or ��
�railers to be deposited upon the surf�ee of the groiuu��- axu1. all auch�f3xtures when in I
use� must be conuected to the city sewer system or the c1ra3.nage thexefro� mizst be dig�
posed of in a manner sa.�is�aatory to the health departmen�.
LIG�I�G «. SECTION xXVt �ber� �amp ground here�ofore or hereaf`ter established sha.11 be
provided with meaus of lighting the s ame at night and sIl ptiblie water cloeets at�d bath
uaita shall be pro�I.ded �ri.th snfficiet�t Iighting faciZities whieY! shall be kep� lighted .
during the t3.me Prom oa�-half hour af`ter suaset until one-half hour before sunx3se.
E@tTIP�TT - SDCTION BgVIa Aay �aater faueet� �oi7.et garbage recepta�les or other equip=
ment req�aired by the provisions of this ordinance in camq� gro�ds or which may hereafter
be requireii by any rnles and regulationa of the health dspartment pert��.ning -�o camp
grouads shall no� be �onatrued to meag water faucets� �oilets� garbage receptacles or
� �
. ��
� . .
�r other equipmen� no� or hereafter located in or ad3acent to aamp grour�ds and wh3.ch
i �y already or hereaf`�er be required �ander provisions of other laWe and ordinances.
+' CH VIOI.�TIDN �II'AR�,'I'P OF�'ENSE — S�GTIOI3 �TiI s �ver�s pexsciri� firm os �orporatioa
v3:olating or contr3.buting .in any way �o the viol.a,tioa of aqy provision of thia
os�clir�ance shall be deemed guilty of a separs,te offeriae, for ear:h day dv.ring whieh said
violation c:onti.nues attd shaLt be p�ni.shable therefore as herein�provided. All ordinanees
or pa.rts of ordinsnces in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
. - . . . . . - - - - - .. .. . ..
PENA�TY FC3R VIOI:ATION - .SE3CTION SBVIII s it shaZl be the�duty of every person� firm�or
eorporation owning� ieasing� renting or operating a camp grc�und iti the City of Rentoa
to comply w3.th all of the grovis3oris of thi� ordinauce ancl�or any rules �and re�l.ations
Formvl:ated bq the health departmetit governing camp grounds� aud any such person� fir�i
or Corporation violating at�y of the provi.sioms of thi:s orclinanee or said i�ial�a aad-re�-
g�lations or cozitr3.butirig in at�y waq to �he violation thereof shaLl be cZaemed--gvilty
of a m3.sdemeaner ar�d" upon aoavict3oa tliereof sliall be ptu�3.shed by a Pine not excee3ing
TFff�EE HtII�tD�fiE� (300.00) DQLLARS, or by imprisonmer�t itt the countg �ail aot exceeding
ninety (9a) da�rs� or by both sueh fine and imprisonment.
S'�CTIOI���I%t Tbis ordin�ace shall be in �flil1 force and effeet five days from and after
its passage� approva.l and legal publication.
AP1�ovED this bth day of �anuary 1942.
G. W. B�IdBIASSOM� I�ayor. . . - I',
P�SSED �his 6tt� da�r cf January� 1942.
AGI�S E}')W9R.DS � Citg Glerk.
App roved a s to fox�C�
PAIIL W. HOIIS�� �- City l�to�s3ey
D�te of publieation Jattu�,ry 15� 1942.
�...`�__.._ _ .