HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1160 -- s' - � �► 1 . . - � ` • � , . :;+ . �' • �� . ,. .. � a I �RDINANCE N0. 1160 _ � - AN ORDINANCE OF TFiE CIT3� OF RENTON, �A3HINGTON, GRANTINC€ A FRANCHISE TO �EFEN�E PLANT CORP�RATZON, A COAPORATTON CAEATED PURSUANT TO AI�i ACT OF CONGRE89 II��`ITLED '�AECON$TRUCTION FINANCE `� CORPORATI�N AiC'ap APPROVED JAI�iUAR.Y 22,1932, A3 A�ENDED, AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS3IC�N�, F'OA ONE D�dAII� FOR WATER StJPPLY PURPOSES IN CERTATN STREETS OF THE CITY OF fiEI�TTON; ' ' �'he Cit� Council of �he City of Ren�on do ordain as Yollows: 9ECTI�N T: That there i.s hereby granted �o Defense Plant Corporation, a corporati.on created pursuant to an Aet o� Congress, � entitled uReaonstruotion Finanee Corpara�ion Aet, " apprvved January 22, 1932, as amended, i�s suceesaors and assigns, on the conditions 8et forth ir� :�ection II hereof, a franchise to �onstruct, recons�ruct, main�ain and operate one water main for water supplg purposes over and along the following streets in the City of Renton: Commencir�g on the westerly e�ge of �Pilliam� Stree� North, thence running easterly along Fifth Avenue North, and across Garden Street to the easterly line of Garden Street; said �►ater main to be installed � three (3) feet southe�ly of the northerly curb line o�' Fi�th Avenue North. SECTION II: �a) The s�id francnise shall te�mir�ate ninety- � nine years rom 'the passage and approval of the Ordinanae. � (b� where said proposed �ater maine eross any st�reet, alley or sidewalk, ��he Excavation made b9 the '�rantee in laying said water mains shall be so bridge� tha� said streets and alleys shall at all times be open to travel by pedestr�.ari� and vehicle$, and said s3dewalks ope3� to travel by pedestrians. �Vhere said water mains are along any et�eets, the entire width oP such street shall I be kept free from obs�ruction, and open to travel, �xcept that ' por�ion to be ocoupied by the wate� main trenches. Sui�able ', guards shall be placed and maintained to protec� vehlcles and ' pedeatrians from in�ury by reasoir of the excavation. All water -� malns, ga� mains, and sewers, and all serviae linesor maine now in pla�e in any oY the streets on which exe�vat�m,� ar� made, shall , be allowed to remain in their present locatian, or iP in�ured � -- or destroyed, shall be replaeed by the grantee, or an equal substit�e ' provided therefor. , (e) �4here the said proposed wat�r' �.i.ns eross PQrk Avenue in the City of Renton, said crossir�g s�C�� be p�t ia eondui�, � meeting the requirements ot' the Sta�e Highway Department for water mai.ns crossing s�ate highea„qs. (d) A11 material removed �rom excavationsnot require8 for the refill thereoY shall be deposited on the streets of �he city o� Renton by the grantee as directed by an inspector ta be appoi�t- ed by the Mayor of �Y�e City oP Renton. The servic es ot' said in��ec�or appointed as above provlded, shall be paid by the grantee � at the rate oP 31x (�6.00) Dollars perday for time actuslly em- �loyed. (e} Upor� the complst5.on oP th.e work hereir� contempla'�ed, the aurYace o� all streets in which excavatior�e are made, ehall be restorecl by the grantee to their present grade and condition, as direeted by said inspeetor. .. { . ` . .... . � .•l• , . r � ` �- . .. s- r • ' ��) All work con��mplated by this franehise shall be done � in a good workm�nl.ike manner, and shall be prosecuted withaut delay, and with a reasonable dispateh; completion to be made wi�hin thirty (30) da�s from the commencement of the wor&, egcep� f'or de�ay beyond control op the grantee or i�s ag�nte. (g) All repairs to be ma,de hereaf'�er on said p3pe line - within th� streets hereir� desigriat�d, shall be made urider 'the directivn o� the Stree't Superintendent of the City oP Renton, �fashington, and the gran�ee shall restore the eurt'ace oP an� street upon which e�cavations are made to t he same aondition i� w�.s in prlor to the making oP such repairs. Sn the event any cl aim for action is co�menced against the Cityof Renton on aceaunt o Y any dama�e elaimed or sustained by any persan on a�count oY the privileges granted herein, the grante� agrees to aesume the � defer�se of sald �laim suit or actior� �ithout cost to the C3tiy o� � Renton. (h) "�he gr$ntee agrees to save and keep harmless the City �! Renton from any loas or damage sustaixied by abutting property � owners, or by any other pereon, oecasioned b�r thE exercise of the rights granted hereby. (i) I� is unders'tood and agreed that the main for which the �'ra3�ehi8e ia �ranted �erein ahall be used only to supply �rater 2'or flre sprinkler systemsafld emergencq uses. �ECTTON III; This Ordiz�ance shall be in full force and ePPeat five��`j�ayg from �nd after its passage, approval and 1 egal publication. Approved thl� 7th day of Ju'��, 1942 �� ' G. W. Beanbloegom ayo r Passed tY�is 7th daq of Ju�;, 1942 nes Edwards � itY 1erT—' App o ed as to� •orm: � 3 y �to�ney ting) � Introdueed and read first time: June 23, 1942. i ' I� � Published: July 1�, 1942. i� � - r..--- -2r