HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 8304130013 . ■ ■ , CAG U22Y 83 D 1�: , Yr��er'.y [�1:tc=a:it'�nt�cit T.�cpt. • � P. O. E3oX .i 1 i� �� 2'l�J S. 4th A•re. Kent, 4YA 980:iI � Aiin: , (;u�i Isaak � �. I .,. AGREEMENT AND CONVEYANCE UF SEWE12 CAPACITY I ` '-�� . � � � �; THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into t2tis ��day of ' ;��u �j�hA�C./ : 14F�, Detveen the CZTY QF Rk�NTON ("R�AtOA") ,�db t? and thn CZ�Y OF KENT ("Kent"}, municipa2 cocporations undet the �` �"�"' � , laws of the State of Washingtan .{the "pacties"). �x�� . � WHFltEAS, Kent has within its municipal boundariea a portion 's�- . ^ �� � of land bordering S. 180th (a2so knoWn as S.W, 93rd),- £ncluding �� F���� indfviduai pcapecties withia the fol2awing oauada�ies {tDe I �'���` "Proper.t'ies"} , i'� ���' ���`SY,- �he�Nocth 120.00 feet of the follawing descriDed =c - �;�,+,,,,;�� property: _ _ �:���.�M "`"�"`�4�`� That portioa of the Henry Adams n.C. #43 lyi:ig :at;�.:�;�__ within the Narthwest quarter of 36-23-4 lying '=�� . sauth af Soath 180th Street, xest of P.S.P.6L t�;,�, right af way and lying east af ?Znd Avenue South �`��`�� EXCEPT the west 60.00 feet thereof f9-14-82)p . �t��. �" "�' which ;,"��: properties are depicted on the map at Attachment A; and �.� �=.. WHEREAS, Rent does not have the present ahility to provide �� �,�-�;,�;�, sewer service to the pzoperties, and as gart of a street widea- ���. �a��, 'N, ing project an S. I80th Street (S.W. +13rd), Renton is instaliing -�:..�,=<,_� sanftary sewers, including mains with side sewers and relaCed �.�:�•. `� " appurtenances (the "Sanitary Sewers"), which sanitary sewers �.,,, _�a' " will have the capac3ty to serve the Properties; and - WHEEtEaS, under the terms of an Agreecaeat, dated .�ugust I8, �'i;.'a� . - 2981 (the "1983 Agreement"), Renton was gc.anted the right to � �., provide sani.tary sewer servioe to the properties, and the right -�'��"� to aharge one and ane-ria2f times the ncrmai ser�r rate and �? , Certain other aharqes; and s=.- • '.; WdEREAS, Kent is now farming a Local I�,sroveaent District �! � ;�"��� ;;, 1'4 compased af the praperties ("LEg 322";, in ozd�r to asse�s the a�,..,,. �' �`"i propertiee to provide foc a .shAce of the costs of installing Ghe _� ,= `�..�1 tl 1 �,�„_ } $Anitary sewera, ctnd if LID 311 is forwed, aesessw�nts on the :'� �� pccperties will pcovide for the cost of eonstrueting the sewer �:' ._`-�� - - - - '- _ n. _t;:;�'c� _.. - :�,.:.:., "; - - __ ,__t�,�::>° n:���'r%�� -.=r'.�:;.w: - -- --=�:3�`:�:>,-'>"`"'a ;P�"'�.�':�-=-=r�*'"F{` -"�'a' ?��sn�,`,.,. : :- ' 'y�%*rc, q� --:.,y ;4 3%ro`-'��'i��'-'d�',^'- C,:,--�. . I .w„#. ,n-t i�i :E�'-`-st--rH��r= t'.�M �' I �i���_ . ., ;�;'`' av"�-.�. ..���� --��»;n �33fi��+",t��,' ,�-..,�:as.s=�e a��Y �"' � ■ ■ I' �i ' _- - improvementa deacriaed at Attachment B; this coat repreaente 33.53 percet�t of the cost of the sanitary sewers, or ;17,g32,10 Nt�W THEltE80RE, in conaideration of Kent's formatfon of LID 311 and contri- � burion .to the coata of conskructin9 trie.sanitary aewers, Kent O � and Renton agree as follows: � 1. Renton gcants and conveys to Kent one-third of the .► , � capacity of the Sanitary Sewecs, ceing the pc�rtion of tAe capacity of the Sanitary Sewers constructeci under S. 180te Street (S.W. 43rd), used, as of the date of :his Agteement, to provide the properties with sanitary sewer service. Ownerehip of the SaniEary 5ewers themselves ahail remein with Renton. 2. Renton agrees to pravide aewer service to the proper- ties, at a level and quality of service at least equal to that provided ny Renton, as of the date of this Agreement, to the portions of land directly across S. 180th Street (S.w. 43rd) from the properties. 3. Renton agrees: (a) to manage, operate and maintain the Sanitary Sewer including the mains, side sewers and appurtenances up to the property lines.of the properties; and (b) to manage, operate and maintain auch sew3ge disposal. services as are �ecessary to provide the level aad quality of service described in paragraph 2 above. - 4. Renton agcees to char9e the properties at no,a�ore tnan one and one-half times the rates as are cha�ged Renton."aewer ' service customers,of the aawe class;'or clasdes:a's�-tihe pioper= .� - � :,; - tfea, together witn any la�:fu1 connecfion �H��i�`�a�,_,$ys;te�'devel= ` ' _;,_..:, }:: �.=,=: _= -;_ � opment charges, tep-in chaiges.-Snd.-co�unity�facil=ity�cDaz:ges� y.- - --xa -- - . - _ -_ , - _ _:� y==-'�'•::=:=:-`.`_==:`::�:-"-�'> `.:'> that are charged to RenEon-aeweE�dubtomere of;�the:�sa�ie.�class;::or ,'__ : =`�';-=E� claeses as the properties. - ' _ = - 5. Kent agreea to pay xentori-s17,.832�10;;:which-:-i�s;:equnlJ-to-'--.=,_,_°_.;;'���`; �= `�;-:v,::-;-4 ' ,.y;.- _ 33.53 percent o! the coat,_of con'sfiva�=ing.t`he:^sani�Eh=y,:aewers:,:.,;;:>-;ti;;,: ° _ -_ - _-- - '�� - -- - - _ _=_- _ �":��;°__- - - _ �'�� - ; _:.2 = _ _ _ - -_ - _ _=_ -�,����-- n - _ - _ ; _ ' - -__ -==aF,�;`�`���```'��? - - � - = - �,.�_> _ _- _ �_ �- _ " _ _ � -"�6-Tea^` _ _ " ' ' - T�'�s—'.*�i '���n..:��.'.�"�s- ' " " _.cf.`t,n,;_" __ - _ __ _ �e�. �ft�-•;£_�r'_�.. - __ - _ _ _ - _� __ �.'�.y_+r2=..�'�`.'�ram�^-yy'�Yi�`r1"S"�a''rd=' . -- � - ''�-p^��.c::�''a- __ _ •.i�y.�__ _ 2"�%"a--«s���.�e - - - - -".�'.Csi -_ .''+`�".,'�..-'L'lf=+_:�.`.�.r:s:��.'�+�-:�"�'aatvPl^�'-� _ _ - __ - _ _ -- - '=='�a'^'-�_�;�„��s-��--.ym�._ti-_,;=��:^ - ,f«o-..'�..:..,,.�,- _ - _ i - - -- - -�=-�a'4=r�'- _n�aa.,v.. - - .'rt-- - +:'r-' � ' _ _ ' _«`3;k�. " _"_ - 3 _ __�,;""' S� .:t'-- . _ - _ — _.�-.� —�"�=rtF.'=:" - - i ' �- - ,:',..2"u'v�_,. ,� cR="�n' - - ".t.." y�'-�. - - -__-" -��. .s-:'��s'..`a'-. *ti:a9'"YW`'>Y�?`�[+'�;'�.'`�.i"«�aE�'s�;�:�''``�'� ew'�s - :,� i " ' Y p� M": �,.'' "�'.,�.`��' . �s, siu.as�.s.a-ra..-e,.�m .=�u;rtr�^aeaeF ' '.,y � � , ■ ■ � � 6. Kent suthorizea the Properties to connect to the sani- tary sawecs and to the Renton aewer system; �.. �. • 7. Kent authorizea Renton to require and to provide such inspections and approvals of sewec connections to and sewer �4_ - --- usage af the Properties as are nece�sary €or compliance witn applicable laws oc regu2ations of RenCon. �„� 8. Except as provided by para9caph 9 the partiea hereoy � , -- � m��r�A�tv �erminate the 19&i Agreement.- . ..� � 9. If, before 3anuSry 1, 2984, Kent does not form LID 311 ait ei T .� � � or does not pay Renton � 17,832.10as pcovided in paragcaph 5, - t'9 •' � � the conveyance of sewec capacity provided irs parayrspF► 5ta) ��'�:. '� eha21 reverc to Rencuri, a22 tt;e �;:tual oa3;gations of tise pa�- ,� '= ties under this agreement shall Cease, and the 1981 Agreement ��'�,�_ shall again be in fu11 force and effect. =� _ �' _' � 10. At all reasonadle times, eacn of the parties shall � - have access to and the riqht to examine and copy such records of the ohher as may be needed foc the purpose of auditing sewer dischacge flow metec readings and any other records which serve �=�, ;' as a aasis for or which may ne relevant to the computati�n of - ���� sewer service charges. 11. All claims, demands, disputes, differences, and misun- �.`_. derstandings concerning this agreemerst and its interpretation that may aciae between the pacties ahall be submitted to and be determined and settled by arbitration in the following manner: Each party to the diapute shall appoint an acbitrator and the two arDitrators eo chosen shall nppoint a triird arb:tta- --- - tar. . Yn t!+e Pvent the two arbitrators so chosen cannot a9ree � upon a third arbitrator, such third arbitrator shall oe appointed by the �.e&ecican Ar�itration Association. RuYeg then pertaining of the Rmerican Aroitration Association shall con- trol. Decfsions. of the arnitrators shall De final and binding - 3 - -- _ ':,��:%�s��- - v<�`: - - = :::��-'� I �'',.��,��'''tr,�;s:v_';:t.f?`�' `a`;i?'""i-�'"`��»�a.�:w'�'a`�'-';:. �-n.�y;?�_�rr�_e..+. � . � ' _ ,,�:�����I�-:k'P��`>.;':..�4Fy" __ �µ�Y-'" ,^,�'.�e�"a"� �„k-,r����.P`�'•-�N .4i' _ -------- - � ■ e �� �° ,° oa the parties. The arb#tration sha12 be governed dy the � Supe[ior Court of King County pursuant to Chapter 7.04 RCW. � `�� 12. This a ret*ment is for an indefinite Guratian is bind- 9 . ing on the parties, their snccessors and assigns, and shall remain in e£f�ct until such ti�e as it is mutually Cerminated by • the gartias. u� u� � 5� I3. Executecf copies of..this agreeinent and canveyance sha22 _ t,,, ''� be filed wfLh .the City C2erK of Renton, the City Clerk of Kent, � � - r. , � the Kiny i,ounty Department of Reaords and Electioas, and the p Secretary of State of Lhe State of washington, prios ta the c'� � effecti�re date af tkia agreeteent. 14. T;si� aonveyan4e ar:d agzeeeaent is effectfve the day and - -- year first written above. ,�, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement and Conveyaac8 is exe- �i, cuted by the parties �y their aukhorized ofEicers on the date8 � indicated below. CITX OF lt�N20N CITY OF KEN� • / r" a� $ �f`li�Jt�SG,kfa� �� �w � �, Y „ ..�.#� �.�.n c�- �. Mayar ayor T. ` ,By C�'�' '-�,,.��`,_� �y..C'i y,c..�L.��....,. _ '1 y�-'':� ,� �a�Lrs�t.� P;, � �.�4 •K ''. . . -�. ,,�Y,�'" :�= STATPs �,�HfiNGTON j .. ..• �•�� _.. ,�.; -.c<r':=� � 88. *A���, . ��:: COUNTY:�.x?P'.::"gItiGr� ? � .:��,Y On tt�is � �t J• day of �1„�,(.:,.r L, i�x`n_�� , before me, � the undersigned, a Notatry Public in and for the State of, Washingtan, duly coauafssioned and sworn, petsana22y appeared •�.x-�� \�., �.' .�" And �"3�L�, c'r�-•; 4 �) _ _ C� t i . . _ .. ��;C„'.� . �Z.. L- ���F�t.r,t, , to me known `�tii-be ttie�ulayor-antl �. � City Clerk, respectivelg, af the City af Ren�on, who executed the foregoing instrument anc� acknowledged-ttie eaaie instiiuiient ta . - 4 - - - �p ;. :.;::: . - ,. ,,_ .:_ - .- .�. -'-=: = - - _ - - - ;.. -- .... ,:�,. � - -__ '-__ =_ - ' - �_�- - �-.N;.`-,�*.' __ i� '"_ _ -'t^�';:-:'" __ _ _ _ - ^J' -:v.,r =`�"• - -'-r-`x�; " _— _'.`.'we -- - -"=,:%r-;_- -- _ - — _,�:��v'-�'�� G�";�=-<-H: . - _ _ _ �..ar,.r'.��:�>'�,�.�,.,� -- ,.e..... � :. : �� .. . , ...�.�,'.:;'i ^�N> .° _ _ .`bG',C^aY -- -�*Y�"�'��,;'�tl.e; _'`kj"3'Fs,�,''=Y.:` _ _ _ '_ _ ' _ ' «,:r�' __ q:.�._�»�„,..�-'f��.�a�=:�'xa�c=���atr'`�-T��:;i�s::"� •w'.�.?'�_`�;;??UVl. I II � ¢ '� - • �c+�-»;:��,(�;.�E,2'� �w�,�`;�,.n,�-=�-s �„r', I ��ae$.��.r�_.waY�;'Y,'_"a=�/-?'r �:N4Yr'�':'':.1".L_'>i.•�`c.{k j�^?b�� _ I ' ��._:.;' c#r;T �r,e - I ''� ���Y�'� F��,.-,�''�„��y`�:�'�-�.6.t�.� I �:...�' I 1 . � � _ � ' .:. • -, ; : _ �:. � -- . �e the free and voluntary aat and deed of said �ity, foc the a� uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath. stated that e.- ;�� they are authoriaed to execute the saiC inatrument and that the seal affixed is tqe seal of saici City. � WITNESS my hand and ofFicial seal hEceto affixeci the day =� Fnd year first above written. O C � M, � . � - � _�� �-_'f,;� d_% l � ��.r�/�. Not6ry Pup � c n and for the � atat �9`=�hington, residing , 6-ti: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) -- "�"' ) 83. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 7f�' day of ___(�o,t`p . lyd� , Defora me, the undersighed, a Notary Fubli� in and ��r c0e State of � washington, duly commissioned and arorn, personally appeared .��.�C,.e.-E' �/o� a-,� and �7�1�1..�Q ���"'-`--v , to me known to be the Mayor � and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Kent, who executed �-° the fnregoing instrument and acknowledged the same instrument to - be the free and voluntary act and deetl of said City, for the ases and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they �ire autri�eized ta exacute the sai3 :nstr::meat and that the seal affixed is the seal of said City. WITNE5S my hantl and official seal hereto affixeC tAe ciay. - and year first above written. � .: _ ,;, _ , - �:Ct�' . _::-� _�' .cr=k�` T . 4, _ _ __ _� -_ _ -- �'" - • ^l� -- .;��.f0':+�`d.JY/C�%R.%t'-;' - - ' '_ , � ,ou 6 4��� � - �, Notaz;y�;Puil� .c�:�n�aaai�f3i�Lde%��� _---__- __- _ :'� '� -_ `=<�-�,x ...r�.�,- � �;-- '� � �;� � Siair:.f;�Nlash� {rai-R-�.'' _ _ �. a n 1� - � �. o ;< ,�, '�. �. �9,ton:��r,ee`. - = -__ '" sl.=i�. " .,�.°� `c1 _.%_,�����e r�,.�� ;�-:�- 9=t'-:.:`:;:.� �-. _ �. 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Description: Includes the installation of sanitary sewer mains � with side sewers and related a�pnztenances. � '.n . �. - - $1'LY� :liJ � oon�u � ?-� 8" S. 280th St. 347 feet west of 428 feet east • 72nd Avenue S. of 72nd Ave. S. 8'' Easement S. 180th Stzeet at 155 feet north 428 feet east of to existing , � ?2nd AvPnue� S. manhole M -_-- -- - � O � ri a �, � , � 0215k e�,� � - .«. ... i, :h.. _ .. � � . 'n, - .. ..._ �_ " .����,Fs. ' � - . . ou. �ti�F .. . i; �� • .� i ., . / � _ � � � �� 1 _ 6 - __ " _ -ra�vis:;i�"au'v- -� --- _- _rc�.t —'_ - _"� -:'3:'�„� . . "__" . �-��—�;—�—�—� ' ' ..�. 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