HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOS 11251927 � ♦ r i • � 524 Virginna St. ' . � �' P R O P O S A L se8tt'� � � - �- - AUTOMATIG GOAL BURNER GO. November 25,1927. Submitted to ;- City of Kenton, Renton, ��Tn. Equi�ent to be furnished;- , One type "D" IN�'ERNAT ION.�,L .�UT 4I:T�,T T C COA_L BURi�1y'R in st al le d , complete with Aua.l P���inneapolis control equi�unent consisting of �7710 Thermostat, #6510 Hydrostat �nd �10 A.C. Relay Sv�itch. Installation to be made in the City H�.11 �.t s�enton, �In. Gu�rantee:- �Ve guar�ntee the equipment as furnished under this proposal to operate in a sa�tisfactory maxir�er when given re�sonable care and to properly c��ry the present connected radiation load. We /'�7 guarantee �11 material �.nd v�or�n4nship wgainst d.e�ects for � � period of one {I} yea.r �rom date of inst211ation. A. tri�l period of s�iXty (69 days to be allowed from date of installation. Price:- The inst�.11ation to be made complete for �p500.00 subject to a discount of 5% if paid in full �t expiration of trial period. Conditicn:- � L�� Installed fcr pur,�ose of demonstration; no ablig�.tion _`-- on part of City by reason of Automatic Coal Burner ��,�� Ccmpany ins talling sar�e. % ACCEPTED:- iHE C I iY OF RENTON � By ts �aycr ,�9�-� �. A�,m-, �, , y � _ 1 1 li,S 1 . � �� ' ,,,••�°"� . C i y C 1 e rk .•-�•-";g�� �,��•��"'�;�.y� ,,.,�.� Al'PR(7VED;- AUTOl'�' TIC COAI, BIT�1�'R CO�...'�'ANY By � I�tanage r Submitted by � AUTOMATI � CO. B . ...... .r.. . ...........,�� �� ! • f M� AGMeS N. RICHk10ND,A770RNEY AbFR�ED BOA� DR.C.L.DIXON, HEALTH OFFICER J. F. CROOK I �VINCEN�STEWAF2T.Cr+iEF OF POuce J. T. EDWARDS I F. W. KANE DAVID MITCHELL, JR. C i TY O F R E N TO N GEOCo NC LMENSCO KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DOUGLAS MILLER COUNCILMAN AT LARGE G. W. BEANBLOSSOM,MAYOR AGNES EDWARDS, CLERK T.F.MEEFIAN, TREASURER � November 29th, 1927. I To the Hcncra.ble I,2ayor u,nd Gi ty . Gouncil cf the City of Renton, Z�latihington. 1 Gen tlemen: I hand ycu here�r�ith a Propos�.l recei�ed frcm the Automatic Coal Burner Company. I hatre added one paragraph to the caption, "Condition" as tha,t v�a.s the cne condition, as I uncierstand it, !I u,�on �vhicYi the City Council decided ta let the burner be installed. ihe proposal , withcut it , would bind the City Council to purchase the Burner at the expira.tion of the trial period regaraless �vhether the City Council mignt feel it were a �ood investment or not, provided that the burner installed evould b� in mechanically perfect condition. The tri�,l period inserted is nct in a.ccordance with �hat.;the City Council decided �,t a previous meeting being thirty days ins tead of sixty da,ys.. This point ' I also desire to call your attention to. ! Respectfully submitted, , ANR:RK City Attcrney. �--'""'_--.-��� � � NQ�J29192/ .. �......�................. -- Ctty CIer1�'�.. - "�.. ` --�� ! 1 I � + � / I II WYLIE'HEMPHILL. PRes. W. E. MALTBY, SeCr.•Taeas. E. T. WARNER, Mcet. F � � � . � � � I � - AUTOMATIC COAL � � BURNER COMPANY i 524 VIRGINIA ST. EL��oTT 2990 � MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF /^�� ' AUTOMATIC COAL BURNERS WITH AUTOMATIC ASH-REMOVERS UJ SEATTLE, WASH. " December 3, 1927. Agne s N. R3 chrno�d, C i ty At t'y. CYty of �enton, Renton� �ash. pear �adam:- Attached hereto is approved Pro�osal covering the installation of one of our INTERNATIUNAI� AUTOMATIC COAL B[7RA,"ERS in the City Ha�ll at Renton for which please accept our thanks. �'Je will arrange with the Gity Engineer regarding the installation. Very �truly yours, AUTOF:;.�IC COd�t BURNEFi C0. � E. T. Warne�2, P�r. .� encl. ET`�J�E r-� � � � ���; ; _ _1927 ..m„�s,,,.«.;�.wi.+...ma.,�+...,,._,•.,�..um^� �StY Cl�rl� l�THERE IS NO SATISFACTORY SUBSTITU'FE FOR CO.�L" I a y 4 � �II�L 4F SA�.� � KNO�� AI,I, 1�JIEI�T BY TH�SE PRESENTS t:�at AUTO�lLATIC COAy �3URNFR COI�IPAIv'Y, a cor�oxation, party of the first part, fox a�d in consider�tion of the sum of Four Hund.red . Seventy-fi.ve I3oll�.rs (�475.00) x la�rful money af t:�e Uni�ed S�ates af �F�.mericaz tc� it in hand paid by �HE CITY tJF RE�iTflN, , a municipal cor��ra�ion, �the part�r of the second part, �Gne receipt whereaf is hereby ackno��ledged, does by �hese presents grant, b�.rgain, sell and convey unto the sai� part,y af the second part, it� succ.�s�ors and assi�ns, the follo�ving des- � cribed equipment: i One t�pe ':�" TT?`�RI�TATIt���A.� AU ta3�ATSC CC3A� BURI�?ER ir�stalled complete with �ual �,�innea- palis con�rol equi�ment consisting of ,�771(� Thermo�tat,. �6510 I�d�c�stat and �1Q ' .t��e .. Relay �witch. Tnstallat ion t o 'be �.ade in the City Hall at Renton, t�Ta�hin�tan.. �J HAVE AND TO HflI� the sa:ne to the �aid party of the � ��cond pa'rt, i�L� succes�ors ana assi�;n� f'orever. And Autn- matic Co�,l Buxner Camp�,ny does for its successors and assi.grzs, cavenan� and a�xe� to anc� v�ith the said �aarty af the seeond p�.rt, its success�rs and as�i�ns, ta v��arrant and defend the sale oi the �aid pro�er�Gy, gaods and c�ia,ttels hereby ma,de unto the s�.id � party of the second part, its suec�ssors and a�signs, again.�t all an� every persan. and pexsons who�.saevex �.awfully cla�.ming or to claim the same + i IN �'IITI��SS '�1II�REOF, �he Automatic Coal Burner Company ha� hereunto ex�cut�d this instrumer�t by its duly autnarized offi.cers this a2 �--�Ia.y c�f Februax'V, 1928, and th� seal hereunta affix�d is the sea of said corporation. � ;�I11�?�:�4T IC'�� �C3:, , �'�3:� 0?�.'r'� , , , • , By �'resxd nt. M � ry �`ry'�Y r�.,_"_ .� . 1�i.�'1`�.�`i t,��'i �l �� ►�'BCZ'E3�c'?,. �'V� . I� I I � — � � _�� _ f , - � � , • � . • sTa� o� �r,�sx�s��zo�r � ;ss C OURTTY �F �IISG } � THIS IS �0 .f'.ERTI�'Y tha.t on �his �• d�,y of �'ebruary, �.°28, 'befare me , the undersi�ned, �. �'otary �'ublic in �.nd for the State of ��ldshin�ton, c?a3.y co� missiQned �d swor�, personall� came Wylie Hemphi3l and H,�d« Watkins, to me kno�F�n to be the Presid'ent and Secre- , t�.r� ��s�ectivel.�r, o� the Autor�atic Cc�a�. Burner Com��:.ny, thc corperatiora th�.t executed the faregoing ins'trument, �nd each �,eknot�Zedged the said instrumer�t to be th� fxe� �,nd valuntary act and deed of �aicl carpar-a'ti.on for the us�.s �nd purpfls�s therein �entioned; and each an o�.th sta��d tha.t he t�as authoxized '�� ex�cute the s�me, and that the s�al affi�e� is ��.e coxporate seal o�' said carporai�iQn. �J'ITIi.�SS my hand and officia�. �e�l the d.a,y and 3rear in this certifacate first above �rritt�n. Not Fu - i.c �.n ancl or t � 5tate of V�'a�hington, resiair��; at Seattle . ! � � � I I ` L�.._ — — --- � � r i ' H. M.WATKINS� GENERAL AUDITOR&SECRETARY � ,. . � , , I , � - � . � ' ' I '� AUTOMATIC COAL 0 BURNER COMPANY 618 SMITH BLDG. MAIN 5080 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF I AUTOMATfC COAL BURNERS WITH AUTOMATIC ASH REMOVERS J sEArr�e. wasH. N'ovember 19, �g�g � In Res�sor�se Please Quote: FIIE NQo �-2� City Hal�. of RPrtoa $en�on, Tashingtan Gent Ierner�: Qur bi11 �'o. 7��'0 clated J��y �na in tn� amount p� �6.7�j cover- ing �+� hourQ StokE�r �p�a3a.lis� l��.s not as yet been paid. It occured to , us th�t perha,gs t�e matter hacl no� beex� pragerl$ submitted to the correct department. 't�e would great�y appreciat� bein� advised if tY�e praper number of copieQ �ere ma,iled, or if it is necsssa�� foi us to aubmit an affi�a.vit ag to the correctz�.es� of' the aecount. Pro�rptl� �zpon receipt of advic� frorn �ou, v�e shall immediately give the acaaunt our attention that i� rvill be put in line for an early �a;nnent. Yours truly, I H. b4. VP�TP�i38 Per I'�?':A � � / .. THERE IS NO SATISFACTORY SUBSTITUTF FOR COAL" �,:,. . d