HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOS 7710050785 � � ����� �� ',� � � � . , , w– 4`-S3 . � TH15 SPACE RES�CVED FQR �ECOE'DC.P.'S USE' - _ c�-iP�!�r��er ?�ati���� T4tle l��usanc� �,���?a�y .. '� WASNING70t1 TiTLE L'7YISIUt4 � �ilea 4'c�r R�c�rd at Rec�ue;t of :.� . r- � r- c� . �. � , � � �... � � �,y [C A � �TO 00 �L(�. 7��� -, t�t " � OFFICE Qh' TH� CITY CLERK �'"� t1-3 � RENTO • � 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH � � RENTON, WASH. U5 Q � I f`- .— i S1 . TJ • � c--1 ti � --- -*-_ � ���� �� ���� FORM L 32R C`d Q o hNU1�� ALL :�4E*� BY THESE PRESF.,NTS: That Brown Strand Homes ' _ of County of King ; State of ��ashingrton, the party of the first part. �i�- for and in consideration of the sum of � :� One and no/100-------------.--------------- Dollars •- ,,�. . tawful money of the United Stat�s of Ame:ica, co it in hand paid �}� a The City of Renton • the part y o# the secord part, the receipt whereaf .is hereby acknuw:edged, doe5 by these presents grant; hargain, seli aiid c�eliver unto the said part y of the secon� part, the ioltowing described �ersonal prooerty now I locatc� at NE 1/4 Sec. 5'1lNP 23 R. 5 E. , W.M. Tract 220 in the City of Renton , County of King and State o: �Vashington, to-wit: approximately 344 lf 8" ductile iron pipe together with all valves and appurtenances and one 5 1/4 MVO fire hydrant TO HAVE A'_�D TO HOLD the same to the said part y of the second Y�rt, its neirs, e:�ecutors, administrators ar:a assi�ns forever. And sai� pa;ty of the first part, for its heirs, executors; admin��tratc;rs, covenant s and a�;ree s to ar,d zvith the said part y of t;�e �econd part, its exe�ut�rs, administrators and assigns, ihat said gart y of the first part sole , owner of the said property, �aoc�s �nd chattels and has good rioht and fu)t autl2ority to seil the same, and tb.at it R�ill warrznt and defend the sale hereby made unto the said party of the second part, its Qxecutors, adnaicistrators and assi�:is, against all and ever�,� persan or perscns, whamsoever, lawfully claiaiin,� or to daim the same, IN 1�VITI�TI:5� t6'HEIiEOI', The said part o# the first part ha s hereimto set its hand and seal this day of / �� � I � . ---7-�'��"_��c1` I����-t) .(s�ar.) - " _ � tSF.AL� _�SEAL� _�SERi� STA1'� OF �'4'_�1�HI�v'GTON, � ss. Cotinty of }�--��rq O Or. this day personally xgp�ar.Fd before r.7e ,�a.� ��pc�r, to rne knov�� to be t1�`e�ind� ividua.l-- descriY�ed ii� and wl�o �xeeuted the ��i•tiii'nfaiii�'•:oTegoing ivstrttn�ent, a�:d acknowie.l�ed ?hac y�/ si�ue� the same as �— free:��d..volu�E2�y�"a.ct and�deed, ior the � ., _�'`.•� yr u�es ��d purpo�zs L:�re�n mentioned. , , 3 4�; -:'�' ., =; _ . 1�,, ^ . "f ._ �' i {aIV�iti ttnder rly liai�u� a�3d r�ftici:�) se�i� ihis �6� , day of+� ���� �J`'.7, �� . . �� ��� A'ala�y Pe�blie ir. ¢►tci Jos-'t.3ie SYatc v/ it%�s1�r�lst�yn, � re.sidink cit '`�,.'� t*.-•