HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 03071955 �,�;�!"
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THIS AGREF.�:fiiT, �de thia � dxT of ��,�,�- 1955: �'' � I
bet�reen COI�CIA.L WATSt�iA� DISTRICT N0. 2, King County, 1'or them�elvea �
and their succeasor� or aasigru�, herelnaftar call.ed the First. Party, and
the State of i�ashington Departmertt of Ce�me, hs�reir3atter ca13+s� th�a
.�ecc�nci F�irty, �
� 4tHIIi�.'�AS Lhe First, 1'fiart�r de�irea to encourage p�tbl�c recrer�tior�, boa,t-
v ing and fishfng and the 2ike as xell as f�duatrf�l devalopaeAt �ttd i��'1►S
the Secand F'artg dasires to devalap s boat Iaunching site and park�.n�g ars�
e3along the F�st bank ot the Cedar River for tbe use ef the boating srid
� fiahing public, N�f, TH�ORE, �
l. The First Party� �iereby laasea ta the 3eacnd Party the fal?rnai� �
s3ssaribed praperty in the city of Renton, King Caun�ty, Waahington, d�scrib�d
aa: That atrip of 3.and between the east bank af Cedar
Ri�rer �►nd the Boeing right of xa� extendi�g along
the eset bank ot Cedar Ritar trca�n the eoz�tvro�t
carner at the propertj haratat`are les�aed to B. A.
Port�rr, so�ttharl.�r along the easti bank of aaid river, '�'. .,
a distance c�f 14Q teet, thence esaterly to a�af�.d - � �
Baeing right of w�y p�►r�a13.s1 t,o the +�outh line ai =�
eaid Portrar leaas; ther�ce nQrth 100 �'eet to the "'�1� �
aa�.d acuth line of s+nid Porter ].ease; thenc• west i
ta th� pl.ace of beginning.
�. 1`he 3acand PsrtT ahall, ga3� unta tha Firat ParLy y�arly reutsl c�'
�1.00, pra�rided, hrnr�rrer, that Pull p�e�ymertt 1'or the•peric>d c�.P the lease �
nway�be ne�de during the firat ye�,r of the leaee. I
3. fihis leaae ehal2 e�end for 5 yesrre from the date above set +
t`orth,, and prflvided further that the Secand Party ie given tha optic�r� o�' I
renexing thia lease �nd aub�equent 2eaaea for addit�.or�al five gea�r p�ric>da, I
prav�.ded that rtotice ot such SnLe;ntion is given tt�e Fire� �arty ar ite
a�ucceaaors or asaigna at least 3� �,�tys priar ta the e�cpir�►tion of the then
e�.stzng laaae.
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4. The Second Party shall develop the leased area for its intended
use �ithin twelve months of the initial date of this lease, providad that
prior to instituting any development work it sha11 a�abn�it ta the First
garty for approval detail plans of aI.2 conteMplr�ted improve�aa n�.
5. The Second Party shall not permit any camr�ercialization of the
leaeed area, nor the :�c�orage of e.ny bo�:t9,nor the perfornance of any
unle.wf ul acts tY:ereon.
�. Tne Second Part� ��rees no� t� interforg tivit� any e'rea�in� r.ork
�n said river by k'�.rst Party, �r any ti�uc�rk neces�e:ry f�r t:�e �are oi' said ,
river and bank thereof; and agreea not to suffer any damage o� any kind
to said property, and especial"�y �.o the piling, �lanks a?�d ban.k �f t'r�e
river; that he will not auffer any nui�ance �r �,iolation of c�ny State,
Faderal or 1oca1 law$ upon said property, and th�t in the eve�zt of urc-
usual floods or act of war or God,vrhi ch in the opini on of First Farty
raqu:Lres it to �ake possession of the property hereb;� I.eased and c�ncel
�his lease, Second Party agre�g to remove all bo�ts and buildings ax,d
pr�perty he has �Iaced t;�ar��n, vu3 t�i.l 3C� d��s �ft�r �-,c���Ing �=arft�en
, �otice to th�t effect fro;n First Party; it being understnod th�t First
party� s dec�.sion to take over saSd property in the face of �uch �atianal
or mili�ary need sha11 be binding upon Second Party, and that he will
immedia tely rer��ve thex�sfrom.
Ii; is fur�her underytood and a�reed that this a�;ree...erlt of �e se
is sub�ect �o any ordara of the U .S.Govern,rt�ent or �he II. S. en��.c1e9r9
may ma;�e which might either caase this leas� to determine or the tarms
hereof to be changed.
''1. In the event that tr�e 3econd Part�r fails to com.ply with any af
the provisiona of this lez�se, t�e Fir;:t Party sk��ll, a�ith�In 30 �eys af' t'�r
having duly r,otifisd �.he Second �"art� �n �rz�iting ,�f auch �ri:.la!:� An�, .
have� the right �.mrnediKtely to re-e:ter said premi �es �nd take �ossession
theren� o� tr� 1.cused area and a1�. �ro�,ert� �nd impruve:nents tY��r�on.
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On Lhia •:►�"' day ot � ' � � {� 1955, before me, ttt�e nndersigned, '
a Notazy Public in and for t e Sta�e of Washington, duly co�niesioned and
sr�rorn, personally appeared � xt,,�. �- !�,,4...t. `.,.� � � ..,�.t�`t¢� �: , . , �
to �►a knorm to be the Preaiden and Secretary reapectively, of CQM�IAI. '
WAT�WAY DISTRIG"T N0. 2, King Caunty, the corporation that executed the
� foregoing instrument, an� acirnowladged the said instrum�ent to be the free
and voluntary acL and deed of said corporatian, for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned, and on oath atated that they are authorised to execute �
t�e said instrumant and that the seal affixed ia the corporALe. se�l of said
- corpor��ian.
� . filTbtES3 �q hand and offici8l seal h+�reta sfi'iued the dap and
•, �r.,,� t�is certitioate above rrritten.
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, � , ' ��:.���'�� BiOTAHY PUBLIC �n arri for tt�e State of
: ,` ��,� ` Washington, residing at '
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On this �3 �ciay of f%�� 1955, before me, the undersigned,
a Notary I'ubZic in and for the State of tiias�3.rjgton, duly commieeioned
and sworn, personall,y appeared ',,y,s-��, ,,�, � -qq z ,
to me knoxn to be the Director, respectively, of TIiE� �TATE OF WASHINGTON
DEPARTMFIJT OF GAME,, the corporaLion that executed the foregoing instrument,
and acknowledged the said inatrument to be the free and voluntary act and I
deed of aaid corporation, for the uses and purposes tberel.n me�ioned, and !
an oath atated that thep are sutnori�ed to execute aaid instr�ent, and that
th� eea.l affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. ,
t�IITNESS n� hand and offieial seal hereto aPfixed the day and year
ih this certi.�icate above written.
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. - NOTABY PUBLIC in and for the State
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Fited for Record �.S 19,5� �-� �g�jV1,
R�quest of �'�� � Y���
R03 E Q i A MOP.RiS, Countv Ruditor
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IN �TNESS W�QF the p�rties have caused thesa preaents to
be signed by th�ir respective offic�rs dul,y authe�rized to execute tha
N�. G tbUI�TY
�Atzd, I�ot�t �orp+ $�� � $�
ot �PP�xed) Presid
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� Sa=cre
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M Dir�ecto����