HomeMy WebLinkAbout03133 - Technical Information Report - Geotechnical 1 1 � � ic �_ 1- �. EZEE- i� �- 3133 � E N G 1 N E E R 5 ..�-n',-.iir�.ri�, (;�,.J�.��i, .,.�ri Er•,�irrnriir�.r.il : ,� r: DEV I npril 22, 2003 Cl�'OFREjy�-�NNIA��, ' � APR 2 y 2c, Keith Menges �EC ��>>s N�: ?���, sr,-��� E1V��' Kenlon, Washin�*t�,n 9R(1S(i IZc����r1 (ieotcchnical (���n�ullali��n I'reliminarv ('��.il ��linc I�a��ar�l ACSeS5111e11I }�0�4'af(� ��lOfl ���81 620 South 23�� Street Rent�m. Washingl<�n Cit�� of Renton PRF;APP tin. 113-(li? I('t� I�ile N�. (1488-OUI INTRODUCTION 'I�his report summarizes Icicle Creek Engineers' (ICE�s) preliininar� cc,al niine ha�ard assessineiit fc�r the Floward Short Plat(City of Renton PREAPP No. 03-033) located at 6?0 Sc�uth 23��� Street in Rent��n. Washington. Our services have been completed in general accordance witl� our Confirming Agreement datc�i April 9, 2003 and were authorized by Keith Ntenges on April 9. 2003. 'rhe Flow�rd Short Plat is �li����n relative to nearby p{iysical features on the Vicinity Map, i�igure I, and the Site Plan, I�igure 2. We understand that Ntr. Menges is in the process of obtaining a building permit for this �r�,E,rrt�. During this process, �ve understand that the City of Renton informed Mr. Menges that the south�vest c��rn��r of the propert�� is located in a"coal mine hazard area." A coal mine hazard assessment is required h� th�� City c�f Renton to evaluate the potential for ground subsidence and tc� pr�vide house foundation desi���, measures_ and/or delineate areas of the property to avoid house construction, as apF�ro�riate. or t�� miti��a�r for�potential ground subsidenee (Renton Mtmicipal Code Title IV Development Regulatic�ns. Sectiun .� (Geologic I�fa�ards), 2 (Special Studies Requirements). SCOPE OF SF.RVICES The purpose of our services „�as to complete a preliminary assessment c�f the potential haiarcis associated with the past underground coal mining as a basis for identit�ying potentially developable are:i� within the property. Specifically. our services included: • Revie�ti�a��ailable historic coal mine records from the City of Renton, ��'ashington State Department ��f Natural Resources and our in-house technical library to evaluate the location of the mined-out area�_ together with the depth of mining, thickness of zone mined and mining rnethods. • Mine mapping including superimposing the identified mine onto a property base map and developin�� a geologic cross-section showing the location and depth of mined-out areas. • Surface reconnaissance mapping to identify mine openings such as adits or air shafts. together ��ith stockpiles of mine rock fill or other areas in �vhich the original ground surface has been altered. • Classify the mine hazards as eitlter: 1) High C��al N1ine Haz_arcl �1rca�. ?1 �1e�li��in (���al '��line I I��i.i��i nreas, or 3} I,ow Coa) Mine Hazard Areas. � Keith Menge� I�pril 22, 2UO3 Page 2 • I?valuate the potenti�l for regional ground subsidence in High �nd Mediuin Coal IV1ine Hazard Areas (��ertical ground subsidence, gro�md tilt and ground strain). • I)evelop mitigation for huilding design and construction, if needed. SITF, DF.SCRIPTION SI'1'E GF,OLOGY T�he Flo�vard Short Plat is underlain by bedrock of the Renton formaticm. Renton formation bedrock consists of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale,claystone, carbonacec�us shale and coal heds. Structurall�, the bedrock has been uplitted, folded and faulted over time. This sUuctural deformation of the hedrock has caused the original hc�►-i�ontal bedding of the bedrock to become tilted. In lhe vicinity of the Howard Shc�rt Plat,the"dip"or tilt of the bedrock bedding is about 50 degrees from horizontal dc���n to the north-norlheast. 'f�he bedrock is covered �a it1� weathered soil and gl�cial sediments var��ing in thickness from a fe�� feet to several tens of feet. 'f�he glacial sediments are referred to as Vashc,n age glacial till consistin� primarily of dense to ver} dense silt�� sand �vith gra�el. HOWARD SHORT PLAT SITE CONDITIONS Our surface reconnaissance of the Ho��-ard Short }'lat �tias com�leted ��i� np►-il IO, ?U(1�. �I�h�� Ilo�vard Short Plat is about 0.75 acre in size and is bordered to tlie south by South 23rd Street and I alh��t Park. to the west by Smithers Avenue South and residential development, and to the north and east h� rur;il residential development. From the�ti�est property line(Smithers Avenue South)the gmund surface slopes gently up tc, thc ea�t to the east property line at about a 5 percent grade �vith overall vertical relief�f about 1� to 20 feet. ;�t thc time of our site visit, it appeared that the propert�• had been recently cleared �vith an older house or hous�•� removed. T�hree vehicles ���ere parked in the north portion of the 1lo�vard Shc�rt Plat along��ith a stockpi!�• of detnolition �lebris. A new house foundation had been prcparcd in the sc�uth�vest corner of the pr<�pert�, The remainder of the property is vegetated with grass and occasional clumps of blackberry vines that h�ci been partially flattened by construction vehicles. We did not observe an}' topographic depressions or other ground surface irre�ularities oi� the property that may be associated «ith past mining activities. We did not observe any mine rock fill, such as hrc�ken rock c�r cc�al fines, on the surface of the Ho�vard Short Plat. �I�he excavation for the new house foundation in the south��-est corner c�f the site etposed about ? tc, 3 fcet �f weathered soil consisting of loose t� medium dense silty sand ��ith gravel and occasie�nal r�u�ts underlain hy native glacial till. No surface water or seepage was observed in the fout�datic�n e�cavati��n ABANDONED UNDERGROLINU COAL MINE DESCRIY"TION GENFRAI. Past un�ler�n,�ni�1 c��al niinin« in the F�roject �ite area ���a�� e��alu��te�i h� rc��ie��in� the ���,ll����in�, documents: • Morris��n Ki�ud�en. Januar�� 1�8�, �'F�:ngineerin�� In�estigation f�ur the Rent��n. A�'ashingtc�i� ,��rea.� � � �. Department of the lnterior Office of Surface Mining, Abandoned I��1ine I,ands Program. • Schasse, H.W., Koler. L.M._ F,berle,N.A. and Christie, R.A., May 1994, "T�he Washin�tc�n �tate ( e�,�l Mine Collection Guide: A Catalog, Indcx and User's Guide," h•1ap K-�3�1, B and C-1�9ine 1�1aps of tlic Sunbeam Mine, Renton Coal Company. • Warren, W.C.,Norbisrath. H., Grivetti, R.tit., and Bro�vn, S.P., 19�15. "Preliminary Geologic �9ap ancl E3rief f)escriptic,n �f the Coal Fields �f K.ing C�unt��, Washin��t�,n," l!nited States Ge��lc���ical Surve�. 1 plate. (cicic (� ic� l. I� neincrr� ii.l�,Kllillnl,, �; k���i, n���,��� � npril 2?, 2O03 Page :� RFNTON AREA MINING 1V1F.THOUS 'I he Rentcm area underground co�l mines �vere typicall�- develc��ed using breast-and-�ill�r (al«� reFerred to as rc�om-and-pillar)mining methods. lnitial development of the iliine from the surface began �vith a main slope (mine entry tunnel)driven do���n or parallel to the masimum di�� of the coal searn. "I'he main slope served as the primary entr�� for the mine. An air shaft(s) ���as also driven at a separate location l�� provide forced air ventilation to the mine. � /�t specified intervals alcmg the main slope, chutes were driven ur the coal seam. Cross-cuts �.ere then driven beriveen the chutes. l he chules and cross-cuts were then �videned until lhe coal left in place(the pillars)and ro�iilis a�mprised about a 1 to 1 ratio. Most or all of the pillars �r•ere removed before abandonment of a level; thi�technique is referred t�� as fiill-pillar ettracticm. Full-pillar extraction is a nonna) underground mining process designed tc�maximize coal extraction and to pr�mote short tenn collapse of the mined-out areas. SUNI3EANi N1[NE The Sunbeam Mine is located south of the Howard Short Plat and is one of a series of small mines in the"I�albot area of Rent�n. According to historic mine production recc,rds. the Sunbeam I�1ine ��as active from 1924 to 1929. None of the Sunbeam Mine workings underlie the I lo�ti�ard Short Plat: the closest the Sunheam [�1ine came to the Ho�vard Short Plat is about 200 feet south of the southwest corner of the propert�� as shen+m on the Abandoned Underground Mine 1�1ap, Figure 3. A protile �f the Sunbeam Ntine relative ta the Fl��ward Short Plat is shown on the Geologic Cross-Section. Figure 4. Based on our review of the historic mine maps, the Sunbeam Mine ��as originally developed from a main opening(t�vo mine entries and an ain�-ay)at a location approximately I,000 feet�vest�fthe }lo��ard Short Plat. "I he main haulage��ay tollowed the coal seam for about 3,500 feet east-southeast ���here it was terminated at a`fa�ilt'�(the coal bed was offset by previous structural deformaticm) in the area where Benson Road is located about 2,000 feet east-southeast of the Howard Short Plat. 'I�he Sunbeam Mine�vas primarily worked on a single level by driving chutes and cross-cuts updip at about a 50 degree angle from the main haulage�vay. Near the Sunbeam Mine entry area, the Sunbeam Mine was worked to a "deeper" level, referred to as the "2��d I,evel." GENERAL DESCRIP"TION OF HAZARUS ASSOCIATEI) �VITH COAL MINF.S I�he principal ph}sical hazards associated ��-ith abandoned coal rnines include the follo�ving: • �inkholes(High Coal N1ine Flazard Areas) • Regional ground subsidence (Medium Coal Nline Hazard Areas) • N�n-affected areas(I,o�v Coal Mine Hazard Areas) I�he Rentc�n ti1unicipal Code 'I�itle IV Development Regulations ciefines coal tnine hazards as t��llcnts: Hi�h Coal Mine Haz�rd -.9rec�,c i��ilh crbnitdonec�anc�in�J�roperlv.�e�ulecl mrne openiuK.c cnrd c�reci.c underluirr h�•mine lror•kir��s shcr/lntirer�thai� tu•n hu�rdred feet (200'1 i�r deptlt for•sle�j�li'rlij���i��g seame, or•.�•Ircrlloir��r 1hun,f fteen (/5) timcrs�he thick�r�s.c r�f!he,sernn o�-irn�•ki�lx.s for��errllt�dip��i�i,�'.seam.�. 7he,��c� ar•c�u.s mci�� l�e � u�feclec!hy collcr/�,cc� ��r c��Ire�•.ctrh,��idc�nrc�. ' Medium Coal Mine Hazards—.Areas where the »ririe til�orkirrgs ure deeper lhan tiro Irundf•ed fec:� (�l)I)') f�»� .stee��l�' LII�)�71/1�,T,tic�nrn.s. or•deepe�• tha�i f fleerr (IS) linres the thick�re.s.c ��f�Ite .cenm r��r gerrtlt� cli����r11,L� �rrrnrs. Tl�e,ce ai•E:ac »tnl•he arfected b}%st�bside�lce. Low Coal Mine Hazards—Ar•ea,c irillr�ro k��otivrt nrine workirrR.c rn�d rr���n�edicic��!.c��l,,crdencc�_ !��'JrrJ�� n�, r�lrrres crre knn►�•n irr lhe,se cn•ens, tntd��ctnne�rted nrrr�ing is knowri to hm•e occ�rn•►�f��l � Iriclr (' rcek I n !� inrrr� 111R4n(illll„i�; � Kcith Menges �1�ril 22, 2003 Pagc �1 ANAI.YSIS OF COAL MINF, HA7.ARU� HIG11 COAL MINF, HA7.ARD .AREAS "l�he Sunheam Mine daes nc�t underlie the Iloward Short Plat. Iligh Coal Mine Ilazard nreas assc�ciated �vith the Sunbeam titine exist, but are south of the F�o�vard Shc�rt Plat as sho�yn c�n Figures 4 and i. No I ligh ('c�al Mine I lazards exist �vithin the }Ic��vard Short Plat. NiF,UIUM COAL I��iINF. IIA7,ARU AREAS I he Sunbeam Mine is situated far enough s�uth of the Flo�vard Short Plat that no effects of regional gruuncl suhsidence �re pc�ssihle. I he area p<�tentially lffected by re�i<�n�l grc�und suhsidence is shcnvn c�n Fi�ures 4 and 5; the ef�feeled area is south of the Flo���ard Short Plat. Nc� Medium C'c�al Mine I�azards exitit ��ithin Ihc Hi�ward �hc,rt I'lat. LOW ('OAL MINE HAZARU .AREAS N� kno��n undocumented a�al mining occurred within the Ho�vard Sh<�rt Plat hased on c�ur re�ic�� c�t hist��rical rnine mars. Nc� Lc�w Cc�al N1ine Hazards e�ist �vithin the f Ic,��are1 She�rt PIaL � CONCLUSIONS liasecl cm e�ur revie« c�f available infonnation and analvsis ofec�al mine hazards at the Ho�vard Short Plat. �ve have developed the follo��-ing conclusions: • I�he abandoned underground Sunbeam Mine is located south of the Fto��ard Plat, hut does not underlie ' the Floward Short Plat as sho��n on Figures 3 and 4. ', • Nc� coal mining-related surface features (mine openings or sinkholes) ��ere c�hser��ed on the f Ic���ard ' Short Plat at the time ot�our recemnaissance of the property on npril 10, �003. , • N� I Iigh, Medium or Lo�v Coal Mine Ha���rd Areas exist at the I Irntard Short Plat because the Simheam Mine is located south an adequate distance to preclude any potential ground subsidence impacts from the collapse of this mine as sho«�n on Figure 5. • No tnine rock fill or�mdocutnented mine workings occur on the Howard Short Plat based on our surface reconnaissance. ICF,should be contacted for review and evaluation if mine rock fill or undocumented niine ����rkin�s are encc�untered durin� site grading. '�i ITIGATION 1Ve cl<� not recommend any specific mitigation assoeiated with coal mine hazards at the fl����ard Sl��,rt I'lat �rc�jCct sitc. USE OF THIS REPORT 1�c ha�e E�re��are�l thi: rep��rt for Keith Menges for use in evaluating coal mine hazards at the F�rc���crt� subject to this consultation. Uur report, conclusions and interpretations should not be co►�strued as a �varrantv of subsurface conditions at the site. W'ithin the limitations of scope, schedule and budget,our services have been executed in accordance «ith ��rnerally accepted practices in this area at the time the report ��as prepared. No �+arranties or othrr c��nditi��ns, express <�r imE�licd. ehould he underst���,d. �*****�**********xM* I � i � lr l� rcc4; I n <� inccr� 1118�n(�� 11!„��; Keith Menges 'i �lpril 22. 2003 I Pa�e � l�l+'e trust this repc�rt meets y�ur present needs. Please call if you ha��c �ny questic�ns concerning this rc�c�rt. .,i • . v<` Yoin�s ver�� trulv, (� ' Icic Creek F:ngineers, Inc. ?�, ,- � «';� � �� i j� ;� �� ' ������� . F� � � a / / �i {1� � '� � ; , � � i ;� �. ��;.� � � ; y�'�i r U„••.,, nnl�idM r/y.. � � �� � v; ( _� r'�� '/ <Ze4'!�'L ``,� �._ ; ,,�.�' +!'�p``�1:`�i r �-:'`�:� [�rian K. I�eaman. P.F?.. I..G. � . . '' "`' ���'���� �'e Principal I-;ngineer.�Geologist � F1 . ! . _� ." � .d , � .�.�,�.J... � . _. � �?t{'IRES _�.0 ' 3U -U`� �� ��... _,i ,�F ,IMf`'+�'j� ' I)nrutnrnl ll): Oa881)(II.RI?I' I �-,ur�n�,ir� .nhn�il±���l 11t:i�hnirnt� Ieielr (� rccl. I� naine�rc rl-1;iRn(il'1�1„��; � M � O (D V � , � � -- ' o a � - � �. � �' I. 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(�2001 l�iati,onal Geogr�phuc Holdittgs (ww�r.topa.com) a 0 o , z i � � Icicle Creek Engine�ers Vicinity Map - Figure 1 � _ i - �, ---- — � N � � � ---------------------- m � , South 21 st Street m , � � � � � _ _ -- -; - - - -- � - � , � , � , t � _ � � � � r `� _ Howard _Short Plat , ; _ _ , _ _ �, - � ,_ �, � , � � � > i , _ Q i - ' - _ _ _ � _ _ - - I I I L i 1 � � II _.._ _ I . _._. _ .. ...i . . .. _. � "t_ '._'_�T _. � i � ' _ _._i1 ' _ _ _ _ . . _._ ' I � � I I � � � i � _'_'_.- _. _ _ _ _ � � _ _... .. _ . . _._.J � I '' � � ._ _._ _ _ ' _ i i I I � 41 - � C�D t_._._ .1 - - - i � � _.- " I I � � � ! � � i 0 I � � � � ' South 23rd Street � � s , cn � Talbot Park � � � � � �a � � � � o � .� � �� : , � � � ; , � � � � , ; � � ; _ __ ___ _ _ _ T-�� - -�r�-�--r-�-�-i -_._ _.�- - --, � i i � i .i � � i � , 0 200 400 g Scale in Feet � � � 0 0 z a� = � Icicle Creek Engineers _____________ Site Plan - Figure 2 � M O �° N � 0 ___----- ------__ _ m . South 21 sIt Street A�i � / - ; i L � � 7 ' O � � `� Howard _Short Plat _- � �- � � _ � � � > , , - Q - , , � , � � �� � _ _ , - - -, - - - -, , � , , _ - -� - , i i � i i , � � _ _ ! � � ! }� ti„� _._. i � � , i � i , :/ �J� �1 � i � f � � / ' � ����� ,{ 1�' t y .....,- 1 _ , � (�D 1! ! ; � , - �. � � �` i ' 70 ; ; � ` ,( j� � i � - ' - � - ' :T ', � South 23rd Street � '1 '� ''' -------- .'� �' � � cn ,{ ' Talbot Park — .c .�c; � � , �o , Iom � � ,, � ' �S� .JU; O ' i ` ; �O i , ' �� ' A,' - ,.� ,, � �,� � �� � „������� � , , � , � , � , � - - - - - t - r�-�-�j--�-�-r-�----� _ . . ._� _ ' � i i � i ' � ' i ' � , � Explanation: �� - � � , � [--} Ui " ' �-" Sunbeam Mine _� r-� � , 0 200 40o A Location of Cross-Section � Scale in Feet � A, (see Figure 4) � 0 0 z � � � Icicle Creek Engineers Abandoned Underground Mine Map - Figure 3 . . � 0 co v 0 rn � m A A� (north) (south) 400i 400 � High and Medi�ini '� � � Howard Coal Mine Hazard � c � �Short Plat� Area -�: 0 200� , ° '� ' 200 . , �-_, ,, I �. �� �F � a'� I �'. ,�� � � w Limit Angle �� c .� ,� • �J�� � (defines hmd � of regional ground , subsidence area) '� ' �� � � 0 200 400 Horizontal Scale = Vertical Scale Scale in Feet 0 0 � � a 0 0 Z � � Icicle Creek Engineers Geologic Cross-Section A-A' - Fi ure 4 �., --- --- ----- 0 `° N � 0 m � South 21 st Street , � � _ _._. , _ _ __ _ - - , _ - � � _ _ � -- � , � � , � � ; L _ j �- - - - -- +'' - - - -- - - • i 1 _ ___ 7 � �� `� _ _ Howarc� _ShQr�_Plat , _ - - - i � - � � � � , ; � � � - - -Q r _ ` _ - - - � a� � � - - - � - - -, - - � - - � � � , ; � � ' � � � _ ; � � � � ' o c South 23rd Street � � � cn Talbot Park � III 0 � � � �° 0 � ; hm � � � ; � � � � , � ; � , � __ ___ _ _ _,_ , - - -- ; T _.�._._�._.__r- --�-- i i ' i i � i i i ; i i ' ' Explanation: 0 200 400 - High and Medium Coal Mine Hazard Area o Scale in Feet � � � 0 z d � Icicle Creek Engineers Coal Mine Hazard Map - Figure 5 _