HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/2010 - Minutes � CIV{L SERVICE COMMISSION � Q '��0� .,�` ` �' k � - j� MEETING MINUTES Held on April 27, 2010 IN ATTENDAN:CE: COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Richard Fisher,Andee Jorgensen, Bill Larson,Jim Matthew, &1im Phelan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: POLICE DEPT: Police Chief Kevin Milosevich, Deputy Police Chief Chuck Marsalisi FIRE DEPT: Fire Chief Mark Peterson, Deputy Fire Chief Bill Flora STAFF MEMBERS: Eileen Flott, CS Secretary/Chief Examiner, Nancy Carlson, HR/RM Administrator, Lucinda Gibbon, HR Analyst Guest: Fire Battalion Chief Karl Rufener, Fire Battalion Chief Roy Gunsolus,Acting Fire Battalion Chief Rick Marshall, Fire Lieutenant Doug McDonald, Firefighter Chris DeSmith, Firefighter Erik Hammes,Acting Fire Deputy Chief Stan Engler,Acting Fire Captain Neil Samuelsen, Captain Shawn Mendenhall, Police Commander Katie McClincy, Sergeant Dave Skelton, CALL TO ORDER: Chair,lim Phelan called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Review of the January minutes for the 3/23/10 meeting. IMOVED BY: + Bill Larson I SKOND BY: � Andee Jorgensen MINUTES APPROVED FIRE&EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT: IJ Unfinished eusiness: A.) Jim Matthew moved to accept the change and Bill Larson second the movement. However, Doug McDonald, President of Local 864 asked the Commission to table the approval of the job classification for Battalion Chief/Safety Officer. Jim and Bill withdrew their motion. It was again decided to table the approval of the job classification change for the Battalion Chief/Safety Officer until the next meeting, so the Union would have time to review the job classification. Jim Phelan informed the Union to bring any concerns to the Civil Service Secretary and the Fire Chief. MOVED 8Y: ( Richard Fisher SECOND BY: I Andee Jorgenson �IDTJflN`�'ARRIFD : � I 2)New Business A.) Deputy Fire Chief job classification was brought before the Commission to approve the change for education requirement to a Bachelor Degree and to denote the essential functions of the classification. The following employees spoke to the Commission asking the Commission not to approve the change: Doug McDonald, President, Local 864, Stan Engler,Acting Deputy Fire Chief, Carl Rufener, Battalion Chief/Safety OfFicer. The following employees spoke to the Commission in favor of the changes to the classification: Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator, and Nancy Carlson, HR& RM Administrator. The Commission did not carry the motion forward that was brought by Andee Jorgenson and second by Bill Larson. It was then moved to modify the job classification to denote the essential functions, but to leave the education requirement as currently in the classification "Any combination equivalent to four years of college course work". MOVED 8Y: � Jim Matthew SECOND BY: Bill Larson �VJO.TJaN.t�4R�ir��:. .-� B.) It was noted to the Commission,the provisional appointment to Deputy Chief the Council approved last meeting for John Lecoq was declined. No action was needed by the Commission. C.) The Commission was asked to amend Rule 8-14 for the recruitment of Deputy Fire Chief. The Chief would prefer not to give a 60 day notice for this recruitment, especially since he will not have anyone to fill the position after May 16. MDVED 8Y: � Andee Jorgenson SECOND BY_� � Richard Fisher I-�L�T���i�RRi�,�_�;:� � D.) The Commission w� -ked to amend rule 8-15 allowing the Chi� � recruit externally for the a position of Deputy�f. The following employees asked the Co�ission not to amend the rule: Doug McDonald, Local 864 President,Gary Harsh, Fire Lieutenant, Roy Gunsolus, Fire Battalion Chief/Safety Officer, Erik Hammes, Firefighter, Kevin Anderson, Fire Lieutenant, Rich Marshall, Acting Fire Battalion Chief/Safety Officer, Stan Engler,Acting Deputy Chief, Eileen Flott read a letter from Tally Hall, Fire Battalion Chief/Safety O�cer, Richard Fisher, Civit Service Commissioner. The following people spoke to the Commission in favor of amending rule 8-15: Mark Peterson, Fire& Emergency Services Administrator, Eileen Flott, Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner. MDVED BY: � Richard Fisher I SECOND BY: 1 Andee Jorgenson I_�R10N�NOT- ;;;�;� j E.) The Deputy Fire Chief Announcement was presented, however,since the Commission did not approve the amendment of rule 8-15 Eileen Flott, Civil Service Secretary asked the Commission to approve the job announcement as is except the request for external recruitments would be eliminated and the education requirement would be"equivalent to ...". I MOVED BY.� � Bill Larson I SECOND BY: + Richard Fisher I IVIOTION G4RRl�D_..�, � � F.) The Administrative Assistant Eligibility List, dated 04/01/10,was approved. The Administrative Assistant Examination Report was reviewed. • I MOVED BY: � Bill Larson I SECOND BY: � Andee Jorgensen I MOTIDN CARRIED � POLICE DEPARTMENT: 1J Unfinished BUsiness: None 2)New Business: A.) The Lateral Police Officer Eligibility List, dated 04/20/10, was approved. The Lateral Police OfFicer Examination Report was reviewed. I MOVED BY.� � Bill Larson I SECOND BY: � Andee lorgensen I MOTION CARRIED I B.) Recommend to amend rule 20. Eliminate the position of Police Manager and change the title of Traffic Controller to Parking Enforcement Officer. I MOVED BY: � Andee Jorgensen I SECOND BY: I Bill Larson I MOTION G4RRIFD { C.) Creation of a Police Cadet Eligibility List to hire Police Officer from. Eileen Flott,Civil Service Secretary, explained to the Commission the department would like to create an eligibility list from the current Police Cadets to hire a police officer. Eileen asked the Commission for their approval and she would bring back the rules for this procedure at the next meeting. I MOVED BY: � Andee Jorgensen � SECOND B1': � Richard Fisher I MOTION CARRIED I D.) It was announced to the Commission two (2) promotions will take effect May 1, 2010, Clark Wilcox to Commander and Steven Ritchie to Sergeant. No action was necessary. E.) The Commission was notified that Danny Kang resigned as a Renton Police Officer. No action was necessary. OTHER BUSINESS/COMMENTS: None Next regular meeting is May 25, 2010. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 5:21 pm. I MOVED SY_� , Bill Larson � SFCOND BY.• � Richard Fisher I MfETINGADJDURNED I �,�i�-�'v �.� 04/28/10 Eileen Flott, Date Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner � �w.. - � .�,, D c��of � �Y � �� � � � . O "�'�'�"�`�? F- I �'� Style Defir '� Formatted _ `CLAS S TITLE: _____________ _ ,._- Formatted ------------�------ -- , `' ,\�� Formatted �IRE BATTALION CHIEF/SAFETY OFFICER 01547 O l 548 ________, ' Formatted - --------------------------------�---'-----�------- �------------------------------- ----------------------------- '� Formatted ASIC ��FUNCTIONS. '��, -------------------1----------- --- --------------- Formatted �---------------------------------------------------------- �\��`. NotBold --------- Under the direction of,4a Deputy�i-€eFir iChief,performs administrative and supervisory_-��, '.,� Formatted �--------- ---- --y--- work in the fire service,which includes the management of personnel, facilities and �ti, '�,'� Formatted equipment, and formulation and development of departmental policy. A Fire Battalion ;��, � - ��� Formatted Chief/Safety Officer exercises independent judgment in accomplishing the work of a ;�';, Boid number of work groups. Establish methods and procedures within the framework of ��,`;'� Formatted standard practice and department policy. Unusual situations or questions of a policy ',`,� Formatted nature are referred to the Deputy Chief^��"��f f^'-^�����*;^^. Work also involves `,� �-------------------, �� Formatted responding to and dealing with man-made and natural disasters that pose a threat to � public safety. The Chief of the Fire and Emergency Services Department may assign a Formatted person in this rank to assume the duties of a specialty assignment. ��Formatted QCDDCfCI�ITATI\/C Ili 1TICC. V:.�.�...� ��58'{.'ir..� �A-. � .�+: . �i�� .�.,., wll .-. ,�asirrci--crr'��� .... `��'�:.�....,r,/hM++u��.... ..... ...:��;.��'� ,�� ,J,..-, .+..-.`,..`�1 r.:� .r.�b, �.�.� ...r,.�, �I.. ...J .. �I-,`� ...J ,-`-....J-,..� .-. -,+� .. .-�c£'-C�.r�.- �.. ...,..�� ��b:. .. �...,�.. ..,� .. ..�. ...� .".�...�..�.. ��b N 't7'�.���r. r� .....�..�:..��.. ..r..-� ...a.".±.v��.`. {.�.��h.`�.. ���.. �';� " v ...J.�.}.�.. .� .�..�.w`�'i.."'�Cth'l. .��., �.,� :�rir: �..� .. . r�^",+���,�„ ^'^m^^*ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Assumes command of ne�rrl�-"ir�u�:::c:;;"�: ,,--� Comment� --------- --------------�__�Formatted n„ ,,,i„n „ ,,.r. .,a -,�,Q.,=-E�.. or,�-,+; f,. „+; -,i rnlor. Gray- 'c�cv'c'iap--�'r.".b�..����� h.�...,�........... ..��.. ..�..�. ..,��.,.�..�...� - �►�BE2�-52�:_ -----—- _-�Comment� [-,����+-,+„ .,.-3F�}8f� ,.^'� ".....,,. ^`z--t��.,,t,,, +„ .,-,.+�.-:...,+„ +.-�,.,:..,' ., ...,,-�,.r-, :n � ....��.�.....� �.,� .,� ..b.. ,.,...�.., .... �...a�.� .�,..,.�. ��� �..,.���.�bi ��'wc�t;cr.w! v�T�c!c,::~cnt N�:b�:m�inaior incidents. or those that �.:��� ...,.,:�; _ Formatted f��:"�,"., ,,. ;'��!';;, ..+�,", �Nn Ir,.+`.."-,il -----------�" color. Gray- .-� ,., ., .. .b ` ir� "i'----------------------- ------� Comment� n,�.,.,,.,;,-+,.. -..,,� �,., !� ..,,,.,,,..,�... u,,.. ,,,v^ub�-require three or more units. and directs the activities; ___ ,- Formatted ---------- � color: Gra �e�Ss��-�I��e�-Ee ,^�-a-�+em of respondina companies y- dds �-------------------------- Formatted ------------ t'�S�°�• °��:;���emeraencv alarms in assiQned aeo�raphical area color: Gray- � Mana�es fire companies for the Response Operations Di�Jision and maintains proper staffinQ levels ��ithin the battalion • Conducts and evaluates multi-companv drills • ManaQes the Department pre-incident plan proaram and manaaes eineraencv T I �:,� Q4«u�;�„ �2�--�F;.,..�a � ��„� � ,,-'� Formatt� �- companies at hazardous materials incidents • Conducts post incident analvsis on all fire and other multi-alarm incidents, • Trains and instructs emt�lovees in modern fire fiQhtina principles. practices, and procedures • Enters and retrie��es information fi�om the Coinputer Aided Dis�atch svstem • Investi�ates and resolves citizen concerns � • Reviews EMS and fire reports from coinpanies and collects data for quarterlv, re�orts • Demonst�-ates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times. streamline work processes. and work cooperativelv and iointiv to provide qualitv. seamless customer service Abilitv to: • Maintain manaQerial control under extremelv stressfiil conditions • Perform a broad ran�e of supervisorv responsibilities over assi�ned emplovees. • Produce �vritten documents ���ith clearly orQanized thouQhts usinQ proper En�lisl� sentence construction. punctuation. and Qraminar • Utilize computer skills to enter data or information into a terminal. PC. or other kevboard device (i.e.. C.A.D. . Telestaf£ FDM. Word. EYcel, Power Point) • Utilize �ood communication skills with customers. clients. and the public in face- a� to-face one-on-one settinas. in aroup settin�s. or on the telephone • Observe or monitor people's behavior to detennine compliance ��-ith prescribed operatina or safetv standards • Understand and follo��� oral and vvritten instructions in the En�lish lanQuaQe • Relv on sense of siQht and hearina to help determine the nature of an emerQencv and make operational decisions • Make life or death decisions durin� emerQencv situations • Comprehend and make inferences from �nitten material in the Enalish lanauaae � Learn iob related m�terial throuah structured lecture and readinQ. and throuah oral instnlction and observation. This learnin�takes place in both a classroozn settina and in an on-the-iob traininQ settinQ • Work safelv `vithout presentin� a direct threat to self or others • assi�t a De�ut� Fire Chief in �lannin�r and or�Tanizin<7 di�ersitied nro�rrams_in ____,,--�( Formatted commuiut� risk reduction. resL�onse onerations. safet�� aild su��Uort ser�ices� �„r .�.,., .,+. �� ,�„ „i,,., ,� n.i .,i„ ..`• ,� a,,.,-.���-4 ..rw, �.,�.,,, ....,� ,,, �... ..r.;:;b ., ,;'",:r. ..,,,", ,�b ..N.. , • Formulate, de��elop and iinplement policies,plans and Qoals_in a larae eznerQenc��__ ,--� Formatted resUonse oraanization • ManaQe the acti�°ities of a battalion • ManaQe appropriate portions of the Fire Department Budaet • Operate in command and aeneral staff positions in the National Incident Mana�ement S`�stem • Perfonn ph��sical skill requirements necessarv durina emer�encv �round operations. Duties mav include t��orkinQ in hazard zones. redeplovmei�t of apparatus. equipment and/or manpo«�er i . � �., Q-,++.,i.,,.. ��,;a�---C� ,�.,��' °�;r ou,.�. c ,-� Farmatted .. �,.,...,..,�>..�� ....� ... b- i�, • Utilize atapropriate personal nrotective ectuipment and SCBA • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective ��arkinQ relationshins with others • Meet schedules and time lines • 1'lan ai�d or�?anize their�vork and the work of others.� ' • Train. sL�pervise and evaluate persannel • Establish and maintain a safe and healthv work environment • Maintain a work environment free of harassment. discriminatian ar�d retaliatio�. identifv ar�d conect poter�tiallv ille�al discrimination • I?emonst�-ate a ttiilli�7�ness to ren�-r:sent t]1e �-alues ofthe fire clepat�t���ent..--------�'.�""�( Formatted • �lal��ate I�l�z��k.�e�;���c�t-k hal�its al�cl���c�rl:t���-oduct ft�r ef�icie�lc� �nc� � Formatted e���Ct1��eI1�fiS.":;�w� "••�"'+""" ""� at: 18 pt+ , ,�b.........,,.., .,, pt General Knov�led�e of: • Or�anizatianal structure af the deoartment • Geoaraphicai ronfiQuration and characteristics of respanse districts • Depai-tment o eratin __rocedures—foz aciministration. emer�encv oUerations. �---- �ormattea .p--- g�------ - --------------------------------,, at: ��pt+ incident mana�ement svstetn. and safetv _, �, pt -------- ------------------ • Princit�les and nra.ctices ot mcidern fir� stiL�nression strate��ries_ t��etics anc� ��'� � '� Formatted 1J1"OC�C�UI'�S. '� .'�.Fori�s2lkted • Princit�les and practices of hazardotis �naterials strateQies. tactics ai7d pracedures ' �arn,atted Princit�les and t�ractices o�'technical rescue sti•ate�_Ties_ tactics and ��rocedui-�s Hanging. 5 -- - -- - - --- --- --- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - --- - --- - ------, at: 18pt+ • ��v"�:..�±� pt,Tab stoG • Det�artment budaet t�rocess '� FormatEed • Infornzation mana6ement and recordkee�in�. * Fire t�revention al�d buildinff safet��codes and ordinances a�plicable to the ,�--( Formattea jurisdiction • Clinent tre��ds,techr}oloaies and socioeconomic and t�olitical factors tl�at affect the fire seri�ice • Cultczral diversit� • Methods used bv supervisors to obtain caoperatian within a�?rau� of stlbordinates = Riahts af manaaement and members_ • Aareeznents in force between the or6anization and members • Generallv accepted etizical bractices. includin�professional code of ethics. • Policies and procedures re�ardii�Q the operation of the clepartznent as thev involve 5upen�isors and members • Oraanization of local Qovernment • Letrislation and Iaw-�nakina process at Iacai. state and federal letirel • Municipal and State laws. ordinances and codes related to the enforcement of fire rodes • National Incident Ma�ia�ement Svstem, • I`�ational Resbanse Plan • ?��atioi�al Fir� Protection Assaci�tion_Stazldard"a ..-� Formatted • State codes and ac�ministrative rules an OccL�patianal Safetv and Health � I �;,� Qu�`��;..,,, �!::�� ' .,w�'� o-,�-„ � _ ,,-� Formatted �I~ � 4by ` • Functions of other citv departments_ aQencies and or�anizations and how they interact with the fire service • Numan resoure� mana�ement t�rincii�les incluciii�� SeleCtiOn. tt-3i»i1lU. ,-� Formatted de�elot�n�ent_ and eatial oUnart�iilit� • Labor manaaement includina labor contracts bet�veen the citv and bar�ainin� units in the fire department � • Emeraencv ManaQement principles and practices • Development of lona-ranQe plans and obiecti��es for a lar�e or�anization • Fire apUaratus and equipment specification process • Oral communication includin�public speakina • Technical an� bu�iness «ritin<7 skills. ,-�( Formatted • �En<71ish usa«e. <-Trammai_ snellinU_nunctuatiun and �ocabular�_���;a~::��^+�f___ ,,,-{-Formatted Human Resource Manaaement • Evaluatin�meinber performance and super��isin��ersonnel ���' :T�?�t�'� �----- Formatted �`�f�,,,.. ,-`.., + � , -� - -- at: 18 pt+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,b , �s—durina emerQenc` and nonemer�encv«'ork pt er��iod�--_- ----------------, '� Formaited --------------------------------- `� Formatted • Ensure that assiQned personnel and equipment are operationallv readv to fiilfill the mission of the department • Support the inission and philosophv of the orQanization • ManaQe and participate in the development and implementation of Qoalsand obiectives. policies. and priorities of assiQned proarams • Counsel firefi�hters. companv officers. and staff to ensure effective. equitable, and fair compliance with all relevant policies. • Coach. instruct. and �uide subordinates in all facets of department operations and leadership philosophv • Acti��elv inonitor and evaluate existinQ polic��. procedures. rules and reQulations to detennine ��alue in meetinQ oraanizational �oals and obiectives. • Train. moti��ate. and evaluate assiQned persoruiel; work with members to conect deficiencies: revie��disciplinarv situations and manaQe the disciplinarv process. • Identifv. desi�n. and direct appropriate trainin� proarams to meet operational needs • Impleinent protrrams that enhance the service deliverv to fire de�artinent customers • �valuate employeeperformance, both orally_and in writing at specific designated_�,.�--�( Formatted intervals; r���.�:�� brovider career and personal_counseling to subordinates when___ � Formatted ------- ', at: 18 pt+ necessaryorrequested�____________________________ _ �. Pt , '� Formatted ,�+4- n It -,hl., I-,t�., `h.. ,- .,.� �., .,,� �.,;:^r�;4^..� ... �rN ,.,,. .. .. .,, ua'..".,",... .,, ,.., ...,..;b^� Formatted �,, �../�.�++�r�., Underline ,, .. ► ' , €-��� °w�.L!,,.,. �!::�-���..,••:��� ''�rr�' °��= � , -� Formatted i- • Conduct conflict resolution where indicated between personnel assigned to their _��.�--�( Formatted ---- --- -- � ��{battalion- � Formatted A_''_' _•------------- -----------------------------, at}: 18pt+ • `\���, �t • ��:�:� v., :U;:,;:;:�+r�+c-�'oster enc�ironments conducive to continua] learninQ � — - `, '� Farmatted develapmez�t and �ro�vth af emt�lovees Formatted ' � Enst�re that administrative t�olicies ��ill be at�t�lied in a��+:�~: ��fair and ,` � u�aerune _ _ _ i_.�_____-...______`_�__'-___ equitable manner .,\'{ �armatted • Cotinsel firefi�hters and compaz�v officers on the,�'����:�:��: ;ri arffan€zations ____ �'� Formatted mission and s�lbse�tuent abiectives + �'� Formatted • Poster coaperati��e intera�encY relationslZit�s • Facilitate. t�ramote and encoura�e members to �articipate zn trainin�. educatian - and de�Telot�ment t�raarams that w-ill assist members in reachin6 their full ,� �°'�'�tt� i�otential. ,� � Formatted � t at: 18 pt+ • Coordinate the ���c�;cccompletion of assi�ned tasks and proiects bv menlbers �' ' �.------------------------ ---------------------------- ----J , � p • Verbal cammunicatian techniaues durina emerQencv and nonemer�encv ,' f�[ Formatted SituatiOriS ,' r�,� Formatted • Establish personnel assiQnments to maximize efficiencies, �iven knowledtre. '' ,;�' .� �ormatted trainin�and elperience of� ���*��_�y�x��^f^__ �_'�:_����nembers �`' � -- --- ------J Formatted ''� underiine �-'-�-- Cammuni andGovernmentRelations________________________________________� -{ Formatt�d �-------�'---- ( opt • Initiate actions to citizens concern �is�en bolicies and nrocedl�res. so that the t� Formatted concern is ai2swered or i•eferred to the cor7�ect indi�•idual �; Formatted Ret�resent the Fire Det�artment at comrnunitv. aoverzunental and en�er�encv ,�,' at: 18 pt+ . ,, � P senlices related meetinas ,;% Comment� • �?evelop�ragrams that_utilize nan-traditional methods of reducing the risk_that--_�' ,' ,� Formatted the communi.ty is exposed to by proposing strategies to minim.ize the occurrence ' ' af the types af events that the department will be asked to respond�o�:�__ �.''� ,� Formatted ----'- , Formatted J� i.�.+., .-+, .��4, t,+l.r. .-:+ . .J., .+..-. .,+,- .,l; .-+.,,J -,! rf.,.,-,�-+,-�, .,+ � y+� r�� Formatted ,..��,...,� ...�,. .,�..u. .,,�`r u-N���...".y� ..� �.,.��..... .... �N�,,,... .�_ru....,�,, N;.�,� ...,. %'; underline % ' �Formatted p,�,., S� ' � r-'cC-`"'��u._...+ +L..�. 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Formafited • Develop_and admizuster division level fiscal accountability�ractices�_ y�<_ �- ---�._---- -------- ------------------- --------- � Formatted • Identif�� fiscal constraints to effecti��e service deliz�erv, ,� Formatted • Qversee the acc�uisitian of�ahysical resources including the_specification, bid____ t;;��� Formatted salicitatian urchasin and bid awardin lementst , - �omment� �P � g�-----� ��_-------------- ! , ---�-------'-"�Formatted �; Q-,=+-,I; rh�„� s , ( , „� �w,.".,,,,,, �,,," ��:�ir�u4,�t � o.,,� c , �Formatt�d "'b`�' � n:.-�,-�+k„ .J� n,a „`�.,�., „�+t,,, ,�n.,-.,-+,Y,`r� ,-�i,. .-.,�n ,< n+! .-+�,�,) ,-�Comment) ,. .. ... ., .... .��...�� �...,» .. �. ..r.... „ �......., -� .�� ,�.:b."'.,�,...��.h,j`.. .�. , + Research. neQotiate and implement cantracts for sezvice � + Recommend and administer policies and �rocedures *�.lalyze and interpret_infarmation fram the_records mana�ement s�stem a,nd____ �-;�\-�{Formatted prepare reports on the organization or a portion af the organization's�erformance� � Formatted ` at; 18 pt+ `�� pt � �„ „i,, i.,n +� ,,.�t,,,-+„ �i, ,+��,- .,/,. +h",- ,..� .�`� �,� .,;. 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Y` ,v„ v„ ...` � .Y. � Formatted �.,�.,,.,.+;,,., -,.,,� in.,,,�+c,�-,+;,,r. Underline * EnsLlre the incident docu�ne�atation is accurate ai�d corn�leted in a timelti�mannLr • Ensiire resc��rces meet oraailizationallv ado�ted�FPA. 5tate. and depa�-tmerat rec�t�irenlents and standards. « Identifv a�naratus and ec���ipment needs { Farmatted + Prepare a neu�s release �` Formatted + Prepare concise reparts to super��isars ;�� at: i8 pt+ � '� pt � Camment� Insnections and In�-estiaations ;� ,�� �.Oversee thepre-zncident planning for facilities_and tar�et hazards typical in the___��� ,,;� t FormatCed , �Cit'� ,,� � Farmatted r _ -- ----- ------- ----`-------'---- _ � ---- ------- -- ----'`- '-- ----- -- --- ,� Formatted ;�� at: 18 pt+ • Identifv construction_ alarnls, detection and sup�aression features that pre��ent or ,�,` �Pt increase the s�read of fire r,�� � Farmatted � « Secure an�,incident scene sa unauthorized personal are kept fron� restrictecl �reas �' ,'�Formatted and e��idence is t�rotected �,'�' � comment� • Detennine oriqin and cause of a fire ,+;'�` �` _ � ��,�( Formatted *�Given hazaxds found in the cit�.develop new pro�ranirni.ng to reduce_the _azards_�'�;% ,,,' ,� ����tt�� including draft legislation for appropriate changes to the Renton Fire!Code�_____J�';�' Farmatted " underiine �mergency Service Delivery_-------- ---- �_,_'__ - , Forma�tted -------------- ------------------ � Opt ��i � 7 � � �:... °u.���:..., ��.�:� ��r�C':;�„'� `� ��b� �� , -� Farmatted �- • Command all Emer�encv Operatians to provide for safetv of the; public anc� . det�artment personnel and the conservation of�roperty « Assume command and overall resronsibilitv for lar�er incidents • Forecast probable outcomes in order to deternline strate�ic obiectives based ut�on ,( Formatted ' the nature and scope ofthe incident. Develat�. assian and coardinate tactical �;�Formatted activities. Direct and inte�rate interaaencv incident su��aort '�' Forn�a#ted • Utilize and enforce recoanized safetv standards and procedE�res. and deterrnine ,'�� at: ls pt+ ,+° p� ]evel of acceptable ris� based ut�on existina conditians. ,'7�� --- - �� �Comment� • Coordinate and direct activities with vario��s 1aca1. state, and federal a�encies �4' ; -- - �'� �� Formatted , ,+_— - ensurinff successfi�l 'znteffration and effective results ,; ,, - - � Formatted = Particit�ate in intra and interaQencv t�ost incident critic�ues tf,;,'` - - - ,! 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Educatian and Ealqerience � ,. -� Formatted �------—-----------------------------------------------------------------_~`... -- — Graduatzon fram a standard hi�h school,vocational schoai or equivalent. _Reguirements___ ��( Formatted �------------------------ � per�tinion contract, in addition to State Fire Service Teaching_Certificate Level_____ `' �orr�,atted --�—�. --------------------� ----------------- _ 1 f IFSAC Fire Sen�ice Instructor Il and ten years_fuefi�htin�_experience plus three �ears __ `�-( Formatted as a u�^;^~�" �#+�Cam�any Officerre uired._An��-Tt��;�eAssaciate DeQree r�, y Q - �'� Formatted in Fire Science and col�ege Ievel persannel management courses preferred, y �;`�ormatted - �----------------- ------------------------------------------- -------. � Formatted ��r�cn�ccc AlliT'� hTL.�CD DCt1I ItDCIlACRITfi• �'''�''''•..�" ". � Formatted Licenses and Other Requirements (e�cludin� dri��er license other trainin� is urovided bv the departinent) �-��.-�( Formai.ted `-----------—--------------------------------------------------- -----—-- • Valid Washin on State driver's Iicense �. ��( Formatted --------- --------------- --------------------------------_. ` Formatted rnrnavini� �`nnmir�nnic. Formatted ` � ! Aiigned at: at: 3b pt • NIMS 100.NIMS. 200 NIMS 3Q0. NIMS 400. NIMS 700. NIMS 800 , I �:.� °���u!;..,. ��;�f �:'„u�'� � o-„� � ,_-� Formatt�d "b" `, • Haz�rdous Material Incident Commander • Fire Ofticer I &: II • Haz-Mat A�vareness - • Emeraencv Medical Technician or First Aid Card. CPR. AED or PAD • Incident Safety Ofticer � Section Chief Trainina � Workin6 Conditions Work may require�erformance of hazardous tasks under emergency conditions as well as--,,,,-�( Formatted `.------ -- --- ------- � -� - ----------------------- office work as assigned. '� Formatted t„ .i� �:.':���:'��� €��I.S�-rC�. .. f�..���..,a. n,.o,,,.�n ..,.�`.�nm T'C'�T�C .. 9�-E��_..... �;.i��.r:_�o-,.+-,i��.,�I,j�t rn.r oV .._M_ p....--..�,.�..,r. ��, r: ��_, .��«� ,�o�� .-____ Formatted ..... ,....o_.......... _..__.__ ----- ------------------ `--- -------- � ` Formatted , . _ - �,,,,,. D c�ry of y,�Y �� `J! ����it3 O � ��J , i � CLASS TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF (01540) BASIC FUNCTION: Under the direction of the Fire Chief, assist in planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities, resources and operations of one of the sections of Renton Fire Department. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: Human Resource Mana�ement: * Evaluate the needs of their respective section regarding assignment of personnel based on the ability of the prospective member to perform the necessary body of work. * Participate in and contribute to the development maintenance of a work environment that supports the values of the Renton Fire Department including the maintenance of a positive labor management relationship. * Assist in planning, organizing and directing of inember training, education and development activities. Maintain an awareness of inember assistance options available to department members and recommendation options as appropriate. Recognize members for work product and tasks as appropriate to include the recommendation of inembers for departments, city and other types of appropriate recognition. * Investigate, propose and implement corrective action for substandard performance of inembers for corrective action as necessary. * Operate in the best interests of Fire Department management and in conformance with collective bargaining agreements with labor unions and city policies relative to non-represented employees. * Evaluate the performance of direct reporting personnel in their assigned section. / I Deputy Fire Chief- C�itnued �il` Page 2 ° Communitv/Government Relations: * Represent the Fire Department at community and city government activities - and meetings as appropriate. * Maintain an overall awareness of local, state and national requirements and standards; and be conversant in, as a minimum, those that affect their assigned section of the Fire Department. * Communicate both orally and in writing with City officials, community leaders and outside agencies to coordinate activities, exchange information, provide expertise, respond to questions and resolve issues regarding department operations and service. , * Recommend revision in city, state or national regulations; or national standards when in the interest of the City of Renton and the environment services provided by the Fire Department are delivered. Administration: * Recommend long range plans for the effectiveness of Fire Department lines of business in accordance with the mission and values of the City of Renton. * Participate in developing long and short-range plans, goals and objectives and assess progress in achieving established goals for their assigned section of the Fire Department. * Develop appropriate department polices for programs originating in their assigned section of the Fire Department and recommend policies for programs originating in their assigned section of the Fire Department. Coordinate operations and activities between sections of the Fire Department. * Propose performance measures for their assigned section of the Fire Department that support the vision, mission and values of the Fire Department. * Act as chief administrator of the department in the absence of the Fire Chief or as directed. * Manage assigned budget and provide status reports to the Fire Chief as required on fiscal management issues in the section. * Assure the maintenance and repair of Fire Department equipment, apparatus and facilities. ' Deputy Fire Chief- Con,,�rued � Page 3 Approve specifications for supplies and equipment as required. Perform related duties as assigned. � Inspection/Investi�ation * Assure proper enforcement of the Renton Fire Codes; direct code enforcement activities as required. Emer�encv Service Deliverv: * Develop plans, programs and criteria for response to incidents and events that would involve multiple agencies and jurisdictions. * Respond to emergency incidents within the jurisdiction of the Fire Department and operate within the Incident Management System in command or general staff capacities as required. Health and Safetv: * Fulfill management's responsibility under the Washington State Safety Standards for Firefighters as well as applicable City of Renton safety policies. Emer�encv Mana�ement: * Serve as the Deputy Director of Emergency Management for the City of Renton. * Represent the Fire Department and fulfill appropriate emergency support functions in the Emergency Operations Center as directed by the Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director and in accordance with the City Emergency Management Plan *Denotes Essential�Fe� Function� �^�:;;� KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: KNOWLEDGE OF: • Municipal and State laws, ordinances and codes related to the enforcement of fire codes. • National Incident Management System • National Response Plan • National Fire Protection Association Standards � — M Deputy Fire Chief- Cc�wiued � Page 4 . • Human resaurce management principles including selection, training, devefiopment, equal oppartunity. • Labor management including the I�bar contracts between the city and , bargaining units in the Fire Department. * State codes and administrative rules on Occupational Safety and Health • Emergency management principles and practices ' • Basic princsples af municipal fire departrnent administration. • Develapment of iong-range plans and objectives for a large organization. « Fire Department arganizatian, poficies, rules and regulations. • Principles and practices of modern fire suppression strategies, tactics and procedures. • Principles and practices of mass casualty strategies, tactics and procedures + Principles and practices af hazardaus material strategies, tactics and procedures • Principles and practices of technical rescue strategies,tactics and procedures. • Gaverrtment budgeting and financial practices • Fire Apparatus and Equipment specification proeesses. • �rai communications including public speaktng + Technical and business writing skilis. * English usage, grammar, speiling, punctuation and vocabulary. • Principles and practices of administration, management and supervisian. • Technical aspects of field of specialty. • City organization, operations, policies and objectives, ABILITY TQ: � Assist the Fire Chief in planning and organizing diversified programs in fire suppression,training,fire preventian and emergency management. • Execute direction from the Fire ChiefjEmergency Management Directar as required. • Function as a part af the executive management team of the department. w Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with peers and subordinates. • Demanstrate a willingness to represent the values of the fire department and the city. • Demanstrate in#erpersonal slcills using tact, patience and courtesy. • Maintain a working enviranment free of harassment andjor discrimination; identify and correct potentially il#egal discriminatian. • Establish and trraintain a safety and healttty work environment. • Train, supervise and eualuate persannel. • Formu(ate, develop and implement poiicies, plans and gaais far their assigned function in the department. + Manage the aGtivities of a division(s) of the fire department. • Manage Fire Department pragrams as projects as assigned. � Administer appropriate portions af the Fire Department's budget. • Plart and arganize their wark and the work af others i � � � • Deputy Fire Chief- Car.,�,,,,�ed w�.,,� Page 5 • Cammunicate oraliy and in writing a levef that would be acceptable in conducting business in a municipa) gavernment. . • Meet schedules and time lines. • Enforce federal, 5tate and City Fire codes, laws and ordinances. • Operate a "command" type or staff vehicle under emergency response and � incident scene circumstances. • Operate as a member af management in fabor/management activities. • PhysicaNy participate in incident management activities as neec3ed. + Utilize appropriate personal protective equipment. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: .�.�;��+: Bachelor's de�ree from �w�-��..,w....... an accredited universitv in Fire Science, Public Administration, ar related field and a past probatiar►ary Captain in the Rentan Fire Department or equivalenc-�t in another �re department_ LfCENSES AND QTHER REQUlREMENTS: Valid Washingtan State driver's Ficense. Dacumented Natianal Incident Management Systern gualification at an advanced level, inciuding the ability to serve in a cammand or generai staff position at major incidents or events_ WORKING CONDITIONS: This is an exempt, non represented positian that is respansible for a body af work as assigned by the Fire Chief. Work could be perfarmed in any possible environment tho�gh generally in an office setting. Work cauld involve the handling and transmission of conficiential information, handling of critieal situations anc! may require meeting impartant time deadfines which may invoke a variety of types of inenta! and emotional stresses. Established:1991 Revised:?�::::�'�;���•'Apri12010 Original T'�tle:Deautv Fire Chief FLSA:Exempt Bargaining Unit:Non Represented �'° V — FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES p o c�Tyof �,�, DEPARTMENT ���0� �°�'' M E M O R A N D U M DATE: Aprii 20, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Mark Peterson, Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator SUBJECT: Rule 8.14—Exception to the 60-Day Advance Notice Rule The Fire and Emergency Services Department is requesting an exception to Rule 8.14 (Promotional Examination/Frequency of/Advance Notice). We are requesting the removal of the 60-day advance notice of the Deputy Fire Chief promotional announcement. The last sentence of this rule states, "Advance notice of not less than sixty(60J days prior to an impending examination shall be posted to provide sufficient time for test preporation." We are requesting an exception because "test preparation" of resource materials will not be necessary. The promotional announcement and process will not include resource materials or a written examination. Thank you for your consideration to this exception. c: File I b � � FtRE AND EMERGENCY SERV(CES p n�'�'°£{� �':�. DEPARTMENT ��1��� �`-�� M E M t3 R A IV D U M DATE: Aprii 20, 2010 TQ: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Mark Peterson, Fire Chief/Emergency 5ervices Administrator SUBIECT: Rule 8.15—Pramotianal Examina#ion—Limitations{Externat Recruitment) The Fire and Emergency Services Depa�tment is seeking to past the Deputy Fire Chief job announcement externalfy. Based on the {ack of eligible interna! candidates for this position, we are requesting the Commission approve us pasting outside the department, as allowed by Rule 8.15. In this key Deputy Fire Chief role,the City wants to ensure there is a reasonable poal a# qualified candidates to compete and seiect from. Shouid this position be posted externaliy, only top combined candidates from any eligibie internal and external candidates will be considered in the selectian process. Thank you far your consideration in this matter. c: File CIVIL SERV#CE COMMtSS;�I 1����,�,.•�b Q'-��{��� ;�� l� DERUTY FIRE CHIEF . JOB Ai�NOUNCEMEiVT (for lnternal&External ApplicnntsJ Pasition: DEPUTY FlRE CHIEF Salary Range: $8,946-$9,874-$1Q,94Q/Month (plus benefits) Closing Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2(?10(5:04 pm) To Apply: Complete Applicatian Pracess at www.rentonwa.�flv NATURE OF Under the direction of the Fire Chief, assist in planning, arganizing, directing and controliing � WORK the activities, resources and aperations of one af the sections af Renton Fire Department. Sachelo�'s degree from an accredited university in Fire Science, Public Administration, or related field and a post probationary Captain in the Renton Fire Department or equivalent ELIGIBILITY ��anather fire department. Valid Washingtan State driver's license. Documented National REQUIREMENTS �����}��t►Vlanagement System quafificatian at an advanced level, including the abifity to serve in a command or general staff position at major incidents or events. Oniy top e(igible candidates will be selected to participate in the assessment process, This assessment process will consist of three areas of evaivation. These three sections, as we(i as their weight against the tatal scare, are as foiiows: Written Assignme»t....................................•••. 15�weight C7ra(PresentationfAssignment....................... 35%weight Structured lnterview .........�............................ SO%weic�lat EXAMIN/�►TION 100%TotalScore PRt3CES5 A Written Assignment will be pravided after the closing date,far completion and return by May 21, 2010. The remaining assessment process will be held during the week of June 7�' or June 14th, and consist of an Oral PresentationJAssignment and a Structured Inte►view. Oniy top eiigible candidates wiil be selected ta continue in the selectian process. Further details af the process will be provided at that time. Far those candidates who cantinue through the selection process, a minimum combined score of 70%is needed for pfacement on the eligibility list. Candidates will be ranked on a two-year eligibility list according ta their total earned score, plus seniority points. Ta be considered for this position, go to www.rentonwa.�av and complete the application process na later than the clase date of: May 12, 2010 (5:00 pm). Candidates will be required ta: 1} camplete an Application, 2} attach a Cover Letter expiaining their interest in APPUCATION the position, and haw this pasition fits inta their career gaa(s, 3} attach a Statement of PROCEDURE 4uaiifications summary, and 4) attach a Resume. Alf documents are to be submitted no later than Spm, May 12, 2Q14. Contact: City of ReMon—Human Resources Department Lucinda Gilabon,at 425-430-7664,or I�ibbon(�rentanwa.�ov � DATE I SUMMARY OF DATESf ACTtViTIES � IaPrri2s,zo�a � 1ob Announcement posted on-line. I � May12,20i0-5pm � Ciose date to receive all required documents on-line. � � May 21,2010 ( Written Assignment Due pate—for top candidates selected to proceed in process. I a � weekof: Assessment P�ocess(Oral Presentation(Assignment 8c Structured Interview� 5jo7/so or s11�/so � ( Iune 22,2A10 ( Eiigibiiity List presented to Civil Service Commission far certifica#ian � i i i iui i i i i ie �Y � � � � � !� � � ♦ � � RENTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��NT�� DATE: April 1, 2010 TO: Chief Mark Peterson FROM: Civil Service Commission SUBJECT: ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The following is a ranked list of candidates for the Administrative Assistant position, as established through a competitive examination process conducted March 12, 2010. Names are ranked according to the final score and considered valid for one year, April 1, 2011. IRANK I I f Number NAME ELIGIBLE TO: I I 1 I Christine DeLaney I April 1, 2011 l I 2 I Vivienne Lietz I April 1, 2011 l I 3 I Melissa Philpott I April 1, 2011 l I 4 I Laura Knutson I Apri) 1, 2011 l I 5 I Barbara Biteman I April 1, 2011 � r�':�,�, ���� Eileen Flott Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner 425-430-7657 eflott(a�ci.renton.wa.us File Copy —. ,_. � � �� � '�rr rwrw� �' � RENTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � ty � ♦ ♦ ,� �.i����� EXAMINATIQN REFORT � POSiTION: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSl5TANT DEPARTMENT: FlRE ANp EMERGENCY SERVlCES 1 DATE QPEN: Jartuary 27, 2010 2 DATE CI.OSED: February 12, 2010 3 DATE QF SKILLS TESTING: February 19th—March 5�' 4 DATE OF ORAL BOARD INTERViEW: March 12, 2010 5 TUTAL#APPLICATiONS RECEiVED: 2Q2 6 TCfTAt#ON ELIGIBIUTY LIST: 5 � EXAMINATION PROCESS: � Applicants whose experience and qualificatians most closely met the requirements of the position as determined by the application materiaEs were invited to participate in a competitive selection process cansisting of a series of skills tests as weli as an oral baard interview. The oral baard was scheduled for March 12, 2010. Appficants submitted a City of Renton Appficatian, Caver Letter, and Resume to the Civi! ServiceJHuman Resources Department. � MtMlMUM Q,UAIlFICATI4N5 REQ,UiRED: � Any combination equivalent ta: two years college-leve( training with specialized course work in business administration, office management, secretarial training or related field and four years of increasingly responsib(e secretarial or administrative affice support experience. � EXAMINATION CONTENT: � Ninety-three applicants were invited to the computer skills testing. The skills tests consisted of a Basic Word exam, a Basic Excel test, and a Proafreading!I exam, each requiring a passing score c�f 70%. Passing applicants were asked to take a PowerPoint exam and camplete a writing sample, both of which were used for advisory purposes. Twenty applicants passed the ski!!s testing. Ten applicants were invited to the oral board intenriews consisting of three panel members. The ora! board was weighted at 100% requiring a passing score of 7Q1. A tata! of five applicants fram the ora! board interviews were plaeed on the eligibility list. ��i�-�.Gr"'L� �i��� Eiieen Flatt, Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner 4/1/2010 Date tr �- � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION p Q�,Tyo"'f-- �_; -------�'��0� ���� DATE: April 20, 2010 � TO: Chief Kevin Milosevich . FROM: Civil Service Commission SUBJECT: Continuous ELIGIBILITY LIST for LATERAL POLICE OFFICER—April 2010 The following is a continuous ranked eligibility list of candidates for the position of Lateral Police Officer as established through a competitive examination process. This process was most recently conducted on 3/26/10, 3/31/10, 4/14/10, and 4/20/10. Names are ranked according to the final score and valid for one year. ( LAST NAME ( RANK I ELIGIBLE TO: I Comments: I O'Laughlin,Sean I 1 � April-2011 � NEW � Pruett, Scott � 2 � March-2011 � I I Magnotti, Mario � 3 I March-2011 � I � Mercado, Christian � 4 � March-2011 � � I Kent,Aaron � 5 � October-2010 � I � Greenwade, � 6 � January-2011 � I � Seimears,Tiffany � 7 � lanuary-2011 � � I Hoffer, Marcus A. I 8 � December-2010 � � I Aleksiewicz, Keith � 9 I March-2011 � I I Langhofer,Justin � 10 � April-2011 � NEW I I O'Dell, Eric � 11 � August—2010 � I I Lynch, Brian � 12 (tie) � January-2011 � I � Holl,Julie A. � 12 (tie) � lune—2010 � I I Tompkison,Andrew � 14 � April-2011 � NEW I I Vaughn, Lani � 15 � January-2011 � I I Panuccio,Jason � 16 � March-2011 � I I Kelly,Troy � 17 � March-2011 � I � Pickrell,Jeff � 18 � January-2011 � I � Campbell,Scott � 19 � September-2010 � I � Skiles, Richard � 20 � November-2010 � � � Brandt,Andrew � 21 � August-2010 � I C�,�C,� �i�!'v� Eileen Flott . Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner (425) 430-7657 eflott(c�ci.renton.wa.us cc: DC Chuck Marsalisi Cmdr. Katie McClincy Sgt. Dave Skelton w °r+'' v„r�+` - D Q CiTy'Of �1t�f CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��"O� `��� EXAMINATION REPORT LATERAL POLICE OFFICER—APRIL 2010 1 DATE OPEN CONTINUOUSLY OPEN 2 TOTAL#OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Seven (7) 3 TOTAL#FOR THE ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS Four(4) 4 TOTAL#PASSING THE ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS Three (3) 5 DATE OF ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS 3/26/10,3/31/10,4/14/10&4/20/10 6 TOTAL#NEW ADDED TO ELIGIBILITY LIST Three (3) EXAMINATION PROCESS: The Renton Police Department received seven (7) new applications for consideration. Four(4) candidates were interviewed on 3/26/10, 3/31/10,4/14/10 and 4/20/10. Effective 1/26/2010, candidates are no longer required to take a written examination. (Candidates actual written reports will be obtained during the background investigation phase.). MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Must have been a regular police officer for a minimum of one year of the past 36 months in order to be considered. Must pass the written test, and oral board in order to be placed on the eligibility list. EXAMINATION CONTENT: The oral board interview consists of a set of 15 structured questions, and the rating of five dimensions, developed for an experienced police officer. Passing score for the 70% or greater is required to be placed on the eligiblity list. C�� ��.�.� " Eileen Flott, Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner 4/20/10 Date FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES p o ci�of ,,,� DEPARTMENT ���0� :�`,' � M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 22, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Eileen Flott �� �� Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner SUBJECT: Changes to Rule 20—Class Specifications for the Police Service I am requesting changes to Rule 20 of the Renton Police Civil Service Rules. The first change is to remove the Police Manager position, Section 20.06. This position will be eliminated effective 5/1/10, and will be replaced by a Police Commander position. The second change is with the Traffic Controller position, Section 20.12. On March 2008,this position changed from Traffic Controller to Parking Enforcement Officer. I am requesting this change in title be reflected in the Rules. Thank you for your consideration to this matter. c: File