HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOS 8506060566 �. � � _ , �V . . , . � FHIS SrACE RESERVED FOR RECORp[R'S USE. �N!!r �OWI Thif i/�fLCs rOA� =�� c-- WAiMINOTON TITL[DIVliION �-� � � f7: Filed for Record� at Requeat of _ ��� � « rn rn � ��,L7 r`" m ' ��'�`'`, � -a - O � - ..�-1: �' �:�'t�w.:'i ir�` r� --+v ##USr.i?' �; TO � �:���:L:� r= _z?, ��1 a EIIED FOR RE �I � AT R��o�E�j' 9F }=���=�� �� ���������J•��=� � � . . �� o� � �M�u Av�so. � i�iTON,WA 98�5 � ' fo�w L l211 BILL O� SALF RNOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTS: Tha.t FORD LEASING DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Delaware • Corporation with offices at The American Road (no street num.ber) �dx CITY OF DEARBORN � County ot WAYNE , State of/����the part y of the Srst part, � for and in consideration of the sum of � Q One and no�100----------------------------------Dollars �,� Iawful money of the United Stata of America, to it in band paid by the City of Renton � the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) by these presents grant, � bargaia, sell aud deliver �u►to the said part y of tbe second part, the following descrbed personal property aow � lxsted at 201 5. Seventh Street in the City of RENTON , County of KING aad State of Washington, to-wit: w# — 765 Approximately 712,1.f. of 8�� Ductile Iron pipe, and two Fire Hydrant Assemblies, and 1-2" diameter, 2-6" diameter and 2-$" diameter Gate Valves, and a11 appurtenances pertaining to said watermain, expressly warranting said watermain against any expenses; costs or liens hereto incurred thereon by, through or under seller herein. TO HAVE AND TO FiOLD tbe same to the said party of the second r:.-t, its heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And said part y of the fir� part, for its, heirs, � �ecutors, administrators, covenaats aad agrees to and with the said party of the second part, its arecutors, administrators sad assigns, tbat said party of the first pariy is the . owner of the said property, goods and chattels and bas good right and full authority to sell the same, aad that it will wanant and defmd the sale hereby made unto tbe said party of the second part, its aautors, administrators and assigns, against all and every person or persons, �vham,goever, lawfully claiming or to claim tbe same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the 5rst part has bereunto set its hand aaa ,ea�cws 7tn a.y or r�ay, 1985 FORD LE NG DEVELOPMII�IT COMPANY ��L� B r:-...,.r_..`�`(.�.�� _,_ .,,�. � - �ST�3'� /�<,:.;:. � ItS: /'+�J�aial'�� F'7�f:iC.'.�Si) �SEALj MICHIGAN (s�+i) ST 4TE OF �� ss. County of WAYNE On this day penonally apQeared befan me �f�L E�•i R. P��c C!�R T H Y to ene tnawn to be the individual descn'bed 'm and wLo �ecuted the within a�r,:� !'�regoing instrument. a�:d acknawledged t6at she �igned the same as her frx a�d vo.ivAtary ace. and deed, for the usa aad purposes tberein mentio�ed. . GIVEN imder my baad aad afficial sesl this �y of b"��AY � 1 $� . " �I �� �� � MARlL;'�^J f. TAULBEE No#ary P��!:�";c, ;':lr��:�nc ,ur,�� Notasy Pr�blic� aad jo�tJkc Sta:� oJ?���i�, '', �,� ,,,�, P�9ichigan � s�a at Michigan My Commis�ion Expires Feb, ig, 1gg7 ` ^ �� ' / � � ,